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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThat's it for me
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=37299
37299, That's it for me
Posted by Jafar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that was a big waste of time, first it took forever to
get in to battle because gerylanst was never on when i played.
Though it did give me a chance to practice my skills, which
in turn was wasted time anyway.

I see very little chance of getting a group to hero because of the vast number of empire's on.

You have to wonder about empire hunting down ragers at the destructor in gangs when they already got the head. I say this because it's never a good idea to remove your enemy completly because you end up having nobody to pk. I know this from experience, having had 15+ evil hero mages in the past 9 years. I always thought it was a good idea not to take the head when you were strong, otherwise it meant ragers wouldnt fight, wouldn't play, instead let them have the item. At the end of the day, you want to pk! You need enemy to be on!

I suspect empire (least during my playing time) will end up with nobody at all to pk and all get very bored and delete.

To the remaning ragers, dont wait for battle to get better, you will never get respected if you dont turn up now but then do so later if battle get stronger. Just delete now.

I cant believe how well assassinate works. I was assassinated 6 times. Ragers are such assassinate targets, and yes, that involved much time spent resting on river or ocean when walking.

Insert wasted time :(

Level 1: axe 100% dagger 100%
flail 100% mace 100%
polearm 100% spear 100%
sword 100% staff 100%
whip 100% enhanced damage 100%
hand to hand 100% parry 100%
rescue 98% recall 100%
shield block 99%
Level 3: dirt kicking 100%
Level 5: second attack 100%
Level 6: fast healing 100%
Level 8: kick 1%
Level 10: disarm 100% feint 100%
Level 12: third attack 100% dual wield 100%
Level 13: dodge 100%
Level 14: haggle 1%
Level 15: bash 100% trip 100%
shield cleave 1% pugil 1%
meditation 100%
Level 16: charge 1%
Level 18: berserk 99% lash 1%
Level 20: deathblow 99% warcry 89%
flourintine 100% sting 1%
bludgeon 1% pen 1%
Level 21: lore 1% retreat 100%
Level 22: cross 1%
Level 23: offhand disarm 100% trophy 72%
Level 24: double thrust 100% strip 76%
Level 25: drive 100%
Level 26: jab 100% eyejab 85%
Level 27: parting blow 100% choke 90%
Level 29: riposte 97%
Level 30: fourth attack 100% dash 100%
Level 31: flurry 100%
Level 32: entwine 82%
Level 34: pull 100%
Level 46: enhanced reactions n/a
37408, Well sometime just surviving is a victory
Posted by Uoukueal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having been on the otherside of the funstick when I'd be logged in alone against 5 or 6 marans, Outlanders and villagers (oh MY!) It was a case of finding an out of the way place and trying to learn/perfect spells. On occassion teleporting I might get lucky and find someone alone to kill, but usually even if I got them slept the calvary would arrive.

Anyway, I think you should have stuck it out. Even though I got my ass handed to me regularly, I became rather adept at dodging trouble and escaping, unless it was a maran gank squad. But the bottom line, if its not fun no more, and you can't seem to make it fun, then time for something new.
37407, Sucks man
Posted by Vemor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never interracted with you, just caught you convulsing that one time in Veran. Hope you have more fun next time.
37313, Sorry for that
Posted by Saephii on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I knocked you out and started to steal your things. Better to be safe than sorry, I guess. Good luck with your next! And buck up, little camper... Empire is strong right now because they have a good Emperor who is around often, and a lich. Strong leadersip rallies characters to their cause. If Gerylanst were around more often for the village, or if outlander leaders stopped deleting, they'd have more people fighting for them too.
37306, RE: That's it for me
Posted by Giantman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I like to try to get to know every rager in game before I make an assumption......and you, well damed man, looks like a total cop out. Yea, we go through tough times and good times, but damit, it's a game, get used to it and just ####ing have fun. About the multi kill thing......let's thing what war is first huh, One side against the other side. How to win, destroy your enemy, let him get new clothes then destroy him again...Repeat. I know in all my villagers, I've never let anyone get away because I felt bad that they just got their asses wooped. suck it up, and come back strong.

Other than what just happened, I thought you were a damed good rager, you just lost the fun, anyhow, good luck with your next and cheers n stuff

37304, RE: That's it for me
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's tough when one cabal is waxing, the other waning. I've played villagers who routinely got their butts kicked, mainly because during my playing times, there were so few allies around. However!

- You have to wonder about empire hunting down ragers at the destructor in gangs when they already got the head.

If I'm a villager, the Destructor doesn't hold the head, and there's tons of enemies around... the village, or anywhere near it, is the last place you'd ever find me.

Good luck in the future,

37305, *sarcasm on* Come on man!
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where else would they go? I mean, they have to be able to run back to the Destructor when things get tough right? *sarcasm off*
37312, RE: That's it for me
Posted by hedayaI on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would actully run back into the Village even if I have no powers in case of assault. So, he had not much choices of where to die. And yes, playing on Empire's side is really boring now, I hope it is to be changed soon enough.
37321, RE: That's it for me
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I would actully run back into the Village even if I have no
>powers in case of assault. So, he had not much choices of
>where to die. And yes, playing on Empire's side is really
>boring now, I hope it is to be changed soon enough.

Who's going to assault what? You have no powers already.
If you mean assault on your personage then that task is made harder if they can't actually find you.
37323, Assault on the giant and Big D, I expect
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally I tended to attempt to defend my cabal even if I didn't have the item. It's not like the Big D and other cabal guardians are not important to caballed characters.

I think I'll stop doing it from now on though.
37366, RE: Assault on the giant and Big D, I expect
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Personally I tended to attempt to defend my cabal even if I
>didn't have the item. It's not like the Big D and other cabal
>guardians are not important to caballed characters.
>I think I'll stop doing it from now on though.

I would do similar, but if it's a gangbang coming for you and you don't even have the head, there's very little chance of you doing anything. Wisdom is the key there. Also, whilst they muck about at your outer then you can perhaps counter-raid.
37322, Hrm
Posted by Jafar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well thats true, and when I was alone I would find good places to be, I was rarely attacked in remote locations.

But if there is 1 other rager on, you can't just let him fight without any help.

I guess just lots of things just weren't good about what was happening. For instance on my last playing day, I logged on for the first time in awhile with the head. And it was amazing, not one empire on. Then the lich logged on, within 30 minutes i had 5 empires in pk.

And let's face it, empire it not the cabal you want to lose your cabal item too. you really need magic when it comes to cents.

The number of times i was killed through the actions of a hero empire not in pk was annoying.
37365, You was a pain, man
Posted by Selfarg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've wasted all my blood skins, used all my preparation potions in vain with you:) Couldnt land a single blows most of the time, now I see why. Still pity you didnt stay a bit longer. Imperials will delete soon and you will rock again. Well played, good luck with your next. *wink* Roll an orc!! You will feel even more pain:)
37303, I can sympathise a little
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember having ragers and fortress raid together when my imperial was the only one, and they already had the codex. Kind of sucked.

Also I agree that Empire might well end up without enough enemies the way things are going.

Not sure I agree that the solution is to delete now if you are not on the Empire side though.