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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI'm sorry
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=41690
41690, I'm sorry
Posted by Zorxlorg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I apologize for not being able to play this character at this time but I am in St. Cloud Hospital, St. Cloud MN for very serious neurosurgery to treat complications from an accident I had last year. I have this computer kiosk that I am sitting on but it is a linux system with no telenet protocol available and soon i'm being moved to a subacute treatment center in St. Benedicts of St. Cloud, MN. I will be there for a minimal of six weeks and it will be followed by another surgery that will have me back in the hospital for about twelve days. I am going to ask a friend to bring a laptop with mobile internet capability, and I am going to find out if I can spend any nights at home on leave passes but it is unlikely in both cases because my forehead bone flap has been removed and the risks of having no bone to protect my brain from trauma include death and brain damage from even rolling over in bed, and the medical supplies company has failed in two attempts to make any head protection that my doctors will allow me to wear. I have put too much into this characters playing and roleplaying to ask another player to keep him active for me, or to play him; I am the only one that can play him the way I play him. If he has to go he has to go. If I have the chance I will keep this character going but my hope for that is dwindling. I should come thru this but it will take time. I will be back on CF when I am home. Since I do not know if I will be able ot keep this character or not I will save my goodbyes for the characters autodeletion. I had some serious plans and role written in the hospital that you all should have loved but things grew a lot more serious quickly so I will say I'm sorry and Goobye for now.

Zorxlorg Gral'nog, Elite Blade Bull of the Empire
41737, I would hope the imms
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
do you a favor and keep the char intact as it is until you return. I would assume that any reasonable person would do that.
41736, Blessings and well wishes to good health.
Posted by Tharena on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if you are an Imperial. ;) =)

I wonder if the Imms could set you into a sort of dormancy until you're able to play again.

Neurosurgery is never a light matter. I hope you're well soon.

- Tharena
41718, My Goodbyes
Posted by Zorxlorg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am letting the character go because there are very serious matters I need to be handling and everyday my treatments are wearing me down further...I feel foolish for worrying about the character so much but CF has been a big part of my life for about a dozen years now, I put a lot into the character and didn't do half of what I planned. This is the last day I will have access to any computer for quite a while so here goes:

First of all I apologize for not being able to play during the day, I was on here and there and normally ended up with my link dropped to log back on dead to a mob or player which was frustrating and limiting how well and how fast I did anything but I have been living in another familys basement and although we had 5 cell phones on 24 hours a day they fought HARD to keep me off the internet at anytime at all; at all hours they would pick up the phone and leave it off the hook to make me disconnect, even in the middle of the night...Not playing during the day kept me from meeting a lot of people and made others think I was rarely there.....Good News is I have my own place now and to hell with call waiting; when I recover I will be back in empire with a lot of time day/night w/o disconnects unless I do it myself to care of my son or my girl.

Yagh: Damn fine Emperor and warrior, your interactions have taught me not only of roleplay but warrior playing...Being alongside you fighting feels like you have 100's down your prac screen and five legacies....I am pretty sure you have at least one extra legacy. Keep doing what your doing because you are doing it damn well and unique. Thanks for the promotions as well, I didn't play around too many people to let many notice if I was doing well or not and it was frustrating.

Dukreg: You failed to impress me in absaloutely anyway, you seemed to have died everytime I saw you, you did not roleplay and you should have been demoted minimally by your interaction with my orc and the warmaster, how they Imm'd you is beyond me and you said/did nothing as an Immortal that I noticed either.

Balmador: Don't feel so bad about your demotions, you just have a lot to learn and a good blade should know to give you your time ot learn in the lower ranks of blade; I wish that you wouldn't have kept getting promoted because you lost so much donations everytime I sent you back down and I likely would have demoted you again after hitting elite because I didn't feel you should have been in a place to raise or demote sheathed but you were geting better and better so I was giving you time as a blade and i'm sure you will continue to get better and better if you listen/watch and ask questions.

Zortug: You would love to see some of the conversations I had about oathing you but I was oathing non blades to keep some favor in other sects and since you made it all the way I was thinking I likely had a very important ally for taking warmaster. You are damn solid, keep doing what your doing. You are one of only two people I would have supported for the Throne after Yaghman, but not to overthrow him.

Vei(something): The only other solid black I met, I'm still sorry I woke up the healer you slept; probably made me seem pretty dumb. we should have worked out a plan before we struck; I was assuming you were aiming for a worldbind or would energy drain them down or try to keep them blind while I fought the walker. You are solid and should hero and do well.

Sylus: I would have worked to have you demoted as soon as I saw someone tougher, I don't think you deserved an elite slot but I left it be because I saw no warriors tougher than you at the time that were not already elite and the slot made you stronger and capable of doing more for the blade and empire which is important.

Cuuc: I went over your goodbye down further on the thread, your damn tough, keep doing what your doing.

Serduk: Hang in there, it is damn nice to have bards in empire because we have no mages, I saw rowan very little...I don't know if he is a daywalker or not but you ,the warmaster and the transmuter are our only means of utility and the empire needs it because we get hit by a LOT of empowered characters in large groups and a lot of people can't hang with ragers w/o some utility.

Auril: You just failed to impress me with play or roleplay, you were a competant bard but as a warmaster bard you should have been able ot do a lot more and in the last couple weeks I saw you less and less and less, The emperor gave me every promotion since sheathed. I was moving to overthrow you and I think I had a shot if I worked some of my political plans; I also saw you as Grogogh flagrantly break the law without being provoked..The fact that I beat you convulsing with a fiend on me doesn't speak real well of you either (But you almost got me..you should post those logs if you have them, everyone will dig them).

Krys/NIkos: Both of you seem damn solid but you need to rank, the shadow sect is pretty damn weak and you are the only two I can see to change it.

The shadow and divine sects showed about nothing, perhaps there are more daywalkers out there but I rarely seen any of you but Krys/nikos who needed to rank up.


Forsk: one DAMN strong paladin, good job

Faltarn: First of all I know you prep well for your fights and if I had I might have been able to flee that solo fight where you flurried me on your first command for over 900 hp ending the fight.

Gondrak: You made me regret teaching and encouraging you as Grogogh because I remember when you were not doing well at all, just about to give up; you are very solid and with that crew of 12 scions to keep you geared from some crazy places you will continue to do well until you age or cone die. You also flurried me for over 900 hp on our first battle.....I dont' know another spec that can do #### like that and it pisses me off that I didn't just go sword again, I wanted to do something different.....Maybe I can look into what Drum can do these days with my next warrior because I made SO MANY sword spec giants. Good job man, keep making Minotaurs look good.

Seiichi: You amazed me by grouping with Caitlyn and moving out of town while they struck me over and over and over in town, everytime I beat them about dead you showed up to heal them and stepped back out of town for them to re-engage. I reported it every single time and you left and slept saying stuff like "I saw nothing of the like". DO YOUR ####ING JOB. You are an empowered tribunal leader, ####ing act like it because you do not deserve to be in the tribunal at all acting the way you do. Are you the one who called peace with the outlanders to battle us? That was a good touch. Your cabal does not have many enemies I like how much we scared the #### out of you and how inneffective any of you were in the war so far.

Kaazra: You are a tattoed tribunal leader that also left town when very well known criminals entered town hunting, someone had just asked me to step out of my guild for a barter moments before you guys smiled and winked at eachother and worded as the enemies walked in, conspiring and moving to encourage criminal activity to remove your enemies is very low. I'm sorry I didn't die and leave any gear to regear your naked ass; I'm more sorry that you will likely lich and remain in the spire.

Arghok: I wish you would have stuck around for more battles but it had to be rough not being able to hand me without 10 others.

Can't say too many others left much of an impression on me. I'd like to point out how ridiculous it is to read how the imperials only gank and its just the imperial way when I'm logged in everynight with an average of 13 enemies who are all grouped together while zortug and I hid somewhere. I was ganked several times and the only times I was in a group we were fighting another group raiding/retreiving. I personally raided for the scepter at least 5 times solo (Good job Xa, you hurt) Pull your heads out of your ass and stop complaining about it because everyone ends up ganked here and there by every cabal, it is the game and us players play more than imperials; its cute to watch all the scions dissapear together after a few minutes because they won't remain in the realm with bad odds at night but keep trashing imperials if it makes you feel better.

As far as my character went, I led with polearm and loved it, my second spec was h2h which I felt was a waste of a spec; I did it so that I always had a weapon up no matter what, but it just did very little in the specific battles I fought. My legacies were Incarnadine wave and chilling embrace; I should have probably picked a different second legacy but overall they are both strong but I want to see the exotic legacy, especially with incarnadine; I urge people that did pick it to play it to hero because it does start working real well (polearms incards will suprise you and the h2h incards were a cool compliment that hit damn often, picture incar with the legacy that lets you wield two diff weapons and use the specs. Also take in mind that you can incard with any weapon at all...use it). If I did it over again I think I would pick sword as my second spec because the sword specs I fought could flurry me to death on their first command, I would also liked to have had mace for many reasons.

I enjoyed the character and learned a lot, anytime I can make another minotaur I will jump on it; who needs wimpy when you get 19 dex and all that wis on a giant...be warned that you will not be able to do all the quests or some other things because not all mobs will understand you.

Zheesus, Not gone just away for a while
41720, RE: My Goodbyes
Posted by Gondrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it bears mentioning here that while our fights may have been a bit one-sided, I enjoyed them. I love seeing other mino's in hero range, and for what its worth I think you were the most skilled mino I've fought.
Well done, and good luck
41724, RE: My Goodbyes
Posted by Hogne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good luck with everything.
41731, RE: My Goodbyes
Posted by Forsk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our fights man, later in life you were one of the only imperials that was willing to go at it one on one. Good luck with everything come back when you are better.

41738, Take care of yourself
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and take it easy, get done what you need to get done. I wish you the best.
41740, Small random comment:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Snip emphasis is mine.

>if I had I might have been able to flee that solo fight where
>you flurried me on your first command for over 900 hp ending
>the fight.

>also flurried me for over 900 hp on our first battle.....I
>dont' know another spec that can do #### like that and it
>pisses me off that I didn't just go sword again, I wanted to

>sword as my second spec because the sword specs I fought could
>flurry me to death on their first command, I would also liked
>to have had mace for many reasons.

>who needs wimpy when you
>get 19 dex and all that wis on a giant...

The question in the fourth passage is answered by the first three. :)
41745, Uhh
Posted by Sylus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I guess I didn't die nearly as much as you so you think you were stronger? But honestly you talk about deserving a slot and I never really thought you deserved one except for the lack of Blades and you were dedicated. I never minded your character until now.
Aside from that I hope you get better man.
41750, RE: My Goodbyes
Posted by Veistragal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thanks for the good words. I dont think I am so solid, but i'm trying... :)

About Zorx, well, you had very good roleplay, but all that demotions of other blades made me feel angry.. I'll explain why, when I'll be gone :). But very well done in all, and I hope you'll come back.

See you,
41751, RE: My Goodbyes
Posted by Kaazra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well, I'm really sorry to hear about your condition and I hope that your recovery is complete and swifter than expected. I thought you were a great blade and I know that I pissed you off. The Empire/Trib war really did provide me with ample reason to legally kill/loot you whenever the chance presented itself. However your conspiracy charge is total bogus. If a big group of criminals entered town, I may have left simply because I knew that they would kill me if I stuck around. I do not remember any instance such as you described, but if I left it was probably either self preservation or I just didn't realize they were coming/had just entered the area. I also will not deny that I died a lot a couple weeks ago, but at the moment I have and have had a decent set for quite a while now. Lastly I am not a Trib leader, if you were to compare my Trib rank to an empire rank, I'd be an elite black or some such. Again, I hope you weather the treatment well and come back soon.

All the best to you and yours.
41711, Best wishes
Posted by Meagara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope everything goes well for you. Good luck.
41710, Dude! Thoorry to hear your going through that!
Posted by Cuucqa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We certainly can use you right now, but there will always be other characters. Look after yourself for now and come back when your better.

Good luck man.
41717, You were tough
Posted by Zorxlorg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm about to say my goodbyes, but I'll do yours right here:

You are the one obstacle I saw in my way to take warmaster, and you were about to be entered into my role and I have written political plans to get thru you (thats a compliment)....You damn sword specs made me feel like h2h was a complete waste of a spec, especially because calling blade str with a properly , easily, built set keeps a pretty heavy polearm up thru even wither. You are damn tough and I expect to look back in a couple months and see you made WarMaster, you have my vote.

41794, Re hand and pole specs
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One tactic I found seemed good with this spec combo was to fight a bit with pole, then stun with hands, then charge them. As long as they are not too hurt when you stun them, the charge does sick damage and you have a good chance of them wimpying into cutoff and dying.

Sadly, I only know this because I was nearly killed by this tactic.

I also think that hand and pole combo makes a good one for a village berserker. Maybe that's just because I was a felar thief at the time.
41708, Good luck. Hope you get better soon. n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
41702, Holy ####.
Posted by Onlooker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You hang in there man.
41701, Dang.
Posted by Zelmona on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thinking about you, get better man.