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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=41764
41764, Deleted
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No way I was going to get 5 mages with Brumm.

Ah well. Would have been fun. Was fun, but 5 con gone at 32, just too much to think about.

I had three kills. An 11th level shifter a 27 Duergar AP, and a 29(?) Arial war.

I;ve been drinking so I'm not thinking strait.

He was a fun character, but I kept expecting to get unempowered as soon as I managed to catch a good mage off guard.

Feichin This doesn't let you off the hook! =) You were a stand up character. I know who you are though so don't screw this up!

Ordasen, thanks for the empowerement and letting me use Detect invis, bless and protection. Was frustrating as hell with out them.

Kastellyn That was fun. I threw up a prayer once thinking you had deleted because you weren't on the Wizlist. (That needs another name so it's eazier to referto IC)

Innis sorry about that. I was just trying to be grumpy and hard headed.

All you good mages. Even the ones that didn't listen to me. I wasn't just paying lip service to converting you. I was giving you more than what was required of me (At least I felt I was) before setting into you.

Ulothyre. I personally, as the player was upset by that incident. That felt so OOC to me that I know it showed in how I dealt with you. But even as a Dwarf it was valid RP. Still think you are a Good character though.

Maeveh, good fights. Those two kills you got on me were me trying to figure out Templars Defense. I logged off and set up some aliases then went and found a buddy to test them out on. After that, you weren't able to kill me, but you could still send me packing. Protection from Evil helped too!

Praminthel. Again good fights. That Call lightning that got me sucked! I laughed when you accidently hit Tyril though. You must have been fighting him and that saved me. I didn't think you were able to cast it again so soon. *mutter* That was cool as hell to see you get inducted mid fight though. I hate you as a player though, as I think I know who you are.

Kishi... If you are who I think Pramenthial is... I hate you instead.

Trajaka... I knew you'd jump in. I knew it! And I don't want to hear anything about Bearcharge not working.

Loiterer. Sorry about that in the Underdark. I really was thinking I had seen you in Darsylon. Daggerspecs are deadly to almost everyone, but a to hander is screeeeeewed.


Plague and blindness last way to long. They can accomplish so much in a half or even a third of their duration.

Conjurers... Way over powered good and evil. I;ve played them before, and I think that from both ends.

A certain Paladin laughing and carryig on with a Necromancer as well as insulting me and acting generally rude to me from the Second rank on. I had a Tribunal Paladin and was given a not so subtle warning early on for just being in the presence of evil. If I was running a risk of being unempowered, I can't see how you aren't mopping the floors as an unempowered janitor.

Anyway, I've tied a few on tonight after watching Serenity and I've been toying with another character concept that wasn't so much like pulling teeth.

Thanks again to those who were active with me. Had a good time.

Brumm Burlybeard
41845, Ah well
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun seeing someone trying something outside of the box, however you knew from day one it was going to be a hard as hell road to walk. You had to balance the paladin code, along with the Ragers code and try not to get squished between the two.

You were doing well with trying to convert those "goodie" mages from their evil ways..and you had one almost read to give up magic. As for the 5 mage kills...well yeah. You are on a hard road...a paladin rager. Killing 5 mages is actually the least of the hardships you were/would have to face. You only had three (I think) more to go and you had a solid rp.

Now I will do something that I know you will just hate..but you were about to get some more skills :P At least some of those paladin templar skills that did not require communing. All in all, a good run and I hope you had fun. Good luck with your next char.

41848, Huh? 3??
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought I had 4 still. And that took me a week to get me one kill.

I was having a good time, but it was hard to tell if I was doing well.

I got sloppy in the end there and ate two deaths in side of 10 minutes and in the state of mind I was in... Damn.

Skillz huh? Yeah, that's a pisser. I'll try again someday. I;ve got a couple of angles on this.

Anyway thanks for letting me try and giving me the chance. I appreciate that.
41812, RE: Deleted
Posted by Praminthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Truly sorry to see you go. Stand up guy that always would fight even. One of the characters I looked forward to seeing when I got on because from what I seen, you played a dwarf well. I think you got me once too, so add another kill in there. Good luck with the new one.
41803, I just have to say this.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Based on all the feedback I have to say I'm supprised at how possitive it has been from the players.

Soething that bothered me about the Character was this. Aside from the need to get the 5 mages, I was more than a little concerned that I would be booted out latter on for not getting any more. I know people get kicked for this, and I was struggling hard with no reliable lags.

I guess I don't have to feel rich, but I do have to feel succesfull.

Apparently I was doing better than I thought and I've let some of you down. I'm sorry for that.

Best of luck!
41798, No love?
Posted by Talminoch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed interacting with your character quite a bit. Early on, we'd grouped up and were waiting around in the sewers and I made the mistake of quaffing a flight potion in front of you. You promptly left the group and proceded to chastise me for using magic. I asked about your beliefs, and being a bullheaded stupid giant, didn't let you get a word in edgewise even while you tried to answer me. Simply put, we didn't get along. Then you asked me to come help you in Hamsah when you were dying. I was grouped with your favorite conjurer, Ymanevin, and dropped everything I was doing to get there in time. After that, things between us settled into a mutual agreement that we didn't see eye to eye about magic, but that I was more than understanding of the path you'd chosen. I had hoped you'd pull through with the character, and I know the odds you were facing were certainly not in your favor. For what it's worth, Brumm was a good, solid character. Best of luck with the next.
41802, You weren't so bad at all.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like you a lot even when you did that potion thing. I knew you could be counted on, and I think you portray a solid Paladin as well.

Heck I gotta be honest, I didn't remember the potion thing until just now. It happens so much after all!

Keep on truckin.
41789, RE: Deleted
Posted by Forsk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked this char, I didnt have much interaction with you other than random conversations around town in guild or just out and about. But you were trying to do somethin that I felt was truly unique as a paladin, I had hoped to see where you were going with this. Anyway good char good interactions and good luck with next.

41787, Now ya done pissed me off!
Posted by Feichin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If certain events happened you would always be there eh?
Now much of our talks was an evolving role thing, but some of it was that I just had to cut for a guy who was doing a battle pally.
Damn you for deleting.
I mean really, I saw this long drawn out roleplay thing going on after we were a bit older that could have been truly epic.

Gah! I can't even talk about how pissed I am and why.
Okay here's some advice, next time you want to try a very
difficult style of character to play, play until you can't
BEG anymore con form an immortal. Trudge on man!
I HATE when people reactivate after posting a deletion thread but in this case I say get your dwarven arse back in there if you have any means of doing so!

If you don't then, I'd like to tell you about some behind the scenes things. I guess that can wait though. Don't let me forget.

And lip service??? Tsk Tsk. You should have been trying harder to convert them. :)

Until your next character be well you quitter. :) (Semi-joking).
41788, I wasn't paying lip service.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was giving an honest effort to talk to people.

Yeah I left you hanging. Sorry man, but that doesn't mean you need e there to do what you want to do.

What do you mean beg for Con from Immortal? You can get more Con?


41791, only under certain circumstances.
Posted by Feichin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) I have only changed my character because of in game events, oh wait, I did delete a paladin over a diety deleting. Mostly though it takes conversations in game to get me to alter anything.

And yeah you can get con quests, but pretty much when you are getting really low. 5 con off a 25 con dwarf, isn't going to cut it. With the type of character you had and the way you played it, I'd have figured you ripe for it.

I'm going to have to create an email just for this character so I can keep you updated. Hell you deserve to know what is going on with him, right? Hahahaha Well, I'll figure something out, or remind me after I'm done in case I forget. It will be a while, even if I get trounced every day several times a day. You realize that Feichin would see you ending your own life as saying you must have been wrong?? I'm going to see if I can play that out another way though. Now who am I going to have those kinds of conversations with now? That was fun man.
You took what I told you of my history and then fed back your arguments in that light, to make it 'emotionally' hit home for the character you were speaking to. Ahhh.. better stop there, Heheh. Awesome job though.
41799, I'm already interacting with you.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll know! ;)
41785, Good Fights
Posted by Kishi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good fights going on there, with some ganking in between. I didn't really have much to talk about with you in character though. See you in the fields.
41790, About the time I got you at the Captain.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was pissed off. I thought you were just fighting the Captain and I spammed deflect to try to keep you in there.

I even muttered some words to the affect that I wasn't proud of that, hopping an Imm was watching and saw I made a mistake.

That Last tag team was the last straw. Probably something to do with the beer too.
41784, Boooo
Posted by Loiteous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always have admiration for people who try exceptionally tough chars, Paladin/Village was always going to be a tough one. I had an AP/Village long long ago and I image Paladin would be ever tougher with the Code to follow and balance with the rager philosophy.
Anyway it was good interacting with you...the underdark thing yeah I was tired already and you came out of nowhere and I got blinded fast I just reacted. If I had just a second or so more I would have fled. It did give all four of us a good chunk of RP though =0)

Good luck with the next
41783, Azerdi
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this was right after I was given my four communes.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl>
Azerdi has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> Ferdiad Lane

A scaly-fleshed devil with a bristly beard stands here.
A disturbance in the air ripples and waves before you.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> Ferdiad Lane

(Invis) (Translucent) Azerdi is here.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> Azerdi yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Brumm!'
Your shocking bite wounds Azerdi.
Azerdi has a few scratches.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl>
Your shocking bite MUTILATES Azerdi!
Your shocking bite decimates Azerdi!
Azerdi fades into existence.
You parry Azerdi's stinging lash.
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> sf
An air elemental has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by an air elemental!'
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> sf

Azerdi zaps you with an opal wand.
You feel yourself moving more slowly.
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> You bring a two-handed sword, 'Thunderbolt' up and
across at Azerdi, but fail to connect!
Your strike of faith misses Azerdi.
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl>
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
An air elemental gathers the wind into a wall of air.
Some debris flies into your eyes!
Someone's wall of wind MASSACRES you!
Someone parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite wounds someone.
Someone's stinging lash wounds you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<58%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> fl
Someone has arrived.
Someone gestures at you, uttering blasphemies.
You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<58%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl> fl

Someone's blast DISMEMBERS you!
Someone's blast DISMEMBERS you!
Your shocking bite mauls someone.
Your shocking bite misses someone.
Someone's stinging lash wounds you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<37%hp 100%m 98%mv 9083tnl>
You rub the debris out of your eyes.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness scratches you.
Azerdi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<37%hp 94%m 94%mv 9083tnl>
Azerdi stops using an opal wand.
Azerdi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<37%hp 94%m 94%mv 9083tnl>
Azerdi wears an iron tower shield bearing an inverted cross as a shield.
Azerdi is covered with bleeding wounds.

Ran off to hide. I’m guessing 36 is the level Conjurers begin scrying.
At any rat it’s pretty obvious who Azerdi is!

A few minutes later…..Found me!

You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness scratches you.

<94%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl>
You yell 'Die Azerdi, you wand using fool!'
You feel yourself moving more slowly.

<94%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> wa
You wake and stand up.

<94%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> #New word Azerdi added to tab completion list.
> > People near you:
(PK) Brumm A trampled trail in the foothills
(PK) Azerdi A trampled trail in the foothills

<94%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> Azerdi yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Brumm!'
Your shocking bite nearly breaks through Azerdi's blocking blow.
Azerdi has a few scratches.

<94%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl>
Azerdi parries your shocking bite.
Azerdi's stinging lash devastates you!
Azerdi's stinging lash mauls you.
Azerdi has a few scratches.

<86%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> hi
#Ok. {spi} aliases {templar high spin}.
#Ok. {sla} aliases {templar high slash}.
#Ok. {def} aliases {templar high deflect}.

You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by an air elemental!'
You parry an air elemental's blast.
Azerdi has a few scratches.

<86%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> h
Azerdi entangles your feet and sends you to the ground!
Azerdi's lash scratches you.
Azerdi has a few scratches.

<85%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> di
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
Your shocking bite decimates Azerdi!
Your shocking bite misses Azerdi.
Azerdi's stinging lash mauls you.
A faint pulse of blue light emanates from a knotted leather whip as Azerdi
Azerdi seethes with anger, and a low growl escapes his lips.
Azerdi has a few scratches.

<82%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> di

A bearded devil has arrived.
A bearded devil gestures at you, uttering blasphemies.
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
Your shocking bite mauls Azerdi.
Azerdi's stinging lash misses you.
Azerdi's stinging lash misses you.
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<63%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl>
Talminoch tells you 'What's yer plan?'
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<63%hp -17%m 3%mv 9083tnl> Stepping across, you block Azerdi's attack and
quickly smash his face with the hilt of your weapon.
Your shocking bite injures Azerdi.
Azerdi lashes at your feet with a knotted leather whip!
Azerdi's lash misses you.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness scratches you.
Azerdi slowly floats to the ground.
Azerdi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<63%hp -23%m 0%mv 9083tnl>
An air elemental's blast MASSACRES you!
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
An air elemental gathers the wind into a wall of air.
Some debris flies into your eyes!
Someone's wall of wind MASSACRES you!
Your shocking bite decimates someone!
Someone's stinging lash misses you.
Someone's stinging lash decimates you!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<30%hp -23%m 0%mv 9083tnl> sf
You bring something up and across at someone!
Your strike of faith EVISCERATES someone!
Completing your upper slash, you step forward and bring something down in an
opposite arc!
Your strike of purity maims someone!
Someone's blast DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone's blast DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite decimates someone!
Someone's stinging lash misses you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<12%hp -23%m 0%mv 9083tnl>
Someone lashes at your feet with something!
Someone's lash misses you.
Someone's blast DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite decimates someone!
You parry someone's stinging lash.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<2%hp -23%m 0%mv 9083tnl> sf

Someone turns to someone and weaves a sorcerous spell.
Someone is surrounded by a protective shield.
Someone's blast DISMEMBERS you!
You have been KILLED!!

After this I would hid in Generic rooms to recover.
41797, Question
Posted by Azerdi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ran off to hide. I’m guessing 36 is the level Conjurers begin scrying.
At any rat it’s pretty obvious who Azerdi is!

What is meant by this comment I don't really understand it.
41800, LEET.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's what I meant but I wasn't clear sorry.
41782, Nreddyk fight
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had been skirmishing with him off an on, he disappeared for bit and showed up prepped to the gills.
This was after Ordasen let me use Det Invis, Protection, Bless and Det Evil. I was using an iron two handed sword.

(PK) Nreddyk Along the Eastern Road
(PK)Brumm Along the Eastern Road

<85%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> They aren't here.

<85%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk has arrived.

<85%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> Nreddyk yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Brumm!'
Your slash devastates Nreddyk!
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk's slice EVISCERATES you!
You parry Nreddyk's slice.
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk knocks your slash harmlessly to the side.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> You do the best you can!
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> def

You dodge Nreddyk's slice.
Nreddyk's slice EVISCERATES you!
Nreddyk's slice devastates you!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<69%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> Stepping in, you push Nreddyk's weapon out, leaving
him open for a slash to his torso, but you miss!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<69%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<69%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> hi
Nreddyk's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Nreddyk's slice maims you!
Your slash maims Nreddyk!
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<57%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> hi

Nreddyk utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.
A ball of fire erupts from Nreddyk's hands, engulfing the area in flames.
Nreddyk's fireball injures you.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<55%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk's slice EVISCERATES you!
You parry Nreddyk's slice.
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<49%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> Stepping across, you block Nreddyk's attack and
quickly try to smash his mouth with the hilt of your weapon, but you miss!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<49%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> dis
Nreddyk sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Nreddyk's bash injures you.
Nreddyk has some small but disgusting cuts.

<47%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> dis
You parry Nreddyk's slice.
Your slash devastates Nreddyk!
Your slash maims Nreddyk!
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<47%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> he

You parry Nreddyk's slice.
Nreddyk's slice maims you!
Nreddyk's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Your slash EVISCERATES Nreddyk!
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<34%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Dropping as if in agony, Nreddyk springs into motion and collides with you!
Nreddyk's bash scratches you.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<34%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk's slice misses you.
Nreddyk's slice EVISCERATES you!
You parry Nreddyk's slice.
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<28%hp 100%m 74%mv 18528tnl> fl

Nreddyk's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<20%hp 100%m 80%mv 18528tnl>
Nreddyk sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Nreddyk's bash injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nreddyk's slice EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<12%hp 100%m 80%mv 18528tnl> fl

Nreddyk's slice maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nreddyk's slice EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You have become better at sword!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1%hp 100%m 80%mv 18493tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel the brilliant presence of a benevolent entity mending your wounds.
You parry Nreddyk's slice.
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<6%hp 95%m 80%mv 18493tnl> Dropping as if in agony, Nreddyk springs into motion
and collides with you!
Nreddyk's bash injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<4%hp 95%m 80%mv 18493tnl>
You parry Nreddyk's slice.
You have become better at sword!
Nreddyk parries your slash.
Nreddyk is covered with bleeding wounds.

<4%hp 95%m 80%mv 18443tnl> Along the Eastern Road

You flee from combat!


I ran away t fight another day and got him the day after with Vengeance. WOOT!
41776, Digging holes is honest work
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>All you good mages. Even the ones that didn't listen to me. I
>wasn't just paying lip service to converting you. I was giving
>you more than what was required of me (At least I felt I was)
>before setting into you.

True enough. Battle paladin was rather an odd choise to make, though. I didn't really know what to say to you when we spoke, as Endalion refused to accept that he should abandon magic or that magic would be evil and at the same time he tried to stay on your good side. You were a well RP:ed dwarf and I kept me on my toes, as I didn't know at what point you would turn on me and let the axe talk. Good luck with your next.
41775, Good times, thanks for the RP.
Posted by Ffladaur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you got me too :) I'm sure you noticed I was a huge newbie, and thanks! Good luck with your next, and hope it's as real as this one.
41779, Yes, I knew you weren't a vet, but you fought well.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here are some clues to you being a newbie.

Just the way you spoke, and I find that there are intangibles to Newbies that reveal them. I felt like you were completely confident in your ability to do me in. So I was trying to do a couple things to really mess you over.

1: I stayed in Terrain that favored me and was not so good for you.
A: I did this to tire you and keep you from fleeing or pursuing me if it went bad for me and I needed to heal up.
B: I was counting on my High Con and Fast heal to out last your ability to continuosly sing to heal you and harm me.

2: I spoke sparingly to keep you talking smack while I recovered/looked for you.

Anyway here's the log.

You and me, this is when I wasn't using any communes at all.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> lower a long mithril voulge and charge
Your charge MUTILATES Ffladaur!
Ffladaur yells 'Help! Brumm is charging me!'
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Your slice mauls Ffladaur.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur leaves south.
Ffladaur has fled!

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> You stop using a long mithril voulge.
You wield a large adamantite warhammer.
You feel quite confident with a large adamantite warhammer.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> > > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK) Brumm Rugged Foothills

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
> >
Ffladaur has arrived.
People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> Ffladaur yells 'Help! I am being attacked by
Ffladaur dodges your blast.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch mauls you.
Your blast devastates Ffladaur!
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<94%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur leaves east.
Ffladaur has fled!

<94%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur has arrived.

<94%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> Ffladaur yells 'Help! I am being attacked by
Ffladaur dodges your blast.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<94%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch mauls you.
Ffladaur avoids your blast at the last moment.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<91%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Someone's punch wounds you.
Your blast devastates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You parry someone's punch.
Someone dodges your blast.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Someone leaves south.
Someone has fled!

<87%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<87%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> Someone has arrived.
You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> You can't see a thing!

<87%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>
The sky is getting cloudy.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
Thalbanus Vast Plains
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

***** Range 2 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur yells 'I came to you, you come to me now'
They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

***** Range 2 *****
A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

<91%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> SSRolling Foothills

<91%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

***** Range 2 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<91%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> #hi yellow Ffladaur
#Ok. {Ffladaur} is now highlighted yellow.

> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

***** Range 2 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

<92%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> The North Road

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

***** Range 2 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

<92%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> The North Road

<92%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> SRugged Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A sly looking felar crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> The North Road

<92%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

<92%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

<92%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<92%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Vast Plains
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<92%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl>
The clouds disappear.

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

***** Range 3 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> The North Road

<95%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm The North Road

<95%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

***** Range 3 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<95%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<95%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<95%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A priestly looking wildman stands here, crushing some herbs.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 3 *****
A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A priestly looking wildman stands here, crushing some herbs.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

You scan east.
***** Range 3 *****
A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

***** Range 3 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

<97%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

***** Range 3 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

***** Range 2 *****
A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

<97%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

***** Range 3 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A stern looking cloud giant sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

***** Range 2 *****
A pious looking storm giant stands here trudging across the land.

***** Range 3 *****
A pious looking elf stands here trudging across the land.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rolling Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A brutish young minotaur stands here, polearm glinting in the sunlight.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

***** Range 2 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<97%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> SSRugged Foothills

A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

<99%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<99%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> A Farm Yard

A farmer works diligently on his crops.

<99%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan east.
***** Range 3 *****
A sly looking felar crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<99%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

***** Range 2 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<99%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A stern looking wood-elf crouches in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SSThe North Road

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
A sentry from Udgaard guards the trail.

***** Range 3 *****
A sentry from Udgaard guards the trail.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 3 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

***** Range 2 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<99%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

<99%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<99%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<99%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A priestly looking gnome stands here, crushing some herbs.

<99%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A small glow from a farmer's pipe reveals his position near the crop.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A young minotaur stands here, warming himself against the fire.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

***** Range 2 *****
A small glow from a farmer's pipe reveals his position near the crop.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
Hidden in the brush, there sits an almost invisible cloud giant ranger.
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

***** Range 3 *****
A small glow from a farmer's pipe reveals his position near the crop.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
Resting quietly in the night, this paladin takes a break from his crusade.

You scan east.
***** Range 3 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 93%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
Resting quietly in the night, this paladin takes a break from his crusade.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
Resting quietly in the night, this paladin takes a break from his crusade.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A campfire flickers and glows here.
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 88%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
Resting quietly in the night, this paladin takes a break from his crusade.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 88%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A small rabbit nibbles pleasantly on the tall grass here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 91%mv 10694tnl> At the edge of the Mountains

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A small rabbit nibbles pleasantly on the tall grass here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 90%mv 10694tnl> Approaching the Mountains

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Approaching the Mountains

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 88%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 88%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 87%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 87%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 87%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A campfire flickers and glows here.
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

<100%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> A Farm Yard

A campfire flickers and glows here.
A small glow from a farmer's pipe reveals his position near the crop.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm A Farm Yard

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm A Farm Yard

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> The North Road

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

Hidden in the brush, there sits an almost invisible felar wildman.

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 3 *****
A small glow from a farmer's pipe reveals his position near the crop.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
Hidden in the brush, there sits an almost invisible felar wildman.

You scan south.
***** Range 3 *****
A young duergar stands here, warming himself against the fire.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
Hidden in the brush, there sits an almost invisible wood-elf woodsman.

***** Range 3 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 3 *****
Hidden in the brush, there sits an almost invisible wood-elf woodsman.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 3 *****
Hidden in the brush, there sits an almost invisible felar wildman.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A young duergar stands here, warming himself against the fire.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl>
The sky is getting cloudy.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A stack of freshly cut firewood is here.
A campfire flickers and glows here.
A young duergar stands here, warming himself against the fire.

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> SSRugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A young duergar stands here, warming himself against the fire.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Resting quietly in the night, this paladin takes a break from his crusade.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
Resting quietly in the night, this paladin takes a break from his crusade.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> A Small Canyon

<100%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> SSRugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> SS
Rugged Foothills

A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
Ffladaur is here.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Ffladaur is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

Ffladaur is here.

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur sings 'There once was a thief who did creep
Through the streets without making a peep
In the shadows she'd hide
'til her target was spied,
Then she'd whack the poor sod straight to sleep!'
Ffladaur yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Brumm!'
Ffladaur dodges your blast.
Ffladaur is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl>
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
Your blast MUTILATES Ffladaur!
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl> s

Ffladaur has a few scratches.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> sf
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Your blast EVISCERATES Ffladaur!
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<96%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> sf
You bring a large adamantite warhammer up and
across at Ffladaur!
Your strike of faith EVISCERATES Ffladaur!
Completing your upper slash, you step forward and bring a large adamantite
warhammer down in an opposite arc, but miss!
Your strike of purity misses Ffladaur.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<96%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Ffladaur dodges your blast.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
Your blast DISMEMBERS Ffladaur!
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<87%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur leaves west.
Ffladaur has fled!

<87%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

Ffladaur is here.

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur leaves south.

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
Huddling by the fire, this druid has set up camp for the night.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rugged Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<87%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

<87%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<87%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> Rugged Foothills

<87%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<87%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm Rugged Foothills

<87%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> Rolling Foothills

<87%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> SSVast Plains

<87%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<88%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur In a Small Forest
(PK)Brumm Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 86%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 85%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 84%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 83%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> Shepherd's Row

<88%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Shepherd's Row

<88%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur In a Small Forest
(PK)Brumm Vast Plains

<88%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> SS
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
Ffladaur is here.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<88%hp 100%m 82%mv 10694tnl> In a Small Forest

<88%hp 100%m 81%mv 10694tnl> In a Small Forest

Ffladaur is here.

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur sings 'There once was a thief who did creep
Through the streets without making a peep
In the shadows she'd hide
'til her target was spied,
Then she'd whack the poor sod straight to sleep!'

A coldness descends upon you; you feel yourself falling deeply asleep.
In your dreams, or what?

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl> In your dreams, or what?

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl> talksleep

You feel yourself weakened by the languid notes.

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn around neck> a blood-soaked cape
<worn around neck> a blood-soaked cape
<worn on body> (Glowing) a runed iron breastplate
<worn on head> a three-horned helmet
<worn on legs> leggings of mithril chain mesh
<worn on feet> a pair of gray leather boots
<worn on hands> a pair of clawed war gauntlets
<worn on arms> some ornate dwarven arm plates
<worn about body> the robe of tranquility
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> a bracer of gray leather
<worn around wrist> a bracer of gray leather

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl> mutter
In your dreams, or what?

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 20 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 20 hours.
Song: 'languid carol' modifies strength by -4 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 2 hours.

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl>

The clamor echoes in your skull until it is all you can hear!

<88%hp 100%m 80%mv 10694tnl> i
You are carrying:
(Glowing) a dented heavy steel mace
a long mithril voulge
a practice polearm
a tri-colored ring
a piece of drift wood
a large adamantite warhammer
a large wooden barrel
a forest green cape
a large saddle bag

<99%hp 100%m 87%mv 10694tnl>

<99%hp 100%m 87%mv 10694tnl> wield practiceIn your dreams, or what?

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 18 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 18 hours.
Song: 'cacophonous clamor' for 5 hours.
Song: 'languid carol' modifies strength by -4 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 0 hours.

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> snore

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 18 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 18 hours.
Song: 'cacophonous clamor' for 5 hours.
Song: 'languid carol' modifies strength by -4 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 0 hours.

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl>
You hear a dull ringing in your ears.
Ffladaur's punch mauls you.
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Your punch wounds Ffladaur.
Your punch hits Ffladaur.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<93%hp 100%m 94%mv 10694tnl> wield practice
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Ffladaur dodges your punch.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<92%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> wield practice

Ffladaur trips you and you go down!
Ffladaur's trip grazes you.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<91%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Your punch misses Ffladaur.
Ffladaur dodges your punch.
Your punch hits Ffladaur.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Ffladaur moves out of the range of your punch.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<82%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> You wield a practice polearm.
You feel you will learn better with such a fine practice weapon.
You are skilled with a practice polearm.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<82%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur trips you and you go down!
Ffladaur's trip grazes you.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
Your charge misses Ffladaur.
Your charge hits Ffladaur.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
Ffladaur dodges your charge.
Ffladaur has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> wie
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> wield v
Someone's punch wounds you.
Someone's punch injures you.
Your charge misses someone.
Your charge misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<75%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> wield v
Someone's punch wounds you.
Someone's punch injures you.
Someone dodges your charge.
Your charge misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<70%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> yaw
Someone tries to disarm you, but fails.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<70%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> yawn

Someone's punch injures you.
Your charge misses someone.
Someone dodges your charge.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<67%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> You must be tired.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<67%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
Someone's punch injures you.
Your charge injures someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<65%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> 'that al
Someone's punch injures you.
Your charge hits someone.
Your charge misses someone.
Someone dodges your charge.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<62%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> 'that all y
Someone tries to disarm you, but fails.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<62%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> 'that all ye got?
You hear a dull ringing in your ears.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<62%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl>
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<63%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Ffladaur dodges your charge.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<61%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 16 hours.
Song: 'cacophonous clamor' for 3 hours.
Song: 'languid carol' modifies strength by -4 for 1 hours.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<61%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Ffladaur dodges your charge.
Your charge hits Ffladaur.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<56%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt grazes you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<55%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You knock someone's punch aside before it comes near you.
Your charge misses someone.
Your charge hits someone.
Your charge misses someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<55%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Someone's punch wounds you.
Someone dodges your charge.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<52%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You parry someone's punch.
Someone's punch injures you.
Your charge grazes someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<49%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You dodge someone's punch.
You dodge someone's punch.
Your charge injures someone.
Your charge misses someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<49%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> af

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<51%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 15 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 15 hours.
Song: 'cacophonous clamor' for 2 hours.
Song: 'languid carol' modifies strength by -4 for 0 hours.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<51%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Ffladaur dodges your charge.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wiel
Ffladaur sings 'They say Captain Derrick often got dumb drunk
A-stumbling late back into his bunk
And there laid his wife with a rolling pin,
Screech, screech, screeching him all the way in!'
Ffladaur's piercing dissonance EVISCERATES you!
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<37%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wield ha
Ffladaur's punch misses you.
Your charge injures Ffladaur.
Ffladaur is covered with bleeding wounds.

<37%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wield hammer
You parry Ffladaur's punch.
Your charge mauls Ffladaur.
Your charge injures Ffladaur.
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<37%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wield hammer
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Ffladaur's punch injures you.
Your charge decimates Ffladaur!
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<33%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wield hammer
Ffladaur's trip misses you.
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<33%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wield hammer
You stop using a practice polearm.
It is too heavy for you to wield.
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<33%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur's punch misses you.
Ffladaur's punch wounds you.
Your punch mauls Ffladaur.
Ffladaur dodges your punch.
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> fl

Ffladaur leaves east.
Ffladaur has fled!

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wYou aren't fighting anyone.

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> wield practice
You wield a practice polearm.
You feel you will learn better with such a fine practice weapon.
You are skilled with a practice polearm.

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Rolling Foothills
(PK)Brumm In a Small Forest

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You no longer feel weakened and sluggish.

<32%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> af
Ffladaur has arrived.
Rolling Foothills

A brutish storm giant stands here, his maces glinting in the sunlight.
A short, squat mound of muscle stands here, growling.

<32%hp 100%m 99%mv 10694tnl> afRugged Foothills

<32%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> afRolling Foothills

A stack of freshly cut firewood is here.
A nicely dressed business man trudges across the foothills, plying his wares.

<32%hp 100%m 98%mv 10694tnl> afVast Plains

<32%hp 100%m 97%mv 10694tnl> afVast Plains

<32%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> afOutskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> afAlas, you cannot go that way.

<32%hp 100%m 96%mv 10694tnl> afOutskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> af
wieYou are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 14 hours.
Song: 'cacophonous clamor' for 1 hours.

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> wield hammer
You stop using a practice polearm.
You wield a large adamantite warhammer.
You feel quite confident with a large adamantite warhammer.

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> People near you:
(PK)Brumm Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur has arrived.

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl>
> > People near you:
(PK) Ffladaur Outskirts of Tir-Talath
(PK)Brumm Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<32%hp 100%m 95%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> They aren't here.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Ffladaur has arrived.
Your blast devastates Ffladaur!
Ffladaur is gushing blood.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone is gushing blood.

<34%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
Someone's punch wounds you.
Someone dodges your blast.
Your blast misses someone.
Someone is gushing blood.

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> sYou can't see a thing!
Someone is gushing blood.

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> s
Someone's punch wounds you.
Someone's punch injures you.
Your blast devastates someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<25%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl> sf
You bring something up and across at someone, but
fail to connect!
Your strike of faith misses someone.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<25%hp 100%m 100%mv 10694tnl>
You parry someone's punch.
You have become better at parry!
Your blast EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<25%hp 100%m 100%mv 10684tnl> s
Someone sings 'They say Captain Derrick often got dumb drunk
A-stumbling late back into his bunk
And there laid his wife with a rolling pin,
Screech, screech, screeching him all the way in!'
Someone's piercing dissonance maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<19%hp 100%m 100%mv 10684tnl> sf
Someone's punch wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone dodges your blast.
Someone dodges your blast.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<16%hp 100%m 100%mv 10684tnl> sf
You parry someone's punch.
Someone's punch injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your blast maims someone!
Your blast mauls someone.
Someone is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Someone is nearly dead.

<14%hp 100%m 100%mv 10684tnl>
Your blast maims someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You hear someone's death cry.

41796, Thanks!
Posted by Ffladaur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The overconfidence is all the character, trust me :) I knew you were a veteran of sorts by the way you chased me when you attacked me after I had been in Akan. Kudos for you for keeping up the RP after Ffladaur became a whining mess after that death, learned a lot about how a dwarf should be in CF. Take that compliment for what it's worth :)

Oh, that loss actually really helped me InGame, so thanks again!
41804, That was largely how I see dwarves.
Posted by Bremm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And parallels the reasons I was pissed off at Ulothyre, only he wasn't a Dwarf slayer.

You'll do fine. Just don't make excuses for your actions!
41772, RE: Deleted
Posted by Maeveh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I never had that much troubles chasing someone. You would just suddenly disappear from my sight! And yeah you were a lot tougher once you got vengeance and decided to flee when you'd lose it. It was either you running from a crunched wrist, or me eating 3 DEMO from a failed crunchy kot.

3 kills you say? Well I have a little secret since I deleted too. Add one kill to that!! I died from bleeding from our last fight..

Good luck with whatever
41774, WOOT!
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was that the time I asked you What got you?

And so you know. IC'ly, even though I had been beeten by others, now that I think of it....many others, you and Pramenthal were the only ones I claimed to have actually done it, as all others used magic at one time or another. What's more, Parminthel doesn't really count be cause he had to bring God to do it!

Yeah, I had a lot of respect for you, but damn it, I had to run away a couple times just so I could get to a mage!

On the Crunchy wrist thing. I set up a DING on my puter to warn me of that in all the spam! It was like; DING! Dinners done! RUUUUN!

Supprised you deleted.
41780, Logs of us dancing.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Zorgoft has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> Maeveh yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Brumm!'
Maeveh parries your blast.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl>
Maeveh looks at you.
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
You parry Maeveh's stab.
The gods protect you from Zorgoft.
Your blast EVISCERATES Maeveh!
Maeveh dodges your blast.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl>
Zorgoft growls at you, a low roar rumbling with anger.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl>
Maeveh grabs hold of your wrist and twists it violently!
You can no longer find the strength to wield a large adamantite warhammer.
Maeveh's kotegaeshi EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<86%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> You may only perform a templars defensive maneuver
while wielding a two-handed sword or mace.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<86%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> You may only perform a templars defensive maneuver
while wielding a two-handed sword or mace.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<86%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl>
Maeveh's stab maims you!
Maeveh's stab MUTILATES you!
The gods protect you from Zorgoft.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<76%hp 100%m 100%mv 9215tnl> fl
A hidden crevice

You flee from combat!

<76%hp 100%m 99%mv 9215tnl> A narrow path through the rock

<76%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<76%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> A hidden crevice

<76%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> The Small Ledge

Zorgoft is here.
(WANTED) Maeveh is here.

<76%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl>
Spinning to your side, Maeveh hooks your ankle with her foot and kicks forward!
Maeveh's trip grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Maeveh just tripped me!'
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<75%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> fl
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh's stab misses you.
The gods protect you from Zorgoft.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<69%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> fl

Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
The gods protect you from Zorgoft.
Maeveh deflects your punch with her shield.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<62%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> No way! You are still fighting!
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<62%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> Maeveh throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Maeveh's throw MUTILATES you!
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
The gods protect you from Zorgoft.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<50%hp 100%m 98%mv 9215tnl> fl
No way! You are still fighting!
Maeveh's stab MUTILATES you!
Maeveh's stab MUTILATES you!
The gods protect you from Zorgoft.
Maeveh deflects your punch with her shield.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh has a few scratches.

<39%hp 100%m 100%mv 9215tnl> No way! You are still fighting!
Maeveh has a few scratches.

<39%hp 100%m 100%mv 9215tnl> Next to the Mountain

You flee from combat!


<100%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> You must be in combat to perform any templars
defensive maneuver.

<100%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> Maeveh yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Brumm!'
Maeveh dodges your blast.
Maeveh's stab DISMEMBERS you!
Maeveh dodges your blast.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<91%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh grabs hold of your wrist and twists it violently!
With a sickening crunch, Maeveh applies kotegaeshi to your wrist!
You can no longer find the strength to wield a large adamantite warhammer.
Maeveh's kotegaeshi EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<85%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh's stab MUTILATES you!
Maeveh dodges your punch.
Maeveh deflects your punch with her shield.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<79%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> You must have both hands on your weapon to perform a
templars defense.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<79%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> You do the best you can!
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<79%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> You must have both hands on your weapon to perform a
templars defense.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<79%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> Your wrist hurts too much to hold anything.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<79%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> You must have both hands on your weapon to perform a
templars defense.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<79%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh dodges your punch.
Your punch misses Maeveh.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<73%hp 100%m 87%mv 9165tnl> wield mace
Your wrist hurts too much to hold anything.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<74%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh stops using a finely polished shield.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<74%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh puts a finely polished shield in a cowhide knapsack.
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh dodges your punch.
Maeveh dodges your punch.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<68%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh dual wields a three-bladed dagger.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<68%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Maeveh's throw MUTILATES you!
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<62%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl> fl

Egwetha the Weaver closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Egwetha the Weaver is surrounded by a resistance to lightning.
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh's pierce MUTILATES you!
Maeveh's stab DISMEMBERS you!
Maeveh dodges your punch.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<42%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh's pierce maims you!
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh dodges your punch.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<30%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl> You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through a
small crack.
A hidden damp cave

You flee from combat!

<30%hp 100%m 92%mv 9165tnl> You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through a
small crevice.
The Cave of Webs

(WANTED) Maeveh is here.
A woman dressed in a silky robe works steadily at a wooden loom.

<30%hp 100%m 91%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh trips you and you go down!
Maeveh's trip scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Maeveh just tripped me!'
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<30%hp 100%m 91%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh's stab maims you!
Maeveh's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<19%hp 100%m 91%mv 9165tnl> fl

Maeveh's stab MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Maeveh's stab maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh parries your punch.
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<8%hp 100%m 91%mv 9165tnl> No way! You are still fighting!
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<8%hp 100%m 91%mv 9165tnl> Maeveh throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Maeveh's throw MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<2%hp 100%m 91%mv 9165tnl>
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
You have been KILLED!!

> >
Maeveh steps out of the shadows.
Maeveh's strangulation misses you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being strangled by Maeveh!'
<24 Storm Pal> (PK) Inaset the Avenger
<19 Storm Pal> (PK) Tyriall the Pious
<29 H-Elf Thi> (PK) Lorae the Crime Lord
<26 Storm War> (PK) Shracuum the Vanguard
<30 Elf War> (PK) Varthas the Man-At-Arms
<23 D-Elf Asn> (PK) (WANTED) Maeveh the Mistress of Ukemi
*25 Dwarf Pal* (PK) Brumm the Acolyte of Faith

Players found: 7
Maeveh is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> who
Maeveh's stab DISMEMBERS you!
You swat Maeveh's stab away from you.
Maeveh's stab DISMEMBERS you!
Your slice EVISCERATES Maeveh!
Maeveh dodges your slice.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> tmc
You may only perform a templars defensive maneuver
while wielding a two-handed sword or mace.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl>
You parry Maeveh's stab.
You parry Maeveh's pierce.
Your slice MUTILATES Maeveh!
Maeveh parries your slice.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> wiel
Maeveh grabs hold of your wrist and twists it violently!
Maeveh's kotegaeshi EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<77%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> wield
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
You parry Maeveh's pierce.
Maeveh twists herself around your slice.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<71%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> wield sword
You stop using a long mithril voulge.
You wield a guardian sword.
You are skilled with a guardian sword.
Maeveh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<71%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> tmc
Stepping in with a cross-block, you slide your a
guardian sword down the shaft of Maeveh's weapon, striking her hands.
Your slash decimates Maeveh!
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You parry Maeveh's stab.
Maeveh parries your slash.
Maeveh dodges your slash.
Maeveh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<58%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl>
Maeveh throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Maeveh's throw MUTILATES you!
Maeveh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<52%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl>
You parry Maeveh's stab.
You parry Maeveh's pierce.
Maeveh parries your slash.
Maeveh parries your slash.
Maeveh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<52%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> t
You parry Maeveh's stab.
Maeveh's pierce EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
Maeveh parries your slash.
Maeveh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<41%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> thd

Maeveh throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Maeveh's throw MUTILATES you!
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
You parry Maeveh's pierce.
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Maeveh flows to one side as your slash passes.
Maeveh dodges your slash.
Maeveh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<22%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl>
You parry Maeveh's stab.
Maeveh's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your slash EVISCERATES Maeveh!
Maeveh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<16%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> Stepping in, you push Maeveh's weapon out, leaving
her open for a slash to her torso.
Your slash DISMEMBERS Maeveh!
You parry Maeveh's stab.
You parry Maeveh's pierce.
Maeveh's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your slash misses Maeveh.
Maeveh swats your slash away from her.
Maeveh is gushing blood.

<10%hp 100%m 100%mv 9080tnl> fl
Maeveh's stab EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Maeveh's pierce MUTILATES you!
You have been KILLED!!


41769, Bah... no mentions or us
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had hopes for you
I really enjoyed our talks.. I thought you were going to
stick it out, cause thats what you need to do when you
play a char like that. At times its hard to land a kill
others not. Well..
I wish you luck with the next one
41770, Yeah, I was going to, but it was seemingly futile,
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Easily 2/3rds of all the mages were good. So I couldn't outright attack them with out giving them a chance to turn. So I never really had an element of suprise there and for the most part they were quick to word or teleport or were with Other goods.

If they didn't have a read aura and weren't gnomes I had to take a gander at them and try to decipher if they were wearing any anti-good stuff I knew about. If they weren't I had to talk to them just as I would a light walker to ecern their alignent. Or, they would be with a group off goodies.

I sent more or less 5-10(Closer to 10) hours a day waiting for those mages to show.

I fought a TOTAL of 5 conjurers(2 good,1 neut, 2 evil) 1 Necro, 3 shifters and 2 Anti-Paladins. I ate 4-5 deaths to the Conjurers and manage to kill one shifter and the A-P. The Demons and devils combined with the water elementals were pretty much capable of two rounding me and would plague or poison me to boot. But I tried. Even the Angles with water would do that, plus disarm, so that was no good. =)

I also saw one transmuter who never left his guild unless duo'd and I wasn't strong enough to crack open the guild...OR when it was about to go down the Fortress would do something to bring the Tribunal around. Then of cou

I waited HOURS for a Mage. I think there were two days where I didn't see a single mage. I counted it up once and out of 40 people playing there seemed to be around 12 mages. 6 of those were newbie/lowbie 3 were in their 20's an untouchable and 3 were hero's.

Warriors and thieves are just to customizable so folks are playing them a lot.

Iasolar said it pretty good when he asked if my faith would get in the way. It would and was. I couldn't do a lot of things that would help me get kills, and it was frustrating as hell. I think it would have changed when I took a more active role in Battle, but I was loosing one con a Day trying, and I don't know of more than 4 points of non-magical +con gear I could get on my own as I was.

But year I had a good talk with you. I tried squewing the interview a bit. I had the Battlerager history printed out an highlighted on nearly all yer points but I was trying not to play like I was a battlerager once before.

I can't afford a PBF on this guy but I'd like to hear what people (Imm's included) thought of him. I felt like I was playing him well, but, of course, most of the feedback was negative(Wich is why I think I was doing well =P). I was allways waiting for Shokai or Aarn to show up and smite me, the Best I got was a Barrel of ale from Innis! Again...=P (BTW I will not drink in game except for the first sip, no bonuses all penalties)

41768, Did you have a sister incorporated to role called Brummelisa?
Posted by Bamse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or a friend with a hare form called Lilleskutt?
41771, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But if you think I got my name from an Corporatin, I assure you I contact 6 federal and 4 local agencies to see if anyone has ever used my name for a company somewhere.

Also, I DID work for a company called Bamse in Florida once.
41792, RE: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Posted by vegalicious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a swedish comic book called Bamse, his son is called Brumm and so on.
41767, Too bad.
Posted by Ulothrye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
''Ulothyre. I personally, as the player was upset by that incident. That felt so OOC to me that I know it showed in how I dealt with you. But even as a Dwarf it was valid RP. Still think you are a Good character though.''

First of all, good job on trying to do something very hard. I've played lots of ragers and I know how hard it is getting pre-induct mage kills. Getting five with a paladin would be just painful. I have mixed feeling regarding how Brumm dealt with the whole thing, but I'll simply say that there was no OOC impact on what happened. I logged on and about 2 seconds after I was on Sosulka sends me a tell asking for help ranking. How he sent it so fast i have no clue, but I swear to you that I do not know him ooc (I barely know anyone ooc who plays CF). Anyway, then you send me a tell asking to group a second later and our 'feud' starts. Shame it happened as I had hoped to help you out as best I could in the future but you completely went nuts on me and avoided me after that.
Well it's all a moot point now, I hope you enjoy your next even more and that we can get along :) . Take care.
41773, Yeah. I ran into Soulsuka latter on and he's got that certain thing about him
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That tells me he Russian.

So I figured you weren't friends IRL. That being said, I thought it was ####ty that you chose ranking with a stranger over a friend, and I was really liking you too but that was just wrong IC. Against the code wrong in fact.

In keeping with Dwarf RP I felt like I couldn't forgive you unless you really did something great to over come his feelings.

I was going to do my damndest to Kill another Dwarf Paladin for generaly the same Dwarf RP reasons.

But anyway, I can tell you are a good player and not a bad fellow and it's all moot now.

Good luck to you.
41778, Nuts.
Posted by BummedbyBrumm. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You should not have given up on Brumm, any character with such
a hard road to travel will yield rewards the longer you exist.
I do not doubt you would have eventually gotten your mage kills
and that if you handled the slaying of a good aligned mage
properly you would have been rewarded for that too. Heck if you
can restore Brumm, I vote for your doing it.
41793, I don't mean to drag this out but...
Posted by Ulothrye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you say I broke the code...then I will call out for it. I don't think i'm playing the perfect paladin or anything near that, but Ulothrye does try to follow the code.
So where did I break it?

5. Fight and extract justice for all worthy causes

All worthy causes includes helping gnomes., not just Brumm

8. Never lie; be true to your word.

I was honest about the situation from start to finish.

12. Respect the guild, and the other Paladins that belong to it.

I don't think I ever said anything bad about you ever, either than you being stubborn. You on the other hand slung insult after insult against me.

I don't want to look like a 'know-it-all' that has to get his way, but I think this is a good example of how paladins have a tough road. Just because you're good aligned and the gnome is neutral doesn't mean I have to tell him to screw off and go run to rank with the goodie. That's my view of it and my interpretation of the first paladin code rule :
1. Live to be the guiding light for all to follow and look towards. Your
beliefs must be as solid as your loyalty is to your god.

i'm sure you have a different one, and that's cool . Anyway, hope to see you in the fields soon.
41801, You ran off for convenience sakes...
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And abandoned a friend.

But if you play a guy that makes friends on a dime and will be loyal to them over old, tried and true friends... Well... Pretty crappy.
41808, Still not getting it man...
Posted by Uluthrye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah we were friends...does that mean I should rank with you from lvl 1 to 51? Paladins are about spreading the light, I had ranked with you for like 9 lvls straight. Was time to meet some new people along with our friendship. Sorry if ooc you took that personally as I in no way intended to 'ditch' you, was just meeting other peeps. K this has gone on enough.
41810, You left me man. Left me hangin outside of the wire.
Posted by Brumm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty crewed up.

Your analogy is like saying, 'We were friends, does that mean we should be friends for ever?'

Up yours man, that line of reasoning really bothers me. It reveals to me, that in you the player, is an engine of narcassism, erg go, if I can twist this to benifit me and stay within the rules, I'm doing good! Isn't that right Mr Me? Yes that's right Mr You.. You're ethics are scewed.

It might have been different if you have been ranking with them before or had been for some time prior to me speaking to you. But as you said, it was 2 seconds. That's not even an hour of In Game time.

Pretty crappy.
41814, RE: You left me man. Left me hangin outside of the wire.
Posted by Maeveh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ulothrye's player is a good friend of mine and I was at his home the night he supposedly left you behind.. You gotta believe him man.

He's the kind of guy who'll rank up with lowbie conjurers or shifters
and he's often stuck with newbie groupmates but keeps ranking with them and being helpful and all.

That little incident was pure coincidence, it happens...