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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Rastorenn Majafaem the Avatar, Reborn
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=39191
39191, (DELETED) [SCION] Rastorenn Majafaem the Avatar, Reborn
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jun 24 13:39:26 2005

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Rastorenn perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
39235, Another gone
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well sad to see another enemy gone... you seemed quite a competent shaman and I enjoyed your little fights though unless I got you jacked it wasn't much else I could do but drive you off for a bit. Good luck on your next.. hope to see you around.
39202, Was fun for the most part.
Posted by Rastorenn M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed most of this character. I'd like to see better roleplay as a whole in the game. My next char if I decide to come back will be an Acolyte, since after criticizing them the only way I can think to actually make my point in the correct way is by doing it myself instead of just criticizing others.

I rolled this character as a Grurk follower. It was my hope and goal to get a tattoo with this character. Grurk unfortunately got caught up in real life stuff. I can dig that, its unfortunate though since I really enjoyed his religion and hanging out with him early on in my career. I also wanted to play a lethal solo Shaman. I did well in that department, I'm waiting for the PBF to show up though. I tend to play PK characters often, intermixed with roleplaying characters. I initially wasn't going to join Scion but I was bored so I decided to give it a whirl. People probably don't care/understand why something like the Acolyte thing would piss me off and I can dig that. I think we've rehashed it enough so I'll leave it be. A few people (Vlad, Prothero, Enbuergo) get where I'm coming from, those that don't *shrug*. Can't convince everybody.

Scion was a fantastic cabal. Runaktla, you're a great Chancellor. Things are a bit rough now, mostly because people aren't interested in playing an underdog cabal. I can understand that. I wanted Advisorship very badly but didn't see it going anywhere. If I'd have had it, or had some way to work on getting it, I would've stuck around. As it stood though, it was just me eating up ganks because I was trying to be online more so I decided since I had no sign of getting Advisor I just decided to give up. I really was hoping I'd get a dream or title or something like that, I didn't hero yet though so maybe that was it. I was usually more interested in trying to keep the Scepter and that's a distraction that can take up your whole session by itself.

Most of my foes were great. I don't like the bandwagon syndrome, or the full looting syndrome. I think so many goodies especially got into the business of trash talking. I roleplayed being an evil prick, I think people thought that was me OOC being a jackass. I don't know, I just often felt with this character that roleplaying was replaced by ratio + PK count + etc. I'm about those things OOC, in char I am my character. In this case, an evil jackass. So many people in the game have gotten so wound up on having good numbers more than having a solid character and that saddens me a bit. The memorable interactions between friends and foes just wasn't there much with this character. So often I felt like people were themselves + elf ears and a stupid accent.

Goodbyes :

Eshval - You do a fantastic job as Imm. I wasn't going to join because of the bad things I'd heard OOC about you, but let me dispel those rumors right now. You're not so much a ball breaker, you just want a quality cabal. I'm behind you 100% on that and Scion for the most part was just a fantastic experience that I'd do again in a heartbeat if the playerbase was more roleplay oriented.

Other Scion imms - Didn't really speak with any of you that I knew about, but I'm glad to see you progressing well.

Runaktla - Again, great character. Keep it up, I think you really set the bar maybe not PK-wise, but with solid roleplay.

Raheena - You were arrogant, I can dig that. Good luck.

Krilcov - I'm sorry man but I hated your way of talking. I was really itching to PK you just because of that. Still, you hung in there and I'm glad to see it. I'd maybe more carefully consider your dialect choice next time though it was a bit grating.

Viscar - Where'd you go? Rastorenn hated giants but he grew to like you. Mostly because with you around, we'd just rack up the body count. Oh man, you were a beast.

Nhil - Didn't really see you much but you seemed competant.

Lumiere - You were my other favorite buddy. I really loved running around with you kicking ass. Solid character all around, you should roll a goodie later on down the line. I think being around a solid well roleplaying person like you would do some of them some good.

Solasareth - You were a fun foe to have. Beastly, but your roleplay was consistant and you acted like a Paladin and for that I thank you. Not enough paladins like that.

Brindelbin - I could never land anything on you. Wily gnome. Defenders were a pain in the ass for me for obvious reasons. You never got me solo, I never got you either, but I did have a lot of fun duking it out with you. I think you do good for the village. People like Bahal and Baltorn and that felar thief whose name escapes me could learn something from your solid roleplay and uncompromising dedication to your beliefs.

Livion - Not sure what your deal was, you always struck me as something of an arrogant prick. Regardless, I had fun fighting you. Sometimes you guys get cocky when there's a defender around but you should at least OOC understand that there isn't much I can do when I'm hitting you for MUTILATE demonfires.

Grogogh - I'll miss Pk'ing stupid healers with you ;). I really hope you get Chieftain. You desserve it.

Qing - I didn't know what to think of you early on, or later on for that matter. You seemed alright. Definately knew what you were doing but you were so cautious. Then out of nowhere you attack me and Dazan when we're resting up from raiding and died in an easy to spot death-trap. I respect you having balls there, just didn't get where it came from since before then you always seemed so conservative.

Pheyneed - You were a cool, solid warrior. Liked you a lot even though you met some nasty deaths at my hands. Hope your future chars maintain that same level headedness and determination.

Baltherias - They should title you the tactical druid. Felt bad about the times I dispelled you into bash-fests/quicksand. I think you're doing fantastic regardless and hope you keep going. Your roleplay is just phenomenal and I think we could use more players like you.

Ithzaruul - Was fun running around with you.

Ausubela - I think you're a solid storm giant and even though we didn't interact much, I hope you know the nasty stuff I said about the others doesn't apply to you (granted, you're not an Acolyte, but still). Really, people could learn a great deal from watching your roleplay. You'll get recognized for it eventually I'm sure.

I'm sure I'm missing a ton of people but I gotta jet for now. Respond and I will in kind.
39203, Answers:
Posted by Qing on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Qing - I didn't know what to think of you early on, or later
>on for that matter. You seemed alright. Definately knew what
>you were doing but you were so cautious.

True. I suspect that's my nature as a player - gradually testing the limitations of the class I'm playing until it dies. I rolled this character intending to reverse that, and haven't always been as successful as I would have hoped. But, I'm not altogether displeased :)

To be fair, though, we never fought much.. at all. I left your range a long time ago, and you didn't reenter mine until very recently. But I share your assessment, regardless.

>Then out of nowhere
>you attack me and Dazan when we're resting up from raiding and
>died in an easy to spot death-trap. I respect you having balls
>there, just didn't get where it came from since before then
>you always seemed so conservative.

I had a brilliant plan to drop his sanctuary and smoke him/make him flee while Ylyssia was healing sleeping off the insect swarm. Obviously, I failed to dispel the sanctuary multiple times, forgot I had a orb of travel and died. Regardless, though, I'd do it again in similar situations. I have too much con to burn through and sitting there at the Spirit waiting to fight the three of you didn't exactly seem fun and exciting.

As for seeming conservative, like I said, above, I happen to agree somewhat with your assessment, but nonetheless think you are one of the last characters in a position to evaluate it (given your extended sub-hero rank for the vast majority of Qing's existence and the fact that I avoided Scion as non-enemies until one-two weeks ago - I'm not sure I even attacked one before the War).

As for my opinions of Rastorenn - unfortunately, you deleted before I got to know you :( Though you grouping with Tribunals was a surprise.

Anyway, Good luck and have fun!
39204, RE: Answers:
Posted by Rastorenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with most of what you say though you should probably bear in mind, I'm only 188 hours old and a lot of those hours were spent between 47 and 50.

I wouldn't so much call myself a slow ranker, I just don't really play a lot, compared to other people.
39205, Leqiel..
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I didn't know what to think of your smack talking. You honestly had the evil-gonna-piss-you-off thing down pat with me. Which I understand is your roleplay so..good job I guess? I don't even know if I killed you any, I know I passed the opportunity to gang you mercilessly a couple of times, but did I ever get the chance to cheap shot you to death? Did you ever kill me? I think you did with a group once or twice.. I can't even remember, any logs would be appreciated.

You play the Shaman class well, so kudos.

Good evil character, I hated you. =P

39210, RE: Leqiel..
Posted by Rastorenn M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never got you (I think Xtingagg landed the kill on East Dairien, I wouldn't call that really ganging though considering the bard was an area away and I was fighting Curgrim for a while). You never got me, I walked around with max wimpy and sanc so I never ate a solo thief cheapshot death. We had some fun mixups though.

I was arrogant, sure. Especially at that time though, I had good cause to be arrogant. From your perspective you were this thief that rolled up and had the experience with that thief. From my perspective the first time I saw you I was in battle with Azidreth's griffon. So understandbly, to me you were a newcomer to the field, didn't know what to make of you and I wasn't going to address you like a 'peer' so to speak. After a while though you grew on me.
39206, RE: Was fun for the most part.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand losing your imm...it has happened to me more than once... I can say it really sucks.

I enjoyed your anger rp...every thing from logging off to mumbling. You had a spell where you were only hitting folks below your level and I was concerned that you were losing your edge. You are a quality player and good at rp. You know your way around and enjoyable to watch. On that Advisor position, just waiting to speak to you about it, so I rolled my eyes when you deleted. :P

Bring your style back to cf when you are ready.

39242, RE: Was fun for the most part.
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked your char quite a bit, obviously I recommended
you for Advisor. Meant you had a little or a lot of
everything necessary, in my eyes. Not saying I'm the
guru of what an Advisor's supposed to be like, but if
I were to criticize you I'd say you probably would
have been perfect had you had a little more ego and
a sharper tongue with the other Scions, especially
with Raheena that one time. On the other hand, with
our meeting chambers discussion I liked the attention
to detail with the "Rastorenn grunts as he picks out
thorns, taking a seat at the table" after your
frustrating fight with a druid.

Hope the reason you lost hope on the Advisor position
wasn't because you pissed me off at the end there by
getting me killed at the Fortress. Was frustrating but
wouldn't have hurt you that much in the long run (I'd
have to give you at least some s*** for it though).

Thanks for the compliment re: RP, as far as a PK ratio
I'm better than this, it's just taking nearly this
entire character's life to learn maybe I shouldn't be
fighting Ragers as much as I do with a transmuter, lol

- Runaktla
39245, RE: Was fun for the most part.
Posted by Meoilaxenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Pheyneed - You were a cool, solid warrior. Liked you a lot
>even though you met some nasty deaths at my hands. Hope your
>future chars maintain that same level headedness and

I don't know that I would call me a solid warrior, I think I made a good meat shield for some. A practice dummy for others. My 1 pk I started someone jumped in and I finished.

Thanks for noticing my determination.

I really liked our discussions after you killed me.

That charcter really only started to come out later in lvls but by then It was a little late I think.

I really like how you roleplayed your character. Gives me hope to one day work that well.

39253, Aww, too bad...
Posted by Brindelbin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some great battles between each other even though none of us managed to do any lasting damage. Everytime I saw you on, I'd go gather the +svs and +con gear. Couple that with warcry and spellbane and, well, you know. Hopefully you'll be back and I hope the whole Fortress thing doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth for too long.
39198, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Rastorenn Majafaem the Avatar, Reborn
Posted by Kiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know this probably wouldn't be the nicest of things to say right now, but I couldn't help but notice the furor on dio's and I thought I'd comment. If you're playing a caballed character, expect to be ganked. I remember you ganking me pre-shield with Kirken and then Emmonev (after a few shields), simply by raiding the Fortress because my character was obliged to show up even if twenty people were at the Watcher. I didn't think much of it, I know it was only two, but I didn't think much of four-man or five-man ganks either. Remaining uncaballed is a good idea if you want to have good, worthy, honourable solo fights. Cabals... well they're fun in a dirtier way :)

Try to enjoy the game the next time you feel the itch to roll another character up again. I think this game should be about having fun without stomping on other people's sense of fun, so I hope I didn't contribute to your sense of un-fun. Sportsmanship and sympathy, you know. More on that when Kiel dies.
39199, Final reply to this subject.
Posted by Rastorenn M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since apparently people have gotten the wrong impression. I don't know, I thought I explained this pretty well, but summarily. I don't mind being ganged, ganked, full looted, dying, etc. Not at all. I thought it was bad roleplay from a cabal I've had very memorable experiences interacting with me. To me, it'd be like finding out Snow White was giving BJ's for $5 behind the castle. I just thought it was bad rationalistic playing rather than good roleplaying.

I don't think you ever got me. I thought you were one of these Invokers who wasn't brave until they heroed and that made me sad, but still we had some good fights and I thought at hero you played a good Maran.
39201, RE: Final reply to this subject.
Posted by Kiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I'm just a new player :P I didn't get you once. And about the 'careful until reaching hero ranks'... you're right, Kiel was EXTREMELY careful until he hit shields, as in he'd fight (token show because I didn't fancy an elf invoker's chances pre-shield) each time if challenged but that was with fly, enlarge/reduce, stoneskin/aura/shield if possible, and a hand constantly on the flee, word, teleport, quaff/zap/brandish button.

Yep, roleplay is a touchy subject. Don't let it get to you... people's roleplay can have quite unpleasant effects, personally I've met some assholes as well but I find logging into Real World (TM) and spamming a few directions and spam practising or reading helps. :) But anyhow I would ask you not to judge Gumbldink too harshly... he's normally a very good person to hang out with (at least from the ally's point of view, not sure how enemies view him).