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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject[Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=41388
41388, [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a fun ride, started getting boring when there were many less in the Village to RP with, and run around with. At one time I could long on and have fun with everyone, next minute it was just me. Then I just became to notice that some players just started being assholes for the hell of it. And logging on started becoming less fun, along with the reasons I stated before. Okay enough said about that.
On to other things: Binder thieves- I really liked the binder, other than it takes much to long to practice the skills which sucks, b/c you end up spamming on pc's and tie and truss you can't really practice unless you get binding a and b. Bleh! But other than that I had some fun with bindings. As well as I could never figure out the deal with binding shifters, and to add to the fact that at first the bindings fell much to fast, but then seemed to be stronger than went back to bleh! Oh well, I wasn't the nastiest killer but by the end I started to get the hang of what I needed to do to seal a kill so help the bindings would stick long enough.

Immortals: Innis- I loved the Summer Lord and enjoyed our interactions, I wish there could have been more, but I can understand that most of the time you were vis, you probably dealing with a follower. I still remember even the time you came to the Village drunk that was a hoot. I think you pissed everybody off but me. Haha. Wish I would have been a follower, maybe in another life.

Eshval- You were a creepy one, I think I interacted with you once in the Inn. Started snorting at you and the nightwalker and you started creeping me out so I left. I would wish to also make a follower of yours as I hear so many good things.

Ordasen: Never really heard much from you at all, so uh... I guess that is no big suprise from many around the Village. Well I guess speaking from those who seek your attention other than what you focus on the Village as a whole.

Wow where to start:
Gerylanst: Great Commander, lot of fun and a great inspiration to the Village. Without you I probably wouldn't have lasted as long as I did. Good job, and come back. And thanks for all the GOLD buddy I liked gold a lot. It always kept a smile on my face. And I stole so much gold from everybody it is ridiculous but place that blame by learning it from: RITUR! THE BEST AT IT!

Ritur: My favorite cat in the world, boy did it suck when you deleted, I felt like I lost my big brother. If it wasn't #### else to do we would just stand in the circle and swing those nets, or laugh about something silly as opening a fish shack, b/c Grimes meat tastes like boots. Well done and you showed me alot with thievery and the Village thanks.

Ravnir: A fun time we had, cold shower must have woke you up, but anyways I had fun with you and I always knew I could count on you in a tight spot. Hated to see you go, you were a beast.

Brindelbin: One of my best buddies around, the day you ascended I knew it would be a greater loss than gain, but what could I do. We were still grouped when you Immorted. And as I figured I haven't seen you much since. Sigh!! Have fun in the skies.

Livion: You were a beast, I didn't ever really click with you and almost pissed you off enough that one day to make you want to kill me Brindelbin said, but I figured if you keep asking us where the Codex and trying to force us to go while you go seeking daggers and other ####, how about you put forth a little effort and lead into battle instead of sending us while you go get whatever it is you wanted. I think whatever it was could have waited til after we finished, but anyways it's just spit in the wind now. Well done anyways.

Baltorn: Well seems you have stuck it out longer than any other than me and the Commander. You always get a shade of bad luck in the Rites for some reason, but I always root for you. Good luck and good job. And thanks for all the gifts.

Grimbelbin: You turned into my new buddy and I loved the time we spent together when there was no others around. A shame your times have dropped and I haven't been able to see you. Feh! Thanks for everything and I hope you stick out.

Prucibal: I enjoyed our times together, when you first came about I used to laugh at you with Ritur. But once you came into your own I enjoyed our times around each other, it was enjoyable.

Koai: I had a bit of fun with you, as you began to grow. For a moment it seems you were stuck in those same levels unable to move but you made it out of your rut. Fun in the Rites as well, glad I logged it. Good luck and Well done.

Vinorauk: Great Player, you went against odds at times that just weren't in your favor, but sometimes you would pull of some great feats. Either way good job and hope to see you back in another hut.

Tib: I liked you alot, you seemed to becoming more competent as an assassin, a shame you didn't stick out a bit longer, would have been fun to see what you accomplised at hero ranks. PANCAKES!!!

Bahal: Liked you sometimes didn't others, but you weren't afraid to fight even against numbers. I think maybe once you left me hanging but Hey! what can a Queen do?

Too all the other young ones I forgot and that ended up deleting you let me down but I do understand, shame we couldn't still be the strongest in the lands but I am sure the Village will grow again once we have some leadership.

So many to name that I will respond if you do. Been awhile seen we have warred as well so help me remember if you will.

Same as above too many to remember but it was fun and you all kept me on my toes at all times.

Others: If I missed you hit me and I will respond to your message.

Later from the Bandit Queen!

Kahlemarie, Ibakhain, Maelbor, Ledifel, Rawnie, Maurcie, and many others I can't remember right now.
41437, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always fun to chat with! When Rawnie asked Sess to perform the wedding thing for her and Ravnir, I felt a little odd, because I always liked Rawnie, but was a goodie, so couldn't justify doing anything for Ravnir (even though he was super nice to her). I hoped I managed to convince Rawn that it was for other reasons, so not to offend.
41425, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Ravnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess all have been said before, but thanks again for the fun, the lapdances and everything else. She was a fine char.

Good luck with your next.
41435, Thanks Rav
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, it has all been said, I just came around to post the log of the Rites where I think you notedly should have won, but check on Dios, kinda sucks that you didn't and deleted not long after, I think that might have brought you back around more often. Oh well!
41424, Can't ever remember them all! Lord Qaledus!
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was also fun to interact with you, thanks for making me Bandit Queen after I had to bribe you a bit. To think I almost gave you my life for it, and all you wanted was the coins I had in my pocket. Thing is I don't even think I had more than 2000 copper to donate if I would have lost, haha but I think it all worked out for the best. I wanted to try to get others in the guild more involved, but w/ the Village taking up most of my time. The balance involved was a bit hard even when I really wanted to. But anyways thanks for the experiences, another enjoyable Immortal about Thera.
41408, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Blorg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey its me Aiden that lil svirf warrior you helped out. Thanks a bunch for the gear and the free advice. You gave me hope of getting into Rager when I was starting to think I never could. Ill keep trying and see what happens. I wish I had been around earlier cause you seem like you would have been alot of fun to rp with. Hope to see you again in the fields. Peace
41409, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, don't give up now. Shouldn't be too much longer just keep peeking your head around the Village and your time will come I'm sure. We need more like you who keep plugging away. And yes I enjoyed interacting with you, I wish I could have stuck it out to help you some more.
See ya
41406, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, you were tons of fun to watch and poke at. Our interactions were very enjoyable. Here is how I see it...if you can't have fun doing whatever it is that you are doing, why do it. Nice, classy character. Oh...yes, you almost always caught me when I was busy, so it was my loss that we could not interact. Have fun with whatever comes next.
41411, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured as much, and I wish I could have found a floppy sun hat, I probably would have never taken it off and would have found a shady spot in the Village to kick my legs up and poke the bird at whoever pissed me off. Thanks for everything! Including the drinks and mutton.
41405, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love interacting with characters whether or not they dislike, love or fear me. The snorting was fun, but you got boogers on the nightwalker.
41412, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, I liked you alot, wished we could have interacted more, but most times I saw you about. Your Scion Minions were not far off my trail or were trying their best to poke at me. So it didn't give much time to poke more at you.
Thanks for all.
41398, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Dukreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed running around 'with' (used loosely) Rawnie those times. While I don't think we ever actually grouped, I think you know what I mean ;)

I wish you the best for your next!
41400, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I figured the war between the Imperials and Village would come to a head soon, so I tried my best to befriend you a bit, sort of make you like me just enough that when the war did start atleast you would show me a bit of respect. So I made you like me and I think it worked out. Congratz on your Immort, and good luck.
41392, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. sucks I could always count on you to have fun with
like when we stole from Senisbalt...

So now Im basicly alone in the village..
Hope you come around again and have fun...
41395, RE: [Battle] Rawnie Shafaa' Bandit Queen [DELETED]
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, were some good times Koai. Looks like the Village will be a bit lonely but shouldn't be long after a new Commander is chosen. Things should go better than I would imagine. Was kind of cool to have two City Heads in the Village. Luck to you.
41390, lol
Posted by Livion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hey i don't think i wanted to send you retrieve while i was getting daggers, no way! I think I was just really far away and our ennemies logged out or something..anyways i dont really remember but Livion did enough retrievals/grabbing items alone to know that this was an exception (if it happened that way). You were just a lazy bitch and I hated you. But anyways!!! And wtf with that Ritur speech, cmon.

Take care
41393, RE: lol
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I feel you on that, but at the same time, I wasn't the only one that thought the same. Didn't mean to float you boat bra'. Whatever and that is something that came along and was fitting for Ritur to be remembered, the more I hung out with him the more it came on. And to the point that he was the only one I hung with like I said, more like a big brother. Like the real world sometimes the more you hang with someone the more you become like them. Anyways I could care less honestly.
41389, Forgot two goodbyes: Kastellyn and Rusenlan
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rusenlan: I know you caught the brunt of the jokes from me and Ritur, but once he started I couldn't help but join in. Was alot of fun around that time. Bah you all.

Kastellyn I had chosen to follow you, but being that your times were so sparse it just never really worked out that well. And most of the times when I was on I was just get so busy in running around that it just flew my mind. Oh well, I wish I could have gotten some of your attention, but it happens I guess.
Now that's it!