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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThats it for this one
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=40528
40528, Thats it for this one
Posted by Grorefang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont like playing warriors, period. This is my first villager, first warrior over 30. My legacies were Ward of Blades, Fist of Titans. All my previous characters have been villager killers, (mages.) I can see now why villagers make such easy prey. Its a tough road. Surprisingly, I still had full con and 4 trains left when I deleted, although it seems I die alot with this char. These berserkers live like wildmen. Heh. The villagers are an awesome bunch though. I know tons about this game, but had no clue to the intriquacies of village history. I had to learn everything about who did what, why the giant is guarding village, ect. Was a good learning experience. I may have acted dumb at times, but I am well played in Carrion fields. Yes I do know how to get out of so and so, but at times, I just played dumb and asked questions to others. Some villagers I could tell have played countless ones, and I just acted dumb it seemed to help me get along with everyone. (Lots of attitude from some)

One complaint was it did get boring at times during my play periods. I have been playing 5-6 hours per day, and most of the time it was Zilopsa or a lone mage, somewhere in the lands. I resorted to cheap one round kills on Inn magi. Rush in, kill. Even that was few and far between.

Im soooo used to prepping out of my ass, and wording or teleporting if things even look remotely bad. Now I know the frustration this makes from the other side. I have way more respect for villagers now.

Goodbyes: I will respond if you respond....im feeling out of it right now.

Gerylanst rocks. Hasteli, Lisl, Draxlin, Rtisork, Dargmart, Prucibial, Holgerdunt, Gortol, Grimblein, Rawnie, Koai, Ravnir, Baltorn, Dahoro. Thanks for the fun times.

Enemies. ZIlopsa, Matrizial (would have liked a fight without a healer with you. Not much chance for me with). Drathk, Zimel (used an alias to target you, kept hitting a guard. That was a funny death from my end. Hard to explain better than that. Good job though.) I dont think I had any other enemies.

Already rolling up a mage. (With new respect for villagers)

My last shifter was Lycandraev, so you can understand what I mean about villagers being fodder usually.

40626, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You too damit...
well I had fun with you...
and you know Im the greatest
40603, Hey You!
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, I was impressed with some of the things you did and I thought you would be one to last a good bit and do some big things. Too bad you lost interest in the character, I am sure you could have been a big part in many things. And to the fact that I remeber Lycandraev, as I played a mage at the time and we travelled together a few times. Daroba a gnome shifter was the character and you really seemed well versed in the mage category. I was trying to learn as much as I could from you with that character, though I didn't, thus the deletion. But this time I was able to teach you a bit and enjoyed your upcoming, you grew fast and didn't stray from many fights. Well done and come back to the Village some time.
40553, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Draxlin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grorefang gave me new respect for polearm specialization, especially after that 3 hit combo where I died. Draxlin's my first character in CF. Thanks for teaching me a bit.

40554, Wow
Posted by Grorefang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
DOubly impressed with you then. First character in CF. Keep in up. You kicked some ass in the rites too. You're gonna be some kind of wrecking ball once you get a few chars under your belt. You have fighting under your grasp. Just start learning areas and making little maps of things. Thats my advice for you. Take care.
40557, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Tellyalater on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude! If this is your first charecter i hope i won't fall on your bad side ever. I am playing my third now (who sucks but that's a story for other day). My second was a warrior not a rager though. And if you got so far so well with a dark elf warrior first char. . . you rock!
40552, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Gerylanst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played, I enjoyed having a storm giant around. Too bad you deleted, I always looked forward to running around with you

Good luck with the next

Lycandrav was a bastard!

40556, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Grorefang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Acted a bit dumb at times with you. Sometimes when i needed help getting something, I would ask where so and so is, knowing you would just take me there and help get it. ( SOrry for taking advantage of your good nature..hehe)

You deserve to be on that pillar. Never had a cabal leader do so much for the younger members, myself included. You would take time out of your day to aid in hunts, ect. No sitting around the inn for you, its non stop action.

Cant wait to read your IMM comments when you finally die, you old bastard. Awesome job.

40542, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Dargmart on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I got to fight you some with a previous character that I'll leave unnamed for Dargarts sake. I could sense some newness in the begining, and I did honestly think you were a new player - not just a new warrior. But then I think you acclimated (sp?) to the class a little more, because I started hearing that you were a tough bastid. So give yourself a pat on the back for trying something different, and being better for it!

We are kind of in the same boat, as far as our village/warrior experience goes. I do think Battle is one of the best places on the mud for cool roleplay, and you definatly added to the atmosphere. I also think that people who whine about berserker villagers probably haven't played them. There are times when I'd gladly give up DB for a green potion!

Anyhow, Mr. Lightmage, I'll be looking forward to pincering your mage in a dark alley soon!
40555, Wish I had some logs....
Posted by Grorefang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never logged anything but my funniest memory was fighting Aumenka, the scion healer. I was about rank 28-30, she had seven ranks or so on me. I was fighting her and nightwalker and getting tooled. Well relatively beat I guess....

Finally realized afterwards that I didnt have whips, flails, staffs, ect, even learnt. SHe was beating on me like a dog. It was a dumb blond moment. Dealing with this meat head intelligence and gains was an eye-opener. I was saving all my trains for hero knowing that villagers have their work ahead of them. Soon as I was done fighting her, I headed to galadon and started training all those damn weapons. 17 intelligence, BLAH!

Anyhow, I thought it was remotely amusing.

40537, RE: Thats it for this one
Posted by Ravnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So that was you? You have played more hero shifters than most have had pre 20 warriors...
Good thing you experienced the rites...

And good luck with the shifter...heh.
40533, Forgot the Big Bear
Posted by Grorefang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ordasen: Awesome. The rites were alot of fun. You do a hell of a job with the village, keeping everyone under control and all that. Id definatly play a follower of yours. Would be fun to play alongside a mortal of yours too, I like your sense of humor. Thx for the work on the rites you did. Echoes were cool too.
40532, Thanks for the help, glad I was on your side for once, having faced lyc. nt
Posted by Irespal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM