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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDull begets Dull
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=44497
44497, Dull begets Dull
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Becoming too much like work. Bored of no opposition. Hunting down the same two or three villagers, doesnt really spice up my day. I absolutely hate gnomes. Hardest class to play. I will argue this point with anyone. Keeping in mind this is a PK mud that is...Neutral is tough to pull off. I tried playing right out of the helpfiles for Chaotic neutral. (Does what he wants to who he wants, with no morales in either dark or light direction. I think if you play with no morales, you will come across as evil.) Usually if someone pisses me off in game, I just bide my time, (even if it takes me months real-time) and kill them. I found I was unable to just bully people.

Good luck to the mages of the Order. I think things are rolling now. I hope you enjoy the fruits of our labour. Im going to email my book to Zebulus so you can have some more stuff for the eventual library. Too many things for me to do, all of which are like torture...was not fun to log in. I would gladly imm and do the stuff needed to take it to the next level, but im not sure the Imps want what I want. Cabal of magery is needed.

Zebulus: Cool Imm. I am always unsure of myself around someone that doesnt talk alot. Silence is deadly, and at times, you made me uncomfortable with the long sessions of silence. I think you have a well fleshed out religion. I would perfer to be out hunting and pking non-stop than the scholarly pursuits, but I did try to make the effort.

To my friends: I enjoyed every interaction. Gathering things, conversations, making plans, etc. Once again, shifters suck ass when it comes to trying to maintain conversations and keep up to date with everyone. Jopenstanruk, Luchan, Millia, Nalndun: Take care. You all do great work.

Enemies: Didnt really have any enemies. Villagers I hunted and killed whenever possible. Tried to stir up some ####, taunted those that fled, whatever...same old...same old. I thought the current crop of villagers did a good job. Kaisse, good job though nancy comments was a bit gay. Darus, neat little berserker. Kragathian, solid effort, hang in there. A/B/S on an Orangutan is going to beat any svirf/gnome in a one on one. Other villagers, I wasnt picking on you, just keeping to my role....My forms were pretty much villager killers. A/B/S mongoose is gonna mess up any warrior. 1500+ hp on that aint gonna help much either. Sorry if you felt slighted if I joined in on raids with Scions or Empire. Nothing personal, and other than one or two pieces of equipment in the lifetime of my character, never looted a thing. My role was to exterminate villagers, and I really don’t care if I fought you with double odds or not. On the otherside, I would attack whole groups of you out ranking, by myself. And even got a kill or two from that. I solo killed most if not all of you, so I dont care to justify the whines about raids with others.

I am rolling up another character. Probably a lightwalker or a scion. Fortress looks like they could use some blood. No more ####ing gnomes.

Thanks for making this game fun, Imms.
44554, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by Zebulus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Zebulus: Cool Imm. I am always unsure of myself around someone that doesnt talk alot. Silence is deadly, and at times, you made me uncomfortable with the long sessions of silence. I think you have a well fleshed out religion. I would perfer to be out hunting and pking non-stop than the scholarly pursuits, but I did try to make the effort.

Well, I'm glad that you liked the religion and was a bit uncomfortable around the silence, somewhat the goal. Onaelith was pretty well played though like what you touched on...being a gnome doesn't mean you have total freedom. Its just like being good/evil you're just neutral so you sorta getta kill them all if you want. Being a gnome doesn't mean your neutral, it just means you get more options, so choose one side over the other is pretty much saying oh I'm a mean lil gnome and evil by choice just didn't have an option about the gnome part. Alright, that's confusing....anyways, Onaelith almost single handedly kept that order together from what I saw via notes/chats. Nalndun formed it which was a good move and Luchan and Jopenstanruk seem to help out a good bit, but it looked like you basically held it together and kept it moving forward, so I applaud you for that.

Now, for something I sorta wanna cover with you, which was hinted on...putting Immortal actions in your role is VERY BAD. In your case, two immortals actions which is why you got your nice little heads up about the role, though you didn't really fix it to much. (This is good information for everyone ;) )

Anyways, nice job with Onaelith, to bad you didn't get further, had just got Pupil to!!! There's my second pupil that's deleted! Alright, have fun and I'm sure we'll interact somewhere else!

44555, Yeh...got that role thing pointed out to me.
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Almost deleted over it too.

In case anyone was wondering. My role was basically, at a young age, his village was destroyed by villagers. Mages slaughtered, blood and guts, all that. I kind of added that Ordasen was present and told the warriors they had done well. A magical being whisked Onaelith away to begin his path of revenge on the village.

Implied that Zebulus had saved me. Implied that Ordasen had been there too...in a made up event.

Realized it soon as was pointed out.


Cool imm anyhow, Im sure Ill take another stab at ya.
44547, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by Jopenstanruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this sucks, IC and OOC things were always more fun when I would log on to see Onaelith awake, and I learned a lot from you. It's hard to play when it loses its fun though and you had a lot of things going which required attention, so I can understand how it could start to feel like a job. Good luck with your next, the Order's definitely going to miss you.
44535, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by Curdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a #### for your little tirade on dio's. While almost all of your comments there were either wrong or mistaken, what really annoyed me was your deliberate use of cut and paste, and lack of history.

Among other things, what your post failed to include was that just before all your temper tantrum flames of challenging to single combat and all that, you had gotten your friend to attack the giant and flee to fight me alone, but you were camo'd right on the secluded path, so that when I went to fight him, I ended up fighting you both. You were *constantly* ganging, or attacking me when I was already near dead. The ganging or attacking when hurt is fine, the pretending to offer some single combat challenge and posting it on dioxides to flame ragers when they don't take you up on it is not fine. You lied all the time and ganged when you said you were not, so why would the character (or the player for that matter) believe you when you said you would be fighting alone this one time? He wouldn't. I didn't. And the irony is every time you came your friends died and you fled away. The one time you killed me I was just coming back from trying to retrieve the head and had about 1/3 hps, obviously without resist, deathblow, anything. And then you gloated. Kudos.
44536, Take a deep breath
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My soul purpose was to kill villagers. I did that. I had to fight through your outer and fight you at the inner to accomplish that. If I get hurt, I simply walk or word away...heal...and come back. Did I camo and attack you as you chased someone past me, yes. That is called tactics...send in the rabbit to bring out the wolf who is hiding at the destructor. You are supposed to be a villager, hunting mages, not the other way around. You were mouthy while out of range, and when you finally ranked and began to get schooled I couldnt resist comments to you. Comments that seemed to get you quite angry. Of course it is stupid to duel a fully prepped mage. Especially one that sends you running each time. Did I blame you for not accepting...never. I just tried to get a rise out of you, and accomplished that. Funny thing was I left all names off the log board, yet people immediately reconized you. Perhaps others came across the same thing. DId I play some honor bound dueler. Never. I really couldnt care less if I killed you with twelve others behind me. Long as I did so alone (at your inner, while you were at full health not 1/3 at least once) I didnt have anything to prove to you after that. You did indeed kill a few unprepped, tag along mages, during some raid situations. That is good. If you believe it is easy for an uncabaled mage to kill villagers at the village, with the head, then you are foolish. Did I full loot you, no. Did I do anything other than give you as many fights as possible? No. Well wait, I was a mouthy bastard. I attacked you every time I saw you. You should be thankful for a change of pace from the usual two round PK's of unprepped mages. DO I feel sorry for you. Well kind of. The villagers sure seem to be taking a beating. Ive never seen so many constant PK deaths from one cabal during a single characters brief life stretch. Empire is going to dominate you. Why? Im not sure. Perhaps you all dont work well together.
44539, RE: Take a deep breath
Posted by Curdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You must have some memory problems, or are just confused, on a whole host of things.

One, the only angry one in game was you, when you constantly failed.

Two, the only mouthy one was you, who started yammering at me. I am pretty sure I never spoke to you at all before we were in range, so that's just an out and out lie. Why you do it, I don't know.

Three, I didn't "chase someone past you", he fled from the giant and went directly to where you were to stand right by you. I came, then you stepped out of camo and I fought both. He died. Mostly dead, I fled and eventually you just went away.

Four, you are the one who ran away, usually to get more barrier or whatever wands.

Five, the thread on Dio's had most people thinking it was Darus or some others, and you had to reply saying it wasn't. Again, why you like to lie I don't know.

Six, you killed me once. Ever. Despite for the most part fighting when you had eight or nine levels on me, and bringing friends, and being fully prepped and all that. And as I said the one time you managed it I did not have the head and I was half dead.

The rest of your post was just mostly opinion and while I think it's mostly just silly talk, that's your choice.

I don't see a need to respond, but I am sure you will. Chances are I won't, the point has been made.

44542, I would trust his word over yours in a mintue, based on your actions in game.
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And even without the game, I'd still believe him over you.
44543, Some advice
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your char is still active. Just play and have fun. My goal from first interaction was to get under your skin. And I did. I was keeping to a role. I am probably the biggest softy going. If you want to play last word, I can do that to.

When you die off, perhaps other mages who interacted can comment on your character. I dont recall ever naming you (either in my goodbyes or in any logs. If you want to be childish...then nah nah...I killed you...you couldnt kill me. I win!! If you want to make exuses for dying, then make them. I dont mind hearing them.

To be honest, I was more trying to goad Green Lantern. Did I get under his skin? Yes, I think I did.

Dont worry, I still think you are both GREAT!!!

44545, RE: Take a deep breath
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>My soul purpose was to kill villagers.

I'd imagine an aligned shifter would have the advantage against villagers, since he could use protection vs. align against those of opposite alignment. Villagers can't use protection, so it's not like being aligned gives them an extra dam redux option to use against you.
44532, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by another gnome on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You allways seemed for me to be too impatient and bloodthirsty for a gnome. Even chaotic one :) perhaps that is why you do you like playing gnomes.
44531, Did I miss something? How is everyone aware of his plyaer? nt
Posted by silencedstatik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44537, I didnt see it anywhere, but I'd guess Lightmage. nt
Posted by Nightwiggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44520, Chaotic gnomes.
Posted by Dur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The concept of chaotic gnome. With gnomes being wisest creatures in Thera, Chaotic stupid is out of question. How do you feel a chaotic gnome should be, acting like a gnome as well as being chaotic?
44522, My take on it
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off the helpfiles:

A chaotic ethos does not bind a person to anything other than behaving
chaotically. A chaotic person desires random chance, confusion, and the
unexpected in their own life and the world around them to accomplish their
goals. A chaotic person is free to act in whatever manner they so choose.
The lack of methodologies, plans, and habits allows the chaotic person to
gain what they desire. Their actions are done without thought to what the
LAWS are or to deliberately oppose to them.

Perhaps the most difficult alignment to define, neutrality can vary
dramatically from one character to another. While some possess ideals
that might even be called noble, others live their lives guided by little
more than survival or apathy. While neutral characters may possess certain
values, they are unconcerned with moral consequences, and whether those
values serve to the benefit or detriment of others is of no concern to
them. True neutrality is perhaps the most difficult alignment to uphold,
and while some neutral characters tend to display either good or evil
tendencies, they never let their actions be too strongly swayed by either
morality or depravity. An ability to regard the world with true moral
indifference is the hallmark of neutrality.

I took this Onaelith as it pertained to his role. He wanted to revenge himself agaisnt the villagers. He wanted them dead. He did so to make Thera safe for mages, and to strengthen magic. He did not care if people got hurt along the way. They were either with his goal or agaisnt it. Tried to leave emotions and morals aside. One event came forth when Onaelith basically gave permission to some allies to kill off a whole race of goodly people. He didnt see this as an evil act, but merely he didnt care about the consequences as long as his own personal goals were being met. He still did goodly deeds if it served his needs. Like I said, a very tough race to pull off. Multikilling a foe is always going to seem evil.
44523, RE: My take on it
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Onaelith basically gave permission to some allies to kill off
>a whole race of goodly people. He didnt see this as an evil
>act, but merely he didnt care about the consequences as long
>as his own personal goals were being met. He still did goodly
>deeds if it served his needs.

This all says evil to me, honestly. Only B-movie villains really view themselves as evil. Everyone else thinks they have a damn good reason for the deplorable things they do.

Doing something good because it helps you has ceased to be doing something good, although it isn't necessarily evil, either.

I put a comment on this character to the effect of, his roleplay/motivations/character are of good quality, consistent, and make sense... they just add up to a character that's evil. Because the RP *was* good, we always hesistated to push the evilify button, though I'm not sure that would have gone on forever.
44533, Hmph
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't see how gnomish wisdom fits into the picture you painted. Like Nepenthe said, this sounds evil. Gnomes don't believe in good and evil, so he shouldn't see anything as good or evil, just some things are detrimental to his cause and himself, so people causing them are enemies, people helping his cause are friends or allies and those who don't give a damn about it are neither, not enemies, just because they refuse to aid him.

Perhaps chaotic gnome could be someone who seeks adventures and unexpected events in order to learn about the world better, yet staying contemplative and even-tempered.
44534, Feel free to play chaotic stupid gnomes.
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My point is according to the helpfiles, on chaotic, and neutral....a chaotic neutral person does pretty much whatever he/she wants and does not let morales factor into the equation. I chose to make enemies towards people that interfered with my goals. Hence the does what he deems nesesary in the pursuit of his goals....He was not a pushover character. If he sways too far in either direction I guess there is a problem. I was definatly leaning towards evil in my actions. Not arguing that. Its a hard alignment to play properly. Being wise means I would contemplate the reactions of some decisions I would make, before making them. Roleplaying a pure neutral character is going to be tough in a PK orientated Mudd.

That is if you are truly aiming for chaotic neutral. It would have been much easier to just be neutral evil, and do whatever the hell you wanted. Pulling off the neutral part is tough while maintaining some semblence of toughness. At least for me it was. Maybe Tribunal gnomes or even an outlander gnome would work better. I have not seen many impressively played gnomes, and ive met alot. How do you roleplay wisdom? Please dont answer this.
44538, Not chaotic stupid, chaotic wise.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd choose another ethos if I'd think that I can't make chaotic wise to work. I had pondered the issue of chaotic wise before, and seeing that Onaelith was a chaotic gnome, I decided to ask your take on it. Maybe it would work on an Outlander, the chaotic meaning his willingness to oppose order, as it takes guerilla warfare and unpredictability to best fight order like cities.

I'd leave chaotic stupid for less enlightened races, such as arials.

>My point is according to the helpfiles, on chaotic, and
>neutral....a chaotic neutral person does pretty much whatever
>he/she wants and does not let morales factor into the
>equation. I chose to make enemies towards people that
>interfered with my goals. Hence the does what he deems
>nesesary in the pursuit of his goals....He was not a pushover
>character. If he sways too far in either direction I guess
>there is a problem. I was definatly leaning towards evil in
>my actions. Not arguing that. Its a hard alignment to play
>properly. Being wise means I would contemplate the reactions
>of some decisions I would make, before making them.
>Roleplaying a pure neutral character is going to be tough in a
>PK orientated Mudd.

That sounds less evil than the ultimatum "Either you're with me or against me.". You don't have to be a pushover to be neutral. But it doesn't make you pushover either if you don't strike down those who don't meet with your demands to help your cause, but don't oppose or stand against it either. If someone strikes you to kill you, you don't need to back away in order not to hurt him. Whack him down and whack him down again on the next day if he shows his face nearby.

As goodie, you should be forgiving if the fellow isn't truly evil, since you don't really want to hurt another person. As neutral, you acknowledge that this fellow tried to kill you, so he is your enemy and you have no obligation to forgive him. What you're not supposed to do as neutral is jumping on random people who mean you no harm. Sure, you can kill the nearby necromancer because you don't want him around and perceive him as a threat, but no killing without reason. While I don't see others not agreeing on your terms as valid reason to kill them as neutral, it doesn't mean that you should do what they want you to do either. You need not to let them push you. To simplify, if he's not against your cause, don't be the aggressor to expect his demands met.

I'm talking in general terms here, not about Onaelith in specific. I didn't know Onaelith, so this is just general alignment talk.
44516, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was not really hard to guess that it was you behind Onaelith.

I disliked that you broke imperial law by killing villagers who hid inside the cities, and started to hunt you at one point. You agreed to follow imperial law when we spoke of it, and it ended there. I felt that the situation could go have gone both ways and could lead to a new semi-war. That would have made things more interesting for you.

As usual you were good at what you were doing, so raiding Village with you ensured no random casualties on our side. No matter what people say, getting entwined at Destructor is never fun.

Good char, now try to make a non shifter Imperial. You will love it.

44530, Empire would be invincible with an arcane sect n/t
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44514, You gettin the PBF?
Posted by TheDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or post your roles maybe or something?

Onaelith helped my character (still active so I won't say much) quite a few times, without any reluctancy whatsoever- for apparently no real reason. I mean, I know you had this thing with the Tribunals going for a while, which is kinda how we were introduced, in a roundabout (if not ironic :-) ) way, but rarely do you see that sort of conistent "sure no problem, I'll help you!" attitude.

Only thing I can guess is it had to do with gettin alliances for the mages of order thing maybe..hmm.

Anyways, fun char to be around. Thanks!

And let me guess... you're rolling another shifter next?
44509, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by Luchan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man that is really just annoying, all that work we've done and you go and pull this before anything is even certified. You were a great friend and thanks for all the lil tidbits you gave me, really something is gonna be missing from the rest of Luchan's days. Was getting worried bout your alignment there towards the end but seems it don't matter. Luck bro, and be seeing you around the fields.

44505, RE: Dull begets Dull
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't wild about this character. He just came off way towards evil for me. His goals and motivations were coherent to me, but what he was willing to do to achieve them just seemed too much. (Aside: Why did you gang-murder that one random Herald with Empire? That, I couldn't justify by your RP and I've been curious.)

All that said, I think you've made some awesome characters and will again. This just wasn't one of them for me. I've been a fan at times and hope to be one of your next character.

44506, Beats me...
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cant recall killing a Herald.
44507, Perhaps that time...
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The past...
Hunting villagers...
44508, Ahh ####e
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ALright alright....guilty as charged. Didnt realize Sharwyn was a newbie. Wanted to kill all the villagers and punish any that would aid them. Once the first couple dropped, guess I should have pulled back. See...gnomes are tough.
44510, Different Herald
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But still an active character, so I won't say.
44511, Man...
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If someone offered me a million dollars right now, I wouldnt be able to come up with a name. SHarwyn and Therethine are the only two heralds I can think of. You have me scratching my head though, I have no clue. When they delete, make sure to post something, cause now I want to know. Im getting senile or something. Heh
44502, Doh!
Posted by VultureBoy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solid solid character, but I hear you on the boredom part.
I agree too in tough to play neutral. Seems like Lightwalkers (Maran esp) will often force you in to permanent contention with them if fo some reason they see you with Evils. I'll say no more till I'm gone.
I was really pulling for your tower quest. Hopefully things will develop.
Thanks for the gearing help.
44501, You're my favorite player in CF, hands down...
Posted by TheLastMohican on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously. You've really showed solid RP and PK to me, not only that, you were never a '####' and always willing to aid me if I asked you in the correct manner.

Still wondering about the GF situation, everything kosher on that end?
44503, No go on daddy-o
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Got a good scare though. Probably for the best....

Which is good and bad.
Good: I now work harder at my job and have a backup emergency fund! Hehe.

Bad: I can play CF without guilt, which im addicted to. Not really helping the situation, but I personally like playing. Just as long as I keep it down a bit.
44500, Well damn
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC Zevsa wasn't sure if you were to be trusted but OOC I simply loved you. Could count on you when I needed you to gather a few things (Yay for hands of flame!) or to hunt those villagers. Although now it is more clear why we had some differences in the end. You're doing what you wana do and I'm bound to my morals and laws. So we ended hating and fighting each other.

It was useful though to be allies to someone as knowledgable as you. A shame though that you won't feel and live what you were trying to create. But I do understand that when fun is gone, you got to move on.

Good job and good luck with your next character.
44499, Damn
Posted by Ghutaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you were lightmage! Well, didn't know, but thats what I was betting on. It's a huge blow to the soon to be tower having you delete from pure boredom especially before its even made. Thanks for helping me take those baby steps and then bigger steps, though I am disappointed you deleted after telling me not to when I loose my axe.