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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRamocodile done gone fishing.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=38330
38330, Ramocodile done gone fishing.
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahhhh wow. What a long ride this was. Where to start? Well the beginning is good I guess. This largely roleless character was my first back to CF in roughly 4 years or so. ALOT has changed. He was made at a whim just to see what has changed and ended up getting me back into the game. I never really thought I would have him join a cabal, but the fortress seemed like they needed a bit of help when I was first around with him. He wasnt really designed with the thought of killing others. Hard to run people down with a ram or a crocodile. Though He fought often and usually ended up with the other running, except for a few certain people that handed me my ass everytime.
Zak was a laid back kind of guy. He got involved with the cabal wars simply because he felt it was the right thing to do. He was alot more into the honor thing when he was young. Then after being involved in the war for a while it was about putting evil down, like it needed to be. Zak was actually my first FULLY heroed character. I had a few that got into the mid 40's and one even to 48 once, but never a full hero.
It was really hard to delete him, but I felt he had served his purpose in the fortress. The fort is strong, lots of people about, he was in no danger of becoming a full maran at any time, ha! So he felt he was time to go and join Sydrian and Iramath in their fishing on the reef. Show them that they cant outfish a crocodile.


Imms: I think I actually spoke to you once or twice with this whole character. He was pretty mundane. Eshval, you were great. Interacted with you when Ahelun was about. Innis, you made me laugh... alot. Aarn you had some great comments on cabal channel. That one about Iramath and the flowers in his hair made me spit out the pepsi I was drinking.

Empire: There were alot of you through Zak's time. I dont want to offend anyone by forgetting people so if I do please post and I'll respond.
Nabburak: You scary *#$*! Man you messed Zak up a few times at the fortress. Always had to look out for you. Though you didnt seem as aggressive as some past Emperors I knew back in the day. Which was kind of a nice change.

Sdradiga: Great warmaster. Fun bard. Good fights. All I can say really.

Makholvek: Where'd you go man? Always a good late night fight with you. I'll never forget that sting of fights along the eastern road with you and Ithzaruul fighting Salvrath, Alven, and myself. Fun times!

Ithzaruul: Man if you were any classier as a lich Zak might have actually liked you. Great rp, great character, and deadly to boot. Thanks for that rather nice goodbye. It was flattering to think you thought of Zak like that.

Didnt know many of you, the ones I did I liked. Fought some of your nightreavers, made alot of you mad. Heh.

Qing: Nifty giant. You were alot of fun that day we were running around fighting together.

Herald: Only knew one or two of you.

Sessha: Glad Zak got to say good bye and give you a few things. His last gift before he darted out of the Inn was the one he meant the most though. Good times chattin with you.

Nialona: Dustbunny! Thanks for bearing with his stupid lines when he was younger.

Tribunal: Man I used to HATE you guys when Onirakoth was Provost! It was like open season on Maran in any given city! But later on I liked alot of you.

Onirakoth: I absolutely loved the Rp and corruption of this character. He was such a crooked little skeez! Apparently pushed the limits too far though. Well done man. Seriously.

Melacarfina: Zak's little advernturing buddy. He was really sad to see you go.

Gordath: Didnt talk to you other than to appologize for chewing on your guards that one time. You never responded though :P

Scion: Loved fighting you guys. I hope the cabal turns around and gets some members though. Would be a force I think.

Runaktla: You just made me laugh alot. So persistant. Very skilled.

Resty: Dont know if the cabal has recovered much from you leaving. You were always the one I thought their strength was with.

Battle: Ahhh! Now here we go. Zak actaully liked most of you. He tried to grant duels when he could. He never wanted to insult the village. I tried real hard to make people let us fight fair but they didnt understand the shaking head much I guess. Sorry!

Gerylanst: Old bird you were Zak's favorite within the village. It's characters like this and Tuggluk that make me wanna play a villager, but I suck way to bad to even try right now. You rock. Polite for a villager as well.

Tuggluk/Karashin: Liked these guys alot. Zak never really felt Karashin was all that evil, circumstance of birth he always thought. Tuggluk was just hilarious. And always so cheerful.

Vershelt: Heh, Mr. Drillmaster. Zak respected the hell outta you. Well done.

Fortress: So many to say good bye to...
Zak never made full maran, so that made fighting liches and anti-paladins a real pain. Most others I could do well against. Just they knew I didnt have eyes so flee-sleep-flee-sleep yada yada yada till it kicked. I couldnt spam butt or bite so&so fast enough to keep up!
Ahelun: Of course he gets mentioned first. You were Zak's dearest and closest friend at any given time. After your death he languished for a while about it private. He even tried to talk to Eshval a few times to see if he could complete that dragon thing you never did get done. He didnt want to see anything of your work unfinished. He called many in the fortress brother but he truly felt it with you.

Cytherea: Drunken little elfess. Zak loved you so much. When you became immortal he was really happy, and really sad at the same time. Thanks for everything you did for him, it really speaks to the character and the person she is.

Caradoc: Oh I know you're going to be mad I didnt wait around till you were there to say good bye. But you talked me outta it enough! I knew if you were there you'd talk me outta it again. Thanks for all the kind words he had for Zak. Zak really enjoyed watching him from a young squire to the marshall of the fortress. He always thought of Caradoc as almost like a son.

The captains: Wungar inducted Zak, thanks for that and putting your faith in him, Iramath taught Zak ALOT about warring and battle. Man I always felt so invincible with you with me. No matter the odds. You suck for not saying goodbye though! Azidreth, another one Zak felt very attuned to. We fought well together and that little trick we came up with suckered more than a few evil folks into their doom. Ha!

If I forgot anyone I'm sorry, please post and I'll respond. Zak's life was spread out over quite a while.
On a personal note the imms have done a fantasic job with this game. In an age of high graphics, super speed modems and the xbox/playstation generation it really speaks to their dedication when you look at this game.
I cant imagine some of the comments I got from the imms though I am sure most of them are fairly 'wow this guy blows' comments. Haha! Thanks for all the fun everyone that had anything to do with this very memorable character for me!

See you in the fields.
38359, Hey buddy
Posted by Ira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I seem to recall us coming up in the ranks together during fairly lean times, but you stuck with it during that, after that, and then after that AGAIN probably several times. For that, major respect. I just couldn't hang in there, myself, with the range so full of good guys.

I'm glad you got so much enjoyment out of the character, but you're not going to be too happy when I school your scaley butt at reef fishing! :p
38354, RE: Ramocodile done gone fishing.
Posted by Hylondin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You sure did live a long time. I so did hate your forms...quite effective. I just wish the rest of the Fort would keel over and die...its hard to rank up my evil!
38347, Hey well done.
Posted by Granaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your attitude IC and OOC, so much so I avoided killing you with my current guy (OOC I know, sue me). But I did come and say hello once =)

good job, and it's to bad you never made Maran.

38350, RE: Hey well done.
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another one I forgot! I never did get to bring you down at all, but I did make a pretty big scaley target for you. I'll never forget that bonehead move I made trying to save one of the fortress from that huge horde you guys had that one time up there. There was what... seven of you? Permalagged me out big time. But it took you all a while to take the croc down when I had the gear I did at that point. Alot of health there ha! Alot of fun. Thanks for the kind words.
38353, But you did the right thing.
Posted by Uncle Resty on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the rest of the Maran there would have done the right thing, not only would that person have been saved, the rest of us would most likely have had to flee/regroup.
38355, Yeah they did sorta leave you to die there nt =)
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38345, Thanks!
Posted by Uncle Resty on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Zakarius (although I still had to try my damndes to kill you), and thought you were a good addition to the Fort. I think with all the 'I'm here because I always play Maran' players, it can be tough to be a newbie to the Fort--god knows I had trouble keeping my temper when I had my Maran a few years back and constantly had to deal with the 'I know Maran better than you' from people who would rarely if ever *hunt* evil. Zak never bitched, never whined, and from what I saw took his lumps and came up smiling. He never was afraid to run to a pitched battle and jump in, and I appreciate the effort.

Good luck on your next!

Rich Uncle Resty
38351, RE: Thanks!
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always a slippery one. You and those shawtabbies could be a real pain. Zak was never afraid to throw down. And if there was another member of the fort in trouble he'd come running if it was at all possible for him to do. Sometimes when you're plauged, cursed and all that it makes it a little hard to play the part of the calvary. Didnt get to fight you a whole lot. But the ones we did were fun battles. Thanks for the good times.
38344, RE: Ramocodile done gone fishing.
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed having you around. When we were together, I knew it was going to get fun. I hate to see you go, but I wish the best for you in the future.
38342, RE: Ramocodile done gone fishing.
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't think I ever nailed you you very-efficient-waster-of-
my-wands-you. Quite a pain in the rear your forms were. Very

- Runaktla
38338, ouch, just ouch n/t
Posted by Akscereh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
38339, RE: ouch, just ouch n/t
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didnt mean to forget you either. You had me most of the time. Though we rarely actually killed one another. Though that time with me and Azidreth against you and Sythlindora at the fortress was... well we won that one needless to say. I still cant believe you guys went down so quickly. Thanks for the fun fights!
38337, Ramocodile goes Mummy hunting.
Posted by Caradoc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*****Anyone who can live as a Squire to old age, and not be bitter about it and keep on trucking with it as long as you did is doing pretty good in my book. You'll be missed. Here's a parting log of just one of the times you saved my ass. Enjoy your next Zak*****

Welcome to The Carrion Fields. Let the bloodshed begin!
It is 4 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Old Forces.
The Hall of Light

Exits: west
A mithril helm with a long deadly spike directly on its top and a large visor, sits on the ground.
A spiked iron bracer lies here.
An expensive bottle of imported stout lies here.
FORTRESS the Watcher: Hail Caradoc, strike swift and true, the battle still wages.

<755hp 467m 670mv 4 AM> hide
You attempt to hide.

<755hp 467m 670mv 4 AM> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<755hp 467m 670mv 4 AM> where pk
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Hall of Light
(PK) Zakarius The Altar Room

*****I have no idea what Zak was talking about here, makes you wonder though*****

FORTRESS Zakarius: Well it's a bit easier on the tounge.

<755hp 467m 670mv 4 AM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
50 H-Drw War (PK) Adotes the Champion of Ancient Ways
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 10

FORTRESS Kiel: Hello.

FORTRESS Zakarius: Greetings.

FORTRESS Kiel: Good to see you!

You step out of the shadows.
FORTRESS Caradoc: Greetings indeed

<755hp 467m 670mv 5 AM> People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Hall of Light
(PK) Zakarius The Altar Room

<755hp 467m 670mv 5 AM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
50 H-Drw War (PK) Adotes the Champion of Ancient Ways
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
46 Human Tra (PK) Fdialke the Mistress of Tranference
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 11

<755hp 467m 670mv 5 AM>
FORTRESS Kiel: We've lost the orb.

<755hp 467m 670mv 5 AM> w
The Altar Room

Exits: east south west
A white marble altar surrounded with a brilliant holy radiance is here.
Chests have been placed about for spare equipment and donations.
(Translucent) (Gold Aura) Zakarius is here.
(Gold Aura) A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(Gold Aura) (White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.

<755hp 488m 795mv 5 AM> You whisper 'where is our item of power?'
The Watcher says 'the Empire guards our item of power.'

<755hp 488m 795mv 5 AM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
50 H-Drw War (PK) Adotes the Champion of Ancient Ways
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
46 Human Tra (PK) Fdialke the Mistress of Tranference
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 11

<755hp 488m 795mv 5 AM> whois ki
35 Elf Inv FORTRESS SQUIRE Kiel the Wizard of Water

Zakarius slowly floats to the ground.

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM> You step out of the shadows.
You tell Kiel 'eh, can't find any to learn with?'

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM>
Zakarius utters the words, 'yrl'.
Zakarius's feet rise off the ground.

Zakarius mutters something quietly to himself.

You whisper 'he came with a hoarde?'

FORTRESS Kiel: Bloody Clyaughran!

The Ancient Knight closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Zakarius.

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM> It is 6 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Old Forces.
The moon is currently full.
The Carrion Fields started up at Wed Apr 27 04:55:09 2005 (CST)
The system time is Thu Apr 28 09:45:15 2005 (CST)

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM>
Zakarius says 'Got me with the flee.... sleep... flee...sleep.. thing'

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM>
FORTRESS Kiel: Can you hurt him?

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM> whios c
50 H-Elf Thi (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
37 Human Hea Clyaughran the Healer of Curses
1 Gnome Dru Cestine the Student of Flora

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM>

Zakarius mutters something quietly to himself.

FORTRESS Caradoc: I can not. But I have in the past, and will again

Zakarius says 'Aye he did. I think he lost most of them though.'

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Altar Room
(PK) Zakarius The Altar Room

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
50 H-Drw War (PK) Adotes the Champion of Ancient Ways
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 10

<755hp 503m 811mv 6 AM>
FORTRESS Kiel: I shall use buffet.

<755hp 519m 811mv 7 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Altar Room
(PK) Zakarius The Altar Room

<755hp 519m 811mv 7 AM>
You whisper 'I'm going to have a look'

Zakarius taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

<755hp 533m 811mv 8 AM> fol zak

Zakarius says 'Aye. Be careful.'

<755hp 533m 811mv 8 AM> You now follow Zakarius.

<755hp 533m 811mv 8 AM> gr
Caradoc's group:
50 Thi Caradoc 100% hp 89% mana 100% mv 466801 xp
You join Zakarius's group.

*****Snip some walking******

<740hp 547m 674mv 9 AM> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a silver ring set with a single malachite
<worn on finger> a silver ring set with a single malachite
<worn around neck> (Gold Aura) a small pendant in the shape of a silver phoenix
<worn around neck> (Gold Aura) a small pendant in the shape of a silver phoenix
<worn on body> a suit of black chainmail
<worn on head> an ornate steel great helm
<worn on legs> plate leggings decorated with red enamel
<worn on feet> some ornate steel boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> (Gold Aura) a pair of blessed whitesteel chainmail sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<wielded> a broad-headed silver hammer
<dual wield> a jagged silver kris

FORTRESS Zakarius: Grixlin says the fortress is not his enemy.


FORTRESS Zakarius: Though we should be wary of him.


<740hp 584m 618mv 12 PM> n
Between Two Imperial Guard Towers

Exits: north east south west

<740hp 584m 617mv 12 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Between Two Imperial Guard Towers

<740hp 584m 617mv 12 PM> n
The Imperial Road

Exits: north south

<740hp 584m 616mv 12 PM> n
The Imperial Road

Exits: north south

<740hp 584m 615mv 12 PM> n
The Imperial Road

Exits: north south

<740hp 584m 614mv 12 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Imperial Road

<740hp 584m 614mv 12 PM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
51 Svirf Thi (PK) Macumba Telenius the Hand of the Unseen
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 10

<740hp 584m 614mv 12 PM> n
The Imperial Road

Exits: north south

<740hp 584m 613mv 12 PM> n
A Bend in the Imperial Road

Exits: south west

The Imperial Road

Exits: east west

<740hp 584m 611mv 12 PM>
The Imperial Road

Exits: east south west

You step out of the shadows.
You tell your group 'there are no centurions'

Zakarius tells the group 'Aye.'

<740hp 584m 597mv 12 PM> n
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 584m 595mv 12 PM> n
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 584m 593mv 12 PM> n
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 584m 591mv 12 PM> n
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
(Red Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

<740hp 584m 590mv 12 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Gates of the Palace

You step out of the shadows.
You tell your group 'and the palace is empty'

<740hp 584m 590mv 12 PM> You are carrying:
(Glowing) a phoenix-hilted dagger
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
some adamantite lock picks
( 2) a potion of transportation
a potion of return
a dagger named 'Feathered Death'
a blackjack
(Gold Aura) (Glowing) the fiery mithril sabre named 'Phoenix Edge'

You step out of the shadows.
You tell your group 'you coming?'

Zakarius tells the group 'Aye I am coming then'

You step out of the shadows.
FORTRESS Caradoc: how many imperials can you harm Kiel?

<740hp 594m 640mv 1 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Gates of the Palace

<740hp 594m 640mv 1 PM> s
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 639mv 1 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Before the Imperial Palace

<740hp 594m 639mv 1 PM> e
Lane of Black Magic

Exits: east west

<740hp 594m 637mv 1 PM> e
Lane of Black Magic

Exits: east west

<740hp 594m 635mv 1 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Lane of Black Magic

<740hp 594m 635mv 1 PM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
51 Svirf Thi (PK) Macumba Telenius the Hand of the Unseen
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
41 Felar Ran (PK) Noriel the Ranger Lord
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 11

<740hp 594m 635mv 1 PM> hide
You attempt to hide.

<740hp 594m 635mv 1 PM> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<740hp 594m 635mv 1 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Lane of Black Magic

<740hp 594m 635mv 1 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Lane of Black Magic

FORTRESS Kiel: None. I can retrieve if I could withstand the blows of centurions and vanquishers.

You step out of the shadows.
FORTRESS Caradoc: there are no centurions

FORTRESS Caradoc: I stand near the Vanquisher

FORTRESS Kiel: Good!

<740hp 594m 685mv 2 PM>
FORTRESS Kiel: Off I go.

<740hp 594m 685mv 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Lane of Black Magic

<740hp 594m 685mv 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Lane of Black Magic
(PK) Zakarius The Imperial Road

<740hp 594m 685mv 2 PM> who pk
*50 H-Elf Thi* (PK) FORTRESS MARAN Caradoc the Unspoken Name
51 Svirf Thi (PK) Macumba Telenius the Hand of the Unseen
41 Gnome Shf (PK) Aerant the Sorcerer of Transformation
41 Felar Ran (PK) Noriel the Ranger Lord
49 Human Inv (PK) Lumiere Dextera the Talismanic, Inspired Artiste
51 Mummy Nec (PK) Kresh the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
51 Arial Inv (PK) Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements, Faithful Dog of the Empire
41 Cloud War (PK) (WANTED) Seethian the Vanquisher of Adversaries
51 H-Elf Shf (PK) FORTRESS SQUIRE Zakarius the Grand Master of Changelings
50 D-Elf Inv (PK) Nhil Nir'zhala the Mystical, Disciple of Zurcon
41 Elf Bar (PK) Rusenlan the Master Poet

Players found: 11

<740hp 594m 685mv 2 PM> w
Lane of Black Magic

Exits: east west

<740hp 594m 683mv 2 PM> w
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 681mv 2 PM> Lane of the Chosen

Exits: east west

<740hp 594m 679mv 2 PM> e
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 677mv 2 PM> w
Lane of the Chosen

Exits: east west

<740hp 594m 675mv 2 PM> e
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 673mv 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Zakarius The Imperial Road

<740hp 594m 673mv 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Zakarius The Imperial Square

<740hp 594m 673mv 2 PM> l
Before the Imperial Palace
The roads from the south, east and west converge here to form a great square.
The gates of the Palace lie open to the north. The square itself is made
from the same fused black stone that all of the Imperial roads seem to be
constructed from. However, here the smooth surface of the road has been
deeply etched to show a huge Symbol of the Imperial Codex. At each of the
cardinal directions surrounding the Symbol you see smaller representations
of the individual Sect Symbols. Each of these details pass quickly, for
your eye is almost immediately drawn to the black stone cross rising from
the center of the great Symbol.

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 673mv 2 PM>
Zakarius has arrived.

<740hp 594m 673mv 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Zakarius Before the Imperial Palace

<740hp 594m 673mv 2 PM> n
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
(Red Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM>
Zakarius has arrived.

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM> nod
You nod.

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM>
You step out of the shadows.
You say 'go ahead I'll circle'

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM> gr
Zakarius's group:
50 Thi Caradoc 100% hp 100% mana 82% mv 466801 xp
51 Shf Zakarius 102% hp 100% mana 55% mv 468500 xp

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Zakarius The Gates of the Palace

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM> scan s
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM>
Zakarius says 'Hold a second.'

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM>
Zakarius wears a shield from the hide of a snow worm as a shield.

<740hp 594m 672mv 2 PM> l zak
The half-elf before you, though still bearing much of his
youthful appearance bears some marks of aging. His black
shoulder length hair is pulled back into a low
ponytail, several streaks of grey run through it. Small wrinkles
have formed at the corners of his almond shaped eyes.
Several light scars criss cross his tanned facial features,
One in particular runs down from the left side of his forehead to the cheek
below the eye. His once bright eyes have dimmed some, years of
near constant battle has taken their toll upon his body, though his
spirit still bears the same vibrance of times of his youth.
The goatee that adorns his chin is still well trimmed though
it is shot through with grey as his hair.
Zakarius, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.
Zakarius's coin purse looks really light.

Zakarius is using:
<worn on finger> a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
<worn on finger> a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn on body> (Glowing) robes of the golden sun
<worn on head> a captain's hat
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> plate vambraces decorated with red enamel
<worn as shield> a shield from the hide of a snow worm
<worn about body> a crude bear skin cloak
<wielded> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) gilamdring

You peek at the inventory:
a large sack
( 2) a water skin
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a small glass prism

<740hp 594m 672mv 3 PM> s
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

*****About 15 or 20 wheres*****

<740hp 594m 721mv 3 PM> You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Translucent) (Gold Aura) Zakarius is here.
(Red Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

<740hp 594m 721mv 3 PM> n
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
(Translucent) (Gold Aura) Zakarius is here.
(Red Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

You whisper 'you ready?'

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM> l zak
The half-elf before you, though still bearing much of his
youthful appearance bears some marks of aging. His black
shoulder length hair is pulled back into a low
ponytail, several streaks of grey run through it. Small wrinkles
have formed at the corners of his almond shaped eyes.
Several light scars criss cross his tanned facial features,
One in particular runs down from the left side of his forehead to the cheek
below the eye. His once bright eyes have dimmed some, years of
near constant battle has taken their toll upon his body, though his
spirit still bears the same vibrance of times of his youth.
The goatee that adorns his chin is still well trimmed though
it is shot through with grey as his hair.
Zakarius, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.
Zakarius's coin purse looks really light.

Zakarius is using:
<worn on finger> a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
<worn on finger> a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn on body> (Glowing) robes of the golden sun
<worn on head> a captain's hat
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> plate vambraces decorated with red enamel
<worn as shield> a shield from the hide of a snow worm
<worn about body> a crude bear skin cloak
<wielded> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) gilamdring

You peek at the inventory:
a large sack
( 2) a water skin
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a small glass prism

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
Zakarius nods.

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
The edges of Zakarius's being stretch and twist and he becomes a grizzled ram.

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM> gr
a grizzled ram's group:
50 Thi Caradoc 100% hp 100% mana 88% mv 466801 xp
51 Shf A grizzled ram 100% hp 94% mana 59% mv 468500 xp
A grizzled ram butts the Imperial Vanquisher with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns === OBLITERATES === the Imperial Vanquisher!

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash injures a grizzled ram.

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
You step out of the shadows.
You drive your dagger into the Imperial Vanquisher's side!
You stop walking gently.
You trample around loudly again.
Your knifing MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher has a few scratches.

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash hits a grizzled ram.
A grizzled ram is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Imperial Vanquisher's kicked dirt scratches a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
You try to get the advantage by making the Imperial Vanquisher flinch, but fail!
Your sucker hit misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
You learn from your mistakes, and your sucker hit ability improves.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 720mv 3 PM>
A grizzled ram butts the Imperial Vanquisher with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
As you swing a broad-headed silver hammer above your head it unleashes a blast of silvery flame!
Your flaming bite MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Brilliant silvery flame erupts along the blade of a jagged silver kris as you drive it deeply into the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your flaming bite EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 720mv 4 PM> By causing the Imperial Vanquisher to flinch, you land an extra strike!
Your sucker hit EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 720mv 4 PM>
Your crush misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your crush DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash wounds a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 720mv 4 PM>
A grizzled ram wipes the dirt from his eyes.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM> circle
Your circle stab *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash injures a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
A grizzled ram scans south.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM> circle
A grizzled ram butts the Imperial Vanquisher with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your stab MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash wounds a grizzled ram.
A grizzled ram is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Imperial Vanquisher's kicked dirt scratches a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM> Your circle stab *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your crush misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your crush DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
As you swing a broad-headed silver hammer above your head it unleashes a blast of silvery flame!
Your flaming bite MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your stab EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
As you swing a broad-headed silver hammer above your head it unleashes a blast of silvery flame!
Your flaming bite MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash wounds a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash injures a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
A grizzled ram butts the Imperial Vanquisher with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your circle stab *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your stab MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash wounds a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
Your crush EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your stab MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM>
A grizzled ram butts the Imperial Vanquisher with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<740hp 594m 770mv 4 PM> Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.
You flee from combat!
You fled south.

<740hp 594m 769mv 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Before the Imperial Palace

<740hp 594m 769mv 4 PM> People near you:
(PK) Caradoc Before the Imperial Palace

<740hp 594m 769mv 4 PM> n
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
(Translucent) (Gold Aura) a grizzled ram is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquish
(Red Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> knife vanq
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> You drive your dagger into the Imperial Vanquisher's side!
Your knifing DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.
Your crush DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash injures a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash hits a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> You say 'not nearing'
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM>
A grizzled ram butts the Imperial Vanquisher with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> sh
By causing the Imperial Vanquisher to flinch, you land an extra strike!
Your sucker hit DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM>
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your stab MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash wounds a grizzled ram.
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> !
By causing the Imperial Vanquisher to flinch, you land an extra strike!
Your sucker hit MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM>
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your stab EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your crush MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
As the Imperial Vanquisher falls, a radiant crystal orb returns to the Fortress Cabal!
You receive 500 experience for assisting in a successful counter-raid.
You feel a shudder in your Cabal Power!
The Imperial Vanquisher's head is shattered, and its brains splash all over you.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> zeal

A grizzled ram seems to be trying to nod, but with much difficulty.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM>
The edges of a grizzled ram's being stretch and twist and he becomes an angry crocodile.

<740hp 594m 768mv 4 PM> You feel the light burn strongly inside of you.

<740hp 564m 768mv 4 PM> hide
You attempt to hide.

<740hp 564m 768mv 4 PM>You attempt to move silently.

<740hp 564m 768mv 4 PM> People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Gates of the Palace
(PK) an angry crocodile The Gates of the Palace

FORTRESS Kiel: You retrieved?

You step out of the shadows.
You say 'now lets find him.'

<740hp 564m 768mv 5 PM> sneak
You attempt to hide.
FORTRESS Kiel: Ah...

<740hp 564m 768mv 5 PM> You attempt to move silently.

An angry crocodile seems to be trying to nod, but with much difficulty.

An angry crocodile wipes the dirt from his eyes.

<740hp 580m 811mv 5 PM> You step out of the shadows.
FORTRESS Caradoc: Zakarius and I did.
The edges of an angry crocodile's being stretch and twist and he returns to normal.

<740hp 580m 811mv 5 PM>
Zakarius utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Zakarius turns translucent.

<740hp 580m 811mv 5 PM> s
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 580m 810mv 5 PM> s
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 580m 807mv 5 PM> s
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 580m 804mv 5 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Kresh A Razed Brewhouse

<740hp 580m 804mv 5 PM> s
The Imperial Square

Exits: north east south west
Water flows from a beautifully carved onyx fountain.

<740hp 580m 801mv 5 PM> s
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 580m 798mv 5 PM> s
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north south

<740hp 580m 795mv 5 PM> s
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south west

<740hp 580m 792mv 5 PM> s
An Archway Entering the Imperial City

Exits: north south

<740hp 580m 789mv 5 PM> s
The Imperial Road

Exits: north south

<740hp 580m 788mv 5 PM> s
The Imperial Road

Exits: north east south
(Red Aura) A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
(Red Aura) A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
(Red Aura) A zombie of a storm giant commander is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Kresh is here.

FORTRESS Kiel: Well done there. Kresh opposed you?

<740hp 580m 787mv 5 PM>
Kresh leaves north.
A ghoul leaves north.
A flesh golem leaves north.
A zombie of a storm giant commander leaves north.

<740hp 580m 787mv 5 PM> n
The Imperial Road

Exits: north south

<740hp 580m 786mv 6 PM> n
An Archway Entering the Imperial City

Exits: north south

<740hp 580m 785mv 6 PM> n
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south west

<740hp 580m 782mv 6 PM> n
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north south

The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 580m 776mv 6 PM> n
The Imperial Square

Exits: north east south west
Water flows from a beautifully carved onyx fountain.

<740hp 580m 773mv 6 PM> where
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south

<740hp 580m 770mv 6 PM> n
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Avenue of Conquest

<740hp 580m 770mv 6 PM> n
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south
Your eyes no longer pierce the shroud of invisibility.
The red in your vision disappears.
The golden haze in your vision disappears.

<740hp 594m 811mv 6 PM> Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<740hp 594m 808mv 6 PM> n
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
The bludgeoned corpse of the Imperial Vanquisher lies here.
The splattered brains of the Imperial Vanquisher are lying here.
A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
A zombie of a storm giant commander is here.
(Ghostly) Kresh is here.
(Translucent) The long sinuous body of a giant crocodile is here.

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Caradoc The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Kresh The Gates of the Palace
(PK) an angry crocodile The Gates of the Palace

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM>
You hear the snapping of great jaws and the slap of a mighty tail!

Kresh utters the words, 'grzzs'.
An angry crocodile's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM> lt
The horrible stench of decay and death mixed with the acrid smell of embalmin
fluids proceeds the figure before you. Standing slightly taller than a common
human it is wrapped almost completely with bleached bandages. On a few spots
however his dry sallow skin can be seen exposed as it's is clinging very tigh
to his bones. Dominating his face is a pale beak and slightly above two black
holes seem to radiate pure darkness. Another odd thing about the creature bef
you is his back, where the remains of two large wings can be seen. Now only t
bones remain and some pale yellowish leathery hide it hints of once beeing qu
majestic. A minor cloud of black flies surrounds him, buzzing loudly.
Kresh, a male mummy, is in perfect health.
Kresh's coin purse is bursting at the seams.

Kresh is using:
<worn on finger> an iron ring set with a white moonstone
<worn on finger> a silver ring
<worn around neck> an amulet of the Viper
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn on body> (Humming) breastplate of a dwarven ribcage
<worn on face> a crimson-eyed silver mask
<worn on legs> some spider-skin leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> a phylactery of fortitude
<worn about body> a robe of fine black silk
<worn about waist> the girdle of endless space
<worn around wrist> a pitted iron bracer
<worn around wrist> a pitted iron bracer
<wielded> a thin sword called 'Thornblade'

You peek at the inventory:
(Glowing) a swirling black orb

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM> murder croc
You step out of the shadows.
You hear the snapping of great jaws and the slap of a mighty tail!

You trample around loudly again.
Your crush hits an angry crocodile.
An angry crocodile has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM> flee

You hear the snapping of great jaws and the slap of a mighty tail!

Kresh utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Kresh boldly proclaims a curse, and an angry crocodile seems to falter under it.
An angry crocodile has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM>
Your crush scratches an angry crocodile.
Your stab grazes an angry crocodile.
Your crush grazes an angry crocodile.
An angry crocodile has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM>
An angry crocodile bites Kresh.
An angry crocodile's bite MUTILATES Kresh!
Kresh yells 'Help! an angry crocodile bit me!'
An angry crocodile has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 807mv 6 PM> A Hallway

Exits: north south
You flee from combat!
You fled north.

<740hp 594m 806mv 6 PM> n
The End of the Hallway

Exits: east south west up

<740hp 594m 805mv 6 PM>
They aren't here.

<740hp 594m 805mv 6 PM> s
A Hallway

Exits: north south

<740hp 594m 804mv 6 PM> s
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
The bludgeoned corpse of the Imperial Vanquisher lies here.
The splattered brains of the Imperial Vanquisher are lying here.
A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
A zombie of a storm giant commander is here.
(Ghostly) Kresh is here, fighting an angry crocodile.
(Translucent) an angry crocodile is here, fighting Kresh.

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM>
You yell 'Die, Kresh, you sorcerous dog!'
Kresh utters the words, 'yazfuz yucandus'.
You are surrounded by a pink outline.
Kresh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM>
Kresh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM> trip
Your crush DISMEMBERS Kresh!
A zombie of a storm giant commander's punch scratches an angry crocodile.
A ghoul's claw scratches an angry crocodile.
A ghoul's claw scratches an angry crocodile.
A flesh golem's smash scratches an angry crocodile.
Kresh's pierce scratches an angry crocodile.
Kresh's pierce misses an angry crocodile.
Kresh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM>
His feet aren't on the ground.
Kresh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM>
You fail to block off Kresh's route of escape!
Kresh leaves north.
Kresh has fled!

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM> n

<740hp 594m 803mv 6 PM>
A Hallway

Exits: north south
(Ghostly) Kresh is here.
Kresh leaves north.

<740hp 594m 802mv 6 PM> atThey aren't here.

<740hp 594m 802mv 6 PM>

Kresh has arrived.

<740hp 594m 802mv 6 PM> n
The End of the Hallway

Exits: east south west up

<740hp 594m 801mv 6 PM> s
A Hallway

Exits: north south

<740hp 594m 800mv 6 PM> s
The Gates of the Palace

Exits: north south
The bludgeoned corpse of the Imperial Vanquisher lies here.
The splattered brains of the Imperial Vanquisher are lying here.
(Ghostly) Kresh is here.
A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
A zombie of a storm giant commander is here.
(Translucent) a grizzled ram is here, fighting a zombie of a storm giant commander.
You yell 'Die, Kresh, you sorcerous dog!'
Kresh utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue overwhelms you with the beckoning temptation of sleep.

<740hp 594m 799mv 6 PM> eyes
In your dreams, or what?

<740hp 594m 799mv 6 PM> In your dreams, or what?

<740hp 594m 799mv 6 PM> g
Kresh yells 'Help! a grizzled ram just headbutted me!'

<740hp 594m 799mv 6 PM> t
cb I"m out
FORTRESS Caradoc: I'm out

<740hp 594m 799mv 6 PM> cb slept that is
FORTRESS Caradoc: slept that is

<740hp 594m 799mv 7 PM> gr
a grizzled ram's group:
50 Thi Caradoc 100% hp 100% mana 98% mv 467321 xp
51 Shf A grizzled ram 41% hp 67% mana 69% mv 468500 xp

<740hp 594m 799mv 7 PM> gt bit me eh?
You tell your group 'bite me eh?'

<740hp 594m 811mv 7 PM> gt or are
You stop following an angry crocodile.
An angry crocodile's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You yell 'Help! an angry crocodile bit me!'
An angry crocodile is gushing blood.

<619hp 594m 811mv 7 PM> you

Kresh leaves south.
Kresh has fled!
Your crush grazes an angry crocodile.
Your stab grazes an angry crocodile.
Your crush grazes an angry crocodile.
A zombie of a storm giant commander's punch scratches an angry crocodile.
A zombie of a storm giant commander's punch scratches an angry crocodile.
A ghoul's claw scratches an angry crocodile.
A flesh golem's smash scratches an angry crocodile.
A flesh golem's smash scratches an angry crocodile.
An angry crocodile is gushing blood.

<619hp 594m 811mv 7 PM> flee
Before the Imperial Palace

Exits: north east south west
Kresh is here.
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.
You flee from combat!
You fled south.

<619hp 594m 810mv 7 PM> s

Kresh leaves south.

<619hp 594m 810mv 7 PM>
The Avenue of Conquest

Exits: north east south
Kresh is here.

<619hp 594m 807mv 7 PM>
You yell 'Die, Kresh, you sorcerous dog!'
Kresh utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You *** DEMOLISH *** Kresh!
Kresh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<619hp 594m 807mv 7 PM>
A surge moves through your arms as a pair of blessed whitesteel chainmail sleeves continues to guide your vengeance against the undead.
Your crush MANGLES Kresh!
Your stab MASSACRES Kresh!
You dodge Kresh's pierce.
Kresh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<619hp 594m 807mv 7 PM> eyes
The flames of the Phoenix surge through you, allowing you to see clearly.
Kresh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<619hp 594m 807mv 7 PM> trip
You trip Kresh and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Kresh.
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Kresh while he's down!
Your vicious attack EVISCERATES Kresh!
Kresh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<619hp 594m 807mv 7 PM>
Your crush misses Kresh.
Brilliant silvery flame erupts along the blade of a jagged silver kris as you drive it deeply into Kresh!
A surge moves through your arms as a pair of blessed whitesteel chainmail sleeves continues to guide your vengeance against the undead.
Your flaming bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Kresh!
You dodge Kresh's pierce.
Kresh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<619hp 594m 807mv 7 PM> !
Your crush MANGLES Kresh!
Your stab MANGLES Kresh!
Your crush MASSACRES Kresh!
You parry Kresh's pierce.
You parry Kresh's pierce.
Kresh is gushing blood.

<619hp 594m 807mv 8 PM> trip
You trip Kresh and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Kresh.
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Kresh while he's down!
Your vicious attack EVISCERATES Kresh!
Kresh is gushing blood.

<619hp 594m 807mv 8 PM
Your crush MANGLES Kresh!
You parry Kresh's pierce.
You dodge Kresh's pierce.
Kresh is writhing in agony.

<619hp 594m 807mv 8 PM>
Your stab MANGLES Kresh!
Your stab MASSACRES Kresh!
As you swing a broad-headed silver hammer above your head it unleashes a blast of silvery flame!
Your flaming bite MANGLES Kresh!
You parry Kresh's pierce.
Kresh is convulsing on the ground.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
An angry crocodile has arrived.
Kresh is convulsing on the ground.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
An angry crocodile bites Kresh.
An angry crocodile's bite MANGLES Kresh!
Kresh yells 'Help! an angry crocodile bit me!'
Kresh is convulsing on the ground.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM> You trip Kresh and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Kresh.
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Kresh while he's down!
Your vicious attack maims Kresh!
Your crush MASSACRES Kresh!
Kresh is DEAD!!
You hear Kresh's death cry.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM> l in corpse
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM> The corpse of Kresh contains:
( 2) (Red Aura) a pitted iron bracer
the girdle of endless space
a silver ring
(Red Aura) some spider-skin leggings
a sandy-brown desert cloak
(Red Aura) an amulet of the Viper
an iron ring set with a white moonstone
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
(Red Aura) (Humming) breastplate of a dwarven ribcage
a robe of fine black silk
a crimson-eyed silver mask
a pair of black steel gauntlets
a phylactery of fortitude
(Red Aura) (Glowing) a swirling black orb
a thin sword called 'Thornblade'
32 gold coins
532 silver coins
313 copper coins

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM> cb FORTRESS Caradoc: Kresh is slain

The edges of an angry crocodile's being stretch and twist and he returns to normal.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
Zakarius nods.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
get all.coins corpse
Zakarius gets a pitted iron bracer from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a silver ring from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets some spider-skin leggings from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a sandy-brown desert cloak from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets an amulet of the Viper from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets an iron ring set with a white moonstone from the corpse of Kresh.
eZakarius gets a pitted iron bracer from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets breastplate of a dwarven ribcage from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a robe of fine black silk from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a crimson-eyed silver mask from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a pair of black steel gauntlets from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a phylactery of fortitude from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a swirling black orb from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets a thin sword called 'Thornblade' from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets 32 gold coins from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets 532 silver coins from the corpse of Kresh.
Zakarius gets 313 copper coins from the corpse of Kresh.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM> in corpse
The corpse of Kresh contains:
FORTRESS Kiel: Good job!

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM> gr
Caradoc's group:
50 Thi Caradoc 84% hp 100% mana 100% mv 467321 xp

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
Kiel grins slightly.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
You now follow Zakarius.

<626hp 594m 811mv 8 PM>
Zakarius utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
The Main Altar of the Cathedral of the Holy Light

Exits: north south up
( 2) A greenish-brown pile of cloth blends with the ground here.
A silver vest is lying here.
You see a fine leather belt here.
You see a pair of fine leather leggings here.
A case of Proudfoot Pale Ale sits here, tempting you.
A small, carefully carved but weathered stone rests here.
Several maps have been wrapped together in a bundle.
An intricate silver charity chest sits behind the white marble altar.
(White Aura) A resplendent healer garbed in ivory and gold robes heals the wounded.

38341, RE: Ramocodile goes Mummy hunting.
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that was a good one. Kresh was gracious in defeat though. And yes I took his stuff but let it be known I gave a good portion of it back. Except like 1 thing I kept for me and the eveil aura stuff I sacrificed. It was alot of fun fighting along side you.
38336, Awesome job
Posted by Undead_Irish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed your shifter a bunch. The duels were great and having such a level of respect amongst players is so rare these days, it was treasured. Great job on a fortie shifter and keep em coming. And of the few combinations that help you learn the game, such a healer, a rager does it surprisingly well. From what I've seen, you've got plenty of talent to try a villager whenever you like. Karashin did have a role piece of turning un-evil btw, so I'm glad you got that vib. Once again, great job. See you in the fields.
38333, That croc could outfish Iramath easy. Me? Not a chance in hell.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun. I really regretted deleting syd about 3 days after I did it. I'd have enjoyed sticking things out with you. You were fun, reliable, and funny all to boot. What wasn't to love about you dude? It was all good, and even though you technically did mention fishing with me and iramath in your farewell, I'll look past the fact that you forgot me for the most part ;). Good luck on whatevers next with you and I'm glad you came back to the fields. Just make sure you get something else up into hero range quick.

38335, RE: That croc could outfish Iramath easy. Me? Not a chance in hell.
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh yeah I thought about the forgetting you in the main part after about two seconds of posting it. Ya just cant outfish the croc man! You were alot of fun, all those damned trips down to that dark watery place we went all those times with Brynn. Hell those were great.
38332, RE: Ramocodile done gone fishing.
Posted by Sessha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always liked our brief interactions, we never really had the chance to hang out for an extended period of time. I was always impressed by the insane amount of damage a croc could take, you must have had a lot of fun exploring. I'm just sorry we never found the time to get you to the place we discussed so long ago. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your next character as much as you did this one!
38331, Yehs fargin' worfless bastid
Posted by Gumbldink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah didnae get tuh whoop arse wif yehs all dat much, but from what ah saw yehs was a good'un. Yehs a fargin' orc pile fuh deletin' t'ough. All dese fargas deletin' just when evil gettin' a foothold. Next week it'll be muh and 10 evils gangin' up on muh arse. Fuh dat ah say SUCK MUH BEARD!
38334, RE: Yehs fargin' worfless bastid
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cant believe I forgot you! Sorry man. You made me laugh so hard everytime you were one. Made it an enjoyable time. You should be the next cardinal or prophet in my opinion.