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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Mike the Master of Harmony
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=44211
44211, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Mike the Master of Harmony
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jan 1 21:10:35 2006

At 6 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Mike perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
44252, I really dont know why
Posted by Xaannix- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you were allowed to go on with that name. Why would you chose a name like that when the game rules forbid it?

I will remember to roll a char named Johnny or Bill.
44261, "Let that which does not truly matter slide"
Posted by Mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
this is my philosophy in life and will be my only response to any posts about my name. I have already spelled out why i picked it and don't feel like reiterating the reasons. Be happy that you won't see anymore common names as a result partially of me.
44262, "Forgive one transgression and you
Posted by Xaannix- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
encourage the commission of many." :P
Thats the philosophy I endorse.
44267, And you displayed that you apparently are unable to do that.
Posted by DC Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

"I picked the name because of the Forum Nazi's".

Way to let things slide, boss.
44232, Ho Ho What!
Posted by mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well I got bored with this char. I have a tendency to burn out quickly and it struck again. I made this character because I saw a weakness in the village with my previous villager and I figured well the best way to fix it is to help everyone out so a battle bard was born. I fell short in my goal to help everyone out but I have been much more impressed by the level of skill in the village at the moment and especially at some of the unique roles. As for the name I picked it in a drunken stupor after listening to the forumn nazi's bitch about names once again so I picked one to piss them off.

As a result of that decision I saw a lot of good rp and a lot of horrendous rp. I can't count the number of OOC tells I got from all sorts of chacters both low rank and high. I was very dissapointed in this but in the long run I really didn't care.

I tried to make this a rp char as much as I could and I hope anyone who interacted with him walked away saying yep he is a human bard villager without having to check whois mike. I went berserker because well I have had defender bards and scout bards and I just wanted to try something new. I think a bard would make a great berserker but not until hero. My general thoughts on bards post revamp is that well they suck. Their biggest strength was they were a jack of all trades pre-revamp and while now they can do anything really well they just suck at everything else. They have been turned into one trick ponies. I am surte critics will bring up my pk record (3 or 4 and like 50) or my low level but mike was far from my first bard, it was far from my first battle bard and not even my first bard since the revamp.

On to farewells


Kastellyn: Thanks for the interview and pushing me to branch out more artistically. As a person I am not very artistic in fact I hate art. You pushed me to explore new avenues with my role though and I would have pursued more of them had I not lost interest in the character.

Ordasen: I know you didn't like me but at least i got interaction from you I supose.

Kaisse: You were a keystone in my role. I interacted with you previously as flunruk which I think you figured out early on. I molded a lot of my character after you. Everytime i interacted with you I thought to myself damn he really inspires the village he should have been a bard. I am still impressed with this character and even moreso now that I know your previous characters. I always said you would make a better defender or scout then berserker and it seems I was right.

Flumperog: Sorry if I mispelled your name but you came out of nowhere. I loved your rp and flickle you always made me laugh. Its obvious that your a vet so keep on crackin them magi skulls!

Grazarn, Grahnik: You two go together because you are both simply solid villagers. I ranked with you as Mike and Flunruk and I was impressed as both, keep up the good work.

Frigila: I like the emotes and all and a drow berserker that lays down the smack is always awsome to be around.

Curdan: You have made yourself the black sheep of the village dude. You have potential in both rp and pk but you let your I know it all attitude get in the way of delivering fully on both. Everyone in the village noticed it and if thats your role kudos for pulling it off very well but most of the time you gave me the human running around in a dwarves skin feeling.

There were tons of folks I interacted with so if I forgot you just post something and I will respond. See you all back in the fields.
44235, *snip*
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Prothero, if you keep it up, you won't use this website.
44238, Hrm. That was about as civil a flame as they get.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alrighty, fine, he read my post so that's enough for me.

I thought that was in bounds.
44239, So sorry about that. n/t
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44254, Shame to lose a skjald
Posted by Kaisse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't say too much, but I can tell you I've never played a berserker!

Glad you had some fun, sorry I had to start pushing you toward the end but a lot of deaths and too few mage kills was making you look like an aweful berserker. I don't think you were going to make the ranks you needed to even things out before I was going to take your hut for it. There were too many berserkers and so I had to get rid of the worst to make way for more. Most of my information came from 'upstairs', so Kaisse's been acting harsh on it out of respect. Thank god I didn't have to kick you. You were a great bard, and you were right in that the village could do with one! Maybe a bard would make a good berserker, but 90% of the way it won't :P

Hope to see you back soon.

44260, umm, yeah
Posted by mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never put up big kill counts with a bard and mike was aprox 4 wins and 50 deaths well a few less deaths but you get the idea. I went berserker for roleplay reasons and I wasn't at all surprised when you started to nudge me. If you have never played a berserker then that means someone else in the village is playing the person I know and I well I am not so surprised then. Anyways I will reiterate one last time Kaisse is an excellent character very well flushed out.
44266, I'm glad I never had to interact with you.
Posted by DC Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly because my current role wouldn't have let me PK you. You're a jackass though. The fact that you would pick a name just to be an ass shows why the imm's policy regarding these sorts of names is stupid.

Unfortunately, as I predicted, you picked the name to be a jerk because your lack of skill has to be made up with some other way. Oh well, maybe you can getting better at the game rather than being 'infamous' by being an ass. Just a tip. Good luck and all that jazz.
44270, I dunno.
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Mostly because my current role wouldn't have let me PK you.
>You're a jackass though. The fact that you would pick a name
>just to be an ass shows why the imm's policy regarding these
>sorts of names is stupid.
>Unfortunately, as I predicted, you picked the name to be a
>jerk because your lack of skill has to be made up with some
>other way. Oh well, maybe you can getting better at the game
>rather than being 'infamous' by being an ass. Just a tip. Good
>luck and all that jazz.

I'm just utterly frustrated that "Mike" is cool but my char "Priestman" (also a common day name) got binned because it would get too much flak, and that's even with me having a role to define his name. Bleh, beauracracy beat my rp so i stopped trying.
44275, ohh boy
Posted by mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly because my current role wouldn't have let me PK you. You're a jackass though. The fact that you would pick a name just to be an ass shows why the imm's policy regarding these sorts of names is stupid.

Allright I will say this as nicely as I can. I try not to be a jerk in real life, I have to deal with a ton of them on a very daily basis. People like you and java and a select other few have taken falming to such a level that i felt compelled to piss you off in this way. Now I know the fact that i sunk to your level doesn't make me the ideal person to say this but your rapant hostility towards everything and anything does nothing but breed more hostility.

Unfortunately, as I predicted, you picked the name to be a jerk because your lack of skill has to be made up with some other way. Oh well, maybe you can getting better at the game rather than being 'infamous' by being an ass. Just a tip. Good luck and all that jazz.

How does picking a name display lack of skill? I am not going to turn this into a pissing contest if i can avoid it but skill in cf is not something I lack. How many times have you earned tattoo's by rank 21? How many chars have you had with over a dozen different titles (positive ones) in their lifetime. I have been around for about a decade and I have had some good chars and some bad chars. If you want tyo criticize everyone perhaps you should at least make informed criticisms?
44283, Honestly not a Flame.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You say you've been around for 10 years?

I heard you say that on the Newbie Channel. I actually went out of my way to help you because you seemed like such a Noob.

I know I say this A LOT, but most of the time when you were talking it seemed like I was in a chat room.

Mike might have been tolerable if you'd just add emphasis to your scentences at the begining and the end. It does add depth and enjoyability to any interaction.

You had two strikes against you comming out of the shoot.

If you are truely a 10 year Vet, (Not someone who played 10 years ago) then you should really be putting a greater effort into how you come across to other players.

It's time to up the Bar and set a good example, not hurt the ones you love.
44277, RE: Ho Ho What!
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>picked it in a drunken stupor after listening to the forumn
>nazi's bitch about names once again so I picked one to piss
>them off.

That's a piss-poor attitude. If you want a lame name for its own sake that's one thing. But doing it to piss people off is just obnoxious. You said above "let that which does not matter slide" or some such. Why didn't YOU just let it slide? Why go and make a character with the conscious intent of reducing the fun other people have? Is it just to feel superior to them because you don't feel the same way about names? Is it to teach them a lesson about being petty? That would be an incredibly arrogant and... petty thing to do.

Ultimately the question I have is: What do you think the point is of pissing off other players over this?
44280, i am done
Posted by mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>picked it in a drunken stupor after listening to the forumn
>nazi's bitch about names once again so I picked one to piss
>them off.

have you ever been inebriated maybe then you would understand. After like an hour I actually got into the charatcer and I honestly often forgot that my char had a common name(until I read the forums again). I never claimed to be perfect. I admit I sunk to their level but since that seems to be where all of cf is going does it really matter? I have made tons of characters that have contributed immensly to this game and each and every single one of them gets flamed for something. Be it the most miniscule interaction i had at rank 3 400 hours ago or someone whining because I didn't induct them over the years all of this #### just piled up. Picking this name was kind of a release since I can't step though the computer and slap certain people upside the head.
44281, RE: i am done
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>admit I sunk to their level but since that seems to be where
>all of cf is going does it really matter?

Yes. Shame on you.

I read more and more of people trying to use the bad behavior of others to justify their own, and it doesn't hold water.

Now go make a great character for your next and let's try to put all of the jackholery on both sides of this issue behind us. That means all of you.
44284, I'm going to make this as fair toned as possible.
Posted by DC Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Given, honestly, I can't believe I've wasted time flaming you to begin with.

You didn't 'sink' to my level. My 'level', is flaming people on Dioxide's forums when they make idiotic statements. This amuses me and others, and typically people understand that Dioxides is as much entertainment as it is a place to talk about the game. The character I play on Dioxides, is a separate character than the ones I play in game. As Rastorenn, I was an abnoxious rageful person, whereas as Beltantis, I had a grim but kindly resolve. Its called roleplaying.

Bringing OOC elements into the game to piss off other players is not roleplaying. Its not 'my level' or the spirit of the game. Its a cheap ploy used to abuse the kind-heartedness of the imms and to tarnish other people's playing experience. You want to piss me off specifically, flame me, kill my characters, full loot me, whatever, but don't abuse the rest of CF's players to settle your vendetta.
44228, A testament to your skill...
Posted by Tharena on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or perhaps to the fact you weren't in hero range, but..

I'm sure I lost count of the number of people both in game and out who wanted to kill you. Multiple times a few of them.

Not sure what your final Con was, but I'm amazed you didn't con die a week ago or more.

Congrats? I think. =)

- Tharena
44230, RE: A testament to your skill...
Posted by Mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well surviving as a bard doesn't take a whole lot of skill. I died a lot mostly because I choose the path of a berserker and I tried for the most part to attack every enemy as I saw them. Those of you who have played a bard or two though understand they are as lethal as a healer(less than a healer actually) until they hit the higher ranks and get fire and ice and when you don't see me. If I had been playing a scout or defender I would still be sitting with less than 6 deaths at this point. Trying to run down a bard is like trying to run down a druid. You can try but your going to get tired before they do more likely then not.
44224, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Mike the Master of Harmony
Posted by Rongar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dam.. sucks that you deleted..
I enjoyed talking to you and traveling with you
lots of times...

come around one more time
44229, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Mike the Master of Harmony
Posted by mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah you need to be around more often we are in short supply of giant damage specs in the village right now. I am a village vet so better believe I will be back, this time with something less susceptable to bash. Ho Ho What!
44214, I loved bashing you down on Eastern that one time...
Posted by Uurakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It felt so good after you sent me packing those other times I tried something. Peace Mikey!
44216, RE: I loved bashing you down on Eastern that one time...
Posted by Mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haha yeah getting bashed sucked. I had at least a dozen deaths where I was simply perma-lagged for 20-30 rounds and wound up at the pit. While I did send tons of people packing in my day(note that they ran off and I didn't kill them) I don't recall fighting you very much except for at the end where I just kept getting bashed to dead. Hope you have fun with your char though.
44217, Why do I have the feeling this is character is going to hold the record...
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the most deleted posts ever?
44220, Because he has the kind of name a lot of people hate?
Posted by Obvious-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A lot of people hate these blah names, a few people don't care and the imms accept them, though their opinions differ
44227, I tell you what
Posted by Mike on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you don't make a big deal over the name then there isn't a big deal it is just a name after all.
44234, Patently false.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And selfish to boot.