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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Galasolieus the Mistress of Binding
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44938, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Galasolieus the Mistress of Binding
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jan 20 18:00:49 2006

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Galasolieus perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
44958, Quick goodbyes.
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll just start out that being a goodie is so much more easy then being an evil or neutral in all directions. Its so easy to level, so easy to group, so easy to gain experience, so easy to gain equipment, so easy in almost every single way. Its like its almost its own built in awesome cabal power (goodie groupie). I was completely flabergasted on how easy goodies have it all the time, it was, and no offense to anyone, almost a joke.

Galasolieus was sphere vanity. I had a good roleplay and role, but just didn't take the time to put it into words in the role command. I just ranked so insanely fast, it was almost too fast. I apologize to the immortals for not making my character more clear. Trying to mix vanity with goodness was really what it was about. And comparing myself to being an angel and never even practicing archon was a way to remind myself and further my roleplay. It was interesting and I have to say, angels are vicious compared to demons and no drawbacks.

Fortress powers, perm detect evil and pro from evil rocked. Having built in alignment damage reduction for a long period of time was convienent and enjoyable and greatly cut down on prep time and made it that much more enjoyable. I can honestly see why Empire gets a few more powers. People complain that Empire works together too well, and I have to say they don't. Its not even close to how rediculous goodie bondage is.

Fortress itself. It is true that it attracts newer individuals, and thats fine. But what was the most absolutely annoying and frustrating thing about it was people who thought they were good ordering people around. Literally there was a certain paladin who ordered people to their deaths. And he wasn't even a leader. And you just can't cabalchannel "You stupid idiot what you thinking? Shut the hell up before you get more people killed."

The charge of ones and twos into the jaws of organized evils was totally disgusting. I had another paladin say, "I have fallen. No one here to help me." when three scions came toward the Fortress, yet he didn't even say a word until he was dead and complaining that I was not there to help him. Huh? Healers who kick when people they are watching over are at 25%. Healers who kick when they are at 25%. Note to healers, please never use kick ever.

Not everyone was new in the Fortress, but I fell to the same ideal they (more veteran players) probably gave into. Give me your sanctuary, or whatever protection you provide, and go away and I'll do it myself. Because then its a lot easier to know what you have to play with then reliance on others that will get you killed. So I have to agree with Nepenthe here on this one.

The last straw was the cabalchannel turning into a mush channel. I just couldn't do it anymore. I'm sorry to everyone. I guess I'm not a CF goodie player.


Grysh: Seemed like you were good. Didn't see much of you because it was during your soap opera computer issues. Good luck.

Vardenil: You seemed to be a pretty good invoker. Always on the spot with shields. You can always recognize a good player when they renew or give things without having to badger them. Thank you.

Alidove: An experienced player. An experienced goodie player, I could tell. You will be mean with that combo.

Austira: An emotional trainwreck. You reminded me of an old girlfrield of mine. Sick but true. Good luck.

Razhalia: Please never, ever, ever, ever, use kick again. Pray to have the Gods remove it as a skill from you, please :). In fact, remove every offensive skill/power you have and concentrate on keeping people alive during larger encounters. Just don't do them.

Ely: A good healer that knew what was going on. I trusted you and I'm sorry my vanity roleplaying fouled your time in the Fortress.

Knak: Suicidal paladin. Good job going in their and mixing it up.

Alriac: Have fun herding the cats.

Waad: You seemed to know what you were doing. Always had wands and always out hunting. You deserved to become a Maran.

Bjurn: I just can't do it. I won't comment at all. I don't want to cause any affect on your character since you are still alive. I have only one suggestion. Stop talking about your mom on the cabal channel. Good luck with the rest of that being a paladin and all.

Being vain kind of kept me from interacting too much. Some mentions though:

Lyandra: Stuck to it and kept trying. I got to give you credit for that. And you learned and thats whats important.

Ghutaal: There is just so many times I can hear "where are you?" or "why you run, you scared?" or "you weak hide" before I just never want to interact with you again. After the 14th or 15th time in an hour of receiving one of the above tells, you took all charm out of the game and any desire to talk to you. I'm sorry but I wish there was a mute individual person.

In the end I have lost a lot of desire to play for now. I always have ideas rolling around in my head, but I just don't seem to have the staying power I used to. Take care all.
44964, Having played Elyisiea...
Posted by silencedstatik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I was about the only person that really "got" the whole role. It wasn't necessarily you that got to me as much as it was the constant bickering between you and Bjurn, coupled with numerous other things. I though you did well, but was just really misunderstood. That in and of itself made a lot of people just scratch their head and shrug when it came to you. Good luck with you next, and see you around.
44966, RE: Quick goodbyes.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll start off by saying that I liked this character. Solid roleplay (although at times I couldn't decide if you were supposed to be sincere or not) and very unique. I went back and forth on whether this character, with her flaws, really belonged in a good cabal, and I think that it's cool that even though these flaws/quirks were definitely not hidden from the Fort leaders, she got inducted anyway. Nice job.

You'll have to forgive me for recognizing the style. There just aren't many people who could pull that kind of character off.

>I'll just start out that being a goodie is so much more easy
>then being an evil or neutral in all directions. Its so easy
>to level, so easy to group, so easy to gain experience, so
>easy to gain equipment, so easy in almost every single way.
>Its like its almost its own built in awesome cabal power
>(goodie groupie). I was completely flabergasted on how easy
>goodies have it all the time, it was, and no offense to
>anyone, almost a joke.

All those things are often easier, I'll agree. Yet, for all of that, and for as PK-solid as this character was, all of your evils that I can think of off the top of my head did better in that respect. Somewhere an intangible must be making up some of the difference there.

>Galasolieus was sphere vanity. I had a good roleplay and role,
>but just didn't take the time to put it into words in the role
>command. I just ranked so insanely fast, it was almost too
>fast. I apologize to the immortals for not making my character
>more clear. Trying to mix vanity with goodness was really what
>it was about. And comparing myself to being an angel and never
>even practicing archon was a way to remind myself and further
>my roleplay. It was interesting and I have to say, angels are
>vicious compared to demons and no drawbacks.

Having played both good and evil conjurers I'll say that I think both demons and angels are good in different ways. With demons I feel like I have a little more power and a lot more versatility, but also a much higher chance of dying to my own mobs.

>Fortress powers, perm detect evil and pro from evil rocked.
>Having built in alignment damage reduction for a long period
>of time was convienent and enjoyable and greatly cut down on
>prep time and made it that much more enjoyable. I can honestly
>see why Empire gets a few more powers. People complain that
>Empire works together too well, and I have to say they don't.
>Its not even close to how rediculous goodie bondage is.

I think you'll agree that it goes both ways, though -- people are more willing to help you, but generally less capable of doing so without getting themselves or you killed.

>Fortress itself. It is true that it attracts newer
>individuals, and thats fine. But what was the most absolutely
>annoying and frustrating thing about it was people who thought
>they were good ordering people around. Literally there was a
>certain paladin who ordered people to their deaths. And he
>wasn't even a leader. And you just can't cabalchannel "You
>stupid idiot what you thinking? Shut the hell up before you
>get more people killed."

It's the hardest part. :) It's not just not one person who does that, either. Fortress usually has about five people like that. Even in Battle you rarely have more than one or two.

>The charge of ones and twos into the jaws of organized evils
>was totally disgusting. I had another paladin say, "I have
>fallen. No one here to help me." when three scions came toward
>the Fortress, yet he didn't even say a word until he was dead
>and complaining that I was not there to help him. Huh? Healers
>who kick when people they are watching over are at 25%.
>Healers who kick when they are at 25%. Note to healers, please
>never use kick ever.


>Not everyone was new in the Fortress, but I fell to the same
>ideal they (more veteran players) probably gave into. Give me
>your sanctuary, or whatever protection you provide, and go
>away and I'll do it myself. Because then its a lot easier to
>know what you have to play with then reliance on others that
>will get you killed. So I have to agree with Nepenthe here on
>this one.

Even a blind pig and mud and all that. ;)

44971, Emotional trainwreck? Perhaps one should explain...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, she was very emotional around you because you called her EVIL...and to tell you the truth I hated the whole vanity thing. Vanity? That doesnt usually scream Goodie to me. This is a very hard char to play for me because...well shes WAY more goodie than me...haha. But I don't think she has any emotional issues, really. She has some odd...quirks about her, but she really isnt as emotional as I Thought she is. She is actually pretty stiff when you compare her to...say my last character(who was a whiny bitch, I'll admit). I'll assume I wont get any good comments from this conjurer. But, I did sense that you did know what you were doing, so I didn't worry about that much. Good job on being...one of the few smart Fortress members around. And about that day that my cat was crying? I think that was the first time I cried IC in over 100 hours. And she has only cried twice in the 270 hours I have played her(damn I play her too much). So bleh, sorry...been frustrated with this character from the get go. Sometimes she insanely fun, other times she just blows :/
44972, Oh and I did get your rp...after a while...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was telling Bjurn, who was like OMG she is infiltrating this place...that the cat just thought you were...crazy and thought she was an angel, HAR! But my cat felt bad for you, for the most part, I mean...what kind of person thinks she is an angel?
44985, A really vain one does :)
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is vanity inherently evil? If you think about it, the historical/mythical versions of an angel is vain. Righteous, self-absorbed, avenging, beautiful, faithful and constantly reminding others of their errors, forgiving them, and trying to help them be more perfect like themselves.

Is it a flaw to be vain? Or is it faith so strong that you have some to spare for people who don't have a lot of faith. A fine line.
45015, There is only one Vain, self righteous angel mentioned in scripture.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And guess who it is?

45021, Again I'm sorry Bjurn but you are again wrong:
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't want to take away from this goodbye thread, but you are incorrect, and a little research, even a google search would have showed you. Also, this is just biblical references to angels, and does not include the mythical/theological references and views of them.

General Angel Bibical Cites:
Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? ~Matthew 26:53

Dan 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

Heb 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. ~Psalms 68:17

References to Michael specifically:
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. ~Daniel 10:13

But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince. ~Daniel 10:21

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. ~Daniel 12:1

Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. ~Jude 1:9

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, ~Revelation 12:7

References to Gabriel:
And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. ~Daniel 8:16

Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. ~Daniel 9:21

And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. ~Luke 1:19

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, ~Luke 1:26

References to an unknown but apparently important angel:
And Manoah said unto the angel of the LORD, What is thy name, that when thy sayings come to pass we may do thee honour? ~Jdg 13:17

And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret? ~Jdg 13:18

Good Luck.
45023, Help me out.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where's the Vanity?
45027, Vanity:
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are angels vain or just righteous and pure in such a way that its just the truth? When an angel of God (biblically) comes to you and says, "Bask in my angelic light and be healed and renewed in faith" are you going to stand up and point "VAIN BITCH"?

Thats the question, thats the cool element of the roleplay. Some people, like Alidove saw it as not vanity but angelic righteousness, an angel of vengeance. You saw paranoia and evil. its a pretty cool and interesting dichotomy in reactions. When you could find no fault, you created fault. While others accepted it as face value, and thats what it was, face value. But so few could actually accept face value. Always looking for evil when there wasn't any.

You see Satan, others see Righteousness. You saw evil in everything I said despite it being the most plain and not evil.

As to reference to there is only one vain angel, i.e. Satan. There are many more fallen angels then just Satan, so that is also, incorrect.

45032, What I seee....
Posted by Lyandra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is a conjurer who repeatedly makes me whimper and cry. Good character...I probably should have rped something similar to accepting your offers but I wasn't evil/good enough. :)
45066, It is not vanity if it is true...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are the most beautiful bitch in the world, then saying so is not vain, but the truth...but Gal was not an angel so she was either very very insane...or vain. Vanity is a cause of many falls in different people(and please don't bring the bible in here, I really don't care...haha). But you were not evil...though Austira listen to Bjurn going...ok I'll watch her, but I think you are being paranoid...I can tell you there is something...odd about her, but I dont think it was evil. My cat is against the vanity thing, so she is going to try to...burn that away, but she didnt like half the things you said to her in the slightest. I guess you just rubbed her and Bjurn in the wrong way, but I did get that you thought you were an angel after a while...just...thought you were crazy and needed some therapy, seriously, haha, and Austira attempted to be the therapist(and failed miserably at it).
44982, To be more clear.
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your character is a very good Acolyte. And perhaps I saw that emotional side mainly because of a few key interactions we had. The reminding of an ex-girlfriend came from a few things. The Meowrring (she liked to purr in bed) and the emotional frustration/crying thing :). Good luck.
44984, Ah ok...just little things probably...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And thanks for the compliment :) The whole mreowrs and nen's and what not are all from the book in the lyceum...all of them, so I am not making them up...haha. And yes because of our interactions between gry and her about you, and between you and the furball caused some emotional tension. She never was too sure of you, and she usually likes everyone in the fort(of course she will bitch) but...she never liked you, in fact she was pretty damn close to going to gry and saying uninduct that bitch(in her own words, of course...so it would be sounding like: Gal needs to learn some lessons on her own, blah blah). Yeah harsh :< Though you did know what you were doing, and you seemed to be pretty tough. So yeah, good luck with your next.
44973, RE: Quick goodbyes.
Posted by Alidove on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our interactions. I understood your role and thought of you as an avenging angel.

I cant even comment on anything, yet, but I will when I am gone. Take care.
44976, RE: Quick goodbyes.
Posted by Kolun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, I was finally gonna get a chance to join you relatively soon and you up and go out. I remember when you and your rp guilted me into ranking you when you were level nine and me and the dwarf we were with were talking to each other about you like, wow, this person sure does think highly of themselves. Good to see that you stuck it out all the way and the rp was cool as hell. Wish you would have stayed longer so we would have had more of a chance to rp but you ranked so damn fast I came on the day after ranking you to 14 or 15 and you were like rank 34.
Good luck with the next thought, hopefully from the post you can figure out who I am. :P
44990, Weak
Posted by Ghutaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
45002, RE: Quick goodbyes.
Posted by Dinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of all the girls I tried to flirt with, you definitely had the best (and most unexpected) reaction.

I definitely guessed that you were sphere vanity.

Much love, good love with your next.
45014, RE: Quick goodbyes.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alrighty! Here we go! Personally I think you played that very well aside from the fact that you came across as very masculine to me, I thought it was well done.

I had various schools of thought,
1:You were sphere vanity was my very first inclination.
2: You were sphere deception was my next.
3: You were some combination of both.

On one it was just obvious, two obvious so I almost through it out completely.

I came upon the idea of 2 because from time to time you’d say something that just SMACKED of an evil villain. One for instance, you referred to you ‘Sisters’ as creatures. I really thought that was your way of dropping a hint about what you were talking about. Once there was a reference to a ‘HIM’ that I took to mean some greater, god-like entity that you were battling either inside or against. Given our relationship I was convinced that it was an allusion to your true master. Then there was the fact that you’d never let it go with me (Nor I you, I admit! =) ) but hey, no biggie. What really convinced me I was right, were the little secretive tells you sent me, or the occasional snide, nudge nudge wink wink, feeling I got when we were alone. I really thought you were tying to cause discord and doing a fine job of it with me! =)

Somethings that were told to me, that were also untrue from my end, (But may have seemed accurate from yours.) just cemented my convictions! I really, really thought I had you dead to rights and that you and I were negotiating to see who would get the boot first!

I also caught you several times taking full credit for assisted kills. So all these things just added up to me.

You deserve cudo’s for being a sphere vanity character, but It’s been my experience they do not play well with others. I felt the same way Grysh did. This was an evil playing character trying out his first goodie.

Bjurn’s a stubborn irascible prick, and snaps at his own friends, we were just doomed from that day we first met near Voralian.

Oh, and I;ve never talked about Bjurn’s Mom on the Cabal Channel. It’s his Grand Mother, and in stead of saying AFK, I thought to my self… How’s about something people will pick up on that’s different than, ‘Lost my mind’. I guess I missed.

My biggest concern with you was not YOU the character, but that I was correct, and that no one was taking me seriously with my accusations against you. It wasn’t until others spoke with me that I had the peace of mind to know I wasn’t alone.

I was wrong it seems, you were just vain.

You left, and Bjurn’s going to keep on thinking’ the Fortress is better off without you, but the Honest truth is the Fortress is better of with out one of us. We scrapped like cat’s in a bag and it affected those around us.

45026, I'm going to reserve most my comments until you are gone, but I have
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
one or two big suggestions. Take them as you want.

Take a moment to reread the paladin code and see how it interacts with being "a super prick dwarf paladin" as you said it. Also remedy that with being paranoid, hating, full of anger, being sarcastic, and telling lies about another goodie who a higher up has already passed judgement upon as welcome within the Fortress.

And also think about ordering people into situations before you go in first. A lot of people got waxed because of your bad suggestions, and you were not even in the bad situation with them. The most dangerous thing is to think you are god's gift to a cabal, and failing to see mistakes and learning from that.

One man's opinion.
45042, As far as I can recall....
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never ORDERED anyone into a raid, ever. I have been trying to get people to hold back group up and attack logically but it's the Fortress, people do what they want for the most part.

When Ive made any demands at all it is to summon people to my side before or after a fight to discuss what should be done.

The last time I went balls to the walls in a Raid, I was the one who perished, (And lost a pretty kick assed set to boot)

Furthermore, I never once lied about anything you said or did. You on the other hand, I caught in numerous falsehoods, similar to what you weave here now. If there was anything that was inaccurate it was because of perceptual differences and nothig malicious on my part.

At any rate, we just never hit it off and I honestly thought you were trying to do something evil in the Cabal. To say that I lied about anything when I openly accused you of this on the CB in Front of both leaders and My own God is silly.

I know the code inside and out thank you, and Aarns religion has allways had a harsh spin on it. I've been Aarnly before, and seen other Aarnly Paladin's. For good or ill it remains to be seen what the final judgment is on my character.

I can say this much, that because we butted heads so badly, there was zero chance of reconcilliation. In case it escaped you, Bjun's about as hot tempered as they get. If he doesn't get a bone or a cooling off period, he's going to stay angry.

I think this should be the final farewell between these two characters.
45053, You do know who played this character, right?
Posted by AA on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And if you are new, I forgive you.

But seriously, while this may be his first goodie in a while, and he is a little jaded about certain things, his characters are quite possibly some of the best this MUD has ever seen.

And by the way, Gal, I thought you quit?
45054, Please enlighten us younger folk please on who? nt
Posted by No Idea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
45062, If you can't figure it out, tough. I'm not about to out someone. NT
Posted by AA on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not hard to figure out, though.
45020, RE: Quick goodbyes.
Posted by Razhalia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Razhalia: Please never, ever, ever, ever, use kick again. Pray to have the Gods remove it as a skill from you, please :). In fact, remove every offensive skill/power you have and concentrate on keeping people alive during larger encounters. Just don't do them.

I know, I know. No more kicking. I'm not kicking anymore. So there. Everybody can relax now. Shame you deleted though. Despite Gal's eccentricities, she was interesting.

Good luck on your next.
Raz the punching bag
45099, Galasolieus
Posted by Omenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Owch. I put some real effort into it, but no matter what route I took it never seemed to have any real effect on your ability to trash me quickly. I'm both sorry and elated you are gone. Nicely played.
44954, Took my words too seriously? n/t
Posted by Breireth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44955, Who are you and what are you talking about? n/t
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44957, Airhead? Forget about it then. n/t
Posted by Breireth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44959, I'm sorry I don't remember every single thing random someones tell me. n/t
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44960, You're excused. However.
Posted by Breireth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll have to admit, that this is probably the first time I have had a somewhat interesting discussion with someone in-game on zealous lightwalking versus complete indifference inspired by naturalism not so much as one day ago, and the person in question not even remembering that it happened in the first place.

Like I said, an airhead? Forget about it then.
44945, Alrighty! I gotta know!!!!
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I gotta!!

WHere you sphere deception or something along that lines?

Was I right about you trying to divide/infiltrate the Fortress?

Once I know I can formulate a proper good bye.
44956, No you were completely wrong.
Posted by Galasolieus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just trying to be someone both vain and good aligned. And I really don't have anything to say about Bjurn because unfortunately so much of it is not good. I'll leave it at that. Good luck.
44942, Will you post a goodbye? Fascinating character. Drove me insane...
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really did drive me insane trying to figure out what your deal was...

The intensity of your roleplay was overbearing at times. I'd really like to hear your take on the experience as I was pretty certain you were a regular 'evil player' playing one of their first goodies.

Good luck with your next.