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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGone! Dead.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=43783
43783, Gone! Dead.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it was a blast, I would like to thank everyone who made it fun! Weird way of going out, Angel turned on me! Never did that before once I got turned neutral. So thanks again to all the players and Imms who spent so much time with me making this character my absolute most memorable ever. I never had a plan with her.. she could have gone in many different directions so if you interacted with Oqoko you helped mold her one way or another. Thanks for that!

Merry Xmas all.. oh and Feichin.. Oqoko = Arzzra. :D
43996, I missed it - I was on vacation at the time
Posted by Bliggy-Dinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interacted with you some with Bliggy. Not nearly as much as I woulda liked. Felt kinda guilty about that. You were always fun to play with though. You chose a NASTY path through your RP - I'm glad you played it out.

My second character, Dinian, however, had some really fun times with you. I think I felt kinda guilty for always being busy on this or that with Bliggy, so I sought you out and RPed with you. A lot. Never regretted it, either. I enjoyed trying to flirt with you. Had a lotta fun!

Hope to see you again in the fields!
44007, RE: I missed it - I was on vacation at the time
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dinian flirts with everyone, though :-P ...or -tries-...
44008, Hehe
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dinian flirts with everyone, though :-P ...or -tries-...

I really liked Bligduum and Dinian was irrascible fun! Glad you enjoyed our interactions because I truly did. Good luck with Dinian!
44009, Oh, and...
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did I just totally call your new character or am I imagining things?
44010, ROFLMAO
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Did I just totally call your new character or am I imagining
You have fought with one of my characters and pretty much ignored the other. :P You have no idea who I am which is a good thing because it makes for better RP. ;)
44011, OMFG!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you the pipsqueak that keeps insulting Oqoko?! DUDE! I so TOTALLY called that! LMFAO! I hate you! :-P
44012, RE: OMFG!
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope! We "fought". ;)
44015, RE: OMFG!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to be vague.

Fought in the physical sense, or verbally? Drae's become a bit more mouthy...

Alright, screw it. People can freak out and claim perma, but considering I'm always at the Inn or dying it wouldn't make much sense. AIM is Millso7, MSN is whispered_sins@hotmail.com

Chat me up.
43890, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by gosen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was barely mentioned anywhere :) oh well. I know I deleted feh. You know, as Gosen was very warm-loving, she would have died willingly to see you with almedys :)
I had alot of thought of you being rather deceptive ooc, but my char.. understand why she would have been gullible to anything loving. :)
43838, Zebulus, Arvam, Aarn, Amaranthe.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Zebulus: Sorry for asking you where to go with the Curse. I was thrown for quite the loop when you said go speak with Shokai. That was when all the deception suddenly became bizarre switched into the Fortress coercing and corrupting me to the Light. I was feeling a bit iffy about the character but had so many other players involved I did not want to up and delete or turn suicidal. I truly would have given you 100% free reign in where she should go with the curse. I would have gone on with the deception I had started with her to the point of leading Hirken or some other "dear one" to their death at one word from you. Desperate selfish times require desperate selfish acts of self indulgence. :P

Amaranthe: Actually it was pretty cool having you do the honour of stripping evil and magic from Oqoko. She was pretty sure that Gosen had someone spoken with you in the Heaven, not sure if you got the related prayers of thanks or not. Oqoko had a profound respect for the wilds and really did enjoy the company of rangers and Outlanders.
Your slight misstep with the guildmistress was the only thing that "saved" Oqoko because like I had said she felt like she was some sort of trophy of the Fortress and that they were not helping her get Almedys back. ;) Darn good RP!

Aarn: was a victim of a curse but still was damned evil at the start, hell she wanted to sacrifice her "friends" to get Almedys back. It is in her role after all. You tell me how a dark soul who finds love should act?:D I thought it would be an all out battle to get it again or in this case.. back! Nothing says loving like selfishness in an evil character.

Arvam: magic was OUT! Magic = evil = no Alemdys. No need to actually become a bard but Oqoko needed a hope! So that was one. Also self pity was HUGE.. she was fully willing to sacrifice everyone to get Almedys back. Had Amaranthe played more of the Almedys card and less on getting power and of course mentioning that I was being misled by the Light Gods.. when Zebby definately ain't... I would have been back in the dark. One image of Almedys taken from my role would have pretty much sealed the deal. It seemed that Chrysillin was being too honest instead of offering a self centered self pitying wretch what she really wanted.. to be beautiful eternally with Almedys. ;)

Strange how some of you seemed to want her to suddenly change overnight, I was playing a role where she developed from one thing into something else. Hard to suddenly switch gears and have her go from self pity, self loathing to happy go lucky Fortress wannabe.

I took some inspiration from several books I had read: Nicci from Goodkind's Wizard's Rules series, Kiska k'Adesina from Vardeman's Cenotaph Road series, and assorted others.
43932, RE: Zebulus, Arvam, Aarn, Amaranthe.
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Amaranthe: Actually it was pretty cool having you do the honour of stripping evil and magic from Oqoko. She was pretty sure that Gosen had someone spoken with you in the Heaven, not sure if you got the related prayers of thanks or not.

Nope, this part was pretty random. When someone is repeatedly praying that they eschew necromancy, Amaranthe is more than happy to oblige.

One image of Almedys taken from my role would have pretty much sealed the deal.

Actually what I was really tempted to do, but I worried it might have been a bit too mean and role-crushing, was to have Chrysillin bring Almedys back from the dead as a mindless, drooling zombie that she would send after Oqoko in the Inn, just to see if she'd go insane, or to see if she'd start making out with the zombie and freak out all her goody-friends, or what.

Aww.. now I regret that I didn't do it.
43934, RE: Zebulus, Arvam, Aarn, Amaranthe.
Posted by Lortas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

or to see if she'd start
>making out with the zombie and freak out all her
>goody-friends, or what.

Hmm...I thought thats what the Cozy Corner WAS made for?
43935, RE: Zebulus, Arvam, Aarn, Amaranthe.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reminds me of some Zorszaul (or was it Istendil?) logs at the Inn ordering his zombie army to kiss someone's hand. Heh. Good stuff.
43936, You ARE Evil....
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Amaranthe: Actually it was pretty cool having you do the
>honour of stripping evil and magic from Oqoko. She was pretty
>sure that Gosen had someone spoken with you in the Heaven, not
>sure if you got the related prayers of thanks or not.

>Nope, this part was pretty random. When someone is repeatedly
>praying that they eschew necromancy, Amaranthe is more than
>happy to oblige.

I am glad you did! You are a superb RPer and a heck of a lot of fun interact with.

>One image of Almedys taken from my role would have pretty
>much sealed the deal.

>Actually what I was really tempted to do, but I worried it
>might have been a bit too mean and role-crushing, was to have
>Chrysillin bring Almedys back from the dead as a mindless,
>drooling zombie that she would send after Oqoko in the Inn,
>just to see if she'd go insane, or to see if she'd start
>making out with the zombie and freak out all her
>goody-friends, or what.
>Aww.. now I regret that I didn't do it.

Oh.. you would have SO had Oqoko.. she would have been ALL over that and regardless of what he looked liked.. well she would have strove to have him reborn into something more.. palatable ere she started making out with "him". You know the whole vampire thing.. OOOO.. if you made him come back as a vampire and tell her that to join him.. she had to return to guild... signed, sold, sealed, and delivered! >:)

Playing Oqoko was all about giving others storylines to work with while trying to have fun too! I still say if Ahzeed's player would have had a lock of his hair turn to show him Almedys' reborn ... it would have been a nasty fun time for all. If any of you Imms ever feel like doing something like that to any of my characters PLEASE feel free. I will go with it and not take any exception. ;)

I think I enjoyed talking to those who were trying to kill me, for whatever reason, just as much as yacking with my allies. I think CF is a great place if only you learn to speak with everyone you can.
43833, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by Mostly Harmless on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't played in forever, and I'd be surprised if you even remember Gryznor, but the little time I interacted with you, I had fun - even if I seemed mildly distracted most of the time (computer issues, mostly, which is why I autoed). I don't know how your char turned out, but it seemed like an interesting idea to go on. I don't know what the point of this is, but, erm, yeah. Thought I had to say something. ;)
43834, Gryznor.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What the heck ahppened to you? I really enjoyed our interactions though I do remember you being vacant. Too bad you never kept going it would have been fun to have you around.
43828, NOOOO!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed -really- familiar to me, and I tried figuring it out, but couldn't... Don't know who Arzzra is either, and I'm not about to say who my last char was because I'll probably get mass murdered... anyways...

It was fun with you around (= You were one of the few people Draeven actually considered a friend instead of an acquintance. Take care, have fun, all that lovely stuff =D

43829, RE: NOOOO!
Posted by Draeven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd give you my e-mail addy too, but I'm afraid people would be like, "OMG! PERMAGROUP! OMG! CHEAT!" so I'll just wait until Draeven dies... which will be awhile... I hope.
43821, Interesting run..
Posted by Brakath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Brakath didn't trust you an ounce from the getgo. He still didn't trust you later on and a lot of his friendship initially was to see if you'd somehow tip your hand in some fashion. He found it utterly weird how you'd open up to Therethine out of nowhere, and would be tight lipped around everyone else. Kind of just assumed it was some drow/matriarch/woman thing. He also didn't understand at all why you suddenly just made up the sister relationship, it seemed kind of out of the blue.

He still wasn't sold on you even after the evil got burned away. He was pretty hesitant all and all and only near the end did he kind of open up to you and begin to trust you. The self-absorption thing was another big issue with him. He saw it a lot, and was probably extra hard on you since a lot of it kinda ended up around Therethine, and, well, he's protective of her. It took him awhile to finally just come out with it though, and of course you had to up and die right after that.

Anyway, cool character on the whole, if I had one comment it would be this, and I didn't really see much of this up until the end. It could be a taste thing, but I noticed you'd double up socials a lot. It seemed a bit 'much' to me. Like you'd do blush twice in a row. I could see it being for emphasis, but maybe instead just emote 'blushes fiercely' or something. It got a little spammy at times, thats all. Minor caveat really. But yeah, on the whole, good char.
43824, Making me work!
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brakath made me work at keeping Oqoko's false face up at first. Then she had to try to overcome the feelings of guilt she felt after she changed when she saw you because you seemed to know what she was like.

Loved our interactions but it was kind funny to hear you say she never wanted to know about others. She spent more time listening, aiding, and encouraging low level characters than she did with her friends. But then again Brakath only saw the guilt ridden Oqoko so a bit hard for him to know such things. Especially since his presence quadrupled her guilty feelings.

Oh and the double social use was a nervous affectation, glad it did what it was suppose to, make others feel uncomfortable. She was so nervous about dying towards the end she had to develop something. :P
Sorry if it went too far for you. ;)
43816, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by Breallye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done, always nice to have someone to rp with, when I had the time to do so. Really neat charactor, glad you enjoyed it! Have a blast with your next, this type of in depth rp is what we need.
43815, Well, fwiw...
Posted by Kael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't trust you for a second. Not with all the deliberate feet draggings and excuses you were tossing around in order to not have to go stand before the gods for redemption. A PC in this game can only talk the talk so much before they have to walk the walk or in turn become hunted once again. Had you been in my PK range at that time I would have gone after you regardless of what the rest of the fortress thought. You didn't fool me, man. Glad to see you finally went through with it all and got turned.

43817, You are a PERFECT Paladin of Innis.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Must have been bliss for a dark one to come to you instead of having to chase her down. Also you did everything in your power to protect your comrades in the Fortress which was PERFECT roleplaying. I felt left out though because I sensed some pretty cool things about Kael but I understood why. I really wanted to become good towards the end just so I could interact with Kael, he seemed like such a wonderfully played character.

Onto your doubt and mistrust it was central to many things in Oqoko's life and without it I can honestly say she would have sought the Light a lot earlier. Your decrying her gave her pause and let the forces of evil insinuate themselves back into her life. It was neat how your "mistreatments" (from Oqoko's point of view) coincided with an offer from the guildmistress of necromancer in Udgaard, a chat with Nalndun, or another influential dark soul. Heck one time Oqoko nearly complained about your mistreatment in front of an Imperial assassin in hopes he would eventually deal with you when he got strong enough to.

Oh here is a quit snippet of the Chrysilin, Udgaard guildmistress interaction aftermath:

Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3887tnl (65.29%)> pray Spirits of the Light! Please aid and sustain me against these dark forces!
You pray to the heavens for help!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3887tnl (65.29%)>
Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3887tnl (65.29%)>
A voice from the shadows whispers, "Defy me once more, and you shall be less
than what you are! You shall be NOTHING! You shall never know your beloved

You feel your mind further wracked by some dark and distant magic, and feel yourself further weakened.

Thanks for being another foil for Oqoko, it was great!
43813, Goodbye, goodbye.
Posted by Therethine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be truthful, it took Therethine ages to actually form real trust/belief of you, but she was always hopeful (and early on, very forgiving of your undead bedfellows). In fact, only when you were made neutral did I finally believe you were going to really do away with your necromanceryness and that's where the friendship was finally reciprocated. However, telling Therethine how to be a good Herald might've kicked you a couple rungs down the ladder.

Your role, which you say was to be rather deceptive and self-involved to a point, I think you pulled off flawlessly. It was subtle and I think maybe some folks (players, I know spirits of the light did *wink*) didn't pick up on it, but your words made it difficult to doubt you anyway.

In any case, the interactions were always fun and interesting and I am glad to have been as close as I was to Oqoko. Now hurry and roll up something else fantastic, the mud needs more neat RPers like you.

43814, I remember that.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oqoko had been picked on in the Inn about being forever alone, you had run off to be with your man, and then she was killed by one of those crazy frothing Rager types. She was being sulky and pouting and more than a little jealous of you having love. Also Brakath had just run up one side of her and down the other about not being truthful enough and stuff. So double grouchy at being left alone with meanies. :P

I really love the fun we had, the jokes, and all the work you put into making my character come out of her shell. The learning to be a bardess thing got nipped in the bud hard but it was fun to RP! You are by far the best RPer I ran into bar none. One or two instances came close to our interactions but no other character could maintain such a HIGH level of roleplaying as you could. Your emotes were flawless, your speach was pristine, and your choice of socials perfect. Loved your character beyond words. Keep Therethine going!

Maybe I can make something up that would be as challenging as Oqoko but in a different way. I am all about RP in that I am a sucky pker at best, nah.. probably not even that good. :P Though Zaenthul and I got a few kills in.
43811, Hmmm
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well a shame. I wanted to kill you solo at least one time. But you'd head to that special place and I'd get almost killed each time. The first time surprised me and I ran at...what...20hp? Hmph. But other times it was calculated...yeah. *Cough*

Shame we didn't have more talks though. Although to Zevsa's eyes, you were a traitor who needed to die.

But good luck with your next!
43806, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will miss the small talks, and you are the one who read Grunlath perfectly. I guess it has something to do with meeting at young age.. First time i think i was level 12 or something. Once you threatened to make a zombie of me, so i was surprised to see you end up in the fort. Much respect for trying to lift such a heavy stone. Personally i find even small stones heavy :). Good luck with everything and merry x-mas.

43807, You were HUGE!
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grunlath's assaults on Oqoko early on gave the credibility to her claim of not wanting to hurt sentients and also made the good aligned characters interested in her. Your continued attacks helped them justify aiding me and that was a start of the path to the Fortress. I will admit originally it was pure deception and manipulation but she got out maneuvered and coerced in turn by the Light and finally drawn in.

Grunlath was huge from the get go and I really loved watching your machinations throughout Oqoko's life. Keep going! I think Grunlath is carrying a friggin mountain already.. pure roleplaying bliss dealing with you. Thanks! And merry Xmas to you as well.
43803, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by Mylinos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved this character had a lot of fun sitting in the inn and having conversations with her. Oqoko seemed to be well roleplayed and thought out, it is funny to hear that you didn't have it planned from the start. Actaully intereacted with you with a number of characters all of them as friends :)

You'd recongize me as Alardan

Hope you can get right back in there if you are not already, good luck with the next and all that.

43805, Going with the Flow.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Loved this character had a lot of fun sitting in the inn and
>having conversations with her. Oqoko seemed to be well
>roleplayed and thought out, it is funny to hear that you
>didn't have it planned from the start. Actaully intereacted
>with you with a number of characters all of them as friends :)
>You'd recongize me as Alardan
>Hope you can get right back in there if you are not already,
>good luck with the next and all that.

Actually my role has the basics planned out:
1) Eternal Curse
2) Forbidden Love
3) Love torn asunder
4) Desperate to find Love no matter what.

Her concept of Love grew as she did. It did start out a selfish needy desire to get that recognition of self as being desirable but I left it there so it could go any way. More fun that forcing a character along a give path, I find that boring. I tell you a couple times I thought she was a hair's width to becoming a truly psychotic dark soul.

It is more fun to get away from linear characters because they offer little to those around them. She did sneakily travel with several evils early on but it was just more convient to travel with goods after a while so she did. It was neat coercing them to help me out and I really did not know if she would go good, bad, or just ugly. :P

The effort put forth by the Fortress truly did outshine anything by other forces so they got her in the end. When Alriac bows to you even if you are being deceptive it really shocks and impresses upon you. Lots of neat RP there. Strangely though I really think she could have ended up with the Outlanders too but after Gosen none of them spoke with Oqoko.
43801, Feichin..
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay THAT's funny.
I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years if there was
money on the line. *rofl*

You dealt with Fei's distrust of you just fine. I kinda liked that.
Feichin helped you very little though, Always flying off and stuff.
I did however pass along info to people who could hit the people chasing you sometimes, but sadly little else.

I agree about the low level characters. I've had plenty who came into the world just to roll with whatever came. I'd swing to the side of whoever caught me first. (Feichin was one of those I'm not sure how many hours, but like 400 years of his life, cutting back on one spell at a time. :) ) *shakes his fist at Brumm*

I had a dark-elf that would have turned to the light, but no one from the fort would talk to me while I was young, and the empire got him first. :)

The way you stuck all that out... Wow. I was impressed with you from the moment I decided you weren't trying to "pull a fast one"

Anyway good luck with your next. I'm glad I got to know a little of your story here, because I had almost gone with an elf who for lost love turned dark. *heh* So I think I'll pass on that one. Too many similarities.
43800, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by Orik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played character. Always enjoyed hanging around with the foolish lady. You made my time in the realms enjoyable. Thanks for the chest at the end. It was touching gift. I'm glad I was there at the end since I think you might have been the first person I befriended in the realms.

Take Care and I hope to see you in the realms again.

PS. Aem, Corlaan and myself sat there forever trying to figure out how to move your corpse to a different place. I almost thought we had it figured out before your corpse disappeared.

Thanks for making my time in the realms much more enjoyable.

43804, Awww..
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did enjoy all your jibes and you were the perfect Dwarven foil to Oqoko's boughts of foolishness. I kept trying to get you to talk about yourself but you quickly dodged either by getting drunk or offering to take me out learning.

Great character you have going and a lot of fun too! I am glad Corrlaan was there, he was the one who finally validated Oqoko's quest for the Light. In case you could not tell she was more than a little bit of a self doubter. Interactions with the Fortress were always top notch, hmm... in fact it seemed that the majority of my interations were top notched that I got from others.Good luck with Orik and no poisoning yourself to death with that chest! Oqoko may sic an Archon after you.
43792, Too bad..
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed my times with you, though at the end Grysh was bitter that you kept dying over and over and would try to fight like a damn maran instead of just err...living?

Anyway, well played character. Your standard of roleplay definitely raised the bar for everyone around you.
43791, Well... what can I say?
Posted by Thomuyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were quite an interesting one to try and get along with at the very beginning. It was a dark elf necromancer that was trying to be nice to an elf paladin. I, the player, could not wrap my head around it until I got a chance to sit down and talk with you in depth.

I gotta say you had an excellent back story, and I can see how you kept wanting me to get involved, since I was close in character to a main character in it. I was like that even before you ever met me.. I guess the fates were with Oqoko. I tried to rank with you as much as I could in the middle ranks, because I knew an elf paladin could handle most anything with one other character and you could tag along. But at the higher ranks I kind of drifted away from you which I have to say I am sorry for. The main reason I did not rank with you so much at the higher ranks was that you needed a full group of three using all their skills(other than sword) and you had no other skills that I could tell. So the risk factor would have jumped tremendously.

But I will say that Oqoko has made a great impact on Thomuyn's life in proving that redemption for all is possible. Sorry I was not there at the end, but I just finished exam week, which was hell.

Good luck with what ever you do next.
43795, I did not know if I should ask for this but:
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Eternal curse upon Oqoko was based on a love founded in the past so long forgotten to Thera. The azure streak in her hair marked her as Almedys' love and his soul being reborn into another would see her touch turn a lock of his hair mahogany. I was tempted to ask if you wanted that role or not. I thought it may be fun!:P

The other person I really thought about asking for that role was Ahzeed... it would have fit right in with her roles. But I was unable and unwilling to place a burden on either of you as players. Not exactly fair. I was hoping to ask an Imm what to do about it... once I became good.. one step at a time..but I ganked. :D
43835, I figured as much..
Posted by Thomuyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I was unsure, me the player, was ready to go down that troublesome road. Especially after seeing the soap opera that had just transpired within the Fortress.. I had no clue what would happen when an elven acolyte possibly married a dark elf, even if it was you...
43788, Nice goodie RP
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You RP:ed a goodie in convincing manner, as if you had never even been evil. Endalion though that you were a hypocrite at first, but when he saw you get turned to neutral his attitude mellowed down to some extent. Race of others has always mattered to Endalion and affected the way he treated them, which was rather problematic when acting around Oqoko, who was a rather perverse creature according to Theran measures. Oqoko did have some affect to Endalion, maybe making him a bit less narrow-minded. I ended up to treating Oqoko as some kind of moredhel returning to Light, as presented in the fantasy books by Raymond Feist.

In CF measures, Oqoko appeared to me more like human in D-elf suit or a Drizzt Do'Urden type d-elf(Drizzt was never evil in the first place, just a product of an evil society. You could argue that Drizzt was a human or elf in d-elf suit too), as such change is quite unbecoming of the dark-elven nature. The role and your reason for necromancy was more fitting role for a human, as which I think it would have been easier for you as a player too(more hp, less xp-penalty etc.). D-elves are not known for their ability to adapt. Merry X-mas and good luck with your next!
43794, Dark Elf
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Oqoko had a TON of issues trying to stop being manipulative, vain, self-righteous, and down right greedy at times. If you do not believe it I am sure an Imm or six could collaborate my claim. Sorry Immfolk if I was trying at times but I REALLY enjoyed all my interactions with all of you. Thanks! PS Aarn calling her a dirt Elf or a gopher Elf was fun. :P

Oqoko did not start out thinking she would be good. She started out as an adventurer aka lvl wanting to selfishly do whatever she could to be with Almedys because of the feelings he brought out in her. Pure greedy self interest on her part to get back those feelings he had brought out in her.

I wanted something to give her options so that is why I RPed having had Almedys make her swear an oath not to harm sentients. It allowed me to play, at first, something I really thought I would enjoy.. a thoroughly deceptive evil. I find it sad that on CF it is damn well impossible to be a deceptive evil.. only in your face I will kill you all evils are really an option with the way the game works.

A couple of times Oqoko could have went stark raving dark if the RP supporting it would have been stronger. Mizzarah could have done it quite easily, Nalndun had a very strong chance as well, and finally the slip my the guildmistress of Udgaard allowed me to RP Oqoko getting unsnared by the offers made.

What were essentially guarantees made by the Fortress of breaking the curse and finding a path to Almedys were almost forgotten by them all.
An offer of certain things from any of the above three would have most certainly turned her away from the Light.
43797, RE: Dark Elf
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I find
>it sad that on CF it is damn well impossible to be a deceptive
>evil.. only in your face I will kill you all evils are really
>an option with the way the game works.

It can absolutely be done and has been a few times in the past with great success. However, it's at least ten times harder if your character is obviously evil, such as if you're a dark elf or a necromancer.
43798, Implausibiliy Theory.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>I find
>>it sad that on CF it is damn well impossible to be a
>>evil.. only in your face I will kill you all evils are
>>an option with the way the game works.
>It can absolutely be done and has been a few times in the past
>with great success. However, it's at least ten times harder
>if your character is obviously evil, such as if you're a dark
>elf or a necromancer.

Actually it was 100x easier because I was a dark Elf necromancer.
Most people had such a hard time thinking that something potentially
that powerful and that evil would change that when I roleplayed an attempt to change as a deception they accepted it.

Something along the lines of nobody is THAT stupid to try deception when they are a dark Elven necromancer... they must be serious. :D
43808, RE: Implausibiliy Theory.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The question I'd have to ask as a neutral third party:

If you were suckering all those people all along, how is it you ended up neutral and giving up a bunch of spells?
43809, See link:
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43810, Better idea/response:
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can buy my PBF and read my role entries! :D
43812, RE: Better idea/response:
Posted by Mylinos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey don't ask the IMM's for that their working for free :) so I got it, I want to read your role too.
43841, Hope you liked the role.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure it was what you expected it to be. Redemption was not the path I had set up for her originally. But when Zebulus said he could do nothing because the curse was based on forbidden love and sent me to seek Shokai that pretty set things in course. At first I wanted to scold you for passing the buck, would have been OOC based and bad form so I did not, but it got all worked out in the end. ;)

It was a lot of work trying to figure out where to go with her and when to bring changes to her personality that would mean she was advancing towards the Light. It got weird a few times but the Imms helped me a lot and without them I think Oqoko would have been an absolute miserable failure as a character.

I find it funny that some thought I created with the idea of being redeemed. I created with the deepest darkest foul desire to find a way into vampirism and eventually to be Zebulus' #1 dark girl worshipper. I so wanted to go on a rampage against the Village. In the end they rampaged all over Oqoko. :D

Oh well! I had fun in any case and I really hope everyone who interacted with her did as well. Thanks again Imms for all the help! It was truly cool and you kept me off balance to say the least!
43846, I guess it didn't show when all Endalion wanted to know from you was how the path towards light was going
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Prior to redemption, Endalion considered Oqoko lower than worm, as something that the world should be rid of. Since the talk revolved around you anyway, I didn't notice how self-absorbed Oqoko indeed was. That is a dark-elf trait, and as it can be seen from your comments, it prevented you from being turned to goodie. So I'll take part of it back. I still think that humans should be more prone to such align change than d-elves, though.
43847, Endalion was enlightening.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Prior to redemption, Endalion considered Oqoko lower than
>worm, as something that the world should be rid of. Since the
>talk revolved around you anyway, I didn't notice how
>self-absorbed Oqoko indeed was. That is a dark-elf trait, and
>as it can be seen from your comments, it prevented you from
>being turned to goodie.

Actually I had a cool RP episode with Corrlaan and Oqoko was on her way to becoming good. As I told most others she had a toe in the door.
Four hundred hours or so is what it took to get that far. It was a lot of RP and determination! But most importantly it was a lot of fun for the most part too.

Oqoko did not like Endalion one bit and saw him as a bigger arrogant goodie than she did think Kael was, she knew Kael was as least looking out for people. She saw certain types of goodie characters as why people turned to evil. Self absorbed aloof goodies gave her a good insight as to why she felt like a trophy of the Light at times and how dark souls felt mistreated and debased. ;)
43787, Just an idea/request.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could the Imms possibly put in some code that would allow characters with greater than.. 300... 400 hours to have some ghost time to say goodbye? Please? Just in case I take an Elf and turn him dark or something dumb assed like that :D
43786, Figures!
Posted by Feleniel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't get too much interaction with you until the end, but we did have fun when we did talk. *chuckle* Thanks for your help in the Isles, and for the amusement of watching a fool Imperial man run around in a place he didn't belong. *impish*

I'm sure you'll be back!

43789, Oh! I learned coward-fu quite well!
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
CrazyHealer has arrived through a gate.
CrazyHealer yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by someone!'
A felar ranger steps out from his cover.
A felar ranger misses CrazyHealer.
A felar ranger devastates CrazyHealer!
A felar ranger devastates CrazyHealer!
A felar ranger devastates CrazyHealer!
CrazyHealer yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by someone!'
A commanding ranger steps out from his cover.
A commanding ranger EVISCERATES CrazyHealer!
A commanding ranger EVISCERATES CrazyHealer!
CrazyHealer yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a regal elf!'
CrazyHealer yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by an albino ranger!'
An albino ranger MUTILATES CrazyHealer!
An albino ranger MUTILATES CrazyHealer!

You tell Zaenthul 'CrazyHealer is chasing me.'

CrazyHealer's smash misses a felar ranger.
A felar ranger's smash decimates CrazyHealer!
A felar ranger's claw devastates CrazyHealer!
A felar ranger's smash devastates CrazyHealer!
A commanding ranger's cleave EVISCERATES CrazyHealer!
A commanding ranger's cleave EVISCERATES CrazyHealer!
A regal elf's slice misses CrazyHealer.
A regal elf's slash MUTILATES CrazyHealer!
A regal elf's slice misses CrazyHealer.
A regal elf's slice MUTILATES CrazyHealer!
An albino ranger's slash EVISCERATES CrazyHealer!
An albino ranger's whip MUTILATES CrazyHealer!
CrazyHealer has fled!

Felt bad.. but I really needed Oqoko to be somewhere safe most of her life because she had made so many people's hitlist. Oh and Zaenthul I died constantly once you were gone, I may have been your bait but you were my good luck charm. :)
43790, RE: Oh! I learned coward-fu quite well!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't see how I was your good luck charm. Last time I was with you you died like three times. I was really rooting for you too.
43799, Dying in PK vs Leveling
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My final death was facilitated by a shwack of leveling deaths. You are one of the most conscientious and effective players I have traveled with. You always kept Oqoko safe when leveling and I always new I could count on you. I think your character would have made an excellent Guerric follower actually: Pride, Courage, and Fate. I was sad when you deleted Zaenthul he was fun RP with. Oqoko will forever in my mind be Imperial/Evil bait. :P
43785, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am so sorry that happened. We rested with your corpse until it left the realms. Even Corrlaan came to see you off. Again, I apologize, I really do feel terrible that happened.
43796, No problem!
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was not sure what to say to you. So I thought about it for a while and figured this is exactly the way should would have wanted to go! In the arms of an Angel being carried to Almedys.

Damn funny watch though.. all I saw was ***BLLAAAAAMMMM*** three times then the "You died" string showed up and BLOT I was gone. I really wish I would have had some ghost time for Oqoko to come by and give you a big hug. A bit frustrating but hey thems the breaks!

At least I got 400+ hours of pure fun! Some people do not get that lucky and I can think of a certain Necro who went for mummyy as an example. You takes your chances and roll 'em dice!

I did learn something with the character though, never ever ignore low lever characters! Ever! I spent so much time listening, learning, and helping low level characters I got a ton of companion options throughout my character's life. Heck helping out Hirken when he first started out eventually resulted in the option to being reborn into the Light up to that point she was desperate to find out how to become a vampire. Love made her want to be beautiful eternally so when Almedys was reborn she could bite him and be with him forever in bliss.. sure as a High Elf he would have most likely rejected her.. but hey it is a storyline!

I wish I could have spent more time with you as Oqoko. Good luck with Aemisha!
43818, RE: No problem!
Posted by Aemisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I feel a little better then. I thought you were just that angry and had just logged right off. Didn't know you didn't have any ghost time. It was rather an unfortunate happening though, and one I am sure will affect Aemisha for a long time to come. I am only sorry that it was the only interaction we had before this happened. Good luck on your next.
43837, RE: No problem!
Posted by Arthontis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time I saw you on, I thought how well it would suit my character's role to slay the Betrayer of Necromancy and animate her corpse.

I remember during my lowbie levels when you, Sharwyn, and Grogghrhughl(some felar assassin) would stay in the Inn and taunt my necromancer. In return, I would try my damndest to lure Sharwyn out of the Inn by playing on her perpetual drunkenness.

Suffice to say, Sharwyn never fell for any of my tricks thanks to your guidance and constant influx of preps which helped her out when I /finally/ caught her en route to the Inn.

In the end, it was Grogghrhughl who kept me at bay long enough for Sharwyn to get away, even though I eventually sent him running away with his tail between his legs.

And Sharwyn: Don't forget, Arthontis still hasn't forgiven you for insulting his dead mum. *Evil grin*
43937, RE: Gone! Dead.
Posted by cay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed giving you crap. Im not that great at Pking, RPing or gaming but you made it easy. Thanks

43784, Poetry.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Giving of Thyself.
(for Brakath who encouraged me to listen even more)

To truly give one must not only speak,
but learn to listen attentively as well,
in order to let your curiosity peak,
only then will your knowledge swell,
and your Love for all grow boundless.

Fear not to be the fool for being a fool,
thusly allow you to seek insight within,
allow many others to yourself school,
and their joy of life will start your grin,
for know now that Kinship is timeless.

To learn such wisdom gives of yourself,
bringing to Thera so much glad tidings,
letting the worthy to know of your chelf,
and when others speak of your tyding,
it will be of Hope and Joy so endless.

Now finally you will learn of the Light,
yourself be giving yet let others give,
for what is it that constitutes the Night,
but absence of the will to truly live,
thus now showing Faith is limitless.

A Lay for Almedys.
(someone will have to get my PBF to learn all about this)

A day had come the blood was to flow,
my heart was pounding with the need,
to land the lancing incising blow,
but in his eyes something made me heed.

My heart did skip a beat for a moment,
mine eyes were filled with awe to behold,
lust for blood was somehow spent,
and then I knew him from time of old.

Love had blossomed within me deep,
this was the time of my soul’s revelation,
with touches exchanged did my it leap,
I knew this man in spite of his association.

Now do I mourn the loss of my Almedys,
for his form was layed low by my kin,
and for that I collapsed to my knees,
for then I knew of our Eternal Sin.

But like the fabled Pheonix from the fire,
I rise again to trod the path of the reborn,
though the vile Darkness’ forces conspire,
I will be brought into joy no more to mourn.

Honour of the Fallen
(written for the Fortress after they lost so many)

The Bastion of the Light was sound,
all within to honour and duty bound,
but then the forces of Night did arise.

War waged and foulness did despise,
all the forces of the Light did comprise,
but then the Dark tide did consume.

First fell Faltarn to the Elysium,
then Feichin, Kelayna, Bligduum,
the Dark tide did think defeated.

But in the hour need Light created,
brave new souls were Fortress feted,
the tide of Darkness to be fought.

Mavinero’s Folly
(Arvam was pestered by Oqoko and called her a prude... so after Mavinero pinched Arvam's arse on a dare by Rivkah)

A man named Mavinero once wanted the position,
Of High Herald from Therethine his opposition,
Yet went he asked Lord Arvam for consideration,
it was the Gods tush he was focussing aspiration.

Lord Arvam quickly offered him a resounding no,
Feeling quite scorned and more than a bit feisty,
Mavinero challenged Therethine to give a show,
Of her ability to find ones of amazing beauty.

Tis how began the contest for the most adorable,
Mavinero first looking at Oqoko thought horrible,
Therethine ran straight away to Arvam’s crucible,
But the God was mischievous and incorrigible.

Appearing to her as a minotaur in full charge,
Her fright was something she could not voice,
Her option was to grab on-rushing horn so large,
Lord Arvam gave jolt at the target of her choice!

Mavinero did rush to and fro seeking perfection,
In the Brintors he thought he found a selection,
Two feminine voices in near angelic inflection,
Forward he sped with great feel of direction.

Sadly it turned to be two sly female cockatrices,
That had learned to lure men via a feminine mimic,
It was with such vile and effective luring devices,
That the earnest Mavinero fell to their foul gimick.

And for the inherent lesson of this fable so forlorn?
Well the absolute best I can do while in such a rush,
Would be that it is better to take the bull by his horn,
A lot more than to try to take two hens by the bush!

Joy, Hope, Love and Faith in the Light
(IBJTO .... that is a very in game thing maybe someone will figure it out but I am not going to give it away)

In the beginning there was only Night,
But Darkness is only Light’s absence,
Just as a vessel’s empty awaits filling,
The new Universe was in anticipation,
Of the Gods’ quintessence to be freed.

In the endless Void life was now born,
But alas not all was created True equal,
Jealousy between Gods works did rise,
Though some Gods choose to care not,
Onset of the Triangle of three aspects.

Inception of the Endless war by Dark,
Bringing battle to that which scorned,
Justice, Hope, Love, and sadly Faith,
To be destroyed for creations so true,
Onward came the jealous Dark Forces.

Invoking the Kinship of the Faithful,
Began the Light’s gentle protection,
Justice, Hope and Faith held so true,
To guide and guard all fond creation,
Opened to all the Light did embrace.

It now falls upon our mortal hands,
Bolstering of the Light’s aspiration,
Justice, Hope, Faith, Joy and Love,
Trusting in these aspects held dear,
Origins of the fellowship of Light!
43830, No interest in the poetry? I had some fun with it. :D n/t
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43839, RE: Poetry.
Posted by Rivkah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really appreciate this sort of creativity. Did you post these to the mud at some point and I just missed them, or were they sent as private missives? I think it's fantastic when players contribute like this.

As far as the Rivkah/Oqoko connection: I was really doubtful until the day your alignment was changed, especially after walking into the Inn and hearing the joke about what a whore Rivkah was. In real life, I just snorted and rolled my eyes and stewed for a half hour, it really pissed me off. After thinking about it though, I know the comment Rivkah made to you so long ago probably gave you cause to think it. If it wasn't *evil* to spread such vicious tales, it was certainly rude. That left a sour taste in my mouth for many weeks. I'm glad that Oqoko thought to apologize later and as you found, ic, it was greatly appreciated. I am sorely disappointed to find Oqoko dead now that I am back. I had hoped we'd have more time to build our friendship.

Gobs of luck with your next character! Hopefully it will be equally as enjoyable and exceptionally less confusing.

43840, Recitals
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You missed a fair number of recitals actually. She would give the one about Mavinero at the drop of a hat if asked. :D

And I am glad you remember the comment you made about Hirken. It was the premise of Oqoko's opinion of you. At first Oqoko was consoling you and felt very betrayed by Hirken, if you remember, then you told her it did not matter because .... leave that for later when Rivkah is gone. Then Oqoko figured you hurt Hirken grievously and that is why he left you.. seeing that was her hope of rejoining Almedys she was right upset.

:) Keep going with Rivkah! She is a blast and I bet will continue to be.