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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Thuros Cinderheart the Evil Lord, Dedicated to the Dark
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=39493
39493, (DELETED) [SCION] Thuros Cinderheart the Evil Lord, Dedicated to the Dark
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jul 5 22:26:07 2005

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Thuros perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
39602, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Thuros Cinderheart the Evil Lord, Dedicated to the Dark
Posted by SomeGuy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry saw the 2on1 so figured I would jump in. Did the get all.axe thing cause I use axes and had ####ty ones, the unholy was just an added bonus of sorts. Didn't get to interact with you at all really otherwise or fight you 1on1 but good luck with the next
39558, Damn
Posted by Gondrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A damn shame to see you go. Always liked running with you. Yah, that one time against Livion I was pissed, but oh well, #### happens.

I'll miss hunting, running away w/you.

Come one back,
39538, Aselk here and tons of respect stxt
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt for you, I knew you had minimum aid and I knew you had to take ten other guys gunning for you. I tried to fight you solo the majority of the time like I did with most of my enemies, although you tore me up. Our solo fights were good, though I don't think I ever got you.
39532, Tough character to play.
Posted by Thuros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I learned a lot with the character. Mostly I learned (I think) what you immortals want from characters, which before I don't believe I knew. I also learned, in my opinion, that the anti-paladin class has so many glaring weaknesses that I'll avoid it until something changes. Some ideas I see that might make the class more balanced are to flat out drop the exp penalty, and to add dodge or spellcraft to their skill sets. Removing the spell cost for excision, and reducing its lag might help also or even not using a charge if the spell fails.

Certain people helped make the character what he was, thank you. Others acted differently, but I guess no one here is perfect.
Thuros was a trash-talking whiner who would cuss up a storm the minute he lost and then get pissed and try to do something about it.
This character just had awful awful awful luck. I failed wands/spells/skills at inopportune times, and had mobdeaths the likes of which would make most men cringe. I lost multiple full sets to deathtraps/out of range loots/dragon breath, and was pretty much guaranteed to stumble upon a hostile pk situation the minute I had almost escaped the last one near death. So lives and breathes the CF pk environment. At the end I would just laugh and chalk it up to being one of 'the Accursed'.

Let me say that Scion is a close second to Scarab in the RP and coolness department and I think the cabal is arguably the best one besides Battle in powers. I thoroughly enjoyed being a Scion and I heartily recommend it.

Eshval - You rock, thanks for the kind words, if nothing else you are a great presence to just be visible in the lands, and offering what little encouragement your RP allows.

Dreaa - Thanks for telling me to stick it out, for a while I was glad I did.

Runaktla - Thanks for the shot, wish I could have done more.

Rest of you all seemed good though Raheena and Yagig both stood out to me as skilled/superb rp and pk. Though I did wish you all logged in more. Gondrak also you get props for eating dirt with just me and you the most of all the Chasm homies.

Ripped me up majorly. Most of you were pretty cool. But I did see some things I had never seen villagers do before. Whatever, again none of us are perfect. I swore you bastards wouldn't break me but in the end I just wasnt hacking it on the pk end anymore. Ilautha, Vinourak, Galigas, Baltorn, Tib all seemed to pretty much beat me down and weren't douchebags/gangers to name a few. Learia reminded me of why a fire ap gets owned by a bard also. Pengey I was glad I crushed you after you ninja ganked my hard-earned loots when you were out of range and I had just mobdied.

With few exceptions you guys continue to strengthen my opinion that you are the worst cabal in existence. Constant out of pk range spelling up of outer guardians, out of range pk rescues be they spellups or word/attacking slept members, it was pointless to fight 95% of you. I am sitting here thinking of who I fought of you and I honestly cannot remember anyone with the exception of Aselk or maybe one or two others who didnt have at the very least spellups/saves by out of range cabal/groupmates/healer gates, so take from that what you will. No one is perfect I sure know I tried to gang as well but keep in mind I was a fire AP and a lot of you are supposedly 'good'. Well its a shame 75% of you seem to use 'evil' tactics. But what do I know right.

Most of you weren't douchebags for once with few exceptions though you did raid us when you could which sucked. Only Dens I ganged because he talked trash. Sylus who jumped me while I was already getting pissbeat by Baltorn was pretty weak for never having interacted with me before and the second my corpse was half cool had get all.axe corpse in was kind of weak but whatever. I guess that is the target AP's have of everyone who isn't in your cabal/gang just want you dead for your unholy.

Shoz you were worth the most charges of anyone I killed then I never saw you again after the second time. Most outlanders I saw was when I tried to retrieve and like 3 heroes spelled me up out of range to the point where I had no chance to retrieve despite wands/spellups.

Others I do not know affiliation of -

Acturisar? Or whoever snared/killed me in Shadow Grove. Bah! Of all the places to run into a snare so fast, that hurt.

Fritzplolict, Zhyyrial? and various neutral mage classes - Thanks for doing most of the ranking with me.

Imms & Players who are playing it well, keep it up. Those who aren't, go away.
39533, Properly Formatted Goodbye.
Posted by Thuros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
learned a lot with the character. Mostly I learned (I think) what you immortals want from characters, which before I don't believe I knew. I also learned, in my opinion, that the anti-paladin class has so many glaring weaknesses that I'll avoid it until something changes. Some ideas I see that might make the class more balanced are to flat out drop the exp penalty, and to add dodge or spellcraft to their skill sets. Removing the spell cost for excision, and reducing its lag might help also or even not using a charge if the spell fails.

Certain people helped make the character what he was, thank you. Others acted differently, but I guess no one here is perfect.
Thuros was a trash-talking whiner who would cuss up a storm the minute he lost and then get pissed and try to do something about it.
This character just had awful awful awful luck. I failed wands/spells/skills at inopportune times, and had mobdeaths the likes of which would make most men cringe. I lost multiple full sets to deathtraps/out of range loots/dragon breath, and was pretty much guaranteed to stumble upon a hostile pk situation the minute I had almost escaped the last one near death. So lives and breathes the CF pk environment. At the end I would just laugh and chalk it up to being one of 'the Accursed'.

Let me say that Scion is a close second to Scarab in the RP and coolness department and I think the cabal is arguably the best one besides Battle in powers. I thoroughly enjoyed being a Scion and I heartily recommend it.

Eshval - You rock, thanks for the kind words, if nothing else you are a great presence to just be visible in the lands, and offering what little encouragement your RP allows.

Dreaa - Thanks for telling me to stick it out, for a while I was glad I did.

Runaktla - Thanks for the shot, wish I could have done more.

Rest of you all seemed good though Raheena and Yagig both stood out to me as skilled/superb rp and pk. Though I did wish you all logged in more. Gondrak also you get props for eating dirt with just me and you the most of all the Chasm homies.

Battle -
Ripped me up majorly. Most of you were pretty cool. But I did see some things I had never seen villagers do before. Whatever, again none of us are perfect. I swore you bastards wouldn't break me but in the end I just wasnt hacking it on the pk end anymore. Ilautha, Vinourak, Galigas, Baltorn, Tib all seemed to pretty much beat me down and weren't douchebags/gangers to name a few. Learia reminded me of why a fire ap gets owned by a bard also. Pengey I was glad I crushed you after you ninja ganked my hard-earned loots when you were out of range and I had just mobdied.

Fortress -
With few exceptions you guys continue to strengthen my opinion that you are the worst cabal in existence. Constant out of pk range spelling up of outer guardians, out of range pk rescues be they spellups or word/attacking slept members, it was pointless to fight 95% of you. I am sitting here thinking of who I fought of you and I honestly cannot remember anyone with the exception of Aselk or maybe one or two others who didnt have at the very least spellups/saves by out of range cabal/groupmates/healer gates, so take from that what you will. No one is perfect I sure know I tried to gang as well but keep in mind I was a fire AP and a lot of you are supposedly 'good'. Well its a shame 75% of you seem to use 'evil' tactics. But what do I know right.

Empire -
Most of you weren't douchebags for once with few exceptions though you did raid us when you could which sucked. Only Dens I ganged because he talked trash. Sylus who jumped me while I was already getting pissbeat by Baltorn was pretty weak for never having interacted with me before and the second my corpse was half cool had get all.axe corpse in was kind of weak but whatever. I guess that is the target AP's have of everyone who isn't in your cabal/gang just want you dead for your unholy.

Shoz you were worth the most charges of anyone I killed then I never saw you again after the second time. Most outlanders I saw was when I tried to retrieve and like 3 heroes spelled me up out of range to the point where I had no chance to retrieve despite wands/spellups.

Others I do not know affiliation of -

Acturisar? Or whoever snared/killed me in Shadow Grove. Bah! Of all the places to run into a snare so fast, that hurt.

Fritzplolict, Zhyyrial? and various neutral mage classes - Thanks for doing most of the ranking with me.

Imms & Players who are playing it well, keep it up. Those who aren't, go away.
39536, One thing....
Posted by Night wiggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
***I saw was when I tried to retrieve and like 3 heroes spelled me up out of range to the point where I had no chance to retrieve despite wands/spellups.***

Is that a typo? If not, do a "help trust" next time you log on.

39537, Pretty sure its nothing to do with trusting.
Posted by Thuros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But could be wrong, never had an outlander.
39541, RE: Pretty sure its nothing to do with trusting.
Posted by Nightwiggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You mean bioempathy and trepidation?
39539, Later bro..txt
Posted by Yagig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had not seen this string when I posted on dios just your name popping up on the deletions list. Had a great time interacting with you and I was truely looking forward to having you around at hero. I always have liked having an AP around for their versatility. Mind talking a little more about what you thought the class flaws were and where they came into play? I have pondered playing one again soon and would like to knowwhat you felt were the weaknesses that couldn't be covered. Later bro and see you in the fields.
39545, I love and hate APs
Posted by Abernytee-hee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes you get everything going well and looking at the wands you had, you were better off than I was. I could never find much of any but god dam do they lack even an average defense. Dodge might be the answer or increase the hp gains or make the demons in aura of despair reduce damage taken by everyone, not just servitors or make the demons in aura of despair get in the way when someone is trying to bash you, giving you some bash protection. Reduce and enlarge works in some cases but I would rather have the drawback of AOD and some bash protection against the storm sword spec cookie-cutter fortress ponce who just spams bash and out-melee-damages you.
Anyway, I am still learning APs myself but they seem to be the MOST wand dependant magic using class.

39563, A bit of feedback for you
Posted by Astilamos AP on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>This character just had awful awful awful luck. I failed
>wands/spells/skills at inopportune times, and had mobdeaths
>the likes of which would make most men cringe. I lost multiple
>full sets to deathtraps/out of range loots/dragon breath, and
>was pretty much guaranteed to stumble upon a hostile pk
>situation the minute I had almost escaped the last one near
>death. So lives and breathes the CF pk environment. At the end
>I would just laugh and chalk it up to being one of 'the

This just tells me you are new to CF.
AP is a tough class to compete successfully on high ranks.

>Battle - Ripped me up majorly.

Yep. You are somewhat less then a warrior and less then a mage.
You have too much to loose and too little to gain fighting them.
Try to avoid them unless you HAVE TO confront them.

> But I did see some things I had never seen villagers do before.

I assume things villagers are not suppose to do. Keep in mind in 99% cases PLAYERS (not characters) do these things to get the edge over you.

If it is against GAME RULES - do us all a favor and pray. CF will be better without these @ssholes.
If it is against village rules - deal with it in IC manner.
For example you can try talking to commander to get them kicked out. If it does not help write note to Battle imms.

>Fortress -
>With few exceptions you guys continue to strengthen my opinion
>that you are the worst cabal in existence.

Having been on both ends I partially agree.
There is above average amount of greavers/newbies in Tribunal/Fortress. With means to make your life miserable.
For this reason I tend to avoid playing in these cabals.

>Constant out of pk
>range spelling up of outer guardians, out of range pk rescues
>be they spellups or word/attacking slept members, it was
>pointless to fight 95% of you.

This is how Fortress should be. Always helping each other.
You just have to learn to overcome such obstacles and nail the kills despite of this.

>No one is perfect I sure know I tried to gang as well
>but keep in mind I was a fire AP and a lot of you are
>supposedly 'good'. Well its a shame 75% of you seem to use
>'evil' tactics. But what do I know right.

This was bugging me as well. Just does not seem to be right.

>Sylus who jumped me while I...
>I guess that is the target AP's have of
>everyone who isn't in your cabal/gang just want you dead for
>your unholy.

Exactly. Even if you don't have an unholy.
AP is such class people always try to get a jump on you.
Only liches suffer more from this.
I call it BS but I don't have a solution for you.

>Most outlanders I
>saw was when I tried to retrieve and like 3 heroes spelled me
>up out of range to the point where I had no chance to retrieve
>despite wands/spellups.

As you are trying to retrieve your item from enemy cabal, both in pk and out of pk members of said cabal will try to stop you with whatever means available. Frankly I don't see anything wrong with it.

CF is extremely competitive and cut-throatish.
And playing AP can provide quite a challenge. Constantly being underdog is not for everybody.

My advice for you is to try something simple next.
Like def/off shifter. After you done - compare your experiences.
You might decide you this is exactly what you want.

My $0.02
39540, A couple of notes
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excision is a pain but liveable. It is mentioned in the helpfile that it will fail more so than using wand. It is an incredible spell that I liked a lot, which gives the AP more range of spells/skills against various opponents.

In other words, I like the way it is.

AP are very versatile and strong, however the weaknesses balance it up. Imagine having a blind and disarm. Scary, very scary.
39542, RE: Tough character to play.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Allow me to say, anyone who sticks with an AP has my respect...they can be a handful to play even to an average level. Sure, you sometimes took a beating, but I watched you grow and learn, so that was very cool from my viewpoint. Yes, you failed a lot on wands and such...just crappy luck as far as I can tell.

In addressing your comment about me ...offering what little encouragement your RP allows, you hit it on the head. I would love to see all of you succeed and have a great time...however, being a semi-insane evil immortal, I have limits on how nice I can be. Many folks fail to see that even immortals are restricted by their own rp as well as what we can do within our own guidelines. It comes down to me saying 'thanks for noticing'.

Good luck, and I hope you find your niche...but always challenge your comfort zone.

39543, RE: Tough character to play.
Posted by Aptonmir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't really interact with you all that much. It was me who got you in the shadow grove. To be honest, I really felt kind of bad about it. I tried to leave as much as I could, and I'm not sure if I took your unholy or not.

Anyways, I saw you around a lot, and boy are you one tough cookie to find sometimes. Good luck on your next.
39546, Bummer
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
AP's are tough to play, no doubt about that at all,
especially when you have a lot of enemies and few
allies. I liked Thuros, especially when you were a wee
lad and bashed Learia to death for singing that song
about me, hah. Near the end I could feel all the
frustration eminating from you.

Had you gotten up to hero range you would have had me
to assist you. An AP and Transmuter together can tear
things up pretty well. Shame you didn't make it.

- Runaktla
39556, Took a few times for me to trust you...
Posted by Zhyyrial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but after that I enjoyed your company. I never got to see you "in action" so to speak but I saw the logs and you seemed to have your stuff together. Nice work.
39565, Ummm.
Posted by Acturisar. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasn't me then. I *think* the only time I fought you was when I attacked you when you were resting in Azuremain. Which I hit you with a lightning bolt then you teleported on your way down the river I *think* but anyway. Keep on trucking. You were doing well from what I was seeing at least. I was a druid btw in outlander:P.
39582, Hey! I deleted because of our names :( nt
Posted by Thurys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
39638, RE: Tough character to play.
Posted by Qilibra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked our few fights. Stun really helps save a hide. The sewer fight was nice.