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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of the Elements
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46763, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Mar 15 09:03:13 2006

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Kipli perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
46900, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Ispris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good fights. You would have toasted me in most circumstances. See you in the fields (maybe).
46787, I don't like seeing you gone
Posted by Fielstithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't travel much together, aside for the occasional raid against the Spire, but you make a solid Outlander, even when your stated knowledge of invokers was/is incomplete. I like how you are trying to grow by learning new classes. Keep up the good work, and I'll try not to mourn your loss.
46791, Thanks, you made those raids much easier
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your rescues helped a bunch in the Spire. I remember my first time using wind wall against a group of scions in the Refuge. The conjurer's minions killed me before I knew what happened and I had to sort it out later in my logs. Hahaha, good times...
46772, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of...
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked this character. I got to do a lot of things I'd never done before, had some cool battles, and almost Age Died. I'll get right to the Goodbyes.

For the most part I aimed to avoid much interaction...it always seemed to add extra stress to the game for me.

I do have something to say about Innis though. I can't stand your religion. Maybe its just cliched to the max, but Innis followers tended to irritate me when they were being preachy(which was usually pretty often). May the sun...etc etc.

This being my first casting mage(I had a conjurer, but the differences in play are pretty major) I had a hard time dealing with you. I didn't fully understand your powers, and ended up dying to a thirsting assassin(Vranth?) in the mid ranks. For most of my life I thought that all spells got deflected by spell bane...(maybe thats true) but nearing the end I started noticing I could actually get some spells through. Not to mention, I didn't have water or lighting, which had some nice AOEs. So, I generally avoided you guys.

Kaisse/Oerka: My camo helped a lot with avoiding you, even though you could hit me, it usually took you longer than normal so I had plenty of time to get away. I had planned on prepping up and laying some traps for you, but in the end I wasn't interested enough in killing you to bother. I at first didn't like seeing three invokers in Outlander, but after awhile I liked it, and when you and Nethlin were gone, I felt kind of lonely. Hah. Great job, and I've liked a lot of your past characters too, Jaeiin being my favorite.

Ysaloerye: Scary, I hated having to fight you, and the only time I killed you one on one, I thought I'd done so well, to find you were wearing reequip gear.

Cloud giant Rager: You'll know who you are. I remember defending the tree against an Imperial Healer, and doing a great job of it(he wasn't really getting anywhere) but than you show up at the tree, and just stand there protecting him while he retrieves the Codex, saying you want to fight me. And did you actually go take it back like you said you would? I never found out.

Lots of respect for the most part for you guys. I think this was a better than average batch of tribs, though I really did want to see you outside the towns more often than I did. Some of you only coming out with a group of 5 or 6(a mix of tribs and Imperials), and an out of range healer :P. I tried to keep things interesting, and came into the cities to fight as often as I could, even though I had NO business doing that. 50% spell denial and 4 ticks of no transport, is scary and I'm lucky I didn't die more than I did(Not to mention had I died, the loot would have been pretty definite). Oh, and misflagging gets old really fast, do you guys not have a Tribunal IMM anymore? I saw a lot of stuff from some of you that would have been a boot or serious demotion back when I played Tribunals.

Caroolth: Though, you were a minotaur and the Provost, OOC, I thought of you as a friend. You really had no fear, and I ended up killing you a bunch, but your example was partly why I came into the city so much to fight later on. I didn't see you outside as much as I wanted, though those guards are tough to deal with no matter where you were. One thing I absolutely hated was calling Ragers into the Spire to help you defend. Great job, you definitely deserve your position.

Artisle: You deserved to kill me, honestly. Had you stuck to your polearm you might have done better. A Trib warrior with entwine or cutoff should be able to land quite a few kills. Manacles tears mages apart, and the guards help beef up your damage. I'd place Trib powers above the Hunt in deadliness. Especially with the 40 guards wandering the city slowing our escape. Not sure if you did or not, but resist heat helps.

Falun: You mastered full looting, and I never got the chance to get you back.

Sizzian: Tough to deal with early on, but once I had my shield of slime, not so bad.

Kagliostrum: You seem kind of new to the game, a few tips for fighting invokers in town. Manacle me, and entwine. :)

Ikajio: My only regret is, not waiting for you to rank up so I could kill you.

Isnhiooeua: Imperial Lackey.

Not much to say, generally cowards but you had some good characters among them.

Grunlath: Didn't get to fight much flat out, you seemed more interested in getting a rot on me than fighting usually. Though you had a much better reputation than that among the other outlanders, so...respect.

Ispris: Strong fighter, thats a powerful build and you make full use of it. I'm still kicking myself for that death near the Frigid Wastelands, I'd set a deadfall when you were only 5 steps from me...

Others: No comment.

Really good group, a couple bad experiences, but you guys were awesome and did really well. And please, turn on trustcabal...so so many times did I try to save some of you, and you had it off, so I just got to watch you die.

Aeria: Great Harbinger. You've done well, and I've been impressed ever since you were the Breaker in the mid ranks when I first joined.

Thrugald: I love the rp, you remind me of a certain felar Outlander, but you can wait til you delete to tell me. Sorry I didn't stick it out to the end, you were Kipli's best IC friend. Good luck.

Morasfemire: Very refreshing evil rp, dumbspeak had gotten kind of irritating to me, but you twisted in a way that made things interesting, and I really enjoyed your character. I like how your name fits with the whole swamp thing too.

Fielstithian: Good elf rp, I liked it when you'd be all proper and civilized, compared to everyone else being barbaric. Very cool.

Nreisshe: You were a loner, and we didn't get to interact much more than little chats on cb.

Harlow: Nice having you around, the Cabal felt much stronger when you were on, and thanks again for saving me when you did.

Laenelis: I really liked your rp. You made sacrifices when you had to, and the "This elf" stuff made me laugh. Not sure why it was so funny to me, but I liked it.

Crugald: You really improved Outlander, I posted it in your goodbyes, but I could really sense the tension between the alignments when you played, and I think that's an aspect that doesn't normally play out as well.

Nethlin: Elite. You weren't a huge rp presence, but you did add security to a group, and your knowledge always impressed me.

Drifelda: I never would have imagined a gnome to be deadly, but you showed me just how deadly they can be.

Wakazula: Pretty solid warrior...though I was stunned when Caroolth killed you in the Weald against the three of us...I didn't even think to word you, because I hadn't even thought we could be losing.

Mhardat: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for starting the war with Scion. I had tried with previous Outlanders to do the same thing, because I seriously couldn't understand why we were friendly with them. I'm so glad we're finally going at them.

Alenysi: Some times you could be pleasant and nice, and others you could turn into a real *****. Heh, You did pretty well as a healer though, and made a good ally, though there were a couple times where we needed you, but you couldn't help.

Felnarsto: Not sure where you went, but I hope you stick with it.

Tredyn: Funny character, and some great interactions.

Drakzin: The yes's bothered me a little, but you've been a pretty strong presence.

Daideneraya, Juthel, Fadrarr: Ranked up with you guys, but you all disappeared...

Uncaballeds: There were a lot of you, and you were all very willing to please. I tried to help where it was appropriate but some of you, I just couldn't deal with. Thanks for the help.

Reecia: Getting gaunted to the mists of Thar-Acacia, was scary but managing to escape is one of my most memorable moments.

If I forgot someone, please reply, and I'll respond. There were tons of Outlanders to keep track of, though lately its been getting much quieter. And I'm glad the Tribunals have started on an upswing, I hated being in power for so long.

Past Characters: Rilok, Yisoras, Reossi, and Agraemas are the major ones that come to mind.
46774, hmm
Posted by Alenysi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well...I liked Kipli a lot(probably...one of the few, hah), I am going to miss walking with my protections up and shields(hah). I try to be nice with Alenysi but she has a temper at times, but I never thought I got horrible around you, but I guess I did, sorry, you must have done something :P Still I liked you being around, I knew you were a competant player and that made the difference to me. Sucked that one time in the Spire with just us two, I am sorry that I freaked out when sanctuary and detect invis fell down at the same time(should have spammed rej on me, and have you run, well live and learn). Oh, and I never understood why outties would be friendly with scions(they are conjurers, and there is more to it as well).

Thanks for the compliment, makes me feel like at least I am doing decent at being a healer(first one, first empowerment character). I usually came if someone needed help...so I don't know what you are talking about(but she likes walking alone too...so sometimes she was getting ganked down somewhere while you are fighting some other being). Oh well, no biggie, I Am sure I will remember, and learn from my mistakes. Outtie is going to be hurting soon, I Think with my hours one a downswing, you gone(and a bunch of other people just disappeared it seems, or maybe I am being dumb, who knows). Oh well, good luck with your next, and hopefully you won't have to punk my behind(too much).
46777, No worries
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were times where you'd seem to dissappear or, one battle in particular I remember, where that big raiding party came to the Refuge to get the fetish, and me and Thrugald were there defending, but you didn't make it until the battle was long over...Its all right though, the instances were few and you helped tons more than didn't. And really, that death in the Spire was my first big encounter with Manacles as a mage, it was my fault but we live and learn.
46782, Oh I remember that...
Posted by Alenysi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I was in a place where I shouldn't be...so I didn't know what went on til I was dead...and was like oh crap sorry...wtf happened?(and the fact I play at 4 am in the morning and I shouldn't...is part of the problem probably) Maybe I'll play an uncaballed character one of these days. I really wanted to explore certain places with you, but it never worked out.
46775, Good fights
Posted by Artisle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had guts, coming into towns and fighting. You really only got me once, because of Immolation. Lets just say, I haven't been without resistance since then. :) I hadn't died in awhile til today when I overcommitted in a fight with Nreisshe. Damn Mhardat and his wither taking my best defense away from me!

Anyway, I can't count the number of times you fled from me at Convulsing. Argh! Cutoff doesn't work nearly as often as you might think. As for coming out of town, I will if I see people around. However, when you sit in the weald visible, but we all know there are other outlanders about, wh in their right mind is going to walk into that? I don't mind fighting outside of town, and I will do it plenty, but Outlanders have that nice chameleon skill that makes it hard to find you. :)

Have a good one, good luck with the next.

46776, True
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the powers should be tweaked some. As it stands now, Outlanders have supreme survival power in the wilds and tribs the same in the cities. It'd be cool if they were balanced more so we'd have a better reason to hunt each other.
46778, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of...
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if we didn't come in touch too much, you being around was always a positive sight. A steady voker on "your team" brings some comfort even if you had nothing to do with them... if not for any other reason, then for drawing the enemies' attention while I get to sneak around. ;)

Good luck with the next one.
46792, It seemed we were the morning crew
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eastern Standard time anyway. Would have been cool to coordinate more, but regardless, the two of us still scared off all the early birds after our fetish.
46779, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of...
Posted by Ikajio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interacted with you with two different Chars, Ikajio be the second, and all in all pretty satisfied with your capability. I am kind of disappointed that I couldnt rank up either (been trying to find a group to power to hero for some time now) and all I can really say is you would have had Loads of fun with deafen ;)
46781, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of...
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Caroolth: Though, you were a minotaur and the Provost, OOC, I thought of you as a friend. You really had no fear, and I ended up killing you a bunch, but your example was partly why I came into the city so much to fight later on. I didn't see you outside as much as I wanted, though those guards are tough to deal with no matter where you were. One thing I absolutely hated was calling Ragers into the Spire to help you defend. Great job, you definitely deserve your position.


You can imagine just how happy I am you're gone...I think you've got the most kills on me from the outlanders.

As a foe, decently competent, though an unprepped warrior's pretty much meat against some of those groups that came to the Spire. Got better at it towards the end there, because I'm learning as I go here.

As for being outside quite so much, well, there's a few reasons. One, if you can't hold the scales, there's no point in getting them back just to die to a gang again. Two, there's a tendancy of outlanders to sit there in a group of several and wait. I should know, I died to that a few times, with one notable exception. As for the ragers, well, they wanted to help kill you, and being as I was the only hero tribunal there for a long while, anything to defend the Spire as best we can.

And I got reprimanded by one of the Magistrates for telling them to not risk dying quite so much against the Outlanders, when I kept charging in :)

See you in the fields!
46784, I completely understand why you didn't
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was just me expressing my greed. It can get really boring camping the Refuge. haha.
46785, That time I killed you (txt)
Posted by Vranth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man if you have the log I would like to see it.

You had 9? 8? ranks on me? And we had recently fought and you had inproved invis, and I hadn't been able to see you, or bring you out with either dust because of your shields.

The second fight I marked you straight off, and then thirsted. My interpretation of the fight was that you died more from panic at me being able to see you, where in the recent fight I hadn't been able to. You were normally very calm, and then I marked you and you sorta seemed to freak.

Anyways, you scared the crap out of me, with the level difference, and I didn't think that trick would work again.

46789, Thirst was what spooked me
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was trying to flee and cast fireball, because I had no idea how to react. Your spellbane fired on it when we were in battle so I tried to just cast it area style before we could engage, but I hadn't understood at the time that thirst brought us into battle every time I entered. You were my first real encounter with Rager powers and I definitely panicked.

Once I figured out what happened, I made sure I'd be ready for it next time...though we never met again. I hadn't prepped for that fight either, and that was also something I planned on in the future.

Send me an e-mail king_david_127@hotmail.com and I'll send you the log, or I can post it on Dio's if you want. I have them all sorted and named, but it might be a few days before I sort out which one specifically(I labelled them with "Fight with Tribunal" or "Stupid, REMEMBER YOUR SHIELDS" and stuff like that, rather than specific names)
46793, Dios is fine, and thanks nt
Posted by Vranth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46786, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of...
Posted by throtsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you around a lot and I kept trying to get a shot at you but you either got away too quick or I didn't realize there were 3 other people with you. Out of curiosity did you know shield of ice stops pincers? You never once put it up around me and I thought it was kind of odd. Your characters keep improving and you should keep it up.
46790, Hahaha
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, as many of the Outlanders can tell you, for most of my life I hadn't finished frost shield. Haha, embarrassing I know, and so I'd gotten so used to shield of winds, I just never bothered with it. There were a couple times it could have saved my life, but for the most part it wasn't too big a deal.
46795, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Kipli Waterhaul the Weaver of...
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Kipli a lot. You definately stood out more to me. I feel like I missed out quite a bit being such a loner with Laenelis on getting to know some really great characters but that's just the way it goes. Definately a solid outlander.
46809, Yeah you didn't do badly
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You sprung a good trap, I was however just getting regeared after about 3 imperial gankdown/loots and coming back battlefatigued from fighting mobs in the past (hence why I didn't bloodthirst)
I really should have just choked you and legged it to the village, but it it was one of those "what the hell! Can't I just get a change to regear!"
That's what I get for staying when I should have just logged out ages ago.
Anyway our dealings were mostly just scrapping with each other, alas no real RP interactions. A few brutal outlander gank teamings, but you also ran solo alot which I thought was good of you.

good luck with your next, try rolling a village berserker it will help you understand the strengths and limitations.
46822, Rager me yes..
Posted by Rongar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well yeah I went to get it dont remember now if I got it or not
but if you would just have fought me there you could have
take then healer out cause I most likely wouldnt have thirsted
hard to run away if it goes bad from that spot.

was always hoping to get to fight you
and the young that was there is still blaming me for Aiding
the healer which was out of my range or I would have wacked
him aswell

but anyway cool that you had fun with the character
thats the main part of the game
46823, I knew you'd do this!
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you were waiting for me to take a break to delete. Kipli was great, through and through. I don't think there's really anything more that I need to say about him as my character's reactions towards Kipli pretty well mirror my personal feelings.

Thanks for all the fun.
46828, Liked Kipli alot.
Posted by Raen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We havent traveled much together, yet from what I've seen from you, I could never tell this is your first invoker, - you seemed to be pretty confident with the class. You had guts and would always fight, no matter the odds (and if it would get nasty, you would always word you groupmates first). Respect for that.
See you in the fields.

46769, What, not going to post any goodbyes? n/t
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM