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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Kjelror da Unknown the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=37132
37132, (CON LOSS) [None] Kjelror da Unknown the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Apr 14 01:56:11 2005

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Kjelror perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
37152, Goodbye's ect.
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well that was by far one of the funnest characters ive played in a while. Heroing a giant, and trainning a giant is definately not an easy task but once you finish with that sort of stuff it pays off in the end, just as it did. I started kjelror as a character to play when i was bored since soccer season had just ended. Anyways once kjelror started becoming fun to play i made more and more time for me to play him.
Now for you CFers that love to flame my posts on the log board, Great. that just lets me know you have no life because you get so worked up about a game...A GAME. I have been playin CF off and on for a few years now and I have always played for the PK aspect of the game since being a strict role player isn't as much fun for me. So for you gamers that are good roleplayers great, good, thats hard to keep up and I commend you, but to act like CF is your life and getting pissed because someone that doesn't role play as well as you kills you, don't go off bitchin IC or OOC just makes you look pathetic, and I get a good laugh at knowing how many people out there don't know life outside of Carrionfields.
Battle is a great, and fun cabal i have always enjoyed it. Kjelror as a villager, let alone berserker did follow most of the rules but yes, yes i know i did break some. However with past conversations with past Battle IMMS i addressed the point of recieving supplications from paladins and healers, and yes I know the tablet.. but I was under the impression that I could use them if It ment saving my life while not infracting on my honor while fighting, for example, Get a heal of a plague was fine if i was stuck, but not getting healed as i fight..(For all you flamers thats something you can flame about). Overall I did enjoy Kjelror especially the fact that he became a beast to take down, and often i would send three or four people running. but yes there were those few that bested me 1v1 and i say well done to you. Kjelror didn't bitch that much IC because i have with past chars and it never got my anywhere. But I can go on and on. So I'll get to the goodbyes

IMMS - I hope i wasn't to big of a pain in the ass, and you enjoyed watchin my fights.. Im impressed that you have kept CF up and running for such a long time, I am gonna send some money to you guys in the future for your hard work. You guys make a fun game that is impossible to beat, which makes it so much fun.


Vershelt - Started off as a cool guy and remained that way for a while, You are a beast, knew your areas, and I HATED your speech! That was the sole reason I think you booted me, for which i thought was pathetic and you had some sort of ooc reason for doing it. So I attacked Brumblian in town, I was told I could do as i wanted as long as the treaty wasn't broken. But I guess your ego got in the way and wanted to boot me to prove a point, I had 4 con left when you did that so I was really really pissed at you for that. But before that you were cool and I liked you... talk to the commander before you boot people for future referance

Gerylanst - Awesome Commander, We need more people like you in the village. I always loved traveling with you and i recall vouching for you to become commander over vershelt, Well done!

Ghrulkar - My buddy we had fun times, and we pissed people off. I could tell your playin style was like mine, All about the PK. You got your self killed so many times doing stupid ####, but your learning, heh. Well done by far one of kjelrors buddies.

Tuggluk - Cool villager, you did do an awesome job as a berserker. And alot of people saw that. and its funny how even though some people never knew you IC are totally going groupthink in agreeing that you were "Ideal" But knowing you and fighting with you, I knew that you were a hell of a player. Well done

Korduk/Mitrassek - Keep up the good work you remind me of some past chars. You two should be the next wave of elite villagers if you keep at it and stop dieing stupid deaths.

Qlallafain - You seem to play an assassin well, It was funny I would be on for like 2 hours then all of the sudden you'd say something and be like "WTF" I swear i never knew if you were on or not. But i thought you was coo.

Bhigwte - You had the same specs as my past char, learn how to use them correctly and you'll be a beast.

Rest of battle - Keep strong and fight the never ending battle I know i left a few out, post and i'll fill ya in.

EMPIRE- You guys always crack me up..

Nabburnak - Initially i thought you were a #### because you wouldn't defend or retrieve. but as time went on I discovered that you were quite powerful, your gonna be a bitch to take down, and nice title man.

Zhearith - I hated you because of that rot, you had to have taken 10 lifes out of me because i wasn't prepared to live out a rot with 8 con. You witnessed some shame on kjelrors part, hey that day i didn't feel like dieing a gay death and getting full looted :-P good foe

Tirnath - You are gay, and think you are an almighty CFer and you mentioned you saw nothing great from me.. How about the time you couldn't retrieve your codex with 2 others and just me defending??? ps your goodbye pissed me off, hope this one does the same to you..

Sdragria/phyllax - Last death, don't be so proud i was trying to kill him off. I would have ran and come back but i didn't care, Sdrag. nice on becoming warmaster you would always come defend and I liked you as a foe, gay words after my last death though, geez. phyllax wishin i could have dueled you.

Skolgrar - You were fun to fight and you bitched IC when I killed you and took your claymore, just be happy that i wasn't like the rest of your cabal in having the lowbie ragers come full loot you and then acting like i had no control.. But you were a tough fight, you would have won more if you weren't so cocky in thinking u could just bash me to death.


Judaao - Started out hating you, then liking you. Your rots also took a ton out of me 8 deaths for sure. it was amusing watching your try to make me drop a weapon when i was thirsting heh. Good foe though.

Ounlee - You and Ghrulkar are freakin wierd, you just slept me and would call your possy out on me, then i'd thirst and all 4 of you would run. You knew your stuff man, hope u get inducted into battle.

Gakken - A favorite foe, I had a blast with you on those boring nights, just going back and forth dueling you. You caught me with my pants down a #### load and u got some good kills on me, well done bro.

Sythlindora/Runtalanka - Didn't see u much till the end but Run you seem promising..

Anubris/Karaw - Fought you a few times where nothin really happened, Karaw you got balls, Anubris you just seemed to be cautious about losing that axe, but Anub I see you becoming a good foe keep it up.

Chancellor - I hated you man, HA! your owl and panther ####ty ####ty forms but you killed me with them. You were a damn good chancellor and a great foe good luck with your next


Tolchec - I could tell you hated Kjelror, oh well you were fun to fight especially when I knew you were pissed and then post logs trying to get people to defend you and take bites at me..

Taslid - Would never fight alone, EVER, oh well i don't blame ya. ive killed ya with 3 different chars HA!

Brumblain - Anying whining dwarf, interesting role never thought of doing something like that, but sounds boring. You really did bring Jinrohs character back to life in giving advice to villagers, which made me think less of Jinroh. I interacted with him on Haljunei and liked you too..

Onir - Hated you and your charmies along with hated how you aided imperials and ####. Got you Convulsing TWICE! but you got away, i was eager to take all your sick EQ heh.

Gordath/Flix - Fought you a few times, but you'd never really duel me. and you'd never fight alone.

REST OF YA'LL - if I forget you post and i'll fill ya inn

Fort I loved you guys, Initially i wanted to have some sort of treaty were we'd help each other out defending and stuff but of course still kill your mages ;-) I was trying to beef up our forces is all, and I liked most you guys. Jezerael, Sydrian, Dorthalon, etc You guys were fun

Kcejjedi - I HATED YOU! damn you took so many nice sets from me with those gay assassinations, honestly. You were always hunting me and it would get SO annoying especially when you'd say you wouldn't attack me when Imperials were on, only to see "You've Been Killed" pop up on my screen.

Back to the point of people bitching how Battle is way over powered. They are a powerful Cabal yes, and a cloud zerker sword is also a bitch to kill...However it can be done because I have done it. I played Cassougi back in the day and I made him just for the solo reason of killing villagers, What im trying to say is with the right specs and tactices (which isn't complicated) and preps you can easily take down villagers... I don't know if i'll be back to the world of CF because of school, sports, work, and my life but if i do i'll make a char I can have fun with again.

PAST CHARS - Cassobaz(Scion), Cassliosn(scion), Braojan(None), Cassougi(Nexus), Krodren(Battle), Haljunei(Battle), Kjelror(Battle)
37153, Another Side not for Battle IMMS
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly I rarely saw any of you guys on, and as a villager alittle modivation or something does alot... There were SO many times I sat at the destructor and died defending, coming back to get full looted by 4 level 11 AP's, after stuff like that maybe A few words would have been cool..But hey your game your rules, thats coo. But if you wouldn't mind letting me know why you would or wouldn't do something like that would be nice.. peace.
37154, A relatively impartial viewpoint...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I've watched a lot of Battle over the years, and while I'm not going to tell you Kjelror was the worst rager ever or anything, he did a lot of things that were borderline, at best, for a Battle berserker. Way more than I saw from anyone else currently playing Battle, though, to be fair, some of that is a function of how much you played.

I'm not saying you couldn't rationalize a lot of it, but really it'd be just that -- rationalization. A friend of mine likes to say that rationalization is all that separates us from the animals.

Vershelt definitely wouldn't have to have some kind of personal beef to toss you; while you weren't in the least without merits as a Rager, there were ample causes.
37155, Or like the movie said, Rationalizations are more important to us than sex
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When was the last time you went a week without a rationalization?
37158, You're my hero. nt
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
37157, RE: Goodbye's ect.
Posted by Vershelt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Vershelt - Started off as a cool guy and remained that way
>for a while, You are a beast, knew your areas, and I HATED
>your speech! That was the sole reason I think you booted me,
>for which i thought was pathetic and you had some sort of ooc
>reason for doing it. So I attacked Brumblian in town, I was
>told I could do as i wanted as long as the treaty wasn't
>broken. But I guess your ego got in the way and wanted to
>boot me to prove a point, I had 4 con left when you did that
>so I was really really pissed at you for that. But before
>that you were cool and I liked you... talk to the commander
>before you boot people for future referance

I'm going to try my hardest to keep my response to you as even tempered possible, but if I get a bit testy please forgive me, I'm not fond of being told I was pathetic and ooc in dealing with you.

To answer a few of your comments, no, I didn't boot you because you didn't like my speech. I didn't even know until right now, reading your post, that you had a problem with my speech. Not sure how I would have known, and, if I had, how that would have translated into me uninducting you. But so we're clear, no, it had nothing to do with it at all. Also, there was nothing ooc about it at all. Zip.

You were uninducted for a variety of reasons, because as Nepenthe said, you engaged in a whole host of sketchy behaviors. And you didn't just break berserker code, you broke general village rules. The Brumbalin thing was just the proverbial straw. And you didn't just kill him, I believe you went into the spire and killed him. Even if not, you broke the rules. Even then I might not have uninducted you (though probably would have, I received a lot of negative comments about you doing things such as accepting sanctuary, heals, cures, etc., but never had real proof and Vershelt wouldn't just take the word of others over the word of a brother), but the real problem was that you lied to Vershelt when he confronted you about it. Gerylanst never told you that you could kill any spire, anytime, anywhere, and "hunt them like magi" as you said he did.

I know that because, contrary to what you obviously think, I did speak to Gerylanst before uninducting you, via notes. But you should know that that I did not need to. Vershelt has a job and he does it independent of Gerylanst. Also contrary to what you obviously think, there was no ego involved. You'd been a source of trouble for a long time - hell, even other villagers told me they didn't trust you - and Vershelt just didn't want to believe it. But when confronted with the plain and simple truth of what happened (an Imm even spoke to Vershelt right then and there, as it was happening, telling me you were lying), and then to have you lie to Vershelt's face, well...

Once I confirmed with Gery that you had lied, that was it, and the next time I saw you I uninducted you. And I said, as I did to Grarruk, that I hoped you'd take the time to think about why you found yourself outside the village and that you'd learn and ask the gods to be reinstated. I obviously didn't know you had only 4 con. It wouldn't have mattered, but I might not have been as serious about suggesting the re-induction path.

On a more personal, pre-problem level, I have to say that I found Kjelror a bit annoying in that he always, always would be asking others to help him get gear, especially uber gear, and gear he didn't know where to find himself. I was happy to show you how to get places like the chess tower, like to Brulgar, and others, but you seemed far more interested in that than was seemly. I know I am equally prone to wanting good gear, it really does make a difference, but for the most part Vershelt does it himself. You never seemed to, and that lack of self-reliance made me wince more than once.

No doubt you were a truck when you had some good equ, and you didn't seem to shrink from fights when you had not-so-good chances for success, and for that I applaud you. But all of your non-ragerly indiscretions (I actually thought you might be sphere deception) caught up with you, and tarnished what might otherwise have been a very well remembered character.
37179, I think he means your lack of capitalization and punctu...
Posted by Chalkboard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really look like a tool when you speek.

If I hadn't read your well written remarks on the forums, I would have sworn you were some punk kid who got his possition because he's on alot.

I will never understand how people can fail to realize what a negative impact all lower case lettering and/ or bad/no punctuation can have on the way people perceive their characters.

It doesn't make you seem to have an accent, it makes you seem chatroomesque.

If you would use it, your character would come across more as a towering firegiant than some kid sippin a soda and getting his rocks off in a PK.

Your accent is fine, but can be hard to understand as it is. Caps, help the eye find the flow of a scentence, where as lowercase completely changes the ambiance of it and makes it difficult to read.

Please don't look at this as a pride thing. Just help us out and use it.

I don't want to visit AOL-devari every time I'm forced to talk to you.

37190, Huh?
Posted by V-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vershelt uses capitals and punctuation plenty. Yah. Really.

Think you're confusing me with someone else, Oh Anonymous One.
37196, Maybe it was Ghruklar or what ever his name is/was.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry if I was, if not, knock it off! =()
37185, Your speech
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah when we were having that argument.. I was really struggling to understand your speech, and as far as lieing i wasn't trying to take advantage and lie, I like gave a bunch of different answers because I was trying to answer your question when i didn't really know what the question was other than it involved Xuvion and Brumblian... As far as the tribbie thing, Whenver i was walkin around with Gery we both hated the tribbies so when we saw one, town or not I would ask if i could pursue and he made it clear to not break the treaty... I don't have a problem tellin the truth IC and especially here after hes gone. I was just extra pissed at the time because I was really gonna have fun with those last 3 deaths with thirst :-P . I play the game to simply have fun too. and I had fun with the char, liked or not.
37162, I just have to say something.
Posted by Ira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, my opinion of the character took a HUGE nosedive when the village was being raided by either the Scions or the Empire, and you asked me to come and fight. That's fine. There was nothing wrong with that part...what was REALLY wrong was that I told you I had a mage with me, and that she (Ginharq, I believe) was going to go with me if I came, and you told me to come anyways.

Did you really not see how that is terrible for a villager? I sincerely want to know. If I were and Imm and had been watching that, I would have given you the boot without blinking.

And by the way, even though I had a very big problem with what you did there, this character was better than Cassobaz, who I despised and killed.
37182, Honestly.....
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I Do remember asking you to come to the village. However when im being raided and things like that I usually am not so much focused on other peoples words unless I hear a Yes or No. If I did tell you to bring a mage, I don't remember it and yes that has to look bad, oh well.... And another note, did you kill cassobaz before or after he had 10 legacies? because I would take down darmok and guenrayn with two rat tails heh...
37194, RE: Honestly.....
Posted by Ira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cassobaz was terrible. I probably killed you before, during, and after your legacy bug.
37165, Lets see.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty much all I have to say to you is this. Just because a character comes to the conclusion as the player does not mean they are doing it because of the player. Your name, in game, brought disgust to almost every single person I spoke to about you, except for Ghrulkar and Vershelt.

I think Vlad's log of you getting sanctuaries and healing from his paladin on many occasions sums up how good of a player you are. A fair weather power-gamer.

As for Cassougi. I was about when you were around, as a villager, and had no problems killing you one on one. It was when you would side with Nexus and come in massive gangs that you became a problem. Guess thats your solution? Great one.
37184, There are logs on Dio's of me fighting alone you know...ass
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Check out the fourms, Yes i did walk around with nexus guys alot but i did also fight alone and there are logs to prove it.. And I wouldn't get sanc before fights. I will flat out tell you what I did take as far as blessings.. Cure plague a few times. and the one time which i knew was bad but did it anyways because I was just pissed at the situation was getting put into a healing sleep and worded from a noexit room. and that happened once. so all you people that act like i walked around with a healer at my side go F*ck yourself. (oh and good insult Jinroh "A fair weather power-gamer) I think only the downsyndrome people in a clinic could think of that one as quick as you did.
37189, I will refer you to Nepenthe's post.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And feel free to rationalize it all you want. You were still a piss poor Berserker Battlerager in many, many, many peoples' eyes, including the immortals. So you cure plague a few times, and did this, and that, got a healing sleep, some sanctuaries. All of which I'm assuming you knew was wrong, as its stated on the tablet as well as in the plaque (whatever one you followed *boggle*), but yet you, as a player decided to do it because you didn't want to lose your shiny set, or die, or whatever. Thats piss poor. And you are power gaming when you do that. Its a pathetic excuse for roleplaying when a little hardship is thrown your way and you throw your own roleplaying out the window to save your pathetic ass.

Oh and its Down (SPACE) Syndrome you tool.
37191, RE: Inconsistent RP:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cure plague a few times. and the one time which i knew was bad but did it anyways because I was just pissed at the situation was getting put into a healing sleep and worded from a noexit room. and that happened once.

I hope you realize that the vast majority of BattleRagers, by far, never do any of those things, and that they are legitimate reasons (even one) for being booted for the cabal, which is all anyone was saying. It's also legitimate cause for calling you a "power-gamer"- you're clearly compromising your character's IC principles to protect gear/stats/etc, which is more or less the definition of the term.

I know I made a Battle imm or two aware of some ganging of non-mages you did late in life as well. Overall, I barely watched this character and still saw more than one thing that might have meant expulsion. Playing a BattleRager is a difficult road, and it always makes me sad to see characters like this dilute that.

37195, You're my hero too. nt
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
37166, HA!! You where Cassougi? you remember Dwibbledorf
Posted by Judaao on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The felar polearm hand spec with three legacies. We done alot of sparin man. You where pretty effect with that disarm bash thing you had goin back then But I had fist and harmonious. So our fights where always fun. Look forward ta meetin ya in futurer Characters. You seem to do well with most all of yours. And Judaao HATED fighting you. Any sword spec who hits deathblows always sucks to fight. And you would thirst at the drop of a hat which didnt help much. But yeah I got ya a bunch with that rot didnt I;) Later on man

Judaao Britala, Dwibbledorf what ever my last name was then
37183, Dwibble was the ####
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the whole thirst thing, I would talk to my buddy and we seemed to realize that beefy villagers would thirst often and rip through people. So i tried that route myself which worked pretty well, the times i didn't win with thirst was when i thirsted at 400 or 300 hp and those became boarderline losses. But now knowing you played dwibble, i love your CFin' style hit me up Farleyman600@hotmail.com and give me a hollar.
37171, RE: Goodbye's ect.
Posted by Draxidar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought you had a nice character and I enjoyed running around with you. I will say that when we were in the Mausoleum together, it seemed a bit shady with the potions and all, but other than that, I had no problems with you at all. Good luck.
37186, Yeeeeeah....
Posted by Kjelror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was something funny to me watching a level 3 or 4 shifter die of poison... Oh well, Drax was fun and I liked your speech too.. Sorry for running you into that moat HA! that was kinda funny. Your a cool char and you need to stick around the village, cuz ya kick ass.. peace
37240, RE: Yeeeeeah....
Posted by Draxidar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahhhhh the moat. I laughed sooo hard i thought I was gonna pass out. I truly believed that if any Imm was watching us we were gonna be booted for incompetance. But damn, thats kinda what makes a good time sometimes. Laurel and Hardy.
37187, Fare yer well yer bloody bastard
Posted by Ghrulkar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew it was just a matter of time before you checked out.
Battle is pretty sparse these days, would be cool if you were still around. Its kinda funny it seems like your funeral is more of a self
defense. From everything my char saw, you were pretty die-hard killem
all, take no prisoners type, bad-ass giant. Not sure if you broke any rules, but it really didn't matter to me because if our war was on magik
I saw/heard you kill more mages than anyone. Things often get twisted in the politics of how certain cabal's are supposed to act, but the tablet is pretty frickin simple, slay those who pervert the magics is number 1. you did that, and some got caught in the landslide of your wrath, they are going to cry. and probably tell you that your char wasn't all that great. no worries. glad you had fun. glad you weren't a bad weather no-power gamer. see you in the after-life
37211, Goodbye, good riddiance, whatever
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Kjelror till I found out you where letting yourself get worded and the like, as well as You seemed to be holding a slight grudge against me for the Whole Krodren thing, *HAH!*
I really don't hold any anger for you, as you just played your character and had fun, I'd rather point fingers at certain members of the staff whom apparently did not have the time to address the problem of Kjelror.
Have fun on your next.
37238, Damn you still alive? :) I am rolling :) n/t
Posted by Arrazn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
37308, ya...
Posted by tolchec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The character hated you, but me as a player I was laughing most of the time while I was getting beat down. The only warrior combo I've had problems with other than straight STR and DEX loss are the giant flurry specs. Anyway, take it easy and good luck on your next.
