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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectEnough of that
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=46529
46529, Enough of that
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not enough energy to resume regathering after dying in Galadon while Tesseracting to a groupmate...without realizing...another hidden groupmate had snuck up to me (Didnt have the mana for two. Good excuse to delete, I know...but kinda tired of him anyhow.

This was a pure PK char, zero roleplay other than killing evil.

Was initially going to go fortress. Got recommendations, but no sign of leaders. Then saw some pretty lame chars in fortress. Certain Accolytes make me want to puke. Being in a cabal of these lackies that ignore you 99% of the time, only to talk to you when they want you to help gather them something, or retreive their item..is pathetic.

Its bad when me of all people is contemplating rolling an Imperial just to kill lightwalkers, who I normally get along great with. Again, doesnt apply to all of fortress.

This Char was very boring to play. I think I died twice in PK situations. Once to a cornered Nysveld, who lucked out on a Power Word Kill, when I tesseracted to kill him. And died to Ogbuk, while naked after the Nysveld death, going for a quick regather. (Sorry Ogbuk. You died to my magic missile, then I died a second later, I think to bleeding. I was naked and was only time I ever full looted someone, and was close to my hometown. I was watching tv later and was upset for doing that, I even took your saddlebag of crap.)

I think I slept half the time I was logged in. Other half was scrying. Then would swoop in, kill someone, go gather a few things. Nothing left to explore.

Evils that whine to me about nightgaunts. I really dont want to hear it. THis char was a fanatic, he didnt care if he turned darkness upon itself, as long as a darkling died. Four or five people died to the gaunt without even being brought. Dont think they should be able to kill people outright if they are hurt bad.

Another note to those I fight...please dont ask if I full looted you. Never have, never will. Dont die, then whine to me about me being a BIaTCH. (You know who you are.)

I need a break from CF. Skilled foes are soo few and far between, that I was resorting to picking on ranking parties.

Scion: Greddarh, nice job. I cant beleive your luck though getting to your corpse like that. You teleported, convulsing, with a fiend on you. I cast tesseract...and failed. You died and were able to get to corpse before me. Had I not failed tesseract, which was at 84% or so, I would have sacrificed that nasty axe. I like you though, and might roll up an evil next.

Imperials: Worthy foes: Grunlath. Gharahka put up a bit of a challenge a few times, but otherwise was pretty much a route of those I fought. Necromancer legion....pretty weak stuff. Group happy Imperials for the most part. Merlah, sorry, but I dont understand much of what you are saying. WHy do you spend so much time in that place I wont mention? It was pretty much, 'Let me go kill Merlah, ill check his favorite hangout'

Outlanders: SOme neat chars in that bunch.

Villagers: Respects. Sorry Drillmaster. You have it rough, and wasnt even in my role to be doing that ####. I was bored and had noone to fight. I tried to avoid villagers but did kill a few of you out of boredom.

Tribunal: Caroolth, I have a bad temper sometimes. I shouldnt have done that in Organia. Felt bad afterwards. You were just protecting your groupmate. Once he fled, I should have just accepted it and moved on. Tried to make it up to you afterwards. The young from Spire that sit under hero range...weak. Should be removed from cabal. Being a #### shouldnt guarantee a place in a cabal.

Groupmates: Was frustrating when grouped. I hunt alone 99% of the time. Iahte exploring, I dislike gathering.

Necore, Aundar, Jujeeko, ect. Thanks for some communication. If not for you, I would talk to myself I bet. Aundar, you are borderline annoying, but have the worst luck ever. And thats from someone that has played alot. Man you have bad luck. I liked your char though.

Some of my recent chars. Alidove, Onaelith, Harkan

Oh yeh: I am going on a cruise at the end of the month. Looking forward to that.

46566, If you were the one who would send me Codexes via Servitors...
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks...I guess. Wasn't really sure what to do in those situations.
46567, Yeh that was me. You were sleeping/fighting a few times too and it got lost. n/t
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46552, Hey!
Posted by Silvellien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sure you noticed how much crap I was (I really suck with control chars - flail/dagger doesn't suit me), but I always thought of you as a solid ally. I don't remember you ever mentioning you intended to be a fortie app, though.

I have a few really sweet memories of you, though, especially those unbound angels. I distinctly remember pulling Nysveld down into the council room into one where the poor guy died in one round on a parting blow to it.

I'm sorry you felt this character was a disappointment, the Fort isn't all bad, even though you are right, our leaders never seem to be on much anymore.

Ah well, good luck with whatever you choose to do next.
46554, Hey
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you. I thought you were a ballsy little bugger. You got a little outclassed agaisnt Gharahka, who was geared to the #### when you fell to him. But otherwise, you looked like one of few fortresites that I would like to romp around with.
46550, You already know this, but I will reiterate...
Posted by Nightwiggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with Harkan a good deal with Hrugald, and Remo a good deal with Kevmorn.

Harkan was a much better character. You might have a similar problem to mine. When ever I roll a character purely for pk i don't enjoy it. The only chars I have fun with are rp driven.

Regardless, you are obviously skilled, and that came through crystal clear with remo, despite not enjoying the RP.

46548, Was fun. Luck with next. n/t
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No text.
46553, Awesome pally. Liked your char. n/t
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46541, I hated you so much.
Posted by Nysveld on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was nothing I could do to you. a well played very smart conjurer. I knew once you logged on. you would be on my ass. I count the times you looked in on me. I finally said screw it next time you tess to me pwk. And well it worked. and I cheered. you were a bitch. no point at all but to make imperials life hell and you know it. But well we need a couple of those just to give me hard time. But like Nep said. maybe instead of power ranking. get some interaction going you might find you have a real purpose at hero then. Then again I play no rp shifters from time to time. who am I to talk.
46543, That was the sweetest Kill ever.
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was rocked. That was awesome. All I can say.

Tesseract to victim. Brain disintegrated....

You did miss my insane revenge spree on the Empire. Couple nights back, I was doing some whoopin, saying...this ones for Nysveld!!
46544, I had a feeling you would be pissed about that.
Posted by Hah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean tessseact and dead before lag was gone. would suck. I almost fell back when it landed.

By the way you buying your sheet? if not I will.
46546, Im scared to..
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know my Imm comments are going to be nasty.

I want to go to bed thinking Nep might still like me a bit.

As far as Pk record, I have no idea. Not alot, 20-30 wins at hero maybe...no idea. Dont even think I fought before 51. Had alot of teleport from me and land on violent #### deaths. I guess he was a bitch.

46547, We all want to see the comments. should be good n/t
Posted by Nysveld on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46538, If it makes you feel better
Posted by Ikajio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even though once you did gaunt me (kinda crazy for a lightwalker to use but roleplay has its holes, I just thought you were a maran and that should be waaaaay bad if you were, sorry to bring it up :P) I hope it helps for you to know that I got the dude who looted your corpse to admit his crime through a bit of wordplay and trickery and warranted him rightly.
You were tough, good job
46540, RE: If it makes you feel better
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have respect for you. Tough class to play. I think APs are deadly when played alusive and hard to find. THey can prep and kill you, then disapear again.

You on the otherhand, play a sitting duck AP. I dont know how you can handle that. But you have an uphill road. Maybe thats what I need. I hope you kick some ass though.

As for the gaunts, I see them as some evil demonbirds that are flapping around in the nightsky. I use my magic, tear them from the shadows and order them to kill another evil person. End result is the evil person dies. Im not contributing to the gaunts power. The thing is departing back to its domain right away after my magic wears off. Im turning evil upon itself. I was playing D&D a while back and remember psioics. Goodie char with ability to take control of someones mind. Dominated his mind then ordered him to kill his groupmate who was also evil. Kind of the same idea here..

46545, RE: If it makes you feel better
Posted by Ikajio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, but that domination in turn could almost be considered horribly evil in its own right, no? Even though at the end the evil has been killed dead and all, its still taking control of another persons free will and actions. Now, not saying that implies to conjurers, and since you werent a maran I think using a gaunt from time to time is perfectly reasonable if its roleplayed right. But I also think if a maran EVER summoned one then they should be bumped to evil or neutral and kicked out of the cabal, as well as marked. just my two cents :P
p.s. Thanks for the complement and I will see what I can do
p.p.s. I have so far enjoyed each of your characters
46549, Yeah well.
Posted by Eskelian-Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If thats how it was meant to be, goodies wouldn't be able to use them at all.

The fact that they can, indicates its not against the rules.
46551, RE: Yeah well.
Posted by Ikajio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why shouldn't they be able to? The game is way more fun with that grey smokey area inbetween good and evil where things can turn for the worst or take strange twists. Once again I reiterate, Maran should NEVER EVER EVER use a nightgaunt, it goes against everything they stand for. Now Remo wasnt a maran, so be it.
46535, Hmm...
Posted by Alenysi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish I got to argue with you more :P For whatever reason, I dont really get too much...entertainment any more...I always play for rp rather then pk...I liked Harkan and tolerated Alidove(yes I had characters that interacted with both, I had no idea you were Alidove though). Anyway, it was kind of tempting to try to kill you, if she saw you gaunting, I might very well try(probably unsuccessfully, but hey you can always try).
46532, Good Job
Posted by Aundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did mention to a friend though that I thought you were Lightmage. Just from how you talked when you were Anith and now. I have to say you helped Aundar more then anyone else both ranking/gathering so thanks alot. I don't know what I will do now that my few allies against the Empire hoard have all deleted!

I liked Remoldezaire and thought that was an unbelievably ####ty death myself. Its not bad enough you died, your corpse went to some random lowbie which is just uh...weak.

On a more humorous note. I have to say I've played CF for a while and never had a character that has a worse 'luck stat', bad juju or just what have you. This character is plain and simple a curse of #### on every possible level. Graazur has hit me for two 825+ hp breath blasts, and both times he was off his normal patrol. Bah! On top of that, I can't count the number of times the RNG or gods of fate have simply said 'No, sorry do not pass go, do not collect $200. Thems the breaks though. All I can do is suck it up and hope one day my luck IC will change.

Sorry if I was a bit annoying there at the end, Im sure you were getting sick of regearing me, etc. Damn the Empire and their sharp blades! All of your issues with conjurers are the same reasons I won't roll one, myself. They seem bad ass for about 2 days IC, then you spend two more getting ready. Anyways, take a break for a day or two and roll up something to kick major ass.
46531, Good fights
Posted by Artisle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun fighting you, I just wish I had more fire protection most of those times you came after me. Once I got some, we didn't really fight much. You with yours and me with guards could have been a fun fight now that I would be on a more equal footing via our levels. Oh well, come back with a Tribunal and see how we live before talking about "level sitting." Its pretty easy to rank a goodie conjie.

anyway, powerful character, wanted more fights.

46530, Random comment or two
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Being in a
>cabal of these lackies that ignore you 99% of the time, only
>to talk to you when they want you to help gather them
>something, or retreive their item..is pathetic.

I'll be totally straight with you, man. Most of the conversations I saw you initiate with other people involved them helping get you gear.

Pot, kettle, all that.

>Its bad when me of all people is contemplating rolling an
>Imperial just to kill lightwalkers, who I normally get along
>great with. Again, doesnt apply to all of fortress.
>Evils that whine to me about nightgaunts. I really dont want
>to hear it. THis char was a fanatic, he didnt care if he
>turned darkness upon itself, as long as a darkling died.

I suggest to you this might mean this should have been a neutral character. We did consider making him one.

>The young from Spire that sit under hero
>range...weak. Should be removed from cabal. Being a ####
>shouldnt guarantee a place in a cabal.

I know you pretty much power to hero with each character, but the game doesn't begin at hero, and it's not meant to.

>Groupmates: Was frustrating when grouped. I hunt alone 99% of
>the time. Iahte exploring, I dislike gathering.

For all of that, you did spend a lot of time on gathering gear.

If the game's not fun for you lately, you might examine how you played it this time around: low RP, high gear-obsessive, and PK-conservative. You're obviously capable of a stronger RP effort and less gear concern based on your past characters. I assume you're also capable of playing a character less afraid of dying. Going in these directions might bring some of the fun back for you.
46534, To avoid jacking this thread.
Posted by Aundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"You're obviously capable of a stronger RP effort and less gear concern based on your past characters. I assume you're also capable of playing a character less afraid of dying. Going in these directions might bring some of the fun back for you."

Any chance we can discuss this part of your comments over on Gameplay or Ask an Immortal? I don't want to detract from Remoldezaire's deletion thread. Thanks in advance.
46536, I'm not sure what part you want to discuss, but
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Go ahead and start a thread.

Different people enjoy different things about playing the game, but when someone's saying they aren't having much fun anymore, I don't think it's that far into left field to suggest they might try a play style they once seemed to prefer again.
46537, Ah, nm then.
Posted by Aundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought you were implying that the way he played was not particularly well-received upstairs. My bad. Apologies and all that :)
46539, Nepenthe is right
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean seriously...my roleplay was pretty ####ty. Example of that was I was borderline OOC talking with a relative newbie that gravitated to me. I never talk about stats or #### like that ever, but found myself loosing any semblance of it being a roleplay game.

I was lazy while talking, wasnt even using emotes, or correct sentences...it was piss poor effort.

I havent been playing 'happy' for sometime. Its become a race to hero. Gather up a sweet set. Take no risks in Pk situations. EIther mop the floor with someone while fully prepped, or else avoid any chance for an exciting fight. I dont even take joy from killing someone. Its gotten to the point where even if someone is super deadly and respected, I just go into "MUST KILL HIM" mode. I follow, wait, stalk, wait, until I catch this person...sometimes might take a whole week of playing 5-6 hours a day. Then I usually delete after 100 hours or so, bored again.

Im addicted to this game, but am becoming ####tier at it.

46557, RE: Nepenthe is right
Posted by Nightgauntish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perhaps play a rager with sphere courage and force yourself into situations that you will probably die? Might bring back the fun?