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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Thrugald Holdfast
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47110, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Thrugald Holdfast
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, CF has just lost that loving feeling for me. I'm too impatient to wait for my thread to come up, so here it is. I only played about 255 hours, but it sure felt like a lot longer than that, especially considering the fact that I was working on something else while playing a lot of the time. That's one nice thing about Outlanders...

As for the character, here's some rambling thoughts. I think it was probably my weakest warrior pk-wise in a long time. There is the fact that I pretty much never chose a second legacy, but even with that I didn't feel like I could accomplish much by myself and would get beat down pretty easily by mobs.

I had what developed in to some mildly ambitious plans with the character, but I'm really bad at seeking out Immteraction and it doesn't seem like the Outlanders have very active Immfolk right now as it is. In my opinion, I had one of my personal bests at sticking to the character as I envisioned it. I know that's not an opinion shared by everyone, jeje. I really wanted to perfect that one skill, but missed it by 3% (I think my pbf would show 4%).

I think I'm getting too old and grumpy to play CF anymore. I've increasingly avoided interactions (other than pk) with people that aren't members of my cabals because I feel like it's constant whining or out of range trashtalking. Maybe (hopefully?) after a break inspiration will strike and I'll get back into it again.

Some partial farewells:

Aeria: Just great. If I could be guaranteed you would be on every time I played I wouldn't delete. You're a great leader, absolutely captivating rp. Too many 'favorite' memories for me to start catologuing them here, but I really appreciated the CoW giant forest guardian :)

Kipli: A great friend. Nothing too flashy rp-wise, which is just fine because you did everything well. And yes, you're right about a past character. I had fun with you, and hope your next characters go well.

Trouble: I like your characters. Good luck with your teaching/research.

Fielstithian and Mhardat: I didn't get to know either of you very much, but you now are half of the old guard, so keep at it! Thanks for the eq, and good luck. I've seen a lot of improvement as far as pk in you, Fiel. Mhardat, that last run in the Spire was fun at first, but then when they kept coming back it got disgusting. Good luck!

Morasfenmire: How could anyone not love this character? I've comments in my role about you, but you constantly brought a smile to my face. I know I'd get burnt out too quickly trying to play a character like this, so good luck and I hope you're having fun.

Nethlin: Thanks for taking me to some places...it had been a long time since I'd been there.

Keirnamoltix: Try not to get so frustrated at those deaths, eh? Or at least, don't show it to the other players, jeje. Good luck, I liked seeing you come up.

Wakazula: Good times, you were fun to walk around with. A lot more deadly than me.

Tredyn, Drifeldarelda, some others, it's been too long. I'm sure I liked you if I've remembered you.

Caroolth: You're impossible to dislike. I really wish you good luck, and commend you on your positive attitude. Have fun as Provost, err...well, it's not the most fun, but the upgraded U-Hauls are nice, no? I got two kills on you when I had a lot of ranks on you, stopped keeping track by the time you were Provost:
47....Kill Caroolth (39/40 min Sword Trib) as he raids for Scales. He gets almost all back.
47....Kill Caroolth again (level 40 for sure this time) as he raids again. Bastard destroyed my polearm so he didn't get much back. :)

Rest of the Tribs, Empire, nothing really good to say about those of you I can remember...to those two the other night, I really wish you would have left...I'm sure none of us would have made attempts to pursue you if you had stayed away from us and re-equipped or something. To the others, I really don't understand the point of out-of-range trashtalk and don't really respond to it...that was the extent of our interactions for the most part. Oh, Hortik, I liked you! Merlah seemed to stand out in a positive way for Imperials too.

My mind is full of endless details about the reliability of burnout measures (ironic, eh?) so I likely forgot some people. You know the drill, respond and I will do likewise. You can email me at Thrugald@gmail.com if you want. I'm an affable foe, as I like to say.

Take care,

Thrugald, Msaylu, Fereksah, Rtisork, Vexoffesz, Manden, Alkagar, Teiphicker, and quite a few others I can't remember.
47150, Great player
Posted by Drokk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame the magic is gone for you.

Thrugald was great and what I saw of Fereksah and Veoxoffesz was very cool too.

I got the feeling that the player behind Thrugald was an old champion who knew all the ropes, but didn't bother with PK anymore and just wanted to explore the little things that flesh out characters. That's why I approached you with Ilimya, because I knew you would likely do something interesting with it.

As an aside, seeing a log with Fereksah and trying to fight him with some out of range arbiter was what inspired me to take surrounding the sunrise with Ilimya, something I never regretted.

As for latching on to others you click with...that is something I can relate to. I just wish that I could experience CF prime time, I am certain there would be a much greater chance of finding foes and allies that I actually wished to interact with.

Thanks for the good moments.

47160, Thanks, I can't believe I forgot you!
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Ilimya. I think Muuloc's last comments pretty perfectly mirror my own. There was nothing obnoxious about Ilimya, and so many varied aspects were so enchanting.

Thanks for your kind words, and it's a shame we didn't get to see each other more.
47138, Mud...
Posted by Morasfenmire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well mud... its too bad you fell on the sword. A good warrior obviously, and I truly did enjoy the slower speak roleplay. Kind of Ent like from Lord of the Rings, wise and intentional. What really made it work was the Hruum's and such you put at the ends. Good stuff.

Also from a player point of view, the soul children, etc. discussions were great. Outlanders' dynamic points of view really make the cabal more enjoyable. That was an especially fun night, especially ruffling peoples' feathers.

As for how can you not love Morasfenmire, I think you are in the super minority on that view. I can feel some really great hate out there for Morasfenmire. But look at it this way, Morasfenmire hated you, but on the "swampy" scale, thats about as close to love as you can get. The other end of the scale, well... lets not talk about that until I'm gone.

Good luck and see you soon or later. Looking at your list of characters, we sure interacted a whole bunch, especially with one specific one.
47145, I wish I had logged more of you
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your taunting and notes especially just crack me up. Especially when contrasted with a chorus of supportive notes.

I knew Moras liked Thrugald, and probably some of that had to do with trying to rp changing from Chaotic Good to True Neutral. I never really felt like I was at risk of being attacked by a ram, but I recognized that it was pretty likely for a lot of other people :) So, you seemed pretty harmless and I could just cluck my tongue and think "Oh, that Morasfenmire, always cackling gleefully over his allies' corpses."

At times, between you and another person I felt like a mother with two 7 year olds tattling on each other constantly!

As (I think) I said before, you rp very well, and it's a character that would exhausting for me to play. Keep it up, and have fun!
47146, Do I happen to be the other person..
Posted by Alenysi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
with the tattling 7 year old thing? Fortunately for me, Morasfenmire never got me, so he couldn't cackle gleefully over my corpse. Instead he got to taunt me about how scared I was because I hid behind my blade barriers :P

And now that I realize you were trying to go to neutral, I don't feel so angry at your antics(I was always thinking, sheesh hes playing a cloud giant not a bloody storm giant). Ah well, I am a stickler like that. We had a rough start in the beginning(for whatever reason you just didnt like me) and always had it. I guess some things don't change.

For the most part I thought you were a competant fighter. The only time that made me go DOH! was that one time vs Nysveld and Gharaka. Gharaka choked me, and although I was going to wake on the hour(probably should have mentioned it, bad me). You tried to wake me up. What followed after was some pretty funny antics. Gharaka bashing you and when I tried to flee, you would cut me off. It didn't end up well for you, I Did try to grab what I could(which wasn't much) and I ran, but the idea...well it was pretty funny when you think about it. After that I tried to rp with you more so that we would be more than just smash buddies versus the imperials. It never worked out, ah well. Good luck with your next.
47159, Shouldn't you have an Imm tag?
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the quote was "Thrugald is a terrible roleplayer!"

Your character really rubbed me the wrong way, moreso than any character I've interacted with since Khyron, and to a lesser degree would have annoyed Thrugald. It weakened my rp quite a bit because I couldn't get over it as a player, though it certainly gave me motivation to drift to neutrality a bit more.

Still, you must be doing alright if you've heroimmed. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your time in the heavens.

47131, Oh No!
Posted by Aeria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't suppose to do this!

I was really hoping you'd stay around....like forever :)

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind...that while I have many good things to say about different Outlanders....Thrugald was absolutely the easiest one to just relax and have fun rping with in between all the busy fighting or the slow and long waits chameleoned.

I NEVER saw your slow rp as something that made you less intelligent, but rather saw it as a wise giant who puts deliberation first in his actions and thoughts. In fact, you kinda reminded me of the big white dog from Never Ending Story :) Whether it was finishing your sentences, or be a flurry of activity about you, it was fun. I remember the time we were on Calandaryl and you were headed off, splitting paths, and you were like. "Now I go. Haruum, Haruum." and I was picturely you casually taking each step by step off in your direction :) Hah, I even remember the day you first brought me a side to talk to me about an immortal fish for an hour RL time!

You were just fine in fighting, you seemed more....durable..?, strong support warrior...?, and enemey maneuverability hampering?... with this character compared to what I've *heard* of your former characters who seems more like solo slayers.

Really had fun exploring the cove with you for the first time. But it was REALLY REALLY fun to return to the tree and then have Alenysi walk in on our discussions. We really rolled with it rp wise and with all our mob related stuff about imperial cyphers, lost children, and what it could mean for the Outlanders. BUT we presented it in such a way that it came across completely as if it was all player to player related :) Was so much fun and I had Alenysi telling me afterwards that we REALLY needed to sit down and discuss all this stuff so she could be brought up to speed and that she hated being outside the loop :) (NOTE: This was just a side affect of our really fun rping and tying it into our characters movivations. I hope its ok to mention since Alenysi is no longer a mortal and Thrugald is gone :) )

*sigh* Whom am I going to sit without now chameleoned forever?

Well, lots of fun stuff, I could speak of a million other interactions, but then this would go on forever.

For all the fun and good times....

My Beard Forest Giant thanks you...
My Enormous Treant thanks you...
My Venemous Adder thanks you...
...And I thank you!
47137, Oh yes!
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think Thrugald was really good fighting when paired with one or two other people. By himself, though, it seemed I would lose 700 hp in the blink of an eye. Maybe some of that has to do with Trib special guards seemingly being beefed up a bit. Of the 10 hero warriors I've played, 6 have been flail specs and 3 polearm, so it wasn't something I had to get used to there. Especially at hero range I thought I was pretty un-terrifying to anyone by myself. Now, me doing cutoff or entwine with a bearded forest giant is another story :)

I'm really glad you got what I was going for with rp. At times he could certainly be a little dense or oblivious due to his way of looking at things, but I never wanted to be thought of as stupid. Well, the character didn't mind it, but I did.

I did worry at times that I was monopolizing you a little. Qing and Kipli can attest to the fact that when I find someone that I feel can rp well and actually enjoys doing it when they might not be being watched by the Imms I tend to latch on to them. And my stories were so simple but took so long to tell :(

Long, long ago I had the first character tattooed by Amaranthe. I think you and a lot of the people "blessed" by her do such a good job, it really seems to have grown into a much more, uh, holistic religion than so many of the others seem to be.

That Dralkar night was so ridiculous. How long did we spend trying to figure out something we already knew? You're right that the recounting at the Tree was the best part. As for who you'll get to sit chamo'd with you? You know it would be a hoot to sit around with Morasfenmire; he's hilarious! Either that or take some new inductee prisoner.

I had pretty much made up my mind to delete over spring break, but it was delayed several sessions by logging on to see you. In the end, though, playing for about 225 hours without any enemies, starting a new relationship, trying to graduate, and turning into an old curmudgeon made the risk of logging on and you NOT being there too great :)

Thanks for the great times, I hope you've got many hours left of fun ahead of your character.
47128, It was always fun interacting with your characters
Posted by FriendofBears on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We've had a number of characters on at the same time and you consistently showed a high level of role playing competence. Even your nastiest (at least that I ran into - Msaylu) was fun to interact with. Fereksah has to be one of my favorites of all of them.

I do still pop in from time to time just to see what's going on but torturing students just takes up a lot of energy so I only had a few talks with Thrugald when you first brought him into Outlander. What ever happened to the story line with the cloud giant who started your storm clan? (If I'm remembering that right and am not confusing the story with someone else).

Be well, refresh yourself and if you do play again, play something that's just plain fun. (It's why I never played a real evil, it's too much work for me to be that nasty)

Trouble, The Friend of Bears
47135, RE: It was always fun interacting with your characters
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks! Fereksah was certainly the most fun to play out of my three outlanders. Of course, it helps to actually have enemies and get immteraction and bonuses without asking for them too.

Actually, the story line with the cloud giant of the clan was a ruse designed to test other Outlanders' reactions to the thought of an immortal being that was not a god. It's too much to explain here, maybe my (incomplete) role will make things a little clearer.

I can probably find you some land up by Bemidji if you want to feed some of your students to the wild. Just sayin'.
47124, Goodbye
Posted by Fielstithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only thing I disliked about Thrugald was his distinctively slow speech. It helped define the character, so this isn't a criticism, but an acknowledgment of a good character trait that annoyed the hell out of me, heh.

Thrugald was from what I could tell pretty solid in pk and consistent in his rp. I had expected big things for Thrugald, but if the joy isn't there for you, it is better to move on and find your happiness.

Be well, and may the Light illumine and the Ancients guide you along your next path.
47136, RE: Goodbye
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. I tried to make the speech a little less annoying than it could have been...I could have hit enter after each break :) It really helped me remember to keep a patient mindset with the character though.

Fiel seems more of a loner than most other Outlanders--or maybe my speech really just bugged you that much and you kept away from me! I would have liked to run around with you when I deleted, but I had already deleted twicwe before and thought if I logged on and deleted again it would actually end my character without the dormancy period.

You've always struck me as very elf-like too. Good work from what I've seen, and enjoy!
47144, Your speech wasn't that annoying!
Posted by Fielstithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't spent as much time interacting with other characters as I should, and for the most part, it has seemed like if there has been more than two Outlander heroes on to rub together, it means we are going to go start a fire.

Raiding together we did pretty well, and I felt almost as successful hiding behind you and randomly poking at things as I have felt with Aeria's treants.

You seem a pretty savvy player, so I can look forward to grouping with or fleeing from your next character, whenever you recapture that CF spark.
47121, Manden is from like 1997-1998 isn't he?
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recall as a newbie sitting in the Galadonian Warrior guild and a character named Manden logged on and stood around chatting.

If that was you, you had enough presence that, I remember it to this day, having only seen you that once. It was what started me using emotes as a regular part of my interactions.
47122, Summer-ish 2004 I believe...
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you had some Tribs while I was Provost. I've always liked your characters until you go and get pissed off about some little detail :)
47125, DOH! I recall now. Yeah. Manden rocked.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had Gnate (?) the Gnome Healer of Amaranthe. And I was always hunting for Dour Sourpie. I gave 200 gold toward the building of Voralian.

Hehe. Yeah I got Pissed off over some ####tydah names other characters had and deleted after bickering with (Assume) Valg over it.

No need to worry about that anymore.

And I just recalled I was thinking of Manish anyway. And now that I think of it Manish was one of Scarabaeus's old characters.. Ironicly.
47120, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Thrugald Holdfast
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't say that I really knew you, but hey, thanks, and good luck in whatever you choose to do!
47117, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Thrugald Holdfast
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A pity, I really wanted to see you around more. Even though we really talked only like once? I still liked you. You (well, among some others) were even the reason for one of my role chapters!

Not a lot more to say right here, so... good luck with your future endeavors.
47119, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Thrugald Holdfast
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. I was looking forward to speaking with you more, too.

I remember Nreisshe from playing Msaylu (at least, I think I do). It's good to see a character stick around that long; hopefully that means you're enjoying yourself.