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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Tasild the Shadowed Stalker of the Spire, Provincial Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=37261
37261, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Tasild the Shadowed Stalker of the Spire, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Apr 17 18:25:15 2005

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Tasild perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
37388, Neppie hit the nail on the head
Posted by Onirakoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You got better the more time went by. Good job on that. Most times, you were an asset to Tribunal. I, at least, enjoyed having you around. Post a goodbye or something, jeez. :P

37391, And it is a good thing that the head is well fastened
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In my opinion, Tasild seemed like a rather quiet mercenary type guy. He seemed to know what he was doing. That blindness dust tactics with those dark guards was neat, when I travelled with you as Atohner. Why didn't I think about it as Fungor? Atohner was there to help you Hero and he was also there to fight you when raiding Spire. You were a solid enemy and solid friend to Atohner, hiding and a bit hard to reach as both, as assassins are.


PS. Word you refers to Tasild.

PPS. The reply is to Onirakoth for the reason of theme titles :P

Also, I second Onirakoths motion. Do post goodbyes, Tasild.
37359, Suppose I owe a few words
Posted by Aerik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time you tried to assassinate me, I saw you on the where list.

I didn't always tell you, but sometimes I did. After 2-3 fights, I
had your ways down. I'd tell you what you were going to do when
fighting (remember?).

I loved getting cocky with you because it was true for the most part. When you did fight alone, you did it with ganging tactics and died/fled as a result. There is a LOT more you can do to a bard than tigerclaw/risingphoenix. They're good tanks, and with a mace can do a number on you as you saw.
37319, Scaredy cat!
Posted by Oawenisou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's what you made me. >.> I was always afraid of that knife sliding into my back when you were around, but I knew it would be a fun fight if we were going to brawl. Good job and good luck on your next.
37318, thoughts about taslid
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC i thought you were a straight coward and annoying. Yes I would beat you 1v1 but It was very annoying to have you talkin smack when I would run away from 5 tribunals with a healer that had 5 shadow tabbies. Im happy that you never hit an assassinate on me, though I swear when you'd miss you could have only gotten 3-4 stalks on me... anyways thought you were cocky ic when you shouldn't have but ooc i thought you were a bit newbie to an assassin... my thoughts....
37287, Farewell shadowman...
Posted by Baboroa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm. Well, not really sure why these people are talkin so much smack. lol. Bab was around for all of Tasild's life and never once saw an ounce of cowardice.(as far as assassins are concerned) In fact, when we hunted together we would more often than not end up in fights where the odds were either even or against us. And at any rate, where are all these assassins who ARENT opportunistic? Anyway, you did what you did, and served the Spire well. G'luck with your next and take 'er easy.
37280, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Tasild the Shadowed Stalker of the Spire, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll say two things about this character, somewhat in response to the posts below.

1) Tasild seemed to pick a lot of off-duty fights that I didn't understand the motivation for. I can't say definitively, but my gut feeling is that this character should have been evil.

(Side note: I once created a relatively mild character as evil because I said to myself: I know right now this character is going to do X, well-played paladins will desperately want to wrath me for it, and they probably should be able to. This is now my semi-official litmus test.)

2) Although his lifespan was cut a little short from human standard by withering, this is still a relatively long-lived character by the typical standards of today. Over the lifetime of the character, I will say that the courage level of Tasild improved considerably. Tasild the newly-inducted Tribunal exhibited a level of cowardice I would almost call legendary, exceeding even comically frightful and (intentionally) inept characters such as Brumbalin. You wouldn't see that kind of thing from the Tasild of a week ago, in my opinion. If becoming braver and taking more risks is improvement, then this character improved a great deal. It's reasonably fair to bash on him for the chicken stage of his development, but I can't in fairness let it be said that this was the entire life of the character without putting some kind of defense forth.
37281, Adding to what Nepenthe Said.
Posted by Flixsotopeck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I would somewhat agree with you on the first part, for the longest time I thought Tasild was Evil. :P

1.5) I think I heard the second most amount of complaints about him from Maran about him attacking them off-duty. The first of course being the last Provost. :P I think this lead to number 1. I don't know if the other people he attacked didn't complain about it or he didn't attack many others besides Maran.

2) Since I only knew him as a hero, I would say that most of the time he only attacked people with a group when he was raiding, which I think would be expected. I know occasionally we would hunt criminals together, but not very often, I almost always found him to be mostly a loner.

Aside from that From what I saw his last title was fitting, we didn't speak much cause he was always in the Shadows. We didn't interact much other than when we raided, and I could never tell what you thought of Flix, oh well. I'll have more to say when I die, I'm getting to be a gray little old man. Take care and good luck on the next one.


Well I'm off to Physics Lab. WOOHOO! :P
37282, Not all are made of hero stuff.
Posted by Cr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I supose i only saw his later state, because i didn't see him cower much.

But even if he did, where would be the fun for everyone to puff their chest and heroishly charge at a wall of spears? An assassin might quite well choose to let his attacker fight a big puffed up warrior and try to get a deadly strike from behind after running away from the front.
37283, RE: Not all are made of hero stuff.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An assassin might well choose to do that.

An assassin also might sit there and watch someone solo-raid their cabal without trying to stalk that person or intervene in any way. Or, they might do the same while one person in their cabal has to fight off two raiders solo because they're just hanging out hidden and not trying to help. He might choose to do this repeatedly and with a variety of someones.

I wouldn't bother to call near-legendary cowardice on what you're talking about. That's something I expect from assassins and it's a very valid way to play the class.
37294, Your watching over these people makes me feel so ####ing lonely. nt?
Posted by Carth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
37284, well, going back to his application to tribs
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had somewhere between 4 to 6 outlanders in my range (hero range). I think it was 5.

There was a lowbie trib ap called Arech (rank somewhere from 20-25 iirc), and an even lower level shifter trib who would only have had his first form, if I'm not mistaken.

Then there was Tasild, the applicant. Ranked somewhere from 25-30.

He was asked to help retrieve. He would have had access to my spells (quickening, spiderhands, flight and the fixing of eyejab if the solitary whip spec that opposed him used that). He made one excuse after another and ultimately refused to try on the grounds that I wouldn't be able to hold it against the outlander heros. He's quite right. I wouldn't have. But I might have been able to kill one of them with luck, and put them off trying again. I think in the end Arech the lowbie ap and the lowbie shifter retrieved without him and the outlanders didn't make an attempt to take the scales again. I therefore wrote a note recommending against his induction, specifically on the grounds of cowardice and lack of dedication. (He got inducted a couple of days later.)

That was the bad bit. As Nep said, he did appear to have changed his ways towards the end of his life though, for the better.
37291, I'd like to weigh in.
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Tasild a lot. I totally agree with Nepenthe about his lack of courage at the beginning. But he really started to show up and improved a lot from everything i saw. He caused my downfall once or twice, and I honestly saw Tasild as one of my Nemsis' He could make a good fight out of me if he put his mind to it. That being said, I will truly miss fighting him and trying to burn galadon to find him. Good luck with whatever is next if you read this.

37293, My thoughts....
Posted by Carth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you a couple of times as Gnarugk, and only one of those was fought to the end because I bashed you to death. That said, I know I talked quite a bit of garbage in game, but the fact that you never once took any pride in yourself and talked so much #### back to me, left a sour taste in my mouth, mostly because every time thereafter that I tried to catch you, you'd hide or call in your typical group of accomplices to back you up. An assassin can handle their own at the hero ranks, don't be so afraid of your own abilities and take a chance once in a while.

37278, Ugh
Posted by Carijisdun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly disliked your inability to ever fight alone. Whether it was hiding behind town guards or road guards or groupmates. Whenever I hit you, it seemed, you would flee and return to fight behind others. You would stay and fight sometimes, but only if someone was very injured. It seemed like a lot of other characters would say much the same thing IC. Our talks were very few because I had very little respect for you, so I can't comment on your RP. Good luck with your next, I guess.
37279, Having recommended against his induction
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And not been keen on him as Hammond (mainly because I was bombarded by tells assuming that Tasild was with me and complaining that he wouldn't fight alone), I did warm to him with a later char. That char was not someone that ever fought against or with him though.