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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Murdanthilus
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=41089
41089, (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boring times. Was not able to meet any of my goals with this character. Not many foes to fight, gathering gear grows tedious. Tried to drum up something to do regarding trees, my lost herd, ect. but wasnt going anywhere. Annoyed my favorite Imm, Ordasen, which made me not want to play anymore as well. Usually played 7-8 hours per day. Was only fortresite about 90% of the time. Gets a bit dull when no one to fight. Was hoping to speak to Aarn one day, but after 2 weeks of praying 6 times a day, and not be able to, was a final straw too.

Good battles with Koai, Rawnie, Boilard, Qlallafian, Dargmart, Dulmisa, Sylus, Yagharek, Aurilinus, felar warrior Empire (sorry forgot name).

Unsure which Imm I pissed off regarding my herd traveling. If I spend 6 hours alone, fighting alone, ect. WHich any of my foes will attest to, I gladly will group with some fortress folk, when they wake to raid. Only group fights I ever had were less than four. Killed Maztriel when he tried to raid solo. Killed emperor, and others during large 6 on 6 fight. Gortol I think, when struck at me during a raid, and I was grouped.

Tried to give Gortol, GRimbelin, ect., some fights. Grimbelin, I was fully prepped, barrier, aura, ect., and unable to overcome your healing swords. You won! When I avoid you when not prepared, you follow me around whining that I am a coward. I found that annoying. Gortol, see Grimbelin. Both of you are tough, so I dont know why you need lower yourself with taunts. Marans fight darklings, that was my purpose. ALso, if loosing, I am going to word or teleport. Dying is for fools. Dargmart, I owned you. Didnt like how you basically just run around with village powers and strike unprepared, near naked mages. Thats doing your job. But the gloating was pathetic. If you are playing a stacked mage killer, perhaps fight with some honor too. Im just speaking on my observations. I think you got me out of form once in earlier years. Still was very happy to finally catch you and teach you a lesson.

Boilard, Koai, Rawnie, was fun fights. Koai rocks.

EMpire. Could not get a single one of you to fight me alone. Id fight Sylus, healer pops in, Id fight Yagharek same thing, felar warrior, Dulmisa joins. Its not like any of you are patheticly weak, so perhaps you should try not relying on others.

Villagers need some opossition. MAGE opposition. Feel bad for them with nothing to do all day. Empty chasm doesnt count.

Oh yeh, I dont really like the Alligator either.

Take care, Ill be back.

SOrry Ordasen, you rule.

41121, RE: (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't meet you much, but the few times we did fight, it was quite no win situation, none of us could take the other down unless we f*cked up generally. Mongoose is a cool form, if I ever decide to play a shifter it would be on my list of forms I really want. I jumped in when you were fighting Brutela? Must been that I was close by, you were an Enemy thus I wanted you dead. I'm quite sure we fought one on one a few times though. With this character I've experienced it all being insanely outnumbered(and ganked)and the complete oposite, such is the way of the pendulum.
41123, RE: (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome assassin. The soon as I sense you about I get the hell out. WHen you are hidden. I know you from previous char, and you are a throat slitting machine. Cant wait for you PBF
41109, RE: (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This really sucks...
now Im stuck with figthing tribs..
Well.. didnt get you but I atleast put up a fight

As for the title...
dont pay attention to it in a negative way
its nice to be noticed...
I have played for several years... only my last
char was noticed in that way...
But I have gotten other types of Interactions...
Hell I thought it came from one time In Galadon
when there was a few Mongooses running around..

Luck with your next one(Play a Mage??)
41107, RE: (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by Dukreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't remember fighting you more then a couple times, don't think ever alone.

I believe about 85% or more of my time is spent solo unless it is a raid situation. Perhaps I'm wrong, we will see when Dukreg con/age dies and the pbf goes up :P

Regardless, best of luck with your next.
41108, RE: (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our fights. You would defend agaisnt two or three marans almost everytime I saw you. Those rots and dispells sent us packing. Yeh, we never really got to fight much, seemed you woke as I was getting ready to pack it in. Imperial high priest in your future.
41113, Thanks! nt
Posted by Dukreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
41098, RE: (DEL) Murdanthilus
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing to be sorry to me about, you didn't annoy me. I was only trying to let you know in an IC way that what you were praying for wasn't what was intended.

Since I could see it now, you doing that constantly and then in the end complain that you never got anything else to go along with the title and feel cheapened. I merely was trying to tell you that the title was just a title and wasn't really a reward (nor a punishment).

When you didn't get the idea IC, yeah I had to become "An Immortal" and break it down to you OOC. If a title is the only thing that made this character 'un-fun' then perhaps there wasn't much more to the character.

So I'm sorry if you thought you "Annoyed me" and no longer wanted to play. Thats really never a reason as even the best followers at one point or another will annoy me with something stupid they do :P Just as I'm sure I can annoy them.
41112, Isn't the intention of unflattering titles to...
Posted by Thief Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
make fun of the individual and let the rest of the mud know about it? I mean, isn't that the purpose of giving out crappy titles, to shame them out of their activities? Titles given have an affect on how others view your character. Someone deemed a level sitter, I don't like ranking with them or interacting with them. Someone deemed a super ganger as the title screamed, definately changed my opinion of him. You cannot really put a title like that on someone and then try to say to them later when they are affected by it as a player/character that "its just a joke, don't worry, no harm done". It is unfun to be singled out by the immortals, given a ####ty title to bear for the rest of your character's life (most likely) and thus feel that it will affect every single goal you set with that character.

I think the worst part of it is, its not like he is using the mongoose form in a way that it was not intended. It was intended to be the tanker in massive gangs, you guys designed it like that, and now he is getting the el-crapo title from the immortals for doing exactly what you intended the form should do.
41097, You and Senisblat
Posted by Talleyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I killed you both, ALONE. You just teleported and died to crimson scourge. So sad.

You also were ALWAYS with someone else.

41099, RE: You and Senisblat
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the wands. And equipment.

Cant even remember any specific fights with you, so I will not argue your statement. I do though remember all the corpses you leave when you are about, and all the wands i took from them. Thanks.
41094, Herd traveling
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Unsure which Imm I pissed off regarding my herd traveling.

It wasn't that we were pissed off so much as amazed. No character in the history of the gank o meter has kept it so high/maxed for so many kills. I have never before seen someone's gank o meter DROP because they killed someone 3 on 1.

That kind of extreme murderous cowardice was something we wanted to recognize. :) It has a certain panache to it. We were even talking (okay, not very seriously) about scheming up a border collie quest form.
41095, RE: Herd traveling
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offense but my kills were VERY VERY LOW. (At least I thought my PK totals were low. I only died once to a PK as well) I can only think of 3 or 4 occasions where I killed people in a group, and it was always, ALWAYS, cabal raids. If I am traveling solo with no fortress members in sight for 6 hours, and have most of my fights end in either me wording if loosing, or my prey fleeing when the goose starts whittling them down, it kinda throws the whole thing out the window. From my point of view I was solo almost all the time. Just didnt land lots of kills. Few occasions when grouped and raiding or defending, I landed kills. Just looking at some gank-o-meter numbers involving a handful of situations where I was grouped, and then labeling a char like that is in poor taste.

Its frustrating from a players perspective because I had tons of amazing fights agaisnt singles or groups of people. Villagers, Scions, ect. Anything I did during the vast majority of my play times seems to have been overlooked for a tiny amount of time when I happened to land kills in a group. Use Maztriels beatdown for example. Entire fortress just grouped inside fortress to head to retrieve from Empire. Maztriel decides to poke head into fortress. Two seconds later, dead. Another pefect example was during a raid at Empire. I sensed danger, assumed assassin was stalking outside. Unshifted, informed my group, someone fogged or brimstoned, and one round later, the assassin was slam dead.

Not really a big deal, but I guess my feelings were hurt. That sounds gay, but when your only real joy in the game is getting a pat on the back from the IMMs, and the people you want to impress are not seeing what you think they should be, it affects me.

I can guarantee you though that none of my enemies, except for the two villagers I avoided, can say I didnt fight them lots SOLO. Cant help the raid situations.

BTW: On a side note, are you active in game in terms of followers and stuff? Ive always wanted to give you a try.
41106, Man, I'm sorry.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the numbers don't lie, and you can't blame the staff for reporting/commenting on them anymore than you can blame ESPN for Lance Armstrong winning the Tour De France. We didn't hold the gun to your head and force you to get on the ganging bike and whip everyone in the Tour De France of ganging. That's something you did on your own.

As for me, I'm passing active, but if a unique if not entirely flattering title gets you down I'd advise you stay away. Droky empowerment is much more an exercise in masochism than that could ever be, with all my followers typically maimed, repeatedly.
41111, He is the mongoose, what do you expect?
Posted by Thief Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For him to run around and kill people solo? The person would have to be completely stupid or linkdead. You designed the form to be an awesome tank and a ####ty everything else, don't blame people for using the form how you intended it. To be the super tank for big raid situations. Thats like giving a healer a ####ty title for always healing and doing nothing else.
41124, Ever heard of Anith?
Posted by SPN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Go to the other page and do some log searches, you CAN definately kill with mongoose when done properly.
41125, RE: Ever heard of Anith?
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasnt that Falcon Mongoose... who got a questform Raven who blinded others?
41126, RE: Ever heard of Anith?
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played Anith. Mongooses are good, its finishing foes that is tough. Once someone is getting whittled down, they just run off. With an air form you can fly after those that flee.
41127, Its not about if its utterly possible...
Posted by Thief Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its highly unplausible with that guy's form set. Gator/mongoose? To kill with a mongoose one on one only happens if the person is stupid or linkdead. They can easily be ran away from. With Anith, as you said he had the falcon which limited running away. Its not like the GATOR is going to catch up with anyone. I mean seriously man, put some thought into it.
41139, Then..
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) What is the problem with an IC title accurately describing the IC actions of the character? It's exactly parallel to the Zodrimauk case from a while back. Here was an AP who avoided anyone dangerous and religiously tried to multi-kill the weakest people on, usually in large gangs. Now, you could say that Unholy Blessing (formerly) encouraged anti-paladins to act that way, but what is the problem with him being given a title that accurately describes the reputation this character built for himself? If we gave this guy a title like "Murdanthilus the Brave, Lion-Hearted Defender of the Light", then you'd have a case to complain. Otherwise, if the shifter quacks like the duck form...

2) Defensive shifter forms aren't going to excel at killing people. They will excel at keeping you from being killed. If you want to kill large numbers of people, pick some combination that doesn't involve defense.

3) This guy went over and above what other people have done with the mongoose. The form isn't responsible.

41140, RE: Then..
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you took the time to read my response. Sheesh.
41179, I guess my point here is.
Posted by Thief Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It didn't accurately explain or describe the actions of the mongoose/alligator. It accurately described the RNG and pure luck in raids. Judging from his post, logs, and what I saw of him, he spent a lot of time on his own, trying his ass off to PK by himself. He had a terrible shifter set to kill on his own. What the title represented was nothing what the character was trying to do or accomplish IC. In essense, the title was for him participating in cabal raids/big group v. group battles, and getting lucky couple of hits.

The reputation he built for himself? You mean the reputation that you saw by looking at his gank-o-meter numbers which do not accurately reflect what he was doing as a character. Zod's title was deserved and was later taken away when he ranked, this guy's negative title wasn't, and from his post hurt him both as a player and his character and all his goals associated with it. He was doing his job as a defensive form, and seemingly a very good job at it, and you penalized him for it.

Your second point doesn't make sense. His forms were set up that he could not kill lots of people. The point of the post was not "Why couldn't he kill more people", the point of the post was that the mongoose form was used in big gangs v. gangs and he got lucky kills, and that to offset that YOU as immortals expected him to PK on his own, which is close to impossible with his form set. Also, alligator is an offensive form, granted the worst one out there.

I guess it comes down to, he was trying his hardest (from what I have seen, read, interacted) to be a good Fortress and good defensive form, and for that, he got a crapped out title that basically brought him to deletion. A negative experience is a negative experience, and it reflects badly.

My opinion, thanks for your time.
41096, Id LOVE a border collie quest form anyday over a gay title. n/t
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
41092, You were trouble.
Posted by Boilard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had some fun brawls good fights. Maybe the title is a reflection of your role? I'm not sure. I'll post some logs for you.

Your comments on the ragers, dead on.

Not going to say I'll miss see'ing you around. But good luck with your next.
41093, RE: You were trouble.
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Favorite Scion, hands down. You always seem to be fighting off groups of people and if it werent for the goose dodging, Id be rotting and wasting away. With a little support in the chasm, you can get things going. You and Zilopza have your hands full, but if you are patient can turn things around again. Good luck.
41090, Will post goodbyes for my friends later. n/t
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM