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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=43944
43944, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Dec 22 21:18:34 2005

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Jor perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
43989, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by Jor Goodbyes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where to start goodbyes..

Well, first and foremost, thank you Amaranthe, and fellow Imms included with my character.
For having no role, I did my best to continue to play out my character to the best of my ability, far as role play goes. PK side.. well that's another story, probably one of my worst.

I am too used to going high-damage with dual wield weapons, and just felt I couldn't even come close to what I could do with a giant race. Felar have some very cool perks, but for my particular style, I don't think the race fit me very well.

The leader weapon was pretty cool, and given the situation and place where I got it, I thought it was very fitting. It growing in power towards the end was also nifty, and I enjoyed it.

Outlander -

Im great at having crap for memory, but a few that come to mind

Laenelis - We started out enemies and became friends. I had a few conversations about you even with some Immortals. From the get go though, you were very ballsy, like me, and us butting heads was a blast, even better as we began to settle differences.

Quaern - Great ranking buddy, even if you did link drop on me a few times, but you were one of the more common outlanders I was able to travel with. It's hard showing face when there are such crappy odds, but hey, that's what makes outlander fun.

Kracincray - Well, I half tried to explain a few perspectives toward your uninduction. I will say this though, It's one thing if your going to delete, it's another if your going to openly pity party, which is what it looked like, and why it led to what it did. We've already said our pieces on that for the most part though, and hope you find a better shifter next go around.

Im already drawing a blank on the rest of you guys


Lots of enemies but I can remember these

Onaelith - We grouped and ranked a little bit in the early ranks... Big deal. That doesn't mark us as blood brothers, I am not an orderly good, and I am not a maran. I was playing a
Chaotic/Neutral, unbiased Outlander, Ranger class. I was also trying to get my ranking group going, and you got in my way. Looking out for myself as I was, I helped to convince you attacking those villagers at the time probably wasn't the best of ideas, and warned you to find something else to do. Simple as that. Taking it to the extreme as you did though, was your own perogative, but I always welcome enemies.

Kirakki - We started on the wrong foot, perhaps you thought of me as another class but, being a chaotic ranger outlander wannabe, giving me orders in the arrogant fashion you did, led me to do what I did to your ranking party. Then, every single time I was in your Where buffer after that, you would send me CAP tells of whatever orders, for the most part from what I gather to be obnoxious. So, I treated you as I did, I will give you this though, you were a lot tougher than me, but I had to stick to my guns. Irked me after I hit hero post-40, you quit logging in, at least compared to how you were before I did.

Garlaath - I knew you with Seddis, and knew you were tough from the get go, we didn't get to fight as much as I would have wanted, but your presence was definitely felt time to time. Nice character

And in response to Jibber, If your meaning I'm only the same character as in cabal? Because my last character was a Rager Defender, and the ones before that were druids, and a bard/transmuter/ranger before that? Interesting, I appreciate you chiming in on my thread to make assumptions, but try to know what your talking next time.

Tribunals -

Well, I am sure we are all aware of this full loot exchange going on between cabals. And I am sure a select few of you don't do it. I am also sure, that most of you do, over, and over, and over again. Given that it has become a given that you will full loot, and for the most part always happens, then yes, I am going to go out of my way to make sure it's returned. Do I think it's going to stop the loots? No, not at all. I think that full looting has become part of the Tribunal/Outlander battle philosphy. If one or few of you happen to return my regear once, I'm really not going to make an exception. Outlanders are not about forgiveness, they are about retribution, and action. If anything, leaving armors around for a Tribunal to get back, I probably would find as offensive.

Empire - Amazingly, I didn't come across you very much at all, unless it was like 4-5 of you raiding, or with Falun coming to get me. Good job on the gank squads though, ... I guess.

Battle - I won't remember any names, sorry, but quite a few of you were travel mates of mine, I always enjoy having a few villagers as friends, while treading that no-magic line carefully.

Aside from that, I just cant remember much more, but I did enjoy this character, although towards the end with lack of applicants and groupmates around in my play times as I would like, I was just wanting to play something else. I think I can do much better than I was doing anyways, but thanks again.

Well, no complaints though, and thanks again Imm's for the loving, and giving me the oppurtunities you did.

Merry Christmas
43993, Aw
Posted by Makwar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked fighting you, we where to some extent on even ground.
You could snare me, fight me like a mad dog in the woods, and prep with staves.
I just hit you hard, and tried to keep you from doing the same.

Looting? Eh, the only looting of you that I ever did was take a few axe's. Most of the time I try and return gear as normally when you guys die, its in a situtation that woulda been hard to win in the first place and normally one try is all you throw.
As for Jor himself well I wasn't too sure what to think of you, maybe your Character was supposed to be really angry? Cause it always seemed like you where almost OOC pissed off all the time.

Anyway, Good luck on your next, and my advice, stay away from cf if you don't want to get full looted.
43986, I absolutely adored your character
Posted by Felar Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was a time when a shifter in my ranking group died and you came and began looting. I said, "Leave it," which prompted you to butcher the corpse and destroy all his gear. That was classy and good for the game of CF.

Then there was another time not too much later, when I was again ranking. We had just entered the area when you showed up. Knowing your personality for what it was, I sent you a tell that said, "LEAVE NOW!" Predictably, that prompted you to refuse and waste your time sitting around that area thinking that we wanted a repop. Nice job.

Then you decided to follow me and try to steal kills. So I told my group to rest and I crept to an aggro mob. You survived and I was sad. Well done, slick.

Much later, you reached my pk range. You talked some #### and attacked me. I killed you a couple of times. Hey, you gave it your best, though, and that's what counts.

There is a possibility that your in game personality was roleplaying. However, based on your past characters with very similar personalities and your postings on this board and on Dio's board, I'm tossing that theory out of the window.

Another "successful" Rogue character.
43987, It wasnt just me then. n/t
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43988, Yep, same experience. (minus the killing, was to low lvl)-nt
Posted by Gran_work on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43967, Frustrating
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character really frustrated me. I enjoyed ranking with you on Owlbears and in Organia. Enjoyed coming along with hunts, and interacting with you. My first impression was a well played ranger that knew what he was doing.

Then one day, I am battling Avynalein in Darsylon. Back and forth for a while, Mongoose fights are not quick. A bit later on about the third bout, you show up, and start bear charging my mongoose. Moments later, Kragathian shows up, and starts doing his warrior specs and bashing...so I walk off.

Thinking that you probably had me mixed up with another shifter with Mongoose who is possibly an enemy, I reverted, and said it was me there. Your response was 'Those villagers are with me, you are interfering with my progress, Begone'...or something along those lines. Your next comment was 'You have been warned'.

ALright well....'You have been warned' struck a nerve. Especially coming from a ranger.

So I decide, enough of this. Any opportunity I had, you got hit. Raids heading to the grove, heck id join them. You are retrieving alone, I better show up to chase you off.

That was the only reason I continued to hunt you down. Destroying your gear I regret. Had you stuck around, I wouldnt have done that again to your gear. Your last death, I only took a ring of regeneration which I gave to another.

43973, Random FYI to Onaelith:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This seems like a beyond extreme response to me to a guy who basically said 'Dude, I'm trying to level here. Stop ####ing with my cabbage patch for 5 minutes, plskthx.'

Just as one example, you know.
43974, RE: Random FYI to Onaelith:
Posted by Jibber on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Extreme, but knowing both characters (well, Onaelith at least, and.. Jor is ALWAYS the same character e-HUM)... well, there is a sense of betrayal involved where someone you ~helped~ and had a general good repoire with does a one-eighty and becomes offensive toward you.

Carry a big stick or risk just being a douche.

I'd over-react in the same situation probably. *shrug*
43975, RE: Random FYI to Onaelith:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Extreme, but knowing both characters (well, Onaelith at
>least, and.. Jor is ALWAYS the same character e-HUM)...

Having seen Jor in action, I don't consider that statement fair.

The rest wasn't meant for you if you aren't Onaelith.
43977, It probably wasn't an apt judement now that I reread it...
Posted by Jibber on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I'm not Onaelith, of course.

Just sayin it's always a tough situation for your character when you're neutral-aligned, and you are "friends" with both evil and goods (I know Jor's neutral, but still), and you have to decide which side to take.

The BIGGEST plight in the course of a neutral's character development, from my experiences.

My point was merely- and absolutely a one sided perspective- is that a friend that turns on you sometimes makes the best enemy.

A good reason for a neutral to have an enemy though, I'd say.

So good stuff, ya?

44004, Well I think the defending ragers part
Posted by Vulture-Boy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
would have merited that kind of response from a mage.
43976, Yeah, but to be fair.
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always tend to point out that Thera is not a giant cribbage match (well, you know what I mean), in that, someone steals a loaf of bread, and gets strung from the battlements. Personally, anyone that ever attacks me is my foe, unless its in my role to be forgiving (ie, a goodie). Afterall, what worse insult is there than sticking an axe between your shoulderblades?
43984, You have a point
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sitting back and seeing the situation from a third party perspective probably it is easy to come to that conclusion. Looking back I would probably agree with you.

I dont have a problem having allies turn on me with no warning. It was the 'You have been warned' that set off a nerve. A good aligned character might have to sit back and take it, I guess.
43966, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds,...
Posted by Laenelis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was more I was hoping to see play out once we hit hero and had a bit more free time. I'll post more on you once I'm gone. It was fun.
43963, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds,...
Posted by Platious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say, I am sorry to see you go, no one scared me more once I left the city. Fighting you more would have only made me better, and die a LOT more. And I wanted you to know, I really did want a honest duel in the Spire that day, I'm still sorry we never got the chance. Also, I did just happen to log on that day you attacked the Spire, I had no idea before you were attacking. I look forward to your next that you will smack me around with.
43960, Sorry to see you go
Posted by Wunbol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not happy to see this. You and I had some fun traveling together, and I was greatly looking forward to setting traps with you. I hope your next is enjoyable.

43959, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by Quaern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why you del bro? just b/c of the suckiness of rangers?

43968, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did I miss the memo? When did rangers start sucking?
43969, Bad choice of words...
Posted by Quaern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not mean suck as in suck ass...

Ive played many rangers who had a very good kill count..

but once you hit your last skill, waylay?

pretty boring to hero.. especially with new revamp to orcs, Id say rangers 40 - 51 are probably the most boring class as far as "things to look forward too"...

they definately need a slight revamp for higher ranks..

43978, RE: Bad choice of words...
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you joking? Orcs are one of the only classes rangers can actually spank rather easily, especially since you can snare outside their village *grin*.

43983, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by vegalicous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
unfortunately rogue tends to delete his characters after less than twohundred hours, which might be his style to play, but I think he'd learn more about the classes and hero fighting if he stuck it out a bit longer, just my two cents. merry christmas y'all.