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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDrathk Deleted
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=40382
40382, Drathk Deleted
Posted by Drathk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As some of you may have guessed by the long hours I played with this character, apparently I'm a bit obsessive. I haven't been getting enough sleep, I've skipped many meals and I've put off responisibilities and work just to play this game. It's time for me to go cold turkey (again).

I had fun, but this game is bad for my physical and mental health and I can't keep doing this to myself.

I'm never much of a goodbyes person, but I guess I'll leave a few this time.

In chronological order:

Brozak, we met early on and you made my flail spec a more than viable tank and damage dealer. You were always good to have around and seemed very competent.

Zilopza, we met a bit later and were around together most of my character's life. Having a healer at my side all the time was a cautious thing to do, but at the same time it sometimes made me more careless and probably affected my tactics negatively. Regardless, I still enjoyed your company.

Maztriel, sorry to delete so quickly.

I would've typed more, but I've gotta run soon so I'm wrapping this up. I liked all the Scions I met. I didn't like the immteraction I had (then again, I usually don't enjoy immteraction). I liked my character as far as his skillset and legacies goes. I didn't like my character as far as his roleplay went. I was sphere rage and I'm just so even tempered in my real life that I had a hard time getting my character worked up at anything. There may have been a few exceptions to this, but all in all, Drathk was too nice, generous and even-tempered.

Yes, I ganged a lot, but that's because the resources were always there. If I was alone and not busy going elsewhere, I'd fight alone, but so much of the time I was on there would be a healer on and it's just hard for a character with few to zero morals to pass up some easily accessible help. Because of this, there were many tactics I wanted to try out but never had the chance to employ.

Anyways, goodbye. I hope this is the last time I get a chance to post a farewell.

- Jagaub
40436, RE: Drathk Deleted
Posted by Zilopza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can i say... *curses*

Damn i liked you around, as i said in our early rank, i was getting used to have you and Brozak around... You knew your way around and was an excellent hunter, made my job pretty easy and simple, keep you healthy... A healer is a hard job when you are around alone, give a healer anyone dealing damage and a healer is a brutal force. You where a force, and one of those i liked the most. Good luck in RL...

40401, RE: Drathk Deleted
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like the immteraction I had (then again, I usually don't enjoy immteraction)

Well, I'm sorry to hear you didn't like any of the immteraction. I try to make things enjoyable, even though In Character Dreaa is pretty much a bitch and hard to stand, which I can understand. If you have any comments on it or suggestion, please, send me an e-mail at Dreaa@carrionfields.com I'll welcome suggestions if you have any.

40409, It's not that you were bad
Posted by Drathk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player, I'm just always uncomfortable around imms (when they're in imm form). I'm always unsure how I should react, whether I should be obseqious or what. I just feel like I'm tip-toeing and that anything I say could be the wrong thing. As far as the task you had for me, yes, I felt like I said the wrong thing. I didn't like the task because it really was a very hard thing to accomplish as a solo warrior, at least with my specs. Making them flee wasn't so much the issue as sealing the kill.

Actually, the biggest issue with the task was finding them.

Back to the immteraction thing - "it's not you, it's me!" Seriously, there's a reason why I've never been tattooed (except when I had a couple of characters in Scarab, which by nature had to be tattooed) and why I've played one empowered class in god knows how many years I've been playing this game. And no, it isn't because I failed to get tons of characters empowered or tattooed.
40414, I second this
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the exception of Intronan, I have found it difficult to know how to interact with an imm playing the character.

I mean, I have no shared experiences with this guy. My enemies might not be significant to him. I can't tell him about all the enemies I've killed because he'll know I'm making it up (a lot of my characters will talk themselves up in the hope that people won't backstab them as often). Also, you know you won't see that much of your imm, which means that you can't really form a relationship easily.

As I said, Intronan was an exception for me, because he was patron of bandits, hunters etc, which I knew how to relate to. I imagine Qaledus, as a patron of thieves, is probably similar. But when it comes to the gods of hacking apart evil guys, or the gods of making art etc, I find it difficult to know where to start. "Hey Shokai. Don't you just hate those evil guys? Me too." That just doesn't really seem appropriate, and yet going as a humble supplicant isn't too original either.
40427, RE: It's not that you were bad
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player, I'm just always uncomfortable around imms (when they're in imm form). I'm always unsure how I should react, whether I should be obseqious or what. I just feel like I'm tip-toeing and that anything I say could be the wrong thing. As far as the task you had for me, yes, I felt like I said the wrong thing. I didn't like the task because it really was a very hard thing to accomplish as a solo warrior, at least with my specs. Making them flee wasn't so much the issue as sealing the kill.

Actually, the biggest issue with the task was finding them.

Back to the immteraction thing - "it's not you, it's me!" Seriously, there's a reason why I've never been tattooed (except when I had a couple of characters in Scarab, which by nature had to be tattooed) and why I've played one empowered class in god knows how many years I've been playing this game. And no, it isn't because I failed to get tons of characters empowered or tattooed.

Well, I totally understand how you feel. Before Dreaa I was pretty much the same way. Not sure if it'll help any, but when I had that same problem goin on, I just tried to remember, alright, they are just an Immortal on this game I love oh so much, but they are still people on a computer, at their house, or at work....in a car etc. Look at their 'interviews' from Grurk while your talking to them if it helps. We're all people, and really none of us will ruin your game play just because you said the wrong word, assuming it wasn't an insult of some sort, Dreaa tends to punish people that insult her, someway, somehow. Anyways, as for the task, yeah, it was a hard task, which I didn't hold you to as strictly as I would have if it weren't so difficult. The Night I had you do it and saw they were together, I was pretty tempted to tell you that you could even the odds but they ended up splitting up the team so I left it. Nice job any how as Drathk, you weren't around long, but when you were, you definately were. Keep it up, and I hope you have better luck chatting with imms, just keep in mind, we're here for fun too and if the Imm stopped in and is chatting, there's a good chance they are there to have fun, not to interogate you, so just let go and have fun ;) That time on the mount when the task was given, I was just there to chat and pester, nothing specific so you couldn't of really pissed me off, but the elf comment, I just couldn't hold back, sorry :P Alright, have fun and good luck with life. This goes to Daurwyn's post below also.

40396, RE: Drathk Deleted
Posted by Aumaenka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a beast! Felt good to run around with you. When you logged in, scepter gets retrieved, things happen, enemies die..lots of fun. You will be missed on my side. Good luck going cold turkey!
40410, I liked your character
Posted by Drathk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd actually seen it with another character which I abandoned and I enjoyed it then as well. You were also a very competent healer, which was great.
40394, You make my plan of world domination easier. MMUUAHHH! heh n/t
Posted by Assassin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
40393, RE: Drathk Deleted
Posted by Koai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
dam was fun fighting shame you left... always knew you would come
I had fun... even though I didnt do as well as I would have hoped
but was fun
40392, Damn, you'll be missed.
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I wouldn't have geussed that you were sphere rage. Still, you had a viable personality despite your lack of noticable 'rage' you talked a good line. That aside what I'll really miss is your presence on the battlefield, you made things so much easier for all of us and I was looking forward to getting a bit of exploring done with you as well. Seems every time we tried someone would raid or people would die.

Anyway, thanks for giving us the time you did. Scion misses you.

- Maztriel
40387, Shame on you. n/t
Posted by Outlander. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
40391, You're right. I never should have got back into playing cf. n/t
Posted by Drathk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
40385, RE: Drathk Deleted
Posted by Grorefang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our fights. We fought alot. Got you a few times, you got me right back. Then you started tearing me up wit that net. Heh I was looking forward to gaining legacies and some ranks and fight you in the future. Made for some interesting times. Hope was fun for you. Nice job.
40386, Let me some up my experiences with Drathk.
Posted by Minyae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Help, I'm being attacked by Minyae whoes 6 ranks lower than me!
flee flee flee flee flee
q teleport
tell evil1 "come kill minyae"
tell evil2 "come kill minyae"
tell evil3 "come kill minyae"
If there were 6 evils that would help you, you'd come with 6 evils. You know you did it! ;)
say "Crap guys, she got away again."
say "Well Brozak, do you want to rank some more?"
40388, RE: Let me some up my experiences with Drathk.
Posted by vegalicous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everyone doesn't enjoy playing in lowbie range, some want to get to hero as soon as possible, seeing there is more skill involved in fights there and well everything is more indepth. If you like to run around at lowbie with your arial daggerspec go ahead.
40389, That's really quite flattering
Posted by Drathk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The last line is accurate. The rest is total ####.

I didn't go around asking evils to help kill Minyae, but I do know which time you're talking about. It was in Voralia when I was going to my guild to practice a skill while ranking in Azuremain. I got attacked, and Mantoho was lurking nearby. You attacked me, then Mantoho jumped in without me saying a word.

I told my group that I was attacked by you and they came to Voralia during the second part of the attack. I then didn't bother chasing you, because yes, I felt like ranking. I've just reviewd the log, so I know what I'm saying is accurate.

I didn't go around asking evils to group with me to hunt you down. I almost never asked evils to group with me for the sole purpose of hunting players until I was in Scion and did the raid/retrieval thing with them.

I guess this is what I did wrong:

If I was in a ranking group and we encountered you (or someone else we considered an enemy), I didn't type "nof player" and then run in hot pursuit ignoring whomever else was with me.


I just reviewed all of our fights, all of which we were under rank 30.

The first fight was in Voralia as I described. I just got rank 27 and hadn't practiced my skills yet, you were rank 24.

The second fight was in Galadon in my guild where you attacked me and then you fled after I stripped your weapon from you. Levan was sitting out there waiting for me to leave my guild, and I didn't feel like fighting both of you, so I just waited in my guild.

The third fight was after you were able to reenter the guild in Hamsah and you got me to flee. I went down in the sewers, into the underdark and into Blingdenstone where I rested up and waited off the bleeding.

The fourth fight was by the Maran where I was aiding Brechin. You had a hero druid healing you. I left after Brechin fled since I wasn't doing enough damage to offset the healing.

The fifth fight was similar; we were again fighting at the Maran but we had a necro this time. You still had a hero healing you. You managed to quickly kill Brechin, the necro wasn't doing anything useful, so again I left.

The sixth fight was with Boilard who asked me to hunt with him. I was interested in learning, but I was bored so I said okay. We encountered you, he blinded you and you immediately fled and teleported.

The seventh fight was when a thief knocked you and told me. There were three of us standing over you, then your hero druid friend came for healing and then Forsk came. After a couple of wraths I fled.

Our eigth fight was a one on one. You fled and ran after I eyejabbed you. By the way, I was rank 28 when this one happened and you were rank 27.

The ninth fight was after your eyejab wore off. I had recently had an argument with a gnome shifter, who was nearby and shifted into an arctic fox while we were fighting and started in my direction. I started to heal at the healer, but decided that would be a good time to flee. I moved one area away and you never found me.

In conclusion, I never quaffed a teleportation potion after fleeing from you. You were just unable to hunt me. I never asked others to come with me to hunt you, except perhaps when I mentioned to my group that you attacked me in Voralia. I never said anything along the lines of you getting away, except mentioning that your group of three logged off at once whilst my group of three was hunting you. Of course, you probably already intended to log off at that time; I'm not putting any blame on you for that. All of the fights we had were between 1 - 3 levels difference.

So yes, pretty much all of your accusations are baseless and incorrect. You fled some of the time (and you were the one using potions of teleportation) and I fled some of the time (and never quaffed a potion while running from you).

I can't believe I wasted fifteen minutes on such a worthless flame.
40390, Yeah, I had fun fighting you as well
Posted by Drathk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was always terrified of a deathblow coming off from those wrath polearms, though, so I took particular enjoyment when stripping them and destroying them. Hour past midnight was great for tanking, and while I loved Enigma as well, I sometimes wished I had balance instead so I could use some spec skills while wielding a noremove exotic.

I know it's been done before, but hour past midnight, dagger/whip and balance could really tear things up.