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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRialnis
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=44120
44120, Rialnis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character just did not go the way I planned. Started whips/flails and was planning on doing dagger with striking the shadows footfall and something else, figure one on one fights versus any fighting class would equal dead opponent. After being pounded on enough I said hell with it, sword and whirlwind. Which didn't really matter I guess, I don't ever play warriors for too long. In hindsight though, if I knew fist of the titan failed on disarms as much as it did I would have went balance and just got a cursed sword or some spiderhands potions. This was actually a sort of secondary character to take a break from something else, but ended up turning into the main one, which is one of the reasons for deleting. Another is the Fort is just packed now, and I'm not much on being in the huge groups. On to the goodbyes.


Austira and Gaerleis: I put you together and in alphabetic order so no one feels slighted. You were the people I really just talked to a lot, although it was that warm fuzzy #### which I usually just stay away from. I swear if anything started towards the mudsex I was going to make up a story about a sword accident and being a eunuch. And Gaerleis, I know it sucks to have someone talk you out of something then have them do it, but don't do it for the reasons you had.

Gryshilniar- Same thing I had to say with... err whatever the ranger was I just played. You are ballsy, don't ever stop. Would make a great berserker. Oh yeah, first interview where you said you didn't smell any blood on my weapon, you know, it was possible I hadn't killed anyone yet, I know I fought people, but it kind of all mixes together.

Everyone else, good while it lasted.


Zevsa: Man oh man did you just have the worst freaking luck with your sancs. You should be checking that like every couple hours.

Saskrin: Think I fought you the most out of the empire, maybe tied with Zevsa, although it usually ended with me trying to chase you here or there, or if you were prepped me running along with all my broken bones. It was good fighting.

The rest of you... don't think I ever really talked to you, or if I did nothing memorable.

Not really going to be specific on anyone else, only 126 hours or so, not that much to say. I tried to leave everything if I killed someone, or if I took something leave what it replaced. Even after being full looted I did that. The kindness was not returned to me (obviously since I just said full looted). And here is the point to this, it didn't really bother me. Someone wants to be like that, fine, their choice. At the end of the day I can say I'm not like that and still having fun, and maybe making it a little more fun for other people too. Spite just breeds spite until someone stops it.

Think that's it.
44257, Ouch.
Posted by Kaisse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last time we crossed paths, you entwined and whooped me. We're always walking a thin line with the Fort people and I fully expected you to get me for it. Wish I'd had an idea of your specs before I rushed headlong in though. Plan was to be able to distract you two while the dwarf got to work. Unfortunately, Whips + a healer is certain death more most ragers :P Hope you had a blast, see you in the fields.

44263, RE: Ouch.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really didn't like doing that. I liked standing by even less though. I had hoped the one other time I jumped in it would somewhat deter you in the future, but you have to be you and have to give you credit for that. I'm surprised more of the Fort don't beat down on you actually. The ragers give the excuse that they don't all jump the Fort people when one of them kill a rager, but it just doesn't seem the same to me. Both sides have their common cause and what not, but Fort is more about unity and the village just more of we're all in it for the same thing even if otherwise I'd gut you. At least it seems that way to me. I know when I play battle if I'm one align or the other if a villager of the opposite gets killed the only thing I ask is if it was a mage and where he went. Otherwise they could go piddle themselves for all I care. Which is a good outlook for the cabals with the mixed aligns I think, always a tricky thing that.
44245, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! The Fort needs a Karel, I die way to seldom these days. I became very cautious with you about entwine in a cabal is usually death for an assassin if the guy entwining knows what to do.
44253, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, when I had you entwined I cbed you were entwined, kill the bastard. But damn do you dodge. A lot. Very frustrating. Tried to get you but without some luck on my side, or bad on yours, don't think it would have happened. Only bad thing I can say is that situation were I logged on to an immediate summon/gang rape/strip down, the comment on getting your sword back after was a little... much. But then, the fact that the situation sucked as much as it did to begin with may have colored it a bit too.
44279, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Only bad thing I can say is that situation were I logged on to an immediate summon/gang rape/strip down, the comment on getting your sword back after was a little... much. But then, the fact that the situation sucked as much as it did to begin with may have colored it a bit too." I felt the same way after I punched it in, forgive me please?
44290, Done. (n/t)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44196, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Orik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go. Thought you were a real class act. Was hoping to pick up some tips and learn some new areas from you since you seemed to be pretty well versed.

Sorry about the rescue at the Vanquisher. Good luck with your next.

44205, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's all right. Just happened once too often right then (you rescue a lot) and I was a little irritated right then to start with. No harm no foul.
44193, Do you EVER keep a character? :P
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed figthing Rialnis. ;)
44206, RE: Do you EVER keep a character? :P
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope, not really =P

I'd like to say the same about the fighting, but I'm guessing it wouldn't have been under this name.
44157, Boooooo!!
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is unfortunate. I really liked you char and the way you were never scared to bring it <b>and back it up</b>.

Sorry to see you go, and I know the fortress is really going to miss having you around. Just today Orik was professing to Grysh about how great you were and hoping you would get bumped soon.

Well good luck with your next and all that.
44163, RE: Boooooo!!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aw, the sappy little dwarf. You know, felt kind of bad about you. I'd always help people rank when I could and it seemed you always just had bad timing for that. Already helping or already leaving. At least I got to help a little at the end. Keep trucking and watch out for those ragers.
44208, RE: Boooooo!!
Posted by Aemisha NoDwarf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im a conjurer, not a dwarf. *head hangs low*
44210, Nevermind, just got what you said. heh. nt
Posted by Nevermind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44215, RE: Boooooo!!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know, the dwarf comment was in response to your reference to Orik.
44156, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Arul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't believe you forgot me...

Guess you're just returning the favor.. ;-P

But seriously, this bums me out. I enjoyed the couple times we interracted, and have to selfishly say I was looking forward to more of it... Rialnis was a well of knowledge and a nice guy to boot!

Hope to see you with another...

Peace and have a happy new years, man!

44162, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arul... hmmm... did I know someone by that name?

Just teasing. That did sting a bit though when I say hello and you're like "Do I know you?" Would think the whole death in a tower would stick out a bit more. Lots of people I could wish I had interacted with more, you're in there with em.
44165, Hah.
Posted by Arul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt real bad about that, both me and the character.

It was real late and I was busy getting myself almost killed (I swear, it doesn't happen that often!!) and having words with a lower evil character who just grabbed my disarmed weapon- so I had my predisposed wry remarks ready to fire (and like seven beers deep won't help)- and really just saw green text fly by and looked down at some red 2-digit number next to my hp and it didn't even click that it was you talking to me...I scrolled back up a minute later and looked at my response and I'm like oh, ####, that was f'ed up right there.

wait...I found it!!! :

Rialnis tells you 'Greetings again.'

You tell Rialnis 'Eh?'

You tell Rialnis 'Ah!!'

Rialnis tells you 'You wound me.'

Sorry, bro... now I'll never be able to make it up to you... ;-)

Anyways, too bad you didn't get what you wanted out of Rialnis- He appeared to me to be the quintessential elf warrior (and I don't mean that as a prototypical one)- quick, smart, and no-nonsense. Very good stuff.

44155, Just when you get to know someone...
Posted by Breallye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and have fun with, they end up deleting. Well, it was certainly fun to be around you, liked the trips we took to go kill some dragons. Was really looking forward to actually getting deeper into your rp. Anyways, a lovable charactor. Have fun with the next.
44161, RE: Just when you get to know someone...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked you too, solid Alcolyte RP, and skilled too which you don't generally find together ;} The next Cardinal perhaps?
44154, Oh bloody hell...you suck :P
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I really didnt want to see this :< I was learning a lot more with this char than with any other past chars because of you man...just wish had more time, oh well I am stuck trying to figure out how to get to certain places on my own..hehe.

Oh and Austira is innocent, there was no way in HELL that would have happened in terms of the mudsex(ugh mudsex, sorry, I just hate the idea of it too). She just liked you a lot, and really I dont know how to say my thanks :/

Well the cat is going to be lonely some more, I guess. I dont know what fun things I am going to do without you Rialnis.
44160, RE: Oh bloody hell...you suck :P
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What about outside of Hell? We were only there once so you know...

Glad I could show you some things. You should be able to go explore them a bit on your own now at least, which is always the best way to learn anyways (aside from someone giving you a map and detailed instructions and stats, which blows anyways). And you're welcome.

By the way, that other day when you me and Gaerleis had been to hell and back, literally, and I saw my timer at 15 hours and that because of a reboot it reaaallly sunk in that my sometimes character had become the always character. And that sitting at a computer for what I guesstimate to be about 18 hours or so is just sick. And can't be too good for my ass. It was a good day though.
44166, I hate hell, I really do, and I have a few good reasons too...
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I liked a lot of other places too...oh and most places I know, are from my exploration, I had an exploration char that had like 45 mob deaths...haha(though jaguar isn't really that good for exploration, I'll tell you). Oh and 18 hours? Damn you didnt even sleep...I can pull 15 hours, if I dont have work...but I pass out around then, if not before, haha. It was a good day except for hell, I just didnt enjoy that place...I can see why some like it, but I dont. Oh well. Umm...yeah see ya around.
44167, RE: I hate hell, I really do, and I have a few good reasons too...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well for the RP reasons I can see it. But as for the player, there are some things that can make me dislike it. A bad mix of characters (I would have never gone any deeper with that group, ever). Gear hogs who just grab everything they can until even as a goodie you really really want to hurt them just out of principle. People whose incessant irrelevant chatter distracts me to the point I almost use a trigger to gag anything they say. People who want to take charge but know jack#### about what they're doing (this one applies to all things though, I mean really, if you're all hellbent on being the leader fine, just be able to do it). The sleep aspect is a non-issue to me, if I am really really luck I might get about 15 hours a week. Yep, you'll see me in one form or another. I'll try not to kill you too bad.
44265, hmm
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I go up and delete Austira, I would be interested in contacting you in some form or another(I really don't want to do this now, since...umm well, I don't want anyone to figure out who I play). I bet Austira is going to be my last character for a few months too. But if you decide not to, thats cool too. Just something that would be interesting, I guess.
44274, RE: hmm
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I bet you play Austira =P
44276, Dude.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're going to start outing people here on the forums I have to start deleting posts!
44292, Conspiracy!
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imms and their information-whoring! You're just being oppressive! It's stuff like THIS that makes ABS unfair, and cheatning rampant!!!
44293, NOOO!!! You guessed my character you big...meanie...haha
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I meant my other characters, which I am sure you figured that out, but I will take that a maybe(but damn I need to talk to someone with some sense of humor...haha).
44299, RE: NOOO!!! You guessed my character you big...meanie...haha
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. And I have a wicked sense of humor ;}
44303, What is THAT supposed to mean?
Posted by Austira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like wicked sense of humor, keeps me on my toes...haha just don't be too mean and its all good ;)
44153, There is a god!
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other than mine...heh.

God I cannot BELIEVE how you'd find a way and just...be so damn lucky! I mean...I usually have a good look over my sanctuary. I even highlighted it to never miss it. But damn...those times you got me when it fell, I was like 'DAMNIT!' and most of the time, I'd try to either avoid you or just go at you once I just put up my sanctuary.

Shame you deleted. You had quite a lot of guts and one of the member of the Fortress and I would fear. (Well fear is a big word...let's just say that I'd be cautious with you.) and sorry I couldn't give you deadly fights since well...I'm a healer, you know?

But yea, you just crippled a little bit of the Fortress. Good for us! Now roll an Imperial! NOW!

Oh and best wishes for 2006.
44159, RE: There is a god!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You may not have been able to give me those deathful fights, but you did always fight which is rare enough that it counts for a lot. Join empire? Nah, you guys got enough people too. No empire/scion/fort for awhile for me I think.
44152, Damn you.
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked travelling with you when we briefly did, you seemed like a skilled and competant elf warrior. Think this was the first time you and I were on the same team. Oh well, good luck with the next.
44158, RE: Damn you.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't take this personally, but name just isn't ringing any bells. Well, it is in that I know I know the name, just not why =P
44176, Heh.
Posted by Erivoran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2h Paladin who killed Zevsa after you entwined her. Like I said, we only really grouped once, briefly.
44189, RE: Heh.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
AHA! I remember you now, seemed like a pretty skilled guy. Remember asking you to group a few times before and you were always defending or something, then I was a hero =P
44149, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Gaerleis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, you weren't supposed to delete yet. I'm so glad you took me on that trip with you though. My first time going there, it was a great learning experience. Was actually hoping to go back with you. Anyways, always had fun running around with you. Good luck with whatever you've got going. I'll post more about you when I'm gone.
44151, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad I could take you. Was really worried about your safety going in, seem to recall it being worse on non-heroes, but as I recall it was a spectre who was hit the other time I took someone non-hero and I couldn't rescue, so might have been it. You were a good person to have along anywhere, both in a company way and actually having a good healer. Healers are so hit or miss, they're either right on the ball or wondering how they and everyone else died. Good knowing you.
44168, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Gaerleis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By the way, I'll really miss having you around. I couldn't believe how much time we spent in Hell that one day, but it was something I had never done, and I was getting soooo tired but I didn't want to log off. Thanks for everything you showed me. Hope to see you again in the fields.
44147, Nice character
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the whole 'non-forgiving' 'don't take no ####' elf that you played. Zaenthul was pimp as well. As far as Fort right now, I agree it's getting a bit too cozy and big, but if you knew how many applicants there are right now you'd understand why. There's only so much you can do to delay an induction :).
As far as our first interview, I noticed a couple things which made me think you hadn't done much pking yet. Which isn't bad...but refer back to the huge number of applicants and you'll understand why we need to up the requirements to get in.

You seem to know a ton about certain areas of this game so I was hoping I could tag along for a trip soon but my times over the holidays have been pretty thin.

You were certainly on the fast track to maranation i think.

Good luck with your next.
44150, RE: Nice character
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was trying for an atypical elf, none of that pansy would you like a flower ####. More like the furious cut you up with my pretty swords type who was probably a little closer to a dwarf in attitude and speech (minus the accent and ale swilling) than an elf.

Still not sure if I had PKed anyone or not at the point, and I don't log anything so no way for me to know for sure unless someone posts saying "Yeah, you killed me pre-(26?)". Noticed the notes on people still looking for induction, insane. Last night/afternoon/yesterday when there were like ten hero range people on, I think that did it for me.

The only area I am not fully comfortable in is the silent tower, I fully admit Nepenthe is far more clever than I, and certainly more patient. I just can't be bothered to sit there that long trying to figure it out. When you were asking me if I had gone into Hell I kinda figured you were interested in going yourself, and I would have taken you, but just didn't work that way. Besides, I'd almost feel guilty going on a big trip as an elf warrior, just not enough bang for the buck to waste a spot.

Maranation is always nice, although wasn't too worried about it. Lightforge would have been nice though considering how much I kept getting disarmed =P

Thanks, and only thing I'd say you need luck with is assassinations. Teleport potions man, move around =P
44138, Bleh, you messed me up everytime I fought.
Posted by Tsilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were pretty good, I hate to say it but I brought up the battlefields and saw your name.. an instant sigh of relief came over me.. I won't lie =P. I respect your non-full looting and how your overall character seemed though we really didn't interact, just you beating me down and me running everytime. Sucks that I'm on so much with NO other Scions on but I try my hardest. Getting full looted everytime I die is annoying, but regear isn't bad for hero defense shifters. Cool you kept standards, hope your next char is about soon.
44143, RE: Bleh, you messed me up everytime I fought.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lemur is such a great form for fighting warriors, except sword or dagger specs since they can riposte or concealed attack. Add in the elf swiftstrike and all I had to do was sit there and be ready to chase and murder. Don't think I ever quite got you though. Hang in there.
44137, Tough elf
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
DIdnt get to interact too much. How did the solo Hell trip go?

Knowing you, you will be with another in the hero ranges in a few days. Happy new years.
44144, RE: Tough elf
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character I think was almost the fastest ranking I ever did. Remember looking at my hours at level 36 and seeing something like 14 and just thinking well damn, that's quick. Slowed down after that though, don't remeber exactly the hours but want to say mid-40's.

As for Hell, this is a place I use to go into solo all the time back when it was open. This time I go I couldn't even get in because my old way of getting in didn't work, and never bothered to find the other way. Then when I finally do get in, I kinda forgot exactly where the stuff was I needed to get out, so that was fun. Luckily I did bring Gaerleis with me so I wasn't just floundering around alone. I love Hell, yay.
44307, Question
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You going to take credit for Azalin?

Im sure you played him. I liked him BTW.

Am I right?? Heh
44310, RE: Question
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The scion invoker? Nope, not me. Haven't had a scion in awhile now, probably more than a year. Everytime I go to make one they seem to have too many people for me.
44136, I really dug this character
Posted by Sciurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a solid Fortress member. Always willing to mix it up no matter the odds, always willing to help a mate. All around skilled and reliable guy. You will be missed.
44145, RE: I really dug this character
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, I always help out people in my cabal. I'm not sure yet if it helps keep the boredom at bay or brings it quicker though. Have to look into that sometime. And I have to disagree with the always willing to mix it up part. There were a few times I saw the gang squad and just said #### that. Granted, sometimes I was already in it, but it wasn't willingly =P
44135, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Imperial Shadow on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Before you get all high on selfrightousness as is the norm in fortress ;). I would like to add that the times when you and Alriac bashed me to death, my corpse was all empty, and a lot of it was on you afterwards. Not that I mind, except if you fool yourself and others with your words.

By the way I didn't find you a gang person, unless when Alriac was about and forced you arm.

Ps. I prefer to remain somewhat anonymous until I croak.

Good luck, and happy new year.
44142, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Addendum to my previous statement. I took what I could when others had been full looted and I was trying to get their #### back or some kind of replacements, which I think happened twice, and both times were raiding the palace. If I did it other than that, I don't remember it.
44129, Goodbye!
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the whip/dagger elf whose name I couldn't remember mentioned in my posts in Endalion's goodbye thread. You seemed to know your stuff, with those ganking tips and all. Good luck with your next!
44131, RE: Goodbye!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whip/sword actually. Yeah, I know people hate when a different class gives advice on what they should do, but I've played enough invokers I just can't help myself.
44127, RE: Rialnis
Posted by Dinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job. I liked your char a lot, though we didn't get to interact much. Always struck me as one of the more competent members of the Fort, and I think that if you had gotten inducted earlier, you would have made Maran by now.
44130, Thanks (n/t)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM