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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON) <BATTLE> Mobongo the Master of Brass
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4112
4112, (CON) Mobongo the Master of Brass
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Dec 29 01:07:36 2001

4 o''clock AM, Day of the Bull, 29th of the Month of the Heat on the Theran calendar Mobongo perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:28% (closer to 100% is better)

4113, Well done (small text)
Posted by Talno (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sat Dec 29 01:07:36 2001
> 4 o''clock AM, Day of
>the Bull, 29th of the
>Month of the Heat
>on the Theran calendar Mobongo
>perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
28% (closer to 100%
>is better)

I had a hell of a time trying to fight you solo, always another rager or Elshadriel (a rager) would show up or always be with you, I think I almost got you with my sand lizard back near the village, then Blasko just decides to show up and knife me, OUCH!

well done
4114, heh mazes
Posted by Viornsra (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's a lesson I learned with my last char when an air major ripped me apart in one *wry* I'd say good work over all though, I was wondering why you didn't seem as ballzy towards the end, the con death shows why though heh. Good luck with your next one and see you in the fields.
4115, Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Mobongo Stormreaver (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well this was certainly a suprise, wasn't actually trying to
-CON- die but never was able to get a word to Thror about possibly doing a vitality quest.

Well where to start....

Mobongo was really just a reaction to the good vibes I was getting from the Ragers I knew from a previous character. He had alot of respect for them.

I also wanted to try too RP someone who has a different version of evil that wasn't based on race.

I threw in a few things like Yeti and the cubs (for those in the know only) for fun and RP value and had a little pipe dream that maybe someday the Village would be filled with wolf cubs all thanks to lil ole Mobongo.

Full name: Mobongo Stormreaver
Occupation: Fisherman and Berserker of the Battle Village
Favorite qoute: 'Things may come and go, but my fight will never die'
Favorite food: Trout

This here is something I wrote for the Ragers cause I think it symbolizes how Mobongo felt about being one.

A flaming star of rage,
Bright light that burns ferociously
until its last day.

Never was meant to last very long
except in the memories of Battle
and a drunken bards song.

OK the goodbyes....


Elshadriel: Well you up and quit, and I up and died, even here we ALMOST mirror each other. Like you I spent a god-awful amount of time during my mid ranks having my ass handed to me.
But I also had alot of fun when I wasn't being hunted. Thanks fer the interactions nd indulging in adopting a wolf cub of your own. Cya in the fields, we'll probably still have that uncanny resemblance of schedules.

Bereuht: Sheesh, I can't say enough, this guy kicks some serious tail. And hes packed with knowledge, being part of your induction is part of Mobongo's brightest achievements and I meant every word about you impressing me. Not just with your fighting ability but also the depth of your RP. Who the fack else would ever sit there and RP teaching someone to read. YES that was a freaking ball, no one else ever I bet actually RPed learning to read. I hope your book comes out soon, hope to be able to read it even if Mobongo himself wont be able to. And dont forget to build that cave for Chomp and the other cubs!

Samar: Samar you definatly were Mobongo's father figure, in a RP sense Mobongo had lost his father and until he started reporting to you he had sorely missed that connection, in a OOC sense you took him in and showed him the ropes and I appreciate that, wish I could have lived longer and fought better. Take care of Snowsilk ok!

Loborguz: I wish I could have lived up better to your expectations, Mobongo always was a bit scared of you after that first interview, always thought you was waiting for him to mess up. Didnt get to RP with you a whole lot, most of our time was spent raiding or defending but thanks for giving me a shot at being part of the crew, was definately memorable.

Segroi: This here was the first Rager to really know me, and though we drifted apart a little once Elshadriel and I became constant companions I still enjoyed our interactions especially how much you hated drow city, gave me a good laugh.

Intronan: Only spoke to you a couple times, but I DID kill some magi for you before I went so hope your happy!

For the rest of you bloodthirsty bastards, Mobongo hasnt forgotten any of you.

Special mentions for Kahlemarie, had fun with you and Elshadriel ranking, and thanks for all the love you showed Mobongo.

As for the other cabals didnt really interact with anyone except for battling usually but heres a few honorable mentions.

Nydeikon: Smug bastard - and i knew what ya was talking about, and yes it was dirty but it was me alone and i was pissed.

Voirnsra: Scary bastard - Ill never chase a Air major into a maze area again!

Klandesyn: Ignorant bastard - What the hell was it me and Elshadriel did to you anyways?

Comments about life as a polearm spec:

Well this spec didnt turn out quite as cool as I thought it would.

Charge set doesnt work as often as I thought it would and theres countless ways around it.

Chop is nice but its slow and id rather have pugil for doing damage.

Distance isnt nearly as defensive as I thought it would be, I had this idea that polearms were really defensive then I find out a sword spec is much more defensive -poke Elshadriel-

All in all ill never pick polearms as a spec again, it has its pluses like when Charge Set does work but considering you dont get to hit nearly as much id rather have the damage from hitting over time than one good move at the outset then half the hits.

Whips on the other hand are very cool!

My advice to future giants: get your strength up fast in early ranks and get +strength gear and you cant go wrong.

4126, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Samar (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well ##### me. I didn't think you were *that* close to having a body failure. You *should* have gotten a constituation quest. Or...hrm. Well hell. Your dedication, spirit, fighting, and heart is what won me over. I did enjoy interacting with you. I was happy to have you in my range...to harm the same enemies...but it ended too soon. You were one of the few of the handful that I saw on a regular basis, that actually came about and fought our blasted war. Little good it did you, cept maybe redeeming to know that your not a damned coward, that you live up to your vows. Anyway, I'm kinda pissed you died. I kinda felt like a father to you in some ways.

Enough with the gibberish...I liked your character. There wasn't much I'd change about you except some of the ways you waged war...your tactics and logic and all that. Anyway, I hope you'll come about again, your quite the character.

4125, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Radegona (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

That was fun though it was short. When I figured out my playing
times were completely opposite to Loborguz's, I just deleted.
I don't have patience. However, I hope for a short time we
interacted you found it funny. Damn, we even had one IMMteraction
together. It was really nice for a character to have a friend :)

However, now I can tell it, I didn't like your character story
at all. I took it as just another "magic killed my father" one,
which are generally all bad.

Good luck with your next, perhaps we can meet again.
4124, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Nydeikon (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you seemed to ALWAYS be around, I'll start by congradulating you on that. I really respect someone that is around no matter the odds, good job. I wish I logged more often, we had some pretty interesting fights, to say the least. Even though our views were totally opposite, I still had respect for you, because damn you had it rough (all those damned enemies). Well seemed to me like you did a good job, congradulations on a character well played.

Oh yeah and one last thing, I SWEAR that I did not call that tiger to attack you nor the village that time we were "sparring". I was actually kind of pissed he showed up, because I was looking forward to the fight. *shrugs* Thanks for the fun though.
4122, What you did...
Posted by Klandesyn (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Klandesyn: Ignorant bastard - What the hell was it me and Elshadriel did to you anyways?

I remember sitting in my guild in Galadon, when suddenly, here you both come, with Blasko waiting outside my guild. You both jump me, I fled, Blasko attacked. Then you jumped in to help him. Elshadriel always tried to deny it ever happened, but I know it did. Sihaunuk (sp) probably even remembers, he flagged you and Blasko during the process. That and Elshadriel was just an annoying bastard who was always mouthing off. You I didn't mind so much *shrug*. Oh well, luck with the next one.
4123, RE: What you did...
Posted by Elshadriel (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sounds like someone is miffed with their own personal shortcommings ;) anyways see ya in the fields klandesyn.

4121, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Elshadriel (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Elshadriel: Well you up and quit, and I up and died, even here we ALMOST mirror each other. Like you I spent a god-awful amount of time during my mid ranks having my ass handed to me.
But I also had alot of fun when I wasn't being hunted. Thanks fer the interactions nd indulging in adopting a wolf cub of your own. Cya in the fields, we'll probably still have that uncanny resemblance of schedules.

Yeah, I imagine that will happen, you did a great job with mobongo, we made a good team, but eh, I didnt enjoy warrior as much as I thought I would, sorry to kind of leave you dangling there, but apparantly you werent far behind, good luck with your next character

4119, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Kolun (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sigh always peeps forget me, good luck with your next char
4120, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Mobongo (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh sorry Kolun, hard to remember you shadowdwellers :P
Thanks, Cya in the fields
4118, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Loborguz (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really quite flabbergasted by this. I had no idea you were dying so much. Sorry to see that, I must say. Dreadful.

I don't know why you felt scared, since if your first interview had done you in you wouldn't have gotten inducted. But like many things, the alarming fact is that first impressions stick, and so if you were frightened at first, it would have been hard for me to convince you otherwise later. Though I thought I had, especially when you would talk about your pups and we would grin or joke or some such antics.

I always enjoy having at least one storm giant in the village, having a goodie around just livens things up. I wish you'd been able to get a con quest - or, of course, that you would get better at pk'ing. :P

But your rp was fine, and you definitely added a certain je ne sais quoi to the village. I hope you learned alot and come back strong with another villager.

Good luck.
4117, Damn I am feeling useless
Posted by Goapa (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
for having a real life. Real life is getting in the way of me playing and I feel bad watching all my fellow ragers die off as I sit in my hut unaware.

You were very fun to interact with and I had a good time with the new group of villagers (you and Elshadriel especially).

Also, the cub of Yeti's you put in my hut. My pet boa constrictor gave it a big hug and ate it, but I never told you because I felt bad. I thought they were getting friendly with each other until my boa constrictor started to eat it whole....

Good luck


4116, RE: Mobongo's farewells
Posted by Kahlemarie (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey there ya big lug... I could never find you about in the realms after awhile.. I found myself quite bored a bit.. I used to look and ask around about you and Elshadriel.. but it seemed the village had moved on without you two around.. I much enjoyed our time together and wish we could have spent more.. eh... I always seemed to befriend villager's as when I couldn't catch up with you I met a fellow by the name of Penz... he enjoyed my company as well... Ah well... sad to see ya go.. but atleast now I know what happened.. sucks but is life as a rager eh? See ya round cutie..