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Topic subject[FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] Aemisha the Planewalker, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=44456
44456, [FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] Aemisha the Planewalker, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this will show as a rage delete, but I figured it was time. Several firsts for me though, in almost four years of playing.

-First Conjurer

-First Goodie Hero

-First Fortress Member

-First Acolyte

I will say this. A conjurer fortress member has far too little friends. *chuckle* Between Scion, Empire, Battle and Outlander all wishing you were dead, there was always something interesting going on in Aemisha's day.

I enjoyed the character, and I will say that I found conjurer's to be quite a survivable class. I was amazed at the situations I was able to worm away from, and of course there were times I kicked myself for hanging around too long. All in all though, I had fun.

I rolled Aemisha basically to get a feel for the class, and also along the way decided I would give the Fortress a try. I originally had intended to take the path of a Maran, but ultimately decided it best to take the road of an Acolyte. Being an Acolyte without the ability to heal though was shoddy sometimes, and there were instances where I felt a little useless. Especially when the time was close to my servitors getting ready to leave.

I noticed on one occassion I got some sort of "the divine take your experience stuff for your negative actions" thing once when I teleported away from a raid, but I knew how it was going to end, and seeing what transpired I decided it best to get out. Not to mention I was about to lose what I had conjured. Anyhow, I chalked it up to experience and went on about my way.

I was sphere Victory, but never really had an intention of playing a religious angle, and for the most part have decided that I get my kicks out of things other than the divine intervention. So Aemisha went on about her way never really planning become "religious". Instead she wanted to lend a hand where she could and at the same time explore. I did get to explore quite a bit and learned several new and interesting things. Though it seems with every character I have learned a boat load.

Anyhow, fighting mostly with Empire was rough at times. Especially the full looting part. Other than raid situations, Aemisha spent 95% of her time traveling alone. She never ganged, when raids came though it was her and whoever showed up against whoever was there basically. Not once did I type g all corpse, and that tends to be me being myself. I honestly cant even remember the last time I full looted anyone. Anyhow, I'm not knocking it or hating on anyone who did it. I'm just saying its rough. I believe every PK death I had, minus two I lost everything. There were a few fights here and there where I was like, wow, this just is not fair. Sometimes I made it out, sometimes I didn't. *shrug* Part of playing the game though. The only thing I think bothered me, the player, was getting full looted and it ending up in a sect pit for several days until a reboot. Being as most of the stuff I wore was goodie only, and was requestable, I had to wait until a reboot until I could get it again. Seriously, if you are going to full loot it, donate it, sacrafice it, do someting with it, just dont stick it in some non lootable pit please.

Well, I guess I'll get on with the goodbyes.


Man some of you were pro's when it came to dying! I came to the conclusion that a few of you were still somewhat new to CF and it impressed me at the amount of courage you all showed when it came to raiding/retrieving, etc. While I tended to play it "safer" than most of you, there were several of you that charged in fearlessly despite the odds. Granted I located quite a few corpses, its things like this that make you better. I cannot stress the words "unit cohesion" enough to you all though. I know some of you are just head down and charge folks, but please if for nothing other than the sake of your CON gather your forces the best you can and make a plan. Anyhow, good luck to you all and keep on truckin'.

Aarn - The only interaction I had with you was when I prayed that the Lords of Light ease the bloodthirst in the eyes of the Fortress's leader...to which you responded...bah. Heh. I, for some reason, got the idea that Aarn wasn't real keen of Aemisha. Maybe it was just the comment you made in the past about holding battleragers close to you heart that just made me uneasy.

Corrlaan - Heh, I though you had come to lay the smack down on Aemisha when my angel turned on Oqoko and took her last death. Instead you told Aemisha it was not her fault, and instead tried to do what you could to put her corpse where it should be. I enjoyed that little interaction.

Shokai - Saw you about a few times, and you even joked about with a few of us one night across the CB. While I had a sphere under your influence, my playing times did not mesh with yours that well. I tended to play mostly in the morning/afternoon, so I decided pretty early on to not actively seek you as a follower. I still would love to roll something up and follow you though.

Gryshilniar - Man, you were the right pick for Marshall. Everytime you logged on it seemed like things were going to go well. You were levelheaded, smart and knew how to lead. Aemisha would follow you anywhere and under any circumstance, because she believed in your leadership and felt you knew what you were doing.

Alriac - While me, the player, thought your role was very well stuck to and very well played, Aemisha did not like you at all. She felt that calling fellow fortress memebers "farkers", "arses", "ninny" and the several other words you liked to use, was just plain uncalled for. She also looked at you as too bloodthirsty and too much like the ones we fought. In fact there were times she thought your leadership was poor and too over the top and lead to too many people's deaths. But hey, they still followed you and they just kept on dyin'. So well done despite our not seeing eye to eye.

Razhalia - When you lost your voice, it made it hard to communicate with you. I will tell you though, you are selfless and make every attempt to help those that needed it. No matter if you were ranking, off and away exploring or what, you would drop anything to see to the needs of others. This impressed Aemisha, and she always pinned you as the Acolyte that reflected most what an Acolyte should be like. p.s. Stop dying so much. :P

Austira - I enjoyed being about you as well, we didnt get to interact much, as Aemisha tended to be quite a loner for the most part, but I did like being around you. I sensed something about you that made you come over as jaded from time to time though, but could never quite place a finger on it.

Alright, alright....there are several others of you out there I know I'm not getting to, but I promise you all of you had some sort of impact on Aemisha's life. PLEASE respond and I will reply directly to you. I had no intention of this post being this long, and the work hour is quickly approaching. Thanks to everyone I interacted with, good and bad, its one damn fine place to have fun and always a blast here in the fields. Know I'll be back in some form soon. I haven't quite yet decided on what, but I am coming back. Everyone take care and remember its a game...HAVE FUN.

-Rob, silencedstatik
44481, Heh, good job!
Posted by Dinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were nice and competent and everything a goodie acolyte should be.

Sorry bout the flirting. I'm forced to do that with everything that looks remotely female, except for a few which I can't justify in my role. Hehe =P

See you in the fields again!
44475, Not really sure how I came off jaded...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is really a comeback character(from yes...like 5 months of not playing, which isnt that long, I know). And I guess I just see the damn things. But, I am not, well tired of this character, yet, and as I said in the past I plan on age dying or con dying, or sucking out ALL the entertainment out of her, which isn't yet. And maybe I usually get bored with my chars around 150 hours might have something to do with it *shrugs*.

Anyway...to be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of Aemisha IC(and somethings just frustrated me, like some of her beliefs, I didn't think was Acolytish, but then again it could have been just frustration on both parts, since it was the 12 hour day of retrieving and getting killed for me). But, it seems like you generally knew what you were doing, and I Did breathe easier when you were about, since the archons and elementals did help quite a bit with a competant conjurer. Well see ya around in the fields.
44476, RE: Not really sure how I came off jaded...
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe I was just getting the vibe from you not liking me, and thats where the jaded came from. I didn't have a problem with Austira, but sometimes it seemed her roleplay was a little forced. Like this is what an Acolyte should say, so thats what I'm gonna say. Nonetheless, hang in there and hopefully that Cardinal spot will get filled soon. *wink**wink* You and Raz are good Acolytes and your forms are nice forms to have as an acolyte. I'd love to roll a shifter and give it a try, but I think I'll wait until they're less popular than what they seem right now. Take care.
44477, Not really, in terms of that, since I never played an acolyte before...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am just trying my best to play the cat, but sometimes shes too good for me, haha, if you know what I mean. But I try my best, and that is all that matters.
44469, I really dug the character, so it bothers me to have to call BS.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imperials CANNOT put in their chest, what they cannot use. It's coded that way now, has been for quite a long while. You may have located your things in the Chasms pit, but you will never locate goodie only stuff in the Empires chests.
44470, Now that I think about it, you're right.
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most of what I located was usually on someones person or sitting on the Imperial Throne Room floor. Sorry if I stated otherwise. Perhaps what I did locate in the pits were things they could use and I just overlooked that fact when I id'd it or something.
44474, I just figured I'd point it out nicely, before someone decided to be a cock about it. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44463, Geez, things have taken a turn for the worst...
Posted by Grysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With all these deletions. But guess that's how it goes sometimes. I got the sense you weren't used to the Fort as you seemed a bit surprised by the repeated full loots. Once you expect them, they stop bothering you :p .

Anyway, I really enjoyed our few times together mainly because you were clearly competent. Specifically I remember us running through Serduk, Ferculla and Sylus in a retrieval and we kicked muchos ass with your elemental and archon. Damn I'm going to miss that. I have a soft spot for acolytes, but ooc I'm always worried they're just throwing their con away over and over (Yes I'm talking about YOU Razhalia :) )

Well I hope to see you back in some form or another. The Fort will definitely need a solid presence soon.
44464, RE: Geez, things have taken a turn for the worst...
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will definately miss ol' Grysh. It was amazing what could be accomplished with people who excelled at what they. It was something I didnt get to experience as much as I would have liked, but like I said, you made things come together. That one raid in particular was quite a ride, and Aemisha actually felt guilty that she had let as much havoc loose as we did that one time. There was just something about you though, I mean we would throw eight or nine people at the empire some days and a few of us would limp away while the rests corpses scattered the imperial lands. Then there would be days where combos/players/etc meshed and we would whip some ass. Anyhow, I have a feeling I may be trying out the business end of the fort pretty soon, and if so I hope you'll still be around when I get there. Take care.
44467, shyte!
Posted by knakilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
damm, why are you all deleting now? ;-) stop it! hehe

Aemisha was a great help fr knakilius, learned some good things from you and you where always ready to help me.

will miss you Cf.!

no more delete from our part hehe!
44468, RE: shyte!
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I was always glad to help. I never mind sharing information IC when whoever is asking is willing to learn. Knak is a great dwarf, and a good paladin. A bit on the dying too much side, but perhaps its part of your role. Heh, it would always make me chuckle a bit, because the highs were high with you and the lows low. It would be like Knak: I'm attacking soandso. A few mintutes later...Knak: Oh ####e! Heh. Anyhow, hang in there and keep things going. I think the reason I deleted was because of the mismatch that being an Acolyte and Conjurer was. Feeling helpless when you can't get in there and heal or quicken people made me feel a bit useless sometimes. It was fun though, and glad I got a chance to interact with you.
44461, RE: [FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] Aemisha the Planewalker, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know you much, the only thing you said which somewhat irritated me OOC was when I said 'don't confuse fair with assassins' and you said something about 'not wanting to confuse fair with paladins'.

Honestly, its a pet peeve of mine when people lecture a paladin about the code, especially when that's not what I was referring to (was referring to how they are sneaky and hide in the shadows and such, and, they wound up assassinating the person in question anyway). Especially coming from a conjurer...who rolls around with an archon and an elemental. It just came across as really OOC to me.

That was the only interaction I can remember having with you.
44462, RE: [FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] Aemisha the Planewalker, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that. I took what you were saying as don't confuse fair with Imperials (assassins at the time). If I remember correctly there was a group of you hunting the assassin, and I made the comment on the CB about not wanting our enemies to confure UNfair with the likes of a paladin. It was not a remark aimed at you as a paladin or even the paladin code. The remark was simply that we should not gang down our enemies simply because they gang us down. Aemisha was big on the way the Fortress appeared to everyone, even our enemies. She, as an Acolyte, felt that all those of the fortress should lead by setting the example. i.e. fighting fairly, not full looting, etc. It was never meant as any type of OOC comment and was never meant to upset anyone. Only for those that were around to be mindful of their actions as scribes and squires because people would see them as that.

Sorry if it came over OOC or made you mad, but it was in IC comment made on the beliefs that Aemisha held.
44465, Thats part of why I asked.
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I misinterpreted what you said, just as you misinterpreted what I said. I think you'd be surprised how few times I've gang-killed people (I believe, 3-4 times?), but yeah I took it differently.

Thanks for clearing that up.
44459, You made me spam Kaubris' Anchor...
Posted by Razmorthin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
in order to lessen the chances of you dismissing my servators, and you still kept getting them far too quickly :P I'm going to miss the dismiss wars - not! -. You were an adversary I could never discount and the Fort will surely miss you.

Looking forward to seeing you back in the Fields,
- Raz
44460, RE: You made me spam Kaubris' Anchor...
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you gaunting me one time and me dismissing the gaunt before it even had a chance to do anything, but yeah it came down to a dismissal war. It was funny tonite though, since i ran in trying to dismiss your usual demon and find you had a devil, then trying to get the syntax right on the devil. For some reason I counldnt get just c 'dismissal' devil to work. In the end I think lesser or ice worked. Not sure, maybe it was you moving in and out that caused it. Anyhow, I tended to put a good bit of mana in dismissing your servitors so I would get them the first time. Usually in the neighborhood of 400 - 500 mana. heh.
44457, Don't be deleting guys!
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We'll be considered as assholes! :P

Well what can I say? Our fights were useless. You knew it, I knew it. But we still got at it. And damn those healing curses! And no talks really. Don't know why. I usually interact when I'm spoke to and try to interact with me foes when I can.

Good job for all those first and good luck with your next.
44458, RE: Don't be deleting guys!
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I do remember our fights if you could call them that. Zevsa has arrived through a gate. call 'acolyte power' zevsa. Zevsa heals. Archon heals Aemisha. Zevsa flees or Aemisha flees. It would go on and on, chuckle. One time though you almost caught me in a real bad spot, but I died right before you did. Just as I hit the altar, I get The Gods protect you from Zevsa. *chuckle* Anyhow, having played a healer I know you can get lumped in as the "healer bitch", etc. I thought you did well though, and figured that any that was a priest of a dark god was too far gone for redemption, alas the few words we exchanged. Good luck though.