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Topic subject(AUTO) [EMPIRE] Makholvek the Lich Lord, Imperial Black Magician
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=38462
38462, (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Makholvek the Lich Lord, Imperial Black Magician
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue May 31 01:33:12 2005

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Makholvek perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
38633, Due to popular demand on Dios, I've paid for your PBF. nt
Posted by Koe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38612, RE: (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Makholvek the Lich Lord, Imperial Black Magician
Posted by Makholvek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well going to keep this short.

CF was my life for about 8 years. I've played a lot
of things A LOT! And what it's come down to here
lately is the retarded people that back in the
day were a minority are becoming a majority in my
view. I'm not going to name names because not going
to ruin peoples chars or whatever. Dieing is not
what caused me to stop playing it was me realizing
i was not having fun anymore. So in a way thanks
for breaking me from CF.

Khasotholas wonderful wonderful imm by far my favorite
and I've interacted with my fair share. I have logs at
home i'll post of our interactions and thanks for everything
I truely mean that.

Kresh my maniacle partner in crime one of my favorite
people IC we did a LOT together. I'm glad you mummied

Zheairth hated you at first but you grew on me eventually
i even started to like you somewhat.

Asfas thanks for Oathing me :)

Ithzaruul ooc I really did like your character rofl
but IC you just pissed me off to many times.

Erm...I may post more later but i'm at work now
thanks everyone!

i.e.: Wispen Sadrien Gulturiltin Mheeko Sylister Modion Bryndin Kalindar Calorwyn Tiriundrun Jyslin Jevanah Nefahrin and
many more I can't remember at the moment.
38631, Goodbye
Posted by TheZhees on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are an amazing player that I learned a lot from every character of yours that I interacted with as an enemy or a friend. If its not fun good luck finding something else for your life.
38635, Good job on the Liching, at least
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had me worried for a while there, I didn't think
you would be a pushover at all. I had a feeling you
wanted me dead pretty bad, but I may be mistaken.

Either way, damn good job with the Liching.

- Runaktla
38656, Logs
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel free to post some logs, I always enjoy looking at them.
38562, Why is it this lich just faded away?
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Noones talking conspiracies her or on Dio's.

Should I be concerned?
38563, There is some suggestion
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that after dying to a maran mage or something at the massive giant (battle cabal) the player of Makholvek just up and quit. If that's the case he should grow a pair and man up because Imperials have been dealing with that stuff for a damn long time.

As for conspiracies, there was a post about one in this thread, but it has been removed.
38564, I suspect it is more disgust than anything
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What is the point of playing a game where villagers call in those they can be fairly certain will bring magi?
38566, You're preaching to the choir dude.
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I declared an end to my cabal involvement over mass logins/offs and the maran-village love connection.
38572, RE: You're preaching to the choir dude.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every couple of months there are complaints about a 'love connection'. Two months ago it was the the Tribunal/Empire login love affair. Now it is the Battle/Maran. In a few weeks it could be the Scion/Outlander. Basically, it's a bunch of bleh. Every cabal has multiple enemies. Every cabal has multiple allies. Getting ganged happens. Sometimes skill overcomes numbers, sometime numbers overcome skill. For the most part, this game is about jumping on a bandwagon and riding it out. Why? Because the truly skilled are few compared to the total amount of players. What happens is simple, a skilled player starts playing a weak side and other players see it and decide to back him up. It's a power swing/shift or whatever you want to call it. Is it acceptable for a neutral or good rager to call a maran who isn't a mage if the odds are bad? If not, why is it acceptable for a tribunal to call an imperial? If you don't like it, play something against it.
38574, I would say the difference is
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
99% of imperials have never been criminals in the tribunals' eyes. Hence, they make good allies. Tribunals are not supposed to be the finest warriors in Thera, not are they supposed to be proud and self sufficient. They even have a skill specifically designed to allow them to get help from others. Brumblebin or whatever he was called would probably not be allowed to remain in the village, I wouldn't have thought, even with good rp, because his behavior runs too counter to what the villagers are, yet within the Spire there is no reason to boot him as long as he's not noticed. (I'm speculating here.)

Ragers are supposed to be proud (I thought) which would imply a degree of self-sufficiency and a reluctance to call others. Calling one or two warriors to help fight a lich when you are alone, maybe ok, maybe not. Calling some when you already have three of you? Calling some when you know that they will probably bring magi with them? That a person travels with magi all the time? That he protects and supports magi? Would a true rager turn a blind eye to this and be this person's ally? It smacks of ragers being willing to trade gear with my magi, which did happen.

And, when you have a tribunal healer flagging people because of raids on the Imperial palace (if that did indeed ever happen), then that is going beyond the bounds of how the cabals should interact, imo.

It seems to me that too many people choose to play roles that make things easy for them, or are very quick to ignore the means to achieve an end. For example, if said rager could use a magic item to kill the lich... is that justified? Then why is using a group that you know will bring magi that you don't plan to attack?
38578, Just to add since I was involved
Posted by Seethian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

This character, whom told the dwarf warrior maran
that a Lich was at the village, and was also a ghost so
unable to do squat about it, was my second villager I have
ever played and believe it or not, I made a ton of mistakes.
I am human, after all. It was no secret, even from the
Immortal point of view that as a 'villager' I sucked.

I had pk's, but only 3 magi pk's, and was struggling in
learning the ins and outs of good villager behavior and sealing
any kills without dying myself, over and over.

But, this is a game, and people like me, that are playing
different roles for the sake of fun, and sportsmanship have to
learn too, and although my actions in that particular moment may
not have been the best for the classic "Battle Berserker",

I am a ghost, and a lich is raiding, whom I am pretty sure might
be too much for the one defender, when he also has an undead army,
in seriousnous of that moment, I would call for help. And if that
dwarf brings magi, I am going to attack the magi, and/or the dwarf when I unghost, but... That Lich has nice things, that I had never
seen before as a player, and honestly.. I wanted to check em out.

The cabal pendulem swings, and some players are good, and some suck, but that doesn't mean there is some problem. My villager in this specific incident simply made a bad choice, although realistic, it was unbecoming of a villager. I was also borderline uninduction waiting to happen had I not con died as soon as I did.

So just sit on that thought

38581, Your honesty is becoming
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I totally understand why you are tempted to act as you did. That's why I think the imms need to step in to enforce the boundaries of behavior more, because the temptation is there (in many ways) for us, as players, to push them for our own individual funstick, whereas the imms don't suffer from that temptation when being imms. I think that most of the stuff I have seen such as Shamus (I think it was Shamus but it might have been someone longer ago) trading gear with my mage, is understandable because of a player's desire for gear and fun, but that the mud would be better if, when it was spotted, it was at least given a warning. In the case of a rager, meeting peacefully to trade magic gear to a mage in return for some nice non-magic gear would, imho, be worthy of an immediate (even if only temporary) expulsion.

In this case, it sounds like there was nothing for imms to spot. So that's that. But I think the point about there being a temptation for players to push the boundaries of rp as far as they can get away with in order to make their own characters more powerful is a valid one.
38570, RE: There is some suggestion
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For what it's worth, I was snooping some of that gang-down and the lead-up to it, and I didn't see anything that made me think 'shady'.
38575, RE: Why is it this lich just faded away?
Posted by Ragerplayer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This whole thread kinda pisses me off. Maybe somewhere along the lines a goodie rager has yelled at the maran to give a hand or two, but for the most part, if there is a maran mage on, the village tends to leave them to their business. More often than not, the maran show up, and either fight the imperial hoard with the village, or get their asses wooped on by the village for bringing magi. As for this Lich thing, I didn't hear anything about the maran mage killing him and what not, so I cannot be sure, but you all have to understand that the village is watched pretty closely from what I've seen and noticed now, so anything remotely close to 'mage/village' conspiracy is probably not true

But hey, I could be wrong

38543, a pity...
Posted by Zheairth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked the character. After our first interaction I realy liked you, but then apparently you became so evil, power hungry, manipulative bastard so I even thought on betraying you to Nabburak. And it is really cool, you impressed me like noone else. And pity you left, it would be very interesting to watch where you could come finaly.
38506, Marvelous character
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent job of roleplaying whenever I was checking in on you. You perhaps weren't the deadliest necromancer, but you consistently progressed in your skills, and your roleplay was rock solid throughout. My first real interaction with you was demoting you, but you were able to change my opinion of this character rather easily. You were an Imperial through and through, and one of my favorite followers. Good luck with whatever you try next, and I do hope you try something again. You're a quality player, and a treat to watch.

38504, RE: (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Makholvek the Lich Lord, Imperial Black Magician
Posted by Nzhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked our interactions when you still had flesh and blood. Looks like in the end we were both right, you got the power and it still wasn't enough :)
38484, If it makes you feel any better
Posted by Seethian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

After the fort showed up at the village and helped
finish you off, (Coming alone at the time wasn't very
bright) I gave most of your stuff to the village
healer, if you located, you probably could have gotten
most if not all back by just waiting a bit and retrieving.

It's dissapointing to see a Lich auto, but I am sure
your frustrations got the best of you.

I fought you with Huegyn a few times I think pre-lich,
and always enjoyed our combative encounters. Shame though,
good luck.
38481, Yes I too can only saw WTF!!!
Posted by Aghast on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
so yeah every non empire hero would have been chasing you down, but man with a few phacs you would have become a powerhouse. No one could safely summon you, you have auto dirt and disarm, sigil of pain anyone? have you a clue what scourge would do with sigil on someone?
Maybe you have good reason to let this one go....like getting hit by a bus, but I alone with the rest of the CF population are just scratching our heads in wonderment.
38472, How many hours did you play as a lich?
Posted by Drokk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of course people can delete or auto whenever they feel like it, but I weep when I think of this.

A lich is very strong. An emperor lich is something else. I can understand you deleting out of boredom, but so soon?

Alas, such a waste. Well, my character I had hoped to fight you with autodeleted as well, nothing lost there.

38471, Damn it. What a waste
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As an emperor lich, you would have been able to pay them back many times over, in time.

I didn't like it when you were around when Empire was easily the dominant cabal without you (not your fault, just likely to swing the scales more), but when lots of empire left, it was an ideal situation imho to see what you can do with a lich.

I too have deleted over what I consider to be dodgy rp, and if you really did get ganged by fortress magi and villagers together, that's something that would push me to it, but -not- with a lich Emperor I'd just got.
38487, RE: Damn it. What a waste
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fortress magi coming to the village to kill a powerful evil or stop the empire from recapturing the codex isnt nessesarily bad RP on the mage's part. Evil is evil. If it's at the village assaulting their giant, go kill it. Zak attacked more than a few imperials at the giant trying to retrieve and yanno, he got attacked right back by the villagers, which I expected that's what they do. But I was always ready to high tail it if need be. Now if when this happened it was planned by both the fortress and village then yeah, that's pretty bad that the village would call upon mages for help. And with the current lot of villagers I knew, the likelyness of that happening is less than Jessica Alba showing up at my door nekid. More than likely the fortress found out he was there and acted on their own accord. But still, this is kind of a waste. A lich emperor....eeewwwwwww.
38463, RE: (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Makholvek the Lich Lord, Imperial Black Magician
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I can say is "Are you ####ing kidding me?!?!!?" You let an Emperor Lich autodelete after your first death? OMFG WTF?
38465, RE: (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Makholvek the Lich Lord, Imperial Black Magician
Posted by Hylondin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least he will be remembered! One way to seal the deal! Hehehe!
38467, Seriously, many CF'ers would give their left teste for that combo. nt
Posted by DeathClaw1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM