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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Guamel Ibn Rah the Champion of Battlefields
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=47107
47107, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Guamel Ibn Rah the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 28 21:53:12 2006

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Guamel perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
47225, Thread locked: Guamel being Guamel. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

47180, And then there was none.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As with all characters that last for a while there's good times and bad, fun and not fun. But also like most times people - even well respected imps - make mistakes or behave in ways that make problems for other people. So, you end the character.

Like I've said before, rager players are really making their own problem with roleplay, narrowing and narrowing the way a rager can act, or speak, or talk. A great example is that now there is supposedly a rule that you can't loot anyone you want. I'm a chaotic evil character, in need of equ because I just died, but now the commander and a few others want to say that looting someone you didn't kill is illegal for a rager. Any rager. As though we're all acolytes or something. You want to hold yourself to some standard for looting or "goodness" or something, Muriont? Ysal? Great. Do it for yourselves. Not for others. The irony of course is that the reason given first was that doing so makes an enemy of someone who isn't your enemy. But then you go kill all these mobs who aren't your enemy, who aren't mages, just for equ. Pretty sad. The second reason given was that there's no honor in looting a kill that you didn't make. So what? Ragers aren't about honor. The biggest reason people say they kill mobs they shouldn't (dwarves killing dwarves, for instance) is that "it will help me in the war, I need it", but when a fire giant chaotic evil warrior loots an orc who just a few days before had defended the palace, fighting villagers, it's no good. And Nep, you should get it right in your History notes. I never sassed or even discussed looting a Ysal kill. Xzard died to some paladin in the dwarf forest. I looted. The orc, who as I said had just a couple days before defended the empire from villagers, complained to Ysal, who then told me not to loot him. Bit of a difference there.

Then there was Lerimos, who changed 180 after being named drillmaster from a mostly ok guy into a real powertripping ooc problem. First, Lerimos, if you think someone's log offs or log ins are a problem, send a note to immortal and let them deal with it. If there's a rule violation, they will handle it. Otherwise, you have no right to talk about when someone does or does not log off or on. And harrassing people about it so far out of line that it makes you lose all credibility. It's a game. People have to log off sometimes, whether they are ghosts or not. It's not your place to try and put an ooc obligation on a player. Second, you are either very new to the cabal or to leadership, but you need to stop thinking that you can order people around in every little thing. You want to fight in the circle? Fine. You call someone there to fight. But once there, you can't order them how to fight. You can't order someone to attack first, saying that because you're the drillmaster you have the right. You're in the circle to fight. There is no drillmaster or anything else once you are there. Third, and maybe worst, you have to stop lying and making things up just to satisfy your desire to lord it over people. Your claim for needing to fight in the circle was that I'd disobeyed or been disrespectful. And yet you could never say why, and the only time you did - that I didn't come back when you said come back - was patently false. You just didn't like how long it took. Too bad. I was far. And you and Muriont kept asking questions and making statements on the cabal channel demanding responses. Can't type answers and type directions simultaneously, Lerimos. And obviously I returned. But you were just itching for a fight. Like Muriont. Both of you just looking to make trouble for no reason at all.

As to the world in general, it was constantly amusing hearing people try to insult me for not having much to say to them, or being simple. I'm a fire giant. The least intelligent of all sentient races in the whole damn world. And even more, the damn helpfile specifically says they talk in simple, short, to the point statements, with little of the common vocabulary and not understanding obscure words. The only thing they view as law is strength. Being strong, winning your challenges. That's about it. And being evil of course, and chaotic as I was. Compassion? Honor? Peace? They have no place in fire giant life, says the helpfile. But many of you wanted to have dissertations from the genious philosopher. Come on.

I liked Ysal, and still do, though I think this attempt at making the ragers more like some honor based cabal, and trying to instill "good" or "honorable" or "orderly" attributes on villagers is misguided and wrong. The village has always been a collection of fighters in one cause who work together when needed and follow the lead of someone chosen to lead them in battle. Otherwise they are all generally equals. I've been villager leader characters and I at least found it important to know the difference between the times you should be trying to order people around, and when you should try and be suggesting, if you wanted something. Like I said in character, it's not the empire. Every detail of a villager's life is not something within the purview of the commander's or drillmaster's commanding. Even if it is something important to your role. (Like, for instance, you were a vegetarian. You don't have the right to order villagers to stop eating meat. Just an obvious example.)

As for the character's stats and choices and all that, I've never had a char with Greeting the Avalanche. Figured I'd try it. It's good, but not great, which is probably what it should be. I would withhold any further judgment having not had it enough hours to really be sure one way or the other. I think it would have been very useful as time went on. Was still not sure what my second legacy would be, so can't tell you.

Sword and axe were ok, but even perfected or near perfected a lot of skills just failed - missing double thrusts, no flurry at all, etc. - which always annoys me. And, as I mentioned in a note to the imms and which you'll all be able to see when I post some logs, I seem to not really have third or fourth attack. I rarely got more than one or two attacks per weapon, rarely more than three or four total per round. Dual wielding. I've never had that problem with past warriors. Not sure why it was a problem with Guamel. Unless one of you imps want to tell me you had fun with my pfile? :) Just kidding.

Muuloc, I was/am somewhat disappointed that you didn't take me as a serious follower. I was. And we spoke a bunch of times, making me pretty sure you knew it. Guess I was wrong. Behaved in the way your helpfile and general history seem to indicate, but evidently not enough. Oh well. Some other time perhaps.

As for my own mistakes and problems, of which there are many of course, I was particularly frustrated at my continued difficulty with fumbling weapons. I always forget that some will go automatically into dual wield slot and I would end up with a sword in one hand and an axe in another. Also, I got somewhat impatient with some people and I think spoke in longer more complicated sentences than Guamel the character would have, because I was frustrated and just needed the person to understand. Lastly, while I tried to interview people, it rarely seemed to work out, sometimes the appliant had to leave and sometimes I was busy or had to leave, or whatever, but I think I only ended up speaking to two or three, and as a many-time rager applicant I know how hard it is to live while waiting. I apologize for that.

Anyway, it was mostly fun, and so thank you to the staff for keeping the game up and running. Also, while I looted many of the people I fought, I gave back a lot to some. Some because it just seemed chaotic to sometimes act against type, some because they came and fought even when they could have run away, and some because they just got lucky that I didn't have time or inventory space. :P For the most part I looted so that there would be things in the pit when ragers, including myself, died. Ragers die a lot. And ragers can't teleport or word or fly around when regearing. It takes ragers longer to regear than most other cabals. So having things in the pit are particularly useful. I view it as the job of each rager to contribute that way, and I do so. Also, as always, people like to bitch and moan when I sacrifice their magic flagged things. Calling me full looter and sacrificer. Maybe one day people will get it into their heads that we don't have a choice. We have to destroy all magical things. The funniest/worst is when they complain about sacrificing their bags. Well hello, how do I get all those roots and fillets and potions or whatever to sacrifice?? Figure it out, people.

There you have it. I know there are a lot of people I'm forgetting, the good the bad and the ugly as well as the indifferent, so post and I'll try to reply. Valg seems to think it's funny to let me post from home but not from work, so don't expect a lot of posts during weekdays. Nice.


p.s. Jharthan, why did you say "You would pick Greeting" or something along those lines when I killed you? Just sounded like sour grapes, to me. Coming from you, one of the biggest gangers in the game, it made little or no sense to me. Maybe you can explain.
47182, The Lerimos/Muriont log
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is long and spammy but totally unedited so there will be no questions or claims of inventive cutting and pasting. I will not put in any commentary - though some may want help understanding what I'm trying to say, so ask in a reply and I can explain any part:
Connected to host carrionfields.com
All variables are reset.

-<!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$X!: The Carrion Fields
'<M! !!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMX!X!
!M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$! A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
-!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX- MUD
!!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-! Original DikuMUD by
'!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X! Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
-XX 'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R-<!!!! Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
!?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M !<!!- Seifert, and Sebastian
-!MXf -!-!!!X! "k!!!- Hammer
'!!!X !X!M?X '!!!-
-<!XM X!!R!! !M!-'
:!XMMX : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k ! Based on Merc 2.1 by
!!!$$$MTMM8$#!! ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!! Hatchet, Furey, and
!!!M$$#TT!!!!!- ! X!!!!!!RR#M!!! Khan
`!MW$M- -!!M!! ! !!:!-- #$R?!!
-:.. -XM!k:!#hHMX!!- ::- carrionfields.org 9999
-M! <!!!$X?XMMMB$!!! !!
!X! !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!! Created from ROM 2.3 by
`MX 'XXX t!@!H!X8X '!> Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
!!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X! Barbara Hargrove
?&M<!X>!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM
M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R Maintained by
`!!MHXX!!Mt!MMXWMM!!! BoltThrower, Drokalanatym, Jullias,
`!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX- Nordewin, Pico, Sebeok, Valguarnera,
#$WXXW$$MXW$" Yanoreth, and Zulghinlour
Greeting screen designed by
Zapata (bsinger1@netcom.com)

By what name do you wish to be mourned? guamel

2006/02/20 The area known as "The Lake" is now the much better Loch Terradian.

2006/01/05 Dragon (and similar) breath attacks will never again melt, burn,
freeze, or otherwise destroy gear.

2005/12/28 You can now BUY items that are up to five levels above your level,
with some restrictions.

2005/12/20 Conjurers have gained Warp Dimension. Transmuters have gained
Toughened Skin.

2005/12/18 Adventurers may now gain new abilities simply through OBSERVATION
of the world around them. They should DISCUSS this with their
guildmaster (and see associated helpfiles).

2005/12/16 Lower Cragstone has opened its gates to adventurers.

2005/12/14 Berserkers may now adapt one of several new methods of delivering
gruesome carnage. See help ADAPT and associated helpfiles.

2005/11/14 High level assassins gain the Martial Trance skill.

** The Official Carrion Fields home page can be found at:
http://www.carrionfields.com/ Please take a moment and read about
how you can help support the mud. Also visit the player forums at

** Descriptions are *mandatory*; they help define your role. Your
description should give a good idea of your appearance - see help
DESCRIPTION. The sooner the better. Roles are encouraged.
Names and backgrounds should be explained in your role, see help ROLE.

** The answer to 99% of frequently asked questions is located in the
help files somewhere. Helps to read (by typing 'help <topic>'):


** *** IMPORTANT *** You are responsible for understanding and obeying
the rules ('help rules'). Multi-charing is *not* allowed here.
Keep yourself up on these rules.

=========> READ THE MOTD - LAST MODIFIED: 2005/12/28 ===========

Welcome to The Carrion Fields. Let the bloodshed begin!
It is 5 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Battle.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

You have 5 new notes waiting.
the Destructor: Guamel has joined us in the fray of battle.

<229hp 90m 402mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> who battle
*42 Fire War* (PK) Guamel Ibn Rah the Commander of Warfare
<51 Arial War> Lerimos the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
<51 Cloud War> Muriont the Legend of the Battlefield

Players found: 3

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Yar, greets
Guamel: Yar, greets

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Greetins.

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> note
< 47> Wed Mar 22 07:53:28 2006
From : Bharg
To : Battle
Subject: More corpses for the Forge.

Their time has come. Forge is a half empty, but I will fill it with the fresh
corpses of mages. And the fire will burn them like old branches. Call me,
when will need my help. And I will bring a pain and a sorrow to all of them.
Long time ago, they betrayed us. But now its time to pay, we will burn their
Towers, we will torture their childrens..Time to pay.

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi bh
No one of that name is in Thera.

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> note
< 48> Wed Mar 22 08:53:26 2006
From : Kastellyn
To : Guamel Immortal
Subject: Re: Warcry

Not a bug, just some minor confusion on how warcries are rated. Thanks
for pointing it out.

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> note
< 49> Wed Mar 22 16:10:52 2006
From : Valthrow
To : Battle
Subject: My Desires.

I will keep this simple.. It is not my style to dazzle people
with words or writing, but with my actions.

I seek a place amongst the Village, as we share a common hatred
and goals. Now that my desires are known, I will continue to
do as I do best.

Valthrow Melkraih

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> note
< 50> Wed Mar 22 16:17:26 2006
From : Akfa
To : battle
Subject: Wheres me hut mon!

Greetings villagers me name be Akfa mon.Yeh me be a singer eh and i be wanting
a hut in dat village of yours eh me used ta be a sailor yeh used
To be me thing now me likes to sing magi da song of death yeh
Well dat be all im writing..

Akfa Ka'larat.

<284hp 142m 465mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> note
< 51> Wed Mar 22 16:37:36 2006
From : Harkleet
To : Battle
Subject: greetings.

I am Harkleet. A felar by birth, and trained by the warrior guild.
The guildmaster has granted me the title of Tactician. I hunt wielders
of magic because of what they did to my kind.
Now that I have travelled some of Thera, and learned to read, I have
learned of the legends of the Battleragers who also hunt magic wielders.
I write this note hoping to speak with one of such fabled lines, and perhaps
join your pack.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> note
You have no unread notes.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi ak
No one of that name is in Thera.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> who group
*42 Fire War* (PK) Guamel Ibn Rah the Commander of Warfare
<44 H-Drw Shf> Ulzammon the Master of Shapeshifting
<48 D-Elf Asn> Ilthuria Na'Ulthrus the Shihan
<49 Orc Ber> Ogbuk Bledgarm the Captain of the Grinning Skulls
<43 D-Elf Tra> Nihkorzhebus the Arcane Wizard
<36 Human Shf> Soneji the Master of Metamorphosis
<38 Duerg Sha> Rhameesana the Communer of Damnation
<40 Svirf Thi> Nuimdwek the Hand
<36 Felar War> (WANTED) Hrawl the Victorious Champion
<39 Human Shf> Isfendat the Metamorph
<42 H-Drw Inv> Celinia the Mistress of Wind

Players found: 11

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You wake up and start resting.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> time
It is 7 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Battle.
The moon is currently waning.
The Carrion Fields started up at Sat Mar 18 17:15:36 2006 (CST)
The system time is Wed Mar 22 18:01:12 2006 (CST)

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The Shrine of the BattleRagers
The path through the village comes to the door of this large structure and
goes no further. It is dim inside, adding to the feeling of presence that
surrounds you as you enter; what little light there is seems somehow
focused on the large throne centered within. At the base of this huge dais
are strewn the skulls of hundreds of defeated mages. Those found just
at the base of the heap are ancient and polished, their ivory giving the
ground a snowy look, while those at the top are less decorative; hair
skin, and mummified, putrefied flesh still clings to the newest additions.
An iron spike protrudes from the ground in front of this potent seat, a
spike that holds the focus of all the barbarians' hatred- the rotted and
decayed head of that first mage to betray those he created. It is here
that one can give praise to the Immortal Warlords of Battle, for it is from
this mighty throne room that each of them leads the courageous BattleRagers.

A massive tablet of stone hangs here.

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
Muriont is sleeping here.
Lerimos is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in pit
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
( 2) some studded leather work gloves
a steel open-faced helm
( 2) a pitch-black ring
a set of earth-toned sleeves
rear-claw extensions
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a demon whip
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
( 2) a pale white skull ring
( 2) an opal ring
some plated brass gauntlets
(Humming) a blackened iron chain
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a bracer of gray leather
a heavy gold ring
(Glowing) a wide-bladed dwarven dagger
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a red leather rucksack
a casual walking stick
a three-horned helmet
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a razor-edged shield
dwarven plate mail
a steel chainmail hauberk
a pair of gray leather armguards
a dented iron helmet
a pair of steel chain clawed boots
a blue tabard embroidered with a golden lion
a barbed whip flecked with crimson
a woven reed raft
a practice polearm
a practice spear
a practice sword

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

g axe pit
g axe pit

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You get a cruel battle axe from A deep pit.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l leri
Midnight black feathers swirl menacingly around this tall figure. Standing
well over seven feet in height this wiry creature stands hunched in a
seemingly ever prone hunting stance. A large silver beak hooks menacingly
down to the nape of his neck. One menacing bloodshot eye seems to emit hatred
as it peers ever down the beak. The other eye is covered with a ragged brown
patch marked with a red X across it. Broad shoulders give way to lean arms
that are covered in more ragged black feathers. The feathers here are frayed
and ill kept in comparison to those upon his torso and face. Two black wings
emerge from the middle of his torso pulsating back and forth silently. Upon
the tips of his hands and feet are short pointed talons each shaved to take
on the form of small daggers.

Staring further at this figure you notice..
Lerimos, a male arial, is in perfect health.

Lerimos is using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> a blood-soaked cape
<worn on body> the chitinous shell of a rainbow runner
<worn on head> (Glowing) a black mitre
<worn on legs> some leggings from the snow worm
<worn on claws> a pair of mithril-reinforced talons
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn on wings> a badge of dull black feathers
<worn about waist> a polished mithril girth
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a brilliant silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a brilliant silver bracelet
<wielded> (Humming) a lion's mark steel spetum

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l mur
You are amazed at how this huge figure can just float in the air. His skin
is pale enough to put in doubt the existence of any color at all. Only the
rippling of his muscles makes his pale skin evident.

He wields a set of swords in his hands and you get the feeling that even
though small in his hands, their effect is deadly. Although his skin
seems armorly enough, he is clad in metals. The armor is not a good fit
however as a good part of his body is exposed. Long white hair flows from
under his helmet.

You notice that all his armor is quite worn. Obvious are the marks from
weapons striking it. In fact looking closely at his skin reveals a multitude
of scars of what were once substantial wounds no doubt. One last look at him
Muriont, a male cloud giant, is in perfect health.

Muriont is using:
<worn on finger> a black and white striped heartstone ring
<worn on finger> a blackened ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) an ivory collar
<worn around neck> a studded black leather collar
<worn on body> flawless pectoral plates of red hematite
<worn on head> a battle helm made of a mammoth's skull
<worn on face> a primitive fertility mask
<worn on legs> serpent-scale leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of troll-hide boots
<worn on hands> Gauntlets of Devilry
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> a poncho from the carcass of Nysveld
<worn about waist> a forest-green, woven belt
<worn around wrist> an engraved silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<wielded> a two-handed black sword
<dual wield> a gleaming silver sword

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a hardened mithril breastplate
<worn on feet> a pair of fur lined boots
<worn on hands> some plated brass gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of red dragonscale sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> inv
You are carrying:
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
a brown-furred cloak
a rat-eaten poncho
a piece of drift wood
(Humming) the spider axe
an ornate, black battle-axe
"Alabast" the legendary clabbard of Stee Hoarns
a notched axe with a wicked blade
a large saddle bag

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> time
It is 7 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Battle.
The moon is currently waning.
The Carrion Fields started up at Sat Mar 18 17:15:36 2006 (CST)
The system time is Wed Mar 22 18:01:40 2006 (CST)

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel righteous.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos wakes and stands up.

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> wo
You have 0 gold, 79 silver, and 411 copper, which is worth 1991 copper.
You have 411304 experience and need 19096 more experience to gain a rank. (-3.78% progress)

<366hp 192m 534mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos sits down and rests.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> wo
You have 0 gold, 79 silver, and 411 copper, which is worth 1991 copper.
You have 411304 experience and need 19096 more experience to gain a rank. (-3.78% progress)

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l
The Shrine of the BattleRagers
The path through the village comes to the door of this large structure and
goes no further. It is dim inside, adding to the feeling of presence that
surrounds you as you enter; what little light there is seems somehow
focused on the large throne centered within. At the base of this huge dais
are strewn the skulls of hundreds of defeated mages. Those found just
at the base of the heap are ancient and polished, their ivory giving the
ground a snowy look, while those at the top are less decorative; hair
skin, and mummified, putrefied flesh still clings to the newest additions.
An iron spike protrudes from the ground in front of this potent seat, a
spike that holds the focus of all the barbarians' hatred- the rotted and
decayed head of that first mage to betray those he created. It is here
that one can give praise to the Immortal Warlords of Battle, for it is from
this mighty throne room that each of them leads the courageous BattleRagers.

A massive tablet of stone hangs here.

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
Muriont is sleeping here.
Lerimos is resting here.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in pit
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
( 2) some studded leather work gloves
a steel open-faced helm
( 2) a pitch-black ring
a set of earth-toned sleeves
rear-claw extensions
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a demon whip
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
( 2) a pale white skull ring
( 2) an opal ring
some plated brass gauntlets
(Humming) a blackened iron chain
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a bracer of gray leather
a heavy gold ring
(Glowing) a wide-bladed dwarven dagger
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a red leather rucksack
a casual walking stick
a three-horned helmet
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a razor-edged shield
dwarven plate mail
a steel chainmail hauberk
a pair of gray leather armguards
a dented iron helmet
a pair of steel chain clawed boots
a blue tabard embroidered with a golden lion
a barbed whip flecked with crimson
a woven reed raft
a practice polearm
a practice spear
a practice sword
( 3) a lajang polearm

Muriont wakes and stands up.

( 3) a patrolman's steel shield
a set of earth-toned leggings
an iron key painted with a black stripe
( 2) a fine-linked chainmail vest
a pair of steel chain sleeves
a pair of turquoise earrings
(Humming) a staff wrapped in red leather
a stone key
the key to the High Lord's study
( 7) a small black skeleton key
( 3) a key to the Keep
( 2) the gate key
a large stone key
(Glowing) a huge mithril mace
a small steel key
a heavy key
a ring with two keys
a studded buckler
( 2) a bronze-tipped spear
a pair of steel chain leggings
a dented silver flask engraved with dwarven runes
Muriont looks more enlightened.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 65 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 65 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> nod
You nod.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 65 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 65 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l
The Shrine of the BattleRagers
The path through the village comes to the door of this large structure and
goes no further. It is dim inside, adding to the feeling of presence that
surrounds you as you enter; what little light there is seems somehow
focused on the large throne centered within. At the base of this huge dais
are strewn the skulls of hundreds of defeated mages. Those found just
at the base of the heap are ancient and polished, their ivory giving the
ground a snowy look, while those at the top are less decorative; hair
skin, and mummified, putrefied flesh still clings to the newest additions.
An iron spike protrudes from the ground in front of this potent seat, a
spike that holds the focus of all the barbarians' hatred- the rotted and
decayed head of that first mage to betray those he created. It is here
that one can give praise to the Immortal Warlords of Battle, for it is from
this mighty throne room that each of them leads the courageous BattleRagers.

A massive tablet of stone hangs here.

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
Muriont is here.
Lerimos is resting here.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks at you.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Waking without your form?'

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a hardened mithril breastplate
<worn on feet> a pair of fur lined boots
<worn on hands> some plated brass gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of red dragonscale sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eyeb
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<398hp 223m 589mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont chuckles at Lerimos's joke.

<434hp 251m 644mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel less tired.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 64 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 64 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 20 hours.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stands up.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont looks at Lerimos.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Guamel's group:
<42 War> Guamel 49% hp 66% mana 92% mv 411304 xp

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks more enlightened.

<434hp 251m 718mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> gr

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<463hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Guamel's group:
<42 War> Guamel 52% hp 75% mana 100% mv 411304 xp

<463hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Needin a wrathful spear.'

<463hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<463hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You stand up.

<463hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> ber

Muriont taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

<463hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<547hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<547hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You rest.

<547hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l mur
You are amazed at how this huge figure can just float in the air. His skin
is pale enough to put in doubt the existence of any color at all. Only the
rippling of his muscles makes his pale skin evident.

He wields a set of swords in his hands and you get the feeling that even
though small in his hands, their effect is deadly. Although his skin
seems armorly enough, he is clad in metals. The armor is not a good fit
however as a good part of his body is exposed. Long white hair flows from
under his helmet.

You notice that all his armor is quite worn. Obvious are the marks from
weapons striking it. In fact looking closely at his skin reveals a multitude
of scars of what were once substantial wounds no doubt. One last look at him
Muriont, a male cloud giant, is in perfect health.

Muriont is using:
<worn on finger> a black and white striped heartstone ring
<worn on finger> a blackened ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) an ivory collar
<worn around neck> a studded black leather collar
<worn on body> flawless pectoral plates of red hematite
<worn on head> a battle helm made of a mammoth's skull
<worn on face> a primitive fertility mask
<worn on legs> serpent-scale leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of troll-hide boots
<worn on hands> Gauntlets of Devilry
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> a poncho from the carcass of Nysveld
<worn about waist> a forest-green, woven belt
<worn around wrist> an engraved silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<wielded> a two-handed black sword
<dual wield> a gleaming silver sword

<547hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l leri
Midnight black feathers swirl menacingly around this tall figure. Standing
well over seven feet in height this wiry creature stands hunched in a
seemingly ever prone hunting stance. A large silver beak hooks menacingly
down to the nape of his neck. One menacing bloodshot eye seems to emit hatred
as it peers ever down the beak. The other eye is covered with a ragged brown
patch marked with a red X across it. Broad shoulders give way to lean arms
that are covered in more ragged black feathers. The feathers here are frayed
and ill kept in comparison to those upon his torso and face. Two black wings
emerge from the middle of his torso pulsating back and forth silently. Upon
the tips of his hands and feet are short pointed talons each shaved to take
on the form of small daggers.

Staring further at this figure you notice..
Lerimos, a male arial, is in perfect health.

Lerimos is using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> a blood-soaked cape
<worn on body> the chitinous shell of a rainbow runner
<worn on head> (Glowing) a black mitre
<worn on legs> some leggings from the snow worm
<worn on claws> a pair of mithril-reinforced talons
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn on wings> a badge of dull black feathers
<worn about waist> a polished mithril girth
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a brilliant silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a brilliant silver bracelet
<wielded> (Humming) a lion's mark steel spetum

<547hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in pit
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
( 2) some studded leather work gloves
a steel open-faced helm
( 2) a pitch-black ring
a set of earth-toned sleeves
rear-claw extensions
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a demon whip
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
( 2) a pale white skull ring
( 2) an opal ring
some plated brass gauntlets
(Humming) a blackened iron chain
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a bracer of gray leather
a heavy gold ring
(Glowing) a wide-bladed dwarven dagger
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a red leather rucksack
a casual walking stick
a three-horned helmet
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a razor-edged shield
dwarven plate mail
a steel chainmail hauberk
a pair of gray leather armguards
a dented iron helmet
a pair of steel chain clawed boots
a blue tabard embroidered with a golden lion
a barbed whip flecked with crimson
a woven reed raft
a practice polearm
a practice spear
a practice sword
( 3) a lajang polearm
Lerimos says 'Guamel, one must wake prepared for War at all times.'

( 3) a patrolman's steel shield
a set of earth-toned leggings
an iron key painted with a black stripe
( 2) a fine-linked chainmail vest
a pair of steel chain sleeves
a pair of turquoise earrings
(Humming) a staff wrapped in red leather
a stone key
the key to the High Lord's study
( 7) a small black skeleton key
( 3) a key to the Keep
( 2) the gate key
a large stone key
(Glowing) a huge mithril mace
a small steel key
a heavy key
a ring with two keys
a studded buckler
( 2) a bronze-tipped spear
a pair of steel chain leggings
a dented silver flask engraved with dwarven runes

<547hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<568hp 255m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Died. Tired. Rested. Happens.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Died. Tired. Rested. Happens.'

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> shrug

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You shrug.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Think nar fight war enough?

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'Think nar fight war enough?'

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> roll
You roll your eyes in disgust.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont pokes you in the ribs.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are already resting.
Lerimos says 'I think your tone is insolent.'

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'When last I saw yer, mate.'

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi le
<51 Arial War> Lerimos the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<593hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel your body start to regain its material form.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 61 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 61 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 21 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 8 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 8 for 2 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 17 hours.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'I'd jsut been told yer robbed a man of his ####e.'

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Who yer ain't killed, nor would have reason ter.'

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Heard wrong. Nar bad even if did.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Heard wrong. Nar bad even if did.'

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> shrug
You shrug.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l
The Shrine of the BattleRagers
The path through the village comes to the door of this large structure and
goes no further. It is dim inside, adding to the feeling of presence that
surrounds you as you enter; what little light there is seems somehow
focused on the large throne centered within. At the base of this huge dais
are strewn the skulls of hundreds of defeated mages. Those found just
at the base of the heap are ancient and polished, their ivory giving the
ground a snowy look, while those at the top are less decorative; hair
skin, and mummified, putrefied flesh still clings to the newest additions.
An iron spike protrudes from the ground in front of this potent seat, a
spike that holds the focus of all the barbarians' hatred- the rotted and
decayed head of that first mage to betray those he created. It is here
that one can give praise to the Immortal Warlords of Battle, for it is from
this mighty throne room that each of them leads the courageous BattleRagers.

A massive tablet of stone hangs here.

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
Muriont is here.
Lerimos is here.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi mu
<51 Cloud War> Muriont the Legend of the Battlefield

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in pit

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
( 2) some studded leather work gloves
a steel open-faced helm
( 2) a pitch-black ring
a set of earth-toned sleeves
rear-claw extensions
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a demon whip
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
( 2) a pale white skull ring
( 2) an opal ring
some plated brass gauntlets
(Humming) a blackened iron chain
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a bracer of gray leather
a heavy gold ring
(Glowing) a wide-bladed dwarven dagger
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a red leather rucksack
a casual walking stick
a three-horned helmet
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a razor-edged shield
dwarven plate mail
a steel chainmail hauberk
a pair of gray leather armguards
a dented iron helmet
a pair of steel chain clawed boots
a blue tabard embroidered with a golden lion
a barbed whip flecked with crimson
a woven reed raft
a practice polearm
a practice spear
a practice sword
( 3) a lajang polearm

( 3) a patrolman's steel shield
a set of earth-toned leggings
an iron key painted with a black stripe
( 2) a fine-linked chainmail vest
a pair of steel chain sleeves
a pair of turquoise earrings
(Humming) a staff wrapped in red leather
a stone key
the key to the High Lord's study
( 7) a small black skeleton key
( 3) a key to the Keep
( 2) the gate key
a large stone key
(Glowing) a huge mithril mace
a small steel key
a heavy key
a ring with two keys
a studded buckler
( 2) a bronze-tipped spear
a pair of steel chain leggings
a dented silver flask engraved with dwarven runes

<622hp 315m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less tough.

<665hp 349m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You stand up.

<665hp 349m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 60 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 60 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 21 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 16 hours.

<665hp 349m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call resi

Muriont gets a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from a ranger's knapsack.

<665hp 349m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You feel tough!
Muriont drinks water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont puts a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in a ranger's knapsack.

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in bag

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> When you look inside, you see it is stuffed full.
A large saddle bag contains:
(Glowing) a steel longsword with a thin blade
(41) a venison pie
a tankard of beer
( 2) (Glowing) a demon-headed talisman
( 4) some seaweed
a small fishing boat
a dragon boat
a piece of drift wood

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> g longsword bag
You get a steel longsword with a thin blade from a large saddle bag.

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 60 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 60 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 21 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 16 hours.
Muriont says 'He sayin yer told him it were yer.'

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos sits down and rests.

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'And dat it aint no disgrace.'

<665hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<691hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos gets the stomach of a beast from a cowhide knapsack.

<691hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos drinks water from the stomach of a beast.

<691hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos puts the stomach of a beast in a cowhide knapsack.

<691hp 299m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Told you.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Told you.'
Muriont says 'On de village.'

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You shrug.

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are already standing.

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'On us.'

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<705hp 310m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Blood Square

<705hp 310m 774mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Before the Pillar of Legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

<705hp 310m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

<705hp 310m 772mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Among the Barbaric Huts

<705hp 310m 771mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Before a Fortified Hillock

A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<705hp 310m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

<705hp 310m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

<705hp 310m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The gates to the streets of Anguish

A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.
A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.

<705hp 310m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> ber
You get a little madder.

<705hp 310m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You get a little madder.

<705hp 310m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 59 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 59 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 21 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 8 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 8 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 15 hours.

<705hp 310m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The gates to the streets of Anguish

<705hp 310m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The gates to the streets of Anguish

east west]
Muriont: Told me what?

<705hp 310m 767mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The ruined streets of Anguish

<705hp 310m 766mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Said what said. Nar more need say.
Guamel: Said what said. Nar more need say.

<705hp 310m 766mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The ruined streets of Anguish

<705hp 310m 766mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The ruined streets of Anguish

<705hp 310m 765mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<705hp 310m 765mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The ruined streets of Anguish

<705hp 310m 764mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The beginning of the slaughtering grounds

A cluster of red moss grows here on the side of a building.

<705hp 310m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The beginning of the slaughtering grounds

<705hp 310m 762mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
An opening in the slaughtering grounds

<705hp 310m 762mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
An open clearing in the slaughtering grounds

<705hp 310m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eq

A rancid smell drifts to you upon a chilly breeze.

<705hp 310m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through a hole in the brush.
Along the Eastern Road

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a hardened mithril breastplate
<worn on feet> a pair of fur lined boots
<worn on hands> some plated brass gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of red dragonscale sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road
Lonran Along the Eastern Road
Rhameesana Along the Eastern Road

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Approaching a Large Crossroads

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
A Large Crossroads

A sign points north towards Voralian City and south to the Dwarven Forest.
Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The Lane

A long, sharp scimitar is here, half buried in the sand.

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Bramblefield Road

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Bramblefield Road

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Bramblefield Road

<705hp 310m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<705hp 310m 758mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<705hp 310m 755mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel In the Wide-Bladed Grass
Fereacu On Rolling Hills of Grass

<705hp 310m 755mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel your pulse slow down.
Your body regains its material form.

<727hp 327m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Where codex and scepter?
Guamel: Where codex and scepter?

<727hp 327m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel In the Wide-Bladed Grass
Fereacu On Rolling Hills of Grass

<727hp 327m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<811hp 297m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi le
<51 Arial War> (PK) Lerimos the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle

<811hp 297m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Mate, I's seein a prollem with it. If yer ain't fer words, we kin settle it like dey used to, in de circle.

<811hp 297m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos: The Elder was speaking to you Guamel.

<811hp 297m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

A brown bear stands here, looking around itself.

<811hp 297m 719mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 713mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi mu
<51 Cloud War> Muriont the Legend of the Battlefield

<811hp 297m 713mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 713mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 707mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 701mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 695mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Wha? Settle what?
Guamel: Wha? Settle what?

<811hp 297m 695mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 695mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Orum's Field

<811hp 297m 689mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 683mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 677mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<811hp 297m 671mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The Edge of the Orum's Field

A peacekeeper from Voralian City surveys his surroundings.

<811hp 297m 665mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Auction Block

<811hp 297m 659mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Bramblefield Road

<811hp 297m 656mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Bramblefield Road

A sign points west to Voralian City.

<811hp 297m 655mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
On the Southeast Bridge

<811hp 297m 654mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Eastern Gate of Hope

<811hp 297m 651mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Square of the Unbreakable Blade

A statue of a stern warrior stands among a triad of marble fountains.

<811hp 297m 648mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Square of the Unbreakable Blade
Paryian The Main Altar of the Cathedral of the Holy Light

<811hp 297m 648mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Avenue of Hope

<811hp 297m 645mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Avenue of Hope

east west]

<811hp 297m 642mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
The Great Square of the Phoenix

A statue of a radiant phoenix clutches the edge of a silver fountain.
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.

<811hp 297m 639mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Avenue of Hope

east south west]
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<811hp 297m 636mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Avenue of Hope


<811hp 297m 633mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
The Plaza of the Kara Chal

An alabaster figure with an outstretched palm stands in a broad water basin.
A mercenary bodyguard in unusually rich regalia keeps an eye on the crowd.
A mercenary bodyguard in unusually rich regalia keeps an eye on the crowd.
A fat, jovial merchant is here, garbed in ridiculously rich attire.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<811hp 297m 630mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Plaza of the Kara Chal
Paryian The Main Altar of the Cathedral of the Holy Light

<811hp 297m 630mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Avenue of Retribution

<811hp 297m 627mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Avenue of Retribution

A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.

<811hp 297m 624mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Avenue of Retribution

A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<811hp 297m 621mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Square of the Clarion

A huge marble statue of a righteous storm giant stands on a broad pedestal.
A bedraggled vagrant in tattered clothing stinks of refuse and urine.
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.
A high priest stands here, praying softly.

<811hp 297m 618mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Avenue of Retribution

<811hp 297m 615mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Avenue of Retribution

A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.
Muriont: Yer walkin away from a conversation by both de drillmaster and me.

<811hp 297m 612mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n

Your eyes see less truly.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<830hp 314m 658mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The Plaza of the Shining Fount

A shining fount gurgles glistening water at the feet of a valiant statue.
A staunch militiaman patrols the dusty streets of the outpost.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<830hp 314m 655mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call tru
You look around sharply!

<830hp 304m 655mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<830hp 254m 655mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: And I really got a prollem with what yer did say, if its what I heard yer say.

<830hp 254m 655mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Got war fight. Talk nar need. Nar walk away anything.
Guamel: Got war fight. Talk nar need. Nar walk away anything.
A militiaman checks the ground for tracks.
A militiaman checks the ground for tracks.

<844hp 265m 701mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
West Charity Gate

A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.

<844hp 265m 698mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
On the Northwest Bridge

<844hp 265m 695mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

A sign points west to Tir-Talath and Udgaard
A chicken wanders the outpost, clawing and pecking at the dusty ground.

<844hp 265m 694mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 693mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 692mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 691mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 690mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 689mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 688mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<844hp 265m 688mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 688mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 687mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

A glass of chilled milk with honey drops on top has been left here.

<844hp 265m 685mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

A jigger of the 'Good Stuff' has been left here.

<844hp 265m 683mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 682mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 681mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 680mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 679mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 678mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 677mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 676mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

A stack of freshly cut firewood is here.
A peasant woman wanders by, her sweeping skirt stirring the dust as she moves.

<844hp 265m 675mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 674mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 673mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 672mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 671mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 670mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 669mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos: Return to the Village Guamel.

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi mu
<51 Cloud War> Muriont the Legend of the Battlefield

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row
Lerimos: Now.

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: If yer lookin fer a fight den, come find me in de circle.

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb You look fight. Me nar say thing fight.
whoi mu
Guamel: You look fight. Me nar say thing fight.

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> <51 Cloud War> Muriont the Legend of the Battlefield

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Can't fight anyway.
Guamel: Can't fight anyway.

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<844hp 265m 668mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 713mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 712mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 711mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 710mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 710mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 708mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

A stack of freshly cut firewood is here.
A peasant woman wanders by, her sweeping skirt stirring the dust as she moves.

<859hp 275m 707mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 706mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 705mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 704mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Rocky Plains

<859hp 275m 701mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 698mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Yer said ya got a war ter fight. We got a little dispute mate.

<859hp 275m 698mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 697mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Wha? Nar fight war?
Guamel: Wha? Nar fight war?

<859hp 275m 697mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 697mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 696mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 695mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 694mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

A jigger of the 'Good Stuff' has been left here.

<859hp 275m 693mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<859hp 275m 692mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Not by disgracing the village, or one of its leader.

<872hp 284m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Why try make trouble? Am here. Try hunt mages, like always.
Guamel: Why try make trouble? Am here. Try hunt mages, like always.

<872hp 284m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: I refer yer arse ter de first law of tablet.

<872hp 284m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Farkin get yer arse back.

<872hp 284m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Wha? You making problem. No problem now. Only you make now.
Guamel: Wha? You making problem. No problem now. Only you make now.

<872hp 284m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> look
Shepherd's Row
The road runs across the great plains, twisting and turning the way the wind
blows. You can see the foothills of mountains to the northeast, the rocky
ground making its way even this far south into the plains. Large boulders
lie scattered throughout the area, many bigger than an ox. The wild grass
that grows is quite green, although the rocky ground would make farming
difficult if not impossible. Deep grooves are carved into the dirt road, a
sign of the many travelers that make use of this road. The road continues
through the rocky plains to the east and west.

<872hp 284m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

A glass of chilled milk with honey drops on top has been left here.

<872hp 284m 737mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 736mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 735mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 734mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 733mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 731mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 731mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

47183, Second half of that log.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<872hp 284m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 731mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 731mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<872hp 284m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

<877hp 297m 774mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Shepherd's Row

A sign points west to Tir-Talath and Udgaard
A chicken wanders the outpost, clawing and pecking at the dusty ground.

<877hp 297m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
On the Northwest Bridge

<877hp 297m 772mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
West Charity Gate

A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.

<877hp 297m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The Plaza of the Shining Fount

A shining fount gurgles glistening water at the feet of a valiant statue.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.
A staunch militiaman on nightwatch is here, patrolling the quiet streets.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<877hp 297m 766mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Plaza of the Shining Fount
Thrage The Azure Vineyard

<877hp 297m 766mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Avenue of Retribution

A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<877hp 297m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s

Muriont: Den git yer arse here.

<877hp 297m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Avenue of Retribution

<877hp 297m 760mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Square of the Clarion

A huge marble statue of a righteous storm giant stands on a broad pedestal.
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.
A high priest stands here, praying softly.

<877hp 297m 757mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Avenue of Retribution

<877hp 297m 754mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: De drillmaster gave yer an order.

<877hp 297m 754mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Try stop talk, wait.
Guamel: Try stop talk, wait.

<877hp 297m 754mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Avenue of Retribution

A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.

<877hp 297m 751mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Avenue of Retribution

<877hp 297m 748mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The Plaza of the Kara Chal

An alabaster figure with an outstretched palm stands in a broad water basin.
A mercenary bodyguard in unusually rich regalia keeps an eye on the crowd.
A mercenary bodyguard in unusually rich regalia keeps an eye on the crowd.
A fat, jovial merchant is here, garbed in ridiculously rich attire.

<877hp 297m 745mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Avenue of Hope

A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<877hp 297m 742mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Avenue of Hope

east south west]
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.
A stalwart peacekeeper garbed in ivory and gold regalia stands watch.

<877hp 297m 739mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The Great Square of the Phoenix

A statue of a radiant phoenix clutches the edge of a silver fountain.
A bright-eyed commoner is here, running his daily errands.

<877hp 297m 736mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Avenue of Hope

east west]

<877hp 297m 733mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Avenue of Hope

<877hp 297m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Square of the Unbreakable Blade

A statue of a stern warrior stands among a triad of marble fountains.

<877hp 297m 727mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Eastern Gate of Hope

<877hp 297m 724mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
On the Southeast Bridge

<877hp 297m 721mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Bramblefield Road

A sign points west to Voralian City.

<877hp 297m 720mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Bramblefield Road

<877hp 297m 719mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Bramblefield Road

<877hp 297m 719mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Auction Block

Lerimos: Return to the Village Guamel.

<877hp 297m 716mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The Edge of the Orum's Field

A peacekeeper from Voralian City surveys his surroundings.

<877hp 297m 710mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 297m 704mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Been trying. Muriont want talk. I answer. Nar do both same time. Am walking.
Guamel: Been trying. Muriont want talk. I answer. Nar do both same time. Am walking.
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
You feel your pulse slow down.
You feel less tough.

<877hp 314m 750mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 314m 750mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 314m 744mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 314m 738mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Orum's Field

<877hp 314m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> g pie bag
eat pie
g pie bag
eat pie
You get a venison pie from a large saddle bag.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You eat a venison pie.
You no longer feel hungry.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You get a venison pie from a large saddle bag.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You eat a venison pie.
You feel completely full.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> g tankard bag
You get a tankard of beer from a large saddle bag.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> drink tankard
You drink water from a tankard of beer.
You are full.
You do not feel thirsty.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> put tankard bag
You put a tankard of beer in a large saddle bag.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Orum's Field
Lerimos: Then walk to the Village with some form of quickness.

<877hp 264m 732mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 264m 726mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 264m 720mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 264m 714mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 264m 708mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

A brown bear stands here, looking around itself.

<877hp 264m 702mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 264m 696mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
In the Wide-Bladed Grass

<877hp 264m 690mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Bramblefield Road

<877hp 264m 687mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Bramblefield Road

<877hp 264m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Bramblefield Road

<877hp 264m 685mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The Lane

A long, sharp scimitar is here, half buried in the sand.

<877hp 264m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
A Large Crossroads

A sign points north towards Voralian City and south to the Dwarven Forest.
Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.

<877hp 264m 683mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Approaching a Large Crossroads

<877hp 264m 682mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Along the Eastern Road

<877hp 264m 681mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Along the Eastern Road

<877hp 264m 680mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
An open clearing in the slaughtering grounds

<877hp 264m 679mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
An opening in the slaughtering grounds

<877hp 264m 676mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The beginning of the slaughtering grounds

<877hp 264m 672mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The beginning of the slaughtering grounds

A cluster of red moss grows here on the side of a building.

<877hp 264m 669mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The ruined streets of Anguish

<877hp 264m 666mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<877hp 264m 666mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<877hp 264m 666mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The ruined streets of Anguish

<877hp 264m 666mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
The ruined streets of Anguish

<877hp 264m 663mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
The ruined streets of Anguish

<877hp 264m 660mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
The gates to the streets of Anguish

east west]

<877hp 264m 657mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The gates to the streets of Anguish

A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.
A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.

<877hp 264m 654mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<877hp 264m 654mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

<877hp 264m 651mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Before a Fortified Hillock

A massive, hunched figure is here, protecting the village throughout the
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<877hp 264m 648mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Among the Torch-lit, Barbaric Huts

<877hp 264m 646mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
A Torch-lit Path Through the Village

<877hp 264m 644mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Before a Strangely Illuminated Pillar

A towering pillar of stone is erected here, illuminated by the moon.

<877hp 264m 642mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Blood Square

<877hp 264m 640mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The Shrine of the BattleRagers

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
Centered in this hut is a throne with a base of polished skulls.
(White Aura) Light seems to cluster about this holy figure, garbed in white.
A giant figure stands here, feet planted in a defensive posture.

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The War Room
Muriont The Circle of Rites

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The War Room
Muriont The Circle of Rites

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Here.
l tablet
Guamel: Here.

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> This is the legendary Tablet that bears the original Commandments that
all BattleRagers were bound by. Though the Village and its beliefs have
changed over the Ages, there are still those who follow these tenants as
well as the tenents etched on the plaque in the War Room. Once rent
asunder by the mighty axe of BoltThrower himself, it has been repaired
and now serves to remind Villagers of their proud heritage.

The Six Commandments of the BattleRagers

1. The gods of Thera and our mortal leader deserve your utmost respect
and shall be obeyed at all times.

2. Necromancers, Invokers, Transmuters, Anti-Paladins, Conjurers and
Masters of the Five Magics pervert and subvert the powers of the gods.
They are therefore our enemies, and shall be destroyed.

3. Priests are to be tolerated, for they are empowered by the gods, but
they are not gods themselves. Their powers should not be embraced
anywhere other than the shrine of your deity.

4. It is forbidden to beseech or manipulate any form of magic other than
that expressly mentioned above. To do so is to mock the gods and a
blasphemy of your combat prowess.

5. Avoid all that have succumbed to the charms of magic. It is your duty
to put any under such a charm out of their misery.

6. Those who repeatedly display a lack of courage when engaged in
personal combat, including outnumbering your opponents, are not fit to
be a Battlerager. In times of war or great danger to the cabal,
however, parity is less important.


<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The War Room
Muriont Blood Square

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont has arrived.

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos has arrived.

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks at you.

<877hp 264m 638mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a hardened mithril breastplate
<worn on feet> a pair of fur lined boots
<worn on hands> some plated brass gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of red dragonscale sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
Lerimos looks at Muriont.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos sits down and rests.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont points a the tablet.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sco
Guamel Ibn Rah the Commander of Warfare
Level : 42 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 1 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 411304 To Level : 19096 Sphere : Fire
Age : mature, 213 years old (154 hours)
Hit Point: 877 /877 Mana : 277 /380 Move : 684 /775
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 18(22) Chr : 16(17)
Carry # : 23/32 Weight : 493 lb 11 oz (Max 605 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 79 Copper : 411
Wimpy : 275 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 32 Damroll : 29
AC pierce: -46 Very well armored AC bash : -47 Very well armored
AC slash : -62 Heavily armored AC magic : 34 Somewhat armored
vs Spell : Protected vs Paralysis: Barely protected
vs Breath: Protected vs Mental: Not protected
You feel completely full.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You are specialized in sword.
You are specialized in axe.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 51 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 51 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 7 hours.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Muriont speak your piece.'

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont gets a side of deer venison from a ranger's knapsack.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont eats a side of deer venison.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont pokes you in the ribs.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'Yer knowin de laws?'

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Say what want say.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Say what want say.'

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont chuckles politely.

<877hp 277m 684mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Fine.'

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stands up.

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos sits down and rests.

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'I see you as either incredibly idiot, or unfit ter live wit us.'

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Yer said it be okay ter disgrace de village ways.'

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Stealin ####e from a thief yer aint killed makes a enemy.'

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'A hand fightin enemy.'

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Not no farkin mage.'

<877hp 287m 730mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<877hp 287m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Dat ####e bother me.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stands up.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'It ain't even honest ####e.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks tougher.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos sits down and rests.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'And yer said it nar prollem.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'I tellin yer I aint agree.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'And I tellin yer dat seein yer arse walk away from de drillmaster an me..'

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Dat were some trash ####e.'

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Last time I saw ####e like dat, Throt's hut gits torched.'

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Now.'

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'I said what I want ter say. Dem gods protectin yer from fightin fer a answer.'

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'So.'

<877hp 309m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Say what yer want ter say.'

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks tougher.

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos gets a side of deer venison from a cowhide knapsack.

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos eats a side of deer venison.

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont nudges you.

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<877hp 319m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>

You feel less resistant to magic.
Your eyes see less truly.

<877hp 336m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Nothin need say. Had nothin say before, nothin say now. You wrong. Nar matter.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Nothin need say. Had nothin say before, nothin say now. You wrong. Nar matter.'

<877hp 336m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<877hp 336m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<877hp 286m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call tru
You look around sharply!

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Me go fight war.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Me go fight war.'

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont nudges Lerimos.

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 46 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 46 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 2 hours.

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stands up.

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to Lerimos 'Can you fight him, or do they block it as well?'

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to Lerimos 'That is what it will take.'

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'I can fight Guamel.'

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks at you.

<877hp 276m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'I ask of that then.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Waste
You say in a deep bass voice 'Waste'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'Accept Lerimos in my stead since de gods protect yer from me.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' You angry nar all like you.
You say in a deep bass voice 'You angry nar all like you.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Too bad. Nar empire.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Too bad. Nar empire. '

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to Lerimos 'Dat is, if yer agree.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' You like honest? Good. Be elf.
You say in a deep bass voice 'You like honest? Good. Be elf.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Nothin fight over.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Nothin fight over.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'I suppose I aint assumin anymore.'

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 293m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less tough.

<877hp 302m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Guamel, I have two problems with you.'

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'One, is because of what and who you are, which I can accept.'

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'You need ter listen der mate.'

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'The other is waking without your form.'

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sayto lerimos You make joke. Must.
You say to Lerimos 'You make joke. Must.'

<877hp 252m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less armored.

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'You fight the War Guamel, I have seen such.'

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks more enlightened.

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Yet you only follow the tenants that serve you.'

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eyeb
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks more enlightened.

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Nar. Follow all.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Nar. Follow all. '

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'As Muriont has said, the first of the Tablet.'
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Insolence. You have shown such.'

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 285m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' When? Think maybe you make up.
You say in a deep bass voice 'When? Think maybe you make up.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont blinks a few times.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Lerimos gave you an order.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Three times, I believe.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Yar, came village.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Yar, came village.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'He is a leader even if I am not.'

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 295m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'And you are bound to respect that.'

<877hp 312m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 312m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Others have spoken of your insolence Guamel.'

<877hp 312m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks tougher.

<877hp 312m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' What you talk? Said come village. Came
You say in a deep bass voice 'What you talk? Said come village. Came'

<877hp 312m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 312m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Yer arse dillied eh.'

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Yer talked alot instead of walkin, said so yerself.'

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' You dumb now. Me came.
You say in a deep bass voice 'You dumb now. Me came.'

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Took three times.'

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Silence.'

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Started come first time. Was far. You talk, ask question. Me answer.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Started come first time. Was far. You talk, ask question. Me answer.'

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 320m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' How win? You want answer, me nar answer, you angry. Me answer, me take time come, you angry.

Muriont looks tougher.
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'How win? You want answer, me nar answer, you angry. Me answer, me take time come, you angry.'

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> roll
You roll your eyes in disgust.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You are already standing.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Both of you. Silence.'

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'In the tradition of the Village, words are not our strong point.'

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'We are students of War.'
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 333m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Fighting is our strong points.'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont nods.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Guamel we enter the Circle.'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Wha for?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Wha for?'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Battle shall prove our points.'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Wha point?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Wha point?'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'And we shall emerge brethren regardless.'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Still nar see wha problem
You say in a deep bass voice 'Still nar see wha problem'
Muriont smirks.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Your insolence, disrespect.'

<877hp 345m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less tough.

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' What insolence? what disrespect?
You say in a deep bass voice 'What insolence? what disrespect? '

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'And disregard for the first commandment.'

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Said come. Came.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Said come. Came.'

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' How disregard?
You say in a deep bass voice 'How disregard?'

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos leaves east.

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Why you make up now? Why you want make trouble?
Guamel: Why you make up now? Why you want make trouble?

<877hp 358m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sco
Guamel Ibn Rah the Commander of Warfare
Level : 42 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 1 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 411304 To Level : 19096 Sphere : Fire
Age : mature, 213 years old (154 hours)
Hit Point: 877 /877 Mana : 308 /380 Move : 775 /775
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 18(22) Chr : 16(17)
Carry # : 23/32 Weight : 493 lb 11 oz (Max 605 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 79 Copper : 411
Wimpy : 275 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 32 Damroll : 29
AC pierce: -46 Very well armored AC bash : -47 Very well armored
AC slash : -62 Heavily armored AC magic : 34 Somewhat armored
vs Spell : Protected vs Paralysis: Barely protected
vs Breath: Protected vs Mental: Not protected
You feel nearly full.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You are specialized in sword.
You are specialized in axe.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 36 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 36 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 19 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 0 hours.

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in pit

Lerimos: I await you Guamel.

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
( 2) some studded leather work gloves
a steel open-faced helm
( 2) a pitch-black ring
a set of earth-toned sleeves
rear-claw extensions
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a demon whip
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
( 2) a pale white skull ring
( 2) an opal ring
some plated brass gauntlets
(Humming) a blackened iron chain
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a bracer of gray leather
a heavy gold ring
(Glowing) a wide-bladed dwarven dagger
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a red leather rucksack
a casual walking stick
a three-horned helmet
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a razor-edged shield
dwarven plate mail
a steel chainmail hauberk
a pair of gray leather armguards
a dented iron helmet
a pair of steel chain clawed boots
a blue tabard embroidered with a golden lion
a barbed whip flecked with crimson
a woven reed raft
a practice polearm
a practice spear
a practice sword
( 3) a lajang polearm

Muriont says 'He offers you the rites of our forefathers mate.'


<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'I wish I could but the gods deny me so.'

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Need say why fight. Then come
Guamel: Need say why fight. Then come

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Nar reason fight, nar fight

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
Guamel: Nar reason fight, nar fight

<877hp 308m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Circle of Rites
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

Your eyes see less truly.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<877hp 318m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call tru

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<877hp 268m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You look around sharply!

<877hp 258m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> l in pit

Lerimos: Come to the circle and battle me, such is an order.

<877hp 258m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
( 2) some studded leather work gloves
a steel open-faced helm
( 2) a pitch-black ring
a set of earth-toned sleeves
rear-claw extensions
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a demon whip
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
( 2) a pale white skull ring
( 2) an opal ring
some plated brass gauntlets
(Humming) a blackened iron chain
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a bracer of gray leather
a heavy gold ring
(Glowing) a wide-bladed dwarven dagger
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a red leather rucksack
a casual walking stick
a three-horned helmet
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a razor-edged shield
dwarven plate mail
a steel chainmail hauberk
a pair of gray leather armguards
a dented iron helmet
a pair of steel chain clawed boots
a blue tabard embroidered with a golden lion
a barbed whip flecked with crimson
a woven reed raft
a practice polearm
a practice spear
a practice sword
( 3) a lajang polearm

( 3) a patrolman's steel shield
a set of earth-toned leggings
an iron key painted with a black stripe
( 2) a fine-linked chainmail vest
a pair of steel chain sleeves
a pair of turquoise earrings
(Humming) a staff wrapped in red leather
a stone key
the key to the High Lord's study
( 7) a small black skeleton key
( 3) a key to the Keep
( 2) the gate key
a large stone key
(Glowing) a huge mithril mace
a small steel key
a heavy key
a ring with two keys
a studded buckler
( 2) a bronze-tipped spear
a pair of steel chain leggings
a dented silver flask engraved with dwarven runes

<877hp 258m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Blood Square

<877hp 258m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont has arrived.

<877hp 258m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The Circle of Rites

( 3) A black and white leather bullwhip lies here.
A small piece of bone carved into a circle lies here.
(Glowing) A ring of unlit torches lines this arena.
The beaten corpse of a mage swings here from an erected wooden log.
Lerimos is here.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont has arrived.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont nods.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks at you.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stops using a lion's mark steel spetum.
Lerimos wields a bronze-tipped spear.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Dumb waste.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Dumb waste.'

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 35 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 35 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 18 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stops using a bronze-tipped spear.
Lerimos wields a lion's mark steel spetum.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> shrug
You shrug.

<877hp 258m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Do wha want.

Lerimos says 'Begin Guamel.'

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'Do wha want.'

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Nar.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Nar.'
Muriont sits down and rests.

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' You start if want fight
You say in a deep bass voice 'You start if want fight'

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks at you.

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Strike me, such is an order.'

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Nar. This combat. Want fight, fight.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Nar. This combat. Want fight, fight.'

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Hear the tablet.'

<877hp 275m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos impales you with a lion's mark steel spetum!
You yell 'Help! Lerimos is trying to impale me!'
Lerimos's impalement EVISCERATES you!
Muriont says 'Hear your leader.'
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<830hp 286m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
Lerimos deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos's charge mauls you.
You parry Lerimos's charge.
Lerimos's charge wounds you.
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<786hp 286m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont stands up.
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<786hp 286m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call blood
Your senses dull as an overwhelming urge for blood rushes through your body!
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont fills the air with his hatred of magic.
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> dirt

Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
Lerimos deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
Lerimos's charge scratches you.
You parry Lerimos's charge.
You parry Lerimos's charge.
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Lerimos is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Lerimos.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
Lerimos deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
You parry Lerimos's charge.
Lerimos's charge scratches you.
You dodge Lerimos's charge.
You knock Lerimos's charge harmlessly to the side.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos roughly casts aside a lion's mark steel spetum and puts up his fists!
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos lands a stunning blow on you and you pass out!

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You cannot discern what affects you right now.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a hardened mithril breastplate
<worn on feet> a pair of fur lined boots
<worn on hands> some plated brass gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of red dragonscale sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi le
<51 Arial War> (PK) Lerimos the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Not wanting a fight mate, and finding bloodthirst right away...dats interestin ####e.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Wants fight, fight. Should stand do nar?
Guamel: Wants fight, fight. Should stand do nar?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Like make trouble, you. Why?
Guamel: Like make trouble, you. Why?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb If do nar, say nar fight. If fight, say why fight. Just want make trouble.
Guamel: If do nar, say nar fight. If fight, say why fight. Just want make trouble.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Remember de last commander's words.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You come to with a pounding headache.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
bash leri
You wake and stand up.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You slam into Lerimos, and send him flying!
Your bash scratches Lerimos.
Lerimos yells 'Help! Guamel is bashing me!'
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
Your cleave EVISCERATES Lerimos!
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
You dodge Lerimos's punch.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> bash leri

Muriont: We dunnah call the thirst for kins blood.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Your cleave nearly strikes Lerimos before he turns it away.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You slam into Lerimos, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Lerimos.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Your cleave EVISCERATES Lerimos!
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
Lerimos has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> ber

Lerimos tries to land a stunning blow on you but misses.
Lerimos has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos parries your cleave.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
Lerimos has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> bash leri
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Lerimos has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
Your cleave DISMEMBERS Lerimos!
Lerimos parries your cleave.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
You parry Lerimos's punch.
Lerimos's punch scratches you.
Lerimos has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos lands a stunning blow on you and you pass out!

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In your dreams, or what?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In your dreams, or what?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> In your dreams, or what?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> slee
You're already sleeping.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb While sleep, maybe say why fight
Guamel: While sleep, maybe say why fight

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Its been said mate, we fight cause its our way.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Nee reason. Why fight? Wha reason?
Guamel: Nee reason. Why fight? Wha reason?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Yer ain't learn about de rites?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less tough.

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb You maybe stop talk, start think. Nar just fight nar reason. Go circle solve problem. Wha problem? Wha reason?
Guamel: You maybe stop talk, start think. Nar just fight nar reason. Go circle solve problem. Wha problem? Wha reason?

<0hp 0m 0mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You come to with a pounding headache.
Your pains of your rampage are felt as fatigue replaces your urge for blood.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding maims you!

<583hp 245m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
call resi
You wake and stand up.

<583hp 245m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You feel tough!

<583hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Yeh.'

<583hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos tries to hit a vital area but misses.
Lerimos's blow to a vital area misses you.
You yell 'Help! Lerimos punched me!'
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<583hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks at you.
Lerimos is in perfect health.

<583hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> dou
You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust devastates Lerimos!
Your thrust maims Lerimos!
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos parries your cleave.
Lerimos dodges your cleave.
Lerimos's punch wounds you.
Lerimos's punch wounds you.
Lerimos's punch wounds you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<527hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You can no longer find the strength to wield the Sword of Wailing Souls.
You can no longer find the strength to wield the Sword of Wailing Souls.
Lerimos weakens you with a blow to a vital area.
Lerimos's blow to a vital area hits you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<518hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos dodges your punch.
Lerimos's punch injures you.
Lerimos's punch injures you.
Lerimos's punch mauls you.
Lerimos's punch decimates you!
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<437hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos's punch wounds you.
Lerimos's punch injures you.
Lerimos's punch injures you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<389hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> inv

Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos dodges your punch.
Lerimos's punch injures you.
Lerimos's punch misses you.
Lerimos's punch mauls you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<352hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are carrying:
(Glowing) a steel longsword with a thin blade
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
a brown-furred cloak
a rat-eaten poncho
a piece of drift wood
(Humming) the spider axe
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
an ornate, black battle-axe
"Alabast" the legendary clabbard of Stee Hoarns
a notched axe with a wicked blade
a large saddle bag
Lerimos says 'It is finished.'
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<352hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos dodges your punch.
Lerimos's punch wounds you.
Lerimos's punch maims you!
Lerimos's punch misses you.
Lerimos's punch injures you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<283hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks at you.
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<283hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos dodges your punch.
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos parries your punch.
Lerimos's punch mauls you.
Lerimos's punch misses you.
Lerimos's punch devastates you!
Lerimos's punch mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Lerimos has a few scratches.

<206hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You get in one more shot on Lerimos as he flees.
Your parting blow injures Lerimos.
Lerimos has fled!
Lerimos leaves south.

<206hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos has arrived.

<206hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<357hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks at Lerimos.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos wields a lion's mark steel spetum.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> g pie bag
eat pie
You get a venison pie from a large saddle bag.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You eat a venison pie.
You no longer feel hungry.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> g pie bag
eat pie
You get a venison pie from a large saddle bag.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You eat a venison pie.
You feel completely full.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> g tankard bag
You get a tankard of beer from a large saddle bag.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> drink tankard
It is already empty.

<362hp 195m 725mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Blood Square

<362hp 195m 722mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The War Room

An odd-looking pouch is here on the ground, filled with liquid.
A small serpent scale has been forged into a bracer.
(Glowing) A brilliant scepter, alight with a holy glow lies here.
Huddled over a sheaf of grimy plans, this aged and wrinkled Dwarven
sapper quickly gathers them up and glares at you.

<362hp 195m 719mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
It is pitch black ...

<362hp 195m 716mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> d
It is pitch black ...

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> fil tankard
You do not have that item.

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> inv
You are carrying:
(Glowing) a steel longsword with a thin blade
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> wear wailing
It is too heavy for you to wield.

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> wear longsword
You wield a steel longsword with a thin blade.
A steel longsword with a thin blade feels like a part of you!

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> fil tankard
You fill a tankard of beer with water.

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> drink
You drink water from a crystalline stream.
The water quenches your thirst.

<362hp 195m 709mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> u
A Trail Amidst the Trees

A pile of dirty blue cloth lies on the ground.
Poking the ground with a stick, this stout dwarven sapper eyes the ground

<362hp 195m 702mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Before a Strangely Illuminated Pillar

A towering pillar of stone is erected here, illuminated by the moon.

<362hp 195m 698mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
Blood Square

Lerimos is here.

<362hp 195m 695mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
The Circle of Rites

A large pool of fresh blood has been trampled somewhat by the passage of many feet.
( 3) A black and white leather bullwhip lies here.
A small piece of bone carved into a circle lies here.
(Glowing) A ring of lighted torches circles this arena.
A lifeless corpse swings here, a dark silhouette against the moonlit sky.

<362hp 195m 692mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
Blood Square

Lerimos is here.
Muriont has arrived.

<362hp 195m 689mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos leaves south.

<362hp 195m 689mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> w
The Shrine of the BattleRagers

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
Centered in this hut is a throne with a base of polished skulls.
(White Aura) Light seems to cluster about this holy figure, garbed in white.
A giant figure stands here, feet planted in a defensive posture.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> inv
You are carrying:
a tankard of beer
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
a brown-furred cloak
a rat-eaten poncho
a piece of drift wood
(Humming) the spider axe
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
an ornate, black battle-axe
"Alabast" the legendary clabbard of Stee Hoarns
a notched axe with a wicked blade
a large saddle bag

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos has arrived.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont has arrived.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos sits down and rests.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont nods.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> put tankard bag
You put a tankard of beer in a large saddle bag.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont sits down and rests.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You rest.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos rests lazily upon his haunches.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Maybe now want say why fight?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Maybe now want say why fight?'

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 26 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 26 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 9 hours.
Skill: 'vital area' modifies strength by -7 for 7 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'battle fatigue' modifies damage roll by -14 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'battle fatigue' modifies hit roll by -14 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 21 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'impale' modifies dexterity by -6 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'impale' modifies strength by -6 for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.

<362hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'You disrespected the first of the Tablet.'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont gets a side of deer venison from a ranger's knapsack.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont eats a side of deer venison.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' How?

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'How?'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont gets a side of deer venison from a ranger's knapsack.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont eats a side of deer venison.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' When?
You say in a deep bass voice 'When?'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Seeing the humorous events before him, Muriont chortles loudly.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'When I called you first to the Village, you ignored such.'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Did not
You say in a deep bass voice 'Did not'
Muriont says 'I saw a play like dis once at de inn.'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Why you lie now?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Why you lie now?'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'I order you to strike me.'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'And you do not.'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks at you.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' So reason for fight come after say must fight?
You say in a deep bass voice 'So reason for fight come after say must fight?'

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos stands up.

<393hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> chuckle
You chuckle politely.
Lerimos applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<544hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' funny bird

You feel your pulse slow down.
Your eyes see less truly.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<574hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'funny bird'

<574hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> whoi le
<51 Arial War> (PK) Lerimos the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle

<574hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You stand up.

<574hp 195m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call tru
You look around sharply!
Lerimos fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<574hp 185m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<574hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You rest.

<574hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Nah, it were alot more easy ter follow, dat play.'

<574hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<574hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
Your battle fatigue subsides.

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'Am I a leader of the Village?'

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sayto leri You wrong. You say come village. I stop walk north, came south.
You say to Lerimos 'You wrong. You say come village. I stop walk north, came south. '

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sayto leri Want say fight no reason, fine. Did. Still wrong.
You say to Lerimos 'Want say fight no reason, fine. Did. Still wrong.'

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'I ordered you to strike, and you blather on.'

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'What is such?'

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<602hp 135m 686mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Can't order in circle. In circle, only two villager.

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Muriont.

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'Can't order in circle. In circle, only two villager.'

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks tougher.

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Want order how fight? When parry? When jab?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Want order how fight? When parry? When jab?'

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Nar.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Nar.'

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks at you.

<625hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'You want a damn reason der mate? Blame it all on me if yer gotta.'

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'A fire giant attempting to play on words.'

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos says 'How amusing.'

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> res
You are already resting.

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies
47184, The end.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 22 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 8 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 8 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'vital area' modifies strength by -7 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Lerimos looks at you.

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'I'd call you but the gods denied it.'

<776hp 157m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says to you 'And Lerimos stepped in where I left off eh.'

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sayto mur You nar reason either.
You say to Muriont 'You nar reason either.'

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont stands up.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont looks more enlightened.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont smirks at your saying.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Think both bored. Just want make trouble, no trouble.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Think both bored. Just want make trouble, no trouble.'

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> shrug
You shrug.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'Bored?'

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Got mages hunt.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Got mages hunt.'

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You stand up.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 21 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'vital area' modifies strength by -7 for 2 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'We were headed ter de palace when yer came.'

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> wear wailing
You stop using a steel longsword with a thin blade.
You wield the Sword of Wailing Souls.
The Sword of Wailing Souls feels like a part of you!

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> wear wailing
You dual wield the Sword of Wailing Souls.
The Sword of Wailing Souls feels like a part of you!

<807hp 182m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 20 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 20 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 6 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'vital area' modifies strength by -7 for 1 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 0 hours.

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Lerimos looks more enlightened.
Muriont looks tougher.

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Yar. Good use time instead.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Yar. Good use time instead.'

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> roll
You roll your eyes in disgust.

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont fills the air with his hatred of magic.

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lerimos.

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont says 'We is.'

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<826hp 194m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Blood Square

<826hp 194m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Before the Pillar of Legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

<826hp 194m 771mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

<826hp 194m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel A Blood-stained Path Through the Village
(PK) Lerimos The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Muriont The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<826hp 194m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Among the Barbaric Huts

<826hp 194m 767mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Before a Fortified Hillock

A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<826hp 194m 765mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

<826hp 194m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
Muriont: Guamel.

<826hp 194m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> rem wailing
You can't remove the Sword of Wailing Souls.

<826hp 194m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

<826hp 194m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The gates to the streets of Anguish

A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.

<826hp 194m 760mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The gates to the streets of Anguish

east west]
A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.

<826hp 194m 757mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The ruined streets of Anguish

Muriont: Dis is alot more important dan dat.

<826hp 194m 754mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The ruined streets of Anguish

<826hp 194m 751mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less tough.

<840hp 206m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Leaving our ways leaves the war meaningless.

<840hp 206m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Nar, is not. Was no problem, is no problem. You only making problem.
Guamel: Nar, is not. Was no problem, is no problem. You only making problem.

<840hp 206m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<840hp 156m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> sta
You are already standing.

<840hp 156m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The ruined streets of Anguish

<840hp 156m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
The ruined streets of Anguish

<840hp 156m 772mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n

The lightning has stopped.
The pain subsides.

<855hp 169m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> The beginning of the slaughtering grounds

A cluster of red moss grows here on the side of a building.

<855hp 169m 772mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
The beginning of the slaughtering grounds

<855hp 169m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
An opening in the slaughtering grounds

<855hp 169m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> n
An open clearing in the slaughtering grounds

Muriont: Yer imaginin no prollem.

<855hp 169m 765mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through a hole in the brush.
Along the Eastern Road

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 18 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 18 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 1 hours.

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> who pk
<35 Felar Ran> (PK) Duroth the Keeper
<51 Felar War> (PK) Artisle the Blooded Seeker, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
<45 Human Hea> (PK) Nedav the Hand of Faith
*42 Fire War* (PK) Guamel Ibn Rah the Commander of Warfare
<44 H-Drw Shf> (PK) Ulzammon the Master of Shapeshifting
<49 Orc Ber> (PK) Ogbuk Bledgarm the Captain of the Grinning Skulls
<43 D-Elf Tra> (PK) Nihkorzhebus the Arcane Wizard
<38 Duerg Sha> (PK) Rhameesana the Communer of Damnation
<51 H-Elf Con> (PK) Gulloth the Planewalker
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Mirryl the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
<51 Arial War> (PK) Lerimos the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
<51 Human War> (PK) Daeoine the Legend of the Battlefield
<51 Arial Shf> (PK) Nixhar the Grand Master of Changelings

Players found: 13
Muriont: Yer been yelled at and called into a circle of rites eh.

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: And yer see no prollem.

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Still nar say why. Wha problem. Why? Because no problem.
Guamel: Still nar say why. Wha problem. Why? Because no problem.

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road

<855hp 169m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<855hp 169m 760mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Approaching a Large Crossroads

A dusky fela with little fur walks here with a large pot on her head.

<855hp 169m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e

A fox pops out from the underbrush, and races across the road.

<855hp 169m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
A Large Crossroads

A sign points north towards Voralian City and south to the Dwarven Forest.
Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.

<855hp 169m 758mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Approaching a Large Crossroads

<867hp 185m 774mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: Or cause did many times.

<867hp 185m 773mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 772mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 771mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 770mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 769mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

Some grains have been scattered here on the ground.
A sign points north towards Aldevari.

<867hp 185m 768mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 767mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: I dont want yer arse disgracin me or de rest of de village.

<867hp 185m 767mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Nar. Didn't. Only want people be same you. Sorry. Nar all same you.
Guamel: Nar. Didn't. Only want people be same you. Sorry. Nar all same you.

<867hp 185m 767mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 767mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 766mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 765mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 764mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

A sign points north towards the Grove.

<867hp 185m 763mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

Muriont: And when I called yer on it, yer said it were fine and left eh.

<867hp 185m 762mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

A well-dressed woman moves crisply along the road.

<867hp 185m 761mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 760mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<867hp 185m 760mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Along the Eastern Road

A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.
A dwarf in a Galadonian uniform paces the road.
A cloud giant hovers here, clad in a Galadonian uniform.

<867hp 185m 759mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 758mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 757mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 756mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.

<867hp 185m 755mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 754mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 753mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 752mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 751mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

A chicken wanders the outpost, clawing and pecking at the dusty ground.
Wearing an iron crown a black skinned creature sits
nearby feasting on the leg of a dwarf, unconcerned with your presence.

<867hp 185m 750mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

( 4) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 4) A steel shield lies here.
( 5) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.

<867hp 185m 749mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 748mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
A steel shield lies here.
A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A well-dressed woman moves crisply along the road.

<867hp 185m 747mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> s
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 746mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 746mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 745mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
Muriont: And when yer were called back, yer ignored one our leaders.

<867hp 185m 745mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
A steel shield lies here.
A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.

<867hp 185m 744mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 743mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

A rusty key has been left here.
There is a shiny key on the ground here.
A bird's nest lies here, torn and broken.
(Glowing) A brass lantern with a hood to keep the wind out lies here.

<867hp 185m 742mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Along the Eastern Road

<867hp 185m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb No, didn't.

Muriont: Where the farkin ####e yer seein no prollem?

<867hp 185m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> Guamel: No, didn't.

<867hp 185m 741mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)>
You feel less armored.

<877hp 198m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb How you know what did? How possible say me nar come back? Can't. Only me know. And did.
Guamel: How you know what did? How possible say me nar come back? Can't. Only me know. And did.

<877hp 198m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road

<877hp 198m 775mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> e
Along the Eastern Road

Whistling softly, a young traveler walks swiftly towards his destination.

<877hp 198m 774mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> cb Me done talk. Got war fight.
Guamel: Me done talk. Got war fight.

<877hp 198m 774mv 19096tnl (-3.78%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Along the Eastern Road
47186, I will say only one thing about this log...
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's that your player is readily transparent from the log.

Seriously, you want to be able to RP a certain way and not get hassled. Yet, by the same token, if someone else's RP is not to your liking, you tend to take umbrage to that fact. Honestly, it did seem like you were being disrespectful to both of those villagers. You claim that since neither are the commander or the Immortal lords, they can't treat you like you are in Empire. Yet, by the same token, by their RP, maybe they want to treat you like you are in the Empire. Who knows? But you definitely caused that conflict, whether you can accept it or not.

Hold off on your criticisms of other players (and I feel your pain about this, I really do. I have seen shady stuff as well, but held off on making quick conclusions until I knew most of the facts). It honestly makes you look petty, and has people make conclusions about your player that might not necessarily be true.

I enjoyed Guamel, as I have said before. So take this for what it is.
47188, We know who you are from the log.
Posted by Doobage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That said, Muriont was an epic ass imho. Lerimos handled the situation well but I agree how can he be mad you woke as a ghost :P

As to your comment about you and full looting. I think its ok to full loot enemies you didn't kill. I also think its not ok to expect that your more honorable (and bloody) brethren might take offense at it and take your ass to the circle as evidenced here.

Best of luck with the next. How about a mage to fight ragers with?
47189, Should say not ok to NOT expect nt
Posted by Doobage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47195, RE: The end.
Posted by Dreky on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...Now, Muriont's mangling of speech was bad enough in itself (Please, can everyone stop saying "farkin"? Please?) but what really annoyed me was how inconsistant he was with the mangling. My goodness, if you're going to talk like a zombie... at least do it all the time.

...Logging on as a ghost is now against the tenets of battle? Since when? So you have to wait to reform before you log off after a death? What kind of stupidity is that? (Note the ammount of questions in the previous paragraph)

I sentence all three of you to STOP PLAYING RAGERS. Especially you Guamel! Every single one of your deletion threads end up looking like this. They're bloody carbon copies, don't you want a little break from it!?

47185, What I thought exactly. But a couple things...
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, I figured you weren't really an arse in real life, and from the bits of roleplay we got, understood that you followed Muuloc. But was it the character or you the player who kept telling me I never fought you alone? I want to believe the character, because I think that would fit right into the roleplay, but I can't be sure.

And two, having villagers begin to be more honorable will BE GOOD FOR THE GAME. I really can't comment on rager RP, since I have never had one, but a foundation of honor would fit well into the whole backstory and also game-mechanics wise. I for one and not exactly happy when I am entwined and have three villagers deathblowing me, and that's when I defend/raid. If villagers did that all the time, think of how many players would be turned off from playing CF.

Hope you roll another.
47187, RE: And then there was none.
Posted by Some Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did well. From what I saw, you were almost always alone and usually outnumbered. Ragers do die a lot and I usually try and cut them some slack when I kill them.
47191, I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The full looting thing has been hashed over and over again from fifty angles. I'll make two arguments why Guamel's player, personally, should give it a rest. (I wasn't going to out him, but from the looks of things that happened while I was away today anyway.)

1) It gives away who you're playing. A month ago I was watching this raid of Battle. Greddarh and Ilgirinia were trying to take the head. I can't remember if there were no hero Battle to defend or if they had already been killed, but basically, they were raiding unopposed. Mhardat ends up in there somehow trying to fight the two of them and dies. Guamel full loots Mhardat, keeping none of his gear (that I saw), stuffing it all in the Battle pit.

There just isn't anyone else in the game who would both play Battle (ruling out Niazuruzain, for example) and do something like that. Not just full loot someone in a fight you weren't involved in, but also full loot someone who wasn't inherently your enemy, who was basically trying to help you, and not keep any of the gear yourself. I had no idea up to that point who played Guamel; in that single instant I was sure.

2) It encourages other players to play in a way you find frustrating. For example, with every Battle I can remember seeing you play in the last year, I always see you bitching at people in the game about ganging you or not fighting alone or needing help, etc. If you fight people even up and kill them, to full loot is, of course, your prerogative. But put yourself in the shoes of your victim for a minute. Why, if they were the least bit sane, would they ever not gang the #### out of you in every future encounter to make sure they didn't have to spend the time re-equipping? If I know you're going to take everything (I never personally witnessed a Guamel kill in which you didn't sac everything you needed to and then carry off as much as you could carry), not only would I not come after you one on one, if I had a gang of five people to kill you, I'd keep looking for a sixth and a seventh just to be extra sure.

That your enemies think this way visibly frustrates you. I can't see why you'd want to go out of your way to encourage it.

3) Less important, but a side note: several times, I witnessed you miss the chance to grab gear you really needed because you were too busy trying to dump-truck away the maximal amount of gear you couldn't use.

So take that for what it's worth. I'll stand by my PBF comment, by the way. Ysaloerye and Lerimos were telling you to return gear from a kill that wasn't yours and you were back-talking and defying them. If you don't think the comment is an accurate description of those events, we'll agree to disagree.

All that aside, Guamel was pretty solid all-around.
47193, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It could just be me, but that last line made me giggle. Smack 'em between the eyes then give 'em a pat on the back =P
47194, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. It's supposed to be constructive criticism. If I played in a way that made other people play in a way which pissed me off, I'd hope someone would tell me.

I mean, I guess it comes off as, "Maybe you shouldn't piss into the wind. Instead you could piss in a random direction which only occasionally will be into the wind." Really, that's just because I lack a certain grace.
47197, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I played in a way that made other people play in a way which pissed me off, I'd hope someone would tell me.

In a similar vein, if I had a "tell" that made all of my characters instantly identifiable as mine, I'd at least like to be conscious of it so it doesn't keep bleeding into my roles so obviously.

As is, it's kind of like seeing Keanu Reeves in, well, anything. He's wearing a different hat, and saying different words, but he's still obviously just Keanu. (Whoa.)

47201, I was so thinking a Keanu Whoa Joke n/t
Posted by Data on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47196, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, you're getting careless in your old age! There's nothing to agree or disagree about as to what happened. What happened, happened, they are facts. Whether it was right or wrong, good or bad, proper behavior or not, sure, opinions may vary. But what happened was the orc got killed by a stormie in the dwarf forest. I was walking by and looted. Eventually the orc got back and evidently complained to Ysal, who then ordered me to give the stuff back to the orc. After telling ysal it was stupid to do so - the orc had just recently defended the palace against raiding villagers - I did as ysal said. Not sure where you're getting any of this about looting ysal or lerimos' kills. That just never happened.

As for the other part, well, I think you're mixing apples and oranges. It's upsetting when people won't fight one on one. If they win, they're free to take, sac, not take, not sac, whatever they want. How you fight and what you do after are entirely separate. I think less of people who won't fight their own fights. They should. What they, or I, do after a fight, doesn't have anything to do with that.

Thanks for the comments though.
47199, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Justcurious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>ysal it was stupid to do so - the orc had just recently
>defended the palace against raiding villagers - I did as ysal
>said. Not sure where you're getting any of this about looting
>ysal or lerimos' kills. That just never happened.
> I think less of people who won't fight
>their own fights. They should. What they, or I, do after a
>fight, doesn't have anything to do with that.

I'm curious, did you bother to read your own post? In one spot you justified looting a kill you didn't make and defying your leader for something an orc did at a different time. Then you say how you fight and what you do after are 2 separate things and people ought to behave like you think they should.

Catch the contradiction?

47200, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, I don't see what you are trying to say. What contradiction? One point is about whether you gang or fight yourself, the other is about looting. What's your point?
47210, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Justcurious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point is YOU used something an orc did at a different time as justification to loot in defiance of the Commander. While YOU then complain about people ganging you because of your actions at looting and say they are 2 diffent things and shouldn't affect one another.

It's a pretty clear contradiction where you choose a rationalization method to justify what you feel like doing and then rag on others for not seeing things EXACTLY like you do.

That is all.
47217, No. Pay attention.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was NOT in defiance of the Commander. Ysal had not told anyone or sent a note or anything to let us know she had made a deal with the orc. First I/we heard about it was after the orc complained to Ysal that I looted and then Ysal said "Give it back, I've made a deal with the orc."

So no, no contradiction. Sorry.
47218, Are you really that obtuse?
Posted by reallycurious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point wasn't that you didn't do what the commander ordered, that was just an example. I'll try to explain it simply:

1) You want people to fight you one on one.

2) You full-loot and/or sacrifice the equipment when you win.

Hence people want to gang you in retribution and you get upset because you do not think that 1 and 2 should be related in anyone's mind.

Now, pay attention, this is the tricky part.

3)An orc dies to someone else and you loot the corpse.

4) Your rationale was that the orc had done something you didn't like (defending the Palace at some past point) and that justified you looting said corpse. Note, this is regardless of whatever the Commander had said or done.

Now, you make connections between unrelated behaviors in others to justify your actions (your looting in response to the orc defending), but decry it when others make similar connections in their actions (the ganging response to your full looting).

All I was trying to help you see is that you cannot reasonably expect anyone else to use one pattern of rationalization when you yourself do not even stick to it. According to your thoughts from the first half of the example you appear to think folks should treat each incident as if no previous incident that might influence a fight had ever occurred. It is contradictory behavior to then use what you decry (previous behavior to justify current actions) for your own benefit.

See this is what happens when you spend too much time studying philosophy; you try to help people at least be consistent.

I'll be completely honest and say I do not know, nor care who the player behind Guamel is and the only interaction I had with Guamel was when Lerimos would'nt even let me try and annoy you one on one. So I don't have a dog in this hunt, so to speak, I was just trying to be helpful and now I'm done. Whether you actually get this or not is irrelevant because I've done my civic duty.
47220, No, but it seems you are.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You wrote:

"The point is YOU used something an orc did at a different time as justification to loot in defiance of the Commander."

This was simply incorrect, as I pointed out, as it was not done in defiance of the commander.

Now, it seems that being caught in your mistake, you want to turn it into something else, being the same sentence but without the "...in defiance of the Commander" at the end. Ok. Still wrong. Because what you for some reason aren't grasping is that fighting your own fights is not related to looting and sac'ing. You want to kill the guy and loot and sac him back? Great, do it. But do it yourself, that's the point. Just like I did.
47222, Oh golly Gee! You're right!
Posted by NowIgetit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just because you keep saying it, it must be true! Kind of like the argument in the log with the other villagers when you kept insisting there was no problem when someone else obviously thought there was.

All behavior is related to past experience. Someone ganging you because you full looted/sac'd them in the past is not any different than you looting a kill you did not even participate in because you didn't like something they did. And no matter how often you repeat it, it doesn't change it.
47202, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How you fight and what you do after are
>entirely separate. I think less of people who won't fight
>their own fights. They should. What they, or I, do after a
>fight, doesn't have anything to do with that.

They're really not, and I'm a little puzzled that you'd think otherwise. If I'm sure that the consequence of dying to you is that I'm getting looted to the newbie breads, you can be damn sure I'll go the extra mile to make sure that doesn't happen. Maybe that means I quaff teleport any time I see you. Maybe that means if I see you I immediately run the other way if I don't have overwhelming force. Maybe it means I just don't show up for the raid or I don't try to get my item back.

It amounts to, you're free to play the game the way you want, but other players are equally free to play the game the way they want in response, and don't kid yourself that there aren't consequences for doing things your way. If you don't have a problem with them, that's fine, but it's always seemed to me that you do.

Edited to clarify/add: It's always seemed to me that you're frustrated that people won't fight you straight up, run away from fights they don't have a good chance of winning with you, don't show up for your raids, etc.
47203, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Absolutely they are able to play the way they want, but there are - or should be - consequences to those actions. If they don't show up to defend, for whatever reason, this time because they don't want to die and get looted, then they should get booted or otherwise punished by the cabal leader. The player makes the choice. The system works so long as they have consequences for their choices. I pay the price of fighting alone. Means I die more than I otherwise would. But that's fine with me.
47204, RE: I've been waiting a month for this.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are always choices to make within the system, though.

For example, I saw a raid by Empire for the head wherein Guamel went and chilled in the Inn for about an hour until Fort unintentionally retrieved the head by raiding Empire. Would anyone blame you for that? I wouldn't, but it is an instance in which you could have chosen to fight some people and chose not to.

(I saw another raid of Battle that Guamel spent getting an axe in Udgaard rather than attending. That, I would blame you for.)

I don't say any of that to bash on you, but I think you have a tendency as a player to see the choices you make of those kinds as logical/reasonable, and the similar choices of enemy players as evidence of a lack of roleplay or some major failing.
47205, Come on my friend.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're comparing apples to oranges. The raids you discuss, I couldn't fight anyone in one and the other they were raiding for me, not the head, they already had the head.

Never a raid did I miss on the village when I could fight someone and we had the head. Not once. Unless I was a ghost or something of course.

I think my choices are logical/reasonable because pretty much they are. This is a perfect example where some, including yourself evidently, slightly twist things to fit the desire to do a little bashing. I'm used to it, but it doesn't make it correct.
47206, Goodness, you're intolerable.
Posted by TheForsaken- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can you justify everything you do or don't do to be in the right but judge everyone else as wrong when it doesn't fit your ideology? Can you seriously not see this going on? You're an habitual nuissance too because this then overshadows any response of interaction in the game. If this were real life, the bulk of us would try our darnedest to never let you know where we were playing because having you around becomes such a loss in every aspect fun, gamemenship, and competition. In soccer, I'd pick the trash can to be on my team rather than face putting up with you.
47207, I am going to agree.
Posted by Doobage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guamel you are usually not without a leg to stand on in your arguments, however what I see from you is a constant need to play the victim role. It's always someone elses fault besides your own why you didn't do this or that. And believe me if I am saying this, it is not to put you down or make you feel bad, its a simple declaration of fact. You play the victim role to the teeth with every Battle character you've had in the last few years.

The worst part is it overshadows what good accomplishments you do have on CF, and there are plenty of good ones you have made. I look at some of your non-rager characters and think "Well played". Then I look at your rager characters and say "Good char, but the guy thinks hes the Battle imm with every char he plays in the cabal".

You can't have it both ways. Either don't ever bitch about another players interpretation of battle rules, or don't ever bitch about people not agreeing with your interpretations. One or the other.

Now that said. Go make an asskicker like we know you can and step back from the village for a bit. Let your game speak for itself.
47198, To clear things
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to say that Guamel made me feel like I had a teenager in how he acted, his attitude and back chat. There was quite a bit of back story to a lot of the perceived injustices you have talked about.
I'm going to post some snippets of the plaque and tablet and perhaps you will understand:

X: Be armed and ready for battle at all times, as preparedness is essential for victory. Do not leave for your hut unclothed, for should you return to the realms unready for war, you will only serve to weaken the efforts and morale of those around you.

This was what Lerimos and Muriont called you on initially.

from VI: The elders of the Village have been chosen and so named as such by the Lords of Battle. Consider their words and deeds as standards that all Villagers should aspire to, and treat them with the respect that their wisdom and skills demand.

From the Tablet:
1. The gods of Thera and our mortal leader deserve your utmost respect
and shall be obeyed at all times.

These two are why you should have listened.

Honestly I respect the fact you and other people have played villagers and leaders before, but you are not the leaders now. Why not let other people lead and give direction to the cabal, and follow the way you would expect others to do so when you held the position? Also there is a HUGE difference killing mobs for EQ and thinking it's ok to kill any old PC for thier armor. There are always ways to have a fun RP slant for fighting mobs, yes even dwarves killing dwarves. Unless the Imms are going to implement racial requesting thats just how it is.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter. I laughed my ass off at Neps hammer/nail comment because I think I muttered the same to myself on more than one occasion when watching you fight. Guamel seemed like the ball-2-the-wall-fighter type, but I think you might have enjoyed the ride more if you didn't have such a rigid "I'm right" mentality.

47209, a small problem with quoting all these things
Posted by Throtsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I agree Guamel wasn't exactly stellar village role play you can't really quote the tablet and plaque and all that much. Yes they are suposed to be the foundation of village rp but they are seriously out of date and conflicting. If you followed everything written in the war room about how a villager should act you would get booted from the cabal in a week I garuntee. This is not based on my own experiences but the rules that were put in place during boltthrower and intronans reign seriously conflict with what is expected today.

I know its cool to have some historic stuff laying around but how about updating these things since they do serve as a foundation of expecatations. At the very least getting all the mage classes and cabals listed right would be nice.
47221, Chill out and have good luck with the next
Posted by Muriont on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no ooc problem with Guamel the character or Guamel the player. My character, however, had a large problem with Guamel. Perhaps it's time to clarify that, again, for the 10th time. Alot of people have been speculating about an orc getting looted. I didn't know about that, but it doesn't really surprise me. A member of one of the thief's guilds told me that Guamel had looted their entire set, after not having had anything to do with the killing. (It wasn't the first time I'd heard something like this, IC) That thief told me that Guamel had said it didn't matter if he was ####ting on the village image. So I did what any rager would do, and I asked him. The problem is, he quit out. So I did what any rager would do. I waited until I saw him again and I called him out. At the same time, Lerimos mentioned a problem that he saw with Guamel. I felt that Lerimos had a fair point but I wanted my time with the giant. But, he shrugged us off and left. The log is clear. What this log doesn't show was that Lerimos and I were healing up from raiding when Guamel logged in. We weren't just bored and making #### up. We _were_ still grouped, and discussing the whole thing like village brothers. We _did_ each, separately, call Guamel back to the village. A few times, over a few minutes. He did eventually come back, and I wanted him in the circle. Then I finally realized that Guamel wasn't a hero, and it donned on me that he was not on my PK list not because of being a ghost, but because he was sitting under my PK range. I hit 'group' and saw that Lerimos had less xp as an arial, and asked if he could do it. He could. Lerimos had given me first shot at the duel but since the gods protected Guamel, I gave that shot right back to Lerimos. The duel was clear. The talking was clear. Everything was clear. If Lerimos had induct at the time, I'm betting that this deletion would have been sooner. All any of us wanted was some sort of "Oh, you might be right" or "Let me talk to a village imm/commander about it." What happened was alot of deceit and denial, accompanied by a "lack of desire to fight" coupled with calling bloodthirst the first round, fighting a defender. Not entirely rager-like, and with Lerimos as the opponent, not very effective either. We were both very confused about what Guamel was trying to accomplish and we both talked to Ysal about the event, going up the chain of village command.

Summation of points:
1) I think Guamel had a good role and stuck to it well.
2) I think Guamel probably killed alot more people than I did.
3) I think Guamel could have walked out of this problem cleanly.
4) I think Guamel reacted in a self-destructive way.
5) I wish the player of Guamel the best of luck in the future.
6) I think that the player can do great things, should he so choose.

PS - For someone who thinks that I was so worthless, Guamel sure asked me to get him gear on more occasions than I've asked anyone collectively to help me get gear. Just the little things you notice.

Point 7) I hate feeling like a ####ty roleplayer, and not EVERY giant should have been raised as the top percentile of giant intelligence. When I catch myself not slurring his speach, I tend to kick myself and slur it extra for a little. Sorry if that bothers some people so much. Next time, I'll wait for a minotaur so that I can RP a race widhowtt dryinkh thew?

Point 8) I don't think that we see eye-to-eye on what the village is all about, underneath the magic hating. And I'm like the last person that you would call a typical rager player. I just read the help file and the works in the cabal.

Good luck, again. I hope you calm down and stop thinking this was such an OOC conspiracy or just two players screwing you over. I really was impressed with you, some of the time.
47133, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Guamel Ibn Rah the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Zhalindra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only thing i saw from you were attacking people like me that werent a mage, and bash the #### out of me and full loot me, and then say ugh flame. Perhaps you had killer rp or something i never noticed it. To bad you didnt get up to hero so i could repay the favor
47143, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Guamel Ibn Rah the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Funny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
""To bad you didnt get up to hero so i could repay the favor""

Indeed..With your perma.
47152, He wasn't the only one waiting
Posted by Muriont on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And he wasn't the only one left wanting.

Perma? I think more like this guy pissed alot of people off and finding a group of people to gank him probably wouldn't have been that hard.

Good luck with your next, Guamel. I hated the role you played (ic, of course) but I think you stuck to it fairly well.
47169, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Guamel Ibn Rah the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, I can't believe you actually wrote that. I'm amazed you can be that much of a fool. I kid you not. You have impressed me.

So the rest of the readers can follow: perhaps you recall the first time we met? You and Zerael, a conjurer, happen to come to Whitecloaks and find me in the trench, trapped. You wander around trying to find me. You get into trouble and have to recall. You return. You hunt for me again. You fail and need to recall. A third time you come back to whitecloaks. You deliberately come after me, I am literally incapable of coming to you. I did not attack you. I said nothing to you. The both of you eventually, after almost an hour real time, find your way to the trench. You come to me, you attack, you both die.

And so now you complain that the next time I saw you - also with a mage - I attacked? And then again I killed you when I found you alone?

Like I said, I can't believe you wrote that here.

And so there are no questions, here is the log. It's long, but very informative. And some fun immteraction with Muuloc at the end.
***This is when they first show up in the area.*****

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a towering mountain
(PK) Zhalindra Before a towering mountain

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 41 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 41 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 1 hours.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> whoi ze
<38 Human Con> (PK) Zerael the Exorcist of Manifestations

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> whoi zh
<35 Human Bar> (PK) Zhalindra the Mistress of Melody

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res
You are already resting.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael A rugged, worn path
(PK) Zhalindra A rugged, worn path

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 41 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 41 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 1 hours.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res
You are already resting.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael A rugged, worn path
(PK) Zhalindra A rugged, worn path

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 41 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 41 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 1 hours.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> slee
You feel too pumped to sleep now.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> Guamel the Battle-Scarred
Level : 37 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 9 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 330757 To Level : 11643 Sphere : Fire
Age : mature, 167 years old (93 hours)
Hit Point: 209 /761 Mana : 257 /336 Move : 164 /615
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 21(23) Chr : 16(17)
Carry # : 25/32 Weight : 494 lb 11 oz (Max 592 lbs)
Gold : 2 Silver : 268 Copper : 112
Wimpy : 275 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Resting
Hitroll : 43 Damroll : 40
AC pierce: -123 Divinely armored AC bash : -90 Superbly armored
AC slash : -121 Divinely armored AC magic : 41 Slightly armored
vs Spell : Protected vs Paralysis: Barely protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Mental: Not protected
You feel nearly full.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You are specialized in sword.
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 41 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 41 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 1 hours.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res
You are already resting.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where archon
You didn't find any archon.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where demon
You didn't find any demon.

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where devil
a bearded devil Near a small encampment

<209hp 257m 164mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>
The rain ceases.

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where elemental
an air elemental Near a small encampment

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res
You are already resting.

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> slee
You go to sleep.

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak gateguard!'
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak gateguard!'
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> gr
Guamel's group:
<37 War> Guamel 30% hp 83% mana 34% mv 330757 xp

<234hp 279m 213mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> whoi z

You feel your pulse slow down.

<282hp 320m 271mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> < 2 Storm War> Zyric the Conscript
<38 Human Con> (PK) Zerael the Exorcist of Manifestations
<35 Human Bar> (PK) Zhalindra the Mistress of Melody

<282hp 320m 271mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sta
You wake and stand up.

<282hp 320m 271mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> ber
You get a little madder.

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> You get a little madder.

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Before the ironwood gates
(PK) Zhalindra Before the ironwood gates

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> look
An overhang in the trenches
A solid face of earth towers before you, rising nearly fourteen feet high.
Within the center of this mound of earth is carved a tunnel that leads into
darkness. The directions left to you are west through the tunnel, or toward
the east through the trenches. Very little light seems to gather in these
trenches, and a moist wetness fills the center of these ditches. Cries still
echo through the hills as Whitecloak patrollers make their rounds.

A small blade of steel rests upon the ground.
A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.
A ruined and worn cloak of white is here on the ground.
The severed eye of a muddy Whitecloak soldier lies here.

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sca w
You scan west.

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sca e
You scan east.

<356hp 290m 221mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> w
Beneath the earthen overhang
Total darkness surrounds you and you feel as if the earth itself is about to
swallow you. Above you is a large earthen mound, which passes over the
trenches. Dirt falls atop your head and thought the damp air seems
constricting, a small light to the west provides a small amount of hope.
To the east is the worn outline of the trenches, and to the west you notice
a familiar landscape.

<356hp 290m 220mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> e
An overhang in the trenches
A solid face of earth towers before you, rising nearly fourteen feet high.
Within the center of this mound of earth is carved a tunnel that leads into
darkness. The directions left to you are west through the tunnel, or toward
the east through the trenches. Very little light seems to gather in these
trenches, and a moist wetness fills the center of these ditches. Cries still
echo through the hills as Whitecloak patrollers make their rounds.

A small blade of steel rests upon the ground.
A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.
A ruined and worn cloak of white is here on the ground.
The severed eye of a muddy Whitecloak soldier lies here.

<356hp 290m 219mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<356hp 290m 219mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> d
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<356hp 290m 219mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> w
Beneath the earthen overhang
Total darkness surrounds you and you feel as if the earth itself is about to
swallow you. Above you is a large earthen mound, which passes over the
trenches. Dirt falls atop your head and thought the damp air seems
constricting, a small light to the west provides a small amount of hope.
To the east is the worn outline of the trenches, and to the west you notice
a familiar landscape.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> l n
Dirt crumbles from the wall in small clutters.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> l s
Moist earth crumbles from the trench walls.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> l u
Dark earth hangs from above.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> l d
Muddy earth trickled with rainwater.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Beneath the earthen overhang
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Before the ironwood gates

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> slee
You go to sleep.

<356hp 290m 218mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> gr
Guamel's group:
<37 War> Guamel 46% hp 86% mana 35% mv 330757 xp

<401hp 323m 276mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sta
You wake and stand up.

<401hp 323m 276mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<401hp 273m 276mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> call tru
You look around sharply!

<401hp 263m 276mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel Beneath the earthen overhang
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<401hp 263m 276mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sca w
You scan west.

*****I walk a bit through the trenches, looking for a way out if possible, and healing as I can. Always spamming where.***

<614hp 292m 369mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<614hp 292m 369mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak gateguard!'
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak gateguard!'
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
A Whitecloak gateguard yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<614hp 292m 369mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res
You rest.

<614hp 292m 369mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Before the ironwood gates
(PK) Zhalindra Before the ironwood gates

<720hp 286m 520mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before the ironwood gates
(PK) Zhalindra Before the ironwood gates

<720hp 286m 520mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> You rest.

<720hp 286m 520mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> gr
Guamel's group:
<37 War> Guamel 94% hp 85% mana 84% mv 330757 xp

<720hp 286m 520mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before the ironwood gates
(PK) Zhalindra Before the ironwood gates

<745hp 308m 569mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before the ironwood gates
(PK) Zhalindra Before the ironwood gates
A nervous Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a nervous Whitecloak soldier!'
A nervous Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<745hp 308m 569mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

<745hp 308m 569mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

<761hp 335m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

<761hp 335m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path through the encampment

<761hp 335m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path through the encampment

<761hp 335m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res

The clouds disappear.


<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> You are already resting.

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path through the encampment

****After a while they get separated.******

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn near the southeast watch
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn near the southeast watch
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn near the southeast watch
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents
The snow begins to fall.

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the Whitecloak encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sca all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisade
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sca all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak soldier!'

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisade
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sca all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisade
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A three-way intersection near the palisade
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> whoi zer
<38 Human Con> (PK) Zerael the Exorcist of Manifestations

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A three-way intersection near the palisade
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A barely visible trail
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A barely visible trail
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A junction
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A junction
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A barely visible trail
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A barely visible trail
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>
A disgruntled Whitecloak yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a disgruntled Whitecloak!'

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn beneath a half-built tower
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn beneath a half-built tower
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near the gallows
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near the gallows
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>

You feel less tough.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near the gallows
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> sta
call resi
You stand up.

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> You feel tough!

<761hp 286m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<761hp 236m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> res
You rest.

<761hp 249m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Beneath a partially constructed tower
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 249m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Beneath a partially constructed tower
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 249m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>
The snow stops falling.

<761hp 298m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 298m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 298m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A worn path near the southern palisades
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 298m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn near the southeast watch
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 298m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 298m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents

<761hp 306m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path near some tents
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak soldier!'
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<761hp 306m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path through the encampment

<761hp 306m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path through the encampment

<761hp 322m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra A wiry path through the encampment

<761hp 322m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where

A nervous Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zhalindra yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a nervous Whitecloak soldier!'
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zhalindra yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak soldier!'

<761hp 322m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

<761hp 322m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra Beneath a partially constructed tower

<761hp 322m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path near some tents
(PK) Zhalindra Beneath a partially constructed tower

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A wiry path through the encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Beneath a partially constructed tower

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Beneath a partially constructed tower
(PK) Zhalindra Beneath a partially constructed tower

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Beneath a partially constructed tower
(PK) Zhalindra Beneath a partially constructed tower

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Beneath a partially constructed tower
(PK) Zhalindra Beneath a partially constructed tower

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)>
A nervous Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a nervous Whitecloak soldier!'
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak soldier!'
A nervous Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

<761hp 336m 615mv 11643tnl (29.01%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance
(PK) Zhalindra Within the northeast entrance

****And they decide to leave. But fear not, they return.*******

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the northeast entrance

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> whoi zh
<35 Human Bar> (PK) Zhalindra the Mistress of Melody, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> res
You are already resting.

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> whoi ze
<38 Human Con> (PK) Zerael the Exorcist of Manifestations, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> res
You are already resting.

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<221hp 213m 574mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 45 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 45 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 7 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.

****I go back to trying to find a way out, and killing soldiers while doing it for some practice.****

<754hp 276m 606mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<754hp 276m 606mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> e
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that
it leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west and toward the east.

A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is in perfect health.

<731hp 276m 605mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You dodge a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
You dodge a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is in perfect health.

<731hp 276m 605mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has a few scratches.

<731hp 276m 545mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
A muddy Whitecloak soldier jabs his sword at you, but you manage to defend against the jab.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's thrust misses you.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave.
Your cleave MANGLES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has a few scratches.

<703hp 276m 545mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You feel less resistant to magic.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has a few scratches.

<710hp 284m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier tries to disarm you, but the Sword of Wailing Souls won't budge!
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<710hp 284m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> call spellb

You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your poisonous bite and returns an attack of his own.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash devastates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<654hp 284m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<628hp 284m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<628hp 284m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> Your hatred of magic surrounds you.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<628hp 234m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> aff

A muddy Whitecloak soldier starts a vicious series of attacks with his sword.
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's flurry mauls you.
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's flurry mauls you.
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's flurry mauls you.
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your poisonous bite and returns an attack of his own.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
Your poisonous bite MANGLES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<536hp 234m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 37 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 37 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 9 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 0 hours.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<536hp 234m 585mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier partially evades your attack, but you still hit him.
Your flurry MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier partially evades your attack, but you still hit him.
Your flurry MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<536hp 234m 525mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
Your poisonous bite MANGLES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<536hp 234m 525mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier slips an attack towards you after barely turning your poisonous bite away.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<512hp 234m 525mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<463hp 234m 525mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
With careful timing you deflect a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<463hp 234m 525mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<463hp 234m 525mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry misses a muddy Whitecloak soldier.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<463hp 234m 445mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<463hp 234m 445mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
A muddy Whitecloak soldier jabs his sword at you, past your defenses.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's jab mauls you.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<439hp 234m 445mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash devastates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your poisonous bite.
You feel your pulse slow down.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<395hp 241m 485mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> ber

A muddy Whitecloak soldier jabs his sword at you, past your defenses.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's jab decimates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<368hp 241m 485mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<368hp 241m 485mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave and returns an attack of his own.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier dodges your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<341hp 241m 485mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<341hp 241m 485mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<415hp 211m 435mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You stop a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash with a solid blow.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Your cleave MASSACRES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<413hp 211m 435mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur
You get a little madder.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone parries your cleave.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your poisonous bite === OBLITERATES === someone!
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone parries your cleave and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's slash mauls you.
Someone is gushing blood.

<389hp 211m 435mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You get a little madder.
Someone is gushing blood.

<389hp 211m 435mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS someone!
Your flurry DISMEMBERS someone!
Something poisons someone.
Someone looks very ill.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone partially evades your attack, but you still hit it.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

<389hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
Someone's slash decimates you!
You parry someone's slash.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Someone parries your cleave.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your poisonous bite >>> ANNIHILATES <<< someone!
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
Someone dodges your poisonous bite.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<364hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
Someone starts a vicious series of attacks with its sword.
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry wounds you.
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry mauls you.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone parries your cleave and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's slash wounds you.
Someone dodges your poisonous bite.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<302hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry someone's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone's slash decimates you!
Someone dodges your cleave.
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<274hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
Someone's slash decimates you!
You parry someone's slash.
Your cleave MANGLES someone!
Someone dodges your poisonous bite.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<247hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You can't see a thing!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<247hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur
You try to start a flurry, but fail to gain momentum.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<247hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
Someone jabs its sword at you, but you manage to defend against the jab.
Someone's thrust misses you.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<247hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
You barely manage to turn someone's slash aside.
Someone dodges your cleave.
Your poisonous bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<247hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
Someone jabs its sword at you, past your defenses.
Someone's jab wounds you.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone parries your cleave and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's slash wounds you.
Someone dodges your poisonous bite wildly.
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<208hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's slash mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone dodges your cleave.
Someone parries your poisonous bite and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's slash mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<161hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur

Someone's slash decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone dodges your cleave.
Someone deftly ducks under your poisonous bite.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<134hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You can't see a thing!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<134hp 211m 335mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<134hp 211m 255mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
Someone starts a vicious series of attacks with its sword.
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<115hp 211m 255mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
You parry someone's slash.
Your cleave MASSACRES someone!
Your poisonous bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<115hp 211m 255mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
The clouds disappear.
Someone shivers and suffers.
Someone's poison mauls it.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is convulsing on the ground.

<127hp 217m 295mv 11277tnl (31.24%)>
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave and returns an attack of his own.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your poisonous bite.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier parries your cleave.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is convulsing on the ground.

<57hp 217m 295mv 11277tnl (31.24%)> flur

You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier is DEAD!!
You receive 317 experience points.
You hear a muddy Whitecloak soldier's death cry.
You get 25 silver coins from the corpse of a muddy Whitecloak soldier.
You get 12 copper coins from the corpse of a muddy Whitecloak soldier.
The gods give you 20 copper coins for your sacrifice of the corpse of a muddy Whitecloak soldier.

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> look
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail in the foothills

*****Look who is back. Gee, think they are here for the nice weather?******

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail in the foothills

****Well, back to healing and spamming where.******

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that
it leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west and toward the east.

A small blade of steel rests upon the ground.
A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.
A ruined and worn cloak of white is here on the ground.

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You rest.

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that
it leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west and toward the east.

A small blade of steel rests upon the ground.
A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.
A ruined and worn cloak of white is here on the ground.

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 35 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 35 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You are already resting.

<36hp 217m 295mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail in the foothills

<156hp 316m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<156hp 316m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call resi

A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a Whitecloak soldier!'
A Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<156hp 316m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You lost your concentration.

<156hp 291m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<156hp 241m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> slee
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<156hp 241m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You go to sleep.

<156hp 241m 451mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> gr
Guamel's group:
<37 War> Guamel 20% hp 71% mana 73% mv 331440 xp

<309hp 245m 459mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> slee
You get a little madder.

<309hp 245m 459mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You get a little madder.

<309hp 245m 459mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge
(PK) Zhalindra A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge

<309hp 245m 459mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You go to sleep.

<532hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> Guamel's group:
<37 War> Guamel 69% hp 100% mana 100% mv 331440 xp

<532hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sta
You wake and stand up.

<532hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge
(PK) Zhalindra A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge

<532hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that
it leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west and toward the east.

A small blade of steel rests upon the ground.
A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.
A ruined and worn cloak of white is here on the ground.

<532hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You feel your pulse slow down.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<591hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sta
You wake and stand up.

<591hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the Whitecloak encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Within the Whitecloak encampment

<591hp 336m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<591hp 286m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<665hp 256m 565mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You get a little madder.

<665hp 256m 565mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
You get a little madder.

<665hp 256m 565mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Within the Whitecloak encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Within the Whitecloak encampment

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 4 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge
(PK) Zhalindra A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
A Whitecloak patroller yells 'Zerael! Now you die!'

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> crawl u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You rest.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel An overhang in the trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sta
You stand up.

<665hp 256m 562mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> e
Beneath the earthen overhang

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all

A Whitecloak patroller yells 'Zhalindra! Now you die!'

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 3 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> op u
op d
You see no u here.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You see no d here.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> op n
You see no n here.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> op s
You see no s here.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> crwl u

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> jump up

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> crawl u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca e
You scan east.
***** Range 3 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel Beneath the earthen overhang
(PK) Zerael A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge
(PK) Zhalindra A row of pikes, lined upon a wooden bridge

<665hp 256m 561mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> e
An overhang in the trenches

<665hp 256m 560mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<665hp 256m 560mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> e

A Whitecloak patroller yells 'Zhalindra! Now you die!'

<665hp 256m 560mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> The perimeter trenches

<665hp 256m 559mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You rest.

<665hp 256m 559mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<665hp 256m 559mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You are already resting.

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhali
47170, Second half of the log.
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<665hp 256m 559mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You rest.

<665hp 256m 559mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<665hp 256m 559mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You are already resting.

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Between a row of pikes, leading to an encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Before a horrid path
(PK) Zhalindra Before a horrid path

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail, deep in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail, deep in the foothills

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail, deep in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail, deep in the foothills

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail, deep in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail, deep in the foothills

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A trampled trail in the foothills
(PK) Zhalindra A trampled trail in the foothills

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You are already resting.

<704hp 277m 608mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where

You feel less tough.

<728hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<728hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 25 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 25 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.

<728hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
You stand up.

<728hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

*****And they leave a second time. Will they come back for a third time? And what could they want here, I wonder?*****

<728hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call resi
You lost your concentration.

<728hp 268m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<728hp 218m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> res
You rest.

<728hp 218m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<728hp 218m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> whoi z
< 1 D-Elf Hea> Zazzo the Believer
<38 Human Con> (PK) Zerael the Exorcist of Manifestations
<35 Human Bar> (PK) Zhalindra the Mistress of Melody

<761hp 288m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sta
You stand up.

<761hp 288m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call tru
You look around sharply!

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> emote tries to jump up and grab a root or branch.
Guamel tries to jump up and grab a root or branch.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> look
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l u
The trench walls open up towards the sky.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l n
Dirt crumbles from the wall in small clutters.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> emote tries to climb up the dirt wall.
Guamel tries to climb up the dirt wall.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor chuckles darkly.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> look
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Yar.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Yar. '

<761hp 278m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> kneel

The clouds disappear.
You feel your pulse slow down.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You humbly kneel down.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> emote cleans some of the dirt from his thick black fingernails.
Guamel cleans some of the dirt from his thick black fingernails.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Soon Furnace feed more.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Soon Furnace feed more.'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Maybe me, maybe bard, mage.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Maybe me, maybe bard, mage.'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> shrug
You shrug.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor gives its neck a gradual twist, cracking it grotesquely.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' One way, other, good fuel.
You say in a deep bass voice 'One way, other, good fuel.'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sta

The Dread Sculptor says 'Stop callin it Furnace eh?'
You are already standing.

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor says 'Furnace be cold now.'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Oh.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Oh.'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> The Dread Sculptor says 'I create Forge.'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Oh?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Oh?'

<761hp 285m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Yar. Ok.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Yar. Ok.'

<761hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Big Forge?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Big Forge?'

<761hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Hot?
You say in a deep bass voice 'Hot?'

<761hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor says 'Endless.'

<761hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> nod
esay 'in a deep bass voice' Yar. Good.
You nod.

<761hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You say in a deep bass voice 'Yar. Good.'

<761hp 293m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> look
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor says 'So how end up here?'

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Fight guard. Call friends, throw over.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Fight guard. Call friends, throw over.'

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> snort
You snort.

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Guard nar want die.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Guard nar want die.'

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Friends died.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Friends died.'

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> chuckle
You chuckle politely.

<761hp 307m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You are hungry.
You feel less tough.

<761hp 315m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> g pie bag
eat pie
You get a venison pie from a large saddle bag.

<761hp 315m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You eat a venison pie.
You no longer feel hungry.

<761hp 315m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> g pie bag
eat pie
You get a venison pie from a large saddle bag.

<761hp 315m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You eat a venison pie.
You feel completely full.

<761hp 315m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call resi
You feel tough!

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
You are already standing.

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael Near a small encampment
(PK) Zhalindra Near a small encampment

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Yar, spiredogs back
You say in a deep bass voice 'Yar, spiredogs back'

****And... they're back. Shocker.******

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' soon Forge feed.
You say in a deep bass voice 'soon Forge feed.'

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> The Dread Sculptor grins evilly.

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Maybe me. Maybe them. Maybe all.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Maybe me. Maybe them. Maybe all.'

<761hp 265m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You feel less resistant to magic.

<761hp 273m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> grin
You grin evilly.

<761hp 273m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call spellb
You lost your concentration.

<761hp 248m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Memories of past triumph return to you, and inspiration fills your heart.

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' Make new form. Fire burn, make harder. They... melt.
You say in a deep bass voice 'Make new form. Fire burn, make harder. They... melt.'

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bow
You bow deeply.

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You are already standing.

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

***Finally looks like they figured it out.******

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'inspiration' modifies morale by 14 for 17 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 17 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 17 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 9 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 5 hours.

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<761hp 198m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
The perimeter trenches
As you continue through the trenches you notice that rainwater has drained to
the center. The mud clings to your boots, weighing them down and the walls
show markings of what appears to be hand imprints. The trenches are rather
worn and a bit eroded by the mountain rains. Earthworms crawl at your feet
and a damp smell greets your nose. From your point of view you notice that it
leads in a westward direction, further along the side of the encampment.
Cries travel the winds as Whitecloak sentries make their patrols around the
wooden palisade. The trenches continue to the west.

<761hp 205m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' yar, here come
You say in a deep bass voice 'yar, here come'

<761hp 205m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<761hp 205m 615mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> call blood
Your senses dull as an overwhelming urge for blood rushes through your body!

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
sca all
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 3 *****
(Invis) Zhalindra is here.
(Barrier) Zerael is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn in the trenches
(PK) Zhalindra A turn in the trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 3 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
(Invis) Zhalindra is here.
(Barrier) Zerael is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn in the trenches
(PK) Zhalindra A turn in the trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 2 *****
(Invis) Zhalindra is here.
(Barrier) Zerael is here.

***** Range 3 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 2 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
(Invis) Zhalindra is here.
(Barrier) Zerael is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 2 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
(Invis) Zhalindra is here.
(Barrier) Zerael is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 2 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> grumble
You grumble distractedly to yourself.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> esay 'in a deep bass voice' mistake thirst fast
You say in a deep bass voice 'mistake thirst fast'

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> grumble
You grumble distractedly to yourself.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> aff
You cannot discern what affects you right now.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The sky is getting cloudy.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> shrug
You shrug.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zhalindra The perimeter trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zhalindra has arrived.
Zhalindra yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Guamel!'
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra is in perfect health.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal

Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra parries your poisonous bite.
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
Zhalindra fades into existence.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave MUTILATES Zhalindra!
Zhalindra has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> Charging forward, you hit Zhalindra with enough force to send her sailing through the air!
Your bash injures Zhalindra.
Your cleave EVISCERATES Zhalindra!
Your poisonous bite MUTILATES Zhalindra!
Zhalindra barely manages to avoid your poisonous bite.
Your cleave DISMEMBERS Zhalindra!
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal

You fail to get in one more shot as Zhalindra flees.
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra parries your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES Zhalindra!
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra's poisonous bite scratches you.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You get in one more shot on Zhalindra as she flees.
Your parting blow EVISCERATES Zhalindra!
Zhalindra has fled!
Zhalindra leaves east.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zhalindra yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
Zhalindra yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a muddy Whitecloak soldier!'

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> e
bash zhal
They aren't here.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> The perimeter trenches

A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You parry a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave MASSACRES a muddy Whitecloak soldier!
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You dodge a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> They aren't here.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> flee
The perimeter trenches

You flee from combat!

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
You aren't fighting anyone.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn in the trenches
(PK) Zhalindra A turn in the trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 3 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
Zhalindra is here.
Zerael is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> where
People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn in the trenches
(PK) Zhalindra A turn in the trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca e
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 3 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
Zhalindra is here.
Zerael is here.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca e
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 3 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
Zhalindra is here.
Zerael is here.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca e
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

***** Range 3 *****
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
Zhalindra is here.
Zerael is here.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> People near you:
(PK) Guamel The perimeter trenches
(PK) Zerael A turn in the trenches
(PK) Zhalindra A turn in the trenches

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> e
The perimeter trenches

A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash scratches you.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier yells 'Darkfriend in the camp!!'
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You dodge a muddy Whitecloak soldier's slash.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> The perimeter trenches

You flee from combat!

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> e
A turn in the trenches

A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
Dust and debris swirl around in a column of gale-force wind.
Zhalindra is here.
Zerael is here.
Zerael scans west.
Your cleave MUTILATES a black abishai devil!
A black abishai devil has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zhalindra sings 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.
A black abishai devil has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal
hit zha

You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
A black abishai devil's claw scratches you.
A black abishai devil trips you and you go down!
A black abishai devil's trip scratches you.
Your cleave MUTILATES a black abishai devil!
A black abishai devil dodges your cleave.
A black abishai devil has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
A black abishai devil has a few scratches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
With a quick twist a black abishai devil moves to the side of your cleave.
Your cleave MUTILATES a black abishai devil!
You parry Zerael's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave EVISCERATES Zerael!
You dodge Zerael's shocking bite.
Zhalindra's poisonous bite scratches you.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra's hammer pendant glows briefly.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zhalindra sings 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You dodge a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
A black abishai devil parries your cleave.
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS a black abishai devil!
A black abishai devil dodges your poisonous bite.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You slam into Zhalindra, and send her flying!
Your bash scratches Zhalindra.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
A black abishai devil dodges your cleave.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
A black abishai devil parries your poisonous bite.
A black abishai devil parries your cleave.
A black abishai devil parries your cleave.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave maims Zerael!
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You dodge Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
An air elemental shifts violently and a sudden explosive blast ensues!
The strong blast sends you sprawling!
An air elemental's shockwave scratches you.
A black abishai devil has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
A black abishai devil's claw scratches you.
Your cleave MUTILATES a black abishai devil!
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES a black abishai devil!
A spider-hilted steel sword poisons a black abishai devil.
A black abishai devil looks very ill.
A black abishai devil dodges your cleave.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You flow to one side as Zhalindra's poisonous bite passes.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You start aiming at Zhalindra.
Zhalindra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal
You slam into Zhalindra, and send her flying!
Your bash hits Zhalindra.
Zhalindra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You meet an air elemental's blast with a resounding impact.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
A black abishai devil's claw nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra parries your poisonous bite.
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES Zhalindra!
A spider-hilted steel sword poisons Zhalindra.
Zhalindra looks very ill.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zhalindra thrusts her foot into an opening and trips you!
Zhalindra's trip scratches you.
Zhalindra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael drops a small yellow root.
Zhalindra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael gets a small yellow root.
Zhalindra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal

An air elemental's blast scratches you.
An air elemental's blast scratches you.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your cleave === OBLITERATES === Zhalindra!
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You dodge Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You slam into Zhalindra, and send her flying!
Your bash grazes Zhalindra.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
An air elemental gathers the wind into a wall of air.
An air elemental's wall of wind scratches you.
A black abishai devil's claw scratches you.
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
Zhalindra throws herself away from your poisonous bite.
Zerael's shocking bite scratches you.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
Zhalindra's poisonous bite scratches you.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael drops a small yellow root.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael drops a polished conical helmet.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael gets a polished conical helmet.
Zerael gets a small yellow root.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
An air elemental's blast scratches you.
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
A black abishai devil's claw scratches you.
Your cleave misses Zhalindra.
Your cleave MUTILATES Zhalindra!
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal
You slam into Zhalindra, and send her flying!
Your bash grazes Zhalindra.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael drops a polished conical helmet.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
A black abishai devil's claw scratches you.
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES Zhalindra!
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
Zhalindra parries your poisonous bite.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
You parry Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal
You slam into Zhalindra, and send her flying!
Your bash injures Zhalindra.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
An air elemental's blast scratches you.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
Zhalindra parries your cleave.
Zhalindra parries your poisonous bite.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Zhalindra twists herself around your cleave.
Zhalindra dodges your poisonous bite.
Zhalindra dodges your cleave.
You parry Zerael's shocking bite.
You dodge Zhalindra's poisonous bite.
Zhalindra is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> bash zhal

Zerael gets a polished conical helmet.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry an air elemental's blast and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave MASSACRES an air elemental!
An air elemental gathers the wind into a wall of air.
Some debris flies into your eyes!
Someone's wall of wind scratches you.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone parries your cleave.
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES someone!
Someone dodges your cleave.
Someone dodges your cleave.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
Someone's poisonous bite scratches you.
Someone's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> dou

Someone tries to disarm you, but fails.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> They aren't here.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust MASSACRES someone!
Your thrust DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Someone's blast scratches you.
Someone's blast nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
You dodge someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
You dodge someone's poisonous bite.
Someone's poisonous bite scratches you.
Poison creeps into your body from something.
You feel very sick.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> ber

Someone utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Someone waves its arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Someone's magic missile scratches you.
Someone's magic missile scratches you.
Someone's magic missile scratches you.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry someone's blast.
Someone gathers the wind into a wall of air.
Someone's wall of wind scratches you.
You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone parries your poisonous bite.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone dodges your cleave.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
You dodge someone's shocking bite.
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You get in one more shot on someone as it flees.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your parting blow MANGLES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You hear someone's death cry.
Someone can no longer find the strength to wield something.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You deflect someone's spell!
Your spellbane wounds someone.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
You *** DEMOLISH *** someone!
You maim someone!
Someone flings out its shield to block your poisonous bite.
Someone deflects your cleave with its shield.
Someone is gushing blood.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry someone's blast.
Someone gathers the wind into a wall of air.
Someone's wall of wind scratches you.
Someone's claw scratches you.
You barely manage to turn someone's claw aside.
Someone deflects your cleave with its shield.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
You parry someone's shocking bite.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry someone's blast.
You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone deflects your poisonous bite with its shield.
Someone deflects your poisonous bite with its shield.
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES someone!
You fail to get in one more shot as someone flees.
Someone has fled!
Someone leaves north.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Someone has left.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Someone shivers and suffers.
Someone's poison injures it.
You are thirsty.
You rub the debris out of your eyes.
Your cleave EVISCERATES a black abishai devil!
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
You parry a black abishai devil's claw.
A black abishai devil dodges your cleave.
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS a black abishai devil!
A black abishai devil dodges your poisonous bite.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> pray Yar
bash zera
You get a little madder.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You get a little madder.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You pray to the heavens for help!
A black abishai devil has left.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> They aren't here.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael has arrived.
A black abishai devil is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
Zerael yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Guamel!'
Your cleave EVISCERATES Zerael!
You get in one more shot on Zerael as he flees.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your parting blow MANGLES Zerael!
Zerael is DEAD!!
Zerael hits the ground ... DEAD.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> pray Yar, Forge feed well!
You pray to the heavens for help!

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l
A turn in the trenches
You come to a turn in the trenches. Rainwater still gathers at the base of
these trenches, yet it turns in a westward direction. It is hard to gather
how far it goes, but judging by the cries it is right before the encampment.

The corpse of Zerael is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Zhalindra is here, badly sliced and hacked.
A burnished breastplate sits cluttered upon the ground.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l in corpse
The corpse of Zerael contains:
a large sack
a small raft
a pair of steel chain boots
rotting linen bandages
a sandy-brown desert cloak
(Magical) a painted wooden mask
(Magical) (Glowing) a fiery ring
(Magical) (Glowing) some leather gloves with black inscriptions
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
Kiadana Insignia ring
(Humming) the slavemaster's insignia
(Glowing) a flaming axe
(Magical) a potion of transportation
(Glowing) a black mitre
an aquamarine bracelet
(Magical) a slender mahogany baton
(Magical) a strange obsidian charm
a black leather sack
(Magical) (Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
a skin from the snow leopard
a rock crystal ewer
(Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) leggings of Sorcery
(Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) sleeves of Alchemy
a polished mithril breastplate
a black steel helmet
a pair of steel-backed gauntlets
( 2) (Magical) an opal wand
(Magical) (Humming) the slavemaster's wrath
a mail shirt
a small yellow root
a polished conical helmet
a gold coin
37 silver coins
1032 copper coins

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> l in 2.corpse
The corpse of Zhalindra contains:
a large sack
(Glowing) a shield of flames
( 2) a black steel bracer
( 2) an amethyst ring
(Magical) (Glowing) a black hammer pendant
a skin from the snow leopard
(Glowing) a dragon dagger
fur-lined boots
(Glowing) a dagger named 'frostbite'
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
(Magical) (Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
a dragon skull helm
a pair of red dragon claws
a jug of spiced cider
a death reed harp
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(Humming) a spider-hilted steel sword
(Magical) a potion of teleportation
a breastplate decorated with red enamel
a primitive fertility mask
(Magical) (Glowing) the scroll of storms
(Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
a pair of steel-backed gauntlets
( 2) a white cloak with an embroidered golden sunburst
a slender mithril blade
a gold coin
59 silver coins
1025 copper coins

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> inv
You are carrying:
( 2) a tattered white cloak
( 2) a short steel blade
( 2) a burnished breastplate
a large, iron-tipped halberd
a brilliant white cloak, adorned with a golden sunburst
a spiked iron bracer
(Glowing) a gleaming two-handed sword
an old blue rowboat
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
a titanium foil
a large saddle bag

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> sca e
sca w

Pater: Yoouu try diiggiin yoouur waay oouut yeet?
You scan east.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> You scan west.
***** Range 3 *****
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.
A muddy Whitecloak soldier stumbles his way through the trenches.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> cb Nar. Kill mages.
Guamel: Nar. Kill mages.
Zerael tells you 'Vell, zat vas interestin'

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<0hp 0m 0mv 10960tnl (33.17%)>
The Dread Sculptor throws back its head and laughs into the night.
47178, well
Posted by Zhalindra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You killed me one time there with Zerael, and two more times without him, you bashed me to death then you full looted and sacced my gear all three times, you wouldnt be upset? Typical wannabe rager behavior
47181, RE: well
Posted by Guamel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wannabe rager? I WAS a rager. That time in Whitecloak was the first time we met. You chose to pick a fight, as the log shows. The second time we met I think I was wanted and you and other tribbies had been after me. We were alone. I should assume you will just walk on by? The third time, well, you're a proven enemy to me. Why shouldn't I kill you?

Non-mages/scions/empire vs. Ragers is a common topic with a common answer: you don't want a rager for an enemy? Don't make him one. You made me an enemy. Nobody else did that for you, you did it yourself. Don't cry when you pay for it. And really, you have only yourself to blame for dying, too. I'm the dumbest race in the game. I'm incapable of using resist mental preps as they are all magical. I'm essentially bard-meat. Get yourself a reduce potion and a fly potion and I cannot perma lag you. Sing me to sleep, as you can, and I'm pretty much toast. Hell, you're one of the only classes in the game that can entirely negate bloodthirst - make me incapable of calling it at all. So really, I think your anger is misplaced.

As for the full looting and sac'ing, that's been hashed over and over. And I'm pretty sure I didn't actually full loot/sac your things all three times. Might want to check your facts. Not that it really matters.
47214, RE: well
Posted by Zhalindra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No your right, i kept 4-5 items the last time. And to be honest yes i was out to get you, but no i never started an attack on you, and when grouping with zerael i have always been the target of every attack, even since i am no mage, say it is tactic i say its bad roleplay. Never did i once start an attack against you, you always started it on me.
47130, You were mean. We never did quite kill one another, though. nt
Posted by Tyrelyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47127, Doooooooood
Posted by Haageran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry. I don't know why you kept coming back for more. I also don't know why you never fled from me. You had plenty of chances in both fights. On another note, I think you need to diversify your tactics a bit more. To me it boiled down to:

call bloodt
insert <pincer, bash, or weaponb> here

Yeah, it might work for some, but it definitly will not work for all.

That being said, I hope you roll up another evil bastard. I need somebody to fight!

47126, So...no goodbyes?
Posted by Wondering Mage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47108, I knew it! Why? I may have hated you, but I'm supposed to.
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a complete ass, but what the hell does anyone expect a fire giant warrior in Battle to be? I enjoyed all of our fights, as it seemed when I actually had wands, I at least put up a bit of a fight.

Ah well, I'll log on next time breathing a little easier now that you're gone.