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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAcolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=44320
44320, Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This goes to prove you can do the same thing twice, with a twist on the rp. I by far do not think I am one of the Elite rpiers in the game, but she was fun. There were so many of you that I would like to thank, for making this fun. Too many to mention by name, but there are a few I would like to give my personal thumbs up to.

Fort: (Of course)

Fort IMMS:

Corrlaan, Thank you so much for the empowerment, and the tat, I love the religion, and do not doubt I will be back one day. There is so much you can do with it...thanks again.

Aarn: IC, You pissed Breallye off to no end when you called her an elf. From that point on, she had a thing against dwarves. Too bad I never shaved one of your Maran and put his beard in your shrine.

Shokai: Saw you once, that was about it.

Marshall, hey you are doing just fine all around. I so loved being around with you, you were one of the few that touched Breallye stone heart.

Razhalia, Love the char and the rp, reminds me of a fair kinded Cardinal, something Breallye wouldn't be or wouldn't allow to happen. Keep it up, I am sure interesting things might happen.

Xilla, I so wanted to get to interact with you more, but it never happened, play times I guess. I don't know what much else to say, but your rpied harder then any Acolyte at the time. We have new blood now, so you might have some company.

To the rest of you Forties..I tried to play a hard ass Acolyte. Harsh in her words to others of the Fort, or those who wanted to apply to join. I am sure there are plenty of people who would argue that is exactly how an Acolyte should not act, but...someone needs to stand up and say, I am an Acolyte but I am not going to be treated like crap. Change is inevidible, it just depends on how you do it.

To the Rest:

Raz...I feared you :P

Saskrin, was kind of excited you got that assassinate off me, was thinking...about time.

As I said, too many to mention, but post, I will reply. It was fun gals and guys. Happy new year.
45540, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Daeoine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
give me a whats up at Persephoneletloose@yahoo.com
44363, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Saskrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, I was and still am experimenting with assassinate. It's gotten better though. You were a really annoying healer...I mean REALLLLY annoying. Which is good since the more annoying the healer, the better she is. :)
44386, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you were trying so hard, and I was so, going, go Saskrin. I liked your boldness. Hense, I was not surprised when I was assassinated, but I have to ask, did you have a trigger, or was it just spamming the command? :)
44414, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Saskrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Spamming commands. Down to a few cons...think I'm going to go for a condeath.
44362, Best goodie healer roleplay I've seen
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You deserve major cudos for playing a goodie healer the way they should be played. I can't account for your behavior towards Forties, mostly because I can't see myself playing one, but towards your enemies, you always role-played as you should. That time you gated to Alriac in Galadon was just wrong. And that time at the Fort when I wouldn't leave, well, as I said, major kudos.

Good luck on your next, maybe one day we'll be on the same team.
44385, RE: Best goodie healer roleplay I've seen
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After I learned how many times you died...I so felt sorry for you. It was a perfect chance to rp with you. Which, by far you gave me more responsive rp then anyone else I tried to talk with. Oh, the one time in Galadon..heh, just doing the job of an Acolyte, and the time at the Fortress...really thought I could rp a change in you before you con died...oh wells, never happened. Hope you having fun with you new one.
44343, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Orik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bummer...Thought you were a quality player and I always enjoyed your side comments throughout the evening. Going to miss exploring with you when things were slow.

Gook luck with your next.
44384, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cheer up, someone will be around to explore. I am sure I am not the only person with the exploration bug. As for the side comments..humor through sarcaism. <s/p?>
44332, Breallye
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a few threats, talks and battles here and there. Which was kinda fun. Mercy Versus Evil. Heh. Kinda hated to see some competant healer at the Fortress. Thanks for all those battles and words!

And good luck for the next.
44383, RE: Breallye
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew when we were both on, one of us was about to get a headache. We didn't have too many RP interactions, but we did fight a few. I always thought healer vs healer, is a pointless fight, even with mana drained, with the ticks coming, you could gate out, flee, teleport out when needed. But...good practice with parry and shield block. ;)
44330, Brea!
Posted by Bliggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had a lotta fun with you with Bliggy. You were -always- interesting, and some of your interactions had me in stitches of laughter for days afterward. I *will* say that Bliggy saw a sister, not a hard-ass, in you. You should have been Cardinal.
44382, RE: Brea!
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bliggy! Wow, that was awile back when Breallye had some semblance of a sense of humor. It died after the massive deaths the Fortress took. Glad you liked her, I certainly enjoyed my interactions with you.
44329, Good solid character
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Its all about sticking to your guns. And yes...Acolytes dont always have to be pushovers. I've said it before and I'll say it again...and again...and again.

Very good character...of course you were or you wouldnt have gotten the tattoo. Hope you enjoyed the little quest. Although you finished it so quickly I will have to make the next one a bit harder for whomever gets the honor.

Sorry if I didnt give you too much immteraction but you seemed to be the kind of character that didnt seek it out and when I did give it to you..I hope it was meaningful.

Good luck on your next..


44327, A pleasure as always.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun. :) When you told the story of why you were so
adamant about not being called an elf, I thought Uh oh, this
is going to cause no end of trouble. As near as I could tell
you only got a little miffed at Feichin a couple of times.
In any case I was surprised at who you were there.
Best of luck with your next.

44381, RE: A pleasure as always.
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was in her nature to get annoyed by just about everyone. That is what I wanted to do with her. I liked Feichin, and did miss the times we had around each other.
44325, Another well played flower picker elf from you.
Posted by Grysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, imho the most powerful Fort character possible is a elf/half-elf acolyte healer. And the fact that you knew what you were doing just made it oh so good. We'll miss ya.
44380, RE: Another well played flower picker elf from you.
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another well played flower picker elf? Hah, now I wonder who you played in the past.
44324, Oooo... a trend =P (n/t)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44379, RE: Oooo... a trend =P (n/t)
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A trend? Maybe, but it is ended. No more healers, and no more goodies for me for awile, hello team evil, you have a new friend. (Hopefully)
44387, RE: Oooo... a trend =P (n/t)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Meant Fort deletions/deaths.
44388, RE: Oooo... a trend =P (n/t)
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, when you make a point, try to make it to we all know what is going on, and not thinking, what the hell did he mean? :)
44412, RE: Oooo... a trend =P (n/t)
Posted by Gitterton on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>A trend? Maybe, but it is ended. No more healers, and no more
>goodies for me for awile, hello team evil, you have a new
>friend. (Hopefully)

I *think* I might know who your character is.
Two questions to confirm my suspicions though.

1. Have you already made her?
2. Is she determined to get into the Spire?
44422, RE: Oooo... a trend =P (n/t)
Posted by Brea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Yes.

2. Don't make me laugh. :)
44321, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Kelayna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not even a mention after all the time we hung around with each other! Oh well, anyways like I said when Kel died...you were awesome. Her best friend throughout life, and the person she went to for advice about everything. Just wasn't the same being in the Fortress the second time around with Gaerleis. Good luck with your next and all that.
44364, I die and you Die..... Make me sad.
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Love you! Fortress going to miss your presence.
44377, RE: I die and you Die..... Make me sad.
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you too, a tribunal with a sense of "duty". Kind of made me think back to some old Arbiters. :)
44378, RE: Acolyte, Breallye, Hand of Mercy and so forth
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I missed you, but with every charactor, they evole one way or the other. Sorry you didn't have as much fun with me with your second, poo. Both were general well played, minus the drama from the first ;).