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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Yetesip the Ranger Prince
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=46872
46872, (DELETED) [SCION] Yetesip the Ranger Prince
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Mar 19 23:30:52 2006

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 29th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Yetesip perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
46940, ....NOW scar is visible...I'm going to go cry now, mmk? :( nt
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46930, well played :)
Posted by Kragathian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You picked the #### end of the stick, but you covered your nuts and you went at it like a ####ing champ. We still found some time to RP but mostly I will remember some sick ass fights with you :) and when you ensnared 3 imperials and then dissappered and I got to tool them hahaha. ####ing permas. haha well glad you had fun even though you had it rough.

See you in the fields.
46897, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Yetesip the Ranger Prince
Posted by Dihir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go but I'm glad that you had fun. You were a pain to fight for a long time there, then I didn't see you for awhile and we both ended up around the same rank and fighting you became a lot easier on me. You killed me at the lower-mid, I got you at the higher. Was fun ;) Wish we could have RPed more together though.

Best of luck to you!
46902, Yeah, we did have some good fights....
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, the low ranks it was dead even, you had mace and supps I had spear and the time I killed you I prepped out the ass, shield/stone/haste if I remember. Then all of a sudden come 40, I'm eating OBLIT wraths and ***DEVA normal hits...WTF, did this dwarf turn into a badass overnight? Seemed like:P good job man, respect.
46893, I wasn't scared of you, after I killed you with snow ba...
Posted by Cevenis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't believe how you fought at lower ranks, I never ever saw you without an Orc or Ulzammon, I hate how ganky CF has gotten. You didn't even know who I was and the first time we meet and I'm solo and it's bearcharge/bash with Bobora.. but.. you killed me once, and I got you once, I'd say mine counted as two considering I was a freaking snow badger... being a Felar *and* having protection cold/heat, that's just silly that you didn't run. Anyways, good luck with your next.
46901, RE: Hrm..
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd love to see the log you speak of killing me with the snow badger solo, not because I doubt you but because in most cases I ate shifters for breakfast lunch and dinner. Shifters were the only class where I really had the upper hand in, and I beat up crocs, rams you name it, I just cant see myself getting killed by a lone snow badger unless I SERIOUSLY ####ed up, was really hurt or something else. Other then that, you annoyed me with the Inn sitting, and a few times I got a bit suspicious the way you seemed to quit out and be back on in less than 10 minutes when you knew I was coming, oh well.
46918, He was always with me? I have 40-45 hours, he had 110.
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, at least think up something original to say about him since he obviously didn't fit into your pre-ordained plans of an enemy.

And seriously, I can't tell you how many times we'd be grouped (Yetesip and I), and he'd disappear, summoned by some gank squad, or I'd hear over grouptell 'Died to many'. I mean seriously, are you that callous that you would honestly accuse HIM of being always with someone?

Cf'ers need to grow up and look in the mirror. Disclaimer(all you women, I'm sorry): It's like Chris Rock said(except substitute CF playerbase for women) - Women won't let a simple thing like logic ruin their argument.
46873, Guesses? Bets it was me? Congrats, it was! Brief g'byes enclosed
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, 115 hours of praying to Saraba, I knew the chances of any contact were slim, but damn I wish I'd gotten some love:P. This character was, what I feel, one of my more successful ones pkwise. Until I stagnated at rank 43, I had a positive pk ratio for once. I'd like to think it was pretty high, but I lost count after 30 or so kills. I knew this char was going to be rough, I knew I'd be fighting out of the woods a lot, I knew all of that going into it..even then, some of the gank squads I faced were wrong and ####ing nasty. They made baby shokai cry(I think). Onto the goodbyes


Eshval: Thank you. Thank you so much for being a presence, for talking to me, for being a good evil god for everything. I cant express in words the gratitude I feel towards you for taking time to interact with Yetesip. I know I let you down, sorry:(

Grurk: I liked you, we interacted a bit, I ate a few plagues, regardless, <3.


Ulzammon: Good luck man, you're on your own and the odds are teh WRONG.

Iander: see Ulzammon.

Greddarh: Thanks for the gear.

Didn't see anyone else:(


Krag: We had a respect going on and thats nice to see, play classy man I liked you.

Ysal: See Krag, except whereas I could fight krag, I just got raped by you. BTW, did you get your hammer back? Hope so.

Friarr: Didnt interact, oh well, keep trucking.

Guamel: I heard five words out of you. You weak, fire burn, fire melt. Six, my bad. I know I talked a lot of #### when I was frustrated, but I also tried to stay somewhat classy, you however just said the same six words over and over again, when there were times that I would have burnt you like hot knives through paper-thin slices of butter if it werent for some rager goofing up and weakening me *cough* krag:P *cough* You got me a few times but I never prepped for our fights because I was too lazy, if I play another ranger I figure I'll take the time to prep so I can run with the village.

Empire: Holy. ####. Not going to turn this into a flame, but could you guys gank any more? Seriously? How about multikills, get enough of them? Not all of you were bad, just Grunlath/Klivingstona/Lotruk/Ruubona/Thestune. I loved the time ruubona tried to finish me when I had ~100 hp left, and I beat her like the pissant bitch she was. Grow some balls, stop holding hands, risk those sweet suits you guys have aquired. You may find the game more enjoyable.

I'll give more indepth goodbyes if you respond, then so will I. I'm kind of mad at myself, my last few chars have been rather bitter:(.

46876, Boo
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had alot of respect for Yetesip you picked a very hard path to go, but you were strong. You always fought me which was surprising considering how badly it went sometimes. Good character, good luck with the next im sure it will be solid
46903, RE: Boo
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did try to always fight you, mainly because I had a LOT of respect for you. Seriously, you are a _great_ rager and I'm glad you got drillmaster, you deserve every bit of it.
46877, RE: Guesses? Bets it was me? Congrats, it was! Brief g'...
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if it didn't please some people that Nreisshe refused to pick a fight with you despite you being a Scion... sometimes you just gotta prioritize who has the most respect.

Shame you didn't stick around longer, I rarely get to see other rangers around hero ranks. It takes patience avoiding the gangs and pretending you're a forest assassin, not a forest warrior, though, because warriors tend to get bulldozed. :P
46904, RE: Guesses? Bets it was me? Congrats, it was! Brief g'...
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lesson learned:P. I liked you, a lot. I have interacted with you for a long time and you must be getting really old. I remember as Irespal after you rocked me in Organia way back when you were rank 36, you impressed me even then with your RP, it improved when I rolled Lecsate and even as Tarseti I heard about you. With this char, it was an uneasy truce and I never knew when you'd entangle me...I really didnt want to #### with you too much, though:P Good job, dont die soon..outtie needs you with all the wimps in it:P.(Except Drakzin, man, you ####ed me up a few times:P)
46881, RE: Guesses? Bets it was me? Congrats, it was! Brief g'byes enclosed
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really should not be standing on eastern road for long as a ranger. I know you wish to be in the middle of action, but rangers are not the class for that. It sounds like you had the chance to spend time with Nreisshe...so with your next ranger, try his way and stay more out of sight. A ranger is no match for a warrior, shaman or most other classes out of the wilds, not to mention a larger group.

And if you get trapped behind centurions, just quaff out. You should always carry a few teleport potions.

I had no idea you were a scion until you tried to persuade me into that truce. You had no idea how little chance there was for a peace between empire and scion.

Anyway...good luck with your next.
46885, Its always amusing for me to read things like this....
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had no idea how little chance there was for a peace between empire and scion.

Yet there are always arcanes in empire and when there are the empire is extremely strong for it. It irks me that they will never forgive scion for the betrayal from the arcane sect and the emperor at the time yet they will allow an invoker, muter and shifter or two in as citizens to be the so-called lowest of the low but are not ever really treated as such because meta quicky, voker shields or a great mongoose tank are priceless to the empire.


P.S. This is not me having a go at you Grunlath, just the way things are that annoys me.
46887, RE: Its always amusing for me to read things like this....
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is a reasonable point you make. When you are conquering the world you wish the strongest and largest army possible. And there have been times with truce between Empire and Scion.
However there is a strong force within the Empire that has not forgotten the betrayel and is less forgiving to arcanes than any other. The Empire is complex; what is reasonable to some is madness to others.
46889, Pretty well played
Posted by Gulloth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never was particularly afraid of you. I was however a little worried that you might get a lucky ambush in some time *shiver*. I would say if you play another ranger, especially non fort friendly, be less predictable with snare placement, and your favored camo spots. *wink* I always try to give a fair one on one fight when I can, and you were usually willing to accomodate. You also really surprised me when you managed to take out one of our shifters while the empire was on you like stink on ####. Also I did make an effort to warn you a couple of times that the gank squad was on it's way to you heh. Have to make the effort to try to convert a fellow sometimes by a showing of good will.

good luck on the next
46905, RE: Pretty well played
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, there was almost nothing I could do to you. It made me cry watching you raid not around me, not tricking me but right ####ing through me, treating me as if I was white rice or something. I finally had figured out a gameplan to defend when you were raiding, but I never got to try it out:( oh well, I think my plan might have worked and really screwed you over. Other than that though, I was meat.

Sidenote: About the snares, yeah, it was predictable when I was retrieving..but believe it or not, it only failed me once and then just BARELY. Every other time it worked because I had enough time to get it back, go figure.
46908, You asked a question I didn't want to answer
Posted by Gulloth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"how you get through snare?" or something like that. If you wield a dagger, it has a chance of cutting the snare.
46910, Yeah, I knew that, I just didnt expect you to be wielding one:P nt
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46890, hehe another Banzaii Barry Character
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you might be outlander at first then you started giving me Imperial intel, then I thought just an independant. Imagine my suprise when I see you with a nightwalker in tow! Then when you hit my range I see you being a ghost more often than not....should have put the Shamanman tag on you then :p.
Seriously you seemed to be doing well, at the times you weren't trying to be an elf warrior and fighting as a ranger. You totally got the drop on us at Kiadana we have about 6 stormies trackin us and we were both 25% health. Even so ballsy to take a crack at us and it paid off. I assume you did the drive ambush on Friarr?
Before that I had lagged out and floated into the earlier fight between you two and Guamel/Friarr and lagged out, (You can see in the logs I dont do anything) My screen flash scrolled by and there are corpses I really had no I whacked you.

Anyway, I'm guessing your next won't be an Imperial right?
See you in the fields.
Oh yes I got the hammer back.
46906, RE: hehe another Banzaii Barry Character
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:P Good, seriously. Actually, I didnt drive Friarr, I ambushed he fled and I call lightninged(I'm assuming thats how he died) I never found his corpse because I went back to you, ambushed you(I wish I would have had that kill and not that ####ing giant:P) and then nysveld showed and I had to split. Regardless, props to you and I have lots of respect with you through this char and Tarseti. And in the logs you might not have input anything, but I ate three mangles because of you:( :P. Good luck, keep coming back, you deserve commander.
46919, You got hit by the autoassist crapness. I noticed it in the log.
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though after all the crap I get for not fighting alone, taking on three ragers with a shifter who just got his final form and a ranger on the ocean should shut people up.

But it won't.

I STILL have mad respect for all the ragers out there, but I'm sure that will change. I won't hold it against all of you :)
46892, Respect
Posted by Artisle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had respect for you, and I'm upset that you are gone. My only eyes and ears contact for the woods, oh well. You were tough, and watching you guys take down those three ragers was rather fun to watch. Well done. You should have stuck with it more though.

46907, RE: Respect
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we didnt interact much but we did get along, and I do like how you played the evil side of the law, I'm pretty sure I saw more than others by being camo'd a few times in the same room with you and not saying anything >:) but even interacting with you, I'm not going to say anything until you're dead, but you play a really good trib, and an even better vindi.
46913, RE: Guesses? Bets it was me? Congrats, it was! Brief g'byes enclosed
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew I should never induct another ranger into Scion...they always break my heart and forget their strengths and others weaknesses. The one thing that I did admire, was that you kept coming back, even when you were beaten. Good luck on whatever is next.
46914, Thanks!
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much else I can say, but I really, really like you as an Imm and have a ####load of R-E-S-P-E-C-T for you.
46915, Random comments:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the next time you play ranger:

1) Less onslaught ambushes. Seriously, there's a time and a place for it, but in many cases you're better off with normal ambush (or better, waylay). Often you really need to be sure you lead with a strong, damaging attack and not a miss to make sure you don't just get bashed straight down.

2) Pick less fights on the roads. You should think of jumping on someone with a lone ranger out of the wilds about the way you would think of fighting someone who could bash you as a shaman without protective shield. There are times and places for it, but that time isn't 24/7 and that place isn't the Eastern Road. (Usually.)

3) For god's sake, do not hit level 42 as a character with few or no allies unless you're prepared to make a run for at least 45 or something. :P
46916, RE: Random comments:
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<3 nep, <3. I love you. Seriously, you always give me good solid advice despite the fact that all my characters are kill-farms...I love you<3.
46920, You can blame me for that. Ulzammon promised him alot if I got my final form NT
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46921, I knew this was coming, but was hoping it wasn't going to...
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After the debacle last night, I was actually shocked Eshval didn't delete all of our characters and post a plaque glorifying our stupidity. And when I say 'I may have to depart soon', don't promise me we are going to gain titles! Quit out with me, man. That whole crappy incident would have never happened.

Well, from finding you in the Kobold Warrens straight out the academy, our characters just meshed. Having an ally who followed Saraba just fit so perfectly into my role, well...I'd be stupid not to use you for everything I could get. But man, you got it as bad as any character I have seen in a while (except the Anathema Fire AP...man, he took it like Jenna Jameson), and yet you still kept trucking. I myself wanted to delete after last night, but after I logged off, thinking to myself, Eshval is ALREADY pissed, she'll be even more pissed if I delete.

In closing, thanks again for all the help ranking. I believe out of my 43 ranks, you ranked me for 37...38? This maniacal bastard will miss ya.
46922, YOU!
Posted by Silvellien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did seem vaguely suicidal on times (don't fight on the freaking roads, dammit!) but you did a good job and I thoroughly enjoyed almost all of our fights. Especially where I stripped your extremely nice staff and then just walked away with it. I felt kinda bad afterwards, but... meh =P

Good job, I like your characters, keep 'em coming!

Silvellien, Dinian, Bliggy, and a few others that didn't make it to hero =P
46953, RE: Guesses? Bets it was me? Congrats, it was! Brief g'byes enclosed
Posted by Azqaxazr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Three thoughts.

1. If you thought I intentionally blew you off when you asked/told me to come whack that rager who was injured at the chasm, you were right. I'm not opposed to opportunistic kills, but somehow they're not as satisfying when it's someone else handing them to you on a silver platter.

2. That time I said I was using keepreply to communicate with you...you were right the first time: I had you marked. Not because I was planning to attack you, per se, but better safe than sorry.

3. Thanks for teaching me something new about how "hide" and "acute vision" interact.