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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Feichin the Grand Master of Changelings
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=43275
43275, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Feichin the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Dec 1 06:07:45 2005

At 11 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Feichin perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
43560, Personal notes for commenting Imms :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First the ferret kill. :) Here is how I did that, and thanks for the Xp thingy, made me feel real good at the time...
Saw him killing elves in the wood elf city, snuck up on him in mid battle with a mob, jumped on him. Figuring I'd have to flee, but maybe I'd drive him to pick another ranking spot. Rather than get all technical and maybe talk about something that hasn't been griped about by someone yet. Well where he ran to (not sure if you remember) and what he did ended up lagging him really bad. I was aware of this as a not-so-subtle change from the last time I did this sort of thing in mid battle. but I knew I had him once he did that. *taken out because it gives it away* the rapid nibbling from the ferret was going to win out. *wink* Once he didn't immediately leave the area I knew he was going to quaff something or die. There is your 'somehow' (possibly without telling anyone who doesn't already know.)
Does that explain it well enough?

Second comment I'll assume to be Innis
and if not thanks for all the drinks! One of these days I'm going to have to make a follower of yours. Seems kind of my 'style'.

Drok: Ahh well. Not the fastest typist and all and I was trying to come off differently. 12 though? really? ouch :) When I have more time to type it comes out a little better eh?

next I'll assume to be Aarn and if not I keep coming up with 'neat' ideas for followers of your religion and deleting them :( This guy wasn't even expected to hero so sorry for not coming up with a better character layout before I got going.

Eshval: Why thank you. I'll warn you before you get to expect it of any future characters traits like that were dependent on sphere. both Nimelerion and Feichin were sphere dedication so they just couldn't stop trying ya know?

Drok again: Hell me too man. I had myself pegged for about 200 hours to con dead. and about 10 kills to my name. MAX. *rofl*

43544, I just read your PBF
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I want to appologize for deleting on you. I never really expected you to go so far with my conversion! Still, I'm glad you were able to have fun with it while it lasted, good for you.

I must echo Nepenthe's sentament though, I would never guess that you wrote that Role vs the way you talk.

Any hoot, good job and work on that character presentation in game!

43545, *rofl*
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feichin was supposed to come off terse or curt or what-have-you.
"in a hurry" from the elven persepctive. Obviously it went over as
a twelve year old. hehe. I'll have to work on that.

Part of it was from being irritated at people asking questions they could have deduced, I shift out of form for a split second risking life and limb to pass on information like the guy you are hunting is in this area, I'm going to go try to kill him. the condensed version is always something like:

gt Whoever target in shadow grove I strike.
shape badger
(or a million variations on it.)
and then they ask more questions! I'm already back in form headed for the target So I revert AGAIN and give a more in depth explanation, and my sentences got shorter and shorter out of irritation knowing I was going to have to revert again and again over this s.. stuff.

I got into the habit of it, and kinda went with it all through his life.
43511, Didn't comment yet, so here it is
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What an amazing improvement in game mechanics competence over your last. Great job. Keep getting better like that and you're going to be scary before long.
43519, *wink*
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shh.. it's just because shifters leave one free to think about
things other than what skill they are about to use... :)
Trust me I'll go back to sucking again on my next. hehe.
But from you I think that is the highest compliment I've ever had on any character of mine so I'll take that compliment and dance.
43432, Feichin
Posted by ArzzrasPlater on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a pleasure interacting with you with both my characters.
43437, RE: Feichin
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now ya have me curious as to who those were.. or did I miss something
in previous death threads or am I tired and missing something I
shouldn't be??
If either or both are still alive don't sweat it any. :)
43411, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Feichin the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Yllriah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go.

You were one of the few that consistently was out hunting.
43438, Yll I see as having the ability to be a 'real' killer.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*shiver* Glad you were on MY side. hehehe.
You rocked.
43392, Damn
Posted by Hirken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say? Fei sorta turned out to be my mentor when it came to wands and shifting tactics. I'll miss ya and the moronic antics that you pulled sometimes. Keep rolling and see ya out there.

43394, I did warn you early on...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
remember? Follow me and we'll all die.
My "shifting tactics" were just the best I could offer you
under the circumstances, the specific ones we were about to
face. Keep that in mind for the future all "war" is fluid and
ever changing. Don't take any of it to be the thing to do all
the time. My advice was all based around keeping the people
there as well. You might do better with changing it to force them
to retreat or let them get away. :) depends on who else is there pumping out damage or healing you. hehe.

and moronic?!?! PIFFLE!
:) Let me ask this, How many times were you SURE we couldn't
get the orb back and it worked out anyway?

That imperial roving patroll defense though.. forget it. hehe.
earthbound or blackjacked and you are dead. I still am not even sure
if they meant to be switching places like that all the time so every time I saw an 'opening' I couldn't risk it, because of who I could not see. hehehe. If it wasn't on purpose it was an awesome accident, If it was on purpose, Brilliant planning.

43366, RE: Soft spot for outlanders
Posted by Ilimya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Feichin. We fought a little before I was inducted where I was at an extreme disadvantage. After I got inducted, I could tell I was put down from the top of the list of persons Feichin looked for. It was something of a respite.

I took spear specifically to deal with you (and other air/offense shifters) and it worked well enough. It was a shame we only fought once after I got to hero. Duels are not Ilimya's kind of thing and it was difficult for me to catch you. I might have had a slight chance of killing you if you reverted from tiger to eagle and switching to spear in the lag and misdirecting you. I was content to keeping you at bay, however.

Seeing your past characters, I think you have a nice attitude to the game and it seeps through without necessarily revealing who the player is. Thanks for the fun.

43379, :) impale *shiver*
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment and the few fights.

I remember the one in the past where I was SURE you were
toast and the druid started healing you. I was :
Nah he can't be an outlander.. can he? Oh no i'm getting whipped
get out! get out!

(I actually barely survived hehehe.)
43311, uh...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well...lots of good times running around I suppose(And again I am sorry if I Demanded too much attention...just the character I suppose). I almost didn't delete because of you, but Aryze was over with, well until I saw echos about HArkan the next day with my new character(hah, which obvisiouly I couldn't say anything about it). Well, oh and if HArkan says he would treat you well he would have(that bastard) but he would...be completely evil about it(that sick sick bastard, you know I love you Harkan). But yeah, in any case, I Wish we had more of a chance to run around with each other, it was fun times. Though....I can't remember who won out of: Tiger vs orangutan? Oh, and I am still trying to figure out why Harkan asked you to be "my hero" so to speak, but there is a lot of things I can't figure out about Harkan. Ah well...thanks for dealing with my crazyness and good luck with your next.
43321, hehe
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm pretty sure the orangutan whipped me. and yeah lots of fun :)
Funny part of harkan asking me was that you just told me what he
had done and how you wantd him dead, and he asks me to tkae care of
you and do what you needed etc. so I tried to kill him :)

Your danger sensing forms were Reaaallly handy, we should
have worked out a you hide and me hide in the snow place
and popped out at people trap.. needed some bait though.

or grouped air forms Hirken and I did that a couple of times
osprey and golden eagle come screaing out of the sky and turn
into tiger and panther... they tended to flee or word instantly
though (I would have too)

Aryze was cool and sweet etc. but yeah not the 'love of Fei's life'
:) hehe might have made The Harkan tale a little more interesting.

43324, Aryze was just a big flirt...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In terms of that don't feel too special(though she did like you loads). She did have a "love" though it wasnt you, hah! So take that! MUHAHA! It would have made the tale even more interesting, but even if you did change your mind, well...it wasn't going to happen. And yes the dangersense forms were great(my last four forms had it...WOW). Anyway, I doubt I will see you in another form or what not, at least not soon(since I am not playing cf).

Oh, I could have been bait running around with my lemur and then you could have flown down!!! OMG! That would be great when you think about it...well wasnt going to work out. Damn it, why did I delete?
43291, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Feichin the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Varthas1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I give you kudos for coming to duel me in the Underdark that time. Don't think I ever really caught you much after that, though that oops one time was funny ;)
43295, hahahaha
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that was great. I was doing that kind of thing all
the time but I have a feeling it was hardly noticed.

The duel thing irked me to no end, because the way I had it figured
if Fei said he'd do something he'd have to try his best.
(orderly thing to my mind)
I got much much more careful after that duel about what I said to
who. :)

The bleeding death during the 'war' sucked hard though, I was standing right by people who could heal me, but couldn't afford to revert to tell them. hehehe. whimper apparently wasn't clear.
Posted by Bliggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh god...

Where are all our Maran going?

Much love, it was fun.

I really hate how you can't cry to people in form.

You'd be on the other side of the continent while I'd be running there uselessly and by the time I got there, you and your prey were both long gone. Bliggy was actually jealous that you could get into so many more fights than he could =P
43301, :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe for a while there I was in one after the other huh?
non-stop all go no quit flying critter of dooooooom!
fly back to fort long enough to rest up and then
fwoomp. And then I felt like I was sucking away
everyone's fun so I'd land first and give a location.
fly overhead for a smidgen so someone might actually
have a chance to get there then swoop!

Sometimes overhead it was .. are they fighting?
(I never wanted a cabal mate to be left alone in battle
unless they specifically asked for it to be that way)

Or they are gonna get away! swwoooop.

You have an awesome character going. push it to the limit.
and don't take that bliggy shyte from anyone.

43277, That was ... interesting.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First Air focus is awesome. Not what I expected but awesome!
This was a boredom character. Hurt my arm, and while it was
healing I got bored, roled up what I thought was going to be
a pointless no-role character. Uhhh. Next time I'll try to
have a role idea in the back of my head before rolling up
one just in case.

So I went offense air because I had heard all this junk about
them. For a while I was pretty deadly. Then I got burnt out
even tucked a little in the role of being tired of the killing
and get made Maran? This is the first time I got to play with
the powers too. (Nimelerion was always getting the orb back
so never had them long enough to mess with them.)

I sort of got to go out okay, though the blinding thing made it
to where I had to try to escape and come back. silly me. :)
I cancelled everything and poof you all were there.

A majority of the Fortress was just awesome to be around.
a couple here and there pissed me off to no end. Some were
just new. Which hey I totally understand, and can easily forgive.
I kept waking up with this guy in mid raid, just after or just before
after the third time I was thinking I'm never going to assume
someone is called in via some sort of instant messenger again.
Oh! the short rests! hehe smoke breaks. had to go outside. *rofl*
Always before I jus tlet the character 'meditate' for that but too
many deaths that way and I'd hate to be mindless when I was needed
to defend or something.

Empire: You guys are coming up in the world! hehe.
Scion: Die die die! Well played most every one!
trib: A few were pretty slick characters a couple I'd happily
have strangled in thier sleep.... the players. :)
battle: What can I say.. I wasn't going to fight anyone not tainted.
couple of you caught me anyway, nice work there.
outlanders: Damn I had a soft spot even for your evil guys. That
kind of sucked for Fei.

I decided not to get specific because of having known too many
freakin' people and it's 6:30 am, I'm tired. I'll respond to anyone
and let's see probably post more about individuals later.

oh Brumm! Bite me you deleting son of a ... goat!
(you deserve special mention)
:) In my aimless quest to relieve boredom, when I found out you
were a wanna-be village paladin, I thought I'd help throw you
a bone and be 'converted' Figured it might have won you some
points and I really didn't care how my character worked out anyway.
hehe. So in a way You created my role, I kinda made it up as we
talked and added it in later. ( A poor role imho but not bad for flying by the seat of your pants and in mid conversation.)

Oh Imms. very addictive game. Thought I was going to take a longer
break than that. :) I cut down my hours after the 'addictedboy' and
'157hourguy' stories came out. I was thinking 'How much did I play
this week?' and the answer was not in numbers but a realization that
it was far far too much. I have trouble sleeping though.
always have. *grumble*

Oh my oldest character. Maybe the 'deadliest'. Tiger is the most
awesome kill-sealer! I got to feeling kind of bad for alot of people
seeing myself as a kill-'sTealer' instead. I didn't like that.

Well everyone loved the fights loved the talks.

43286, See ya
Posted by Nashakk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun to have around, and gave evil a run for their money. I'm not surprised at all that you turned out to be Bajula. See you in the fields,
43380, You seem really familiar but I just can't place you.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nash rocks though. Just bulls in and goes to work. :)
Kinda like a fortie version of a marine. hehe.
43290, Good work
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
WHen I was ranking up I noticed this crazy snow badger who was attacking and fighting alot near the chasm. I thought why the hell is this shifter fighting with third tier forms? Then I find out its another bloody maran and he has an Air form! Argh. There goes my free reign of the air. When I heroed up, I was kind of disappointed to get the Eagle form. Every fight we had in the air, I had to prep with protection/shield/aura/blessing. Barrier and you would have fled. It was a major annoyance, but I figured we had to attack each other on sight in the air.

I tried damn hard to bring you to the darkside too. It looked boring at the fortress and was so damn lopsided.

People dont realize that its not easy to rack up major kill counts with an air/offense shifter. Battle warriors will still be damn tough, even with ABS, and because of all the new maladictions for shifters they are even more limited. Classes that sleep you can now take advantage of the delay with the fly to murder..

I thought you did an awesome job with your character. I liked our talks, I wish you had come for a swim with me. I promise you, dispite having to do evilish things, that I would have treated you like a king!! It was fun anyhow...Except for the boring air battles. Take care man.

43294, RE: Good work
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) Seemed it would not have worked. It didn't stay boring 'quite' long enough hehehe. I was toying with the idea, but after the
cutting out of magic and then starting using it again I figured
I had already irritated enough people. at least I didn't irritate
them as much as Mizz :)

I noticed far more lag in the later days of my life switching to
the tiger after flyto and murder. They could get halfway down eastern
by the time I started to chase if they fled when the eagle hit them.
okay maybe not halfway, but a long ways down.

and the info about the preps makes me feel better about
getting a beating in the sky all the time. :)

best of luck with your next, I cannot stress enough how cool
your 'evil'ness was. Kinda creepy sometimes but always pure evil.

43317, Prepping Feichin for Harkan
Posted by Salvator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you remember the first time I used Lifeboon on you? It was fun sending you out against Harkan with an extra 800-1000 hitpoints, but it made me nervous as all get out. I was scared to death he'd see how you were hunting for him and arrange for me to die in one round. I got lucky, heh.

I loved it when your character was on, for although you couldn't use Cry in form, you were very good about getting to the action whether it was attacking an enemy cabal, defending the Fortress, or assisting a groupmate.

The Fortress lost a great ally when it lost Feichin. I look forward to your next!
43322, yeah! hehe
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said not to mention it to anyone so I never did, but I meant to
tell harkan after we all died. hehe
(Harkan if you remember the times that I just wouldn't friggin'
go down in the sky that's why )

I was so sad when you deleted hehe. I wanted to try that on trulinta

it was Siiiiick. When I was geared wickedly I went into the air
with like 2700 hp once. :) from a base of about 400 *rofl*

I sooo wanted to try raiding like that against defenders.
get them thinking I was the 'thing that wouldn't die'

:) anyway Sal was great, best of luck with your next.

P.s. I think I could use cry, I think bliggy meant he couldn't
cry to me, but I never did successfully cry to anyone, so I dunno.
I'm pretty sure that isn't meant to be one of those 'works most of the time' skills.

43325, I DO!!!
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was beating you too, I thought.

Damn another massacre...wtf, he is still covered. A few more massaacres...wtf...he is still covered. A few more...wtf..Im outta here.

43302, RE: That was ... interesting.
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dang bird man, the Fort will miss your air support! Feichin was a constant presence in the Fort these recent times here, and now just when things are getting bad, away you go. Oh well, what can you do!?

Anyway, good luck with your next. Hopefully we'll see you back in the Fort!

43306, Thanks for warning me before drinking the elf killer ale.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Couldn't be helped about the timing part. :) I'd have been around
alot less if I could sleep! hehehe. (no offense I love the game and the fort, but I'd rather have been sleeping through about half Fei's life.)
You know I had 10 trains when I hero'd? Didn't take as long as I thought it would to burn all that con. remind me to steer clear of dwarves though, I don't think I'd have it in me to con die a dwarf.
But then there is that paladin's guild in akan now.. Hrmmm....
Naaaahhhh. :)
43428, RE: Thanks for warning me before drinking the elf killer ale.
Posted by Brinrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Feichin. Crazy suicidal bastard that he was. Anyway, abou the sleep. I've learned that if you work out for an hour-two fairly vigorously that sleep comes much better, or much less even if you haven't worked out in a while. Just make sure it is enough that your body is tired, and not just your lungs (cardiovascular). I learned this through years of playing football, and not being able to sleep very well in the off season if I took a week from working out. Also, I'd try and not drink pop or anything else cafinated within 3-4 hours of when you want to go to sleep. I've been to the point where I stared at the back of my eyelids for six hours straight, tired, but unable to go to sleep, so I know where you are coming from. Give it a shot, if you smoke that much, working out might suck, and I'd gear my exercise more towards weight lifting than running until you get into shape, but it will be worth it for a good night sleep if you haven't had one in a while. Anyway, just thought I'd try and be helpful.
43436, That's IT!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I quit going to fighter practice because of the arm.
Imagive football pads made of metal and some leather.
Then fight in that for as long as you thnk you can, rest a bit
and do it again over a 4 hour period. hehe.
I was doing that once a week. Then I was doing pell work at
home on off days for at least an hour a day. And had another
day of the week that me and another guy had an individual 'fighter practice' just us, and more talking about what each was doing
wrong than fighting, but still. The arm's getting better at
least, and as soon as it's good to go I'm back out there.
I tore something in the elbow, and then kept going like a dumb ass
Then I took a hit from a 2-h 'sword' (About 6 1/2 foot long 2" thick
rattan) right on the point of my shoulder. I was out of it, couldn't even lift my shield back into position (He faked the leg and I bought it) Since then I couldn't pick up a full coffee cup with my right hand. *grumble*

Odd thing is All of my 'nifty' characters seem to come along with some physical malady for me IRL. I better not try to Imm, I'll be on lifesupport before you know it. *rofl*
Maybe the problem starts first and it gives me the boring lay up time to play a character more 'wholeheartedly'?

Brin was cool by the way, I like him alot.
Oh and Feichin was NOT suicidal really. He was willing to die for what he believed in but he didn't WANT to. :)
43551, Well thats what happens when you pop upwards of a half a.....
Posted by BigJ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
bottle of ripped fuel pills and a 30 pack of beer. hehe
43561, Slight correction :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The pills I take beforehand are all anti-inflamatory stuff
for the upcoming bruises. The beer comes after getting home
while the girlfriend is rubbing arnica gel into the aforementioned
bruises, and critiquing my fights. (She's got a real eye for what
I do right and wrong and when I'm sluffing off)

Some days though I've gone on the list field wishing I'd have drunk a bit to wash down a mild narcotic knowing how hard certain people hit.
*rofl* Not sure what the fuel pill/beer combo would do.. what do ya think?

:) hehe
43307, Goodbye
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you underused the available damage reduction options. Endalion considered you as reckless, and I'm not surprised to see this happen.
43323, RE: Goodbye
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Endalion my buddy! I sure hope you get what you are looking for.
for a while there I used abs all the time, but I got sick of expecting
to need it, or finding someone, landing elsewhere, prepping
and I go back and they are gone, and I can't find them anymore.

as for not coming to get shields all those times? Well what can I say.
I had short windows of oppourtunity to hit the vanquisher, I had to be sure the ones who could stop me were not there, and they had the
whole defense patrols down pat whether by accident or on purpose.
so when it was open it was for a moment only, no time for shields my
friend, and sanc from a healer a&s and shields wouldn't make a difference, my only hope was to strike and be gone before anyone
got there. Not like I could stand and fight, the things I had to
avoid wasn't damage, it was blackjack and earthbind. :)

P.s. everyone in the fortress thought you had gone outlander for
some reason, I think it was because of ear the other elven invoker
and they got you confused, so that may be why you went so long with
no interview. hehe. best of luck with that.
You've worked harder than some of the squires.
That's not to slight the squires. You guys are doing fine as far
as I can tell.
43362, RE: Goodbye
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
P.s. everyone in the fortress thought you had gone outlander for some reason

For some reason, people in the Spire seemed to think the same way and Endalion had to buy stuff to get off their Outlander list. :D
43314, Flyto menace that you were!
Posted by Cuucqa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never had fought a tiger up till you, and quickly had to learn how not to get pounced. Sucked that chargeset doesn't work on it *shakefist*.
Anyway you were Mr Tenacious, and if I had thought a little would have realized you played Nim pretty easy. You got me to the point OOC of rolling my eyes and saying "Please fly a away you f**ker, before I have to wax you again" I bet your glad I told everyone where to place the Centurions to block you eh? }(
Good job with the air shifter lad, makes a change I suppose not to be a flyto murder everything in sight type, although I can see where the boredom could come in playing it more straight. I enjoyed our little post fight interactions too.
You kept everyone in Empire on their toes, well I was anyway, always expecting you to be reporting where I was when it was Team-Maran on the hunt.
Good luck with the arm.
See ya in the fields

43326, :) You were pretty slick yourself.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Cuucqa, and was kinda sad at your demotion. hehe
I noticed while I was a flying death machine (for that short sweet time) :) That I watched people learn how to deal with me.
each in turn, it was a revalation of class/race/(spec) combos and the way they interact, gave me a big dose of wow about how well the game
is really balanced.
Anyway I was pretty much unable to land a kill after a while because
of how people dealt with me :) but even for those who felt they
could easily get away I kept most of my enemies travelling in packs
for survival reasons and not always gank reasons. or kept them in the
water or at thier cabals. muhuhhahahahaha. *flex's proudly*

I remember people asking me to translate minotaur and saying so and so is saying blah blah but I don't understand :) I just thought of
my dad drunk (his usual state) and with a cold and it was easy.
I kind of ended up the semi-official minotaur ambassador for half the parties I was in.
Thanks to all you guys I know what to do if I ever face a tiger with an air form :) hehe. but I'll probably still die a few times until I get the hang of it.
43315, Liked this character
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I realize you have a soft spot for Outlanders because of OOC feelings, however it was real nice to have someone like you in an enemyish cabal. That time you guys came to Thar-Acia.... I was wondering why feichin didn't just say... "I don't think you guys need my help with this one." But I understand the accepting orders from cabal leaders stuff. Also, to be honest, the only reason I didn't try to kill you the first time you flyto'd me was because I didn't think I could win. I'm glad it was that way, since our interactions were always pleasant (even when you were hunting me down). You were a breath of fresh air from a fort who's usual interactions with me entail me getting ganked hardcore... repeatedly.

Great character. Hope it was fun. Addictions are only addictions when no longer enjoy them :P
43327, Then it isn't an addiction. hehe
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
because I still love playing cf.

Had you not just stunned me and walked away.....hrm...
as to the thar-acacia thing regardless of orders or not
if one of my cabal-mates was in a fight and I was aware of it,
I'd be there with them. It was in Fei's 'nature' He hated
being alone or dying alone and didn't want anyone else to have to.

A couple of times I reported your location over cb and told them
that I would not hunt you until I was out of other prey.
The same went for ili, who I did intent to give another fight to
but Going out on the imperials seemed more fun at the time.
43382, Just went back to read this. hehe nah wasn't ooc at all.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The enemy of my enemy etc.. It was a question of priorities.
I still hunted dark outlanders but to kill one say when 3 or 4
imperials wear about was to make the imperials stronger.
:) IC strategic decision. Because once the other enemies were
dealt with or out of the way or resting.... Dark outlanders
needed to keep an eye to the skies.

Just like if there was 4 imperials and 2 scion I went after imperials
(unless I flew over a spot where I just couldn't pass the oppourtunity up. Enemy alone, location suggests they are fighting a mob or just got done with one. etc.. I was very much an oppourtunist. :) hehe The combo was just made for it.)
43320, RE: That was ... interesting.
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dying to you (and the others) at the Fort that day ticked me of, I overspammed and that sucked, you were a real thorn in my side and that's exactly what you should be. I must give you some mad props for being as annoying as you were, that's exactly what you should be as an air/off.
43329, *rofl*
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dulmisa rocks. I couldn't hit you for love nor money.
I think the quicker a person is the easier they avoid the pounce
you were the only one who almost never got pounced.
bite was about all I got in on you half the time.
and the few talks were fun. I am pretty sure you are the only one
to ever successfully assassinate me btw That's why I made such
a big deal out of it. :) There might have been another but if so I don't remember it.

as to annoying I can't count how many times I said over CB
Well Time to go irritate (empire/scion/specific person) hehe.

P.S. Oust Nia and take over! :) muhuhahaha.
43328, The Bad Man has died!
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for making me a better player. And thank you for taking the time to roleplay with me after you got four or five kills on me :) But seriously, I meant what I said in the beginning, having the Fort be so strong really forced me to be a better player. Good luck on your next, let's hope we cross paths again.
43383, I can't say enough good things about you Kru.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Watching you learn to pk and stuff I honestly as a player felt proud of you. (I don't mean that to be in the least bit offensive)
I don't know why. It was just cool.
My favorite was holy sh## he's hasted! and whippin my a##!
get out flee fly run! go go go. switch forms. oh crap boneshattered!
Arrrrgh! gonna die gonna die come on come on ... fly.
*Whew* *pant pant pant*.
I really liked when you went with the imperials and came at the fort.
then they log off and you were the only evil in my range and chakru woke up and you came at us again! I was thinking my gods he's got balls. and then I realized with chakru behind you you were a freakin monster. MONSTER!

I only got to see that one night, but ugh, that's all I needed to see.
My personal advice even though many would not agree is play a few other race/class (if warrior- spec) combos all the way to con death
and you'll see how each has to deal with another type.
Then You'll instinctively think their group is this our group is that
this is what we need to do.
Oh, and anything you feel is overpowered even for a second, roll one.
You'll see that the few that have some real 'power' is based on what they have to go through to get that way. hehe.

And finally I can't stress enough go village at least once!
Man I'd love to play a village side by side with one of your
characters. hehe.
We'd leave Thera littered with corpses. So what if 3/4 of them are ours! hehehe.
43331, RE: That was ... interesting.
Posted by Brellye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too bad my playing times have been so off lately, really liked you. Have fun with the next, and don't go getting into too much trouble.
43384, Me?!?! get into trouble? Naaaaahhhh.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) I liked you quite a bit as well. Had a blast.
and as for my next, well I always know that if it isn't any fun there is always delete delete. (I know it doesn't appear to be the case
but I do actually do that once in a great while, I just have trouble doing it because sometimes when you feel like deleting and force your self to go on a little while more suddenly things get better. Or you learn something new, or.. or... etc.. :) )

Keep the rest of them alive eh?
43357, So Long Tiger
Posted by Razmorthin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well, I didn't see this coming for a while. You always seemed pretty slippery when you fought me except for a few times when you completely forgot to prep and got steamrolled. You were a quality opponent and I look forward to you rolling up another fortie ;)

All the best, and I hope you get some decent shut eye tonight.
43385, Hah! Okay Demonspa.. oh yeah I forgot, we talked about that...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Prepped? who had time! omg when you rolled in, I knew it would be seconds before the Tara'bal was dead (if that) and less than a minute later you'd be holding the orb. And if you were there it was hard to
tell what your compatriots were doing to me, I'd get dispelled and
it would scroll by so fast I never knew. etc..
I thought for a moment I'd have you at the pyramid that one time though Grrrr.. hehe.
43403, RE: That was ... interesting.
Posted by Levan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I might not have posted if I didn't think it odd that we keep running into each other with our Fortressites.(more on this when I pass off that immortal coil)

All in all, I think Feichin was a pretty solid Maran, and a decent shifter once you pulled your head out of your rear about that whole not using magic business you were ranting about at low ranks. It's just a shame I didn't get to play more when you were around.

Your kamikaze orb retrieval style did spur some of the old Maran to come out. Thanks for that.

Hope to run into you with another Fortie another time!
43407, I suppose we will.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you have run into other forties of mine, Then the odds
are pretty high that you will again, I'm pretty fond of
The Fortress. I try out other cabals now and again and even
*gasp* go uncaballed once in a while, but I find myself returning
to the fortress time and time again. I figure if I were to roll
a goodie right now I'd be on my usual underdog side of things
(Strangely enough, while I had fun with Fei, I'm more comfortable getting my arse whooped. Go figure)
I don't think I could afford to have a good character right now though
Work is about to get real heavy for me. So who knows when the next will be. :) Anyway now I'm curious as to who you must be.
43276, Damn
Posted by Faltarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
right when I was writing goodbyes to you. I will post them soon.
You were great!
43278, hahaha
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No sweat captain whuparse. I almost posted that I was right behind
you but sometimes my characters can really drag out that last bit of con.