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Topic subjectBye!
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44565, Bye!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, I didn't want Drae to become like my other character- gone for weeks, and around for minutes. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but after last night, I don't think my work will give me -any- time off during the weekends. I'm sorry!

I made this character in hopes of learning my way around better since, lets face it, after two/three years with this game I come off as a total noobs because I can't even get to Tir-Talath (shut up, don't laugh at me!). I wanted a quiet character that no one really paid attention to, and I was going to play with my role for once, but... uhh... I got wrapped up in being happy and running around and sitting at the Inn (shut up). I actually promised myself I -wouldn't- Inn sit. Hah!

As for being a ranger... it was interesting. They have some neat skills and spells, but I am not the type to sit outside all day. I love watching people RP and interacting with them way too much. Not many people sit in the Emerald Forest either, so... I think I'll test an assassin out again after this quarter is over and such. Or, maybe I'll actually play a ranger out correctly and get to some rank other than 33.

Okay, goodbyes. No paticular order, blahblah...

Dinian- I loved RPing with you. It brought a side of Draeven out that I had never really experimented with, and I was hoping that I'd be able to continue playing and such for the interactions. Sweet character, see you around hopefully :-) Drop me a line sometime if you want since I won't be playing anymore: whispered_sins@hotmail.com or Millso7 on AIM. Good luck!

Therethine- If I hadn't died so effing much I might have actually ranked to the 40somethings and traveled with you in a group. I owe you so much for helping me. Thank you for being so patient and forgiving me over some things that others would've freaked out about.

Sharwyn- I'll miss you :-( You were amusing to be with, and even if you don't follow the whole elf thing correctly you still made me smile. We had some fun times at the Inn. Probably the most memorable time was the two of us trying to keep the Imperials out. Heh, that didn't work out very well, did it?

Sayuri- People like you make me feel awful for my sh*t RP. You were awesome, and were another character I loved to be around. Just wish that Yuletide Event had been pulled off. The two of us could've thrown one hell of a party ;-)

Mavinero- Hm. Well. Really threw me on a tough spot with Drae. She was a bit rude and short with the male race after Mav and the whole Breallye thing (poor Dinian dealt with that the first time he met Drae... hah). Really made me think of Rixljyn. I played the "Who's Who" game with one of my outside contacts from CF. We disagreed with this one, and I probably am wrong, but whatever... Good luck with the whole High Herald thing. Hah.

There are so many other people and I'm blanking out when it comes to names. I really had fun with all of you (even you, Brindobrack. I am a pro at dying now). Much thanks and apologies for those that had to deal with me at the time that I was... well, a pain. Good luck to everyone :-)

44703, Sorry to see you go! You'll be missed. Good luck with your next, whenever it happens to be! (n/t)
Posted by Feleniel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44597, RE: Bye!
Posted by The Mav Show on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Drae started out pretty good I think, but much like a good number of my characters-you got in a slump. I know how it feels though. I'll say one thing though, you really kept things annoyingly interesting for a bit. ;) Anyhow, good luck with your next char and see you around.

-As for guessing who I am? I'm looking forward to hearing your assumptions.

44594, Hehe!
Posted by OqokoVylvfaensi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I too gave up on several characters that just were NOT going anywhere fast. Draeven was a LOT of fun to interact with. I think you could have stuck it out longer with her had you some fun people around but when you start losing those it really goes downhill quick.

Loved your clothing, great stuff and showed quite the creative flair. If CF ever implements a merchant class you would master it hands down!

As for dying a lot, I know the feeling. Once you get beyond X enemies you pretty much have to have X+10 allies otherwise you are doomed. Though Sharwyn turned the corner once she got a leveling I am betting Draeven could have too. Sad that you will not have time to play any more, I made a character I think Draeven could have liked hanging about with.

Good luck with your next, whenever that may be.
44733, Blah
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Drae loved you lots and lots. I was really upset when I signed on to find out you had died only a couple hours before hand. That seems to always happen to me...
44581, RE: Bye!
Posted by Sayuri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oops! I must have missed this when I posted on your Death-angel post. So you can read what I wrote there though.

Thanks for the compliment! I was disappointed about the failed yuletide celebration as well. Maybe next year, in different incarnations!

Thanks again for the kimono. I still have it!
44580, RE: Bye!
Posted by Therethine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was impressed with this character at the start, but you could be a stick-in-the-mud at times. Still, I wish you'd been able to be around more. Your enthusiasm as a Herald was enjoyable but holy crap could you ever die and holy crap did it ever get you discouraged. When you get a chance to play again, don't let getting the crap beat out of you prevent you from seeing the sights and such. The same deal happened to me before I learned how to, well, prevent the same deal from happening to me, teehee.

Oh, well, at least now you can't challenge my seamstressy superiority.

Anyway, I'm glad you had fun and hope to see you in the fields again someday.
44734, Yeah yeah
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stick in the mud? Pfft... alright, so you're right, but we'll pretend that I did not just admit that. Once again, thanks for the help with regearing me after I died...every...time....I owe you lots and lots. Maybe under you next High Herald I can roll a character that won't go downhill :-P Keep Mavinero away from HH, kay?
44567, Does this mean I get to flirt now?
Posted by Dinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(not that I ever stopped =P)

My first impression of you was that you were crazy.

A ranger herald? Yuck. Too much PK disadvantage. Lack of wilderness time, your favorite spot is a place where your really vulnerable.

I'm sorry about the times you died with me. I felt really stupid when I yelled at you for quaffing from a blackjacked Brindobrack and then him coming in later to bash you to death. Bleh.

And all those times when I was warranted and couldn't come into the Inn.

We had a lotta fun times, though, didn't we? I enjoyed being around you, and hope you come back.

And its completely understandable how being around Mav turned you off men.

Join us in the fields again, sometime, eh?
44582, First impression?
Posted by Sayuri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First impression?

She *was* crazy, my dear. *snicker*
44596, Now, now...
Posted by Mavinero on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And its completely understandable how being around Mav turned you off men.

Now really, I'm not *that* bad.

44732, Hah!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mavinero, you were a real pain in the butt.

Crazy? Eh, alittle, but when I first made Drae I was hoping to do an amazing job following Eshval then I fell off the bandwagon. So, being an Eshval follower, course she was going to be crazy. That, and being sane definitely isn't that much fun!

And yes Dinian, you can flirt now....but, you never really did stop.
44566, Goodbye!
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Such horrible customer service from a Herald. All I asked for was a tiny hole in Therethine and a jigger of fresh elf blood. :D

Can't recall Endalion interacting with you before Ghak, so that's it.

Ghak Ba'ak
44736, RE: Goodbye!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Saw Endalion a few times (elf, right?). The fact that you could PK me and the fact that you wre an orc made me hesitant to going along with Drae mouthing off towards you, but she wasn't really impressed with your request. Maybe I can help you out some other time with some other Herald.

Addictive cabal, really. Some of the conversations we have are highly amusing....
44745, RE: Goodbye!
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Saw Endalion a few times (elf, right?).


>The fact that you
>could PK me and the fact that you wre an orc made me hesitant
>to going along with Drae mouthing off towards you, but she
>wasn't really impressed with your request.

Ghak wasn't confident enough to start a fight in the Inn. A competent ranger hacks an orc to pieces(Or so happened to Murgh), so Ghak wasn't feeling brave enough to challenge Draeven. In the end, Ghak was a coward at heart.

>Maybe I can help
>you out some other time with some other Herald.
>Addictive cabal, really. Some of the conversations we have are
>highly amusing....

The addiction factor depends on whether there are other Heralds around or not. Your E-mail address looks familiar. Weren't you Aira or some other Fungor's fellow Herald? I doubt you had time to meet my felar Herald, Myrrin, since the character was so short-lived(but lively, though). Ghak is gone too, so I won't be asking for any elf blood.
44894, *COUGH* Yes, ahem...
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lets not mention Aira for the sake of my sanity. That was... a learning experiment.
44926, The characters you learn much with are the most valuable ones
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aira, like most of the Heralds of that time, has nostalgic value to me, as Fungor was a special character by being my first attempt to play CF. You RP:ed Aira well and therefore the character was successful, learning experiment or not.
45202, Uh, not quite
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I RPed her well? HAH! I'll thank you, but that is not quite accurate. I strayed from her original personality as well, but that's fine... I was fond of Fungor:-D Good times, good times :-)