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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [SCION] Lumiere Dextera the Weaver of the Elements, Inspired Artiste
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=38884
38884, (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Lumiere Dextera the Weaver of the Elements, Inspired Artiste
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jun 14 00:19:54 2005

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Lumiere perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
38899, Well, I'll be damned...
Posted by Szyrivlyrha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were my cash machine. I swear I've never seen such a shortage of things you wanted especially when I need them the most. I finally got the last thing you asked me for, too!! No pay day for me I suppose. Thanks for you last gift. I really enjoyed interacting with you. Shame you're gone. You'll be missed.
38908, RE: Well, I'll be damned...
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about the last deal. I had 500 gold in the bank before I delete. Think a will would work? =P Thanks.
38885, Thats all folks!
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had some fun with this character. Deleted to jump onto the Scion wagon,
when their side seems to go down hill. Always liked playing a underdog.
Enjoyable and thanks for everything. Well as any typical farewell, the
following are the personal farewell to various personnel.


Eshval : I like your religion, you gave attention to your followers, thats
good. But I don't know, I feel I'm okay to get maybe a simple title or
something like that(excluding Inspired Artiste). Then again, perhaps not.
Its of course your decision, though thanks for the few attention given,
hope you enjoy the gifts.

Dreaa : What a b*tch. But thats cool, honestly. She rarely talks but when
she does, its something good.



Runaktla : You started off somewhat new I think, but you grew experienced
fast, thats good. Though, I still think the last decision on having war
with outlander is not a wise option, then again, you're the leader not me.

Nhil : You're absolutely like my other half, together, we're close to
invincible, other than a few other cases. You taught me some stuff, thanks.

Viscar : Good warrior, but you disappeared, pity.

Azakard : Always on the ball, but still slower than me. Ha! Experienced and
thats pretty nifty. And stop breaking those damn bloody daggers.

Inactive Scions : Get on and delete. Stop holding onto that place when the
cabal is lack of firepower and has a limited vacancies.


We had some good fight truely. Then again, I can't believe that some of you
would actually kill goodie mobs just to try to reach me in a certain place.
That I'm totally not impressed, actually disgusted. You know who you are.

Rulcorr : You would always die when you fight against me, then again you're
not afraid to do so, that stand out, kudos on that.


I still think that the war is absolutely unnecessary. Then again I had
nothing much to do with your cabal other than the very last part of Lumiere.
Then again, from my past experience as an Outlander, I was warned not to
group with Scions, other than fighting against Empire/Tribunal. No idea if its
changed, but seems so to me, after ranking several outlanders up.


Gerylanst : I so hate evasion. Truely.

Rusenlan : You deserve way much kudos than Rulcorr on courage and bravery.

Ritur : That skill is useful, but you still did fall every now and than.
You're fast at catching things, not bad.

Various Ragers : I would kick your butt, but you would still brag, I would
assume its RP of being proud. Sometimes, I truely do not understand ragers.


Gvan : I bet I surprised you that one time, having you trapped at the quicksand.
You're better than most imperials, and I'll echo others' words, you'll probably
strengthen the Empire greatly with your presence.

Others :

Seph : Thanks for teaching me about some stuff.

Ithzaruul : I like the character initially, and towards the end, not at all.

Daroba : You were a great aid, thanks. Who knows, I'm gone before you. Yay me!

Well, this should be it for now. If any were to post, I'll probably reply.

Previous few characters:

and now, Lumiere.
38887, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun stuff. Scion'll be fine, don't worry, but feel free
to come back, heh. It's een and will be bloody on both
sides, I'm sure. Anyways, I'm not new to Scion, and I
always pick the underdog, so I'm not new to that either.
Also, Transmuters are powerful, but they have some very
heavy weaknesses as well, just takes getting used to it
again, and that I did.

I basically just climbed on your back and let you lead
me around sometimes. You got item and area knowledge
down quite well. I'd also have to say that sometimes your
character seemed mechanical and kinda killed an RP sense
to her, of course that is alleviated a little by you
playing a very astute Eshval follower.

Anyways, luck with the next,

- Runaktla
38890, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, a good enemie. When I saw that two invokers (you and Nhil) I though two times before coming to retrieve, what I usually do nevermind who opposite me :). But after some expirience I understood I can always send my ass home from you, so I stoped worry about you. And I died :) That one time in quicksand It was also my misstake. I usually came with fervor on me so wimpy didn't work. That time fervor fell but I missed it and so started to run by wimpy from the quicksand.... it leaded me to death.

Second time you did also surprise me with Danfkin - when Danfkin used curse wand in quicksand. Well done.

As for that words that I strengthen the Empire... well I try to, but damn currently I am always disapointed... why the Hell all those who I wished to see on Hero to aid me just deleted? So I act solo again, as at the start of my Emperorship? :):)

Good luck with the next.

38893, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, I think you have mistaken. Was me to dispel your flight, then use curse wand on you, which by then you were injured by Danfkin's fork lightning, leading to you fleeing into my quicksand and both us poking you with that fork to death. Was a nice fight. Thanks.
38894, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aye. The curse wand was the key.
38891, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, a good enemie. When I saw that two invokers (you and Nhil) I though two times before coming to retrieve, what I usually do nevermind who opposite me :). But after some expirience I understood I can always send my ass home from you, so I stoped worry about you. And I died :) That one time in quicksand It was also my misstake. I usually came with fervor on me so wimpy didn't work. That time fervor fell but I missed it and so started to run by wimpy from the quicksand.... it leaded me to death.

Second time you did also surprise me with Danfkin - when Danfkin used curse wand in quicksand. Well done.

As for that words that I strengthen the Empire... well I try to, but damn currently I am always disapointed... why the Hell all those who I wished to see on Hero to aid me just deleted? So I act solo again, as at the start of my Emperorship? :):)

Good luck with the next.

38895, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Rastorenn M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun running around with you killing people. You'll surely be missed. I hope you don't consider me an 'inactive scion'. My hours tend to be somewhat random. Competant invoker from what I saw, Scion losing two invokers in a week is going to hurt.
38896, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Knew, I would forget someone. Nah, you're one of the better ones around. If I'm not wrong, you hardly use preps? Anyhow, that gang on you in Galadon by a Tribunal, sucks. Corruption sucks! =P
38897, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Rastorenn M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't usually use preps because I rarely have to. Flight is about it, really. Occassionally I'll use stoneskin when I have to fight groups of warriors, but usually I don't have any problems with taking too much damage. The situations where I've died (I've only been PK'd about 8 times so far) tend to be ones where stoneskin/shield/aura wouldn't have turned things around.

For instance my last death I was fighting two druids, then a tribunal, bard, and an airform. I should've teleported but I figured I didn't expect the airform to attack me considering we went gear gathering not more than a week or two ago. Backstabbing gnomes!

I'm actually surprised that I haven't had troubles landing kills as a hero range shaman, after all the complaining I've heard I thought it'd be hard. But with your quicksand around it wasn't difficult at all, man I'm going to miss that!
38930, Two Invokers and a Ranger lol
Posted by Krilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
waitin for my post to come up, not to steal anyones thunder.
38902, Would still be trying to hero Israhiaz right now
Posted by Granaak1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it was not for you. Thanks a ton, really.

Scions..tsk tsk war with Outlander? Always a bad idea. =)

Great job and all that,

Granaak / Israhiaz
38909, RE: Would still be trying to hero Israhiaz right now
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hated Israhiaz, truely, for not logging on at a term. I kept that strange bracers for her for nearly a week, then it ended up being stolen. Was cool anyhow to have an assassin watching your back. Thanks.
38910, Silly way to die...
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah...at least we got a talk before you got ate by time.

Remember that little quest I sent you on...well, had it gotten finished, that was to be your title and a bit more. I watched you die lots of times attempting to finish...it became painful to me. I sought other means to validate your character, unfortunately death claimed you much sooner than expected.

Character-wise, nice and creepy...made me feel stalked. ;)
38912, RE: Silly way to die...
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dying is never an issue really and yeah, quite silly way to die, but its better than the otherwise. The character is out to please you in many ways, its like a relationship, if one party keeps giving and not receiving, sooner or later that party will get sick and tired. Somewhat thats how I felt, I think. But of course its not good to expect something from a god, considering the level of existence.
Then there are times I would brought gifts over to you, hopefully to so call make the character happy, but sometimes, it respond was felt as "oh", although its not as such, somewhat cold, but I guess that should be normal for an evil Imm. Overall, I think I expected too much. Sorry. Then again, thanks for the few interactions. Thanks.
38913, My worst enemy!
Posted by Rusenlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were definitely it. Not only smart and quick, but respectable as well. Had lots of fun with Kristin! And with Lumiere, lots of fun too..in a different way :) Only time I ever saw a 'Lumiere is convulsing' was when Ghrulkar and I raided the Chasm and both of us fought you..and you still managed to get away..you were really tough. Good job with Lumiere, and luck with the next! I'm very sure it'll be a great one.
38914, RE: My worst enemy!
Posted by Lumiere Dextera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're gone way too fast, made me miss having a non-berserker to pillar, that would actually hit. Big big kudos to your character. Thanks for the one sided(most of the time) fights. Thanks.
38915, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Ritur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, invokers are every villagers nightmare. I can catch on quick in PK but i'm no master, as you likely saw. You, however, seemed to have invoker tricks down to a fine art! Nothing more annoying than a mage with the power of three. Hooray for more incompetant invokers to make me look good! I don't often get to talk to invokers, because I'm too busy stalking/dodging them. Its a shame but I would have been happier poking you more. Not sure how you'd have responded to Ritur's 'smack talk' style but it seems to go off alright on most Scions. 90% of the time because they're all good, experienced players. You were right in there with 'em.

Had fun, see you in your next incarnation!

38932, Awe man
Posted by Azakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now who's going to show me all those neato areas
Liked the character, and some of your previous, hope to see more of you on my side, Whooo
38934, A good friend
Posted by Daroba on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I remember you saying you were getting pretty old, but I actually didn't expect you to age die.. funny thing is I had seen you with another character the night before. You were quite the ally, and yes I was the stand in front dummy for most of the gearing though I got little from it, it was still fun. A good character though I didn't get to enjoy more of the rp side. Once I saw you had deleted figure I would let Daroba go as well.. Well done and good luck on your next.
38936, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Rawnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, I hated to see your character anywhere, and I could never quite get my setup on you correctly. That one time you got me at the Crossroads, I saw you, figured you were setting up quicksand, and knowing better still walked into it, I had meant to go around the market and maybe try to catch you before you faded out.. but oh well, you were a strong foe, and won't be missed, good luck with you next.
38945, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Kiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Capable invoker, I fought you more times than I can possibly remember. Fights are always so much harder as an invoker when the other side has an invoker. Now Scion has no invokers :)

About the sirine island incident, well, I think someone's better change the align of the mobs-aggro-to-males there because attacking a nice goodly elf paladin by default isn't what I call 'good'. If anyone can find Dylan who wrote that area anymore. I didn't consider those mobs good, and I think neither did Solasarath. Blame it on game mechanics I guess. Again, no hard feelings there. Just a game, anyways. Like how skyflashes in Nonveil who were goodie but aggro to all were fixed, they should fix sirine guards. Males aren't evil! :)

I played with Raikorsai and Starlnyrn before. Two characters I'll reveal when Kiel con dies :). Both goodies who've been around those two a little. Thought it was interesting how Raikorsai and Star chose to handicap themselves, I'm curious did Lumiere have any handicaps? And it's just way impressive to get seven path mastery as a human invoker. It was much easier for me as elf... about 150 hours, with everything else a fort voker has to do thrown in.

I was very impressed with Lumiere, hope you didn't hate me because of that one sirine island incident. That area should just be rewritten, it handicaps males too much.


Hope to see your next incarnation soon. Roll up a goodie!
38953, Ho ho
Posted by Danfkin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Few hours for an age death, but that happens I guess.

Well played invoker. Knew there was something familiar with your style, and well now I know... Having travelled with three of your chars previously.. *rofl* quite amusing... Most recently vorroth I think, I keep forgetting my chars.

See you in the fields.
38956, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Seltun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell, Lumiere was a smart invoker. After all the countless times at your side it was interesting fighting once against you. Well done, a powerful foe... as I am sure, all the others you played, were.
38967, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Seph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember fighting Massie as a previous character, interesting that was you, I enjoyed the travels... cheers.
38974, RE: Thats all folks!
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dreaa : What a b*tch. But thats cool, honestly. She rarely talks but when
she does, its something good.

Hmm, I'll take that as a compliment like the others. But me say something good, you musta caught me on some good days there :P and I thought I talked pretty often, maybe I need to kick up the heat some.

Anyways, nice job with Lumiere from what I saw. You were a pretty well played invoker and had some nice things going for you. To bad your gone but hope you had fun while it lasted. Good luck with the next!
