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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Viashir the Vanquisher of Adversaries
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=39221
39221, (DELETED) [SCION] Viashir the Vanquisher of Adversaries
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jun 25 16:43:12 2005

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Viashir perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
39222, Done as done can be done.
Posted by Viashir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If there was ever a character that I enjoyed immensely it was this one, from hour 1 all the way to hour 65 I was having a ball. However, the last few days have been the worst experience I have had playing CF.

Some will call this a rage delete at losing my gear, however I lost way better sets in way lamer ways, and I'm just in no mood to deal with the idiots who think they are playing Villagers these days.
39224, Btw, I'll get to goodbyes and stuff when I'm not pissed (~)
Posted by Viashir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
39275, An enemy I enjoyed seeing around
Posted by Faelir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were always up for the fight, and always brought it
to me. Keep at it man, you got some great potential.

You just have to remember, no matter how hard you get hit,
after regear, and unghost, it's revenge time.

Hope to be skirmishing with you in the future, whenever I
can get my brain to conjure another character again.

39227, Farewells
Posted by Viashir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was my first Scion ever, and I'm pretty sure it was atleast fairly obvious to some people. The Cabal seems like it would be a lot of fun, however the fact that Scion is currently at war with everyone except the Tribunals, that really hurts the fun stick. Having the reraid every 5 bloody minutes is a headache and a half, so I just didn't reraid at all if the Scepter was likely to be retaken the second I got it back.

Secondly, I just not interested in waste hours upon hours of my life spamming flurry to make it work with any certainty. Sword/Whip is a great combination for a giant, but as I just said I'm just not interested in spamming skills in order to compete. I never did it for any of the skills I had at 100% for this character, and I will definitely never do it for any others. I'd rather just use them as I rank and fight and perfect them that way. You know, kill two birds with one stone.


Scions -

Dreaa: Thanks for the interview and induction. I hope I lived up to being useful as you had told me to be.

Eshval: Thanks for the supporting comment before I lost my connection. I think you knew I was getting pretty fed up with the hands I was being dealt. Just hearing your comments over the CB made me want to continue after that one really bad day when I died 5 PK deaths and then took my first Mob death with only like 600xp tnl.

Muuloc: Butchering that corpse was just pure class man. I love seeing you guys randomly step out and make me feel like I'm not just playing a single player game.

Runaktla: You seem like a cool char, and I feel for you being almost totally alone now. It's gonna be rough, but I'll be back to help after a short break. Goodluck man.

Raheena: Despite the fact that I was interested in getting you to Specter as fast as possible, you had other ideas and decided to just run up your PK ratio. Not that I blame you, you've got the necromancer class down pretty solid. You'll be a definite boon to the chasm when you get to hero range. Kill lots more people for me. :P

Thuros: When you were talking about deleting before you even hit level 30 I was pulling my hair. I had just lost what was one of the nicest sets of equipment I've had in a long long time to my own stupidity (Not carrying a return or teleport potion), and I was still willing to keep on trucking, so I wanted to encourage you to keep on going too. Goodluck with building an axe man, just be extra careful and you'll be able to rip some stuff up.

Gondrak: Man, you've been around forever and definitely ate a lot more bullsh*t than I did but you're still going. Kudos to you for that, and I hope you hero eventually.

Enemies: Whether you were Villagers, Imperials, Maran or Outlanders I could rarely tell unless it was obvious in some way.

Rokk: Thanks for bloodthirsting every time we fought. Classy. I guess Ordasen gave you that necklace made from my bones, eh? What the heck is the deal with that. I hardly considered myself worthy of that kind of attention from anyone. Thanks for not full looting me at the end of my horrible day at rank 37. Have fun with berserker.

Vinourak: Same deal as Rokk, only I can't recall you ever bloodthirsting to fight me. Instead you usually just bashed me to death due to my lack of willingness to waste time spamming to get riposte up. I can't really remember if you full looted me or how many times you even killed me. Oh well. Good luck I guess.

Baltorn: You got me, I got you. Good fights man, good fights. Respect to Villagers and players with guts and respect for their enemies.

Learia: Man you are annoying to fight as a giant. Without a really good gold source I could never have the preps I needed to stand a chance against you, and dying in the process of gathering them compounded how badly I wanted to get you. Never did. You've got a good handle on bards, and I can tell you'll be every bit as deadly as Gerylanst is.

Gilddermesch: Wow man. How many times did I leave you everything but your swords? 8? Then you just up and full loot. Niiice. I hope you never get that hut.

Aselk: You're learning assassins I think. Thanks for the swords and the fights. Unfortunately for you I always had so much +strength gear that I rarely would drop a weapon to strength loss.

Revern: You were the annoying thorn in my foot that I couldn't touch ever. I never actually fought you due to the fact that you were not in my range for a long time, however you did like to loot me whenever you could. Thanks, ass.

Anyone else that I've missed, just post and I'll respond.
39232, Well, there was a reason for such..
Posted by Rokk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Necklace is a symbol for doing a good job I believe, sorta of a keep it up tiger boost from Ordasen. And you are a scion at 37 (I think), those are always worthy of note once killed.

Anyway, I could never tell when you were hasted. All I remember is the one time you came to re-take the scepter. I totally underestimated you in everyway possible, the worst being thinking you didn't have much preps. I of course, quickly learned you were prepped out the wazzoo or the RNG was owning me hard. Regardless, you hand my arse to me in a way I haven't felt since my first rager. I almost swore on oath to myself when viewing my empty corpse, not to get even, and full loot, because that's childish vengeance b.s., but to never understimate you again. This would be why you saw me thirst so much. It was out of fear and respect, similar to how berserkers get ganged out of fear and respect.

You did one hell of a job from what I saw. Keep up the stellar work and good luck with anything you accomplish/attempt in the future. See you in the fields, lad.
39236, RE: Farewells
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I can see the pain and stress on characters when the odds favor their death. You had the basics of Scion down and were a good addition to the Chasm. Scion is getting some new blood and I expect these young wolves to make their mark...you were among that group.

You had ups and downs, but that is comon for everyone.

Good luck, and come back when you are ready.
39256, RE: Farewells
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dreaa: Thanks for the interview and induction. I hope I lived up to being useful as you had told me to be.

Yes, you lived up to what we had talked about, and from what I had saw you were above it. You were pretty good from what I got to see though I didn't see all to much. Was hopin you'd pick up that high priestess task I had set you with, had some fun things in mind with it, but I can understand being fed up. Scion has got a lot on it's plate right now, can be dealt with, but a big hastle and a lot of enemies. Anyways, well done, nice work and keep on truckin in the future.

39259, High Priestess
Posted by Viashir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I felt pretty dumb when I couldn't find the thing I needed, knowing how easy it would be once I had it. I probably held and dropped something that would have fit the bill several times, or just plain walked by it because I was distracted by being chased by villagers. :P

Thanks for that, by the way. It was real neat.
39273, RE: Farewells
Posted by Gondrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job. Always envied your flurries. Thought you did great as the strong silent type...otherwise, we didn't talk too much. Come on back...chasm will miss you.
39248, This is no fun.
Posted by Jehrais on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fully understand where you are coming from and feel the same way. I am finding it hard to put the effort into a character when some of this stuff goes on.

Anyway, good luck with your next