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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Volicitry the Dedicated Inquisitor, Justiciar of Thera
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44112, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Volicitry the Dedicated Inquisitor, Justiciar of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 30 21:39:29 2005

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 12th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Volicitry perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
44198, I had a few interactions with you.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Several in fact. I always liked this character. Always.

You seemed to disapear for a while and that may be why you didn't make Provost great character, bound to be a good PBF.
44118, Goodbye's
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I started this character a very long time ago somewhere around june or July. I cant really remember. Back when Zimel was a Provost. Well anyways. I had to delete do to the fact I started a new job. Been working a lot here lately and my constitution was getting pretty low. This was my first Hero I ever had on Carrionfields. I never thought I would be able to make it so far in the Tribunal as I did. Well anyways along with the goodbyes.


Dalteric: I never really got to see you that often but you were a pretty cool immortal, exspecially when you didnt want to get involved in cabal politics, but were worried on what was happening. I expecially liked when you made Falun Provost. I told Falun that he was going to become Provost. So that was kinda wierd. I was actually wondering on why I never was able to make it to provost, Maybe you can explain a little on what I was missing. Ohh yea, thanks for making me Justiciar, that was really fun! And for the Title.

Arvam: I just got the feeling because I waited so long. I never really got your full intrest.

Eshval: That discussion we had about Kasdenn invading was rather fun.

Now on with all the others I can think of...... Let me know if I missed you.

Therethine: I loved your character so full of spunk. Good person fer a high Herald.
Mavinero: I can still say I can outdrink you!

Breallye: I wished you would of explained your life to me, although I can understand why you wouldnt after a few others told me that you dont like people to get close to you.

Salvator: Hell of a Dwarf

Hrugald: I BEAT YOU AT THE DRINKING CONTEST! Good times and Interactions!

Kelana: Winy person but fun to hand around.

Razmorthin: Kinda glad I actually didnt reccomend you, as a scion you actually gained your full potential. Good character all around.

Imperial: I hate you guys, the new emporor is a bitch!

Tribunal: There are so many in my reign that I cant remember but a few.
Loren: Good Fellar I always liked talking to you.
Seiichi: Was the best Provost out of the four I served under. I thank you for all the reccomendations. And for getting me to provincial.
Braeburn: Thanks for getting me to Justiciar! Hated to see you get demoted to the Vindicator.
Falun: I loved your character. Good luck.
Kaazra: Taught me a lot about what being a good tribunal was.
Ixullathan: Good character! Loved you.
Kasdenn: You were a winy mother ******* I actually hope you get stabbed in the back multiple times. And everything stolen.
Platious: Good character Loved the talks we had.

Other people That i really liked.
Sharwyn. Liked you. Loved your winy character.
Crullen: Thanks for teaching me about the circle.

Im kinda depressed on having to delete this character. I just wasnt really able to commit as much time as I was ablke to do before! Let me know on what I can do to inprove. Email me at mindweaver1986@yahoo.com

Peace out!
44122, RE: Goodbye's
Posted by Breallye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Breallye: I wished you would of explained your life to me, although I can understand why you wouldnt after a few others told me that you dont like people to get close to you

There is alot to her that will not be played out. But...I loved your charactor, and was saddened when you deleted. Was like losing a friend, oh well. Good Job, can't wait to see what you come up with next, when the time comes.
44124, Nice character
Posted by Ilimya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you played a fine dedicated tribunal. I liked what I saw of your roleplay. Good work for a first hero. I hope you get more time once you settle in a routine at your new work, so we can enjoy your next ;-)

44125, I see how ya are! Forgetting your old drinking buddy!
Posted by Ornerne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, we had some fun times. There was a lot of down time when we just sat and spoke in the market square. You were a good tribby.

Luck with your next.

44132, Ooops, meant to go under main goodbye post... NT
Posted by Ornerne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44128, You fool!
Posted by Bliggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

And that was only cause Bliggy felt guilty at accidentally slaying you when you were so close to Con-death.

See you around, you farkin weird cat.

You definitely should have helped the Fort more. Seriously, Falun routinely raided with Imperials and helped defend the palace. Why couldn't you just come in and impale a few Scions now and then? All the goodie Tribunals refused to help the Fort when we were vastly outnumbered, and Falun routinely joined up with Scions and Imperials to beat the bloody snot outta us. =(
44139, RE: You fool!
Posted by Bleh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Probably because very very few Marans have morals. They gank, full-loot more then Empire and Scion combined, plus it's completly stacked. Makes me sick.
44146, Thanks for turning a good-bye and well wishes thread into a flame war. It really made my day.
Posted by Bliggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stop crying.

If it pisses you off, play a hero maran and show us how its done. Have you ever gone on seven re-gear trips from full looting before level 35?

And on a second note, generalizing bull like that don't work. Everyone plays differently. Not all members of the Fort full-loot. Nor do all the members of the Empire. But it still happens, on both sides. Note that Bliggy rarely took more than a few items from any corpse, mostly because spiked armor pulls dex down to three and forced me to unequip armor every time I wanted to take out some food from my bag and eat it. However, I will mention that I *never* got anything back if I died in the palace.
44134, Sorry for beating on you so badly that blood-filled day so long ago.
Posted by Dolza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We were warring with the tribunal at the time so it was nothing personal when I attacked you during the battles. You had the spunk to still come after me with guards as soon as you unghosted so I give you Kudos for that. I had a lot of fun during those battles. Thanks for sticking around. I liked your character and your style though I kinda felt bad when you called me a "farker" :). Take care.
44313, Dolza
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes that one day I ended up dieng like 10 times to you. Almost made me delete that day. but I didnt. Good warring with you!

44141, Volicitry
Posted by Arminas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed being able to talk to you without all of the posturing that usually went along with the cabal war. It was great to be able to hear and understand your perspective as well as you taking the time to listen to my own. For a first hero, I thought this character really shined. Thanks for the fun. Good luck with the new job.

44312, Arminas
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes I liked to hear my enemys tell me there ways. It helped Volicitry understand why the people did certiant things. Also in the end it helped me out on several investigations. Thanks for your time.
44164, *sigh*
Posted by Mara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to having to listen to you whine about being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOLD for another couple months!

Thanks for rp-ing with me when I was a young tribby warrior, taking me out to show me how to defend and all that was very cool because often heroes won't give the time of day to young characters, and you were always willing to rp to the hilt. Thanks!


I take a week off for the holidays, and find a Justiciar and vindicator delete. this stinks.
44197, Woops
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea sorry Bliggy I fergit sometimes. I didnt relize so many of the Tribunal was going to delete. Ohh well. Im so depressed! Well thanks to everyone that replied back. Ornerne! I forgot you and the Pen! Bah! Funny stuff right there. Welp once i get the hang of stuff expect me back. Im getting itchy already thinking about it!

44199, First Hero? Well done!
Posted by Kaazra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Kaazra was my first Tribunal but far from my first hero, I gotta say though that you did really well all around. You had a real evolving role and were pretty competant to kill with. The spire surely misses you and here's hoping you return to the fields soon! CF definetly needs more Volicitrys.

Happy New Year!
44231, RE: Goodbye's
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Volicitry, well done with this character. Volicitry made a very good justiciar and when he was present, but a lot of work into doing the job. In terms of Provost, you never seemed overly active when it came time to pick someone. I do hope you enjoyed your time, and its a shame to see you delete.

Good luck on the next one, and have fun!
44294, RE: Goodbye's
Posted by Kasdenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always got the impression that Volicitry made Justiciar because he had been around for so long (in terms of RL months). Did you really think he did well with the position? Does newness = perks now in Carrionfields? In Tribunal? This isn't the first time I have seen inexperienced players get a particular elite position in the Tribunal which are undeserving.
44296, IMHO
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Disclaimer: I am not a Tribunal imm.

I thought Volicitry deserved the position. He clearly put a ton of effort into investigation and trying to come up with the correct verdict. I never personally saw him guess wrong, and never on the side of wanting someone who wasn't guilty.

I can't think of someone in the cabal in this era who was better about investigation. If that doesn't say Justiciar, what does?

Newness != perks, but newness also != you can never get perks. Volicitry wasn't a great PKer, and he didn't get recognized for being one -- he got recognized for being a solid investigation/judgment Tribunal, which he was.
44301, This reminds me of a Straklaw post:
Posted by Kasdenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(Paraphrased) He mentioned that sometimes a player can be doing really well, by having great interactions and playing out their role well. But if you're on the enemy side, you may not necessarily get to experience the greener side of the character.

I'll be the first to admit that Volicitry and Kasdenn didn't get along well, and verbally fought one another very often. And perhaps that is the reason why I formulated a negative opinion about Volicitry.

Majority of the time, I put trust in your judgment Nep. So I will chalk this up to not knowing the character fully. And my apologies to Volicitry if there truly was more than what the eye sees.
44295, RE: Goodbye's
Posted by Kasdenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite truthfully, your opinion doesn't really mean anything to me. So I'll not expect my opinion to carry any weight with you either.

From what I saw of Volicitry, you did nothing above and beyond as a player to receive the perks you had gotten. To wonder why you were never Provost material, is laughable. You remind me of every other conformist Tribunal, in that you had no opinions of your own, and did whatever anyone told you to do. I saw no color in this character other than black and white -- and maybe that is what your goal was.

Perhaps you could post us your role, or pay for your PBF?
44297, Aside:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reading this post has soured me on another Tribunal I liked and defended when others didn't. I wish you'd saved it for your deletion.
44302, Is already on the path to being out the door. Auto. n/t
Posted by Kasdenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks though.
44304, Regarding my PBF
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would pay for it, but I just got a new job as I said or I would. I dont have much money as of right now, perhaps when I get my stuff all caught up then well pay for it. Well thanks for all your comments. I can see what I can do better next time. See you all on the Fields.
44317, Later.
Posted by Falun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We sure had our ups and downs for awhile there. But through all of it you showed how crazy of an investigator you are. I cannot believe you even followed up on crimes reported via note..that has to be nearly unheard of.

Great job and great char.
