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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Senisblat the Holy of Faith
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41117, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Senisblat the Holy of Faith
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Sep 3 00:26:20 2005

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Senisblat perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
41220, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Senisblat the Holy of Faith
Posted by Levan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I actually rolled before you, and there was at least one login where were in the same pk range, but I just don't get the opputunity to play as much as I'd like, so you skyrocketed above me.

Anyway, You seemed to me everything a Maran shaman should be, and I aspired to running a slight muck with you once I finally heroed. Oh well, I guess I'll have to take all the glory for myself :P.

Luck with whatever you do next, if you do anything at all for a time.

41192, Goodbyes
Posted by Senisblat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, good old senisblat bit the dust and I have been way to busy to even think about it. Just a week out, and the memories are starting to fade. Let me preface everything here by saying a few words about me. I have played the game forever(about 7.5 years now), but I have never considered myself good. This was my first attempt at an empowered character, and honestly, it was the most fun I've had playing the game ever. My opinion of Shamans is a good one. For me, I found it hard to kill people solo at hero, so you might call me a ganger, but I just wasn't effective by my self. On to the goodbyes.


Sorry I up and deleted on you. Thanks for the empowerements and the maranation. Everytime you did something for me, my heart was pounding it was so cool. I really didn't get the hang of your religion until the very end though, and I had some neat things I was going to throw in there. Unfortunatley, my time ran thin.

Other Imms:
You guys make this game what it is, which is in a word sweet. Thanks for all the questy stuff, the dreams, ect.


Great Marshall. I wish I could have stuck around a bit longer. I liked how you ran the fortress, and I think that you did a great job of inducting. I also thought we made a rather badass pair as there was almost no chance of either of us dying. Unfortunately, there was also a slim chance of us killing anyone off too.

Thanks for inducting me. I never really saw you though.

I really liked you, but tried not to talk to you as much. I felt horrible for all the deaths that I saw you take, but overall, you were a great acolyte.

Ruren & Rhilkjean:
Ruren, where the hell did you go? I had the most fun with you, and we were deadly as hell. I wish you would have stayed around a little longer. Same with you Rhilkjean. You were a blast to be about, and I could tell you had more game knowledge than I. I was hoping to leach a bit of that out of you, but no, you go up and delete on me.

I hope you get inducted and kick some ass in the fortress. You deserve it. Loved hanging out with you. Had a blast playing find/save the kitty. Good luck.

Why delete man? Why?

Would have liked to stick it out a bit longer to interact more with you. A great player, and future leader in the fort in my opinion. And goddamntit man, stop following me, couldn't you tell that I hated leading?

Rickon/Jrekgrim/Other Storm Paladins:
You guys were always up for a fight. You also died a lot. I don't know why, but I got an odd halfnewb feel from you, which is weird because I'm not exactly sure how a halfnewb can hero a storm pally. I forget one of your names, a rather new addition to me. I liked you a lot, but didn't see much of you. I could tell you were going to do well.

Elf Paladins that names started with an L:
I'm surprised your not dead yet. You were fun to be around and always up for a fight, even when you were almost out of con. Good work, and nice job playing an acolyte.

Other L:
Great Maran. I almost rolled up an elf pally just to be like you, but then I remembered that I have things in real life I have to take care of.

Upcoming Shamans:
There are a lot of you now. I like to think it is because you saw me kicking so much ass, and that you wanted to be just like me, but I will not go that far ;). Good luck. It's a fun class to play.

Good job sticking it out. Sorry I got you killed so much. I tried to get you to bloody flee!

Sword/Whip warrior who's name I can't remember :
Thanks for being there. Talented player. Need more like you in the fort willing to play a warrior.

Almost no interaction there.

Great sunwarden. Thanks for the help when I asked. Thanks for keeping me informed of the moves of the taint.

We could have made somthing cool of our interactions. Unfortunately, I never had time to talk to you basically.

All of you, good job kicking my ass over and over again.

It's not that I feared you, but I knew 1v1, you could keep me from taking the scepter, and I could not hold the scepter from you. Well played. I got kind of pissed when I would see you and zilopza together so much, but I guess it's just how the timing works out.

Damnit man, you played like 12 hours a day. That in itself pissed me off. I could see you being the next leader, even though I never spoke a word to you.

The emperor was a wuss. My first reaction to learning who you were ooc was to laugh and say 'Jesus, I can't believe we both still play.' My second reaction was to say, '####, he should be better than that.' But, anyhow, good job sticking it out. Perhaps warriors are just not your thing.

I wanted to kill you so bad at times. That one time in Arboria, I could have put up sanc, but I thought you would have run if I did. Good job. Haven't been around, but I saw your delete thread. Too bad.

Grow some balls. All you ever did was rot. Not that I didn't use it, but it was a given that if anyone faced you, they would be rotted.

Great work. Out of all empire, I liked you the best. I liked fighting you, even though your songs were a bitch, and I even liked interacting with you. That little duel thing on the road was a huge mistake on my part for letting it happen. I got what I deserved, though.

I didn't like you. Not a single one. I wasn't even chaotic, but whatever.

To wrap up, I guess I'll thank the imms again, and thanks to the players who make the game what it is. I'll be picking up my PBF when I have the cash just to see how I did in terms of PK. Probably a lot worse than a lot of you think. Oh, and I will be back. The game is just too much of a time sink at the moment.

See you in the fields.
41194, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Forsk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God damnit fearless leader.. now why did you have to go and do that. That really came as a surprise, I enjoyed our interactions. You were always up for a rumble, maybe at times when we shouldnt have been. As far as following you around, well you were a maran when I was a lvl 21 squire so ofcourse the character would have looked up to you. Sad to see you go, but thats how it is sometimes. I've been out of the loop for the last couple weeks but il be settled in by monday and should be a regular again after that.


41195, No love for your favorite assassin? :)
Posted by Mizzarah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I offered your head to Aarn and he came down and puttith the smackith on me. Loved every minute of it. Thanks for being a good nemisis and target.
41196, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Meagara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was nice being in the Fortress with you. I wish I could tell you that I did indeed see how kickass you were and roll up a Maran shaman, but it was actually just a role idea I had while trying to fall asleep one night.

I am bummed that you deleted, though...was looking forward to fighting alongside you now that I've heroed.
41197, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Dukreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep. Almost every fight I start with either rot or wither. I also often retrieve and defend, alone, against crazy odds. I think just about any hero or imm could attest to that and I don't believe it is any secret. I think telling me to grow some balls is a bit ignorant, Dukreg's are likely too big for his own good.

Either way, good luck with your next and I am glad to hear you enjoyed Shamans as much as I do. Great class.
41199, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was fun with Rawnie outside the Inn...
if you remember..hehe
41201, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed the character, I thought Senisblat had good potential, and I enjoyed watching you grow into the role. Good luck with your next empoweree!

41204, Really liked what I saw.
Posted by Blaindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I barely have any time to play right now so I haven't been about of late but I really appreciated the time you put aside to interview me. Usually leaders are pretty darn busy so it's great when the other cabal members take some time to get to know applicants. And it helps flesh out roleplay etc....

I liked your style even though I didn't really get to see you fight much.
OH!!! And as for that mead quest thingy you sent me on, I DID try to finish it as I sent a note to the Innkeepers to make me up a batch of special mead for you but since I'm getting settled at school, I never got the chance to follow up on it.

Good luck with real life.
41207, Ha!
Posted by Senisblat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot you in my goodbyes. Sorry about that. You were great to interact with, and you definitly deserve a spot in the fort. That interview was fun for me too. Senisblat almost never stopped raiding/retreiving/hunting unless it was to gear up, help another gear up, or perhaps rank some youngins, so that was a change of pace for me, and it was something that I was looking forward to doing more of. Take care. And oh, I'm tossing some role ideas around in my head, so I might be back sooner than I thought.

41309, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Zilopza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played, i hated fighting shamans and entwining warriors at the archmage, it was no fun at all... Or not... ;)

As far goes me and Maztriel, well why would we run around on our own when our times matched like they did, just like me and Drathk when he was around. But i was just around the 12 hours daily, no matter who else was on anyways.. Heh...

Do come back and join team evil next time!

41137, Quick Note
Posted by Senisblat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll post some goodbyes and thouths in a little bit...once I have some time.
41122, Oh no you didn't!~
Posted by vegalicous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take it back! Now!
41118, Well ####!
Posted by Dorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This really really stinks. Another one of those people that I can really trust to back me up in a tight spot is gone. We made a really good team at times, and changed a few fights for the better. Good luck on your next.