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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=42332
42332, Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Aryze Amakiir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, this will probably come out as a rage delete(and in some ways it is…) but, honestly I did put some thought in it. I will keep this short for now, and add things when I think of them.

Aryze was my first outtie, I was kind of interested in it after playing Zoel, but I don’t play aggressive chars very well, and I picked her foci for defending, and not necessarily killing. I tried though(killing that is) without dying too much, honestly.

First of all:
Innis: Man I am sorry I was a sucky follower, after I played Inea I wanted to play a follower of you, but…well I am a bit headstrong. Honestly with that whole Harkan thing she had the best intentions at heart(but it did kind of blow up in her face…oh well). Maybe I am just not cut out for organized religions, oh well, but thanks for being patient with me anyway)

Quarena/Ikalaki: Thanks for helping me rank…I am sorry if I was a rank hound and pestering about it all the time, but I just wanted my forms. Thank you for tolerating me, of course.

Atchertene: Aryze’s best friend and love, if you want to call it that. I wish we had more time together but it happens, and I know I am boring sometimes. We had some fun running together, I just wish it wasn’t so short lived. And, Aryze got angry easily, so sorry if I became harsh with you about you “insulting” her, it was just her personality. And yes, Harkan pissed her off by threatening to do *AHEM* a lot.

Arminas: Thanks for the induction and being overall there. She considered you a father...that although was not necessarily there, was at least caring about her.

Faltarn: Thanks for being there for Aryze when she became absolutely hysterical…about the whole Harkan deal.

Ulothyre: From what I have seen, good paladin, though I never really saw too much of you. Oh well.

Feichin: I almost didn’t delete because of you and Atchertene, but…I had to do it, I was getting too sick of some of this crap. It would have been interesting to see what happened if we continued running around with each other, though.

Well the spire as a whole, I have absolutely no respect for. I know it is harsh, but with all these misflaggings and crap I had to deal with, it’s hard to respect all of you. There were a few of you that I did have respect for: Fendracorl, Whelan, Ornerne(except for…well you raiding with that elf today, but we can’t all be perfect) that panther/falcon(ixull…uh whatever) and Falun. Everyone else, I either didn’t get a chance to know, or you did something that angered me.

Fendracorl/Ornerne: Going to lump you both together although Fend always gave me WAY more trouble than Ornerne, but good fights both of you(I swore I was going to kill you fend…but I guess that isn’t going to happen). I am also going to miss our...daily one on ones, Ornerne.

Whelan: No hard feelings about your autoassisting today, it was the elf that really upset me more than anything. All in all, I liked your char, and you were willing to listen to me, for the most part. Good luck with…well you know.

Ixull…uh whatever: Good talks, yes, when you were four strong and had the item of power and…me all by myself :< I am sure I got a bit annoying after a while, good times though.

Imperials: Didn’t really see too much of you…oh well.

Harkan: Hard one to place. Yes, right now you were an enemy, even though Aryze didn’t really want to hurt you(though she knew that she SHOULD). Did you honestly think Aryze would go along with your evil plan? Or was that just another tricky ploy by the scholar of the depths? In any case, I loved your char in the beginning anyway, and that was part of the reason I continued rping with you, just to see what kind of crap you were going to say/do next. It got a bit…too creepy for me after a while, honestly, and with some urging with Innis, I cut it off completely. But, after that, well I am not going to go on about that, I just didn’t like some of the things that happened afterwards, but I guess I should have expected it all. Oh, and one more thing, every time someone suggested me to find ABS in game, I wanted to shoot myself. I know that a shifter should have it, but is it ok for me to be too damn lazy to get them? I just hate prepping, and I like shifters…bad combo, isn’t it?

This is all I can think of right now…but if I remember more things to babble about, I will. Good times everyone, and I will reply if you say something I promise! (Its because I love typing, of course ^_^)
42499, RE: Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Atchertene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awww. The waters were just starting to clear up and poof, you're gone. Aryze was lots of fun for me, lots of consternation for Atch, which is a good thing. ;) I didn't get to do as much as I wanted with the whole she-bang, b/c my playing times are wack these days. The one thing I would say, and maybe it's just me, is that your constant references to elven (real) time kinda broke the atmosphere sometimes. Anywho, it was fun, luck w/ your next.

42503, finally...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I almost didnt delete because I wanted to run with you some more, but...you werent around often enough I guess :< I am sorry with the elven time, no one has ever mentioned it, but sometimes it is nice to know...when. Oh well, sorry, and I really did want to run with you(I probably got annoying after all). Maybe we will meet again in some guise or another.
42470, Huh
Posted by Faltarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Aryze a lot. All the rp line that was great. It is sad I cann't talk with you more because of raids/reraids and such.

Good luck with your next.
42416, RE: Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Arminas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish you had stuck it out. I had confidence after that fiasco that you would be able to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, take your licks and just get better with it. You started to and then I see this. I'm not quite sure I get it. I've been ganked with full preps so many times I've lost count, but the fun in the whole process is taking a bad situation, be it rp or that evil friggen RNG, and turning it around in your favour again. I really did my utmost to help, but with trying to revive the Refuge and a ton of RL issues it made it difficult to even at times find you on in the same time bracket. Hope you give it another shot sometime. You learned a lot since Zoel.

One more suggestion.. Never be too lazy/indifferent to gathering preps. Not only can they be fun to find exploring, but they actually do save your life on occassion. ;)

42428, I had a char once that was a prep whore...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I swear I was gathering preps longer than I was actually playing...not my idea of fun :< I like mages for the fact that I don't really need gear(hp-snow worm, dirt stuff...and a few other things that took a grand total of 20 min to get was the bare min, and that is what I Got). Oh and the ganking had nothing to do with the delete...I have been ganked so many times its not even funny. I did learn with Aryze(oh and Zoel, I meant to be a really really bad pker...he was supposed to be full of himself, but I Cant play arrogant chars very well :<). And of course I am playing another char...I have to hero a bunch of chars, many of them I have had my head for a long long time. Thanks. And see ya around in some form or guise. (And this time I will try to make sure it isn't too obvious that it is me!)
42411, Aww, nuts!
Posted by Phax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, bother! I wish you would have stuck it out more. I was just coming into my own, and when I hero, we would have made a great team.

You were always bright and cheerful when we were one on one together, and we had some great retrievals. Thanks for everything!
42429, What did I do....?
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other than try to be the happy follower of Innis(which kind of fell apart with the whole Harkan thing, though I Did become a bit happier after I Got some of it resolved). I tried to retrieve without being completely suicidal, but I am not really sure if I had a grip on my abilites...oh well, I will have another utility/defense shifter some time(not my next few chars). Good luck in outtie.
42398, RE: Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well "suck" is a poor word in my vocabulary...you actually didn't suck as much as you needed guidance that I was unable to give. I never found the correct means or methods to deal with your issues or concerns. Perhaps next time we will mesh a bit better. I will tell you that your rp was constant and well-done. Good luck on what comes next.
42430, Well, I wasn't sure what to do...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Considering you are the first imm that ever answered my prayers in a rp way(just bad luck I suppose) And even then it took you two weeks before you answered any. I just suppose I had no idea what to pray about. I did try to contact you about Harkan, before I got TOO involved with him, but I guess you werent around those three days, so I did the proactive(and stupid IMHO) approach with the whole situation. Aryze was stubborn and curious, not sure how good of a combo that was, heh(not to mention gullible). Well thanks for being patient, maybe I'll do better next time.
42376, Once again I do not get a mention..
Posted by Orpiato on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Same with you as Querena, I interacted with goodies with the intention to get you all to question your beliefs and set ideals.. especially you Summer Country fellows. But, the one thing I could not complain about Aryze was that you were alwasys there beside me breaking into the spire, if not in there before me.

If any goody in outlander was almost liked by me, it was you.

Good luck with what ever.
42377, Sorry...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot the mention you :< Well, I didn't get to interact with you too much...and half the time you came in uninvited with me after I was working on the excutioner!!! Can't complain, made my life easier I suppose, well good luck.
42369, RE: Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Fendracorl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What to say? I too, like many others, enjoyed some of our chats--though you did occasionally put me in iffy ethical situations with some of your requests, particularly towards the end. In terms of our many battles, I did really start to feel bad about it all when it dawned upon me that the impale was killing you most every time. So I decided more peaceful talking was the way to go--despite your admission of evil plots to kill me! But that is neither here nor there.

You really put up with a lot, and I'll admit honest surprise at hearing you did a rage delete, though I don't know all the details there. You did make me want to try an outlander one of these days, although not a util/defense shifter outlander. Anyway, good times and good talks, and all that jazz.

42378, hmm
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I can put up with a lot of crap...I won't go into everything I dealt with, but yesterday was the last straw. I was tired of the people who blatently did not rp....and I play this game to rp(not pk, or anything like that, because honestly, I will always suck at pk). It wasn't a complete rage delete, but whatever.

Your impales...well the first ones were doing 90 hp of damage for 11-15 ticks...and with me who usually had about 800, maybe 900 hp...well you do the math. Later the damage was tone down a bit, probably doing about 45 hp...for about the same time. I am not sure why it was hitting me so hard. Oh well, at least I figured out, to run like a pansy when I got impaled by you.

You should considered yourself lucky...I didn't really preach to you as much as I should, haha! Though I Do like your char, a lot. One of my favorite spirelings, if not my favorite.
42368, Fun chats.
Posted by Falun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some talks, good times.

Anyway we had a tricky situation in the PK department. If you were in Orang form I could hit my commumes but you would usually make me flee to heal and re-prep at least once and that bite/bleeding was nasty for mana regen. But if you were in Lemur..we kind of just stood there...and stood there..and stood there..and..yeah

As long as you were not wanted I tried to go easy on you..that is until you pissed of Harkan! What a terrible idea that was!

Nice job and good luck with the next.

42379, I had to do what I had to...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In terms of the Harkan department...it was an interesting situation. I am still up in the air in regards to your char. I can say I do have some respect for you, at least, but I can't say I liked Falun(don't take that the wrong way). I wasn't too big of a fan with that rot(though I did usually survive them, if I ran)
42365, Going to miss ya.
Posted by Feichin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) Had fun with all the talks. Though sometimes the hysterics
kinda grated on me. hehe. I did my 'best' as Feichin would
look at things while talking to you, To keep you focused on
the light without sounding like a broken record.

Being a 'lazy shifter' with no ABS etc.. is no big deal
as long as you are ever ready to get out of dodge.

I liked the character and the crisis of conscience stuff
you wnet through. I wish I had had more time to sit around
and b.s. with Aryze.

Best of luck with your next.
42380, RE: Going to miss ya.
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry if I grated on you sometimes...but I am sure you can understand. Imagine thinking that your soul is with some demon/devil thing....along with a bunch of others. You might be freaking out...haha.

I did like running around with you, and I almost didn't delete because I Wanted to talk to you some more, but Aryze was done. I was tired of it. Oh well, I am always bored, so you know what that means ^_^
42393, I understand.
Posted by Feichin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both the choice to delete, and the hysterics in the RP angle.
Feichin was fine with you, the grating was on me as a player.
:) hehe. I think it would have been intersting to continue
the talks and all, but I never really had time anyway. I was
'not now'-ing you almost constantly, that had to get irritating.

And if you are still bored, roll up a new one.
42461, RE: I understand.
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe, I already rolled up another char...its cool with the whole "not now" replies...I must get annoying with all the pestering, since my main focus is rping, and not killing or exploring or anything else. And about me being bored, I always am, unless I am doing like 10 things at once...hmm maybe thats why I suck at pk(theres a thought). Anyway see ya around, maybe.
42362, Hrm...
Posted by SPN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will post a reply when I can figure out how to not post with my regiestered handle.. with out having to log out because I no longer remember my password.
42361, Goodbye
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed to have problems with impale when counterraiding. We did assume that you had sense to slow yourself down afterwards. I hope that the advice about hit and run tactics helped some.

Did you manage to pull off retrievals against impalers better after that? My hit and run tactic was e;k captain;flee;flee;flee. If you used something like e;punch cap;flee;flee;flee, your survivability reduced signifigantly. I know this as I used to do e;butt cap;flee;flee;flee before not lagging myself so and just killing the captain. This is to hurt the captain and flee back to safety before the defenders can react, healing between the strikes. I've been a Tribunal defending against this, and this tactic was how Aesrira retrieved against three defenders who could harm her(much safer for a porc than a ram). I would have imagined that orangutan could pull it safer than ram too, and with only one defender, it was safe enough for ram(after I gave up butt-tactic).

We did have one proud moment in defense against Fendracorl and Whelan together, when I finally had ABS(I was loaded with ABS, most of which came from Spire and rest were a gift from other outtie). This was against Fendracorl, whom I surprised by dispelling his prep spells. The svirf was pretty well spell-enhanced, and losing his spells turned the fight for us.

And what comes to our little fight, which would have been a draw without ram resist. Fre expected you to flee in that, as he had no intention of doing so unless he was losing. Fre was evil after all. lemur kicking mongoose's ass was a nice notion, with shifter bites being undodgeable and all..

Good luck with your next!

42381, After that day...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I Don't think I died from an impale...though it usually took me out of commission for quite a while...Oh well, live and learn. I am taking a break from shifters for a bit I think and mess with other classes. BTW, I don't think Fre was that evil. Oh well, maybe I just wasn't seeing enough of you.
42383, RE: After that day...
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>BTW, I don't think Fre was that evil.

Fre was evil, but not very successful in it, as I don't see being evil as vital part of being felar(and as others than you have pointed out as well). This is probably why I am more successful with neutrals if the race isn't intrincically good or evil. Trevor was my only other non-neutral when I had a chance to be neutral-character. Neutrals just come more naturally to me than evils or goodies.

And yes, Fre was evil enough to kill you there(as you saw, I kept headbutting to the end as I saw that I was winning it, pretty much counted on ram resist on that one), but he wasn't quite evil enough to chase and hunt you down in the case you would have managed to flee.
42341, I never did get to bash you.
Posted by Whelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked how you brought chaos to this character. I never understood what you were saying fully, it was to all over the place which was perfect for a frantic, good, elf, outlander. I really enjoyed our talks, and having a "friend" in the enemy. I also enjoyed out battles. My favorite ones, one on one you grazing me to death and me missing, missing, missing and hitting you with a double thrust. Had fun, sorry to see you go. I was about to bash you when you stepped out, when we were saying good bye. Heh. see you around.
42347, RE: I never did get to bash you.
Posted by Aryze Amakiir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How many times do I have to tell you that...its impossible to bash a ready shifter!? Especially a lemur...with control translucence...I suppose I shouldnt be complaining..hehe you wasting your commands. Oh and if you did try to bash me that time, you still wouldn't get a chance too...I had a feeling you would...haha. Yeah and you trying to kill me all the time...fun times. I learned to love the lemur...a lot, especially when I usually was fighting multiple people at a time. In any case, good luck.
42340, Well well...
Posted by Harkan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My failed apprentice.... I wish you had made some diferent choices. I think you would have liked going agaisnt the grain, instead of playing the cookie cutter goodie. I took particular enjoyment when you were sitting and talking, while your cabal enemies were raiding. I had someone lined up so you could begin your work. (It was a challenge) Had you taken that last step, everything would have taken an interesting twist. I truly enjoyed our talks and felt that I showed you there is more to this place than just mindless killing and back and forth cabal, capture the flag.

I gave you some subtle hints about what was going on with my research. The bottle was one I dont think you ever fully comprehended. When I am dead and gone, I will reveal more. I was thinking two steps ahead from the time you took to the darkness of the deep. Things were falling into place and it was just getting interesting when you had a change of heart. Damn Innis and his super Charisma! He already has 3/4 of the the land as his followers!!

If it makes you feel better, I was hurt when you decided to go back to the sun. At that point you became dead to me and I had to treat you as an enemy. I did write you a nice poem though, hoping you might have a turn of heart. But alas....I slew you only to take back my gifts that I had wanted you to wear.

Wash that dirt out of your hair. You will be missed.

42349, RE: Well well...
Posted by Aryze Amakiir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A few things we need to set straight, eh?
First of all I didn't give a bloody damn of anything you bloody had to say you bleeding bastard....haha

Well, honestly I never did really LIE to you, but I never told you crap, I was decieving you, probably just as much as you were decieving me. I was trying to draw out information, and I pulled out when I thought if I go one step further, I Would be a horrible, evil person. Aryze was innocent in that way. But she did, like you, deep down, but she only admit it to a few people, and she was disgusted with herself for it(you probably saw that conflict, I am sure) She was just saying everything that she thought of importance to the fort. When you gave me that bottle, the first thing I Did was run to Innis going "LOOK!" and he told me a few things, and...I felt retarded, and then I broke the whole apprentice thing...Ironically enough, I didn't really want to break it, but when I Did I felt relieved like I just got out of a really bad relationship(hah!).

Well, if I think of more to babble about, I will definately.
42350, I love the role entries in your PBF n/t
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
42354, I knew I forgot something....
Posted by Aryze Amakiir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is my second goodie...and honestly I think I suck at them...I should stick with my neutrals who just dont give a damn...always fun. And also, my favorite cabal is heralds because...well I dont have to be a good pker ^_^...so yeah, I know cf is more than just...well back and forth(and to tell you the truth, what is a point of a cabal when you never can use its powers...) Well crap happens I suppose, if you do what to babble to me for whatever reason feel free to hit me up on aim(its on officials if you really care)
42334, RE: Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Ornerne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, you have no idea how hard I was trying to get a flag placed on that elf. The elf wasn't there when I started, I was alone. Then, you showed up, and shortly after so did that elf. I had no intention of raiding with him. That damned lemur! I don't know how many times I've said that to myself, It is soo damned frustrating... But one or two hits is all I seemed to need to land before you were hurting. I will miss you, for one, I need some damned enemies, heh. But two, it was always fun talking, fighting, giving you letters. Haha. Anyway, good luck to you.

42348, RE: Aryze Amakir: Dead, gone and deleted
Posted by Aryze Amakiir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah, for some reason getting hit from you hurt...a lot, and I usually had 800-900 hp fighting(I know I could get better, but I am just that damn lazy)...but yeah, and then I tried using aura and shield, and it still didn't do a damn thing(or at least a thing that I noticed...) I am sorry I have to deprive you of enemies...I needed some friends against the Spire(the Fort tended to be cool with me, most of the time, so that made life easier, not much though)...Oh well, see ya around.
42358, Hey
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didnt git to see much of you, but damned you were always the one to come raid the spire, and I think I hit one impale on you all the times you did raid. Damded Lemur. I didnt mark the elf, because I wasnt there to see it. Sorry, good character, good defender for sure.

42382, I wasn't angry about that...
Posted by Aryze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no problem with anything the Spire did that day(at least not a major problem)...in fact Aryze was kind of happy about it...it was just well, the elf more than anything.

Good fights anyway.