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Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Livion GoldenWing the Omen of War, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=39705
39705, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Livion GoldenWing the Omen of War, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jul 12 21:26:50 2005

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Livion perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
39732, A great character
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I truly enjoyed the interactions I had with Livion from an early start. You actually took the idea and role of a follower of war and made it your own. You chose to follow the religion by your actions, and was following it way before you ever came to me. Which was nice to see, instead of ignoring religion and only picking up that rp aspect when you want the tattoo.

You were never afraid to get in there and mix it up with the enemy, no matter the odds. You were a bit young for Drillmaster, but I thought you had what it took to become that stern director in the village. I only wish you had stuck with Livion and tried to become the next Commander when Gery goes, or even the step beyond.

Oh well, great character and it was fun. Good luck on your next.
39726, Nicely done.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ordasen and I were sitting around one day working out a new title for him and I came up with the idea for his. He then asked me to do one for you. Having watched you a lot, I just thought Omen of War was the best thing for you. Everytime you logged on, you would just get up and go hunt. You led by example which means a lot more to another person in your cabal then just a guy barking orders. True boredom usually sets in on the guy who doesn't have anything left to prove, so I can believe your boredom. Well done and good luck with your next.
39712, Goodbyes!!
Posted by Livion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
####, this was a long ass ride! I'm having the "kick myself in the ass after seing the pbf-sheet" syndrome, but whats done is done!
This is by far my most successful character, my oldest one too (283hrs) I usually don't do over 200 hours because I'm never so INTO my characters like I was with Livion. And yea, I deleted with full con and two trains left, dont know how! I could have kept it for another yr or even aged died him I guess:P

Well, Livion was a drillmaster that loved to give orders. He was suppose to direct ppl, plan attacks in an orderly way so that everyone knows what he's doing, and all that jazz. That worked fine in the beginning when we didnt have the codex, I had a chance to rp that out, but after that it got rather dull, there was not much to "plan" or anything. I'll also blame the deletion on a recent summer job I got, which completly changed my hours from being all day long to only evenings, and as drillmaster I'd have liked to see all the village not one or two peeepz here and there.

Comments about the class, drillmaster, and legacies:
If I had to choose it all over again, I'd change absolutely nothing. I can't believe how perfect all my choices were. Axe and dagger on arial could give me a chance to stand up agains ANY, yes ANY opponents. Flow of shadows was custom made for arials, screw the ppl that says its for elf and drows, it's PERFECT. Soul was the best second legacy too. 1200 hp?? That gave me the time to do whatever I wanted. The only inconvenient was air\offense or utility with barrier that caught me offguard. As drillmaster it was tough always trying to find people to boot, but the truth is, from what I saw all of you did a good job and followed rules. Drillmaster con was helpful too:)...


Ordasen, SORRY!!! I had so much fun! Great Bear, you've kept this char going and going, you're the reason why I kicked ass. How can I thank you man!!? Thanks for everything, the tat, the trophies, drillmaster, the interaction..I can't even believe it, you were great. I hope I did good as a follower, I tried my best with my first "follower". Hope the #### prays were ok. Tell me what you think BEAR! Hearing that HAR was the only thing I wanted, much love, I'll follow you soon enough again:)

Kastellyn: You and ordasen keep the village going, especially in the
rough times it's always great to feel some interaction from u guyz! Thanks for everything, and sorry about that last thing...I had to delete;p

Other imms: I'd like to know what you think, especially rp-wise, I'm fine with the pk it's the rp and getting a feel of the char thats a problem for me, but it has been the contrary with livion. Thanks for a great game!


Gerylanst: You're the perfect commander. Not only you know your ####, but you're also funny too! A true commander with brains, except when he's drunk. Thanks for the things you taught me, I've been playing this game for 7 yrs or so, but the places we went never really registered in my mind before now:P Sorry or looking like a newbie at times!! Keep it going, I know you can age-die!

Ritur: Funny bastard, I'll teach you for stealing from me. Hey, seriously tell me how many weapons you and Rawnie stole from me, you ####ing bastards:P..Great char man, I loved Ritur in every aspect.

Brindlebin: You tough little gnome, tell me how dagger and axe worked out for you, you chose well eh? Keep it going fearless, you have much life in you.

Ravnir: It was pretty much you and me the last days, you know your stuff, it's good to have someone as easy going around. Keep on trucking.

I'm having a blank out for villager names so write something and I'll reply.

Scion: Maztriel and Yagig: Crafty bastards, you two are quite different from one another tactic wise, but you found some ways to trap an arial into quicksand. Bring Scion to the top!

Gondrak: Thanks for all the good fights boy, you've been there since forever. Sorry for looting you a few times, it's orders.

Maran: I don't think I've hunted less of you than any other mages, like it's a common belief that ragers don't war fortress. You guys were hard to kill though, Jemr you lucky bastard!

Empire: My favourties targets. Horzendorff, sorry for kicking your ass so many times in lower ranks, hey Dens too. You guys were my "hey let's grab an executioner and kill those ####ers" You were too easy for me.

Gvan: We had some good fights, I wish it could have continued, you suicidal ####.

Lunach: Carefull shaman, good fights.

Alelas, Jgragri, Archideon: I'll always remember those gangsquads.Well done


Thilz, you're a piece of #### killing me like that. WTF, I'd never do that as a player.

Dalbiddle: Great use of forms, you were tough as hell.

Kaz: I liked you

Again I'm missing a lot of you, write and I'll reply.

It was a blast, see you in the fields!

Livion aka Rishudo, Mitrassek since my comeback to cf

39713, Dagger specs are my bane.
Posted by Dabliddle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They can do so much to me with those stinking daggers, best chance is if you missed a skill once. Oh well, we had a few good run-ins. Great work, you were rewarded well it seemed for all your effort.

39715, RE: Goodbyes!!
Posted by Ritur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
####, like I can count how many.

Wish I'd logged it all, because I got away with some serious crap. Then made you feel guilty for punishing me. Can you think of a better bully? :D

I couldn't believe the amount for awesome fights you pulled off. I swear, you had luck stat 25+1 with a skill stat in the effin thousands. But since you seem worried about the ol' RP...

Your rp was fine, one of Riturs goals is to try to encourage it around him. Hence the asking you where your tattoo was - its not just a piece of 'equipment', its a tattoo! So, you told me it was across the feathers on your back. Meh. Other than that, you really did do well. Plenty of handy emotes, the swift-rush-hasty sort of attitude an Arial is ment to have while keeping up the a smart appearance. I don't think I could fault you even if I really tried! Your rp was definetly on par with some of the best and I'm glad you weren't one of those 'great pkers, crap rpers'. Livion was well-rounded, memorable and definetly should be up for the Pillar. An honour Ritur certainly didn't earn.


PS - If you don't put him on, I'm coming for you Ale man and Bear boy. Yeah, you know what I mean. Fear me.
39723, thanks...
Posted by Livion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good to know I can pull some rp too:P but I could never pull a consistent race rp like you did. As for the pillar, this an an extra legacy and weapon was part of my goals, but that's what I get for deleting, forget the pillar.



39756, If they don't put you on it...
Posted by Ritur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to role up an evil Villager killing warrior, praise Ordasen, and make him bloody well tattoo and reward me for killing off his Village solo. Muhahahahahaha. I'll even go one step further and use the Head for a game of imperial/scion football.

I'd go for a legend, but that sounds like way too much effort! (Nice on Gerylanst :P)

39719, Thank god your dead..txt
Posted by Yagig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man Livion was everything Yagig hated, and everything as a I the player liked. You had it all, the prestige, the well known name, the reputation, the golden wings and the ability to whoomp my ass. You would drive me mad as you would put a dagger in my throat and then taunt me for running off. You never showed me your second spec so I kept guessing if I stayed in combat with you too long you would show me something I didn't want to see. As for Brin I think he will say he likes his specs as well since he beats my ass all the time to. Great job all around.
39720, As villagers go you were a lot of fun to fight.
Posted by Maztriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I kept waiting for the time when you'd quit raiding when you saw quicksand outside but you never did. Balls galore. That one time you got me in Hamsah I had just logged on and whamo there's a gang fighting you in your guild. I had the choice of either A) Not prepping and get in on the fight & likely die or B) preping and watching you run past while I cast shields. I chose A and your drive to kill me (which I suspected you would do) got you killed in the process. I thought it was cool all around. Though my character IC was kind of bummed, I don't like dieing :). Your specs never really gave me much of a problem, unlike Yagig, because I can defend against your pincers. I also kept waiting for you to start avoiding chasm when I kept putting quicksand out on the front door. I nailed several arial villagers with that tactic.

You were ruthless, you were brave, and didn't make that many mistakes. I only regret that we never got to talk very much. You're right about Yagig and I. We're worlds apart in our character (rp), pk tactics, but we're both sneaky as hell. We have to be.

Good luck to you and make another character soon! :)

39725, You SOB!
Posted by Brindelbin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You up and delete just when things are about to get interesting, too! You were an exemplary villager and deathful on so many levels it had my head spinning. I've seen you do things that I could only dream of with a gnome dagger/axe spec. You'll be missed.
39731, RE: Goodbyes!!
Posted by Vehgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
HAR ya feather duster!

Actually, very well played and I always enjoyed our time running around Therea together. Splitting up and covering all the areas in a race to kill the most mages was always fun. "Have you seen X?" "HA!I just killed him"

Good luck with your next char
39735, RE: Goodbyes!!
Posted by Ravnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am sad to see you go. You were a cool bird to hang around, and we had an excellent tone. You will be missed.

Good luck with everything!
39737, Well done and sorry to see you go!
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well we had our differences but we started out coming up together and I did enjoy our times spent. Learned alot watching you and though our numbers are falling we still have some strong ones left. OH YEAH! And BRINDBELBIN is our new AVATAR FOR THE VILLAGE YAY! Um.. me and Ritur stole a #### load from you as for in the log he just showed me a better way to do it so you wouldn't get mad towards the end I just stole gold to give to my guild but I did get some shinies from you here and there.. LATER
39757, I always liked his 'tag team' comment
Posted by Ritur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite fitting. We had him on the ropes from the start.

39738, RE: Goodbyes!!
Posted by Ledifel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job, it was good to see you come up and be a force.. we needed some young ones to stick it out... too bad Vehgor and a few others didn't do the same.. but you and Brindelbin did well and were a nice lil' duo with the loss of Vehgor. Wish you would have stuck it out but I guess things happen and though my times have fallen as well maybe we will hit another upswing and become a force again.. also Mitrassek I enjoyed playing with as well was wondering where he go to.. Peace!
39746, RE: Goodbyes!!
Posted by Gondrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job man, I think I got closest to a kill when we were both like rank 26. After that, especially with your 2nd spec, and enhanced reactions, I fought only to drive off, annoy, or just bother.

Great job, defenders are amazingly self-reliant, as you can see.

I understand about the looting, I just felt bad about going as close to ooc as I ever have with this char over HumanSunder...you can understant ;)

Come on back
39764, Couldn't believe how strong you were, even underwater
Posted by Jemr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was lucky enough to be able to shape porcupine most times when you were beating me down as a fish, but yeah, you had me anyway that one time until someone came out of nowhere and saved me. Still I had a lot of respect for Livion and a healthy fear too. I think rather than learning how to fight villagers better, I'm just learning to fear them more.
39710, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Livion GoldenWing the Omen of War, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Gerylanst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You ####er, Hah! I'll say more when you post!
39716, I got one word for you.
Posted by Ritur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Drums are so outdated. :)
