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Topic subject(Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
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45393, (Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Austira is dead and gone…

Well….what can I say? This character was like a really bad relationship that you know you should get out, but couldn’t for whatever reason. It was absolutely torture playing her after 150 or so hours…but I plugged on hoping something cool happens, and I guess I should have just deleted her in the first place instead of putting me through 170+ hours of boredom and torture. I think the main reason it ended up this way was basically I created her to be purely rp(and to help some poor newb if I get the chance) and she was anti-hunting or pking except in raid situations, or to protect another(which is part of the reason why she got so boring). She was sent up for rping with others and immortals, but no one seemed to enjoy the cat longer than a moment or two, it was depressing….but there were a few that I did appreciate, and I will get to them in a bit…hopefully, when I am not so annoyed(bad day, it happens)….but basically she wasn’t too bad for my second hero and first acolyte. Anyway, post and I will reply, I promise.
45427, RE: (Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your wildcat was on the receiving end some times, but you had heart and that goes a long way.

Good luck with your next.
45433, Yeah, when it was just me vs god knows how many(its cool though..)
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was actually so afraid of you because of the summon, but yeah I found out in one on one battles, it wasn't so bad ^_^ So I ceased to shudder when I see you on(as I remembered to teleport around if I saw you, so I had no risk of getting summoned out of form...ewww, damn semi-AFK oh well). See ya around.
45417, RE: (Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
Posted by Alidove on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your char. Though you took the martyr thing a bit too far. At times your roleplay was overwhelming and depressing to be around. Kind of a drag to be around actually. Though I did like when you got your spunk back over the Bjurn thing.

It seemed like you were bored and I couldnt really suggest things to you (that keep me going)...like taking you out hunting, gathering things, exploring places...and all that...because you flat out told me you dont like any of that. So I was kind of hampered as to what I could do with you.

It was like...so umm...do you like...stuff? Hehe

You could always take a bath in the twinkling darkness. Smelly felar. *wink*
45432, Smelly fela!!! Not felar!!!
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, Bjurn thing was the only time I was really like that, except this one interaction with Mavinero(he knows, no one else does)...so yeah, you probably just caught me at a bad time(and considering that was the day I broke up with my bf, I was in a foul mood, I know, I know, I shouldn't have gotten to me, but yeah, foul mood+a char that isn't supposed to get angry=Sucky). Anyway, I did like exploring...for the first 200 hours of her life...I was a bit of a gear whore, I admit, then I realized whenever I died, I would get even more pissed because I lost that "uber" set....so I decided to do what I called the "Zoel" mentality. If anyone remembers, Zoel was naked about half the time, but still would attack people...haha talk about heart. So exploring bored me, finding wands bore me...all I wanted to do was maybe quest and rp...oh and Austira DOESN"T hunt, that was the entire point of her....half the time I was like MUST GO PKING, but it would have been so out of role for her :/ Anyway, good luck and congrats for making Maran.
45405, RE: (Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
Posted by Thakhad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aw.. crap... One of my favorite Acolytes.. I always loved interacting with Austira, and it was often the only thing I could do due to no people to rank with. Sure, the cat thing sometimes seemed weird, but that's not a big deal... I enjoyed all of our interractions, well.. The little we had.. Usually, I tried to talk with you until something else big happened. I was expecting more interractions, but I didn't know you were so bored with the char... But somehow, you didn't seem to have a lot to do about so just sitting somewhere isn't fun very long... Well, good luck with your next, and hoping to see you in the Fort again. ;)
45406, RE: (Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions(YAY its an interaction, whee!!!) and interactions such as many I have gotten kept me going on, but still it was painful for me, I knew I had to delete when I literally broke down crying because I Was so bored...hehe....but sorry to disappoint you my next char isn't going to be in the fort. Thanks for the compliment and good luck.
45400, Bah I will miss you
Posted by xorvant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the interaction at Selric. You gave me some fantastic insights and rp ideas for a fortressite and I hope to try them out with my next chars. It was good to have someone to sit down and talk things through with. You definitely helped me iron out a few things because I dont usually play goodies and besides I am returning to cf after a long time. I am sorry we couldnt do more. One more dependable and sound ally gone. Good work and well done. Will meet you in the fields.
45401, Unfortunately, I remember talking to you...but not what about...haha
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though I think I enjoyed it(damn 2 am in the morning interactions!) and bards are always cool in my book(as long as they aren't good ones kicking my little behind...teehee). I am glad to help you out with some rp then, and I would have loved to rp with you more, but I think our times got...well messed up so we never had a chance(there were a few others, like...well Gry that I would have loved to rp with more, but just never worked out). Anyway good luck.
45397, So it was you then.
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recall having one good conversation with you as Endalion. It was pretty clear that you were a bit of a Outlander type with using money and such, while Endalion was my first character to use healers all the time. I don't know how many times you died, but as croc, I imagine that you were pretty survivable. The only thing in your RP I didn't like was the cat this cat that thing. That can be seen as indication that the character is somewhat retarded, which may hinder people's willingness to RP with you. I would have preferred using I(I want to be an Acolyte) or shortened or full name(Au wants to be an Acolyte) to refer self instead of cat, so that it would show that you are aware of self, but that's just my thoughts(for some reason I'm not too thrilled about felar, especially magi, calling themselves cat). But well played anyway. I'm not calling your RP bad, I'm just disagreeing with the flavour(meaning disagreeing on fairly minor details). Austira definitely wasn't an empty table. And to get other people RP with you.. My tactic was to throw random discussion opener comments or opinions over CB, hoping it to spawn a conversation.

Seeing from Dios that you were Zoel(I remember the two other shifters too), I can comment briefly on the past chars too. What comes to Zoel the jaguar shifter, the mental image of the character was female in my mind, despite of Zoel the character being male and the other charcters he reminded me of were female characters played by female players. You did well to move on from oddly RP:ed males to playing well-RP:ed females. You've improved so far, so I trust you to do better with your next. And when you don't feel like playing a char, there is always chance of playing a next one that suits you better. You've done three shifters so far. Maybe some other class to experiment with?

45402, Hmm...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the speech thing, I used to use the words vyre and yre(felar version of you and I) but no one ever got it so I transferred over to cat, and it just kind of stuck. I even call her the cat outside of cf, haha...and yeah I purposely made her to be an outlanderish acolyte and anyone who knew her past would have figured out(Ran away from a bad home at 10, lived out in the wilds by self for five years, then saved by an OUTLANDER!!! Haha). I did that one purpose...

I Did try asking random questions over cb(Random question time! Cat ask what does the word compassion mean to all squires and scribes?) It did help, for a bit...but then people went on and did their own things...I just guess I am needy :<

I have played other classes, just never got them to hero...shifters just give me an incentive to rank up. With other classes, just hit a certain level and stop is what I usually do...but yes my next character is NOT going to be a shifter(but the one after probably will, muhahah). Good luck, and thanks for the compliments.
45410, Heh. I tend to return to shifter class too.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think vyre - yre is a bit too hardcore for people to understand. I've stuck to common words like Mreowr, mre and nen, all of which can be explained in the sentence.

>(but the one after probably will, muhahah).

True. Need to play one every once in a while. So far, shifter class is the only one I've returned to(in sense of heroing a character. I've returned to orcs too, but Ghak was just too hollow to continue).
45411, I was pretty hard core with the felar speech...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I made myself memorize it practically...like Ershennen for Thank you, but no one EVER got it...so yeah, sometimes being hard core sucks, but at least you figured out what I was trying to do...meh.
45415, Flavour. Don't convey messages with obscure made up language.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I made myself memorize it practically...like Ershennen for
>Thank you, but no one EVER got it...so yeah, sometimes being
>hard core sucks, but at least you figured out what I was
>trying to do...meh.

If you do it this way:

Other guy says 'Here. You can have these boots.'

Other guy give you boots.

You say 'Ershennen.'

Other guy says 'Huh?'

But if you say after he gives you the boots: 'Ershennen. I am grateful.'

And he should be able to understand you without understanding 'Ershennen'. After that, you may hope that he guessed what Ershennen means, but I recommend keeping the hint in the sentence.

The trick here that you convey the message that 'Ershennen' contains in 'I am grateful.', so the other person doesn't need to understand Ershennen, but it does give your RP a racial flavour. From 'I am grateful' the other person can either guess Ershennen, or not, but the message will still be conveyed. I did this with Frearrir, using expressions like 'Mre. Fre will come.'(Or in later phase of mre-happiness after it was written in Frearrir's role: Mre. Fre will come, mre.).

I can't see how you get the felar counterparts of you and I to work well in this way, though. But you can make Ershennen work that way. Some words that are without informational content, like Mreowr, which is just a greeting, doesn't need explaining. After all, you could greet people by saying 'Örp.' or 'Wazaa!'. Therefore, the other persons 'Huh?' that follows your 'Mreowr.' can be interpreted as greeting.
45418, Except:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're basically forcing an OOC task onto another player when you're doing this. Any felar should logically understand you IC, but they probably can't if you're doing it this way, because it's a player skill.

Words like that can be a nice highlight, if done in the proper context and with a very light touch. (See other posts on this thread for examples of ways to convey this flavor without creating an OOC barrier.) However, we don't want players to have to memorize dozens of words for each character like this in order to roleplay correctly.

45434, I didn't expect anyone to memorize it...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And for the most part when I used Mre, I would say Mre, Cat does come...or whatever, But when I used vyre and yre in a sentenced it never seem to make sense, except when I used thank vyre, which then it was very obvious. But I believe if it was in the lyceum, I could use it, and if not, why was it there in the first place?
45436, And please do know the character before posting...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
BEcause that was exactly what I did, I sprinkled it in, it isn't my fault no one understood Yre is coming to meet vyre at Galadon, when it was obvious from the conversation. And there isn't enough words in the lyceum to write EVERYTHING in felar, so even if I did want to, it would be down right impossible. Most people understood me just fine, and I did ask IC if my speech was annoying in ways such as:
You tell Mavinero 'Cat should learn how to speak right."
And I get something along the lines that it was just fine, and I did this to a few people...so I figured it was fine, I do suppose to some people who are nitpicking about cap letters and periods it would bother them because they are unable to understand a semi dumb felar(which was the point I was trying to get across). In any case, it was obvious you didn't watch my character, otherwise you would have known this so please don't...assume something.
45450, I understood you fine.
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like the words ("Mre, Mreow, Yre", etc) but, its from Lyceum so it isn't your fault.

But, I did usually understand what you were trying to say.

I'm kinda curious at what you're so angry about? Being a Fortress-ite certainly has its frustrating sides but I don't recall you dying all that often or anything.

Maybe something that occurs at times when I'm not on, or in regards to one person I find frustrating to deal with within the cabal.

45451, I am not angry at any of the players actually...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its a long story, and I dont care about dying and what not...
45453, I thought you portrayed a perfect Felar.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Accent and all. There was nothing about you that was extremely well played in my opinion.

Screw them, they don't know a good thing when they see it. So you didin't powere game and roxxor with joor ownzor sword.

Seriously, how anyone can say you were a bad character in any way is beyond me.
45462, Thanks man..
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I posted all that is needed on your good bye post, but I do still appreciate this...I was worried that Austira was a horrid char after acolyte and all(less than 150 hours to get acolyte and last name...then nothing for what? 170 hours? You can do the math, and probably figure out why I was little perturbed and bored with this char). Anyway, good luck with whatever one you are working on(I am working on right now, and no, she doesn't have an accent, so no one can complain about that). See ya around.
45464, Out of curiousity
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What were you expecting that you didn't get?
45465, I wasn't expecting anything specific per se
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just bored as hell, and had hoped someone would rp with me(anyone, really, imm, fort members. Based on my pbf file, I didnt get anything for the last 100 hours of my char's life...which I would assume it was because I had no chance to do anything). I had thought this char would be more interesting and fun, but I was sorely disappointed, I really should have deleted her when I first did at 142 hours or something, and then end up wasting 170 hours of my life, quite literally.
45469, The only thing that I didn't like about this character was....
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was absolutley stressed out playing Bjurn for some reason and she just wouldn't leave me alone! Heh.

I really needed peace with Bjurn so I could get back on track and I felt like no matter what I would say, you would argue with it.

If you noticed that Bjurn, didn't so much argue, as take a stand and not budge. Instead of getting all hollistic with he/me, a simple Stubborn Dwarf! Would have gone a long way!

But I knew all along I was crewing up, I never saw anything to indicate that YOU were. In fact, I honestly figured you'd become the next Cardinal.

Hand to Aarn I did!
45473, RE: I wasn't expecting anything specific per se
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have a tendency to take offense where no one's meaning it. (Exhibit A: Valg-subthread above where it's pretty obvious to me he's talking about different-IC-language characters in a general sense and you seem to think he's trashing your character.) That being said, I'm going to ask you to read this post carefully about three times before getting surly.

I'll start by saying that this is the best character from you yet by a wide margin, and I have high hopes you'll continue to see such big improvements from character to character.

That said, this whole self-pity rant isn't particularly winning. You're basically complaining that you got to achieve a lot early in your character's life. Do you think you'd be happier if you had deleted at 300 hours still a Scribe or still waiting to get inducted into your cabal? I don't.

Did you waste 170 hours of your life? Only if the journey wasn't fun. CF as a game isn't about what you achieve, it's about the fun you have playing. Nobody in 5 years will care how or when you got your last name. You probably won't even care. If you're lucky, you'll have some fun memories of playing.

RP, like so much of CF and life, is often about what you make happen. If you want RP, go out of your way to RP with people, get things started, and do. Be proactive. You have a somewhat passive/reactive style, and there's nothing wrong with that, except that it leaves you waiting for other people to come and create fun for you, and that's something you're clearly unsatisfied with.

Austira, from what I saw, was a solid effort and a solid Acolyte. Without question, in my mind, your best yet. Take that for what is and be happy with it. Was this a character I personally would have picked for a quest form, some custom quest interaction, or cabal leadership? I would say no. These are standards you have yet to rise to, in my mind. The good news is, if you don't wallow in self-pity too much and continue make great strides of improvement with each character, you will get there if you want to.
45481, No, no not that...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only meant I was bored to tears for the last 170 hours, when I first deleted at 142, I should have stayed deleted...I am more upset with myself for listening to a few people saying that I should keep on going...but bleh no, I didnt have fun for 170+ hours, for the majority of it(maybe 10 hours of it was ok). I know I get upset easily, but then again I cool off just as quick. All I am saying is that I was bored crapless the entire time(and my character, I guess was just too passive for me, she HAD to be. If I forced people to talk to me, it wouldn't have been Austira anymore, and that is probably part of the problem, Austira was TOO good for me in terms of personality).
45470, And I meant ...
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was nothing about you that WASN'T extremely well played in my opinion.
45396, You're wrong!
Posted by Gnedden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're wrong! I enjoyed all our interactions! You're one of the few fortress members I respected and liked. I finished with Gnedden... need to find time to delete as well.

Good luck with the next
P.S. Try evil ones, you'll enjoy!
45404, I Do apologize, if I forgot who you are...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fortress paladin right? Anyway...thanks for that, I did try to make an indepth character, but it didn't always work that way. In any case, I have tried evils, and I tried to be really evil...and then I end up making an evil everyone thinks is neutral, until they can see auras...haha, great, I am too nice to make evils.
45395, RE: (Deleted)[Fortress] Austira Eldhwen...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, second hero? I'd say you did damn good. I liked you, as evidenced by the fact that I talked to you with all my characters (people I don't like I don't even bother). I still remember you trying to teach me felarish(?), and me not catching on so quick. I was a bit buzzed at the time, so I wasn't at my sharpest. The whole third person thing (is calling yourself by race actually third person, or would it be like fourth?) did get a bit annoying, but I have a thing about the whole speaking thing, so take that with a grain of salt. All in all, an excellent character. I'm sure you'll have even more great ones too, and I don't say that too damn often.
45403, It all went downhill after Rialnis deleted, honestly...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed running around with you, and never was quite the same when you deleted...hehe and then I Decided to play another 170+ hours of mindless torture. I enjoyed interacting with both Rialnis and Omeran...and if there was a third, well I Don't know, probably enjoy interacting with him too. Haha, yes my second hero, but I have quite a few in the mid 40s, and god knows how many that made it into the thirties, hehe. Good luck with whatever one you are working on.