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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectNethlin
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=45519
45519, Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, rage delete on this one. Admittedly, there was a bit of anger involved too. Oh well. I hated this character. I realized around level 20 or so that while I had a plan on creation why I didn't take frost or lightning, I couldn't remember what it was. So that blew. I don't care what anyone says about taking seven paths, I like it better, and time sure doesn't matter. Finished getting all my spells I think ~110 hours, and was bored ####ing stupid for the last 150 hours. Considering I had only like 220 hours, that should say something. Finally made an outlander. It was alright I suppose, would have been a whole lot better I'm sure if I was actually into the character. They weren't as down as I had thought they were, but it's hard to see them when you're not in the cabal. I shouldn't be too missed, there's two other good invokers there. Oh, and going neutral was a curse and a blessing. The blessing was being able to go with either side of the cabal when I wanted. The curse was that with my gear-whoring ways I really hate the plethora of anti-neutral things. Especially things that are anti-neutral but pro-good AND pro-evil. Never makes sense to me. Anyways, think that's about it. To anyone and everyone, have fun.

Addendum: This character has made me realize I am turning into a cranky old man, and I'm not really that old yet. So if I was a bit caustic to someone, well, get over it.
45710, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Drifelda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked this character. I always felt bad because you'd help me out a lot, but I couldn't really return the favor. Too bad we didn't get to travel more. Good luck with your next!

And I'll echo everyone else in saying that I like all of your characters.
45725, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I seriously doubt everyone does, even if you discount my own opinion. I bet Gyhrean for one hated this character. Generally being able to help someone is reward enough. Not because I'm all warm and fuzzy from it, but at least for that period of time I have something to do which is a pretty big thing for me. Good strong character, keep at it.
45662, Stunned me..
Posted by Kipli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime we'd interact, you'd shock me with the amount of knowledge you had. On places, and preps, and everything. It was very very obvious you hadn't done an Outlander before, but you were an obvious Vet at everything else. Very cool, and thanks for all the help/tips.
45664, RE: Stunned me..
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad to help. Doing good, keep it up. Key to invokers, and everthing else really, is experiment and find out what works and what doesn't. Then stop using the things that don't =P
45603, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that i laughed when you told me this:

"I see you are doing the old routine. It will never work. Unlike you i am doing something that is effective."

One voker less for the outlanders should make me happy, but i rather have you around to immolate me. The pain keeps me focused, uhum.
Our fights were somewhat boring as none of us were close to death, and i knew you would teleport out once you got hurt enough. Little chance for you to finish me as well.

Good luck with your next. Guess i will meet you in hero range within a week :).
45613, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not an exact quote, but pretty close. Shamans really focus waaaaay too much on rot. You would have been better off trying a straight dispel and demonfire or just energy drain. Probably the first since you could call a sigil of pain. And rotting would have never worked, even if you got lucky with a -con damnation. I was hoping you'd give it up and switch to something that made the fight more interesting.
45635, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you are wrong. Rot is good in so many ways against an outlander mage.
45646, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Depends. It's good if the mage has died a lot and has low con obviously, I was still at 20 and had an additional 14 from armor. It's good to stop regeneration, assuming you're hurting them a bit at least, but I don't think I ever got too wounded. Movement is a non-factor really since outlanders have windwalk. Only other thing is maybe making them pop out of chameleon every hour if rot is actually dropping con. But you could faerie fire and have them visible all the time. Guess I'm just not seeing how it was the way to go against me. But hey, whatever works for you.
45594, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Muriont on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sad now that I didn't get a chance to fight you for revenge rights. I thought about what happened and basically, I said "Yea. Or close enough, anyways." My guess is you missed the second while sweeping the ocean for me. So then all of a sudden I have a someone has arrived; a beastcall shark is on you with like 5 levels up; buffet is rocking you hard since you have no spellbane; sorry you can't see the guy who is after you. I also had no good options to escaping so I just ran west and got blasted.

Anyhow, I really looked forward to fighting you again and basically now knowing which player is back there, I really am sad I didn't get a chance. Fighting Karel the AP was always fun so I figure this would have been too.

Good luck with the character-ADD and everything in general.
45597, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Character-ADD, I like that. Don't really think you needed revenge, first fight you beat the #### out of me. Second fight I got you. About even.
45608, Whoops
Posted by Muriont on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot that was you. You were in that case, my first kill on a mage. Everyone else used the overpowered 'teleport' and or 'invis' to get away from me. About two minutes later I smoked the necromancer too. I remember our brief interaction, good stuff.

I look forward to the next. Incidentally, it appears from your PBF that you play, on average, 10 hours per day. There was no way in hell that I was going to rank as quickly as you. Do you mud from work or something?

-Karel Fan
45612, RE: Whoops
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope, I've gone over how I have so much time before, no sense rehashing it.
45571, Warriors had trouble with you?
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never noticed that :p.
What a surprise! Karel runs through another hero in 2.3 minutes.
I think if I can make an honest critism (I've actually liked all your characters), it's to slow down just a bit and enjoy your characters a bit more. Put a bit more role quirks and stuff in them. That aside, you rock and another solid character. Though I did kick your ass a few times :)

Good luck with your next bro.
45585, RE: Warriors had trouble with you?
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, yes you did. Fully prepped you still just worked me over. Like I said in another farewell or three, you are one fierce little bastard. Good luck with things upstairs.
45589, RE: Warriors had trouble with you?
Posted by tapster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gryshnilar, since you have passed on as a mortal, can I ask what your legacies were?

You were one of the fiercest warriors I have fought and on par with Battle Berserkers.
45592, RE: Warriors had trouble with you?
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't want to make Neth's farewell about Grysh, but I don't think there's any harm in disclosing my fourteen legacies (Or did I have 15?)
On a serious note, I chose 'Space between Heartbeats' and 'Riddle of Resilience' and later on in my life I gained insight into 'Fortress of the Spirit'. They were all useful in their unique ways.

45565, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Siherilra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked what I got to see of you. You were more helpful then I expected. Thanks for the help ranking.
45586, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No problem, keep everyone alive. Unless I'm trying to kill them that is.
45555, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Thrugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I can't say I'm surprised to see this. I liked you, obviously, but like Aeria said there was a palpable feeling of boredom surrounding Nethlin.

Outlander when you were around is as strong as I've ever seen them. If they hadn't been, I'm sure you would have played a large part in turning them around as you're very skilled.

Thanks for taking me to some cool places; it had been a while since I'd seen them. I like to think I'm not quite as much of a fool as I come off, but perhaps more of a braggart. Hope you have more fun with your next character.
45561, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't seem like either to me. More like a person who really liked to take his time about things, not lazy though. Slow to anger, doesn't want to rush into things hastily so on. Humble too, that was a big impression I got. Now on the other side of the screen you could be screaming about how you da man, but your character is good.
45553, Tough customer.
Posted by Ilimya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact that much, especially after my playing hours waned, but it was clear to me that you were a veteran. I suppose I should have pimped you for some information, but Ilimya has this thing about handling things herself, so I never really found some good occasations.

If you are a veteran, it is no fun being on top and outlanders seem to have massive numbers these days.

I hope you have more fun with your next. The few of your characters (I know) I have interacted with have been cool/tough. I liked what I saw of Rialnis too.

45560, RE: Tough customer.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, I got that kind of loner feel from you pretty quick. You handle yourself pretty well too, so it works out good. Could have tried something more subtle for getting information, just mention something about rotting maybe being deathful and I would have probably offered up some info on things to boost con. Things like that. Anywho.
45550, *mutter*
Posted by Rgiradons on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man just when things were starting to heat up. You got me good, you should have seen me fuming, but there was a part of me that really respected it. I was dissappointed, kind of in awe of the huge mistake I made. Oh well. I was pretty sure it was you playing this character. Good luck on your next.

45559, RE: *mutter*
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, almost felt kinda bad about that. But on the other hand I was a little proud of just being that devious =P In all honesty though, I did live up to the agreement, just not the way you expected.
45538, That will make things a bit easier I suppose
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hated being stuck at 45 and you having improved invis. You were one of the first invokers I have seen to use that combination of spells and damn it was effective, fighting you was pretty much useless considering how bad you romped on me. Just play something you like and im sure the magic will come back. Good luck with the next.
45549, RE: That will make things a bit easier I suppose
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lack of options. No cone, no pillar so had to go with what area spells I had to get around spellbane, which is why I generally just stayed the hell away from ragers, something I never do with my invokers. You did pretty good though considering I was pretty damn resistant to your weapon choices. And I like invokers. I like most classes, and most cabals. Just not Heralds =P
45537, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Aeria Starblaze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First I want to thank you for being a helpful character IC in terms of me growing in Carrion Fields. As a person who doesn't even have an instant messenger or chatroom programs installed, I have no OOC connections. I think this is as it should be and it was amazing to meet a character in game who would help you learn things, which is the way I think it should be also. As someone who has NEVER played mages because of lack of wand knowledge, sometimes I wish I knew you AS a mage. But as you notice, I never once asked you about ABS or anything other than a druid could use as it wouldn't have been in character. Thanks for sharing with me more of the exotic places I had never been and letting my imagination wonder about going there someday :)

Nethlin was formiddable. There is no doubt. I try hard as I can, but inevitably fall for every so many successful hunts I have. We summed it up right, what I wear for battle is like the ever-changing moon phases, while you were the unmovable mountain.

I couldn't help but feel you did not have the same spark of life or absolute desire to live out your characters life to the fullest as I did :( Rather it seemed that you were bored on an OOC level. For the longest time I was thinking....is a character this powerful Nepenthe? But when I saw how bored you were on life in general and as your apathy increased, I decided you weren't Nepenthe but just a very veteran player :)

Well, it was a blast. I could go on and on, but mostly it would just be praise for your toughness on one side and wishing you weren't so easily bored on the other side. I tried to be light and fun with you in conversation and interaction, and bringing more into your characters life than just the ambushes and nuts and bolts. Hopefully we'll meet again, but I'm guessing you will probably be an enemy.

Aeria Starblaze
45548, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I try to help when I can. You have a good character, and I did like being around you even without anything going on, at least for a bit. I can't just sit there for too long. You have the best time to play right now, when everything or at least a lot of what is going on is new. Cherish it. I just wish I hadn't heard "Found so and so" then "dead" quite so much =P
45581, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Fielstithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to agree. I viewed Nethlin as a pillar character who lead the Outlanders during the time he was on, whether it was in a moment of battle or exploration. I never really saw any roleplay from Nethlin, but I can hardly say I'm been the life of the roleplay party either. I look forward to your next, and if it is an enemy, I will flee if I see you first.
45587, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasn't much to me this time around. Don't flee, charge. I won't hurt you, promise.
45536, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Alidove on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never got to fight you other than an unprepped buffet fest, once in the grove.

I feared you with Crugald. Crugald alone is pretty damn tough. But when together I knew there was going to be some butt kicking going on. Seemed that you two would make a mess then move on, and being unable to see you was hard to hunt.

c locate wonders...yep still out there....c locate wonders...yep expect shields on Crugald.

Take care.
45547, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were a few more. Near the fortress, eastern crossroads, and I think one more. You were one of the people that I slid over to enemy when you decided to try and chase me. Defending your people near the fort, sure. Trying to hunt me down after, nah.
45534, Aww...one of the Trouble Twins is no more.
Posted by Anghammarad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was looking forward to fighting you...
45546, No idea who you are. (n/t)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
45533, Heh, I honestly considered you more evil...than neutral..
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just by some of the words you said kind of rubbed me...that way, but still I liked the character(at least I Didn't have to deal with fighting you, it wouldn't have been that much fun, to tell you the truth on my end)...heh, I Did like that one convo we had about "forgiving and forgetting" Didn't help much(my charactered hated to be at war with the outlanders, since...well she was an outlanderish acolyte in my mind, though not so...racist so to speak).
45545, RE: Heh, I honestly considered you more evil...than neutral..
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't really interact with you much this time around other than that talk. I don't think it's entirely accurate to call outlanders racist, although by the strictest definition they are. Is an orc a racist for hating elves? Sure, but it goes a bit beyond that into just a natural enemy.
45528, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Haageran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well..what to say. I am going to sleep a little easier knowing that as soon as fly drops, I am not going to walk into quicksand with avalanches flying from the sky to crush me. Honestly, I thought you were evil for a while because I could never freaking see you (*mutters about superinvis*), but you played a good outlander, at least the dwarf hunting aspect. I was a little pissed when you got me twice in a row, but that was mostly my sleed deprived fault. Out of all of the outlanders, I disliked fighting you the most, probably because I couldn't do much to you.

Anyhow, sorry you didn't get into it. Come back for team evil. That seems a good fit for you ;).

Take care.
45532, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt semi bad about killing you twice in a row, but Alriac handing off the scepter to you so he wouldn't have to fight us was just too much like a dare or assumption. Assume nothing. I did leave you alone a lot more than you would believe though. For instance saw you in the kuo-toas after I think three people died there and I was thinking it was probably a damn good time to come and make your world suck, but then I figured it had to suck enough with everyone getting wiped out so I moved along. Statisticly I play mostly evil, this is the longest non-evil streak I have ever played, let alone having two neutrals in the mix. This was number five I think.
45535, RE: Nethlin
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll be straight with you. I know what his alignment on score said, but this character came off very evil to me.

That aside, I've been a big fan of a lot of your characters; this one, not so much. There just didn't seem to be much to him besides trying to surprise-kill everyone and anyone who was too low level to see through improved invis.
45544, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really? I didn't think he was too evil. I was thinking unforgiving. If you weren't an enemy I'd probably help out and stuff, if you were I'd probably try to kill you, and if you ever attacked me I slid you into the enemy category. That being said, I wasn't really a fan either, obviously. Surprise kill sure, but not anyone and everyone.
45527, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hate to say it, but THANK GOD!!!! And I'm sure that the other tribunals will be feeling the same thing...you were a bastard to fight, and the few times I came close, I just couldn't finish.

45531, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unless a warrior is a rager it just isn't a good matchup versus an invoker. Really I don't think anything is if the invoker is in experienced hands. You did get real close a couple times. That tripping time in Galadon I got away with 50hp, and I always used something to fly in a city before and after that too, guess I was just getting a little too cocky =P
45522, Good Times
Posted by Crugald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Nethlin in the beginning and in the end, though we had a difference there for a little while. Just FYI, if that is your only experience as an outlander, you definately hit at a very strong time. It has already begun to swing away again.

Great char though, and unforunately, last nigth, that thing you have been wanting was in and I waited around to see if you would log back in, but..oh well. What made you rage delete anyway? Did you die, or was it just boredom?
45529, RE: Good Times
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That little spat was exactly for the reason I gave. I understood your point, and I disagreed of course, but what bothered me was the broken record syndrome. It was like alright, we get it already. Other than that it was good hanging around together. I got that thing last night. As for deleting, it was both really. I was bored for the longest damn time, then getting killed and picked clean was just enough to say screw it. Not that I really blame anyone for the full loot, you have a nice set never expect it to be there when you die.
45520, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I kinda liked having you around, you had this aura of knowing what you were doing about you. Thanks for the gear and tips (though I knew most of it already, I was just fishing for something I might've missed, I suck with finding preps that would be worth the effort).

Come back as an evil outlander! No anti-neutral gear problems there!
45530, RE: Nethlin
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you too, although would have liked to have seen you a bit more even if we never really hung out. Thanks for letting me practice on you too =P