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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Aurilinius the Dirgeful Dilettante, Imperial Blade
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41825, (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Aurilinius the Dirgeful Dilettante, Imperial Blade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Oct 3 15:39:33 2005

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Aurilinius perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
42614, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Aurilinius the Dirgeful Dilettante, Imperial Blade
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you alot, more to come when I croak.
42396, Seriously, Grurk, Grow up (And other goodbyes)
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll just start by saying that I rolled up Aurilinius origionally to check out all the songs that I got put into the game, I think I had the most, as Rustanviel. I will also say that it is one of the great travesties of the world that Aurilinius became War Master and Kardok didn't.

Sorry for the long time it took for a post here, after a couple things that went on in Carrion, I just really had no desire to really even look at the web site or have anything to do with carrion at all. For any who may hold it in question. I did not rage delete. I can handle getting bashed to death by five Fortress people within seconds of logging on. I can handle dying when raiding naked against the fortress. What could I could not handle was right after taking two such defeats, Grurk getting in my face about it. I mean seriously, demoting me twice after I deleted so it would not show up on my graveyard, just because I deleted too fast for you to demote me? That has to be the most childish thing I've ever seen. That's like kids playing at the school yard, and one of them taking his ball and going home (me) and you go to his house, and shoot his dog. To be honest, I wasn't really mad that you wanted to get rid of me, as the fun left the character once the Empire became only about ganking down everything that moves with as big of an army as could be massed. You wrecked some very fine characters though, in the Dread Lord. To be 100% honest, this is the first time I have so much as looked at this web site since I deleted, do to losing all interest in this game. Seriously, Grurk, when you look at yourself in the mirror, I hope you see the chicken #### that you are. I'm sure you won't respond, because that's what cowards with an undefensible position do, but it's your world man. I'm not even mad about the fact that I was about to be demoted, as I saw it coming. But with all those other characters you ####ed up, at what point do the other Imms come in behind the scenes, 'Seriously man, you screwed the pooch on this one.' I'm still shocked that a person could ever be such a coward as to demote someone after they deleted.

As for goodbyes, I've been out of the loop for a while, so I'll try and remember them, if I can. There were three stages to Aurilinius' life, about 100 hours each.
1.Unattached- I had friends in literally every cabal out there, until I decided to make a power grab.

2.Underdog- I made some of the most impressive raids I can ever imagine as an underdog, including raiding Outlander against Kazren, a panther, and an ranger, killing two of them and getting back the Codex, all with them staying chamo'd, and me not knowing they were there. In that situation, I'd guess I die 85% of the time, survive maybe 14% and win 1% of the time. I raided against five Fortress people in my pk range once, taking back the Codex once. And Rowan and I defended against up to seven people for an hour and a half, with me racking up 13 kills, and him 2.

3.Horde- I had trouble making the transition from Underdog into Horde member. When Grurk ordered me to Anathema any two Imperials, I came up with a good plan. I was going to make people fight, and Anathema the loser, but I was never able to bring the plan into effect.

After all this time, I'm seriously having a lot of trouble remembering names, but I'll do my best
When I joined Empire, there were five hero paladins running around at least, 2 with Defiance, 2 with Humansunder, and 1 with Bal'Talon. At one point, all five were logged on at the same time. Ouch!

Limnoreia- You played a great Acolyte, sometimes, I could not believe how easily you fell to me, and other times, I could not believe how hard you were. Once, you resisted 27 sleep songs in a row, and completely resisted 3 fiends in a row. Other times, I would hit 10 songs on you and kill you.

Leeyantra- You were tough as hell.

Other elf paladin that could perma-lag me- Holy #### was I scared of you. I showed up to fight you a lot, but when you lagged me seven rounds that one time without me getting a command off and damned near killing me from 100% health through a bunch of preps, I was like, hell with that.

Forsk- I really liked you too, you make my head big as a player, along with all the other people that kept telling me that I should be Emperor.

Duergar High Priest who talked me into oathing
Thanks for causing all the fun man, this probably would have turned into an explore character if not for you.

Dulmisa-Liked it when you were around, thanks for helping me get my instrument back every time the Fortress sacced it.

Rowan- We were virtually unraidable, with the two of us. When we fought off those seven people for an hour and a half of constant battle, I wanted that to keep going on forever.

Srinlete and Khasotholas- I never did send you an email explaining what I said in Srinlete's goodbye post, but here goes. Srinlete got his position because another person was demoted for not following Khasotholas as an Imm. I felt that this was unfair, both to the player and to the character, and that it took away from the fun of the Empire, forcing people into a cookie cutter role. Now, I know that you are an excellent IMM, but really, you did not contribute to the Empire at all, in Aurilinius eyes, only to your religion. However, many people continued to drone your praised even while you were absent and did nothing. Aurilinius, as a Blade, felt that people should rely on their own strength and not give credit where it was not due, to you.

Yagharek- Thanks for giving me my shot. You were a beast, much like my last fire giant Imperial, Kardok. It is hard to excel as a bard with someone who does such great damage, but we did well together. If I had one complaint, it was that you did not allow people to prep before going into war. Pause that extra 1 hour, and let people prep before starting fighting. Often, we would meet in Galadon or Arkham, and run straight to the Fortress or Tree, and be fighting without a pause, and I was faced with the option of staying out of the fight and prep, or get in the fighting. I can think of three times that I died this way, and each time, they were good sets, and I had aura, shield, ,stone skin, protection, and haste, but never got the chance to use it. Not that I'm complaining though, I had lots of fun.

This has gotten very long, so I'll cut off here, knowing I missed many, many people, but know that I will respond to everyone who posts on my goodbye.
42397, And now, after finding out my PBF was paid for, I'm an ass, sorry Grurk
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyhow, all the same stuff, now apparently goes for Khasotholas
42401, RE: Seriously, Grurk, Grow up (And other goodbyes)
Posted by Eerolyin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved how you would come to the Inn and people would ask you to tell stories. I thought that you were a great character, and I really liked being around you at the Inn. I also had a lot of respect for you as Caitlyn. That one day when the gang got me like 3 times in a row right afer I'd unghost. After that I had so much more respect for you after you talked to me about things. Thanks for everything you did for me. Hope to meet you in the fields again.
42472, Yeah, the Inn was fun, until I got banned, heh
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pulled some pretty good impromptu stories out of my butt, I think, and enjoyed interacting with you all. I felt bad about us wiping Caitlyn out, that was kind of the beginning of the end for Aurilinius, when it started to be less fun.
42402, I'm mixed up.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice char. Impressive pk stats, especially as a bard, more especially because I seem to remember Empire as kinda weak when you were around most.

The thing I'm curious about tho is that it seems un-Khas-like to be petty enough to demote you twice after you'd already deleted. Khas, would I be wrong in assuming you maybe didn't know he deleted already?
42414, I knew he deleted
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pettiness had nothing to do with it. Geez people. It was a simple game mechanics reason. Nothing more to it.
42424, Yeah.
Posted by Eskelian2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought about that right after I posted. Hard-coded limits on who goes where. Anyway, still, I gave you the benefit of the doubt! :)
42425, I blame me!
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll have none of this evidence-free blaming of Grurk. Proper protocol involves blaming me for something when you clearly have no idea who is responsible, if anyone.

42474, You bastard! J/K
Posted by Auril-Parcimius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can joke about the whole thing now that I've had time to look at it more rationally.
42489, Yup.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No problem. Glad you took the time to read what people had to say about it.

For future reference, if you suspected Grurk treated you unfairly, you could have always:

1) Deal with it IC. This is probably best, and is always worth trying first.
2) Email or note Grurk and ask him. It's preferable that you don't do this much with active characters, however. As a recent example, we've had issue with a player persistently emailing a staff member to say his active character deserves bigger rewards, etc., which isn't looked at favorably. But if the character is gone, or you're asking for a clarification, no harm asking privately.
3) Use our forums (individual imm forums or AskAnImm) and ask, assuming it's not about an active character, or can be asked in a general way. A general topic of "do people get punished for deletions" probably would have answered your questions, or you could have even phrased your initial accusation as a question. "I felt like X was done. Is this accurate?"

42412, Nope, not me..
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As you found out.

You were knowledgeable and decent War Master.

Someday though, we'll get an Imperial leader who isn't a creampuff
when it comes to handing out promotions.

42471, Sorry about that... txt
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Often times, a persons first reaction is not the correct one, and going by how it was you who was going to Anathema/Demote me, I figured it was you. It kind of came off right off the bat that since you couldn't get me before I deleted, I figured you came after me after. As for the Anathema/Demotion I was about to take from you, I completely understood, and probably would have done the same thing to myself in your position. Anyway, when one makes a mistake, all that one can do is apologize. I really think the Empire will be far better off having a watchful hand, and some Immteraction.
42413, Don't blame Grurk!
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I demoted you after you deleted. The reasons are not even close to what you believe them to be. I'm glad you really went after Grurk because he's a 'coward with an undefensible position', but don't you think you should actually be right when you do that?

I'm not sure why you think someone demoted you after you deleted, but seriously, it had nothing to do with bitterness, being vindictive, anything like that. I don't work like that.

Now to respond to what you wrote about Srinlete and myself. I've never once demoted or punished anyone in the Empire in any way for not following Khasotholas. And I never will. Will I nudge mortals in certain directions? Sure. I think it's your cookie cutter argument which confuses me. What you had, for a period, was priests actually playing priests. And people who worshipped a religion which attracts zealots actually being zealots. You had people using their positions in the Empire to further their own success, and that of their God. The Imperials in power were putting like minded Imperials around them in power. Maybe you were on the outside looking in, but geez, think about it, and why it makes sense. To me, that wasn't cookie cutter at all. It was an interesting development, one far too rarely seen in my opinion.
42849, Just thought I'd add...
Posted by Srinlete on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe its not done commonly enough to make it feel acceptable, but this is how I imagine any evil priest acting (if he can get away with it).

Being an evil healer is never easy, since they're a 'giving' class. My target was to take as much as possible without crippling the Empire. The pressures you felt were just the result of me succeeding. I swear, another week or two and I'd have deposed Yagharek (unfortunately against your will :D ). Of course, It was more likely Dulmisa would back stab me. But there's nothing like going out with a bang, if only I had the time to play.

42417, Aurilinius
Posted by Arminas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had complete respect for the character. You were clever and cunning in your tactics and almost half the time caught me off guard. Thank god you couldn't nail me with a sleep to save your hide, but then again I could hardly do any harm to you. I was there the day that you and Rowan held out against all of us and I have to admit, that was just a great showing by the two of you. I have never in all my years playing seen a pai of people hold off that many and kill as many as you two did. Well done. Sorry to see you end this way, but having been in a similar position on occassion, it's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

Luck with your next if you find it in you.

42473, RE: Aurilinius
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was about 50-50 in regards to Arminas. Some things about him were stellar, and I was very impressed with, but the fact that I have never come across anyone who was so willing to compromise his ideals to land a pk. You came after me with Paladins, Conjurers, Dwarves, people with Nightwalkers, many, many times. I only had to assume there was some odd roleplay reason for you to be with your enemies, because it happened enough that the imms would have punished it if it weren't alright. Our one on ones were a blast though, good lucke with the next, or current, or whatever.
42481, Compromise
Posted by Arminas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will concede that the majority of the time when the fight was headed your way I was after you, but you also didn't get to see it from my perspective. I never came with dwarves. I was usually fighting the conjies pets as I was fighting you and/or Rowan. (Owch.) It honestly was just weird timing. Myself and Kazren/various others coming for your codex same time a gaggle of forties came at you. I was in healing sleep at one point and heard Maztriel had just arrived.. Thought to myself 'Great, not enough that this bard is harder to dislodge than a badger backed into a corner, but now the scions are going to pound me into elf pulp.' only to have Maztriel shield me while still in healing sleep. Don't even ask me why, I was never told. Only glad I got out with my hide. I admittedly at times walked a hair thin line in some situations and as Kazren said a while ago in his goodbyes, I took my share of cranial shots for it.

As for our one on ones, chasing one another around, I could not have put it better. Even Grogogh wasn't nearly as much fun as you and I liked pestering him just as much.

Anyhow, all I said before stands. You're all class.

42435, RE: Seriously, Grurk, Grow up (And other goodbyes)
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would wager it has to do with there being a limited number of elite blade positions. Khaso deleted you down to clear the position.
42440, I forgot to add, it is Valguarnera's fault.
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why is it with a name like Valguanera you are considered a woman, but I go with Meakanera and everyone thought I was a man?
42442, I blame Twist.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He started with the girly-name jokes from before my first day as an imm. They haven't let up since! *fistshake*

In my pre-imm interview:
Balgrimnr says 'did anyone see you disappear in a mushroom cloud?'
You say 'I doubt it.'
Balgrimnr says 'then I can put you somewhere and you can just word and run like a girl to the Tower :P'

After being put back, I go raise some undead:
An Immortal tells you 'you aren't running like a girl, dammit'

42448, Nothing for the dark-elf that drove you so crazy?
Posted by Azakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with the imm's on one thing, I HATED your description.
I remember ranking up with you on Azakard, you seemed to have a good head on your shoulders and usually you had a pretty effective PK plan.
Good job, and good luck.
42475, RE: Nothing for the dark-elf that drove you so crazy?
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one tough cookie for a bard to try and fight. Well roleplayed, and a tough fighter. As for me saying I had preps to take care of myself if you hurled throat/entwined, well, that was not entirely correct. And when I say not entirely correct, I basically mean not at all. I was the War Master though, and couldn't go around admitting that I was not a match for someone in a fight, heh. Well played
42476, Oh, and about the description
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish someone would have mocked me in the way of saying
"You look funny."
"Your looks leave something to be desired."
or anything. I was in a group when I hit eleven, and did a quick fix with the intention of correcting later, but it completely slipped my mind for a long, long time. Anyway, to anyone who the bad description bothered, sorry.
41873, Stylish character. Nice job. (nt)
Posted by Dhurin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
42525, RE: Stylish character. Nice job. (nt)
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, yourself as well. Don't you hate it when you roll a character, only to find out everyone else had the same idea at the same time? Like the million dwarves that were running around for a while, (And maybe still are)
41838, Farewell to the true Emperor of that age
Posted by Caek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You was the true Emperor for me. Witty, brave, cruel and elegant style as the bard should be. I loved our battles since you wasnt an imperial to the WarMaster. Pity politics often leaves the inspired behind. You should have been the Emperor. Good luck with the next.
42523, RE: Farewell to the true Emperor of that age
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kind of got caught up in everything else and never responded to you. I must say, kudos on a well played character. There were so many paladins running around in Aurilinius' life that it very few were able to distinguish themselves as anything special, which you managed to do. We had some great fights, and you were always making that futile attempt to bring me to the light, and I was always mocking it, which, I thought was great RP by you that set me up to respond with similarly great RP. Anyway, good luck with anything you go on to try, I still haven't gotten back into Carrion yet, since Aurilinius' death, but who knows, the bug always seems to bring me back, even after nine years, or however long its been. Though that sounds really sad to say I've been playing this game for nine years.
41832, I can't believe you never anathema'd me
Posted by Vehkrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I screwed up each and every question you threw at me when it came to promotion time. It was probabaly pretty painfully obvious it was my first imperial run. Either way, you seemed cool at times. I'm pretty sure I woulda demoted or anathema'd me though. ;)
42524, Your probably right
Posted by Aurilinius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I recall though, you were a Bloodoath at the time, and I couldn't demote you without Anathema'ing. I did ask who gave you the Oath though, as I recall, and I was going to get them good, but I don't think I ever saw them again, but I could be wrong. Ciao
41829, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Aurilinius the Dirgeful Dilettante, Imperial Blade
Posted by Forsk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You didnt seem like the rage delete type, kinda sad to see you go. We had some insane number of fights. I remember you all the way back when you were solo raiding and I was in my 30s and you telling me about what I would face if I leveled up. Well atleast you were kidding, we had some bitter bitter fights. You were in on a lot of my deaths, I was in on more than a few of yours. As an in game character Forsk hated you with a passion but had a lot of respect for you. As a player I got nothin but love for ya man. You took a bard and truly made him shine, outside of the pack mentality that seems to be runing empire right now. Good luck with what ever you play next.
