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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDead and gone.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=46383
46383, Dead and gone.
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rolled to explore. I did some of that. I had some fun. I made some friends.

I don't think areas in game should full loot you. Make it a partial loot, I don't care. Funstick = 0 on that. That was the main reason I rolled, and I had forgotten about that little catch.

Thanks to Eshval for not killing me at rank 36 in aran gird.

Thanks to whatever imm empowered me.

I guess when I roll another char, which I think will be a while, I'll just not go back to that area. A pity, it seems cool but I guess I'll never really know.

46473, Dang it.
Posted by Rgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well we never got to have that talk, and I was looking forward to more Trips with you. Dang all around
46480, I think your book will be interesting txt
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I also think you should tack on the place I talked to you about. Some great backstory there. I hope someone else picks it up, it is a good idea.
46461, I liked Kevmorn.
Posted by Aundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was looking forward to some exploring. Good luck with the next.
46479, Grinok in miniature! txt
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aundar is going to be beastly. Sorry I never got to help hero you, I really was planning on it. Sorry about your girdle that time. That sucked for everyone involved.
46442, Miss ya bro.
Posted by Iggmov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did a great job roleplaying and was hoping to get a chance to do some grand exploring with you another time. One day I'll hero a char with the idea to con die in that place if need be. A shame to see you go my friend.
46478, Iggmov! txt
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun talking to you, especially when I'd gate for a conference to some random ass area.

That stuff you told me that one time confirmed what I suspected. I was lugging around a couple wands for you too.

46419, NOOOOOO
Posted by Jujeeko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*cry* We met up in academy and ranked together for a bit found out we were both gonna be heralds during our interview it was fun ...I can't say much now wait till i croak i'll let ya know.
46477, <3 <3 <3 nt
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
46418, Dammit!
Posted by Gohum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Deleting like that. Good character. I enjoyed having Kevmorn around, making Gohum religious and all.

Good luck with your next!
46476, You were great txt
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And gave me some really nice RP opportunities. I think you do the wise gnome better than I did it. Keep the flame! Bizin 4Ev4!!!!!
46408, RE: Dead and gone.
Posted by Therethine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh bleh. I had hopes for Kevmorn. I guess I can't expect every Herald to live as long as me, heh...
46475, You seem a good high herald (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish you were around a little more. Thanks for putting up with Kevmorns thickheadedness those times.
46403, Some goodbyes now that I'm not pissed (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kevmorn was my second non immchar empowered char that went anywhere. Playing a priest of a religion that has like two paragraphs of background in game is fun. You can do whatever the hell you want, and make it up as you go rather than fitting yourself to some narrow definition of creation/vivimancy/concealment or whatever.

Sphere knowledge, rolled to explore a certain area that I just don't have the fortitude to explore.

Went to hell for the first time, recently. The powersupply on my main computer fried while I was there, which was annoying to say the least.


Grinok -- I loved Grinok. Big strong stubborn ass explorer giant. Tough as nails and mean as hell, but nice as well. A very cool char. Do that thing I told you to do! It would be funny.

Jujeeko -- Sorry Juj, I can't do what I wanted to do, so I need to go to something else. You are a great char, but you probably know that. We gave each other lots of good gear!

Ilthuria -- I was that muter that ranked up to 40 with you also, so when I got assassinated by you, I was laughing hard. I helped create a monster!

Lekajab -- Thanks for saving my ass that one time. Very noble, actually made a role entry about it.

Deylani -- Ehehehe. Good bard, greedy and smooth. It's good that Herald isn't all roses and flowers.

Grunlath and the Imperials -- I tried to sprinkle gear among you enough that you wouldn't hunt me. I was trying to keep the Fort happy at the same time, and it was all a harder juggling act than I figured it would be. Grun, you seem quite well played.

Gohum -- Thank you for the RP opportunity you gave me, you were the other wise gnome, and I think you do it better than I did it. Woot!

Joad -- Ehehee, I think I was a good customer. Good thief.

Aundar -- Tough bastard, that time in Ktengs sucked.

Morasfenmore and that Outtie Bard -- Gollum is sooooo 2004.

Kaeciln -- I am Nightwiggler on these forums, I think I said everything before. Horrible elf.

Daeoine -- Keep trucking, you take your licks and keep your head up. I assume this is your first char, and I have one suggestion. RP is GREAT but I think you might have more fun if you focus on the mechanics a little bit more. You have gold if you want it, so return potions are highly reccomended, same with teleport.

I think that is everyone that I haven't talked to below. If I forgot you, holler. I interacted with lots of folks. Playing a hero healer Herald with very few enemies means that you get lots of tell spam. My next might be another muter so I can go duo :P

About that thing in that area. How is that fun? It isn't like going there is integral to playing cf, so I can accept it. I thought I had it figured out from my last char that went there, thought I knew what the trick was. I guess not. You burn enough con in that area that I don't see how the added bite is neccessary. If you actively want to discourage exploration of it, then great, it is doing its job, but it seems to me like with everything that makes it difficult to begin with already there, having that little thing on top is like making this beautiful sculpture that has all these details that you need to get close to examine, and the gallery entry fee is already expensive. Then you take a cloth and throw it over it and say "Sorry! You need to pay another hundred bucks to get in!". I candidly don't get it. I had 15 con and 4 trains to spend there. Thats 57 deaths. I doubt I would have gotten very far with that many, but with out figuring away around the full loots, you can't get far anyways. I know from my last you need some of that stuff to progress. Why?


46404, A more concise way to phrase that last paragraph....
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If full looting is in bad taste as a character RP decision (which I think it usually is) isn't it in even worse taste as an area design decision?
46410, RE: A more concise way to phrase that last paragraph....
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You could get all that stuff back, btw. I imagine if you had asked around and not rage-deleted, someone could've told you how.

There has to be some consequence to doing it wrong besides a death. (Mostly because of ways people cheesed out the old way.) That's the one that makes sense from the story. I'm open to other idesa, but I make no promises.
46417, I dunno (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Make deaths in there a full con point. Make the looting a 50% chance per item. Whatever. I read over the logs I made with Hrugald and I had it figured out. I actually raged Hrugald over it once, and then reactivated. The frustration isnt the gear loss. The frustration is "I can't get any further here, because I need that stuff (that I got full looted for trying to get) in order to get further".

Maybe I'm not cut out for the area, and should just stick to pking newbies, and floofi ahrpee.

I'll stop whining like the little girl now.

46405, Heh, I'm glad you thought so
Posted by Lekajab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My lines of thinking was Oh #### where gonna ####ing die if I let this healer die!
Heh I liked Kevmorn too bad I couldn't trust you as a Nuetral I would have liked to roll with you more, you where an Excellent healer.
46421, RE: Some goodbyes now that I'm not pissed (txt)
Posted by Daeoine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're right:) I come from a largely rp background and I am not even good with geography in real life.... I have to thank you though for all tha advice and stuff. I have gotten a little better with time and I hope that with people like you helping I'll only continue to get better with time.
Will miss you a lot!
46425, Damned
Posted by Grinok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I found that gnome statue of your god, and was hanging on to it to give it to you. We had a lot of good times exploring just about everywhere, and that trip to Aran'gird would have been ugly as hell without you. I'm kind of upset you deleted, because I really liked having you around/showing you around/exploring a few places with you. You were one of the first people I looked for when I logged on, even when you were only like rank 30. Seriously, I outta kick your butt. My last character lost a near perfect set where you lost yours. Anyhow, good luck with the next. All that worry about me kicking the bucket first, and you go and delete.
46430, Lame I know but (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If my char could have been sphere silenttower he would have been. I had logs of when I went there before, Including certain written works, and I thought I had half a clue. I was wrong. The entire char was sort of predicated on that. Anyways, you rock.

46431, Heres where your going to kick yourself
Posted by Grinok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you would have asked me IC how to get around it, I would have told you. Ah well, what's done is done. For what it's worth, I really liked Kevmorn too.
46467, RE: Some goodbyes now that I'm not pissed (txt)
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame you deleted. It took some time before you talked me into holding that "lecture", but now i was looking forward to it. I think it would have turned into something very nasty with lots of blood on Olins floor, so you were right to worry about security.
In my youth i had some trouble with the heralds or perhaps it was the other way around....anyway with you staying out of the cabalwars, getting me reentry into the Inn again and Olin paying 40% of the Inns income to the imperial treasury...you had nothing to fear from the imperials...

Perhaps you should try an imperial healer now...good luck!
46472, 40% of...
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing! No problem.

46393, RE: Dead and gone.
Posted by Aekel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, this is totally unexpected. I enjoyed the rp aspect of Kev, too bad I never got around to asking about your religion. But for something you don't see everyday, I think you did great. But, I shall have to hunt you in the eternal afterlife for the promise you broke. *grin*

Good job
46400, Aekel is a really good char (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like him lots, and he isn't overly dwarfish, which many svirfs are.

Sorry I can't keep that promise.

I rolled Kevmorn with one very specific thing in mind, which was probably just a bad idea anyways. I'm really sorry I didn't save your ass that one time recently. I probably could have by using cleanse instead of remove curse, so your blindness would have been gone. Sorry about that and keep trucking!
46389, RE: Dead and gone.
Posted by Remoldezaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Blah. That was fast. I liked the little guy. Usually so many things going on at once that I was slow to respond to you, ect. And I just got you one of those things you wanted...little runt!!

I thought you were a well played healer. Exploring sucks!!
46399, Damned tough conjie (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the gathering runs, and thanks for grabbing one of those things for me :P
46387, Enjoyed your inquiries...
Posted by Kaisse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was nice to tell village history from my perspective :)

There was some things you taught me too in that, thanks for it all. I thought it was really well roleplayed - having a gnome dig up history from different perspectives. Well done.

Kaisse Tait.
46398, Glad you enjoyed that, 2 funny things (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First I played Vranth so I'm glad I was able to rp a completely different side...

Second, I was standing at the Order Mage mob at the time. I was hoping I could con you into saying if you killed him the war was done. Alas, you were too clever. Kaisse was a good char.

46386, Damn!
Posted by Saroiya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was looking forward to doing all sorts of things with you. I'm really going to miss having you around. Funny thing is, I'd just written a new role entry with you in it only to have you delete half an hour later. Oh well, hope you change your mind and come back soon!

All the best in the meantime,
46401, Mean paladin (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Elf two handers are scary. You reminded me a bit of Ulothyre, but less dour and more inquisitive. Thanks for coming at the end there to try to help me. I rolled purely to try to explore that area, and had totally forgotten about that aspect, which is what made my last char that went there avoid the same area. It is very frustrating.

I hope you get your sword, but the other one is pimp as well.

46422, What you ought to have done...
Posted by Saroiya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Is brought along someone who could beat the suckers that looted you. I think if you had stayed, and we worked together, that good things could have come of it. I just hope that some of the rp-stuff you started in game ends up happening. I'll definetly be making inquiries. Lastly, I did feel kinda bad about that last death you took to the soldiers, I should have attacked them faster bleh.
46384, Dude, I enjoyed Kevmorn.
Posted by Der_exal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its a shame you deleted so quickly after being a hero.

I'm pretty sure the situation you are talking about(if I'm right) is fairly recent. I experienced it for the first time playing sydrian a couple months ago, and I know it didn't used to be that way.

You're right, that is enough to make me not go back to the area in the future. That was kind of a blah change.

Good luck with whatever is next, bro.
46385, Thanks (txt)
Posted by Kevmorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm kinda suprised you liked him :P

Play on playa.