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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Deleted) [Outlander] Fereksah the Legend of the Battlefield, Feckful Feline Hunter
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=38449
38449, (Deleted) [Outlander] Fereksah the Legend of the Battlefield, Feckful Feline Hunter
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It will show up in a while as a rage delete, because I decided to feed my soul to Mikatra's spear before I deleted. However, there's little rage involved in this one. We're coming upon one of the three months of non-winter here in Minnesota and I'd rather spend that time outside and/or with my boyfriend. I put about 350 hours into Fereksah somehow, and I certainly don't want to be doing that now. Likely, I'll be back when it gets colder again, though I really hope the playerbase rebounds...I don't know what's causing it, but it's certainly not the same game when half the number of players are playing.

Fereksah was great. I was going to go battlerager...because I always do. On a whim, I decided to con my way into Outlander, and I'm so glad I did. I love it, absolutely one of my next characters will be in this cabal.

As for the character itself...I've played enough warriors, and almost all of them have had either dagger or whip so that I should come off as at least competent there. The legacies...well, I pretty much only could recall one of my legacies without thinking about it too hard. It was awesome. Dare I say it....overpowered? Surrounding...eh...hard to tell whether this really saved me much or not. Legacy Number Three. Wow, thanks for giving me an extra legacy. I don't really feel I deserved it. I'm a little curious as to why that certain legacy was chosen though...


Imms: Lyristeon, hey, thanks for giving me your tattoo? I had no intentions of going for it...those sort of thoughts were well beyond the capacity of Fereksah's mind. Sometimes I'd want to talk to you, but couldn't really think of any reason to. Innis, thanks for the title...feckful, ha! Whichever one of you came at us in Organia...that was pretty cool too, but I'm a little curious why the other two got a title and I didn't...did I suck that much?

The Rogue: Hey, thanks for inducting me? So...after chasing around Huegyn for a while I pretty much spent all of my time in the city. Then Crendal went and tried to induct me....eeeeh...well, I'm glad you had enough patience for my excuses, and I hope you are doing well.

Saephii: You were pretty gosh darn cool, except for the always dying part :) It sounds like you like to play outlanders, so maybe I'll run into you again.

Reossi: It's too bad you're not around any more...you were pretty awesome as well. We had some great times...

Salvrath: You're a pretty rad character too, though, certainly not as fun as some of the other ones. That's your way though, and I can dig it. Good luck!

Zhiusk: Heh, couldn't resist! You had the most awesome habit of popping out of nowhere and melting the minds of people I was killing. Of course, you also had a bad habit of stealing my kills, but I'll forgive it. When I was first ranking with you and Salvrath I could have sworn you were going to backstab us before we got done. Now look at you, with your spiffy title and all!

Mikatra: You are damn cool. I would certainly pass out in fright if I found myself running along the river some night and knew you were there watching me. Just an awesome character. I love the way you interact with the rest of the group. I always felt impotent when you would follow me and tell me to lead on a hunt somewhere though...I just didn't know where to go! :( I hope you stick with it. You, more than any other character, make me regret deleting because I want to see whats in store for you. PS. How many charges was my soul worth?

Verthyl: You are pretty impressive as well...I didn't really catch onto it at first, but, wow. You can talk AND kill!

Qing Long! Now you die! Ah...my *best* friend. I'm so glad I got to get you back for pushing me down that ravine! You are also an amazing character...Outlander certainly has some awesome players in it right now. I had so much fun running around with you...but to tell the truth...I was turning to the dark side :-D

I think there's some other ones, but I'm running out of time, so I'll post them later..


Hey, you guys are not doing well. I can sympathize, really, and I don't think for a moment I'm the reason the Spire's doing so poorly right now. And I know what it's like...I was Provost with Tjok around and remember being supser scared to walk into snares trying to retrieve and get crushed by him. But then again..I'm a wimp.

Macumba. Well, sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you, eh?

Yly: Hey, I can understand not being happy about dying, but it seemed a little weak to try and lecture us on courage that time when we were raiding...especially after you sent Ithzaruul to get the fetish. I realized I wasn't going to kill you by myself ever, so I didn't try much.

Gordath: You've got heart, I think. Didn't see that much of you.

Israhiaz/Shapan: The Spire's best defenders!!! I think my team lost the Scales 4 times due to being assassinated after we raided.


Baltherias: Seemed cool? Never really got too into your character, but ranking that one time was fun.

Ritur: I just love your character. A-mazing.

Ithzaruul: Thanks for being such a good sport. As someone said, you are one badass pheasant. Never succeeded, though Zhiusk and I were quite close once! I don't think you ever got a phylactery off of my corpse...the tell you sent me the last time we talked was priceless, considering we had just gotten back the fetish and already taken the Scales.

I was going to try and start an Outlander-Fort war, but, meh.

Of course, anyone else, respond and I shall also respond. I have to go now or I would write a littl emore
38703, *Snort*
Posted by Arminas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I should turn you pink just for not mentioning me.
I'm sorry I dissapeared on you like that. You, by far, were my favorite cohort to date and there is a big list. I got to see another side of you that was superbly played, as was Manden. Real life has kept me away longer than I have liked and I am sorry I missed your passing, but with hope our paths will cross again. Thanks for the fun and well done, furball.
39156, RE: *Snort*
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I mentioned you briefly in Farewell Part II, man. Thanks for your kind words.

Ranking with you was great fun, especially when we both had tattoos to talk to! I learned after some time that others could see it when you whispered to an item...oops.

Hilarious times when it was me, you, and some rager on Calandaryl. Hope you're still around and kicking ass!
38510, RE: (Deleted) [Outlander] Fereksah the Legend of the Battlefield, Feckful Feline Hunter
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everyone reaches a point where the outside world looks like more fun than cf, and that is very cool. As far as Fereksah, yeah, as Lyr said, I did the title...for my own sinister reasons...those being, you were deserving of something, but damned if I could figure out what. :P

Good luck
38520, Ol' Floppy Hat
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact too much, but I'm grateful for the title and anything else you may have sent my way.

Feckful was fine, I learned a new word! It's been such nice weather here, thanks for that! ;)
38478, *Mischevious grin*
Posted by Brodie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darn it, I was finally ready to go do some serious hunting with you and you up and leave! Not that I blame you, I lived in northern Minnesota for 3 years; get outside while you can.

I thought I noticed a cooling from you but wasn't sure why.

Now I'll have to find someone else to 'plan' with. *mutter* though Qing seems adept at getting me killed to... *grin*

And I thought you did a great job with Fereksah.
38493, RE: *Mischevious grin*
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Qing is great, he's just jealous of anyone that's cooler than him. Watch out for any cliffs, canyons, ravines that he might push you into "accidentally," though I hear he's been trying Talshidar out recently as well...

I'll be very interested to see how your legacy choices turn out. Keep your hand on the plow, you've got a great future ahead of you!
38477, RE: (Deleted) [Outlander] Fereksah the Legend of the Battlefield, Feckful Feline Hunter
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's one of the quirks of my religion. I am not about "followers" so to speak. I am about the whole "free will" thing and if you are under one of my spheres and pull off the gaping maw moments and you just happen to mention me, you will get some interaction. That's what Fereksah did right to get the tattoo. Innis gave you the feckful title, and I wanted to change it, but you gave me the impression that you liked it. And while I like to give out the nifty extra titles, I won't do it if I think the player is happy with what he has. Since I am very active and watch a lot of my followers...and others...the ones who do well tend to get the perks. And the perks should tell you how you are doing. Now, can you tell me if you honestly think that I thought you sucked?
38496, RE: (Deleted) [Outlander] Fereksah the Legend of the Battlefield, Feckful Feline Hunter
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, no, I don't think you thought I sucked. I don't think I as a player could have really explained the Maw well enough to get a tattoo, but luckily my actions were speaking loudly enough. I don't even remember why I chose Chaos for a sphere originally.

Feckful I liked just because I learned a new word through it, and I could make comments about being full of feck. I have a few other questions for you, though, so I'll probably be sending an email.

Once again, thanks for all the goodies and the fun times.
38476, Sorry, I had Qal's tat I have to defend the gold! -nt
Posted by Granaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38495, jerk! (nt)
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jerk face. nt
38473, Why was an outlander so cosy with aps?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And also why would you risk dropping a weapon with a lowbie ap in the room?
38490, Eh?
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not quite sure what you meant...could you explain, please?
38503, Pretty simple
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. You talk about grouping with someone who you said was an ap.

2. You subsequently die to this ap before deleting (although I didn't realise the char of that name was an ap).

3. You are responsible for transferring a highly charged weapon from one ap to another. (This is why I refer to why you would drop a weapon in front of a lowbie ap, instead of wait until you are in the spire (at which point you can loot if you sac) or until you are clear of town.
38505, RE: Pretty simple
Posted by Drokk1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The guy Manden refers to is not an ap, but the nightreaver. I don't know if the nightreaver has a special spear or something which works similar to an unholy weapon or whether he was just speaking figuratively.

It seems to me this is just a matter of misunderstanding an ambigious farewell post, rather than an example of dubious roleplay.
38507, Oh, heh
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I'm just being silly.

Mikatra's a ranger.

As far as #3...did a lowbie end up with it? Assuming you're talking about Emonnev's spear...I had drop spear/sac spear entered while I was fighting him and and managed to wimpy out inbetween those two commands. It was risky, but it also would have hurt him a good deal, making my fight against him a lot easier.
38513, Dont lie, Emo's weapon transfer was planned. (not by emo) -nt
Posted by YouKnowWho on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38515, Heh, you got me! (nt)
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38511, Goof. nt
Posted by Mikatra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38516, Weapon transfer was my fault.
Posted by Qing Long on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fereksah was following me, I was tanking Emonnev and his special guards while bloody shackled. My health sunk far enough that I grew somewhat concerned, and I fled. Meanwhile, Fereksah saw my health sink, and thought to help out by sac'ing the spear while I was fighting Emmonev, so that Emonnev would die in the midst of a fight. A spectacular result, if you ask. However, when I fled, Fereksah followed me immediately after he dropped the weapon, and someone picked it up. I always thought it was Emonnev.. until now :P

For what it's worth, we redeemed ourselves vis a vis Emonnev's unholy weapons at a later point in time.
38519, Heh
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I blamed it on you then, because I was pretty certain that was the case, but I looked back at the log and I think I was the one that fled.

Of course, you wouldn't expect Fer to own up to that later, would you?

We ran around Galadon for quite some time, dodging Tribunals looking for the spear and asking people to locate it. I didn't even expect strip to work, but we had been fighting for a while so I thought his spiderhands* might have worn off and it had.
38526, Jesus, you can let the paranoid freaks accuse all they want, guys.
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not going to argue with them; there's no way for me to refute their claims since I don't know what they're talking about, but apparently many people do, or one person making a lot of noise.

You don't need to waste your time policing this thread Imms, I'm guessing you have better things to do.
38527, I agree.
Posted by Qing on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can you buy into this conspiracy theory, Daurwyn? You honestly think the two of us set up an elaborate plan to create a chaotic fight with a Vindicator and multiple Tribunal in the middle of Galadon as a distraction for the real main event: when Fereksah stripped Emonnev so we could drop the weapon to a waiting lowbie AP - still in the middle of Galadon while Emonnev was standing RIGHT THERE, still fighting us? Doesn't that seem just a little absurd to you?

How do these theories even get started?

I hope you reconsider quitting, Emonnev, because you are absolutely, positively, offbase.
38528, And.
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And Emonnev seemed like a cool character, and was certainly fun to fight. I'm hoping it's not him posting.
38530, Huh? I'm not Emonnev
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am, in fact, one of his enemies which is why I was keeping tabs on him at the time, and I have never spoken to him besides ic.

That said, the argument you use there is very weak. Maybe it was just an unfortunate mistake, but you have just said (paraphrased)...

"Do you honestly think we'd drop the weapon with Emonnev standing right there, in the middle of Galadon...?".

Well, fact is, you did. I can't believe anyone would do that with a lowbie looter ap there. Why would Emonnev standing there stop you?

And as to how these things get started? Where do I begin?! I know for a fact that there was some shady #### going on there, but I won't say how here (although if any imms want to hear from me re this I'm happy to say what I know). It might, or might not, have involved the outlanders, but given what I do already know about the whole affair, it is certainly worth hearing what you have to say about it, because it is worth investigation.

That was only one of the issues raised. The other was related to the Mitrasek or whatever he's called being described as what sounded like an ap (although I wasn't convinced he was one). Had there been a reason to group with an ap, then there probably could have been a reason to transfer an unholy from a trib to a non-trib, with intent, legitimately.

Make sense?
38532, RE: Huh? I'm not Emonnev
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Emonnev also posted here. That aside:

>And as to how these things get started? Where do I begin?! I
>know for a fact that there was some shady #### going on there,
>but I won't say how here (although if any imms want to hear
>from me re this I'm happy to say what I know).

In general, if you think something shady is going on, send us an e-mail with whatever you know, the sooner the better. We'll do what we can to investigate and insure a more fair game for all.
38534, Please do
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, we were replying to deleted posts that you may not have read.

Second, I was referring to Mikatra like she was an AP because she's quite evil. She's a ranger though.

Third, I think the point Qing is trying to make, and I'll emphasize is that if we were planning to cheat by transferring the weapon, why would we do it both in front of Emonnev, as well as in the middle of Galadon? Wouldn't we choose somewhere else where it's a little less likely that someone other than our cheating companion lowbie AP would pick it up?

I'm surprised people find it so unbelievable that I would try to destroy it while we were fighting him. It would have been a big bit of surprise damage to him and likely allowed us to kill h. If I had waited until we were safely camoflauged somewhere he would have been healing and probably not have died. And I knew he wasn't going to pick it up, because I lined up the commands in my client so that someone would have to be spamming "get spear" to pick it up before I sacrificed it, which I doubt he would have been doing as he was fighting us. Unfortunately, I wimpied out in between the commands executing and someone else picked it up.

As far as a MasterDDD permagroup, I've never talked to him in my life, and neither of the two other players I've talked to outside of the game knew I was playing Fereksah (that would be Rogue and Larcat, if you want to check). I can see someone conceivably thinking Qing and I, or Zhiusk and I were a permagroup since I stayed camoflauged a good deal of time, but certainly not all three of us together. For one thing, I think both Zhiusk and I had heroed when Qing was only around rank 30 or so, and I don't think Zhiusk and Qing have grouped together too much.

Anyway, I encourage you and everyone else to contact the imms with any knowledge you may have, because I'm a little ticked I'm being accused of cheating.
38535, I have contacted them as of now
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The reason I didn't before was because I understood they'd already been contacted.

And as I said to the imm I contacted, I don't know the extent of outlander involvement in the whole situation and it might be none, but given the cheating that I did have evidence of (said evidence now supplied to the imms), it warranted looking into.

I'm not surprised that you would drop an unholy to sac it whilst fighting an ap, because an ap can be lagged or lag himself. I'd say that is a fairly standard tactic if people are able to pull it off. However, I am surprised that you would risk it with a lowbie ap in the room or when you might end up fleeing (in which case it might be easier to flee first and do it then walk back in for the corpse depending on guard mobs).

Whether you cheated or not, the question arises because there was cheating going on. What I was questioning was whether the extent of it extended as far as to your (plural) involvement. The dropping of the weapon is, in itself, explicable, if somewhat misguided (but everyone screws up sometimes). It is only because of the other stuff going on that I question it.

I only questioned it on your battlefield thread because you seemed to be referring to an ap groupmate, which reminded me of the whole issue. Rather than turn this into a long flamewar I'll drop it here. I haven't concluded that you cheated by any means. I appreciate that you would find it offensive that I consider that you might have cheated, but if you never consider that people might have, you will never catch anyone.
38536, Don't worry
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I trust that you have the game's best interest in mind, and have enough respect for you based on your history that I'm not taking offense for anything you've said, it's more the other posts which have been deleted I was getting annoyed with.

One finaly point, the lowbie AP that picked it up was invisible, I believe, because I don't recall seeing one when I looked through the log. As a warrior, I didn't take great pains to keep detect invis up all the time. And not having heard of this conspiracy until my battlefield thread, I didn't think it was that big of a deal ooc if someone else picked it up; I have no idea how many charges his spear had.
38539, Be Happy
Posted by Mikatra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not to mention, based on your legacy choice, you'd have little need to keep detect invis up. But that's a moot point as well. Still, Fereksah was a great character, and it sounds like the player behind the character is a classy person too. Can't to randomly meet the next incarnation and then find out later it was you. :)
38461, I'm sad...
Posted by Mikatra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved Fereksah to death! Literally. I wasn't planning on making a lot of friends in Outlander, but somehow our characters just clicked. For some reason, you were amused by my threats and never took them seriously, which always made me smile. Oh! And I guess it would have been appropriate for me to give a hug goodbye, so I stripped naked and finished you off with my claws. For the record, no spear was involved. I really wish you would have stuck around, but I can understand when you feel you have to delete. Good luck with everything and your next character!

P.S. I have our final conversation/send off logged if you want it.
38464, This is how Mikatra mudsexx0rs
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe...yeah...send it, will you! jesselickel@gmail.com

Fereksah was kind of a chameleon...he couldn't help but click with a lot of people. The challenge, was keeping his various personas away from all of the others. But, for a character whose driving force in life was enjoying himself, primarily through pouncing on people, Mikatra's threats were great fun. I can't believe you beat me so many times!!!! I was going to entwine you in Arkham if ever heard you bragging about it, jejeje. I forgot the spear was not involved...no souls for you! I almost got you with those bashes though...didn't I? ;)
38500, I'll feast on your hide!
Posted by Mikatra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Muhahahaha! Don't you know not to bash a ranger in the wilds unless there's more than one of you? Even unarmed and naked, you only hit me once in our last fight. So, how's that for bragging? :P

Fereksah, though, could do wicked things I couldn't. I liked your unusual (for a felar) spec choices, and the one legacy I knew of. I assume you'll get a PBF, but could you break the anticipation and let me know what your legacies were? The one where you could see me before I joined Outlander was awesome! Always made me paranoid that I wasn't really hidden.
38501, Cheat codes within:
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maelstrom of the Veils
Surrounding the Sunrise
Riddle of Resilience
38457, Part II
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(Edited because I keep forgetting people)

Mystery Imms:

To the Imm that sent me that random dream when I was low level, no role. Thanks? I don't understand why it happened, but I tried to go with it. Of course, a tracking mob attacked me and woke me up...

To the Imm(s) that nerfed my warcry (a few times?) Ok, I admit sometimes they weren't terribly inspiring...I try to change them from time to time either for humor, or to be more fitting, but sometimes I forgot and had a very out-of-place warcry or just came up with one that wasn't amazing. Anyway...it would be good if some sort of echo maybe was sent to the character letting them know that they "notice their warcry is less inspiring" or something so I had a better idea of which of my warcries was the smack-worthy one.

Thanks for speeding my deletion up.

Amaranthe: Sorry for the way my character spoke if you were watching ever :(

Various gnomes: Well, after talking with a few gnomes with this character he just started disliking them...it became a facet of his personality. Unfortunately, most of the other ones would confirm his bias. To those of you that were gnomes that I didn't tell you I hated, you were pretty awesome. To those of you that I mentioned my desire to kill you...you probably weren't as terrible as I intimated.

Asfas: What an awesome death. I hope you were laughing at least partially as hard as we were.

Arminas: Hey man, you were cool too! Seem to have faded away as welll, unfortunately.

Brodie! I really liked you, too! Way to get Tcar broken three fights after I stole it for you, dude! Really cool character concept, and seem like a swell guy. There were a few things recently that I saw of you that made me a little disappointed, but I'll let you contact me if you want to know about that. That, and calling me furry hunter, or something like that *mutter* Overall, just another awesome character. Keep making your amazing, fool-proof plans!!!

Kazren: You look like you'll be fearsome. I was always tempted to go get you things, but I don't think you'd need them anyway. Good luck!

Yacama: Crafty! You made Fer doubt your gnomish heritage :) Good luck!

Etisrrus: You may not believe me, but if you had just said you weren't armed when I asked you, I wouldn't have attacked. It would have been a lie on your part, but I knew you were pretty disheartened about getting killed constantly and didn't want to make it any worse. However, when an enemy says something as sassy as that, I felt little choice. Thanks for Tcar #2, I hope most your armor was still there when you got back.

Emonnev: I was really sad when you disappeared. We could have had an awesome hatred. One time I was fighting you + I think another Trib with Qing Long and I stripped your unholy weapon in Galadon, only to flee right after I dropped it to sacrifice it! I'm not sure if you or someone else picked it up, but I blamed it on Qing :)

Aden: Sorry if it seemed like I was getting frustrated with you. I was trying to figure out a way to teach you the game while at the same time still teach you to teach yourself...but I think a lot of people were doing that and at times I felt like I was just ordering you around. And then towards the end of my life I was a lot less cuddly than I was at the beginning. I think you're doing very well for how new you appear to be.

Elliwyn: Hey, sorry for losing my temper with you, but I felt like you were trying to take advantage of me. When I saw you around I always had you in mind in case I ran across anything you might be able to use, but I also wasn't the same character you interacted with way back...sorry, and good luck with the future..it seems like you've a bright one!

My character didn't really have much of a reason to care about Dwarf/Duergar/Paladin. I wish he did, and could have justified killing them when he felt, but I was worried about turning the 'enemies' roster into a hit-list and getting smacked around for that. By the end, pretty much the only enemies to fight were Ithzaruul, paladins, dwarfs, or duergar ragers.

Uh, yeah... jesselickel@gmail.com if you have questions. Paz.
38466, RE: Part II
Posted by Elliwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the mention. I got some decent gear from that time you were in the Spire and you told me I could come get a few things. Then that trib showed up and we ran...that was funny. I thought for sure I was going to get wanted for that. Thanks for helping me when you did. I'm still a pretty new player, but I'm learning. Thanks again.
38480, No Prob
Posted by Etissrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sass yes, but I wasn't going to be all nicey nice to avoid you, and getting killed, well thats life for now. I could have just teleported away if I had wanted, I think it might have been closer IF I HAD WAITED AN HOUR TO PUT LUST UP AGAIN! GAH! It went down half way and adrenalin got the best of me. I expected to die but gave it a shot, even if I had gotten you Zhuisk would have nailed me I knew he'd be there. The Tcar...thank Leqiel I disarmed it from them a little earlier when they were doing the eyes of flame routine.
Anyway we fought a few times, although I never got the best of you.
See you in the Winter/Fall!
38494, Heh
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's two of them I've gotten by way of Leqiel then...

You can only get respect for being brave enough to play by yourself in the current climate.

I didn't know Zhiusk was around that time actually until after you died and I saw him heading towards. For you to fight me knowing he would come is certainly something I wouldn't expect you to do, considering I already had 8 levels or so on you (I think).

PS. I had an ancient red dragon hide...fireball may not have been your best choice ;)
38455, Man. :(
Posted by Qing Long on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really going to miss Fereksah.

Usually I end up playing loner-types by default, but you made that impossible. Basically, you were the best partner I could have hoped for. The same-ol', same-ol' routine suddenly became very much fun. I knew Manden a bit from the opposing side (a loooong time ago and our fights were swift), and it's pretty darn cool we got to play on the same side this time around.

Anyway, don't know what else to say except "I'm really going to miss Fereksah". And, of course ... Have a great Summer!
38458, Thanks. I'll post some logs of fun times. First, Qing Long fights off Tolchec, special guards and Fereksah!
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you have to admit, damnation + entwine is pretty wicked :) I was a little worried when Ordasen showed up in Organia to tattoo you that time that you were going to get in trouble for spending too much time with a scoundrel like me. Long live the root!

I guess this was part of the Imp's religion? It was more that I was just tired and confused Qing for Tolchec. Pretty funny, though...

People near you:
(PK) Tolchec A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Fereksah Within the Tree of Ages
(PK) Qing The Circle of Thorns
(PK) Salvrath Within the Tree of Ages

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
(Camouflaged) (White Aura) (WANTED) Qing is sleeping here.
***** Range 2 *****
A special guard from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here, enforcing the Law.
A special guard from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here, enforcing the Law.

the Huntress: Intruder! Intruder! Tolchec is raiding the Cabal!

Tolchec yells 'Die, Qing, you sorcerous dog!'

Salvrath's thirst injures him.

You tell your group 'SteelRroot is pass out'

You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A special guard from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here, enforcing the Law.
A special guard from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here, enforcing the Law.
***** Range 3 *****
(White Aura) (WANTED) Qing is here, fighting Tolchec.
Tolchec is here, fighting the Huntress.
A cunning female centaur with a mighty longbow stands guard here.

People near you:
(PK) Tolchec A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Fereksah Within the Tree of Ages
(PK) Qing A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Salvrath Within the Tree of Ages
You are already standing.
You step out from your cover.
The Circle of Thorns

A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns

A special guard from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here, enforcing the Law.
A special guard from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here, enforcing the Law.
A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns

(White Aura) (WANTED) Qing is here, fighting Tolchec.
Tolchec is here, fighting the Huntress.
A cunning female centaur with a mighty longbow stands guard here.
The Huntress says 'Blessings of the Ancients upon you, Outlander.'

Tolchec starts aiming at Qing.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Tolchec's punch decimates Qing!
Tolchec's punch wounds Qing.
Tolchec's punch wounds Qing.
Tolchec appears more confident as he shouts 'Justice shall be Served!'
You entangle Qing's feet and send him to the ground!
Qing stops following you.
Your lash scratches Qing.
Qing yells 'Help! Fereksah is lashing me!'
Qing has a few scratches.

Tolchec pummels Qing with his fists.
Tolchec's pummeling blow decimates Qing!
Tolchec's pummeling blow decimates Qing!
Tolchec's pummeling blow decimates Qing!
Tolchec's pummeling blow decimates Qing!
Qing looks dazed from all Tolchec's blows.
Qing has some small but disgusting cuts.

Tolchec's punch mauls Qing.
Your whip wounds Qing.
Your whip decimates Qing!
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.

Tolchec's punch MUTILATES Qing!
Tolchec's punch devastates Qing!
Qing parries your whip.
Your whip devastates Qing!
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.
Qing narrows his eyes and glares in Tolchec's direction.
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.

You stop using a whip of supple leather.
You wield a delicate elven dagger.
A delicate elven dagger feels like a part of you!
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.

You thrust your dagger towards Qing, attempting to sever his artery!
A spray of blood erupts from Qing's wound!
Your deep gash mauls Qing.
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.

Tolchec's punch decimates Qing!
Qing parries your slash.
Qing parries your slash.
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.

You bring back your arm and hurl a throwing dagger but your aim is off.
Your hurled dagger misses Qing.
Qing is covered with bleeding wounds.

You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

Someone parries your slash.
Someone deflects your slash with its shield.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

Someone's punch mauls someone.
Someone's punch decimates someone!
Someone parries your slash.
A tattoo of a Gaping Maw purses its lips.
A glob of slime is ejected from your lips aimed at the eyes of someone!
Someone narrowly avoids your spit!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!
You fade away as you blend in with your surroundings.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 12 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 12 hours.
Power: 'windwalk' for 11 hours.
Power: 'windwalk' for 11 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 1 hours.
Physical effect: 'dirt kicking' modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies wisdom by 2 for -1 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies morale by 10 for -1 hours.

Someone has arrived.
someone: Intruder! Intruder! Tolchec is raiding the Cabal!
Someone yells 'Qing is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
Someone yells 'Qing is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
Someone seems to meld with the wilds long enough to avoid someone's attack.
Someone's poisonous bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone leaves south.
Someone has fled!

Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Someone's eyes blaze with holy fervor as its wounds heal before you.
Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Someone's eyes blaze with holy fervor as its wounds heal before you.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
The special guard's slash wounds Qing.
Qing's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS the special guard!
The special guard leaves south.
The special guard has fled!

Qing closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Qing's eyes blaze with holy fervor as his wounds heal before you.

You stop following Qing.
You now follow Qing.
Fereksah's group:

<51 War> Fereksah 100% hp 95% mana 100% mv 518000 xp
People near you:
(PK) Fereksah A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Qing A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Salvrath Within the Tree of Ages

You say 'Was much bad.'

You frown at a gaping maw.

You say to a gaping maw 'Much.'

You join Qing's group.

Qing tells the group 'Think he returned to city?'

Qing mutters something quietly to himself.

You nod.

You tell your group 'Thinking scarrred him off with my ferrocious attack.'

You frown at a gaping maw.

(He died to rot I guess.)

Qing grins evilly.
38454, RE: (Deleted) [Outlander] Fereksah the Legend of the Battlefield, Feckful Feline Hunter
Posted by Crendal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed your character.

When I first met you with huegyn, your roleplay
and apparent pk skills were great, and I always enjoyed
talking with you, not to mention your ties of rp
mixed with real things in the mud, like your tree.

I had a soft spot for you from the start, so with
Crendal I tried to push you more to come to outlander,
since you didn't so much make a claim, as much as you seemd
to leave the idea open, I tried to get you in, and was
very happy when I did.

I hope you enjoyed the cabal as much as I have, and never
play a tribunal again!

Thanks for the fun
38459, Hehe
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm very glad you liked my character. I liked yours, and I'm really happy you appreciated my rp.

I don't think I'll play a trib again...especially considering how my last one went ;)

Take care!