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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) <SYLVAN> Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=3754
3754, (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Nov 17 20:08:54 2001

8 o''clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 19th of the Month of the Spring on the Theran calendar Paelnor perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:53% (closer to 100% is better)

3755, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Ranitorali (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to miss you now! I had fun with you up on Mt. Kiadana with those paladins (Still can't believe we held off 5 of them with just the 3 of us as well as kill that one!) :P You seemed like a good warder and even though I got to only talk to you a bit, I really did enjoy it. Was a good bit too :P Hope you have fun with whatever you decide to do and don't worry! I'll try to beat up on Sald for you! You still lost that last contest by the way! By a LOT! :P *lots of hugs*
3756, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Grove always needs its quirky powerhouse. I'm thinking you'd be a scary enemy to have, and a scary ally as well.
Well you go ahead and beat on that old druid, Lord knows he cheats in every one of those contests. *grin*
Have fun, hon, and keep the Grove quirked up.

-Paelnor, singing "The Watcher"
3757, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Llylgamen (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What? No buh-bye to your old dark-hearted buddy? *L* I know it was a LOOOOOOOONG time ago, but hey, you are the ancient woodelf...*cough* were...
Well, maybe we'll hunt together in the next life old friend...sad to see you go, you were all that was left of the Warders "I" remembered...
3758, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooooh damn. I sorta forgot to toss in Entropy, Uncabal, and Ambrose. Sorry to you all. It has been a very long time since me and Llylgamen ran together with that mean old bastard who made me learn the virgin trail (a million thanks to him for making me do it, though). I doubt you and me'll be hunting together any time soon, because it'd be just wrong to do it again, this time with us knowing what we're doing. *chuckle*
Had some damn good times with Llylgamen, especially after you returned from your vacation and I saw you literally during my tatting. See you around, my friend.

-Paelnor, singing "The Watcher"
3759, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The time had come. I lost interest in the character a little while ago. There was no drive to play, and I finally stopped pushing off ending it. Whenever I actually found time to play, I'd find myself on another character, who I had made over the summer for those unlengthable sessions, often being 15 minutes. To all those loved and lost...we had one hell of a time.
I did walk a fine line. I did things I shouldn't have. Feel free to make that blatantly obvious, everyone.
Any logs I'd also like to see, I only kept a few. They're how I learn, other than immediate evaluation.

Imms first!
Astein: You're an interesting god to mess with. I full heartedly did some things that I shouldn't have, but as per my role, I had to. Still uncertain about the time you transfered me. Did you return that to be nice, or because you were taking action upon mortal life that I (assume) you're not supposed to be.
Uller: I never asked for your tattoo, and maybe you frowned upon that. I'm not sure I ever deserved it either, but that part was on you. I was happy to get the tattoo, but I really always expected more in the way of talking to you and whatnot, but it wasn't happening.
Bria: Considered praying to you a few times, decided it best not to. Would have been awkward.
Valguarnerra: Hah, I know I bugged you, but I stopped after a while. You're keeping that cabal together. Good job.
Jugynheim and Saldradien: Good job, blah blah blah, you'll be cited as Sylvans.
Anyone who ever watched me: Hope you enjoyed the show, I know I did.

Scions: Not alot of you worth mention from my eyes. Daemelin, Lokilith, Hejduk, and Fomorious are among the few worthy. Hejduk and Fom, you're what I considered the top of the Anti Paladins. Tikar's axe may have been bigger, but that's only one part. To Fom in particular, you teleported into the same room as me. Good stuff. Kravidian is also noteworthy. Can't forget Kravvy.

Nexus: The rather empty cabal. Some interesting times back in the days of Bladjix, Bonjo, and crew. An odd cabal with very odd members.

Warlocks: I never once hunted outside your cabal, before or after it moved. Stop telling me not to hunt there, because I wasn't. Also, telling your cabal not to group with another cabal who isn't considered an enemy or off of your philosophy is just...strange. Because of that, I didn't get to spend much time with many of you. Beforehand though, good times.

Ragers: Interesting people and fun people before war. I liked Rio and a few others. To Tobeldest, I'm so very sorry. When I realised you didn't know why I had to kill you, I felt badly. When you made me do it again, I felt worse. Nerylana, good job not doing what you said, or thinking too hard. Lobs, you're an ass. People hate you, and I kept that out of character. Then you decided to bring it, and you won. Good job for you. Thanks for the 2 items back, though I partially deserved that treatment. The war is kinda silly, and wholey one-sided. That's pathetic. Enjoy raiding without opposition?

Tribunal: People worth mention include Gormarn, Fellicitinia, Dohmineh, Mundy, and Roussant. Gormarn, I think I ranked off of your guards until you could assist them. Also, I think I got a few (few...right) sylvans wanted for laying some pain on you while I abused your guards. Mundy, No, it was not my fault or incompetence. It was a random number equal to you. Fellicitinia, I never planned to attack you out of town. I felt bad about doing so as a player, and Paelnor saw keeping you off duty as much more useful than killing you and sending you back to town. Got to show you some wilderness, and you were nice to talk with. Woodelf != Gnome *snicker*. Dohmineh, that fight should have been much better, but I wasn't thinking at all at the time. Funny result though, no? Hah, I forgot Zieth. You were decent at what you did, and we had a nice little chat once I realised you were a tribunal, after we raided the chasm. Log on Dio's recently posted.

Herald/Troupe: Didn't talk much to you guys, except my ranger trouper friend whose name I can't recall.

Dawn: Don't attack me. Don't help others attack me. Also, thanks for saving me from oh so many deathtraps the week I went on my learn-the-traps athon. You were usually helpful. When you weren't, see Maran.

Maran/Wannabes: Don't attack me. Don't attack my group or cabalmates. You only had half the reason to do it. You also broke your words and came as 4 paladins and a healer. Empowerment is the exception, not the rule? That was the only time I ever had a problem with you folk. And yes, I did kill one of that crowd, the rest worded. Anyhow, Johan sticks out as the great Maran.

Arbiters/Empire: All chew toys. Except the ones that made me chew toys. I explain this

Sylvans: Oh so many, oh so long. I'll do what I can, but I can't promise everyones names.
Kiac, you pretty much were my ticket into sylvan. You were fun to talk to, and you were part of what I based my character upon. Been hella while.
Delanan: Thanks for inducting me, and saving my life the day you inducted me.
Rhycyn: You're good stuff. Why'd you vanish?
Harrington: You showed and helped me alot. Thanks forever. I often found myself saying "I wish Harrington was here"
Pikel: What happened to you?
Feirhuld: A damn fine player, fighter, roleplayer, etc. A friend to the end. You're the stuff that keeps the game fun.
Plyate: ZZZZZAP. You made a good captain and a good friend. Always good to have a bard with a ranger. Snare, sleep, start the ball.
Lythia: Woot woot. Woot? Woot. You were very fun. I missed you after you left. Woot woot.
Keneagh: Bah. You never gave it a chance. You were a decent guy though, when you stayed.
Ferrali: One pretty gal! Wait, he was my friend. She? Hah, it was a sexchange spell! I enjoyed our duels, and we were what we said.
Zivcnrak: Invokers are cool, you were cool, and it was fun. You could always be counted on for town killings.
Aliborni: Loner? No, come with me! We had some serious fun, and did some things that may be called 'wrong' You're good stuff.
Illvenristo: I didn't give it much thought when you started out, but when I realised that you knew what was going on, we did some cool stuff. Thanks for the hell trip, it was fun.
Dualit: Kizuuuuka! I liked you, and I tried to teach you what I could. I hope you got something out of it. Ever wrote that storytell alias? *laugh* Oh yea, and I got those gloves!
Sadrien: We never got that race in. You were really fun to be around, though we never finished that quest. Ah well.
Kareza: A decent ranger, and thanks for beating my ass that time. Still, I'm unsure why you did it, but whatever. Yes, there is a way to get that spear ;p
Cronin: Another Nivek great. I had no idea until I was informed. I enjoyed hunting with you, and playing around. Kiac Syndrome was reborn through us, and I had fun.
Vastineau: You were a good warder, but I didn't get to spend much time with you. I regret that.
Ezelhecil: A damn good friend and warder. Also a good lieutenant. We had good times and bad, and through it all, had fun.
Jugynheim: Whatever bad blood was between us, I never understood it. After that hell trip we seemed to be a bit closer, but I still didn't get it. I swear I should have killed you when you attacked me, and I intended to fight it out, but an observer told me to make it stop, so I did. Had they asked you, would you have stopped it?
Saldradien: Zzzzzap. We did all sorts of things, and I couldn't begin to write it all. You made it fun.
Charqua, Ruknon, and Ralicazin/Suilvanum: Keep the cabal going. It'd be a damn shame to let slip.

And the honor of my favorite applicant never made Sylvan?
Gellert: What happened? I won't ask my other question, for a script I once read said that it was an offensive one. You were fun to talk to, and inspired me for a while. You're good people, but you know that.

I learned a lot with this character, which wasn't really what it was meant to be. This was my first hero (perhaps obvious) and I think I picked up on things as time went on. I "levelsat" due to extremely annoying mob deaths. In the end, Paelnor was productive and fun, but I got tired of it at the end.
This deletion was pushed off for too long. That's right, it wasn't a rage deletion. Sorry Lobs, you're just not that important. Oh no, I died, that never happened before... I decided it was time, logged on to do what I could, and it wasn't enough, sadly. I also recognized that there was nobody to take my eq at the grove, and I was never one for leaving things on the ground or saccrificing. *shrug* I instinctively began to regear, at which point I realized that I was regearing. I tried one last thing (enchanting an imbued staff) which didn't work, said my last goodbye to Saldradien, and took off.
You'll see me around.

-Paelnor, ranger something something something.

P.S.(I have horrible memory, so for anyone I forgot, just post, and I'll reply)
3788, rager: Enjoy raiding without opposition?
Posted by Jyrela (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is opposition but not enough some a little log

<1101hp 300m 368mv> yto karthyle
You fly to Karthyle.
A Green Place in the Ashes
Some small trees are beginning to take root and thrive in the rich soil left
by the fire. Larger trees, mostly pine with a few beeches and oaks, have
begun to grow now. The ground is covered with small herbs that create a mosaic
of color with their blooms. There is enough grass that sitting would be very
comfortable, and most of the ashes and soot have washed away. A small sapling
that looks like it is from far away has also begun to grow and overall this
is a pleasant place now.

Karthyle the cloud giant is resting here.
The tiny forest guardian carefully nurtures the plants.
The small forest guardian carefully nurtures the plants.

<1101hp 300m 368mv> murder karthyle
Karthyle yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Karthyle parries your claw.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1101hp 300m 368mv> pe
You dodge Karthyle's pierce.
You dodge Karthyle's pierce.
You dodge Karthyle's pierce.
Karthyle parries your claw.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1101hp 300m 368mv> ck

Karthyle impales you with an onyx-bladed spear!
Karthyle's impalement EVISCERATES you!
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1052hp 300m 368mv> l kartYou peck at Karthyle with your beak.
Your pecking beak injures Karthyle.
Karthyle wipes the dirt from his eyes.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding injures you.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv> hyle

You dodge Karthyle's pierce.
You dodge Karthyle's pierce.
Your claw misses Karthyle.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv> peck
A big mass towers before you standing all the way at 14' tall. His big chin
portrudes out from his face, revealing his almost white, pale skin.
His long silky hair is tighed in a tight little ponytail which reaches
just below his shoulders. As you get closer to this massive giant,
you notice several scars all throughout his body. These scars range
from small to large. The most noticeable one stands out on his right cheek.
this scar starts from his temple and extends all the way down near his
jawline. It is obvious that this giant has been through much judging from the
various scars.
Karthyle, a male cloud giant, has a few scratches.

Karthyle is using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> a spiked collar
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a Talisman of Strength
<worn on body> (Glowing) the mantle of the stars
<worn on head> (Glowing) (Humming) the warlord's helmet
<worn on legs> (Humming) a pair of spiked leggings
<worn on feet> the boots of stealth
<worn on hands> (Humming) gauntlets of living flesh
<worn on arms> (Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
<worn about body> a poncho from the carcass of Redzen
<worn about waist> a trophy belt with the scalp of Breadfan
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) sapphire bracelet
<worn around wrist> an onyx bracelet
<wielded> an onyx-bladed spear
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv> You peck at Karthyle with your beak.
Your pecking beak injures Karthyle.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv> p
You dodge Karthyle's pierce.
Karthyle deflects your claw with his defensive spin.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv> eck

Karthyle stops using an onyx-bladed spear.
Karthyle wields the mace of balance.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv>
Karthyle stops using the mace of balance.
Karthyle wields mace of despair.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1037hp 288m 374mv>
Karthyle brings mace of despair around to hit your head!
Karthyle's cranial hit maims you!
Your head spins a bit and then settles into a dull throb.
Karthyle has a few scratches.

<1004hp 288m 374mv>
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Karthyle!
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1004hp 288m 374mv> peck

Samar has arrived.
Tobeldest has arrived.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1004hp 288m 374mv>
Karthyle's crush devastates you!
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
Karthyle dodges your claw.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<975hp 288m 374mv>
Tobeldest leaves south.
Samar leaves south.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<975hp 288m 374mv> fly

Samar has arrived.
Tobeldest has arrived.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<975hp 288m 374mv> You peck at Karthyle with your beak.
Your pecking beak injures Karthyle.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<975hp 288m 374mv> Karthyle brings mace of despair around with bone-shattering force!
Karthyle's bone-shattering blow maims you!
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<940hp 288m 374mv>
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
Karthyle parries your claw.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<940hp 288m 374mv> You peck at Karthyle with your beak.
Your pecking beak injures Karthyle.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<940hp 288m 374mv>
You dodge Karthyle's crush.
Karthyle's crush MUTILATES you!
Your claw EVISCERATES Karthyle!
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<902hp 288m 374mv>
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Samar tries to bash you but stumbles through you as you become completely insubstantial briefly.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<902hp 288m 374mv>
Tobeldest sits down and rests.
Karthyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

<902hp 288m 374mv>
Karthyle's cranial hit misses you.
You flap your wings and soar up above.
Far above the Ashes of Nowhere
The air rushing under your wings is cold and crisp. You slow
the flapping of your wings and glide for a moment, to marvel
once again at the view. No matter how many times you see it,
the view from above the clouds still invokes a childlike
reverence in you. It is as if the clouds themselves form a
whole new tier of land high above Thera, of rolling white
hills with a few dark thunderheads scattered among them.
Approaching a break in the clouds, you look down at the world
below you. A vast carpet of charcoal-grey stretches below you,
seeming desolate here, somehow more vast. You recall from your
memory of the place that the trees of the Forest of Nowhere were
greener than those of the nearby regions, but now it is a smoldering ruin
punctuated by the glow of a fire.

<902hp 288m 224mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Karthyle A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) Loborguz A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) an eagle Far above the Ashes of Nowhere
(PK) Tobeldest A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) Samar A Green Place in the Ashes

<902hp 288m 224mv> People near you:
(PK) Karthyle A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) Loborguz A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) an eagle Far above the Ashes of Nowhere
(PK) Tobeldest A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) Samar A Green Place in the Ashes

<902hp 288m 224mv> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 17 hours.
Physical malady: 'boneshatter' modifies dexterity by -10 for 15 hours.
Physical malady: 'boneshatter' modifies strength by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'impale' modifies dexterity by -5 for 14 hours.
Skill: 'impale' modifies strength by -5 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 11 hours.
Skill: 'cranial' modifies wisdom by -5 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'cranial' modifies intelligence by -5 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.

3789, RE: rager: Enjoy raiding without opposition?
Posted by Habbs - Aeocoraa/Eowanduil (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is sort of a goodbye because for some reason I never showed on the graveyard, but I was suprised to see you were still alive up until this time, so I left it here to tell you bye at the same time.
I think you are the last person to go besides Saldradien that I knew from when I was in Warders...but it was long enough ago, and I was on alone for so long before I couldn't get on that I'm not sure I'd really be remembered. I miss both of those characters, was without an ISP for some time, and when I was finally able to get back they were both gone..I almost cried when they both asked if I was sure I had my name correct. I miss all you guys, it was a lot of fun, and hopefully I find you guys again now that I'm back in the fields. I already rolled up a new ranger, and am trying to figure out what changes Sylvans went through before I try and join up.
3786, Whatever.
Posted by Loborguz (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know why you say i was an ass. I challenged you, you gave excuses, i finally came to you and you died. You accepted that here, so good, but still I dont see the reason you say what you do.

As for returning only two items, i pretty much always return everything. But before I could even get the things from your corpse and back to the village to destroy the magic before returning the rest, you started in with the insults. Even so, I was returning your things, as I told you I would, but then you come into the village as a ghost, waiting for things, and you start casting armor on yourself! What did you think was going to happen? Anyway, that's why that happened.

And as for the war, dont blame me for that. Or any rager. It's entirely sylvan created. I've told him in character that all he has to do is just stop fighting and it's over. He wont. So, that's that.

To be honest I had a relatively neutral view of you up to tonight, we hadn't spoken much and had few fights. But then you acted the way you did tonight and it soured me on you. Maybe you saw your deletion coming and didn't care.

Anyway, you had a huge amount of hours on you and I respect that. It's hard to play that long. Though I do think you had long bouts of inactivity just to come back when things were interesting and a war was on. But I don't know for sure, you could have been camo for months. :P

Good luck in the future.
3787, RE: Whatever.
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-I challenged you, you gave excuses, i finally came to you and you died. You accepted that here, so good, but still I dont see the reason you say what you do.-

Not only did I not give excuses, but I didn't consider what you said a challenge to duel. *shrug* Maybe I wasn't thinking clearly, but it just didn't seem that way to me.

-As for returning only two items, i pretty much always return everything. But before I could even get the things from your corpse and back to the village to destroy the magic before returning the rest, you started in with the insults. Even so, I was returning your things, as I told you I would, but then you come into the village as a ghost, waiting for things, and you start casting armor on yourself! What did you think was going to happen? Anyway, that's why that happened.-

I know damn well that it's why it happened, it didn't matter. I got tired of Plehd following me outside, so I started armoring him. It never got by, so at the giant, I tried. Not only can you cast there, but you can cast on ragers there. *grin* I ended up needing the ring though, so thanks. Also, who was I going to give my gear to when I deleted? That's right, nobody. The one person I would have really wanted it to go to would have rejected it. *shrug* With the line of ragers around, I'm sure it'll be in good circulation.

-And as for the war, dont blame me for that. Or any rager. It's entirely sylvan created. I've told him in character that all he has to do is just stop fighting and it's over. He wont. So, that's that.-

I never blamed it on you. Really though, I do blame it on Nerylana and crew. I know why the forest was burned, I even know why people _say_ the forest was burned. I just never saw that. It was made blatantly clear that if such things happened, that the axe would be had. I just can't say that more than one person I know (sylvan) did that, and that person got booted for it.

-To be honest I had a relatively neutral view of you up to tonight, we hadn't spoken much and had few fights. But then you acted the way you did tonight and it soured me on you. Maybe you saw your deletion coming and didn't care. -

I logged on to delete. I 'acted' that way because it was what I'd do. I was mostly neutral, just some things that happened between us before, not all I expect you to recall.

-Anyway, you had a huge amount of hours on you and I respect that. It's hard to play that long. Though I do think you had long bouts of inactivity just to come back when things were interesting and a war was on. But I don't know for sure, you could have been camo for months. -

Thanks. Yes and No. My leaves of absence were out of boredom and burnout, period. I came back when I wanted to play again. Many times, I was surprised but happy to find Paelnor there. I was also happy to find the cabal on a rise, but I spent plenty of time as the lone sylvan, or with one other. I also _was_ camo for months. How the hell did people think I was a hardened criminal and never once lose fastcamo??

Good luck in the future.
Thanks pal, you too.


P.S.(You still think you're older than me?)
Also, is that claw iron? :P
3777, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Jugynheim (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where to begin. Constructively I'll say that our individual mindsets are totally different. When you 'were' around you occasionally made a good contribution that I witnessed. Other times circumstances didn't paint a great picture of you.

Initially in the hell thing I was embittered by the previous four (three?) attempts only to die and you got to go deeper than I did on the first try. Which after a brief (get a grip) break I realized was utterly stupid so I tried to use the whole thing as a way to build a stronger bond with you. I had thought it worked, until...

When you were talking peace with the village, and saying things like 'If I were running things...' This sat wrong with me first off because you were hardly around enough to even say such a thing. Jugynheim viewed it as divisive, another wolf challenging him in a cowardly way and then rolling over when called on it, as if it had been nothing. I kicked dirt in your eyes to prove a point concerning the war with the village. That being (I attack you, then say oh I'm sorry... but I don't flee or really care that I did it, which is essentially what the village did.) As for whether I'd have fled, nope. Saying that you should of killed me is interesting all things considered. (Personally don't think you could have.) But the point was I'd tried to make a bond between us and even told you I respected your opinion as one who'd been around for a while, and you failed to treat me in kind.

What little I knew of Paelnor didn't overly impress me. Someone who carries four neckwear items, four rings etc and watches others defend naked never impresses me. A hero who lets two other cabalmates go to reclaim the sapling against horrible odds and shows up only 'after' they've reclaimed it and one of them has fallen likewise isn't overly impressive. These things added to the simple facts that you weren't around much during my tenure as leader and your assumption that age or ranks equated to why anyone/everyone who was newer or younger to/in the cabal should respect you was overbearing in my eyes.

Had you not been a follower of Uller I honestly would have uninducted you. As it was I felt that was too weak so I told you if you didn't like how I doing as captain we could fight and the loser would leave the grove. You declined.

All in all, fun is the reason for playing and if you had fun, regardless of my or anyone else's opinion of you then you succeeded. This is all said under the premise of Jugynheim towards Paelnor, so I hope you can keep it in that perspective. Have fun with the next...
3780, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Kaersis (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow...what did you think of me? :P
3781, Kaersis
Posted by Jugynheim (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you for the most part. You were quick to be critical of others, which I'd take into account in watching them as best I could but otherwise I thought you were a good ranger and a good warder. I was disappointed that you deleted, but likewise. If you're not having fun I can understand. I tried not to post as Jugynheim when people deleted or died because I didn't want to post while I was still alive. I wasn't sure if I'd reach hero imm status and had put in 804 hours before I did. (so I'd assumed I'd get to respond to everyone shortly regardless)
You were a good warder though just a shame that you lost enjoyment with the character.

3782, RE: Kaersis
Posted by Kaersis (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Leave an email? A few things I've always wanted to discuss with you.
3783, RE: Kaersis
Posted by Jugynheim (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Leave one of yours I'll email you...
3785, We could have made this shorter :P
Posted by Kaersis (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

3784, Hey Jugy
Posted by Ralicazin (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Get the chance, e-mail me at XanCaronis@yahoo.com
3778, Hah.
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Initially in the hell thing I
>was embittered by the previous
>four (three?) attempts only to
>die and you got to
>go deeper than I did
>on the first try. Which
>after a brief (get a
>grip) break I realized was
>utterly stupid so I tried
>to use the whole thing
>as a way to build
>a stronger bond with you.
>I had thought it worked,

I had thought it did too. *shrug*

>When you were talking peace with
>the village, and saying things
>like 'If I were running
>things...' This sat wrong
>with me first off because
>you were hardly around enough
>to even say such a
>thing. Jugynheim viewed it as
>divisive, another wolf challenging him
>in a cowardly way and
>then rolling over when called
>on it, as if it
>had been nothing. I kicked
>dirt in your eyes to
>prove a point concerning the
>war with the village. That
>being (I attack you, then
>say oh I'm sorry... but
>I don't flee or really
>care that I did it,
>which is essentially what the
>village did.) As for whether
>I'd have fled, nope. Saying
>that you should of killed
>me is interesting all things
>considered. (Personally don't think you
>could have.) But the point
>was I'd tried to make
>a bond between us and
>even told you I respected
>your opinion as one who'd
>been around for a while,
>and you failed to treat
>me in kind.

How I was talking to you was my way of telling you what I'd do, what I thought should be done, a recommendation, etc. No, I didn't think you'd flee, and no, I don't care if you think I was unable to kill you. *shrug* I never treated you in kind, because for the majority of the time, you didn't treat me that way. Remember that lowbie cloud giant telling a hero of a few hundred hours what he should be doing? Thank you, goodnight.

>What little I knew of Paelnor
>didn't overly impress me. Someone
>who carries four neckwear items,
>four rings etc and watches
>others defend naked never impresses
>me. A hero who lets
>two other cabalmates go to
>reclaim the sapling against horrible
>odds and shows up only
>'after' they've reclaimed it and
>one of them has fallen
>likewise isn't overly impressive. These
>things added to the simple
>facts that you weren't around
>much during my tenure as
>leader and your assumption that
>age or ranks equated to
>why anyone/everyone who was newer
>or younger to/in the cabal
>should respect you was overbearing
>in my eyes.

The fact that you weren't around much until you hit hero doesn't bother me, so why does the fact that I wasn't on 24/7 bother you? When I hoarded gear, it was usually to give to someone in particular. Usually not you, no offense. I never watched anyone defend naked, though, and I never waited until the party was over to show. Things like lag, pk, and being far as hell away would come up. It's not really my fault that someone didn't wait for me. But whatever, you know?

>Had you not been a follower
>of Uller I honestly would
>have uninducted you. As it
>was I felt that was
>too weak so I told
>you if you didn't like
>how I doing as captain
>we could fight and the
>loser would leave the grove.
>You declined.

Pa-the-tic. If anything as an Ullerite, I should have been given negative treatment as far as being a warder went. It kept me tied to the town as much as some magistrates, not that I expected you to know. Yes you would have been wrong to boot me, but is that why? No, not really. It's past though, you know. Also, I would have willingly fought you for the position, but looking at it again ic, Paelnor would not have had it that way. I declined for that reason alone. Had I lost or won, would the grove be better or worse off? I guess that's not how thought about it, humble leader. *shrug*

Good luck to your ventures as a heroimm.

-Paelnor, ranger third class, beneath Kiac and Flontinot.
3779, A few points
Posted by Jugynheim (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

No worries about you not hording gear for me, I did fairly well in regaining gear when I needed to with the aid of friends or what I could get on my own. As for communicate to me, generally if you were trying to tell 'me' something you might have brought whatever it was up 'with' me. I wasn't hard to talk to when I wasn't busied with interviews or the like.

I'm not sure who told you how to fight/play/or act, that was lower ranked than you, but it seems to have hurt your ego a bit, rather than you taking it as someone who didn't know you; trying to help. (Understandable since he might never have seen you.)Which likewise runs contrary to your spiel about focusing on what was best for the grove.

As for kicking you out I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were around a fair amount when I wasn't. Uninduction for lack of being around is perfectly acceptable, I was however overly lenient in this respect. Telling you that if you didn't approve of my choices or actions as captain that we could fight and get it over with was born primarily of what faced the grove. Better you or I leave or shut up than divide the pack from within when we'd just begun a war with the Village. I won't delve deeper into any of this because it's all a moot point now. Try to remember that a bond is supposed to be mutual. I made the effort, however I never felt you made any effort... so what did you expect?
3776, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Kareza (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Kareza: A decent ranger, and thanks for beating my ass that >time. Still, I'm unsure why you did it, but whatever. Yes, >there is a way to get that spear ;p

Well, I'm not sure either. As far as I can remember it was
an accident.

Kareza's (and my own) pereception of you was that of a basic
good warder with a strong sense of the fundamentals of Sylvan.
Ɓlways with a friendly attitude and never treated anyone bad.
Not the "sophisticated" or "elite" kind, but a much more simple
character, which is not half bad.

Concerning the spear, send me an email <acwalther@yahoo.com>, I
am not returning to any spear wielding class anytime soon, but I'd love to hear it anyway.

One last thing. You think you could have beaten Jugynheim? You
are losing sense of reality here. I tried many *many* times, challenging him to a spar once or twize every week or so.
Kareza was extremely tough during most of his hero days and I never even came close to beating Jugynheim. I did beat you though, but as I said, it was an accident. Sorry ;)

3774, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Gellert/Death_Claw (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, surprised you remembered me...time ran out. OOC concerns masked away from me. I played a lowbie assassin for a bit as well, plucked between Gellert and him, but time caught up with me. Then when I actually had the time to play, Gellert auto-deleted and so did the lowbie assassin....so I started Baratelius, heh. I was so damned surprised I could accomplish what you requested of me (the group of three that one time fighting nymphs...), damn, when you said they had a wood-elf with them I was stunned and more then a bit apprehensive, but no guts no glory eh? I'm just glad you and Paelnor were there to watch the whole thing and enjoy some steaks with me, hehehe.

If you want ya can drop me a line at gasta@libertymoving.com.

-Death_Claw/Gellert, the once-thought one-armed ranger of little repute.
3775, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Death_Claw- the redundant. (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>eh? I'm just glad you
>and Paelnor were there to
>watch the whole thing and
>enjoy some steaks with me,

I'm an idiot, meant you and *Plyate*, were there to watch the whole thing ;).
3772, How dare you forget me
Posted by Dwimmerling (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And our romantic nights in that horrable cave?
lots happened to us there

3773, RE: How dare you forget me
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, well I knew I was forgetting people, and you're one. We did all sorts of things together. Also, for whatever reason, I thought you were rank 9-ish when we met. I'm apparently wrong. That cave did come back to taunt us. Remember the session with Hejduk, Daemelin, and the crew? Yea, that one. You were one crazy guy, and in such, a fun one. Good times, good times.

3770, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Dohmineh (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Even though we were never friends...and we fought quite often. I enjoyed all our interactions immensley. I somehow hoped that I could craft some type of peace between the forest and the blood tribunal...I never made it there...but I still enjoyed trying to convince you and Jugynheim and Illvenristo that your fight was not with the spire.

As for our last fight, I did indead eventually want the Paladin...just took me a while to figure out what exactly happened in that fight. As for our other interactions...I was terribly frustrated by you when you convinced my to Flag you for a crime that you admitted to...and then proceeded to tell Astein that I wanted you in error. That threw me for a loop or two...but on the whole I enjoyed all our interactions...you made life more interesting for me and I thank you for it.

I am sorry to see you go...but I know that you will return to fields again...mayhaps we shall be on the same team this time.
3771, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-Even though we were never friends...and we fought quite often. I enjoyed all our interactions immensley. I somehow hoped that I could craft some type of peace between the forest and the blood tribunal...I never made it there...but I still enjoyed trying to convince you and Jugynheim and Illvenristo that your fight was not with the spire.-

The warders' fight was not with the spire. Mine however, was. A certain event turned a few people 180 degrees in that direction, and the show started. Anyhow, we made our offers for peace, they were just never satisfied. I'm not even sure they could have been, but it was worth a try?

-As for our last fight, I did indead eventually want the Paladin...just took me a while to figure out what exactly happened in that fight. As for our other interactions...I was terribly frustrated by you when you convinced my to Flag you for a crime that you admitted to...and then proceeded to tell Astein that I wanted you in error. That threw me for a loop or two...but on the whole I enjoyed all our interactions...you made life more interesting for me and I thank you for it.-

I know you did, and I knew you would. That flag...Paelnor had a thing about the tags. He would be sad when he lacked one. He'd forget he had one when he did. Hell, *I* would forget when he had one. But the fact that you wanted me in error I had to bring up. Paelnor had also studied Tribunal law, by getting into the spire the old fashioned way. He knew how to get tribunals in trouble and what was considered grey. It was fun dabbling with that knowledge. You were one of my favorite tribunals to talk with, since you wouldn't pull a Kiapathrus on me and start talking about how I'm some freaking hermit. *grin* I liked Kiapathrus too.

-I am sorry to see you go...but I know that you will return to fields again...mayhaps we shall be on the same team this time.-

I was too, but I'm glad I did it. There really wasn't alot of reason not too, just to wait a month, forget more names, and see "AUTO-" before my "DEL". With any luck, yes, we will be on the same team. Don't expect a lightwalker out of me, though.

3768, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Fellicitinia (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I often wondered why you wanted to talk to me so often (always away from town). I just figured it was because you were a ranger and didn't like cities. I started to hate Sylvan's towards the end. Most of the times I died came from them. I don't recall Paelnor ever killing me though *shrugs* One question though, who was it that worded me away from the Spire when you and some other's were raiding and I was there defending...alone...as usual?
Anyway I thought Paelnor was nicely done. Have fun with your future characters.
3769, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-I often wondered why you wanted to talk to me so often (always away from town). I just figured it was because you were a ranger and didn't like cities.-

I liked talking to you. Here was a cabal leader willing to talk quietly with the opposition. Cheers. Also, I wasn't about to do it in the city. Most Sylvans are radicals, and Paelnor was for sure. Also, it got you away from your duties. Double plus.

-I started to hate Sylvan's towards the end. Most of the times I died came from them. I don't recall Paelnor ever killing me though *shrugs* One question though, who was it that worded me away from the Spire when you and some other's were raiding and I was there defending...alone...as usual?-

I think I ended up attacking you two or three times. If I killed you, it was once, but I seem to recall it never happening. Who worded you? Me. I didn't want you there, and I made that very clear to the offenders and defenders. I took a chance that your trust was to all, and I won. A shame you ran back from the temple. And anyway, you weren't alone on that defense. Olmnus was there too, and he died too. That led to all sorts of conflict. It is sad that you had to hate Sylvans, though I can understand it, pretty much.

-Anyway I thought Paelnor was nicely done. Have fun with your future characters.-

Thanks, and the same to you. Perhaps like with Dohmineh, we two will be on the same side in the future.

3767, Your girly pal Aliborni
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say, I definately had fun fighting and being alongside of you in Sylvan, especially when it was you, me, Plyate, Feirhuld, and Ezelhecil. Raukyr was usually about to, but not always with us. It was fun to fight, and then drag you along with me at times. Sometimes, I wouldn't wait though, as you definately knew, because I could flyto and all that jazz. Ah well, good times had by all I guess.

3766, Good Job
Posted by Flontinot (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got to see a bit of you here and there, so wasn't all that miffed that you used my name in your sign off. You seemed a decent sort, and a fine warder. Good job.
3765, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Little Timmy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eheh, shame I never got to fight
you in time. That little conversation
we had back when might have lead
to something. If you had only
remained until Thanksgiving
weekend...*mumble* Ah well.
I'll see you in other forms.

3764, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Uller (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, our times didn't overlap much, so you didn't get much interaction from me. I thought overall you played a decent Ullerite, though there were some questionable moments. Good luck with the next char.
3763, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Nivek (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well good job. I'm glad to have been priveleged enough to interact with this character in two different (although somewhat similar) incarnations. I wish you could have spent time on him more consistantly than you did. When the Grove fell on tough times, it needed someone who could teach the younger generation of Warders what the fight was all about.

You certainly taught me a lot about the cabal, even though I was at different times a Lieutenant and a Conscience. Also, thanks for all the gear - I'm less than 50-50 at the pk aspect of the game. Somehting I'll have to get better at one of these days, I suppose.

Good job.

3762, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Larian (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, that's it!
I'm going to spank you to Mt Kiadana-Rah and back for fogetting to mention me. *Stalks out of the room, muttering in a sulky voice*

3760, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Ezelhecil (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And here I was thinking that you were a permanent fixture in the Pack. ;p I guess you will be joining we older Sylvans now. Good luck with whatever you do next.
3761, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was not a permanent fixture in the pack, more like a lightbulb with a long life. *grin* I may just join the older sylvans, though I guess that'd depend on which you speak of.

-Paelnor, singing "The Watcher"