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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Rtisork the Legend of the Battlefield
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42025, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Rtisork the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Oct 13 23:32:57 2005

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Rtisork perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
42056, Damnit
Posted by Iasolar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to you being one of the true forces in the Village as I still have plans for making major moves on some other Cabals, but for now I will have to leave that for when I die.
Anyways, I enjoyed our interaction and I hate to see this as it has become an ongoing thing with the Village lately for most to get bored and delete. Sucks for me being the Village lover I am and I wish there was something more I could do to hold more of you up to your word when you are applicants, but oh well, great character and luck on the next... come back to the Village and make better choices on the second spec. har!
42042, Forgot again...dam it
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh.. well..
was fun having you around.. dont think we interacted that much
but I knew you hit like a truck.. so

Well.. have fun with the next one...
42050, Sorry mate
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a hard time remembering people that have hide. Didn't see too much of you, though from what I saw you were a solid character all around. At the time, I bristled from getting advice from you in the Rites, but I probably wouldn't have challenged Thrym (or however it happened) if you hadn't pestered me.
42033, Off the top of my head
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kind of messed up on my second spec choice. Mainly, the problem is that with 10k Fortress right now there aren't any foes for the Village. There were plenty of Maran to fight, but as a rager you can't really initiate any fights against Maran unless they're a spellcaster or they've very recently attacked you. At least, that's how I understand it.

So, goodbyes (mostly from the later part of my life):

Gerylanst: You were cool! I see now that I probably helped my induction a bit by choosing Acaga as my favorite rager. ;)

Imms: Thanks for letting me take part in the Drillmaster Rites, in a small way. I had logged on not knowing they were going on.

Dargmart: You were cool, what happened?

Khazun: Ranking with you back in the 20s, I would have never imagined you would become the beast you seemed.

Bruck: I was a little too soft on you, hehe.

Kev: Clever guy, and I really appreciate that one comment you made to me.

Surt: You seem neat; good luck!

Iasolar: You're doing an excellent job from what I can see.

Dolza: You seem a little new, but up to the challenge. Hope this turns out well for you.

Ornerne: Seem very deserving of the Vindicator position. If not for deathfulness, at least intent ;) Hard for a Trib warrior to face a rager, so nothing but respect for you. Good luck!

Ulothyre: You schooled me so bad every time :(

I tried to record every pk win and loss I had. I'll reply with them. May be some mistakes, and obviously my interpretation of it will be biased.

42036, RE: Off the top of my head
Posted by Faltarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Kind of messed up on my second spec choice. Mainly, the
>problem is that with 10k Fortress right now there aren't any
>foes for the Village. There were plenty of Maran to fight,
>but as a rager you can't really initiate any fights against
>Maran unless they're a spellcaster or they've very recently
>attacked you.

May be it is because you run a lot from fight? :)
42038, That doesn't really follow...
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll admit that you schooled me. Not much I could think to do against a pimped-out storm giant with no-disarm swords. So, if that's all you're looking for with your comment, there you go. As a rager, though, I'm not going to stick around in certain-death fights against people that aren't mages.

Your comment doesn't make any sense to me if said in response to what I wrote originally.
42047, sorry...
Posted by Faltarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'll admit that you schooled me. Not much I could think to
>do against a pimped-out storm giant with no-disarm swords.
>So, if that's all you're looking for with your comment, there
>you go. As a rager, though, I'm not going to stick around in
>certain-death fights against people that aren't mages.
>Your comment doesn't make any sense to me if said in response
>to what I wrote originally.

For me neither. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was in bad mud or it was really bad joke. :(
42037, The PK list
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Obviously, an asterisk indicates that I died.

15...Storm Paladin..."#### you and your OOC friends" This is after I attack him, a thief attacks him, I flee, bash the thief, both get away. I hunt him down and kill him. Deletes.
15...Killed AP1 in Hamsah when he and AP2 were attacking a storm giant. Whiney bitch.
15...Killed AP2. Not a bitch.
15...Killed a necro on Eastern that tried to sleep me in front of Gery.
15...Killed AP2 again, he attacked me? Wanted a rematch.
*15....Die to the poison from Weaver of Doom on a pimped-out arial warrior.
16...level 16 mino Shaman Empire...kill while he attacks Outer at Village..."Be glad of it. Will be you last chance for a coward kill."
20...level 24 cloud druid (Torose) attacks me, I kill him, he says was a good fight.
*20...Sylus (17 Fire Warrior) and (invisible empire healer) attack me, I run! Die to them later.
20...Bash Brenhaid (21 h-elf inv) to death in Galadon. He was killing Len, I gave enough time to escape I think though. Only took potion and gold.
21...Kill Maztriel (20 arial inv) while he's with a group in Akan. Logged on there. Cheap-ass kill. Could hurt one other in group. Only took coins.
21...Kill Zoel (29 h-elf shf) in Galadon. Bash him down, he's pleasant about it all..take coins.
24...Kill Morken (31 hum ass) really lucky by me...he spends half time after fight telling me I'm making him delete, other half telling me "I want a rematch and if I win I get all my eq back" (his groupmate and my groupmates took all but coins and whip that I got).
25...Duel Ejel (25 cloud polearm) he forgets to flee and I kill him. He deletes?!?!
25...Bash Maztriel (24 h-elf inv) as he practices spells in Aturi...Take nothing, not even coins.
25...Kill Mandragore (19 fire A-P) as he thinks he's being clever in Galadon. He is sweet loot...I get none of it because it's in Galadon.
25...Kill Halindun (26 hum shf) with Hyolinar in my group. Halindun is with another shifter and ranger, all in pk.
25...Zilvvyrae (21 drow ass) attacks me at 50% in Seantryn with a Frostbrand sword. I kill him in three hits. Wanted to "test" me, to see if Ragers were any good. Yay...happy interaction!
27...Bash Nalyo (36 hum shf) to death out of form in Galadon.
27...Duel Frerren (24 fel war) in Ordasen's shrine. I win against the rhyming spear spec.
27...Kill Mandrex (31 fel ass) in front of Gery in a duel the assassin challenged me to.

Inducted at approx 48 hours.

*29...Killed by Rovunno, Arigark, Drashik even though there was a treaty Empire-Battle.
31...Bash Shyu (36 h-elf shf) to death while he buys pies in Galadon. Take nothing other than poncho. I like Shyu!
*31...Killed by Ulak, Palang, and Mizzarah as I try to retrieve against Scion.
*31...See above, haha. Not trying to retrieve, but still no Head.
*31...Above plus Hacke, damnit, so close to killing Mizzarah that time!!! Had Head.
31...Kill Zeirk (30 storm polearm) after he attacks me a few times. Destroyed magic, he was pleasant about it.
31...Kill Maelil (32 hum necro) after he tries to sleep me (spellbane + 1 round) I take poncho and circlet. Destroy wand and potion. Eastern Road Patrol!!!!
32...Kill Cculadms (35 drow thief Scion) after he jumps me. Take nothing.
32...Kill Griffiths (30 storm paladin) in Voralian after he attacks me. Zehh (my groupmate) keeps jumping in after he flees, so I smack him around too. Take nothing.
33...Kill Vicuric (37 hum nec Trib) in Galadon. He's looted by everyone.
*33...Killed by Boilard (40 hum sham) and Sidison (37? ? conj Trib) after being summoned into the locked room in Galadon. I hate those ####ing rooms more than anything.
33...Kill Vicuric (37 hum nec Trib) on Eastern. Take nothing.
*33...Die to Vicuric's crimson scourge a few ticks later.
*33...Killed by Boilard (40 hum sham Scion?), Kazul (36 hum war Scion?), and Brozak (41 hum tra Scion) as they raid for Scepter. Ragers get my things.
33...Kill Ixullathan (33 gnome shf Trib) on Eastern. He was with Ornerne.
33...Kill Ornerne (29 min polearm Trib) on Eastern. He was with Ixullathan. Bashed Ixullathan in the fight? WTF? He messed up, was meant to bash me. Gave him back his bardiche.
*33...Killed linkdead by Kareena (some ranger) in Battlefields.
33...Kill Sidison (35 hum conj Trib). Ahhhhh....I so wanted to full-sac this ####-talking mofo. Didn't take anything.
33...Kill Ixullathan (33 gnome shf Trib) in Seantryn (on duty) out of form. Take mithril girth and coins.
34...Kill Kairon (35 hum war Trib) on Eastern after he attacks.
34...Kill Ixullathan (42 gnome shf Trib) in Galadon (on duty) out of form. Already wanted. Looters take all.
*34...Killed by Ornerne (36 min polearm Trib) and Ixullathan in Galadon (plus guards!!!!!!!!1)
34...Kill Ornerne (36 min polearm Trib) after he comes to Village for me. I like this guy! Some thief took his things, mostly.
34...Kill Marek (43 arial inv) as he raids the Village with Ortelot (39 drow trans). Scions?
*34...Killed by Cculadms (36 drow thief Scion), Arghok (31 fire axe), Dezelekaya (33 w-elf healer), and Zortug (33 fire ap) as they retrieve Sceptre.
*34...Killed by Arghok, Zortug, and Dezelekaya after I launch myself at their ranking group. Very close to killing Zortug.
*34...Killed by Beka (35 duerg sham) while trying to retrieve from Empire.
34...Kill Khrob (28 fire war Imp) after I attack Empire. Impressed by him though he did claim he 'lost his mind' at the end. Some little #### paladin was around looting things.
*42...Killed by Marek (51 inv Scion).
*42...Killed by Trulinta (51 hum shf) while trying to regear.
*44...Killed by Gondrak and Zilopza (both 51 Scion war/heal) while they raid the Village. They take nothing.
*45...Killed by Marek (51 inv Scion) while ranking. Improved invis :(
*47...Killed by Harkan (51 hum shf). Ouch.
47...Kill Raentil (50 hum conj) with Aladar while he was with 2 other Fortressites.
*48...Killed by Faltarn and Levan (hero war/48 sham Fort) after they swear I'd get a fair duel with Faltarn and Levan jumps in. I was getting owned by Faltarn by himself anyway.
*50...Killed by Zilopza and Marek while ranking. Not quite a full loot, but Zilopza needed all of it, so all good.
*50...Killed by Zilopza and Marek while defending the Village. Didn't have anything new, so nothing lost.
*51...Killed by Forsk (51 dwarf pal) while half-dead in a magic nexus in Chessmaster's.
*51...Killed by Trulinta while re-equipping on midnight dragon.
51...Kill Trulinta with Bruckeldim and Aladar while she tries to retrieve alone.
51...Kill Cuucqa (51 min war Emp) on his way to retrieve.
51...Kill Ornerne (50 min Trib) after he challenges me to a duel (I'm Wanted.) I take nothing except to destroy 2 potions, a pill, and a ruby collar. Deathblow is over-powered.
51...Kill Hogne (51? gnome druid Trib) when he attacks me in Galadon while I'm after Zilopza, then Falun.
51...Kill Ymaven (49 hum conj) after he comes to a duel with no weapon wielded. Take poncho only and then leave as Hrugald attacks me.
42039, I'm curious how you compiled this....
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a notepad that was open and you tacked on stuff after each kill, or something automatic and then you filled in comments?
42040, Just notepad file that I added on after every PK (that I remembered). nt
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
42046, Too bad. I'd love something auto that I could comment on later... nt
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
42053, Sounds really hard to make.
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have any idea how one would make such a thing. I plan on making a similar list for future characters, but I don't really kill enough to bother with it.

One thing that I'm planning to add next character is a date/time for each PK.
42041, I was continually frustrated by you.
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

After I finally spammed & ranked to shields I was gunning for you and was continually disappointed when you were never anywhere near my range. Anyway you made a good pain in the ass lowbie rager during my lifetime, so much so that I enlisted as many people as I could to kill you as I could whenever I could - and most of the time it was you killing them rather than the other way around. A tough blow for the village and I'm sure they'll miss you.

Good luck on your next!
42052, Maz
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, so do I have you to thank for those three beat-downs I got that night at level 31?

Having killed the former Chancellor (twice!) was a huge badge of pride for Rtisork. Of course....any idiot can kill a 20s invoker as a fire giant warrior while they're ranking or spamming spells, but nobody had to know about that ;)
42055, Yep. You do have me to thank for that.
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

As I recall, I promised and delivered lots of shinies for your head that night.
42044, Nice fight
Posted by Frerren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember our duel being an excellent fight all around. Really close, then you hammered away at me a few times with those nasty flails, and it was all over. Great to have a nice duel like that.
42051, I wasn't expecting it to be that close!
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank god for those flaming bite flails, I don't think I'd have won without them. I had really expected it to be a lot easier to kill you. I looked, but I don't think I have a log of it.

I was hoping to see more of Frerren, but them's the shakes.
42049, Hehe, the over-powered death blow comment...
Posted by Ornerne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone delivers a blow of deadly force!
Someone's wrath <<< ERADICATES >>> you!
That really did HURT!

Yowza! Yeah, that spun me for a loop in that fight, but you would have won without it, so it doesn't really matter.

Heh, just thought I'd throw that out there.
42032, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Rtisork the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Harkan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tough villager. Would like liked to interact more but was a bit limited for time when you were about. Your foes all respected your ability to mix it up though (from the times you were mentioned while I talked to people.) Think we only had a few fights, I usually didnt stick around when you were near. Take care.
42034, Nah, you kicked my ass good.
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hahah, you really kicked my ass that one time. It was hard to tell which one you were when the Zoo was about, so I can't recall some of the other times.
42029, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Rtisork the Legend of the Battle...
Posted by Ornerne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, I didn't see this coming. You whooped me so bad, heh. I was looking for revenge atleast once! You were tough. Anyway, later.
42035, I sure did!
Posted by Rtisork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really impressed (or maybe confused?) by the way you kept challenging me. It seems to have paid off though. Good luck!