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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Knakilius the Champion of the Virtues
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44810, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Knakilius the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jan 19 08:18:32 2006

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Knakilius perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
44830, I am a bit torn actually...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could tell you were really trying most of the time, and I like that...its good to see newbs busting their asses trying to make a difference, it really is, but sometimes you were crap :< But, at least you were trying at least, but got me killed a few times, but bleh its what acolytes do really, get themselves trying to help others out...hehe.

About killing dern, I dont think any good dwarves should kill dern, and I am sure you noticed. I killed dern once, I didnt know he was neutral until I looked at him, bleh, and I was pissed. Austira actually went on atonement and mediation for that one(yes she is like that). And I tried to really convince the fort dwarfs to hurt him, especially Knak, but you kept on arguing you evil little dwarf :P Though I started doing that ooc so I didnt have to help kill haha, but really it made sense IC too...so it was a win win for me.

And I can't believe you forgot the most active Acolyte you big meanie :P Good luck with your next and don't be too stupid(and never ever ask a tortoise to tank in the mines EVER again...that was dumb, or was this another paladin I am thinking about? It might have been). Oh and gear isn't that important. It is frustrating when some level 30 loots your hero level corpse of nice stuff...but hey, its not that hard really. Good luck.
44835, RE: I am a bit torn actually...
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
did i really forget you. sorry

austia you where a nice one, always willing to help and you peeptalks about dern was iritating, and yes i apoligise for bein the reason for your death a couple of times :-( but you must think of another paladin in the mines, wasent me.

you have to remember this is my third empowers caracther, and only my 5 in all, i hav 3 heros, and first paladin ever! so many things where so knew for me;-) specely about finind gear, and protections, but you where all always helping me, and i learned alot, and i think my next one will become even better!

ill see you in fort soon :-)
44837, To tell you the truth
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am relatively new myself, but I do bust my ass when I can...or I think I do. Anyway keep on trucking and keep on working at it. Austira will be there to help your squire/scribe or whatever.
44843, Justification or not...
Posted by Eskelian-Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know, I've always heard its game balance and fun stick reasons that killing neutrals is allowed.

44862, Sure is, if you wan't to skew everything to your favor.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you want to kill neutral mobs for gear and justify it, I have and do play a card that allows me to protect/avenge them and kill you for doing it.

Killing The Sergeant in the Ruined Keep is a good example. Here is a Fellow how messed up an fell in with the wrong crowd, but seems to be making an attempt to attone. I won't kill him with any Good characters and I let other Goods know my feelings.

Durn is a Berserk, wich is a Calling among the dwarven people. And can be seen as divinly inspired. He's a Dwarf and therefore I can't condone Dwarves killing him.

There are Other Neutrals that killing is fine for RP reasons, but in my book, if you are killing anyone specificly for gear, you're not being good.

I won't apply this to evils, in MOST cases, but there are some evils I won't slaughter, even with a Paladin just becasuse the circumstances would seem to put me in the same boat they are.

So play with the fun stick. I got one too and Mines bigger.
45140, I'm not a fan of "uber gearing"...
Posted by Eskelian Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...There are Other Neutrals that killing is fine for RP reasons, but in my book, if you are killing anyone specificly for gear, you're not being good.

- That's fine and well, especially when dealing with PCs, but the game is supposed to be fun too. Given that Durn auto-attacks you and such, I don't have a problem with anyone killing him. Frankly, I think its a fine line when you start treating NPC's like people. It'd be different if it was like, a neutral healer or random gnome, but the guy is bat#### insane and aggro to everyone.

Long story short, especially in Knak's case being a newbie, I think this is an overly harsh opinion. If people treated all NPCs just like they treat PC's, I might agree, but I think you're more anti-power-gaming than you are anti-bad-roleplay, and really, Knak could have Pwent, 2x rings of regen, 2x hummingbirds and I still wouldn't consider him powergaming. I don't say this to offend Knak, its just not like he never died or anything. If he got some good gear and it made the game more fun to him and helped him survive well then I don't really see the harm in it.
44818, You had heart, I'll give you that. But you goton my damn nerves too.
Posted by Sciurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I had to hear you bitch about "needing" a better weapon one more time, I was seriously considering just "accidentally" leading us into some Outlanders. Let me give you an example.

We once had to raid. You'd been griping about wanting a better weapon over the CB for the better part of fifteen minutes and I suggested you buy one from the guildmaster if you needed a weapon. (FYI they're almost all I ever bother using, so I know they work just fine) We took back the orb, but I died in the process. It was such a near thing that one more person would have virtually guaranteed my survival. When I stand up from the altar and do a where, guess where I see you? Sitting in the guild. I go in to do the outfit thing and look at you, and you know what I see?

Knakilius, a male dwarf, is in perfect health.

Knakilius is using:
<worn on finger> a silver ring set with a single malachite
<worn on finger> a silver ring set with a single malachite
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
<worn on body> some spiked body armor
<worn on head> a scorched iron helm
<worn on legs> some ornate steel greaves
<worn on feet> some ornate steel boots
<worn on hands> some spiked gauntlets
<worn on arms> some spiked sleeves
<worn about body> a heavy wolfskin cape
<worn around wrist> a thin silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> a thin silver bracelet

And you communing divine rev. You buy a sword from the guild or even use the outfit sword, and thats a perfectly servicable set of eq. This really pissed me off, because you're sitting in the guild whining about "better weapons" while other people are dying to raid. The next time I see you, you're a Maran. WTF?

You were alright, and yeah you kept plugging away and trying MOST of the time. But you were really way too hung up on eq and asking people to go gearwhoring with you. If I heard you mention Defiance once more, I was going to scream.

When you were good, you were really good. When you were bad, it was REALLY bad. If you could find some happy middle ground, you'd be a pretty stand out player. Good luck with your next.

44819, Well..
Posted by Vylvfaensi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
New players always want better gear. It takes a while to learn that learning skills, preps, and how to choose your fights is WAY more important than weapons.

Scuirus was an excellent example of that. ;)
44820, RE: You had heart, I'll give you that. But you goton my damn nerves too.
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hmm, i agree i mentioned the defience a couple of times but i think you overreact a bit here. and that time wher i was in guild, i cant remember it but i never, never bailed out from a raid!

at least i was playin even when i was alone aginst empire, and as i said im still a newbie in cf, but im sorry if i was such a bit torn in your heart
44821, Look to Dio's for the log.
Posted by Sciurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not trying to make you look bad, but you DID bail from a raid. You may not remember, or you may not see it that way. I'll post the log for you and leave it at that.

Like I said, good character and when you were on you were ON. Gears not such a huge deal, especially weapons. Don't let it really take up any of your time to be worried about.
44826, Yes you are trying to make him look bad.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Man Con died and you're upset over something he may not even remember?

I'm with you on the gear, ut At this point inthe guys CF career, that's a COOL thing!

I've had to log out in a couple raids, it happens.

Bottom line is, we have a Paladin with 2 virtues and a con death (Dwarf Con death at that)
44848, Guy said he, "never, never bailed from a raid".
Posted by Sciurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like him and his actions or don't as you see fit. He could easily have just said "yeah sorry about that" instead of denying something that clearly did happen. Also please bear in mind we're not talking about him having to log out and me badmouthing him for it. He was sitting in the guild with a near-full suit of eq communing blessed div, while others were off fighting.

Look, you may want to hold hands and play nice and cuddle with everyone and never say a cross word, but if people don't say something about this sort of behavior, newer players will think it's perfectly acceptable to refuse to raid just because you don't have a perfect set. If people want to improve, sometimes they need to hear things they don't like or don't want to.
44861, The fact that you just accused me of Being nice....
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Show's you aren't looking at thing the way they are. Bjurn's pretty intolerant, and he did chastise Knakilius.

I think if you really stop and think about this, you can come to a mature conclusion, that Knak is a new player and hasn't really done anything wrong by even my analy rententive standards.
44876, RE: Guy said he,
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
now listen, i seriusly dont recon i never helped i a raid, let me ask what rank did you hold that time? could it have been like dis? you where like about level 42, and perhaps had one you could harm, and i was hero, and had like 3 or 4, with no sword, or money to buy one? well, a paladin cant do anything with no sword, aginst 3 imperials.

44828, Someone named after a squirrel is complaining....
Posted by just funny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really, give the NOOB a break, heck, he might not have even known the guildmaster sold things or may not have had any coin. It would've been good to suggest he not complain about weaponry over the CB channel, but that takes some time to learn as well.
44814, ahh forgot outlanders
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
is really anoying been a dwarf, fought all of yah a couple of times, and think one or two of yah managed to kill me a couple of times.

Remember i got the bal'talon sword, and then mhardat attacked me and the sword exploded that really sucked! hehe ;-)

44812, that was a fun run
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, wher shal i begin, it was my first paladin ever and i did many misstakes in my entire life so when i reached hero i had low con.

I had a lot of fun with knak, and could easely have played 200 hours mor with him, specely when i got a really nice second virtue! and ofcause i had forgot all about virtue so had only 5 pratice lessions left when i got my second virtue, dat ####ed! :-)


Alriac: think you're a cool dwarf, and your rp is good, knakilius like you, and seemed we where a okay team together :-)

Gryshilnar: hehe, i think you disliked meh when i was a squire, but who can blaime yah, i did some mistakes, like striking you insted of grunlath, hehe ;-) well what can i sai, im still a newbie so i gues im allowed to make misstakes sometime.
Also a great caracther, i had alot of respect for you and alriac.

Xilla: Damnm good rp from your side, your really something, you always knew what to do, and when to do it. you a experinced healer. and the fort need more of them hehe ;-)

Razhalia: You dying way to much hehe, and sometimes did i wonder if you where watchin tv, or something else while playing cf, for more than often where you really slow with yah healin and so, and seemed like you diddent saw what was goin on around you, but her in the week, you have improved alot! keep it up, you will mak a fine healer i think.

Narn,Orik,Xorwant: Diddent see you all much, but when i did, you seemed all to be good, xorwant, i liked you alot, jus sad we diddent had moretime together in cf. and orik! where did you go? havent seen you for ages

think the fortress wont even notice one i missin, the is many young squirs comming up and the fortress are fillt now, so i guess it aint a bad time for me to leave.


Grunlath: We had alot of fights, and damm i hate you for that dispel! you always dispelled me, and killed me a couple of times.
often saw this comming, you where raiding fortress with two others, you keep summed me out until i was death, before entering the watcher, dat was sad, but a part of the game though, i would liked to have fough you more alone specely her at the end of my life, wher i was able to dispel you also :-)

Ferculla, veeshca dulmisa: i think you all had me assassinated like 3 times each hehe, hated fighin you when i was not flyin, and hat a heawy weapon, but when i was flying, and had a weapon there where stuck in my hands, where i on the top ;-)

Sylus: diddent saw anything evil in you, you speak where like a lightwalkers, and you diddent loot corpse's like the other imperials hehe. Remember once wher i was commin to palace, only to fight you, had potions of aura and stone skin, roots and so on, but yah still managed to beat my ase hehe.


diddent saw much to you, but here before my death weh had a good fight in the chasm.. that was fun :-)


Aarn, thanks for giving empower me, and for two virtues, i was proberly not the best follower, but i really tryed to do my best. Feeling bad about dying 2 days after named Maran, and got second virtue, wish i had more life in me. Also seek'ed a con task from you, but i jus was to late, properbly the best anyway, just wanted to try a paladin. I will come back as dwarf agin, forsure.

sorry if i hav forgot anyone, been a long day, and im realy tired now.

my other caracthers:


44815, This character had heart.
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job, keep up the good work.
44816, RE: that was a fun run
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go! It was obvious you were fairly new to the whole thing, but it was equally obvious that you were trying hard. Look forward to seeing your next characters develop!

44817, It was fun!
Posted by Vylvfaensi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked working with you. It was neat to learn just how sick an Elven warrior with a no disarm polearm could be! The three of us leveling in Calandaryl was a blast too.

Thanks for letting me group with you. It was fun.
44824, RE: that was a fun run
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That time at the watcher when Cedelius died, I ####ed up, burned my preps slowly instead of using it all at once and you were quite close to finnishing me. Anyway, I learned something from that fight, so thank you. Good luck and get another fortressite up there quickly cause they need all the pair of hands they can get.
44825, Two or three things.
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't tell you how wrong I think it is for a Dwarven Paladin to kill Dern(Pwent). That being said, I mentioned it to you and the peron helping you once and I let it go. I ain't saying I haven't killed anything for it's gear (I killed the troll commander once for it's belt, and some rats for their rings) and I've taken gar I have no doubt was harvested, but we have request to get us started.

I understand it's a game and good gear is a good time, but you gotta hold yourself to higher standard as a Paladin.

The other thing is your voice. our accent was fine, but it would have been GREAT if I knew where your scentences began and ended. I often couldn't understand whole scentences unless I scrolled back to review what had been said. I would suggest you look at some of the other ways oter players are speaking, in order to get their points across creativley.

I think English is your second or third language and htat must make it difficult, but think of how your native language emphasises points and moods.

2nd to Lastly, I really LIKED your character. I thought you had all the heart and drive a dwarf should have and you were willing to help at the drop of a dime (Copper). A couple of days ago something you did for me and others had me reflectig that I myself have been neglecting some Paladinly duties. That's a good thing and speaks wel for anyoes ability when thy have a positive affect on another player.

Lastly, Aarn always did like you! I was there when he made you a Maran you and when he gave you that Legacy. That's what matters, damn everyone else eh?

Good job and see you in the fields Graybeard.


44827, RE: Two or three things.
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yes english is not my strong side, im from denmark. but i find cf so fun, and i dont find it hard playing it even i dont speak english so good.

About dern, its it alright to kill him if you a dwarf? but not a dwarf paladin?

seen other dwarf killing it, so im jus asking

also it was my first dwarf, so i guess i can understand you all had difucult understanding me.

but it aint my last one for sure.

I realy liked you bjurn, and was clear for meh you are an experienced player in cf ;-)

44829, Dwarves don't Kill Dwarves
Posted by Bjurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And if they do, it is with respect for each other.

As per the writings of Kor. ;)

That's generaly the way of Dwarves. Milage may vary but the pain of going against that standard generaly does not. =)
44838, That was weird
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that time in the weald. I was trying to hold you as much I as could before others would arrive...took longer than I thought and without a time to flee, you lagged me, aura fell and I died.

Later on, you were somewhat more friendly if I may say so towards me. Perhaps you realized that my odds weren't as happy as people like to claim. But hey, that's fun though facing odds isn't it, Knak? You did con-die though.

Never really talked but hey, good job and good luck with the next.
44840, RE: That was weird
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yes i remmber that, sylus and strouct came to rescue you, and i ran intro dulmisa hehe..

yep, bad odds was often for me, died many times bein alone in the fort, but also got a couple of you where i was alone ;-)

i will be back very soon in the fields.
44839, You should have bashed Grysh that time.
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We fought a lot in the early days. Even if you died a few times it does not really matter. You were improving, and sticking it out to con-death is worth mad props. I remember fighting you and that other dwarf paladin at the end, and thinking i should be able to take you two out easily, but somehow you had improved and i had to retreat.
Imagine how you will be after 20 more heroes :).

Dispell is a bitch as dwarf paladin, slow mana regen and little mana is the price to pay when you are born a thickheaded dwarfbastard.You should really try to play a smart handsome duergar like me. Roll an imperial :).

Anyway, good luck with your next. I am certain i will see you in the fields one way or another.
44841, RE: You should have bashed Grysh that time.
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah, i wished kharnik diddent came there so i could show you i could fight you alone:-) and yes, for everyday i was playing i got better, i learned the hole time.
I hoped i could fight you alone before my death, for i had a surprice for you ;-)
from my second virtue, did i got a gift where i could dispel my enemis also ;-I that would hav been a fun fight hehe

my next one will be a ***** ***** in the fortress ;-)
44846, All ya had to do was say something.
Posted by Kharnik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) Seriously, even once, I want to fight alone or something like that and I'd never have messed with a battle you were in without you asking. You did finally say something but it was at the end of your life it seems.

Now for other things, I had a few beefs with you, but for the most part we'll forget all that. First paladin? Nice... 2 virtues, Maran, con-died a dwarf. I'd call that a success. Now a couple more of these and you'll be a beast. :)
The one thing I can't skip bringing up, What was the deal about asking for a location to go get money, and I offer money, we go raid, after I asked how much was it you wanted and was going to go get you some money.. You told me to not be so concerned about coins.
That pissed me off so bad, I couldn't even figure out how the character should take it. So I toned down my being offended act in case it was me bleeding through. I have to know though, what was that all about? Asking for money, and then coming down on a guy who offers you what you asked for?
Well maybe you don't remember. You gave me the feeling of having multiple personalities though, and the newness combined with a couple of heros under your belt makes it all make sense now. Some things you knew rock solid, and I made the assumption of a veteran player, then you'd do something and I was left with Huh? What the....???
It's all good though. I hope your characters keep getting better and better. Best of luck with your next.
I have a secret bet with myself over what you will play.
44941, RE: All ya had to do was say something.
Posted by knakilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
im curious, what caracther do you think i have roled ?

har! you never guess
45055, Storm shaman -nt
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe nt nt nt.
45082, RE: Storm shaman -nt
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that would not be a bard one..

i still need to figure out which one i shal role, theres been alot of work so i havent decided yet.

never played a evil one before, perhaps i will do that!
45111, rock on then. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just guessing by the characters you have played before what
the next logical step for you would be. but hell yeah man try an evil one, You'll probably do well.
44868, RE: that was a fun run
Posted by Cedelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I didn't consider you as a newbie.. more,in compare to other paladins I had to deal with, you were a pain in ass :)

Well done and good luck with the next.

P.S. I also try to avoid full looting, not only Sylus :) And Evil RP and full looting are comlitely different things :)
44811, Went down like a champ.
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You conned it out like a true Maran. Good job Knak.

From the very start you had a lot of heart and though I wasn't around much towards the end you seemed to be getting more and more independant which was great to see. Looks like you learned a bunch. Sorry we could never get you Defiance but it really is a pain in the ass getting.

I'm sure your next will be even better.
Good luck!
44813, RE: Went down like a champ.
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yep like a true maran ;-)

in caracther did i want the sword, but it pained me to see people dying to get a single sword! but im sure its a totely good sword, and perhaps i will get it one day who knows hehe

in the end of this weak will i mak a new caracter, jus need to figure out wich one

see you in the fields, one way or another