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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=40990
40990, (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a long run, and I had been intending to play this character out till age death, but at the end I became more and more disinterested. It became a chore to login and frankly, I think I desperately need at least a couple weeks break from the CF scene. Five hundred and fifty plus hours is a long time and there were a lot of people that I ran into. The good byes will be lengthy and I will probably forget a few people. If I do, reply and I will respond.


Eshval: I never got to talk with you nearly as much as I wanted. This was mostly my own fault, as I could tell you were watching me a lot and often responded when I spoke to you. You’re a great Imm and despite your nastiness, all of scion should love you.

Muuloc: Another great Scion imm. Thanks for all the cool quests, at least I think it was you? If not, thank you to whoever it was that ran them . We only really talked once, and I put out a pretty poor showing. Still, I wish we’d had a few more discussions.

Dreaa: Despite the caustic dialogue, I could tell you wanted us to do well. I really was a bit disappointed that we (scion) never got to go to hell, but I geuss we can’t get everything. You definetly made me tread lightly whenever you were on.

Lyristeon: Thanks for the immteraction, and I really felt like a moron when I missed that parchment from the angel back on the eastern road. Also thanks for humoring me with that long talk on kiadana, you really gave my character a lot to think about.

Scarabaeus: Are you alive?


This was my first leader character and I frankly thought that either Azakard, Yagig, or Raheena would get the nod for Chancellor over me. I know I slowed down during the last hundred hours or so as my interest began to wane. I hope I made the game more enjoyable for you guys. I know I was a bossy bastard and at the end I let a lot of things slide in large part because we couldn’t afford to loose more members.

Runaktla: Thanks for the induction, I was horrible in the interview… but I think I really excelled afterwards. You were a creepy evil chancellor and I tried to be a more manipulative & pleasant-faced but evil hearted one.

Yagig: I said most everything in your deletion thread, but I gotta add that I really missed you after you deleted. You were my most trusted advisor and my toughest competition.

Raheena: I started to plot against you the moment I made it into scion. I do feel really bad about playing a significant part in your downfall, but my character couldn’t let you hang around. Also, so that you know, when we failed to kill Solasarath it was my choice that sent you to the furnace.

Gondrak: You have a great heart and were incredibly resilient. I saw you die over and over again as well as be frustrated by everyone asking you wtf you were saying constantly. I don’t know if I could play a minotaur but you handled it all admirably. It was great running with you.

Azakard: You had a great persona and I enjoyed our conversations. I am sorry I didn’t wait for you before completing the quest.

Drathk: You burned bright and hot, a couple weeks of killing everyone and you friggin delete on me.

Zilopza: I’m sorry I’m leaving you to fend largely for yourself. If you stick it out, I think you could really go places. You are far more knowledgeable than it was always a pleasure exploring with you. Thanks for helping me get stoneform so many times.

Xolshifaz: Where have you been?

Aubarelle: You deleted way too fast.

Bwate: You were the first scion to support me and I never forgot it. I only wish our playing times overlapped more.

Ucer: You were a fairly constant presence and I think you’re a good scion. Keep up the good work.

Boilard: Ditto Ucer.

Stratya/Alizara/hordes of other applicants that never got in: I really wish I could have inducted more of you. A lot of you really impressed me but with our numbers cap I just couldn’t do it and for that I am sorry.


Qulenit: You were the only character I feared.

Solasarath/Dorn: You were both friggin tanks with heavy armor platting. You just wouldn’t go down.

Jemr: A lot of heart and indominable will, you never gave up when many would.

Senisblat: You were slippery and tough to kill.

Ruren: where did you go?

Limnoreia: You struck me as being very new to the game but you seemed to learn a lot and grew more and more challenging to kill as time went on.


Gerylanst: You were a royal pain in the ass to fight and were lethal in a gang. I hated that song that distorted my perception and it was largely because of that song that you and ravnir managed to get me. Well played.

Ravnir: You were a tough warrior but quicksand just wasn’t very kind to you. Good fights.

Hasteli: You were practically the only rager that I could speak with. Thanks for taking the time to initiate those conversations. I smiled whenever I got a ‘Hi Ugly!’ from you.

Livion: You were a beast.

Grimbelin/Draxlin/Lisl/Gortol/Prucibial/Rawnie/other ragers: Thanks for the fights.


Rowan: I can’t believe you didn’t get in trouble for attacking me in Hamsah way back when we were in our late 30s/early 40s. This was before I became a Scion and I always thought that imperial law forbade you attacking anyone in a protected city unless they had attacked you first (you were attacking me). I was fairly perplexed and I admit disappointed when nothing happened. I largely forgot about you until you and Brutela got me by the high lord’s keep. Your timing was perfect, I’d gone afk for about 40 seconds and you entered just as my shields fell. That was a nice kill and I commend you for your timing.

Yagharek: I can only imagine the frustration I caused you. I will echo everyone else & say you kick a lot of ass and hit like a truck. Good luck with the empire.

Dulmisa: I have always wondered why you always stalked Zilopza and never me.

Well, that’s about it. Had a great summer here with Maztriel and I’ll hopefully be around again in a few weeks with a new face and a new name.

41116, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very cool, Maz. A top character that I wish I had played. I was waiting for you and Yag to storm the Gates of Asgaard next. Thanks for enhancing Scion.
41062, Yagig's partner in crime...
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were another fun one to watch. Did some clever moves in fights, and you were a general bastard to your cabal from the bits I'd see. This is good of course. The MUD would be a better place if we had more Yagig and Maztriel.
41045, Well done sir!
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maz was one of those leader characters that made everyone else around him better. I'm amazed it was your first leader character. You knew how to handle your business, and it showed. Good luck with your next!

41044, Even for a bossy, mean, hardass...
Posted by Nalyo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always seemed nice and cuddly to me. I ranked up with you quite a bit - and always appreciated an extremely competent shielding invoker to keep my lowbie forms from getting wrecked.

Then as we grew into Scion, I enjoyed traveling with you to new places (new for me at least - and I've been playing off and on since '94).

Sorry I haven't been able to log on much recently. Wish I could have figured out the area for you, but I didn't make any more progress now than I did when i first explored it years ago. Sorry man.
41037, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing like having more questions that need answering after getting an answer to a question, eh?
41031, Its all good
Posted by Azakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently I got love for it anyway, Loved running with your evil ass, you always knew exactly what shields I needed and I'd say almost 95% of the time had the right spell for our situation,
Heh, maybe we will end up on the same side...
41023, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dreaa: Despite the caustic dialogue, I could tell you wanted us to do well. I really was a bit disappointed that we (scion) never got to go to hell, but I geuss we can’t get everything. You definetly made me tread lightly whenever you were on.

Eh, what do you expect of course I wanted you guys to do well. Your my team! As for Maztriel, I was extremelly impressed in every aspect. If this really was your first leader, I'm that much more impressed, you were a great leader in every way. Your plans were well thought out for politics and fighting and they tended to be impressive even if they sounded better in theory than they worked. Well done all the way around, you've left some big shoes to fill, so we'll see if they next Chancellor can do it. Good luck with whatever the future may bring!

41022, My evil twin...
Posted by Yagig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job bro and I mean it. I always felt you were just a tad better than me in nearly every fashion. Between school, work, 2 boys and a wife I haven't been able to play since Yag but I would check the boards now and then and loved seeing the logs. Thanks for scheming with me and teaching me so much. I thought we made a fairly strong base for the chasm and don't remember it being quite as strong as it was for some time before. Great job bro and any chance you would say who you have played before?
41032, RE: My evil twin...
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yeah, I got the same feeling - maybe I WAS better than you in nearly every fashion :). However my rp scheme was a bit more cookie cutter than yours and you always came up with the finer points of our schemes. It was always great to have you on, there wasn't much that could stand against us when we were both cone of colding :)

As for past characters... my most memorable were Kwalin and Nagesh - both scions.
41014, Really liked our rumbles
Posted by Dorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With you, it was either feast or famine. What I mean was that when you would blast me it would either be huge or negligible. The funny part is, it was almost always with the same protections up every time too heh. Maztriel was one of the few people where I could say "I'm fairly certain I'll live, but I don't think we can hold her off either". Good job on playing a tough bastard.
41009, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah we had some good fights, though I could never get all my bindings off on you which always pissed me off, could have turned the tide my way a bit perhaps. And even when we fought it seemed like your hp was in the heavens and with the amount of damage you were putting out on my drowish ass, I had to be on my toes or it meant sure death. Good fun, good luck on the next.
Bandit Queen!
41011, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

My HP was in the heavens :) with a decent despoil I usually had 1.7k or so. Btw did you notice how you lost that cube of force you stole from me that time you managed to bind my hands? ;) Took me a while to figure out what happened to it.
41026, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured it had to be higher than I had anticipated b/c even with not getting hit by many of the area spells, critical hits were doing a decent bit of damage and you would still stick around, ususally til I was near death not you. SNORT! And yes I did notice that, and wondered the same, never came to figure it out though. ;) Clue me in!
Bandit Queen!
41004, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Rhilkjean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good show....I always planned to die when I fought you and you were ready for me...But I enjoyed our battles anyway. I think after our fights you know just as well as I how underused dispel magic really is most of the time. See ya in the fields.

41007, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

A conjurer doesn't have that much else he can do in combat. It's basically zap with wands, dispel, or magic missile vs an invoker. You were a worthy adversary and I enjoyed our fights as well. Wind wall vs your archon always seemed to serve me well ;)
41003, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor ...
Posted by Senisblat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This disappoints me. I had nothing but an enemy’s perspective, but I was always excited to see you around. I knew things would get interesting. Great job defending and retrieving! The only thing that irked me was the fact that a lot of the time, it was just you and Zilopza. Man, that is a rough combo for anyone to go against, especially for a shaman who could have practically everything I could do reversed.

This is a huge blow to scion. Good luck with your next, and see you in the fields.

41001, Well Played!
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From both an Immortal and mortal perspective, you were very consistent both in the RP and PK aspects of the game. Clever, wiley, hard to find (when you wanted to be) and a force multiplier against your enemies, always willing to participate in quests and other goings-on. Scion will miss you, but your enemies will probably miss you more. Enjoy your break, and good luck with the next character!
40997, Just great.
Posted by Boilard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, after lasts nights queer fest. I dont blame you. Well done keeping all that out of your goodbye.

You did an excellent job, well roleplayed and a damn good player.

Scion is hurting.
41000, RE: Just great.
Posted by Murdanthilus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Queer fest? Im curious.

ANyhow, Maztriel was well respected and seemed to inspire fear in a lot of people. Never got the chance to fight you other than when you attempted to peek into the fortress last night, solo, and we were all on our way out at the same time to fight an Empire army. Must have been 8 of us grouped. Wasnt a pretty sight from your end. Not a nice way to go out. You did well as a Chancellor and Scion is going to miss you.
40996, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well... Thanks for the fights
I lost almost all of em I think
but I knew there was going to be action
when I saw you around

thanks for the fun
41005, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I learned from experience that you were always good for a fight and usually stuck around a bit longer than was safe. From what I saw you were a good villager and damned if I didn't hate those earclaps. They wouldn't be nearly so bad if I could cast for a tick after your last successful attempt. However I imagine facing me was often very little fun from your angle, especially since you couldn't see me through my invis. Anyway, keep up the good work and have fun killing what remains of Scion.
40995, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Maztriel Zarthin the Chancellor of the Night, Defender of the Fold
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As did I from time to time, but those two in the village were very short stalking periods and for that I wanted to get the most out of my attempt... I'll say no more. You were one tough nut, as a well played invoker allways are. Good luck with your next.
40994, Hmmmm - thanks for leaving me to...
Posted by Zilopza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... the hoards of villagers, fortress members and what else not... Stalking assassins and the like...
Anyways - You where a blast to run around with, a invoker is proberly the best company a healer can have... We did quite a few things, though there where alot of things i still would have tried with you. Great char and you where skilled as hell, good luck with your next!

41006, RE: Hmmmm - thanks for leaving me to...
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You forgot the Imperial Army ;) Yes we did do quite a few things, and the thought of what we still could have done is about the only reason I regret deleting now. Thanks for the compliments, and I will certainly see you (and everyone else) in the fields again.

40993, Muahahahaha
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The recipe for being a Scion Chancellor is 1 tbsp of low
Scion numbers cap, 2 tbsp of a pile of lowbies that wanna
join, and 2 tbsp of absentee (but not deleted) inductees,
making you curse for not bringing in the "other" guy. le
sigh. I'm sure you felt some of that action :) Runaktla
was my first leader character too other than a dreadlord
(Ktavialt) and a pathetic high arcanus (Revulin) in the
old Empire days, but eh, Sect leaders don't count. Emperors
would, but Sect Leaders are like leader lite. Being the
Chancellor's kinda fun since you got a whole bunch of
piss-ant lowbies jocking you and you can abuse them and
they'll still come back! I'm sure you were probably a more
experienced person in the "knowing where to find artifacts"
quest-type things so its good that whatever quests that
had taken place had you there instead of Runaktla.

I'll be honest, you weren't in Scion for too long before
I deleted so I don't remember much of you, other than
you showed a lot of promise (I told Dreaa I foresaw Yagig
or Maztriel replacing me when I am gone)

Good job, luck with the next,
- Runaktla
40991, The bitch of bitches assassin.
Posted by Mizzarah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved our relationship. You facilitated a few of my goals by leaving the Fortress open and me assassinating Fortress members inside the Fortress behind their outer guardian. Thanks. I never trusted you, of course, so fly potions were quaffed in mass. And thanks for letting me kill your priests.
40992, RE: The bitch of bitches assassin.
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

It wasn't so much I let you kill my priests, but more that I didn't blow up when you did. I was getting a bit irked though and was waiting for a good opportunity to kill you. You were right not to trust me :-P