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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Yyuffi the Battle-Hardened
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=37872
37872, (DELETED) [None] Yyuffi the Battle-Hardened
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri May 6 13:39:26 2005

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Yyuffi perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
37932, Fargin 'ell!!!!
Posted by Blorg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey there Yyuffi it's meh Gerthrak. I was really sad when I signed in here and saw that you had deleted. You were alot of fun to rp with, and I really hope that you make another character on CF. You bet Ill carry on. Gerthrak is my best character so far and I like him alot. If ye ever see me on AIM give me a holler. Krichek15 is my SN.

Rest well Yyuffi...
37895, Finally: Putting your money where your mouth is, Nepenthee!
Posted by Yyuffi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay Nepenthe I want a taste of your RP game! :D

Look at this:


And if I can be lucky and blessed enough to grace a game
run by you, I will bring the virtual chips and dip. :P
Oh and I would ask that Valg be allowed to play too, love
to see him on the wrong side of the DM. Hehe. I bet he
would be a blast to RP with and of course solve puzzles.
I promise not to play the happy go lucky Kender of endless
death and demise. ;)

Okay enough pulling your chains, thanks for the fun and good
luck with your games, and stuff.
37897, Ohh
Posted by Ahtenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was very nice to see you around. Every time when I see your yells or tells I was smile. Don't know why :)
Good luck to you.
37910, Bah Pointy Ear!
Posted by Rulcorr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame you deleted you were alot of fun to have around. Especially the time we had to guard the Maran! :) If I were you and really wanted to learn the game, I wouldn't have gone with an elf whip/flail. Come back as a storm paladin or something that is much more survivable. You definately brought alot of RP flavor to the game, a shame if you leave.
Good luck and I hope you roll a new one.
37918, Ya scruffy flea ridden dog!
Posted by Yyuffi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah! I loved playing Yyuffi but when the Imms mentioned me becoming a bitch with Yyuffi I tried to salvage what I could of her. Sadly I realized why I was getting so out of sorts and therefore knew I needed to pull back from the game for now. Not spoiling other's fun.

I think it was for the best not only for me, but for the players, and the poor Imms who had to put up with my... tantrums........BLUSH. I loved playing the Elves who loved Dwarves, and I hope posting my background showed why she acted the way she did towards you and some other people. Though I will say I took it to far out of frustration in a few cases: sorry Fortress Elves. Cytherea, Amaranda, sorry.

I really like playing Elves or characters based on a role that is not truly PK. Gfelzni was just the opposite to Yyuffi, I based him on a story about a passive bull who would not fight at the bull fights. He much prefered sitting in his bed of roses and smelling the fresh air. I love characters that go "outside the box" but with flavour that is CF based. I guess that is why I dislike the areas based on published books, they take away from the story MY character is immersed in.

You and the other Dwarves have some great RP going on. Rulcorr ruled!
Gerthrak! Never give up! When I find balance in my life again I will be back and I want you to show me the ropes! Just slow down with Gerthrak and make a plan! Plans help a lot! Ask Obane how to get quick coins and what to do. Teaming up with him taught me more in a half day session about potential PK stuff than I had learned up to that point.


37919, Histories!
Posted by Amaranda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No need for an apology - Truthfully, Amars wouldn't have cared at all except you hit right smack on something with your elf supremacist that got her feathers ALL riled up. You pretty much said the one thing that can actually get her upset! So don't feel bad, it was just a clash in set ways of our characters. Once you started being nicer, she was going to explain to you why she got so angry, try and make amends, and then you up and delete!

Yyuffi seemed like a really well rp'd, well thought out character - I hope you don't give up! Maybe make your next elf a healer or something a little harder to kill. :) They don't recommend empowerment classes for new people to CF, but I disagree, I think getting that kind if immteraction is really helpful.

Good luck!
37891, Not good enough to play with the Big Boys.
Posted by Yyuffi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey all! Thanks for all the help and patience, especially you Imms!!
I am not cut out for a PK first, RP second game, sorry I just got too frustrated, took it out on the poor Imms, and lost my ability to stay IC(one of the biggest issues I have when I play a game). I have played a couple of spin offs of CF and found them pretty neat but too small in PB and areas to be truly fun. Then I played an open PK game that is perma-death and RP intensive, I loved it, I really did/still-do. But I do not want to make a commitment to relearning the game, and it is amazingly complex just from looking at societal roles. Yes it actually has a tiered society that you have to develop your character background before you can play. ;)

Unfortunately I am bewteen quick jaunts in school, having treatments for a chronic ailment(when people come a canvasing for MS, Diabetes, CF etc please give, even if just a dollar, it helps!) and attempting to find a temporary job to keep me sane. :P

So I figured I would give CF a spin to see where it had come to, I really love most of the new stuff but I dislike many areas that are related to published works: Chessmaster's Tower, Whitecloak Encampment, Basilica etc. It is amazing just how many areas you Imms have refurbished to get away from that! Kudos to you! And the new economic skills.. I LOVED having them sneak in! DOUBLE CAPITAL KUDOS to you Imms!

Sadly the game still revolves around the PK struggle between Cabals, something I never did like right down to the implementation of Cabal powers. I still think the entire item thing is icky and should be replaced with some really deep in RP and neat in mechanic. Oh and the repeated mention of people NOT "whoring" up their skills is so funny, every character I have had has run into people spamming skills up whether in the mists, bandit encampment, or heck even in the newbie school. A weaker player, aka me, needs a crutch so I understand why they do it. Equipment and perfected skills can save your butt! It did for me a few times once I got my defense perfected. I sucked at trying to find gear but hey that was part of the fun for me, I love exploring but I wish I could have learned lore worth a damn.

Kudos to those evils who wanted MORE than deal and steal. Baerius you were FUN! Too bad I was tired of regearing constantly from the follies. Oh and I HATE the Whitecloak encampment, I had over a 50% teleportation rate into that damn place. And apologies to all the players I grouched, grumped, and snarled at bordering on OOC. Just way too frustrated. Sorry.

Okay enough nattering, here is Yfuffi and what I was going to try to do(a pipe dream for a more involved Cabal that did not focus on PK) with her:

Description: Young(was working on her middle aged one)

This Elven maiden has the darkest smooth unblemished mocha skin of any of her
race and long glossy lush blue black hair that is held tightly by a serious
of beaten copper clasps starting from a well manicured topknot at the back of
her skull. Tall thin forward curving pointed ears compliment gleaming azure
blue eyes, surrounded by thick curly lashes, are set in slightly tilted
sockets, beneath thin sculpted arching eyebrows, giving her an exotic
appearance. Standing nearly seven feet tall she is lithe yet not scrawny her
arms and legs are covered with the long hard muscle of a person of action.
Delicated hands, with long elegant fingers, are manicured as are her thin
narrow toes on her feet. Her gear is has a strange bluish glint or sheen to
it as if she has covered it with some sort of oil.

Role Entry 1: Enter the Yyuffi

Coming from the distant desert lands far to the east and south of Arkham, Yyuffi is the daughter of Azzalaer Dae Saemsai, merchant of Taar Daan. Cast out by her great paternal grandfather for her martial inclinations she has ventured far to the distant West to seek her fortune and return home as a merchant and warrior princess. Her endless thirst for education and perfection in all things she does drives her to be the best at whatever she attempts.

She has a strong affinity for exotic goods and just as strong desire for delving the mysteries of exotic weapons. Personal honour, courage, pride in one's self, and a keen insight into the workings of Fate along with attention to demands of her religion are core to what makes up her heart and soul. Worshipping the White Lion is central to her people and Guerric demands that they never lose perspective on what is truly important.

Cabal of Mercantilism

Item: The Platinum Ledgers


1) Activate Gate: a merchant of the Mercantilism Cabal can pay a fee to the gatekeepers in the major settlements to have a single person gated to another city with the gate.
-only major settlements may have a gate, and a gate can be shut down if not up kept.
-cost of the gate is based on how many adventures(players) call the settlement their hometown.
-setting up a gate has a cost and there is a yearly cost of upkeep based on the amount of use the gate sees.
-settlements are payed their upkeep based on amount starting with the largest sum owed to the smallest and any unpaid costs sees the gate taken down.
-local populations have free access to the gate but those of the cabal must pay a fee to send someone through equivalent to the person’s level times a hundred copper.

2) Enhanced Haggle: better at bartering, trading, buying and selling. Dependant on both inspect goods and haggle current ability.

3) Alarm Cry: settlement guards realize the value of a skilled merchant and will run protect such a valuable commodity when they are in the settlement. Merchant is required to pay for the cost of their protection.
-only functions in settlements that have a gate.
-there is an immediate cost which the merchant must be able to pay from ready funds otherwise no guards will show up.
-any guards that die in the defence of the merchant adds to the upkeep fee at the end of the year the Cabal must pay.

4) Commodity Specialization: a member of the Mercantile Cabal can pick a specific type of commodity that he will be able to have enhanced by the artisans of the Caravan Stop. Only very specific types can be specialized in: pills, potions, herbs, food, wands, torso armour(around body, waist, on body), jewelry(rings, neckware), legs( boots, leggings), head gear(face and head), specialized gear(race specific armour),exotic weapons, staves and spears, whips and flails, polearms, axes, blades(daggers and swords), maces. Etc.
-not ALWAYS successful in improving items, can even end up destroying them, depends on Cabal members skill in this and how much he has in his Cabal bank account.
-the member’s cabal account will be drained accordingly for the results of the alteration.

5) Bank Of Mercantilism:
-private accounts earn interest but must pay a percentage into the larger cabal account.
-cabal account drained yearly for maintenance of gates and willingness of settlements to allow their guards to serve.
-commodity alteration dependant on current account standing(more money in account the more the Artisans feel driven to help improve an item)

Taan Daar: the land of Golden Desert (background for my character I needed)

Orcs: known as Orcahi tribal and fierce respected warriors(not berserkers) and traders as well as excellent artisans. Sometimes known as the Whips or Children of Guerric.

Dwarves: taller and absolutely bald steeped in the religion of Guerric and focussed on service to Him for life.

Felars: lithe and quite the warriors, stronger than their cousins but not nearly as robust. Honour based societies that revere their Elders and worship Guerric.

Drow: the despoilers of the Golden Desert have many secret entrances hidden within the rolling dunes to assault honest merchants and gather slaves. Hated the most by the Orcs whom they seem to prey on the most

Humans: rarest of all the races present and are the lesser of the worshippers of Guerric. Often thought to be in collusion with the Drow they are not trusted and never given any positions of authority or prestige.

Scroll to Guerric
Scroll subject To Embrace Fate

I have come to these distant lands of the Far West to prove myself and show
my family that I too embrace the destiny that Fate will deem me to have.
Though the reasons behind the need for my travel are somewhat spurious I do
know that You have a plan for me Great Lord and I will not flag or idle in my

I have accomplished much in the little time I have been in these strange
lands and now I feel that it is time to seek Your blessing. The peoples of
this land groan under the weight of obligation and need leaving things to be
as they think Fate has deemed them. They are lazy and foolish thinking that
Fate grants the uninspired and unmotivated prosperity in Life.

My people are taught from birth to take pride in who they are, not to mistake
arrogance for pride, and to courageously move forward in one's life to strife
to take advantage of the opportunities Fate provides. Those with no pride or
courage fall quickly and silently there Fate unmet and unknown to the
harshness of the Desert of Taar Daan.

I humbly ask for an audience Great Lord so that I may be tested for
worthiness to be brought into the fold.



Role Entry 2: Live and Learn
I decided upon Darsylon as my new home and spent many a day travelling throughout these new lands of the Far West. By the time I had my fifth guild advancement I had well over forty gold collected and I worked on securing a few items all the while watching the trends in both mercantilism and engagement. And in both I have advanced beyond my wildest dreams, I have learned the first secret of mercantilism to “inspect” the goods and in terms of my prowess I have found the marvels of exotic weapons and delved deeply in the mysteries of whips and flails.

I learned quickly that the Orcahi, called Orcs here, are not the proud fierce warriors and shrewd traders they are in Taar Daan but selfish savages with no more brains than a snake. Also here the Dwarves are hairy beyond words and there is a darker strain known as Duergar who are as unsavoury as you can get. Giants , oh by Guerric’s great white beard, they abound here and even more unsettling is that there is a race of evil giants who are absolutely vile. Elves in this distant land are more fair of skin and arrogant of disposition, they present themselves beyond any form of honour or pride in self as the penultimate beings. Humans are a surprise here, they seem to be able to move beyond their waspish nature I am used to. The Fela also are an enigma and seem to cover a broad range of inclinations and dispositions.

The saddest thing I have found is that there is no honour here, no pride in self, no willingness to embrace Destiny and struggle to find one’s place in the world. Everyone deems that they must be essential to someone or some order rather than being true to themselves. Lord Guerric’s teachings are silent but I have embraced this as another struggle I must work to overcome and now have redoubled my desire to serve Him. I will be the beacon to those who are able to see the true path of existence and teach them the nobility of pride and courage. My destiny is less cloudy but I am not going to be complacent it is time for Yyuffi dae Azzalaer to rise up!

As you can see, I am ALL about RP and suck strudel at PK! :P
I was trying for a role entry every 25 levels or so.

So long and thanks for all the FUN! And once again sorry for all the angst, best I quit before I find myself way too frustrated with something that SHOULD be fun. :) Have fun!

37893, Elf Warrior & Things Learned.
Posted by Yyuffi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Concept: Elven warrior with dagger and whips/flails specialization.
Legacies: Incardine Wave and Balance of the Sisters.
Weapon Focus: daggers, whips, flails, and exotics.
Combat Focus: Maledicting your enemys to make the defeatable.

Notes: with the two specializations an Elf can slow down opponents. Why chose whips & flails first with counterstrike ability of the Elves? Because of the ability to choke, eyejab, and strip. Choke saved me more than a few times. Learned exotics for parrying and their ability to maledict an enemy.

Swing and Rip were to the point where if I took up an exotic that required either I was at 100% once it was in my main hand. Discharge, Wallop, and Lunge I was working on. With a certain exotic I parried like a fiend, caused bleeding, and disarmed inherently. Counterstrike went up like mad!

Shield use was essential for the struggle up the ranks with my first specialization being whips and flails.

Commerce 101: do NOT take Galadon as your starting home as a newbie it is counterproductive for early gathering of funds. Remember that upto level 5 you can use the newbie school and recall as a quick go bewteen Galadon and your hometown. Learn where all the merchants are in your hometown, you would be surprised who is a merchant at times, you can find them in the strangest places. Learn what is valuable and what is not as valuable: Here are a few hints-if something is made of a precious metal it tends to be more valuable, and you should compare what you get for selling a piece of armor, a piece of jewerly, an exotic, and a weapon. Prices people!

Barter. Barter often, barter as much as you can. Haggle, haggle often and as much as you can. Found ONE trade commodity that you could purchase for less than you would resell it elsewhere, not worth a heck of a lot but early on, before level 6, you could rack up a large sum AND learn the world!

Weight: biggest pain in the tush for me. Trying to keep Yyuffi's weight down so she dodged well. I think pills and potions that weigh a pound or more are just silly. Maybe the reason is to adjust for their fragility and taking up space.. but man that frustrated me! I started using mercenarise as pack mules but then got the BLAH BLAH BLAH you are no better than a slaver... damn it Yyuffi PAYED her mercenaries before she let them go! I think I had the most fun from having a Dwarf mercenary with some damn Lightee from the Fortress bitching at me. And I needed a permament carry all. :D

order all , spits in disgust at XXXXX's actions.

order all esay ',in a gruff chiding tone,' Ma Yyuffi pays me! But she don't let me take dem blows fer her! Ya are talkin out yer arse man! I am fed, ma family be takin care of and yer mouth is nearly wreckin dis for me! Shut yer HOLE!

ord all snort XXX

ord all esay ',muttering,' Ya dolt, ya couldn't find yer head from yer bung 'ole. Keep it shut!

God did I enjoy that! Hehe.

So there you go, use some ingenuity and give it a whirl. Even relative newbies need to learn the world rather than get power leveled. Levels = death due to skilled players getting you. CF can be fun if you can get past the PK stuff sadly I HATE dying, losing con, and having to regear when I would rather just RP my tush off. :D

Great nab to that Orc Peon who got the stuff from my deadly teleportation into the Orc camp. I hate teleports. ;)
37896, Seemed like an interesting character..
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a quick note, if you play another.

On your esays, don't put the commas in there. At least, for me, it would drive me crazy to see "Yyufi says ,muttering, 'Ya dolt, ya couldnt...'"

That could be "esay 'in aan exasperated mutter' Ya dolt...'"

That's all, cheers.
37903, Sorry to see you go...
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interesting role, interesting character. Though I don't recall being one of the Imms who interacted with you, I can appreciate the effort that you put into your backstory and your RP with others. From my experience, anyone can (eventually) become skilled at the PK aspect of the game. Not as many can become as skilled at the RP aspect of the game. Even fewer can combine the best elements of both halves, but those are the truely memorable characters that keep me coming back.

If you have any suggestions for the economy, please feel free to shoot me an email at kastellyn@carrionfields.com. I'm always interested in improving that aspect of the game, and I'm glad you enjoyed the commerce XP and various benefits that go along with it.
37911, No, do not be sorry. Help me with a few things please?
Posted by Yyuffi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heck if life lets me pull on the reigns and gather it under me again your economic additions have me hooked. That and WHOEVER put in exotics, damn you too! Damn they are so cool and interesting.

Why do I play Elves? Because I have a passion for exploring all the potentials for a long lived character with too much intellect and not enough wisdom to keep yourself out of trouble. A great RP reason sadly the PK aspect of being an Elf is ouchy on CF. OUCHY!

I sent off two emails to the address about economic ideas, sources for economic models, and some ideas things to make CF's economy sizzle. Hehe. Lets throw another Nepenthee on the fire wit a wee bit O Valg sausage dat should make 'em buy our goods.

I included some other stuff as well. Thanks again for the interest in my characters and my playing style. I appreciate it. Being a social mercantile type is my favourite type followed by playing the goofy goody underdog. Sadly the latter is usually a death sentence. :P

<u>History and Curiosity</u>

I had an Elven spear/staff with whip/flail(secondary) specialist in the Maran before under on of the first leaders after the three Light Cabals were put together. God that was fun! Some Storm giant warrior in the Village who worshipped the twin Goddesses of Magic no less always looked out for me but we fought tooth and nail when it came to the Fortress. I saw the name of the leader of the Maran on the list and it brought back fond memories.

Scary thing is that I think I know more of CF now than I did back then. Then again that was just a one time venture into CF, I went with friends to play different things afterwards. I am sucker for being pulled into a game where you can create characters together with neat interlocking backgrounds which usually end up giving Imms too much fodder and having one or both of us dead by the time we get into 40s.

Following Guerric back then was more than helpful as an
Elven warrior because of his tattoo. Thanks Guerric for that! Too bad
Yyuffi could not get ahold of you, I had plans of making a cult following for you. What does the tattoo do? Give Guerric some love and find out! He has some GREAT RP and his Shrine is so cool. Again
I am sorry I missed you with Yyuffi, if I had the tat I know I could have never let her go so maybe it is for the best. I needed to step back due to life's current events.

I love the learning ability of Elves but <b>I</b> learned back then about iron vulnerability still I held out hope for maybe being able to replicate the feat. Any comments on my idea for an Elven warrior? Is it feasible? Could you make a maledicting Elven warrior with what I had in mind? Strip can save your Elven butt from iron if your foe does not have ten or more weapons. Any ways in game to mitigage your vulnerability to iron?

Also towards the end of my career I geared towards bash AC, does that help against actual bashes as well as blunt attacks? I think it, along with perfected defenses, kept me alive when Selfrag attacked me while I slept. I think we were both at full to start but he had six or more levels. I nipped out with about 15% life left.

Thanks for the replies guys, and for anyone who offers some help. LD
37935, Well Damn! Sorry to see you go.
Posted by Baerius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I enjoyed playing with you to. It was a lot of fun. From what I saw, especially in the beginning, Yyuffi was a good, solid character. I had a whole bunch of plans for your little girl, including finding a chain just for her!

I hope you make another soon.

Best of Luck,

37873, Huh? come on....
Posted by Lacirama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was that needed?
Everytime I meet someone intresting they tend to vanish shortly afterwards... -_-