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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Etisrrus the Fist of Darkness, Imperial Dread Lord
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38976, (CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Etisrrus the Fist of Darkness, Imperial Dread Lord
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jun 16 14:01:41 2005

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Etisrrus perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
38978, Thanks for the sith
Posted by Etissrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well a good ride, not an easy one, but a good one.
My first ever hero AP, second time trying the class.
I think I learned exponentially with this one, found a bunch of wands, although
there was never never never a barrier in where I knew of. God Damn Hoarders!!!
There was one point where there were like no Imperials showing except for Gvan and I
and I just got tired of being constantly beat up buy multiple cabal ganks. So I deleted,
took a couple of days and then decided to play It out till the end. I’m glad I did never expected Dred Lord for one, with Ithrazuul and Kresh there.

So some character things:
Yes I had no written role, but I did have one, just noone (except Kresh) asked.
Why did I refer to myself as It all the time? Did anyone even guess I wonder?

I had no last name set. I know lots of people probably thought “Sect Leader without a last name? He probably sucks”…well maybe I did =0p but I had no last name for a reason.

Thanks for a great game. I loved the new AP skills and finally got some mileage out of some of them. I wonder how close I was to that second control?
Thanks to the Immteraction on my way out the door, it was mucho appreciated.

Anyway some goodbyes (apologies if I miss anyone)
Gvan – Thanks for the Dread Lord seat. Boy our lives were tough, but boy we manages to lay down the smack on occasion.
Yagharek – sorry about the deafen in the refuge. That whole session was plagues by phone calls and people interrupting me. So many times I thought I was dead because I was having to deal with RL. Keep truckin is what I will say and smack those Blades around some.
Dulmisa – you old fart, you were shadow lord when I took the oath. Thanks for the regearing runs. Keep administering those “kisses”.
Netilan – get too hero soon, you’ll be a force, Lets hope your healers rank up soon.
Kresh – pity you died. I was hoping to finally get to spill my role to you in one of our chats.

Gumbldink – stonewhore I’m sure my thread will get some dwarven Shiite frum yer. IC I of course detested you. The best day of my IC life was bringing you down with Gvan when you and Kiel tried to retrieve. Wiped muh arse on yer robes ah did!
Caradoc – aaargh Hate eyes of flame.
Dorn – aaaarch Hate eyes of flame. Your ass got lucky that Gerylanst got me slept and then the outlanders briars got me lagged.
Lequiel – yes yes eyes of flame we know.
Solarath – well played deadly paladin…did I mention I HATE eyes of flame?

Outlanders –
Mikatra – I remember ranking with you on kiadana and then the next thing I know you are trying to set me up to die. By the way I knew something was going on I was planning to sleep you in the Hardan woods and try to kill you myself, but then Lequiel showed and like a dope I didn’t know she was a maran, so she showed up with backup (see comment on eyes of flame) and killed me.
Qing – the whole defending the maran and maran defening outlanders got real old after a while. You were the reason for the delete that time. Well that and the fort full looting everything.
Salvareth – seemed cool char no real interactions other than fights though.
Zhuisk – king of the cheap kills.

Never landed a freakin spell through spellbane on any one of you, not once.

Gerylanst – I think you missed one fiend on me, I survived maybe 3 and the rest I was just toasted. We had great 1 on 1 fights but most were all cabal war throwdowns. Lots of respect for you, I really thought that last kill of yours was it for me, but turned out I had one left in me =0-
Bahal – if your RP is to be a wise ass cocky punk, you nailed it!
Ritur – one of the few villagers I got to RP some with, slippery to the max you are!
Seethian/Mitrassek/Vershelt and other berserkers bah hated you all!!


Ithrazuul – Mek you are the man, I said some your thread, I so wanted you to be in Empire, probably would have betrayed Kresh to achieve it, you said when we were both Magicians something about how deathful the two of us would be should you become, and I knew that my axe may well be full if that happened. Great character as always from you.

Macumba – good traveling with you.

I know I’m forgetting lots of folks.

Just drop me holler and I’ll respond.
38979, Rank Ranking
Posted by Mikatra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, we didn't actually get to rank together (I knew I was Outlander long before and wouldn't break role for that). I was trying to lure you to the mount when you asked if I would rank with you. Had a snare set up and everything. Then you decided it wasn't safe enough there, so I tried to distract you long enough to be able to snare again and then went to meet you in the Hardan. But, as fate would have it, the Maran followed you and ruined my plans. We didn't really talk or meet too many times after that. I got the feeling that the class was kinda new to you, but you seemed to be learning well enough. Good luck with your next!
38980, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man. you'll be missed. but you're.... MAN. That time when you decided to delete, I was damn afraid, you remember I tried to do all I could to stop you. All the time I tried to aid you in learned and so on. I knew your life was not easy, as well as my. But together, we did excellent sometimes. Yeah, I saw you learned much and now you could make a real deadly AP. Damn... how will I miss you now...damnit, but it will not take long I believe. :). I'll say more after I'll be gone.
38981, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Gumbldink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah neva feared yehs arse unless yeh was with Gvan. Yeh two fargas kilt meh twice because dispelling my protective shield and bashing the fark outta meh is death incarnate. If yeh was alone ah had no problems gatin' tuh yeh and farkin' yeh up, but togetha was a different story. Ah cannae say ah'm sad tuh see yehs fargin' go. Ah hope Gvan is close on yehs fargin' heels. May Satan gore yehs arse wif 'is horns on deh 9th circle.


39016, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't be so sure, fargin dwarf. I'll kick your ass many times, before I'll be gone, be sure. :) I'll send damn dwarven body to Satan before meeting him myself, perhaps, it will please him :)
38982, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Gerylanst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you stuck it out, and that's a feat in itself. It's awefully hard being an imperial these days, but the empire will pull sway again soon enough. I liked fighting you, always came bashing away, and actually got me a few times. Hope you enjoyed the charges on the axe, and good luck with the next.

ps I was so goddamed pissed off when you and yahgy bashed me down while I was fighting the lich. Damit Damit...but that's the game, take care

38984, The Lich thing
Posted by Etissrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I wasn't happy about Yags choice to take you down either. I knew trying to take the lich with you there could mean a feindin death for me. My plan was to get you hurt enough so you'd bugger off, I have the log and you can see where I stop doing anything hoping you would flee, but Yags bashes were enough to kill you. If it's any comfort the next commands after you died were at the lich =0)
38983, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll do my best with the kisses, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan you'll be missed, I don't know how many times I've been screaming at my screen when I've seen you die to fiend, resist mental RESIST MENTAL!!!! get it, use it and never fight a bard without it, that's all I got to say to you. Now come back to the Empire, think supportclass *wink* and we'll grow stronger. Oh yeah and good luck with what ever you roll.

38986, If it makes you feel any better:
Posted by Qing on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Qing – the whole defending the maran and maran defening
>outlanders got real old after a while. You were the reason for
>the delete that time. Well that and the fort full looting

I've "defended" the Imperial Lands, as well, when it meant killing a Tribunal. :) I just wouldn't go about it fighting side by side with you. Gotta fish where the salmon run, and you were a hard person to find.

But seriously: I'm sorry if I made you delete. That's got to be the third time I've heard that. The sad part is, I wasn't even trying to kill you there - I was hoping to bring down Dulmisa. But he just upped and left you behind.

Well done sticking through all the tough times. From your perspective it must have looked as though your entire range was in cahoots hunting you down!
38987, Not blamin you at all mate
Posted by Etissrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you were the straw, I think I lost 3 con in 2 days that stretch. But its all good. I was hard to find because I needed to be! Teleporting everywhere, man I must of racked up so many Whitecloak deaths!! =0)
38990, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I said in my farewells for Fereksah, you get tons of respect for sticking it out when you did. I'm glad to hear you are happy you did so, too.

You were certainly a lot more successful than my AP! :) Hope you can use some of the things you learned with this character to make your next even more fun.
38991, *guilty looking dwarf*
Posted by Dorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, the thing with Gerylanst was an accident. I had had eyes of flame up for probably a RL week, just left it up all the time. The thing with Gerylanst, the outlanders, and me happened because I didn't remember that eyes were up. I seriously hate ganking, so sorry. If it makes you feel better that outlander is constantly trying to kill me, and the commander and I had an honor debt fight coming, for me interrupting his kill. I thought you did pretty well under the circumstances, so good job, and good luck on your next.
39020, Encase you hadn't guessed...
Posted by Ritur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd been spamming trip a bit because he'd been asleep a while, then I did a steal (lagged me) then the trip went in again when Gerylanst chased Etisrus after dorn struck.

Pretty ####ty death, I got to say. Me and Gerylanst agreed, so he challenged Dorn to a duel. As I remember, Dorn made sure to prep damn well before (even if it was only a quickening, ahem) and Gery lost but at least we made the RP effort.

In all honesty, I don't think Ritur cares that much when such things happen. But I do, sorry about it.

Other than that, we had a bit of back-and-forth with the bashing fights and when I'd catch you off guard. I kept a frostbite dagger in reserve especially for you! I had to learn real fast fighting you, because you got the fire control but thanks to a bit of creative gearing I managed to dodge out of the bashes, keep off that terrible burning and get enough stabs to at at least keep off my own death. I think I even got you once or twice (including another cheap kill I couldn't regret, when you were naked, writhing and standing on the road... *boggle*) Have fun with the next.

39001, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to the Immteraction on my way out the door, it was mucho appreciated.

Glad it was appreciated. Never got to interact with you and noticed it was my last chance and your welcome, just glad you liked it.

39005, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Koe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed competant and knew a few places better than I when I ranked with you as Alelas, but at the same time you seemed to be a little bit less knowledgeable in other areas. Well played in any case, something tells me Gvan won't last too much longer with you gone. :( Good luck on your next!
39009, Thanks for walking into all my snares...
Posted by Janderl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, I don't know how you seemed to find them. Later, good luck with the next.
39031, RE: Thanks for the sith
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for playing the part of the vulture so much. When
you guys had it tough, I'd come in and make it slightly
tougher. Good going with the con death though.

- Runaktla
39036, Asshole...but very nice comment n/t
Posted by Arrazzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
39082, Well Played!
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've got to give you props for this character, having watched some of the brutal pain you went through as an Imperial. You fought hard, you fought well, right up until the end. I'll admit I was curious about the 'It' thing, but with no role, and no real IC way to find out (Imperial + Mage = Not Someone Kastellyn Would Talk To), I really didn't have much of a way to find out.

Congrats for sticking it out through the con-death. You actually hung on there about a week longer than I thought you'd be able to! Good luck with the next one.
39108, thanks, nothing like praise from the enemy
Posted by Etissrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah once I was in hero range I really thought that I should throw up Etissrus' role. I had left it out in hopes I could get it known by IC interactions, but it seemed that life was lots and lots of fighting and dying, and only a smattering of good RP chances. Kresh began to ask once but before I could even get the story going we were in the middle of a raid.
So It. Etissrus got himself lost in the mists of Barovia when he was young. The vampire lords troops brought him to the keep as a feast, where he was kept in a cage, while supplying blood snacks. He was asked his name once which he spoke but was so weak that it came out Et. So the vampire referred to him from then on as It, and in the half dead state within which he existed this is how he thought of himself. He was a thing a meal.

Anyway there was much more to It. Some people got to see, but I had fun playing the role out in my head. Good stuff!

Already formulating the next, and this time I'll add the role I promise.
39140, Damn IT!
Posted by Netilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I check the boards and see that both you and Gvan have con died. What is a ranking sect leader to do? I always wonder what was up with the IT thing, but had no idea you had a whole role thing to go along with it. I thought that it was a clever speech angle for a stupid giant! I thought you were somewhat new to the class as well as several have said already, but you did well none the less. I wish I had more time to play and perhaps we could have killed more people than we did and got you a bigger axe. Thanks for thinking I have some potential, maybe I can fool myself into thinking so as well and finally rank up to hero. It will be rough and you will be missed.
Later, amd come back to the Empire if you play again sometime soon we are soooo the underdogs at the moment.