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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=47256
47256, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well. I finally did it. I've been thinking about this for about a week now. Every time I logged in I could find something to do, but it just wasn't the same without any enemies. I'm not much for goodbyes, so I'll just list some people that really stick out. If I forget you, don't worry: you are (probably) not a loser. Just reply and I will try to do the same.


What can I say? You guys do a temendous job for a lot of ungreatful little bastards ;). Let me be the one to say thanks. Thanks.

Whoever keep running those hounds/dolls/other npcs around. That was fun. I'm interested to see what unfolds with outlander in the future. Thanks for giving me a lastname and title!

Aarn: Buddy. Sorry I wasn't better for you. I was trying really hard. In the beginning I had some really good vibes, but near the end I kind of lost it. I think my waning interest, and hence reduced playing time, probably was pretty apparant. I would however like to know how I could have embraced your religion a little better. If your into it, shoot me an email at yakfod@gmail.com

Fort (There are a ton of you now. Lately two or three new everytime I login)

Lekajab: First real friend in fort. Where the hell did you go? I had a blast exploring with you. The way you just dove into fights is just the way I like it. We worked great together, I thought.

Saroiya: Second real friend in fort. As much as Lekajab and I were alike, we were different. Sorry I got you killed so much in the beginning. Double sorry for losing you defiance. Trying to regain it ate a bit of my con, but it was fun at least.

Gulloth: Been around as long as I was almost. Good work on sticking it out. I knew I could always count on you.

Everybody else: Seriously, I have a really bad memory. Reply, and I'll do the same.


Grunlath: Good emperor. Said all I needed in your delete post.

Azatrak: I admired and respected you. Noticed you just autoed. Too bad. You were a good egg amoung a few shady ones.

Thestune: Good work. I think you'll make it far.

Nysveld: Stick in there. That's one less paladin with eyes ;). I think you also have potential. Was glad to see you get dreadlord over some others.

Others: I don't want to dig up some #### that should just be left alone. I agree with some of the decisions that were made, but not all of them. Glad to see some of you go, but not all of you. I'll leave it at that.

Scion (who?)

Gred: Beastly. Great work all around. Knew you would defend and retrieve if at all possible. Let me tell you how frustrating it was that I couldn't compete with you on a solo level.


Aeria: I've never ever had so much OOC anger at a CF character. I guess that means your doing a kickass job. You have some good little tactics going there. I was just stupid enough to try it anyhwo though.

Mora: The one time you led me out of drow city (while I was naked and regearing) into one of aerias little traps made me want to go break something for being so stupid as to follow you. Otherwise, you seemed a solid, if annoying, character to me.


Carolooth: I liked you a lot. Only trib I had any respect for. Again, keep it up.

Well, that about does it. I logged just about nothing throughout his life...just a few fights. A great experience overall. For my first paladin, I was quite pleased. My two old characters are Yethieliel and Senisblat. I think its time to head on over to team evil. Again, reply and I will do the same.

47371, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Haageran, he was an above average paladin in the Fort. Just when I thought you were getting better then "above average", it seemed like you lost your interest and went away. :( Bad timing! Unfortunately the time I have to spend watching all my followers remains reduced (see Shokai forum), so that may have contributed. Anyway, good luck with your next!

47382, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champi...
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Phooey for bad timing. I can blame some of it on school, and some of it on other parts of my life, but the majority of the reason I went away was because I just wasn't having fun any more. Haageran was an ass kicker, not an explorer, and definitely not an inn sitter. This is a tough thing to be when there is literally nobody to chase around in your range. I like exploring and RPing, but I don't think Haageran would have spent more than five minutes walking around some dingy old forest or drinking beer with a bard who insists on hugging him every 30 seconds (wink wink nudge nudge). Maybe I need to develop some other parts of my game, and maybe not.

Anyhow, I'm glad to hear your words of encouragement because I sure was trying hard. I'm kicking myself that I didn't stick it out longer just to see what would have happened, but as I said somewhere else, I hate to be the guy that logs on so infrequently that people in the cabal go "Huh? Who is that guy?". I think that's what would have happened so I just ended it.

Thanks for being the surely dwarf that watched my hairy arse!

47363, You were pain in ass :)
Posted by Greddarh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really. It is nearly impossible to kill shield spec paladin with temperance virtue. I could not land a spell on you neither I could bash you down.. When we were fighting I always asked myself.. Hell and what should I do with him?! I got you one time when you were unprepped and I was with one more random shifter (fly/offence). You gave me 3 or 4 charges :)

Good work all around and very agressive style which I like a lot. I spammed *where* much more often when you were around.

Good luck with your next.
47380, RE: You were pain in ass :)
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess it was mutual frustration then! Haha. The funny thing is that I think you could have had me. I almost never carried teleport potions, so if you would have cursed me and kept with the bashing, it would have been game over for me. Great work overall. You constantly showed up when there was maybe one other evil and six goodies in my ranger. Much respect. Keep on trucking.

47286, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Posted by Bruhol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the recommendation even though our first meeting didn't go very well...

It's a shame we could never fight together in raids etc. There will be evils in hero range soon hopefully!
47379, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champi...
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry that I didn't stick around more after giving you recommendations. I liked you. You interview was pretty standard fare, but the way you handled yourself in life was what really impressed me. You seemed relatively new, but you have a great outlook on things. You had the ability to say "I just got my ass handed to me by five people. Damn. I'll go regear now, and I should probably try to not walk past an uberganksquad in the future." That attitude took me a while to learn, but I think it’s just what CF needs. Best of luck with the character. I'm sure you will learn a ton, and your next will be that much better.

47386, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champi...
Posted by Bruhol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've actually played the game a lot :), first warrior though, and my first real attempt at playing with that attitude you described. So yeah I played a lot without really improving because of that. I'd always rage delete after a few painful deaths... I've had a few chars that would have had success I think but.. they didn't!

Well I'm glad you saw this in me :) Guess I'm slowly winning the fight over rage-deletion!
47387, Actually, a funny fact: "(RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Bruhol the Legend of the Battlefield" will be up there soon! NT
Posted by Bruhol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47281, Good fights
Posted by Artisle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a couple of good ones. You got me once in town when I was hurt an unprepared. I think I got you once, but I had help. Blood shackles can be rough, if you can't get away and if you being doggedly chased. First time you summoned me into the room I was surprised. Second time, I was ready.

You seemed to not have to call all the other Paladins to your aide. Even if you didn't respect Artisle, he respected fighting you.

Great job, good luck with whatever.
47377, RE: Good fights
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah. I just noticed you deleted. That's too bad. I liked you a lot. I actually did respect Artisle, probably more in an OOC way as Haageran couldn't really respect any evil. You always seemed up to a good fight, and I was sorry that I had to resort to cheap methods (such as hidden room summoning) to land kills, but that's just the way it goes. It was either that or bring out the gank squad, and I am more of a fan of one on ones.

Good luck with the next as it is said. I'm sure we will meet again in some form, and I look forward to it.

47278, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't often make comments on folks who are not my followers, however, I will make this an exception. I enjoyed watching your character who, in my opinion, was a well-played dwarf. Watching you during parts of the Jagad quest, along with others, I noted what an noticeable impact your appearance made. Good luck with what comes next.
47381, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champi...
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really appreciate the extra effort you put in to make Haageran's life that much more interesting. When I was really into the character and playing him a lot, evil was on the wane, good was on its way up, and I think Aarn pulled a little disappearing act...either that or I was just mismatching times something fierce. So, thank you. You kept me going for quite a bit longer than I would have.

47272, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Posted by Thakhad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aw ! No ! I liked Haageran very much.. Whenever I was logging on and you were there, I always felt safe against the Horde of Imperials. I knew you would be going to try and get them, and thus keeping them busy.. ;) We had some nice raids together, but most of the time you could have done it alone no problems..

It sure is a lot more quiet since most of the Imperials deleted, but it's always temporary.. I remember when I rolled this character the Empire wasn't very strong, the competition was with Scions.. But it's always up and down...

It won't be the same without you.. Come back with another and have fun!

47277, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champi...
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahhh Thakhad. You always had my back, and I knew you would come if I ever called. You were a great solid friend, and a boon to the Fort. Nice having you to heal the maran too....paladins certainly aren't healers! Stick it out, as I think some of the scribes could use a good role model ;).

I understand that there are ups and downs, but I don't think I've ever seen such a swing. It just made it really boring to play a maran. I am of the mind that I play one character and play them well. When I kept thinking about rolling up a temporary young evil I knew it was time to throw in the towel with Haageran. I hate being in a cabal and hearing the inner announce the login of somebody that I've never heard of before. I didn't want Haageran to become that guy, and I think if I stuck it out, I might have.

47270, Gah, You rocked
Posted by Lekajab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you had fun exploring with me, I'm waiting to auto, things just didn't go right.
You rocked in pk and usually had similar plans to mind so raiding with you was a sinch when we had enemies, which I think aided to my deletion when they all left.
47276, RE: Gah, You rocked
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never thought I would miss the awesome gankitudness that was empire so much. But, you're right, it just isn't the same without them. Looking at my gankometer on the pbf, it looks like I might fit right in though.

You were one of the most fun characters I have interacted with in a good while. It was fun trying a whole lot of retarded stuff with you. I definitely missed you as soon as you stopped showing up. I'll never forget the time we were wandering through Arboria and I conjured up about 100 loaves of bread. Heh.

47269, Going to miss you
Posted by Saroiya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were a great ally to have around, always up for anything and definetly in the thick of whatever was going on. After seeing how gung-ho you were as an ally, I think i'd love to see you on team evil... go there, they need you ;)
47275, RE: Going to miss you
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Team evil, eh? I might take a little break, but I suspect that is where I will end up next. I can only hope that you are dead and gone by then because I sure as hell don't want to face you. Hell, you could come to team evil too ;). An evil ally of your caliber would be awesome, especially given your infinite game knowledge (it seemed that way to me). I'll miss the elf-dwarf rp, but I'll miss the holy mother of a beat down that we could administer together more. I'll never understand why you always seemed to hit harder than me.

47268, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champion o...
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh...you know what I find funny? There's still an outstanding warrant on you that wasn't issued because you said someone already gave it and I was waiting a reply...it's still there ;)

Luck with the next!
47274, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Haageran Highhammer the Champi...
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. I honestly wasn't trying to avoid the warrant or anything. I think I interpreted the paladin code a little different than most. This allowed me to basically break the law for any good reason, and I got warranted a fair bit. The only thing that really stopped me on some occasions was the fact that I WOULD kill the goodie guard mobs in town. That is really frustrating as a paladin. Half the time they would attack me and counterstrike would kill them outright.

Other than that, you rock as a tribbie... one of the few ever that I can honestly say I respected. I must say it was amusing to me that one day I was trying to heal you and fight off outlander from town (and got wanted) and the next day I was trying to kill you so that you wouldn't chase Lekajab (and got wanted again).

47267, What no love fer me ya fat arsed git!?
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well one less dwarven arse for me to goose.
Seriously well done on Haag although I did get a feeling that you were on the wane, it's tough when there is a serious lack of people to fight/or they are all in one big gank squad although I'd prefer that to boredom.

Roll something new and fun.
47273, RE: What no love fer me ya fat arsed git!?
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, I always wished I could pull off a dwarf as angry and foul mouthed as you! Great character. I wish I could have interacted more with you, but I always felt weird interacting with Battle. I fought none of you, except for Guamel, and I tried as hard as possible to not cooperate on any other level. I would tell you when we couldn't hold an item just so the evils didn't have it, and I really disliked trying to retreive with any villager, particularly Lerimos. It always ended up with you guys dying and me living...something that could have been avoided if I could have used my sups on you. I always felt bad when that happened, but hell, your choice ;).

I'm really glad you and Lerimos are the current leaders. I think you guys will do well for the village.

Keep on keepin on.

47263, I know how you feel.
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Luckily my times are such that, I've a feeling things will get more competitive before the character itself gets much older.

I'm just not a fan of solo-exploring and unfortunately, I don't see many people in the Fort interested in exploring so much as gaining individual pieces of gear from areas I've gone to a million times.
47264, RE: I know how you feel.
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah. This was actually a great exploration character. I found a lot of cool things that I probably never would have if the pk range was still full. I agree, though, it does gets boring after a while.

I didn't see you around much. Probably due to your times. I could tell that you were competant, but other than that... I'm sure the fort will need you soon. ;)

47260, Senisblat....
Posted by Grysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Human maran shaman? I remember kicking it with you in Akan with one of my maran. Maybe Agaeobab or even Icthaen? I forget now but anyway you have the same zest for goodies that I do, though I'm swamped with school right now and don't have time to play.

Haageran was solid all around from the little time we had together. Don't even think I had the pleasure of inducting you. I'm sure we'll clash in the future.

Good luck.

47261, RE: Senisblat....
Posted by yakfod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ha! I think I remember you too then. Senisblat asked you to find some mead, I believe.

Anyhow, yes, you did induct me into Fort. You made enough of an impact with that interview that I tried to ask similar types of questions to interviewees. I wasn’t around (or in range, really) for most of Gryshs’s life, but I can't tell you how disappointed I felt when I saw your delete echo. I was rooting for another cool imm.

See you around.
