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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) <MARAN> Faelmort the Holy of Faith
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4127
4127, (DEL) Faelmort the Holy of Faith
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jan 2 21:29:55 2002

9 o''clock PM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Heat on the Theran calendar Faelmort perished, never to return.

Cabal:MARAN, the Holy Brigade of the Phoenix
PK Ratio:63% (closer to 100% is better)

4128, RE: (DEL) Faelmort the Holy of Faith
Posted by Menzellith (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought I was your favorite target pre-hero! *L* Anyway, you always made me think twice about wandering around and accidently running into you, and you ruined I don't know HOW many of my perfectly laid traps on other people...just by popping into view. I was just waiting for the day I got worldbind and could finally lay it to you occassionally...but, got stuck on powering up my weapons and never ranked again! *L* Best of luck, and hope you get over this strange addiction to real life and head back this way to play some more...you definately made it interesting...
4129, I think you might have been one of them.
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were on of the few people that would stick out a fight long enough for my maledictions to reach their full potential. You also seemed to be a decent role player. I was, howevery, a little dissapionted when a paladin with your name popped up to talk with me. *chuckle*

As for real life, it's going surprisingly well. I discovered these things... maybe you've heard of them ... they are called "women" they seem to be taking up a lot of my time. Anyways man, thanks for the reply, and good luck!
4130, WTF happened....
Posted by Sancella (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, a few things happened at the same time actually...

1, christmas and so on... I went home to my family over the hollidays and just hanging out with friends and family took most of my time.

2, At my apartment I have a T3+ connection (guess what i do... CF) and hardly ever have any lag, when i came home i tried mudding with a crappy modem and the lag was driving me crazy.

3, I flunked math so school is taking more time than usual.

I really hoped youlld still be around when i returned...

I enjoyed the few times i got to interact with your character and i always thought Faelmort as one of the chars i wanted to meet in the fields.

See you in the fields and good luck on your next char and so on =)

4131, heh sorry it took me so long...
Posted by Viornsra (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a blast with you all the time. We had a lot of good fights, and damned if you aren't good at running when the occassion calls for it! I rather enjoyed our interactions and was hoping for a longer, better conversation but almost every time that came up I was drunk as hell *wry* and so struggling even more than usual to keep my head above the water. Yeah, those supps sure as hell didn't help with that death heh, worst thing was, I could have gotten to safetly, but I completely forgot about nightgaunts, heh oh well. Well done, I really liked the char and hope to see you around again. I was also glad to see you were balzy(unfortuneately not enough to stay around when you were getting an ass beating *Winks* so you pretty much always lived heh) and would solo strike at others, although this did seem to taper off as time progressed.
4132, RE: heh sorry it took me so long...
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(you) would solo
>strike at others, although this
>did seem to taper off
>as time progressed.

I think I mentioned this somewhere else. It actually was not because of me at all. People got know that I was usually trying to kill some evils, and so they would quickly latch onto me. Faelmort was supposed to be a leader, and so it didn't make sense for him to refuse to take troupes into battle.

Anyways Vio, thanks for replying. I was beggining to wonder about you! (Now if I could just psychicly will Shokai and Zulghinlour to respond.)

4133, Aw, well damn..
Posted by Zardik (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Give up a CF char for real life stuff? What are you thinking?!? Er, nah, just kidding. I hope stuff goes well with the tournament for you. Had a lot of fun with Faelmort the brief times we ran together. Fiery, surly dwarves make good partners. Anyways, take care and stuff.
4134, Later
Posted by The Arcane Chancellor (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed to have a bit of spirit, but you failed to learn from past mistakes. I enjoyed most of our fights and I will post a log I kept of a more interesting one I had with you and Karithia in Arboria when I lost link. It is rare I log fights, but that one struck me as amusing. Hope to see you in the fields again some time. Great character and good luck with the next. We all come back like a crack whore looking for a fix.
4135, RE: Later
Posted by Karithia (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If that is the fight I think it is...that one went really bad and should have gone better.

Karithia El'feanor
4136, Farewells to Kuhekeeh and Crenshillion:
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot my two little neutral buddy/enemies.

Crenshillion: I think our first fight was in the 20's when you used to run around with Scions. I know we fought a pile of times on the Battlefield. I thought you were evil at first, and in Faelmort's eyes you were, reguardless of the fact that you didn't have a red aura. I remember us calling a truce, and then you attacked my paladin groupmate in town. Naturally I came rushing in to kick your ass. And that was when I declared you my enemy. I know I killed you a handful of times in those days, and probably cost you some con. Later on you started popping up around me and killing Scions. That was when I started to come around with you more, and while I never considered you a friend, I did consider you a useful, if somewhat untrustworthy greywalking tool. As a player though, I think your rad. From anyways I looked at you it was fun. You gave me several hours of enjoyment, my friend. Good luck!

Kuhekeeh: You little @#$%@%^#$%^!!! *smile* I don't know how much ##### you stole from me. You were useful at times, but way to untrustworthy. You remind me of Jonni some, but you could depend on him. I had jade talismans just for when you were around. I can't believe you survived Karithia and I the day you stole my pack. I know you were surprised that I knew where you were. I noticed one day talking to you that you were out of hiding for a while. You said you were just attacked and had tucked yourself away. I went looking for you, and I found a couple of your usual haunts. *wink*
4137, silly shaman....
Posted by Kuhekeeh (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry i kept on stealing from you, i just couldn't help myself. besides, my role was the perfect excuse to do it. my personal favorite time was when i robbed something or the other from you in the high lord's keep, you withered me, i jacked you, and grollaski had to break us up with a disperse. now THAT was friggin hilarious. sorry to see you go. i'm actually writing this the same day i wrote lokatin's...y'see i don't check the logs too often...yeah. in the 40's you were fun as hell to run with. and finally, i can't believe i survived that day either. was dumb luck that my wimpy kicked in when it did.
4138, All my friends are leaving, or dying off...
Posted by Gloreinfell (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I think I made more friends the way I met you...picking their pockets, then talking it out later on...

I enjoyed travelling with you, no matter who our 'third member' was...


Gloreinfell Rockfinger
4139, Bah, I knew I was forgetting a bunch of people.
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glori glori glori. We actually made a pretty good team, when were on eachothers side. You fed me a lot of information from the shadows, which is an aspect of CF that I love. I think that a lot of Lightwalkers ignore the neutrals. Faelmort believed in taking advantage of thier skills, and using it for Goodness. The Lightwalkers I hung around with were always impressed that I knew where people were. When they asked how, I'd say, "I gut me a spy followin' dem." I could almost hear their hushed ooohs and aaaaahs.

Your a damn good thief, my friend. Keep it up, and I'll see you in the Fields again someday.
4140, RE: (DEL) Faelmort the Holy of Faith
Posted by Tiasharel (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

What can I say, you made my whole CF experience worthwhile. I think we first met and started ranking together in the low twenties and after that, I always looked first to see if you were about whenever I logged in. I always enjoyed every interaction with you and I will miss not seeing you on the Who list.

As for the whole PK thing it don't bother me much and I will explain more when I finally die....someday I hope to be a Maran, if I can ever get heard that is. Anyways, making Maran won't be as enjoyable with you not around.

"Ba....Bah yea...yea Scurvy...vy Dwarf!"

Take Care and good luck with your tournament
4141, *sniffle*
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I said man, you were Faelmort's best friend. I really wanted to drag you around and show you were to get the things to make yourself a little tougher. I'm glad you figured out the Ysigrath though, that's key for any class that can't see invisible.

By all means drop me an email. I'd like to talk about Tiasharel's role. I never did get to hear your story.
4142, RE: (DEL) Faelmort the Holy of Faith
Posted by Theerkla (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Realize we didn't travel much, but I have to say, I loved your warcry:

Faelmort appears more confident as he shouts 'How's me bloody axe feel in yer gut, Darklin'?'

4143, That was made on the fly too.
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I was killing Dul Goldar guards, and realized I didn't have warcry string yet. I was tempted to just have it be, "Yaaaargh!" but that's not very priestly. I'm glad you liked it. It was fun killing stuff with you. *wave*
4144, Sure everyone forgets the Healer
Posted by Nyrina (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I had fun running around with you for a few ranks. Good Luck on the competions(to early in the morning to spell right).
4145, Ooops!
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, we almost heroed together, I went through the seven ranks that I lost in my pfile corruption with you. The three of us (Dyliona) always had fun killing "dem fargin' liches!" Good luck, my friend.
4146, I forgot these people:
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Priolith! It was fun hanging out with you, when we did. I can't believe you had the nerve to attack Petrom in front of me. I think that killing Yathiente with our little plan will always be a CF highlight for me. I've played my fair share of Sylvans waiting and waiting and waiting in a wall of thorns. I knew you could do it.

Vynmylak: We had a couple interesting talks. I always wished that you would pop up a bit more. Oh well.

Lanaulyn: It was good having you in the air, spying out my enemies for me.
4148, It's a good thing you remembered...
Posted by Player of Lanaulyn (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And it's good to know you appreciated Lanaulyn. I appreciated spending the little time we had together, cause I learned a lot about shamans in the process.
4147, RE: I forgot these people:
Posted by Vynmylak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I, too, had hoped for more interactions. My playing time has been cut short a bit for the last week or so, and much of the time I have had one, I've tried to committ to Haven issues and/or interviewing candidates. It hasn't been conducive for a whole lot of other activities.

Hope to see another incarnation from you at some point.

-- Vyn
4149, *sniff* Bye bye.
Posted by Faelmort the longwinded (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
+++This note turned out waaaay longer than I expected. I’m not going to proof read or correct spelling. We’ll live with any mistakes herein.+++

Shite! Well I promised myself that I was going to age die. But as we can all see that’s not going to happen. I was in a different place in my real life when I made Faelmort. I regretfully admit that Faelmort was my life’s biggest focus when I started him. I had just moved from LA back to Michigan, and I was a little bummed out. I didn’t know where most of my old friends were, or what they were doing… so I just kind of hung out at home. I hadn’t played CF for a while, but I fell back into it just like I’d never left. Now that I’ve been back in town for a while I have a real life again. Tae Kwon Do has been my whole life since I was sixteen. I compete all the time, and I have U.S Open coming up at the end of February. I really have to focus on training, and not on mudding. CF is way too big of a distraction for me. I don’t want to look back and have to say I missed out on being a Champion because I was mudding too much to train. I know that I can’t have my CF addiction in my face all the time. I also am moving out of my parents and into a place with no computer. I could probably swing logging on during the day every once in a while, but not as often as I think a Maran should.

I really wanted to learn where to get protections and armor with this character. That was really my biggest goal. I succeeded in some of that. The PK ratio was never an issue for me, though I will say I only died three times before I hit hero range. Twice to a Scion thief that I haven’t seen since (blackjack until sanc falls is a bitch.) And once to some scion mace spec when my sanc fell outside the chasm. I had a real rough go waiting to hero. That was during the 7 scions at a time and no lightwalker phase. I almost powered through it with minimal damage until my pfile corrupted. I was @ level 49 and got popped back to 42. Then I just got slaughtered. It was fun anyways.

Farewells -

Shokai: You were more or less the closest immortal to my heart. I’m very bummed you weren’t around, and I’m leaving as soon as your coming back. Our couple of talks were great. I know that I wasn’t an overly impressive character, but I’m glad to be the only new Maran in god knows how long. I’m sorry that I can’t finish the chasm-quest-thing, I know I was on the right track. It’s a shame that Maran is struggling now, it’s my favorite cabal by far. I had big plans involving it, but real life happens. Do you think you could slap a title on me now that I’m dead?

Zulghinlour: The only time I had any incling of you was when you empowered me. I was a little let down by the whole experience just because I didn’t actually get to talk about my beliefs. You were pretty much like, “You will come crawling back here beaten and broken, lightwalker!” Which is probably what I should have expected anyhow. =) I know that I was not a great follower of yours. Your religion is very tough, and I think I did a fantastic job following it pre-hero, and a crappy job following it after hero. (I’m not very good at hero ranks yet.) That coupled with my over complicated role is why I believe I never ever ever ever saw you. Even though I was in your shrine a hell of a lot! I’d be glad to hear why, no matter how harsh, you didn’t talk with me.

Grumorum, Eryndorial, Uller, Thror:
Thanks for listening to me, and giving me stuff to think about.


Derexal: You were a great friend. Thanks for everything. Good luck with the pit.

Calradian: Good times, good times. Fun playing with you.


Johan: As everyone says, your damn impressive. I think that if you and I had spent more time together It’d be harder for me to delete.

Zardik: The fact that you were “Paladin of the Open Seas” bothered Faelmort, who did not like the ocean at all. Wish you were around more.

Sancella: WTF happened?


-A drum roll for the first Scion I mention please! (I think I had more interaction with you than anyone else)

Viornsra: Well, you aren’t the best role played character I’ve ever seen, but you were still fun to talk to. The vulture/ram combo sure is a mean one. I think you killed me all by yourself twice. (A feat, I thought) The first was when you shocked the ##### out of my level 43 ass in the elemental canyon. I don’t remember the second, but I’m pretty sure it happened? I am proud of the time or two I made you flee, and glad that my curse and energy drains let Crain nightgaunt and kill you.

Iillien: Sorry I didn’t talk to you that last time you saw me. I really like talking to my enemies, but at the time I was busy both IC and OOC. I know you probably think I’m a chump, but there isn’t much I could do against those big alligator bites. Even with shield/protection/sanc/haste and stone skin I was not a match for it. The best I did was that time in Seantryn with you, Vio, and Karel against me Felgaire and someone else. With the invoker shields and everything else you couldn’t hurt me. So naturally you fled. I would have too. =)

Derseklaiet: You whine more than any person I have ever seen on CF. Seriously. I thought you were cool at first, but then I realized you’re a crappily role played orc, and you don’t even understand the philosphy of the Eternal Night.

Kurben: I’m pissed about that Shadar Logoth teleport. I hung around in that fight waaaaay too long waiting for Trien to be as good as Felgaire. It didn’t happen. I didn’t get what you said about me, “paying my dues.” I don’t know if that was truly what you thought about Faelmort, or if that’s something you say to everyone? Anyhow, I have absolutely nothing bad to say about you.

Tnaeru: I already responded to your death-post, but now you’ll never get your revenge. MUAHAHAHA!

Dullameh: I think you’re a solid character. I always wanted to talk some, but never got the chance. I think we had a kick ass pre-hero battle in the Araile. You were always fun to fight, and I’m really bummed I didn’t kill you during that last fight we had. I think I got you once alone, and Felgaire and I nailed you?

Nardin: I hope the immortals catch your link-dropping ass. Oh, and funny how you don’t stick around to be the only Scion. Take a lesson from Viornsra and Kurben.


Felgaire: I don’t need to say anything that hasn’t already been said. We kicked ass together, but it was more because we were both competant killers, and not that shaman/invoker is a magnificent combo.

Aubrey: Good times good times. You were always willing to help me out. Thanks for teaching me the catacombs!

Trien: I can’t say anything really bad, but you always kind of let me down when I needed you. Anyways, good luck!

Karithia: I really liked you, I just didn’t think that Faelmort had much in common with you. You’re a very good player in every way. You also made me want to play an arcane. Maybe I will.

Dyliona: You seem like a very knowledgeable person. I wish we could have spent more time together, I think I would have learned a lot from you. You taught me where to get the amulet of Ravenkind, and a something “very nice” nearby. Thanks!

Trienglir and Enfen: You guys are cool. Good ranking with you.

Reliviani: Remember how we talked about all the slaying we were going to do? A shame you never ranked!


Divox: You have a rough life, and I respect you for living it. Good luck!

(My third favorite cabal)

Grollaski: Always fun hanging around with you. You’re a pretty decent baron. I’m still cracking up that you posted your password on Dio’s forum! Drunken bastard. Hee hee.


You guys are my second favorite cabal. I didn’t know any of you except that one young healer at the very end. I don’t remember your name, but I thought you were good. I was actually going to start stopping by to see you.


Goapa: I liked watching you kill Vio. Thanks for grabbing some of my stuff. Oh ##### THAT’s the other time Viornsra killed me!

Elshadrial: Faelmort did not see a distinction in attacking because of being blood thirsty and typing murder. Sorta sorry you died though.

Mobongo: You were kind of cool that day in the wastes. You know, when I gave you the bardiche?

Loborguz: I think I was starting to crack into you a bit. Dunno though.

Tribunals I never saw.


Tiasharel! You were my bestest little buddy. I really hope you stick it out and make it into Maran. Shokai can attest to the many times I bugged him to induct you. You’re not the greatest Pker, but you rp is sound. I enjoyed every moment with you.

Puelvelol: I can’t believe that that certain someone accused us of being a perma-group. I was laughing my ass off that time that I OUTDRANK YOU (bitch.) You’re a sound character, and fun to be with. Take care of Tiasharel for me? Your another person that makes me sorry I’m deleting. I really thought were going to be the next unstoppable Maran team.

Yathiente: You were very fun to fight. You really screwed me good when you got me in front of the inn. I had to eat some serious crow, but I’m glad you didn’t rub it in too bad. Pretty clever plot that got you killed, huh? You didn’t know I was a schemer too. Muahaha.

If I’ve forgotten you, I’m sorry. Post me a hello and I’ll be sure to respond to it. All in all this was a fun character, but I never fell in love with it. I wrote this before I deleted, and I didn’t have a clue how hard it would be to actually type delete. God, I’m all choked up. I wish I could have done more, but I can’t have CF being a distraction in my life right now. PLEASE email me, everyone. Theetkdbadass@yahoo.com Alright ya’ll, here’s a big ol’ Faelmort quote:

“I hope yer all find da Light, dat I loved so much. Dem dat gut dat Light in der hearts, I pray it burns truly from now until da last age. To dem dat aire o’ da Darkness, I pray ye reform, and if ye do nah reform, I pray fer yer death an’ Eternal Turmoil.”

“To me Maran, I pray ye strike truly, swiftly, and often. May the battle be one in me absence, an’ da line pushed e’er forward.”

“Fare yer all well!”

4162, RE: *sniff* Bye bye.
Posted by Karithia (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Faelmort, I was sad to see you go. I loved listening to you. You made a great dwarf! But yes, I don't think an Arcane and Shaman make a great combination. We could do well, but you always wanted me to stay duo, which took me to long to act and by then Vionsra has done ripped a hole in you. Ugh. Anyway, good luck on your tournament. And I hope to see you in the fields again.

Karithia El'feanor
4163, Hmmm...
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually an arcane and a shaman make a real killer combo. I always asked you to stay duo because I knew that most people would run as soon as they saw us together. Most people just ran when they saw me coming. Really we never got a chance to optimize what we were capable of.

When I say we made an awkward combo I'm talking about role play. Faelmort was fiery, gruff and a brawler. Karithia is "dutiful and responsible." Being that you were so old I couldn't goose ya, which would be the most likely thing for Faelmort to do with a little girl elf.

You probably won't see me in the fields for a while, but I'm going to post occasionly on the OT board to keep everyone up on my tournament life. (Unless they flame me too bad for talking about real stuff.)
4160, RE: *sniff* Bye bye.
Posted by Johan (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Johan: As everyone says, your damn
>impressive. I think that if
>you and I had spent
>more time together It’d be
>harder for me to delete.

I don't know who's saying that, but I'd be willing to bet a hell of alot of people disagree with it ;)

I know how you feel, though. It's hard to look around and see an empty Hall.. I've gotten to fondly look back on the days of Yetharien, Jubair, and Kamba-part-deux. I think we had a rocky start when I was just getting to know your character (and figuring out who would follow whom and when :P), but I thought you were pretty damned good. It's unfortunate that I wasn't more of a presence during those beat downs (we could have camped out on my couch in Thar Acacia together!).

Anyway, that time when Karel&co. raided and afterward you asked what we could have done differently, well, two things: one, that I thought afterward, was for you to shut off your eyes and wither/weaken while I bashed (he would usually be gushing by the time he recovered from the lag and fled - that would have definately have turned it, even with Manarei showing up), and two, well, you dying wasn't just the fault of your prot. shield falling.. heh. I, um, was burning through cure blinds so fast that I neglected to take one out of my sack the last time we engaged - and when I was blinded, with both of them lagging me, my weapon stripped, I rushed and fled instead of retreating, and stumbled around trying to find the healer while you were getting pummeled. Um, sorry? :) It's the little things.

Anyway - good luck with the tournament.

4161, Well...
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was one of those multiple-things-wrong- situations. The protective shield being the most bone-headed thing that happened. I didn't mean to eyes onto Karel, I had had them up in Galadon, and forgot to turn them off. With an enlarged bashing giant and dispel we should have done better. In retro, I think we'd have been better off to wither, dispel.. and let the bastard do his usual blind and flee. I always had my svs vs. spell in the -110/20s. I don't think he could blind me. A wither would have softened his blows up some, and a dispel would have cinched our victory. Oh well, Felgaire and I got him enough. Manarei I managed to kill only in a HUGE group. I can't even count that one.

I really wish I could keep on playing but man, real life, wow, I mean... man wow. *sigh*
4159, MAN!
Posted by Felgaire (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it was fun running around with you. When we were in sync it was scary. And when we weren't, well it was funny:) But I am glad you called me competent. I am sure a lot would disagree with that. I like to consider myself dangerous when I am thinking. Which surprisingly doesn't happen all the often(the thinking part). Well, hopefully down the road you'll make another goodie character. Right now its goodies in power right now. So you aren't missing much....good luck with your karate stuff(or what ever it is :) )


4157, the bitter orc speaks
Posted by Derseklaiet (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well at like rank 30ish we both sent each other runnin a few times from then on it was never just you always you and pulevlol you and karitha you and (insert maran here)

i also think i lost like 2-3 points of con you you multi killing me over and over and over and over and over i am not one to just quit i go back out and try again but hell yes i am gonna bitche about it i liked how we only took what we needed from each others corpses though that was good (though you groupmates normally full looted me and you said "i had nothin to do with it hehehe) oh well the time you gave back the strange bracers till me will stand out as the funniest thing ever i still dont think you know what they do..... oh well man was fun liked getting my ass kicked by you you always did good with the spinebread and run defense heheh and where quick to leave bad situations even if it ment the rest of your group dieing hehe oh well c you in the fields
4158, RE: the bitter orc speaks
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm... I think I only killed you twice in a row one time. And that was only because I had killed you alone, and then stumbled onto you a little later with my group. How is a Maran going to say, "Nah we cannae kill dat orc?" The problem that you had was that you'd get pissed and log off right after you died. Then you'd log back on naked later. I don't have any problem killing you the next day. *shrug*

As far as me always attacking in groups, I admit to it. Part of Faelmort's role was to be a leader. He was, after all, a Flaming Crown wanna be. But I didn't ever have to try. People knew that if I was logged on I was looking for the baddies, and I would probably find them. So they asked me if they could come along. What is a Flaming Crown - Maran wannabe going to do? Say no?

If I had to say, Ders, I'd guess you've been playing CF about a year - year and a half. (Though you do very well with preps)You'll kind of calm down about the whole thing later, I think.
4153, RE: *sniff* Bye bye.
Posted by Puel (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Puelvelol: I can’t believe that that certain someone accused us of being a perma-group. I was laughing my ass off that time that I OUTDRANK YOU (bitch.) You’re a sound character, and fun to be with. Take care of Tiasharel for me? Your another person that makes me sorry I’m deleting. I really thought were going to be the next unstoppable Maran team.

Man, you're a punk. I was so waiting for Shokai to get around, and you were the only reason I wanted to play Puel. I stil want to play him, but you're gonna be missed. Thanks for all the help, you taught me a few things I didn't know, and about the book, thank you. That gave me alot of insight.

Hope to talk to you soon and all, maybe even see another character of yours eventually.

Puel, your drinking a dwarf under the table storm paladin
4154, I love ya man!
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm surprised by the number of people that said I was one of the reasons they logged in. Honestly, I didn't think that I did a very good job with this one. We made a good team, and I wish we had more time to reform our tactics. I'll be out of the Fields for a while, but drop me an email and we'll keep in touch. theetkdbadass@yahoo.com

I'll probably never forget running around drunk with you and Annalena and Karithia all taking shots at me. Why was I always the laughing stock?!
4155, RE: I love ya man!
Posted by Puel (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was my best memory. And it was because you were the dwarf and I was winning. ::snickers::
4156, You did not win!
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
YOU had to word to the healer for a cure to your alcohol poisoned self.
4150, Take care pal!
Posted by Calradian (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, bummer! I was just getting to know your character, and having a darn good time of it as well. But hey, I understand how life can be a damn burden when it comes to CF...

Im also doing the TKD thing...but only just started a few months ago, so good luck with that, I know how hard it can be, yet how rewarding as well!

I look forward to your return to CF.

The player of Calradian
4151, RE: Take care pal!
Posted by Faelmort (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were another character that I think didn't like me at first. I know that probably has something to do with the overwhelming number of people who ask you for help. I think the first time I saw you (as this character) I was outnumbered by evils 12 to 1. I think my first tell to you was something like. "Gods be praised! I'm glad ta see a friendly face!" Anyways we had fun that time, and my every interaction with you afterwards was just as good.

TKD can provide you with many of the things you probably enjoy about CF. There is a level system, politics, fighting, and the opportunity to become a legend. The thing is, TKD is real. You will reap real benefits in a real life. I'm always glad to hear of people starting up. I hope that your Master is not one of these crappy pieces of shiznit that are posing as instructors. One thing I always tell people:
TKD is one of the few truly honest things in this world. Whatever you give to it, it gives back to you.
4152, RE: Take care pal!
Posted by Calradian (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah...its not that I didnt like ya...its just sometimes rough trying to play a real peaceful type when everyone always wants to go out killin everything in sight. So, it took me a time or two to realize you were going to respect my characters beliefs and stuff. Either way, Im glad things went good overall.

And yeah, I think we chose a good school, we have an international Grand Master 9th Degree that runs it, and our branch is run by a 5th degree. So...I reckon that'll do for my fat ass!