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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Millia Aspion the Protector of Faith, Pupil of the Keeper
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=45296
45296, (DELETED) [SCION] Millia Aspion the Protector of Faith, Pupil of the Keeper
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jan 27 23:29:15 2006

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Millia perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
45297, Farewells
Posted by Millia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, this is the last for me. I had some fun playing something else when
I was waiting to talk Zebulus one last time before deleting this character.
Reality calls, so I had to give up this character without achieving what
I was aiming for. Second evil healer, not bad, but being only able to hero
at nearly 200 hours, that kinda sucks. First empowerment is to rank 25 at
40 close 50 hours. Second empowerment to 40 at about 100hrs or so. Third to 45
at 130hrs close 140hrs. Final empowerment to 51 at about 180hrs or so. First time
it took me so long to freaking hero a healer. I really hated you for that
though Zebulus(initially), then I had some fun irritating people due to lack
of empowerment and rank restriction. Though, I had quite a few first times
with this character. First time talking to other Imms for knowledge and RP.
First time being taught some really cool stuffs even though I didn't finish
learning them. I'm surprised that a healer can pk solo even without nightwalkers.
Anyhow, thanks for the game imms. Well, time to go personal with the farewells.


Really cool, but really difficult to catch and that sucks alot! I enjoyed
every single moment we had together. I sucks as a priestess anyway, I really
hate preaching. So even though I hope to get your tattoo, I figured I won't
be good enough anyway. Thanks for everything.


I always had a thing for you and your religion. I just couldn't get away
from you. Such charisma, anyway, thanks for showing up to teach me a thing
or two. I hope you like the two little pressie that I wrote for you.


I always heard you're cool and stuffs, so the first person that came into my
mind when I'm supposed to learn something from other Imms, is YOU! Trying
to catch you was similarly irritating enough, but that one time, was quite
good. Makes me wanna make a character for you if I weren't leaving CF for
reality. Thanks for the xp bonus, thats the FIRST I gotten as this character.


I was rather surprised that you initiated a conversation with the character.
But I hate the way minotaur talks anyway, took me a long time to figure things
out with alot of help. Thanks.


I actually liked your presence, I knew you are competent and heard you complaining
about Chakrus deleting, so I decided to make a healer. I hated you as Zefiris
though, you're pretty tough. But then you stopped showing up regularly, guess
reality calls too huh. But you reminded me of that scion drow transmuter chancellor.
Forgotten the name though, it was during the time I was playing Lumiere.


You too, you stopped showing up regularly after a while. Guess you got bored when
theres nothing much you can do when you usually log on? You're pretty competent
I would say, but I would say a part of that goes to your nifty forms.


You're such a dork! Bashing the one and only own cabalmate healer during raid!
And withering! Those are wrong! Fix it! Not that you'll get a chance to do it again
anyway. Millia pampered you alot, giving in to your demands. I have a soft spot
for APs anyway, they are pretty tough to play and very strong if the person knows
how to play one.


Don't die so much! Shaman rocks! You need to rank up for wither and rot! You're the
second that Millia vouch for I think. She was trying to build up her own army of
Scions inside Scions. Heh


Millia didn't like you at all. She only helped you because you're a Scion. It was
from the time, you got summoned out of form and you apparently know you're being
raided and still you're out of form. If Millia wasn't there to throw in a sanctuary
you're probably dead. That was when she ain't a Scion when shes only rank 25 I think.
Millia was actually plotting to get you booted out actually.


Initally you seem rather okay, then you started logging in and quitting after 10 - 20
mins, that I hated that as a player. So Millia started to plot to have you booted out
but damn! Razmorthin went MIA and things didn't happen, then you deleted.


You look rather new, a bard can really be very powerful if a player knows how to play
one. And I hate listening to you talk, took me a long time to figure out what you're
trying to say. Blame the minotaur influence!


Millia didn't like you, but as a player I did. Invokers are strong, but you went MIA
after having that nice set then delete after losing it, thats really dork! Could have
just gotten it again ya know!


You don't take risk, not after receiving the set from Zelaton. And I hardly see you
at your usual log in time range after you got that set and if I were see you, it
wasn't long. And well, Millia was plotting to get you booted out as well.


I grouped the whole group together because theres no specific farewell. I actually
liked the cabal, but after playing this healer and another deleted character, I dislike
the cabal alot. This cabal seems to be a cabal that gives a permit to go around and
kill every thing that moves. Often enough, the outlanders would raid for the scepter
when the scale is inside the spire with zero defender or retriever. I don't know why,
having played a couple of outlanders, even though we ended up raiding scions and stuffs
but the priority is still the scales not scepter. Maybe things changed I guess.



You're strong really strong and thats cool. I liked you as an allie and enemy. But what
I heard about you saying Zefiris ain't blooded, thats very incorrect. Before she hit
hero range, she already killed a few imperial retrievers and after hero range, she killed
a few random yeah. I don't think thats called not blooded, but maybe, not bloody enough.
Anyway, over with Zefiris, as Millia, I hated your presence, especially when you seem
to always have a healer by your side. Irritating as it can be.


Strong as usual. Didn't expect to perm lag with legsweep that miss though. Even though
its two person legsweeping one target. You're right, its a pain to have a non-range
healer defending a cabal that you're raiding. But you're cool anyway. If Millia ain't
evil, she would probably ask to sit down and talk about your tattoo and its religion.
It looks coolanyway.


I've no idea if you're newbie or not, but keep your protective shield up! I killed you
a few times with my healer. I played Acolytes before, and I know some stuff about acolytes,
but coming in and end up dying so many times, thats just not correct! Anyway, grats for
the title and keep on going, don't give up!

Luchan, Onaelith, Jopenstanruk and Nalndun

You guys taught me alot of things and thanks for showing me the Order. Its Luchan and
Jopenstanruk now, just keep on going huh! Anyway, when characters start getting inactive
its time to remove them from the list. No point including them in the list when they don't
bother to even respond to anything. When you're creating something, you need people to
actually work actively and not just sit and bum waiting for outcome. Sorry for increasing
your burden Luchan, heavy load on that svirfie shoulder of yours.

Well I think thats about it, if anyone were to post any thing, I'll reply. The follow
are some of the characters I played throughout the past few years. If anyone wants contact
they can leave their contact and I'll respond according, either through ICQ, MSN or email.

Millia, Zefiris, Roavia, Leeyantra, Amhasae, Lumiere, Raikorsai, Massie, Sassmi, Starlnyrn,
Jocelyn, Kastury, Evelyn, Shermie, Valerie. (A damn lot which I've forgotten)
45302, Another old player gets incapacitated by the RL monster...
Posted by Tharena on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will die if not soon aided. Heh. =)

I was gone long enough that I didn't recognize you in your recent incarnations though I certainly knew at least two. I remember Shermie and Valerie though, and I have to say you really did come a long way. Good for you! =)

Good luck with real life things. Just remember that it occasionally bites at your behind really really hard.

I've got contact information in my profile here if you're interested. If not, no worries.

- Tharena.. who you'd probably remember best as either Celebeleni (h-elf druid Troupe) or Lorasea (elf bard Sylvan)
45303, RE: Farewells
Posted by bob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ehm, i jus wonders, i can see you once hav a caracther named jocelyn eh?

thats funny for i played a shaman called jocelyn for a year ago or something ;-)
45309, RE: Farewells
Posted by Millia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, Actually, I might have made a spell error. The character's name is Joycelyn, elf bard, Vynmylak. Peace!
45315, Nice goodbye chapters.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Makes reading user-friendly. I'll need to remember that way of using white space in the future.

And what comes to Outlanders, Scions are basically conjurers in some sense, which gives Outlander casus belli against Scion. And what comes to kill everything that moves, Outlanders are free spirits, so the cabal doesn't restrict killing others, so it is up to individual Outlanders when it comes to those who are not their enemies.
45320, Sassmi was Roavia?!?!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome. *rofl*

Don't know if you remember Dimion, but yeah... :)
Kharnik didn't like millia at all though. With good reason.
45322, RE: Sassmi was Roavia?!?!
Posted by Millia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, Millia = Sassmi = Roavia. And I do remember Dimion, elf paladin
45339, RE: Sassmi was Roavia?!?!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) Fun times... *rofl*
45323, RE: Farewells
Posted by Razhalia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I've no idea if you're newbie or not, but keep your protective shield up! I killed you
a few times with my healer. I played Acolytes before, and I know some stuff about acolytes,
but coming in and end up dying so many times, thats just not correct! Anyway, grats for
the title and keep on going, don't give up!

Gods, I just wanted to kill you once with Raz. Well, ooc anyhow. Ic, I could never justify something like that with her role.as for all the dumb stuff I've pulled with her, I've learned from it. Raz won't be dying any time soon. Thanks for a good model of what healers should and should not do.

Raz the punching bag
45336, RE: Farewells
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Digging up old memories of players who pass my way is often quite enjoyable. From the talks we had and me listening in the shadows, I learn a lot about folks from their manner of speech and flat out, what get's them interested. I have a soft spot for healers, having played a handful long ago, so I love watching them. I am pleased you had an enjoyable time overall, and that I was able to be part of that positive experience. (I am practicing being more evil.)

Having interacted with a lot of your characters as a mortal and immortal, I almost have a handle on your enjoyment. I'll be here should you return, I've always been here.

Good luck.
45337, RE: Farewells
Posted by Millia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're too nice to be evil. We all know that, its the fact that no one can deny! *wisenod*
45340, RE: Farewells
Posted by CurrentOutie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I grouped the whole group together because theres no specific farewell. I actually
liked the cabal, but after playing this healer and another deleted character, I dislike
the cabal alot. This cabal seems to be a cabal that gives a permit to go around and
kill every thing that moves. Often enough, the outlanders would raid for the scepter
when the scale is inside the spire with zero defender or retriever. I don't know why,
having played a couple of outlanders, even though we ended up raiding scions and stuffs
but the priority is still the scales not scepter. Maybe things changed I guess.

I go after the scepter and scions for reasons in game. In fact, they get priority over everyone else. When my char is dead, I'll elaborate, but it certainly isn't senseless.
45413, RE: Farewells
Posted by Zebulus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Really cool, but really difficult to catch and that sucks alot! I enjoyed
every single moment we had together. I sucks as a priestess anyway, I really
hate preaching. So even though I hope to get your tattoo, I figured I won't
be good enough anyway. Thanks for everything.

Well where to start...first off to apologize for the slowness, I have been around and checking the boards/e-mails but time has been very limited yet again which has been a real nuisance for us both and others.

Now, as for Millia...

A healer following a magic religion is really iffy at best though when I saw you, you seemed to do pretty good with it. At first I really didn't plan for you to even hit 40 in all honesty, but you picked up steam pretty good and that was impressive. As for the slowness, you can't really expect that path for a healer to be quick and easy, which I think will be the biggest problem for any empowerment class with this religion, most people like quick ranking, and this religion won't be one of them unfortunately. Add on to that you were following a good god as an evil healer (not a bad thing) and as being good I'm a bit rougher on evil than I assume I may be on goodies for one reason or another. You did pretty good as part of the Order, though really a bit to rough in my opinion when it came to the research but hey, we all gotta do our own thing. Anyways, sorry for this being late, and good luck with whatever the future may hold.
