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Forum Name The Battlefield
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Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=41378
41378, Deleted
Posted by Bruen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haven't played for a couple years and was bored at work so decided i'd play since I had nothing better else to do. By the way if I ever fled from someone and dropped link or something gay like that, it wasn't on purpose, i just had a customer to deal with heh. I had a lot of fun with this character and thank you players and khasotholas.after being anathema'd for being "cozy" with a tribunal I no longer have the will to play. A couple imm's just kind of ruined my fun, thanks you just lost another player. Bye
41464, RE: Deleted
Posted by colospgsbryan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally don't know how the hell you weren't anathema'd earlier, i saw you break more laws, against imperial law, more times than I can remember, Im glad you're (the char, not player) gone. With an imperial i had long ago, i was uniducted by grurk on the spot for attacking an enemy in hamsah, and I saw you attack people left and right in protected cities(magistrates and non-magistrates) and loot corpses, get made criminal for it... I just didn't know what the hell was going on with you.

Hope you don't quit though...
41384, RE: Deleted
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you delete so soon, I was looking forward to see what you'd bring to the Divine Sect. I'd just gotten a little more time to watch followers, then boom you're gone. Sorry you got a sour taste in your mouth being made anathema. Keep in mind, the Empire was at war with Tribunal at that time. You were given a warning about it, continued, then were made anathema. If a U.S. marine was sitting around trading his m-16 for Osama's AK, there'd probably be repercussions.

Anyway, seemed like you had a good start to a character.

41385, RE: Deleted
Posted by Bruen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah well all I was doing was talking to them. Not like I was grrouping with him going round killing people and crap, I killed him for attacking cents. And the warning was not even clear, I was told he'd tell the emperor of my happenings? ok, so i'm going to carry on as i have till the emperor talks to me? right? atleast that is how i took it.
41465, Perhaps
Posted by Xaannix- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but most likely not. He would be watched, spied on to see if he was *harming* the US or protecting it. The AK is better than the M-16 anyway :). But, I dont really see whats wrong with maybe using one enemy to kill another eneemy then kill the first enemy. If you gotta be cozy with the first enenemy to get the second, so be it, especially if you are evil and lack scruples. Sometimes you have to 'betray' your country in order to save it. You guys, IMMS, could try to RP it and see if its going somewhere. If the guy is just being cozy for no good reason, boot him...if not, well, keep your wits about you and watch.

*I dont really know what happened exactly but was a bit surprised to see Bruen and *enemy of Bruen* at the tree killing a common enemy..so..read above*
41470, RE: Perhaps
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have obviously had no military experience. After spending month sleeping with my beloved M-16 I can tell you that the ass whipping he received from his immediate supervisor would be the least of his worries.
41471, And...
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Absolutely. If you were working for any branch of the government and were trading supplies with members of the enemy without explicit orders to do so, you'd be up on charges. And unlike Bruen here, you wouldn't get a warning to stop first.

That would happen even though the government has a justice system in place which is intended to protect the rights of the accused. The arresting officer can't shoot you on the spot for being "weak".

Empire doesn't promise you that. Orderly Evil, and all.

One of the important drawbacks of being evil is that you don't get to request or expect mercy from those with the power to hurt you.

41474, I dont know
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have personally been witness to some terrible terrible things by the 7 in charge of one of the sections in my platoon, and some terrible things by the platoon leader himself. Including sexual harassment, missplacement of an m-16 not once, not twice, but thrice. The third time the weapon actually left the Base we were on. All of this not only got covered up entirely, but the platoon leader subsequently recieved a bronze star for his 'honorable' actions in a war time conflict.

What I guess I am saying is that no matter how bad an act you commit it really just depends on who you know, what you know, and what you can prove. Oh, and what you can convince others to hide for you.
41473, Well yes
Posted by Xaannix_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would have been wiser of Bruen to ask persmission first, yes. However, most likely you would be arrested and then asked to give explanation for your actions, so you better have a really good one. Sure as well they wouldnt kick you out/jail you before they knew why you did what you did.

Did Khas bother to find out why Bruen did what he did?

But im an aiforce officer as far as military experience goes, captain.
41466, One more thing.
Posted by Xaannix- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why didnt you ask him to use *enemy* how he sees fit to get done what needed to get done and benefit the empire, order. After that, demand of him to kill him.
41514, RE: One more thing.
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All you said could work... but don't forget that Khaso ALWAYS promise to his followers the endless pain if they disapoint him.. and he's an EVIL Imm, so why do you expect any mercy from him? Him saw, that Bruen is doing wrong, him even tried to warn him!

If you want justice or want to see the goals of cabal on the first place, play gooddies. When you play evils, expecially imperials, don't expect justice. Only the darkness and order :).

P.S. but only when you play evils, you feel the real challenge:) Come back into Empire:)
41383, you have to expect that in an evil cabal
Posted by bobbyp on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's much easier to get kicked out of an evil cabal. You have the imms watching for infractions, but you also have your backstabbing allies trying to oust you too. It doesn't sound like the imms screwed you, it sounds like you shouldn't play an evil cabal full on intrigue.
41381, BLeh!
Posted by Blaindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some damn good fights. You were one slippery bastard. You must've gotten away from me convulsing at least 3 or 4 times. But you sure put a beating on me a couple times too. I enjoyed our fights because they were almost always solo. Great fun. I do hope you come back, don't sweat the imms, they're doing their best and they're doing it for free! Just play a warrior or something that doesn't rely on them and you'll have even more fun.
I hope I see you in another form sometime.
41380, RE: Deleted
Posted by Hogne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the fights. Its was excellent to have a foe with honor.

Good luck with everything.
41379, RE: Deleted
Posted by some thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too bad it came to that - as a fellow long-time player recently making a comeback, I hope you feel the urge to try again.
41382, I'm sure you'll be back
Posted by Desmonn_Kinnt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You know, I kind of get a little frustrated when I read messages like this because the IMMS ruined your fun. 90% of the fun of this game is playing your role, joining cabals, its a ROLEPLAYING game. Cabals are meant to be the centers of the Roleplaying elite. So I really don't like when people get booted for a legitimate reason and then complain that the IMM's ruined their fun.

BTW an Anathema can make for even more PK situations and FUN as you call it. A complete turnaround of philosophy and a whole new list of targets. You kind of have to roll with the punches especially when its your actions that cause the 'imms to ruin your fun'.

Before I immed Desmonn I got kicked out a many cabals...and every time I knew it was going to happen before it did. So just take a deep breath, calm down, and think up your next role.


41475, RE: I'm sure you'll be back
Posted by Xaannix- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You know, I kind of get a little frustrated when I read
>messages like this because the IMMS ruined your fun. 90% of
>the fun of this game is playing your role, joining cabals, its

I agree with you there. Its hard to ignore imms though when you are an empowered character. Thats the reason why I never played empowered chars or chars that depended on anything, RP wise or otherwise from imms. Makes things a bit more free.